Oakville Record-Star, 16 Sep 1943, p. 3

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Thursday, Sept. 16,1943 7 THE OAKVILLE RECORD.STAR | Paoes Local, Personal, Social 3 ee ee ee ;GREGORY THEATRE| BS Gitawa; to No. 1 Wire AIR-CONDITIONED lima School, Montrens, ycieneet . ‘ q 2 COMMERCIAL QUALITY PRIME BEEF __ Matton eons ne Schoo Thursday, Frida sept t6, 17,18 :Counct wi wold their first meet- ; “PEA HER YOUR NES * ' ¢ finge-ot the -verr-nttheoete Sehoul.on id . PRIME Rib RO ROAST 3 1 Z i bee ee " oe ee GEORGE FORMBY - SHORT RIB 3 ROAST BLE Posse, etl te purse speaker World In Action—Battle Is Their Birthright’, CHOICE — 1%-Ib. Per Nise tee Featurette—‘The Raven’ ‘ Fox News Ib, ¢ Mro and Mrs “W. By Reade and 1 =e « vaven. x INCWS. MEATY BLADE | Rost 29' pasuniter-shary——aind-Atise—Anilrey _ BURLINGTON, ONTARIO ill Chapter 6—“Sea Raiders.” Saturday Matinee. ROUND BONE—1%4 iF ont and Mise Ween Smith —are}- SHOULDER | ROAST Ih. 26‘ Si % pate is a rote unnia in the Lt. EB. Pehree, RUCNV.R, is ake-of the Biv district it. E. B. Peirce, BULAN. BRISKET 1 PLATE - ie 24° [oat vy. : ; home on leave. Monday, Tuesday & Wednes., Sept. 20, 21, 22 NONRATIONED: COORED-=MEATS: = We pa erry putea line eee io tertatee on Wodnenlay.| Cnnon D. Russell Smith will hold ee \ eer Tir TK Steen “RIL” Gooderham, who has job] “TISH” Anglican Chureh,- Palermo; LUNCHEON SPICED PORK ‘Hion Sunday next. Services Mu St. Vigo iE s : , Ae Ra civdd. da home Wisi 2 ne Mrtc aaa. V peek ROLL - - th - = b. 39%e LOAF - - &. 2le Hwilers,- Onktltie.s willie tnkens byt Vices Broce: Al vs Sha He Marjorie Main, Zasu Pitts, Aline MacMahon. om furlough from the LIVER CHEE: EEN a eet “LITTLE TOKIO U.S.A.” / ir romner Groen hos enlisted as LOAF - - lb. 35e SAUSAGE he 35€ |) 6 «Me TE Jone have Fe Bi lair crew with the R.C.A.F. and on Preston Foster, Brenda Joyce. eelvol word that their son, Cpl. E MAC. & CHEESE MOCK CHICKEN (fii: joics is sow sorving in Sicily, Wedertay went to Mavning Poll! Cartoon — “Who Killed Who.” LOAF a hh. 26e LOAF - « & 35e : Emrys; who ds.only 1h, was also melee bean Dieppe. Ue says the fruit in Sieflv} age: Aubrey Bailie returned: te : | is grind, having not seen oranges! Toroute on Thursday, having spent Comedy-romance of three zany,spinsters with Rev. Hf. Redlev, reetor at Palermo. CHEESE BRUNSWICK ee Shows at 7.30 and 9.30 Mondays to Fridays. Saturdays ONTARIO NEW CROP 6-quart basket since he deft for England over twolthe summer months in Qakville and holidays 15 minutes earlier. Saturday matinee at 2.30. IN ; A BLUE and GREEN 59° rears ago, nnd they were very murh | aes. =i GRAPES alate oS ea - hentl . ee has et@rnell i Buy Budget Tickets in 3's 6's and 9's-—Adults. 1 Oo ariing ut. Z - - _ The First Pickings of the Early Varieties RRIVING r Miss Joan Moulding, daughter of} TARIO Meo & Mra. John Moulding, ia riawe| Mr. R. A. Baines amd fannits ON Phave returned to -Teromto for thy | DAMSON PLUMS © PRUNE PLUMS attending St. Joséph's College, Tors) 5. * PEARS | ee ee FINAL CRUISE Twenty-five hundred Lorne Scots) The Season is practically over. Limited canton. apuly. available. ONTARIO D FINE QUALITY APPLES i emicnosan ae ak ARRIVIN “7 overseas are supplied with comforts 0c rey ar DOMESPIC GRADE pats eo innd cigarettes he tts Lorne Srota. WRIGHT — Th loving memory of S.S. RHYTHM RASCAL fi mY mother Eliza AN ti . L et od ES 6-qt. basket Wome Auxiliary. A Bingo and PS Rene Sad PCR eT + Weary and EATING ...... 4 Ib. 49 Aeon) isto be: het tnt nth case ti : aries FRIDAY, SEPT. | by 1943 DOMESTIC GRADE LARGE 3 Ib 1 ‘ {Oakville Armouries, Saturday, Sept.