Oakville Record-Star, 16 Sep 1943, p. 2

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SSS = = a E Page 2. 4 THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR ~ ‘thursday, Se! pt. 16, 1943 i — ae . — — i f } wrens “py Business : NEWS OF OUR NEIGHBOURS : | B” Company Directory | : . FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS I Relieve your 2nd Battalion | é ; ; 3 BRONTE igary, Alberta, Mr. td Mrs. A. &, Pickard: have! Headaches | (HE OAKVILLE KECORD ‘BEONTE W.W.S.L. RE-OPENS received word that their son, Rehm. B k he PROGRESSIVE - CONSERVATIVE FOR FALL SEASON Jow Pickard, has arrived safely in) Sieastebllle | CLUB IS ORGANIZED | ‘The Bronte Women's War Sere: Eugland. meme) Colds : The Hranke Woes Progressive” tee League re-opened for the Falk Airs, Henry: Bowman las received F Rheumatic 7 Conservative Club was organized at svason on Tuesday evening. The at j word that her son, Pte, George W- i Pains E. de Couey Fletcher a meeting held. on Thursday eyen- nual Meection of officers resialiad ats “hinsotl, has arrived in England. Organist - Choirmaster, St. Jude's ing at the hotie of Mrs. WP. Gud- follows: President, Mra. W. BR. Gif Lieut. Roger Flumerfelt, RiC.A,, Church "> geon. The following offleers were liam; Ist vicc-prosident, Mrs, *\. Foland Mra, Flumerfelt and daughter! t : i i ° ees 4 i elected: resident, Mr W. Po Gad: Dooley? 2nd viee-presient, Mra. Trudy_were Mick p ne Rusts ole i me an uceria mriES Eciterent Age wiiicn besa geon; Vice-president, Mrs. Myril® Anson Pattermony serretary, ~ Mre{home-of Mr—owl Mis,A. 0. Flum- 1 WE Yad LAMCAAIRE £98859 } - Shraati: bs Reid: Bec Trbas.. Atte, W. Patter Leslie Rogers; _ treasurer, Mrs. Al- orfelt. Liew . Flumertelt, whose ‘| | Phone 872 son; “Ward Organizer, Mra, fe jan Bray. Meetings will be held inthone is i Calgary, has just been / The Lorne Scots sate “Green, : the Publie Se hool on Tuesday evern-|trausferred from Halifax to Peta: . - - " _The president and yec.-treas. are ings. Www. Dr. Chase s Reserve Mildred Leach, A.T.C, M- ta be delegates to the convention. LITTLE. GIRL HURT Miss Hattie Dawson of Toronto a | i ost Grad. “et i ‘ e F + es i isi os .» home o ' - ; . 4 | Mectings ari’ to be held at the vans In TRUCK - pees COLLISION is visiting at the home of her bre A Fe A D oO {| Patadea Every Tuesday, 8 p.m! | Piano, OREn: Harp ions homes on the second Thursday| Wittle two-vearold Aliee Olahither, Mr. “Mark Dawson. For Quick Relief of Pain iit ] Ph 147 of each month, Mrs. E, J. Hallett lis in hospital in Hamilton suffering} Mrs. M, Collinge and Livat) and OT later etre fran S| ree of Oakville was uest speaker. | ff oncussion and shock as the Mrs. Jack Stewart of Toronto were! Sos, Stnclas Ha oa laa Riv SNE acetate oe oeecur- Saeed sat a Fa be aie Lust Sunday, September 12th, Cher) OAKVILLE 4 * : - nce Wave - : preach at both services. first full-day scheme took place ati MONUMENT WORKS. BAPTISMAL cE red on the Queen Elizabeth Waxy|Mr. and Mrs: Ronnld- Tipping. @\- —-m.,-onurefhi ant Suntay—Sehvol ger | ow : AT UNITED CHURCH north of Burlington, at about 5.30 Mr. and Mra. Jack Rohmer and j Wilson's “farm: zai ork_Carefully Executed by 2 ; , as cos tnarithe ra ec ating seen me services at Munn’s Chureh for Sept.