Oakville Record-Star, 30 Sep 1943, p. 3

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—~—“-tst;-Divi : printed copy of the orders of the * Thursday, Sept. 30, 1943. THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Page 3 Printed Copy Of Montgomery's Message To 8th Army Arrives Sent By Dvr. V. Seddon : om, to Has. | Ration News a seal Mother i ‘september 15, 1943 Mrs. G. Seddon bas received a Rationing Time Table (Clip thia out and keep available) day, in which General Montgomery —_—_—- jagued his famous message to the Sth Army on the day Italy was in-] Coupons I to 15 inelusive now vaded. The message was forwarded |yalid. Coupors 16 and 17 yalid on by Mrs. Seddon’s son, Driver Y. AL }Rept. 93, Valid until declared void. Seddon, Ist Canadian Division,|Each good for § oz, coffee or 2 oz. Central Mediterranean Forees. thee Eighth Army COFFEE or TEA (Green) — j bea. SPGAR (Red) — PERSONAL MESSAGE , from the| ; ; ARMY COMMANDER ~ Coupons 1 to 14 inclusive now To be read out to all Troops valid. Coupons 165 and 16 valid Sept. 16, Valid until declared void. 'Each good for one pound of sugar. 1. The campaign in SICILY is over. We landed in the island on 10 July. By 20 Inly, together with our Am-, erican allies, we had driven the declared void, —_—______enemy_into the north-east corner Of ppppeR (Purple) — the island. On 30 July I told you we would’ |. af : now drive the Germans: out of pic. | Ytids expire Sept, vand 29 valid Bept. i by 17 Angust the Germans 81, Each good for %% I). had been driven out, and the Allied NEAT (Buff) — Annies, American and British, were Coupons pairs 13, 14, 15 and 16 in possession of the whole island. [now valid; expire Sept. 30, Coupon 2. In February last the Italian! pair 17 valid Sept. 16, Coupon pair overseas empire had ceased to ex- 18 valid Sept. 23, Conpon pair 19 ist. Today, 17 August 1943;4ve have valid Sept. 30,-Coupon pairg 47,~18 captured our first slice of Italian and 19 expire Oct. 41. Eath your home conntry. ‘good for from 1 to 245 Tbs, meat, In these tremendous events, you, the soldiers of the Eighth Army, have played a very. notaWle part.! By your splendid fighting qualities Coupons 24, 25, 26 and 27 now 30° Coupons 28 14; expire Oct, butter. PRESERVES (Orange) — Coupon D1 Valid, D2 and Ds Sept. 16, now Coupons valid Valid and devotion to duty you have hel- until declared void. Good for pre ped to change the whole course of “****: sweet spreads or sugar (ser chart). the war. ; 3. It is difficult to find words to tell you my true feelings. Since I WELL DONE, WELL DONE IN- assumed command of the 8th Army DEED, TOGETHER, YOU AND I. in Angust 1942, exactly’ one year WE WILL SEE THIS THING ago, you have given me your con. THROUGH TO THE END. GOOD fidence, and you have never failed LUCK TO YOU ALL. to respond to all calls I have made Sicily - 18 August 145, on you. I thank you all, And I say to you: : General Eighth Army WE TPRCH o, wo : CANADIAN FARMERS Save BY MAIL DD sects, systematic saving by every citizen is part of the national price of VICTORY. Patriotism now demands not only the saving of money but many other things—gasoline and tires, for example. Use of the motor car must be limited to necessary tasks — necessary to the war effort. Many Canadian farmers find it unneces- sary to drive to town to do their banking. They just walk to their own mail-box and back. Have you ever tried banking by mail? Ic is so easy and convenient. Write for our folder,““How to Bank by Mail’: BANK OF MONTREAL “A Bank Where Small Accounts Are Welcome" MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE .».the Ourcome of 125 Years’ Successful Operation Oakville Branch: W. B. E. READE, Manager ‘Caiining sugar coupons valid until] B. L. MONTGOMERY, Recruits Needed | _ Qut Fishin’ For C.W.A.C. la filae- tun Phin bine nei Out fishin,; Public Helations | His thoughts somehow are mostly M.D, 2, Toronto. i clean— September 20, 1943. Out fishin,; TRH UNOwennd-—Canndien—w inf jHe doesn't Knock ‘his fellow-men, are now wearing the smart khaki" harbor any grudges then; ~~~ uniform of the Canadian Women's |“ feller entire hie ps y Army (Codpa, serving shoulder to Out fishin’, f shoulder with their brothers of the Canadian Army, Both in Canada and overseas the women of