|O happy hours we once enjoved j1sth, at S pm, The proceeds will) How sweet their memory still, BAKING APrLts 9 Peis at 8 Be rhe PeMe eer Bat death bax left a loneliness | VICTORIA HALL (ALEXANDERS or WOLFE RIVER) AU Fe ahah oe iment Lt Lh So The world can never fill. = ap : aa [Members of the Lorne Seots Res: Alwavea (remembered hy inugh = * i Now AT ITs ‘BEST | i - SELECTED D QUALITY ‘ lerve Army” will nasist with theter Edith and son-in-law Tester, Admission 50c Dancing 9 to l & AU LIE LO W ER games. EXeryboly welcome, eS essa st CAREFULLY GRADED AND PRICED ACCORDING TO SIZE eae Mk Mrs. BJ. Se Mare wre hol St. Sade s Sunday School] IMPORTED - NEW SEASON'S . ‘ Mr. Wilbur Marlatt rerurmed on arranged from henddress ne! . . . 4 29: daying in the vite NETS, | \ specinl gervier will be held) Thursday from Camp Chimo, Tem-jand they earried giadioli and carn SWEE! rO I Al OES 3 Ib : Ware 2a f frest Sunday, Sept. 14, at 2.30 pin. loa ations. Rey. E.G. Crav ' . IMPORTED CALIFORNIA | ONTARIO SELECTED The engagement of Miss Alma Spenkers — Rev, Mr. Eddy. Vu: — wae best mun and the usher was fag sean Anmatrongs, daurnter of dtr) Rov. Mr. MheDermott Lee Uolsand Mrs. ‘ H.-A, Drury} Wilfred Williams, Toronto. ee | Lemons se ne sy 39c | CABBAGE 10c | and Mra. Carl H. Armstrong, Toron-|. All parents and friends of thet yy ass n living tu town fort : : Large Size Heads | to, to Warren Sherman Powley, of | Buniay School are asked to attend, At the reception at the home of h [the summer have hdd hase & house ONTARIO 'TARIO SELECTED | ioc ae or WHITE et | the bride's parents, Mrs. Wainer rm Oakville, is announced. The wedding) lou s Str peHe CELERY HEARTS 2 bunches 25° will take place on Sept) 25th in| ST. JOHN'S UNITED —__—_— leelved inan afteriioon dress of | Md fed hs _ Runnymede United Chureh, Toron- Cc ford - W: queen's blue satin-backed crepe, large size . rawror ainer CELEKY Si ALKS 2 z 19c to. | Rev. E. B. Eddy, B.A.; B.D. | jusee: hat and seeesaories, vrai gre _—_ CERES ifreveweeer ewnveenvveweveveenrwery? -ohegomenest j—Mr. 4 Fell, Choi Fecal | i s of pin i i giadioli. Mrs J E HEINZ WHITE : Se] ieee eae een ae AE NEI ree Peer oe, Mins Me McBai see | (Continued Prom Page t) | Beieeeees = edilnats ais : 7 OLD ENGLISH SCRATCH : VINEGAR iat, 24¢ Misa _Emily. Chisholm who is in ean Tila [rosea mad aE Sire ES ean te rawford, mother of th oom, Who On. boas eo tinéea Pactit A iaaitnr anis ses god carnations, Mrs. Fb, Greo COVER POLISHS ES a ‘ se tea ea af Pay ee of the i Sunday, Sept. 19th i Crawford Guelph, was matron o assisted, 7 coe ie aR aes: BLENDED of seers i Toronto Genera oapita ia repor-| lt Am — “To Watch and Work!| x i i ‘noon dreaa of violet sheer, bine it | ur vt + blue, ith | ee sire 244 VINEGAR = = (Celben 30 ted to he in a critical condition, | 2.30 pan.—The Church Sehool. . oe a : mY sat ¢ ai aig f : il jand accussorieg, and tba in a Es ems WHOLE M&IXKD | Ea acre | 7 pm. — “Achieving Pe proonatity’. _ {lace bodice and oh ahd, acces ‘*lmonizing shades. Pog travelling t FOR STICK " btanilia ae ea An) a _—_——_ ———= "| net over-tatfeta er -slionlder lien Ar pay Aas Me ; ADR ws PICKLING SPICE bb. 19¢ Brigadic r B. G. Chisholm wns in SH Sut adlaateiing eve wave lu ide chose’ a turqubise blue sheer SLIPIT «= «= Poe Jar id town this week. : ” wool suit, nave hat and nectssories OGeaar Me Mewbing cx, | AME Se SOE TY ssc at ne oxtall] CHRISTIAN SCIENCE [is ct craton ant yin [UM Cee were shor Wl rt * Set. Bruce ‘in Hamilton. Furniture Cream P 23+ JARS - soma apa $1.39 Rifles, formerly of the ~Bank of} Society of Oakville Miss Eleanor Crawford, Taronto,| ; CAMAY TOILET coke JAR RUBBERS « Dee, §¢ 7 i}Commerce staff here, is back on DUNDAS & RANDAL STS. BSher of the erqonyy.* i 2 Cakes 11¢ furlough from Nanaimo, B.C. Sunday Morning Service and othy Dunean, Onkville ZINC JAR RANGS b=. 