| 4 note of thanka is duc at this Superior Craftsmen Seven children were baptised at {Saturday morning. The truck, ichifchildren of Kitehener spent the 18th have been withdrawn owing to joint to Mr. Hugh Wilson for ag) Ww. EDWARDS a spovlal. service. cin the United {her mother, Mra. George Olah was;week-tnd with Mr.and Mrs. L. L. ,) ci | 119 Colborne ‘St. WwW. Oakville : i : a the anniversary services at the Six- |eo- operation with “B” Company in| - Church on Sunday evening. The; jdriving ta Hamilton market loaded, Thirston. Mr. Frank Taylor of lagcuPeoahotorian: ORUREE: his fa STE eae children were: Mary dane and Paul) owith prodtice, got out of control inj Lorne Park visited on Sunday Rev. 1 hs Lousley and Mra rade Faas ae chee cap INSURANCE Houald, children of Mr. and Mra,{passing another truck, and crashed the same home Siyjict tna tance eae Cities cece eercetis is. cp ELAS ee ORNION pes fi ‘ . : ma any does apprecinte it! | = Douald A. Allen; Alfred John, son /into a large maple tree. Mrs. Ol4h| Trooper Ted Overland, Gamp oi 4) That ut Guarekiont era tr hh {wha : Eales of Mr. and Mrs. Wa'ter FL Collier; jand her small son George escaped) orden, eeompanied by Mra. Over- paaay eels fee i ee ‘a aoe ie Blab ponty 20 a au NT ee : Ook ill Lois Mulaie,-Rdia—Annie and Ruby: linjury, and Miss Mary ON suts) land, is spending a weeks” leave ‘native of this community and went} ee sess Patina pie eet ee See ewe onret 1 4 fered a few euts-on her hands and with his mother, Mrs. Rnwaell Ove urlington Were présent. we morn —— ae pat M sie t a =) stecreey tate The truck was binlly damaged | Hand See, peta at the ere SUIS AS A CREME A LORGE SLOT CAES SAE, ing was spent in engineering var) GEORGE CAIRNS “tee FLA CASED AM en c < >. } = a : : try in the former Methodist Churels ious weapon yits - jiachine gun B. Vv. Se. M. R. C. V. S. Eliznhbeth, daughter of Sgt. and, wod-the load scattered---over—the |home. were Mrs. FE, Fines and Mrs. frm atnnn ec Church : 1 , a tal hs; peers Sa = Set cee Metin te clit ya orc re posts “and trenches. Several alarms | . ; ¢ Mrs. Willlant Milligan. The guest, ‘highway. iM. Seott of Willshurg, Friends # Nearly. all of his ministry waslycee sounded durlag the’ work 4 eterinaty Surgeon ‘ soloist for the servicer was Lieut; | Locals and Personils pleased tp hear that Mr. Russell spent in the Manitoba Conference! as i¢ the Company were alert: and Morison Road, Oakville. " r r o 1 is ing ' e pre ; oe e¢ Compan) rere ale tind Roger Flumerfelt, E.C.A,, of Cal-|. The ope ning : meeting for the Ovgeland ix making favourable pro sng for many yours he was stution- on the job. ' | Telephone 4 fe season of the Women's Associdtion | gress in hospital in Quebee, follow: wa at Norway House. The Lousley oe —TaIrciic. oe of the Walton’ Memorial United ing his recent serious. injuries. fev the Seventh line: now At noontime, hot coffee wan. ser: ANGUS McMILLAN | Chureh was held ou Thursday aft- Mrs. Jack MacLeod and baby | wing by Mrs. H. Bentley. : jved & ee daisy A rc BARRISTER — SOLICITOR ernoon at the home of Mrs. Fred son Bobby of Welland are visiting At the Onkville Private Hospit ali ches brought "by the amen apa :. NOTARY PUBLIC Darlington. Mra. Richard Densmore with Mr, and Mrs. FL Stansbury. 