Oakville Record-Star, 30 Sep 1943, p. 2

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. q = r 2 Sept. 30, 1943. Page 2 THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Boeeiscasike Thursday, Sept. 3¢ — én Saturday serviees of the United Chureh. lwere onfertained nt “ithe homes of - Be av, a 4 Thiel George - } The atoun! Raby Dav «service The choir.and YOP.U'. of the Uni i Ate. G2. 8 Woed and Mra. George VS OR GOR NCE BOURS © Vere rte ie oien 7 rae ok ee cacy ser , ie | of the U1 t Church on Sunday, in honovr af Mr. Norman Wood and) Mr. and Mrs. William Fox and FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS tind the World Wide Communion presented dim with a leather loose: | (Continued ion Page 6) es eles jakanidiien Oxtober Ay. Rev. Charl® ents, Mr. nnd Mis, W. ON. Gilbert. will be observed at the elireh ser eng note book, on jle ‘uceasion of | Someta ~ terkine of iebacs Vnited! Clnecht —_ The Suntay ss “tatrert “te the’ etter —e biewteneiug ta. study. medicine st BRONTE Hamilton, will “be the speaker. “Churehs will bold ita aut rua! Tent v The Siinilat “x ni tee at St, Tul the University of Woalt rire neers usines The executive of the Thilton res Day on Sunday. At the ehutel ser + fs - , ons one eee ty and Mra. - Alex Mac(rowsan ‘ = te stary- YIN. met inthe -Water-| vice, the World Wile” Communion was withitrawn for the aunives ee ali { Di recio ry Locals and Personals dows United Church on Monidavjservier “anda rerepthin af new * —— : oes Gsner— R.Allen of Oakville was eve ning. Rev, D. A, Facey, ‘Leailer- members wilk de held. = 1 HE Oakvicnt Recorp 1 ident spenker” at the annual ship Training convener, and Miss te ee ee | IMITED prercs Tecatieas service of the} Nerma Greep, Girls" Work “Seere-|5 _ i! (GEORGE ATKINS. Manager Chureh of the Epiphany oy Sunday tary, attended, PALERMO : Office 16; G. Atkins, res. 901 th of Bie “} mi i | * = i . Sd Por or the Watton Mem svening. The Rector, Rev. Edward, The ¥,. uf : ai nblscoreye 3 ; - 7 a ais +4 the mor- orial United Church held an onjis i [ E. de Courcy Fletcher Righy was the speaker & ; ipa ents a Organist - Choirmaster, St. Jude's ning servic Mrs. Danie! Wilkon able corn roast and moloy foast_on) =e Church in aervice, Al rs. abe? 4 nce sy she soloist om both occasions. the flats of the Twelve Mile Creek |ANMIVERSARY SERVICES nstrurtion ety ty seg ed grain, fruitg, 2t the-home of Mr. nil Mrs, Geo. |ARE WELL ATTENDED Organ, Violin, Piano, Voice ah Sea . and keds made au ap-|Breckon, last Tuesday evening, mand The -largeat cohgregations at ; Residence - Cor. William & George a [] s t 4 . z sine vege tting for the Harvest/4 re-organization mecting at the) several years attended the spree Streets hketoa: ik home of Mr. and Mrs. W. NoGil-|services marking the Imudred and Phone 872 Sr eo \ jbert this Tuesday evening. ~ twengy-fifth anuniversitry of the) sate Masses of autumn flowers decor) Mrs, Fred Rogers entertained at! Palermo United Chureli, on Sunday a URE at Ia meee easy _ateil the gite Baptist church for the opening meeting of the Monuday|morning and evening. The guest Mildred Leach, A.T.C.M: the annu HIVERSATY Services pine evening BYldge ctob, The witnera}spcakor tor hothoserviers wash in .Post Grad. on Suaday morning and evening, were Mrs. Leslie Rogers, Mra. A.|Alex MacGowan of Toronto, a Tansy Piano; -Organ, Harp The pastor, Rev. Thomas Burteh, G. Dobrashian and Mrs. J. N, Lees.