25¢ = —— ies Beier us ey. ae “| CLASSIFIED ADV’T. SCOn Fra” ati é 7 i maids in petal pink ORT NOM: rs aoe USTARD DURHAM 9 Q¢ Gne. Peter Tizard, RCA, son of, saben oy sp oh ne fp bcneszes ante ie i pepe ENTRAT M Yel, Mr, and Mrs. A. Mr Tizard lias ar-! t Bs t jmatching shoulder-length RECORD- STAR SUPERSUDS - - Pag. 20+ | TURMERIC - - %*. 22¢ | rived in England Sunday, Sept. 19th, 1943 aii . | Vv tes PSSST RES SRB sen SSS thie SE aera ALMOLIVE WHOLE CLOVES <*15¢ of) ac. stant Shipton who tas “MATTER” | SSS SSS TOILET SOAP 2 cai Cakes il¢ GELERY SEED = “a-hh, 18¢ heen suffering from a ‘stroy thront, JAVEX S° avert Water. mete =r 14& iijiis emaking a satisfactory recévery. | fednesday } th | | Champion Dehydrated | MUSTARD SEED <™: 142 "(ind and «th Wedountaye) || Enno uncement.... | ee Ot | OALLIES - - - «144 |) ; |} Incliding Testimonies of INGERSOLL | Healing pitied Christian ~ CREAMY CHEESE sik PLAIN or 4c PLAIN PIMENTO 15 ONLY - Dar tos, Phe. Soc. Phe. pa Blended - = ‘ mh 23° .OLD OXFORD CHEESE - - pr. RIDEAU CHEESE - - - -+« ~~ 19¢ LOAF ps «= Wer Peand 35° CHEESE - - - Ingersoll ; MAL E - - -s= mm 19 The Original Med Flavoured Cheese On Monday, September-20th; 1 You are cordially invited to attend the services and te || |) ( het | make use of the 4) wh: Free Public Reading Room Z ‘ : Open Tuesdays 3.30 to 5 were the Bbie and all auth Ogitvie Beauty Salon nized Christian Selence Uter- || ; ature armas ect HH will be under the management eid of Mrs. E. Terapell, formerly of Orillia Hairdressing, with or. a staff of four licensed oper- | | ators, and one manicurist. ~ | We are there to give the very | latest in cutting and styling and every other line of Beauty Culture. WAR NERVES Quickly Give Way | | WAMPOLE’S BAKING POWDER - - ~~". | ¥t [y Phospho- ti . ot QUIX FLAKES - - - - 2nn 25° tot tow Ted: : P | Phone if For Appointments | Ready ¢ |i rs Hi or ko ee Res 9 \ oneed to wonder if you | MACARONI Catelii’s f Nenentte wonder ityou:-| Lecithen UE TERAPELL } MAKE YOUR OWN FRESH FRUIT PIES e@ READY-TO-USE e : | PIE DOUGH ~ 2» ~~ 25' | ELIGI my ep ON SALE AT BUTTER COUNTER oF rT Ration V NABOB COFFEE -- - - ht 43¢ ||| can buy.new 2 Tegel evainthin Neve And fi — in to us...wehave the fail verve Coupons Valid NOODLE sour mK - 23a 294 I] io w= + we ave the —— = Suni. Nes. 1 official Tire Information | ‘ : 1 to 16 NOODLE S@UP MIX - - atte 2s5¢ and can advise you | General Tonic Foggy Eyes Make Butter — Mos. ee Leptin tra ence tienes? a af i | ee re Fee properly. Besides, we'll | ‘ 24 te 29 4 2 j W Tea and Coffee { RED i “4 DOMESTIC { gladly fill out the neces j 16 02. Butterfinger orkers Nos. 1 to 15 ( RIVER j j EASIFIRST : i setae tbne for vo 5 It is a scientific fact that 80% of your motions are con- Meat — Nos. / CEREAL j j Shortening { TY 8PP Asead / 1.00 trolled by your eyes. which also carry $8% of the knowledge \ 13 to 17 eg tha: / and furnishthe Inspeétion ; that re aches your Brain. = 2a / ,- Canton 19¢ j ' | ‘et one-third of all workers in the country have uncor- | Coupon ‘D’ — | / . 8 4 Report. There’s no cost | rected errors of vision, Nos. 1 to 3 or obligation for this | There are a great many people who do not even know | oe Suger | > ey | PSs eT |{ that their sight is impaired. Don’t risk being that kind of ) ——- MONARCH j CLARK’S } service. Come in today. : D U N N ’ S ij w adiicet Have your eyes éxamined — the only eyes you Will een = i east ! |; ever have are very precious to you j DOG } j GOVERNOR ! || HITCHCOX fe are prepared to render a truly scientific service and i ALL PRICES j CUBES Riis SAUCE é dil / PRUG STORE \j help you ‘keep clear-eyed and efficient for your patriotic job. EFFECTIVE f iW | R agate, (Re 2ae $] kmase. fi MOTOR SALES Phone 650 | John R. Byers, Phm. B. wararars LOBLAW Pe rel LIMITED Sere) Phone 345 Oakville | Uf heaibbestsbtanadd iach toatl

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