9. Thursday, Sept. 9th, to Gnr. and * a a short, aie eaves Sat bin Office — 19 Melinda St, Pei ywe ae : cere | : mall gaumeswnss won by Burlington— was elected seerctars to silt # bo Mrs. J. Howard Callingham (form: ‘a. dtm “iP Toronto - Phone Ad. 3644 ioe SHiiats oii Scenes PALERMO erly Grace Fish) on, James Tow In the afternoon, Section Pll as at See Oakcue as? Mrs, ilfori tiatt. Airs. “7. i Mg oe lie ne " E ay uavenings — » Oakv 37 Javee was in charge of the prog: Locals na Pe P I ard Gary. First grandchild of Mr. iin attack was carried out. i . aides ote 827 744 bith ial i sa Pe ij i ‘ie The a and ersonals , and Mrs. Ror Fish and first great ne ee ee DR. D. M. TURNER itam, which ducloded on reading Wv i mndred and twenty-fifthean: - 4 con a” grandehild of Mrs. Alpheus Fish. The final warnt na serve iMrs. H. Carpenter, harmonica scl-niversary of the Palermo United : = 2 Hei ta ted oh metas eho oye leetions by Miss 3. Damen, vocal Church will be celebrated on Sun Betis cy St inate ce nice alae d ther lent. rreok ‘Rbauk she matter ot At: DENTIST ‘solo by Mrs. WW. Patterson, and aldev, September 20th, Services will membe ep-ofethe-tixtmon Teales Ald i teaning parecer ee wack: Rats iiss in ae 6.00 jrontest conducted by Mrs, W. N. be held at 11.15 a.m. and 7.50 pum. on Wednesday, Sept. Sth. ; are slated for police court in the} Evenings by Ayfointment | Gilbert. Mrs. R. Densmore read an A former pastor, Rev. Alex Mae- Mrs, Clifford Beatty entertained (hear future. E : | PHONE 25 i : ae Lie iehineereil . } linteresting letter reeeived from her Gowan of Toronto will be guest 0" Saturday hontetcbtey at bbb shower| : : i ison, Pte. Richard Densmore, over- speaker, Servier will be withdrawn in honour of the bride of next week, | The entire Regiment is going to| x i S. H. GILES ac thie Sunday in favour of St, Luke's Miss Myrtle Peacock. Among the|Long Branch Rifle Ranges on Oct. Real Estate and Insurance The Halton County sHome and Anglican Chureh. many gifts received were two group /2nd and 3rd. “B’’ Coy, will have | = 19 esa er School Couneil will meet in the) The Annual Harvest Festival of Pre’e hia Taek framed picture jneatly 400 on parade for these two | Ry Se Oalenll "719 Tate Sele Bronte ‘School auditorium on Fri- St. Luke's Anglican Church will ‘be fP™ ‘the mouse: line group of aleh BECRRANE days. | enings Vakvile - (12 Bina Secs ~ dav éveniig. ~~ Tie guest—spesker held thie Sunday, Sept. 1, Rev. Ed- Postville Red Cross and a beautiful eceeese is W. S. DAVIS & SONS 2 : _ heat ae be STR WG Tarytor. resid hrard-Righs ill speak at the morn-| ‘eup and -snucer-and-sandwich plate The Regiment —was—well represen: pREAL ESTATE & INSURANCE : @ First smooth on Barbora Gould ent of the Hamilfon Wome Hid ing service at TI W'ock-and-Canon from” the Oma Women’s Institutes rq” hy —aheut—20—Offtieers—at—tho | AVIS BUILDING special Cleansing Cream. You'll Sehool Council, D. Russell Smith of St. Jude’s, Among the guests from™this somes dinner ogiven in honenr—of> OAKVILLE love ls gentle poothing action The annual Harvest Festival of Oakville, will address the eveelng munity Mh Mra. H. Bentley, —_ G 1 Constantine last Friday, at —____ Telephone _ 41 O3 it cleons the skin and pore [ i) Ghureh of the Epiphany will