|mer pastor. Rev. D, A. Facey, the Phone 147 ~~ aDnrdorute sasages at both : ures “tod the services and gave appropriate messages at Mr. Harry Gilbert is to be con-|pastor, conductor i a services, and special music was gtv- jgratulated on the great number Fant roduced the speaker. In the ¢ OAKVILLE en by the choir, The guest soloist prizes he won on his showing of were membors ef the fifth generat-} MONUMENT. WORKS was Miss M. Christie, of Toronto. fruit at the Milton Fair on Satur- jon of the Vansickle nnd Tugiehar Work Carefully Executed by The Sunday evening service ofjday. His prizes are: four firsts on families, ‘Whose ARESRE ATS sald. | m Superior Craftamen the United Church was withtf@wn|Reite Climte, Grad Duke; Halas uinont— in the founding of Ske . EDWARDS for the. atiniversary. services of the }Prune and German Prune plutns: acchureh. Present in the congregation 19 Goliovae St. -W. Sheldon and. Bart of Wen Palermo United Chuireh and of the jfirsta on Anjou, Bronte Anglican and Baptist chur-| first on a cone plies: were two members, Mrs. Colin C bell and Mr. Herbert Liglheh ches. The annual Anniversary serv-|thy apples, decond on a hamper ef were present at the Sarin irat on a ine-late the present ehureh in 1887 L ted Chureh | j Greenings: fir na hine-] I ipo wt ieled rr etbeaigsy a collection of Wealthvs, 2 firsts on Mary Seott of. Toronto” was are will be held on Sunday morning an | wix quart bas kets of Gravensteln. guest soloist, and Mr. Norman Wood [MacIntosh and Wealthyss seeoud on and Mra. David Clements gave vo 4 * t rreemiligs, eg ts Fy wih servicers, The a a& six «quart basket of Greening + cal duet at bot T firat on Tomatovs and second ove church was beautifully deeorated a heir watermelons, for fhe oeeasion with a profusion in Mr. Alfred Jentings left on Fri- of autumn flowers. Heritage ? Fre to spend a few weeks assisting PALERMO-W. I. WINNER = leith the harvest in Western Can AT MILTON FAIR : ¢ g nd i Canada’s solid citizens inda. The Palermo Women's Tustitute bh " il ti country’s largest Mr. and Mrs: Charles Lamb are won sccond prire att thu: Milton basic indust with undaunted courage freceiving ‘¢ongratulations on the Fair on Saturday, on ips exhibit of and view the future with unflagging birth of a son cin*the Hamilton eight articles, whieh ineluded. a They do not fail Canada Canada thespital, on Friday, picced flannelette quilt, a set ot hope. : th } L.A.C. Waker Haves anf LA. opiate socks and mitts, a pair ut must no fail em. j Martin Brown, R.A.F., Mount Hope, geaman’s socks, a turtleneck tuck- To them belongs a full and heaping [were week-end guests at the home in, a living-room bouquet, a baked seauarve of el high heritage they help of Mr. and Mra. James Rogers. custard, a lonf of white brend and a@ generous share of | Mr. H. J. Cadmore of Niagara a vegetable salad plate. They re- Fudan “life they help maintain . “+ a /Falls spent the week-end with Ms apjyed prizes on the individual peacetime living st standard in keeping peathe; Mr. W. H. Cuidmore. pieces in the collection as follows: with the great contribution they make | Mr. and Mra Robert MeFarland 3-0 on the tucktin, sevond on the to Country’s well being. lapent the week-end with rolatives .yna’e socks and mitts, the sea. = iin Caledonia;to attend the 100th jjants socks, the living-room bou-, ‘ }Anniversary of Grace United chure h, net, the baked eustard and the + | Eh N D, Svdor A : THE Caledonian. Mr. and Mrs. 1D. 5: 4alnd plate. of Timmins are now spending a Locals and Personals VELVET OF ROSES few dave with their unele DRY SKIN CREAM iMr. aud Mrs, MeFartand. | Mr.and Mrs. A. O. Flunrerfelt @ Rich with the p ise of a \visited over the week-end at the lovelier complexion, its fra- jhome of Mr. and Mra. F. N. Belven, Mrs, W. H. with them. grant, smooth lushness creams your dry, dull skin to a softer, fresher radiance. Barbara Gould Velvet of Roses is a RoR a poet to \Port Hope. jturned home | Mr. nwick Speers re of with George Christopherso the week-end Fi: lrelatives in town. spent 7 | Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Tiekard yoeenes a and children, and Mrs. W. Harris At our cosmetic dept.— of Hamilten, visited on *Sunday| | wit h Mr. and Mra, A. EL Pickard. | | Mr, and Mrs. B. MeGratton and} TWO SIZES | family have moved to Taranto ond | [Mr. and Mrs. MacGowan have} $270ond 911° moved into the house thes vacuted. | Mr. aml Mrs. S. Woodburn, of | Complete Barbara Gould Service | Hamilton, visited on Sanday we itheir son-in-law and daughter, .r.| Clark's Drug Store and Mrs, Leslie Rogers. 