service, at 8.00 o'clock, of the bride-te-be, Mrs. G. H. King, nas aii Fdwatd Hotel, Toronto. H. W. BOORER | openings to leave y MT Mrs, W. E. Dent, Mra. M. MacDuff ine i : e Your com: fh. held on. Sunday, September 26,} The WA. of St. Luke's met: ate’ Te 0s Os Ss oO a gpaticracral Constantine is hhihatee sine (AT YOUR SERVICE \ plexion delightfully soft, smooth at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. the Rectery on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. E. KE. Featherstone and Mrs. lely ns D.O.C. of M.D. 2. He is well) Oakville Window Cleaning Co. \ SSH al excel ek Rev, T. Burtch was in charge of, nid osartangements were made for A, Johnstone. jknown by Lorne Seots “Toeally, hiv- Hardwood floors cleane: Freshener to remove cream ond a he Harvest Festival services, Rev... Munn’s Public School reopened ling inspected ‘*B" Cay. in Onkville} and polished pep up slug ish circulation. That’s the Sunday evening servicer of the . FE 2 ‘es f : i if it af nm ie Y H Paani Gey eee ana’ Mic Ay Rewer Rinse wate Acyeper.on they oh the 7th with) Mine Re-Falrbern ilast spring snd spain at Niagara DR.MAURICE E. LUNAU all... - but it spells, loveliness, bead Tripp gave Fi ae aac - Tpostewar world. again in charge. There were five ‘Camp last summer, when the entire PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Q Mr. 2 i ‘r of T saint a] Mrs. Frank Rivay represented the Pupils in the begimner’s class, junit won high praise. | Office Hours: ¢ Dould | pwell Tana e Anes Ble eran local W.WIS.L, at the Hed Croas Mr. Wilmer Conover ‘has return- Oakville was represented be Afternoon—2.30-4.00 \ died ae niv ay Ti ete as arn Board meeting in Oakville on Mon- ed from a three weeks’ trip to the |Capt. BLP. Raanes: Taeute ALE seen, me \« alr owt te 5 - Py — : or a i] SPECIAL CLEANSING lsroguttaleonsGatunievtubrnings in| eee Const. En route he visited Winui-|Lunau, T. Chisholm and A. E, Tay PHONE 500. CREAM > — He wtiped ved! Gee Wes tes: Bide E. 3 a Norman ees : iSpy le peg. Calgary, Vancouver and Vict-!is, “878 COLBORNE ST. E. a white faethe henever( ey to enroll in the Medical oria. Se - agen sof meee fSR] | [Tove fetes, Me Phone came at te Cavey of Wastes cre "_F-E. TAYLOR ul o Ty “ one re er, A SKIN 2] Tr. . Ralph teas ‘ot Bronte and Ontario, London. MERTON D NCI Sena = Decorator FRESHENER . . Yoeon Falls. ‘Geor 1 | Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Johnson and \ A paper Samples jeorgia, and one sis- - } $7200 .. $]00 —— So at Aes AL Hoga ot Cs, Wiehe fr ee AO AON. A cow, Lorna Bell Dorcen Forch,| Phon 210 a een - SRS ean Sn eas igan._The funeral servien was held °° children of New Toronto are bred and owned by Victor Lawren = Complete Barbara Gould Service Pee ne iy Ty ea ae Twisting with-Mr.-and—Mre;—Charhs— ce; teported-secend—in-—elase_of | EVERY Ww. N. ROBINSON, cee Cc. . - : i oVantkickie Sendavvisitors. at the 69 with a five vear old 2x reeord _ BARRISTER Clark's Brug Store Mr. and Mre. Bert Lowe have 7e- Isnme home were Mrs, Ralph Fullerj/ef 765 pounds of fat. from 20,560 WEEK SOLICITOR : [tcived word that their son, Harold, | set se = litumey”? has, been promoted to the] land son Mershall, Mrs, Donald Carr | pounds of 3.720; milk. She prev- | OFFICE ita LIC | r Selke ¥ sriec yee ar al o “ = } aa Ss 39 eae ST. E. Phone ois | f Rergoantd jand Mr, Henry Selker of Erie, Pa.\jously completed 2 and 3 year old | 2 jrank 2 Sergean Aa jor. | oa (2x records whieh rotation 35,697 NIGHT Batt cerecreenart retro, " cag = | TRAFALGAR. Pie Sat Stl URE latahabdel Mausy ta beak Sa-usertyags mest. | ne fat. She has just-been so'd, and is securit F y , Jsabel Campbell Wickens [Goo Seager ee pares or a oleae a Pig & W histle| DUNBAR M. HEDDLE - +The anniversary ‘services of Knox Squadron Leader the Rev. Maur- TEACHER OF PIANO ‘Church Sixteen will be held ap-Sun-lice Flint, R.A.F,, and Mrs, a ] [BARRISTER SOLICIFOR Formerly of Vancouver, now a member of the })*#¥s Sent 18th; at-11-a:m--wnd 7-90 | were woek-end-quests with. Mr. and nn Office Colborne St . pm. Rev. Dr J. W, MaecNamara | Mrs. George 8. Atkins, en route to Telephones: Teaching Faculty of the : \Seeretary of the General Assembly|Mount Hope, from Moose Jaw, Bronte Ont Passes Residence 701 .TORONTO CONSERVATORY. OF MUSIC eof the Presbyterian Church will|where he is to be stationed. ? = |_ ue Pee es wee ~ ; i ington ALL GRADES TAUGHT BERT Central Oakville Studio arranged. Interview by . ALBEI ANO ©. FALL appointment Formerly of Nordheimer firm, : || Aldress to BR. BR. 2, Onkville A bc hernen has open dates for piano bar dt in ear Arrangements made for date and time at = 2 : The R i Tempting one Convenient ous you RS {69 Westminster “Avenue Toronto DAVIS and DOTY; iti egret s an , Nutritionally Right! Reconditioned Pianos for Sale LUMBER: and PLANING MiLL it ’S easy to serve healthful meals, ifyou follow Sele Agents for | the timely menus in “Eat-to-Work-to- Brantford Roofing — Canada Cement | Win"*. Sound, practical, interesting — this A 5 ohne Mansyille Insulation «lever new booklet does all the difficult, time- Merl reset ganar Complet Frost Steel and Wire Fencing taking planning for you. And it’s yours FREE, ead 7 al piete : ; booklet Bruce Hardwood Flooring Never was it more important that you pro- beter health to your nvestment Dundas St. North, Oakville, North of C. NgR. vide proper food for your family. For good family. MAK YOUR Service ; PHONE 76 — Nights 53 __ nutrition is vital to Victory now—to health and SOUPON TODAY! happincss after the war. Yet recent Govern- weer : ment statistics show that only 40 percent of BONDS Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. reais ect \ ST Oc! M it ate pn wpb to =K S SHA W BRO I HERS Learn the"'can’t-go-wrong” way to tempting Si iat thw fr 4 : Enis meals that fill every food need ite tancroseouene: on all Exchanges - of your family! Send for your 1 u e oO y y ye “NUTRITION FOR VICTORY”. Sia : FREE copy of "Eat-to-Work-to- BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. te MACRAE Win”. Mail the coupon today! Please send memy FREE copy of "Eat-to-Work-to-Win", ; | WE SOLICIT YOUR WORK AND Se an AND COMPANY RANTEE Sane GUA SATISFACTION THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) ety aes sae Investment Dealers Phone 138 - P.O. Box 391, Oakville ete rept is tray City Pres. |} 80 King Street W—Toronto By ave Phone: El. 3374 ; LJ <a = = oh fi — - Seb Oe = a= ee | _ ’ : ™ . = = = ah ere ra! Ss

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