30 GaeeieiG woo 8ST. E. Phone ist jie nding a few days with herpr-] x Ps and aunt.) Miss Jean Gilhert of Toronto is FRANK BEECRAFT HAS PURCHASED The Ribble Planing Mill, Bronte and is prepared to supply All Kinds of Millwork and Lumber BRONTE TELEPHONE 26J i | “DAVIS and DOTY LUMBER and PLANING MILL Sole Agents for Brantford Rooting Canada Cement Tone Mansville Insulation Frost Steel and Wire Fencing Bruce Hardwood Flooring | Dundas St. North, Oakville, North of C. N. R. i PHONE 76 — Nights 53 Mrs. J.T. Wamilton avon” first prize on a bed spread and a special prize on a wool rug in the handl Oak. Br erafta exhibit of the Milton Fair “anch: Incorporated 18°~ W. A. McEvoy, Mer. aw-4s Oakville GEORGE CAIRNS B.V.Se. M.R.C VS Veterinary Surgeon Morrison Road, Oakville. Telephone 466W ANGUS McMILLAN Pa ae — SOLICITOR ARY PUBLIC Office — 19 Melinda St, Toronto - Phone Ad. 3644 Iesidence 126 Douglas cor. Spruce ivenings — Phone Oakville 837 cif _pfeb27-44 ~ DR. D. M. TURNER DENTIST 31 William St. Office Hours: 9,00 - 5,00 Evenings by Appointment PHONE 25 T. S. H. GILES Real Estate and Insurance bventnoa Oakville - - 712 W. S. DAVIS & SONS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE DAVIS BUILDING OAKVILLE Telephone 41 H. W. BOORER , |AT YOUR SERVICE Oakville Window Cleaning Co. P.R. Beats Obstacles to Move Wartime Ship nments SHAW BROTHERS Builders and Contractors ; } if H i if WE SOLICIT YOUR WORK AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Phone 138 f -e bollers fo reo former and % wel T have been of ¢ tot var) ercd an $y a aid te ( inited | of rall wien bloci effort of © tes. Recently the cent pany “a ) ti: Bits by csvinin has. largest depressed-centre fat cara, on many bz! one of whicn is pictured at the brid iets this bl tbe removed, while thd bottom of this Inyoul, were the f E hex up by lowered fo elear the Li resi Pion jacks, and the shipment initiated by Wy the Ce snadian Pacific for this mover has since been i co nie ‘ed by , other: mone to Fes. great tet the we ar ¢ ef en _ 5 to Milton, Ont< with its weight of 134 tons being only one ton less than the maximum load capacity of the birrest depressed-centre fiat car the company has in its freight rolling .stock of 77,710 pieces, all in war service. The boat (centre) was an awleward load with a maximum width of 12 feet, 10 inches. It was 61 fect, six inches 1g had to boilers were 0 bridre engincering +? apecia * et ae cor- onto to P.O. Box 391, Oakville || i0Om1 HW} 22% feet in di ameter — ease company & | Lashine, Que, to a synihelic | department las rubber pint in southwestern | moves asl Baceal Po Ontorio. vette boilers from Two of these huge cars now are on Joan in the United States haul- ing marine engin | Kaiser | moved temporarily. The technique ebec, listing all SeEoAnent in- stollations which be re- long and was transported from Owen Sound, Ont., to Saint John, N.B., on two machinery flat cars, | Hardwood floors cleaned | and polished | 'DR.MAURICE E. LUNAU PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours; Afternoon—2,30-4.00 Evenings-—7.00-8,30 er by appointment PHONE 500 178 COLBORNE ST. E. F. E. TAYLOR Painter and Decorator Wallpaper Samples Estimates Given Phone 210 iW. N. ROBINSON, K.C. | BARRISTER | SOLICITOR | RY PUBLIC i OFFIC BLDG | over Canadian k of Commerce Telephone: Office 15; Res. 275 Money to loan on mortgage | security DUNBAR M. HEDDLE BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Oifies- “Cates St. Telephones: Offiee 65 Residence 701 While on Active Services Lloyd D. Dingle, Burlitgton ALBERT C. FALL | PIANO TUNER Formerly of Nordheimer firm, Toronto, has open dates for piano turing in Oakville. Arrangements will be made for date and time at Tho Record Office. 69 Westminster Avenue: poeente hone Toronto LL. Reconditioned Pianos ae ‘Sale ——— 5; fF i* } A } t Complete Investment Service | BONDS STOCKS on all Exchanges MACRAE AND COMPANY Investment Dealers 80 King Street W—Toronto Phone: El. 3874 >

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