the C.W.A.C, have rel- eased thousands of men for com- butant duties. Inthe two years~of The urchin with his pin and string; the Corps’ existence it hos proved soa a AH doa Sybindh king; ite worth and its members have| Vain pride is—a--forgotten thing— developed an esprit de corpy which compares faxéurably with that of ' the older branches of the Army. A feller gets Opportunities for both trained Out fishin’; and untrained women in,a variety |H» learns the beauties of a stream: of trades the C.W.A.C Out fishin’; Members are employed as tlerks, An’ he can wash his soul in air stenograplers, «rivers of staff cars That and transport cooks, X-{Au’ relish plain and simple fare— ray technicians, driughtswomen and in many other specialized dutics. In addition to the serious busi- ness of learning and working at 4 ample. provision has. been reereat of C.W.A.C, Life in barrirks lias many attractions to the reeruit and Trieidanips formed Entertainment parties fre- visit training anes and | Branch, Out. fishin"; All brothers of a common lure— Ont fishin’; Out fishin’; a chaner to dream— exist in jun’t foul with selfish eare vehicles, (ut fishin’. A feiler’s glad to be a ‘friend— Out. fishin’. A beipin’ hand he'll Out fishin’. The trotherhood of wd and line An’ sky an’ stream is always fine Men come real close tao Gods de always lend— trade, ? mnde for personnel, asting nTr la fs i <en— there. quently Ont fishin’, Danees and other social 4 feljor isn’t plotting schemes— events make life in the C.W.A.C. ut ai loads of fun to the vivacious Can- He's only busy with his dreaiws— adian girl The Corps now has its; Out fishin’, own brass and pipe bands and meh | His livery is a coat of tan of the entertaining is devised and [His ¢reed to do the best he ean; fellers always mostly mag— Ont statins. fishin produced. by the members themsel-| 4 ] fishin’. —Harry Lre ves. | . | More women are needed for the] Corps. From Sept. 27 to’ Oct. 11, | . CW.ALC. will Open Season be stationed at the Recruiting Con-| tre, Cote Block, Colborne St., ouk-| Ror Partridge recruiting offieers ville, and they, will be pleased to] answer any enquiries from prospec- mem bers. PALERMO tive ' The-rieh-are comrades to the pogr— (ih Pritres Burroughs | | The Department of Game and) | Fisheries announces. that Oct. 2nd | ito Oct, 10th inclusive, and Nov, Sth} jto 15th fnclusive, will be open sens | \GENERAL SMUTS recently won a victory in the elections in South | Africa, on a program calling for ithe continuance of the war. This was a great victory for the Allies; as South Africa’s contribution has | : x invaluable to their cause, | been ; South African mobile foree and Air 'Foree played a big part in the —Afrien---in-10Al. ‘(Their planes ‘Kenya before Italy came iwar were blasting Italian “ix hours after Italy's declaration of war), They alao lehared in the North African victor- liew and units have served in Mid- South naval for- ces not only ‘operate in home wat- ers, but have co-operated with the 'Roval Navy in the Mediterranean 1940 bagasear, African since ‘South Africans are serving in the} positions | -~ and some thousands of | ON AUGUST 26th, 1940, the first rhid on Berlin was made -by the E.A.F. by a few planes. On Aug- ust 23rd, 1943, 4 acres of Berlin were demolished by nearly 2,000 tons of bombs, dropped by 700 E.A.F. planes. During August, 1940, the “Battle of Britain” was raging and in August, 1943, it was the **Battle of Berlin” which was rag- ing!" That accounts for the spirit of confidence which - pervaded the bec Conference.” The Day of Prayer on the fourth anniversary of the war was a day of hope for the United Nations and one of de- spair for the Germans. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A CLASSIFIED ADVT. Royal Navy and in the RAF. \IN THE RECORD-STAR ae el aie ' Raia *Hett Over From Last Week MISS LILLIAN KATAN HEADS ST. LUKE'S A.Y-P.A. The A.¥.P.A, of St. Luke's Anu glean Chureh re-organized for the winter season ut a meeting held in} The following officers were elected: Honorary president, Rev. Edward Rigby; Missy. Lillian tan; Vice-president, Mrs. G, 8. President, At- Mis« are to be kins: Treasurer, Norah Sulllvan, Mectings third Monday of program Seerctare hell on. the tach The discussion period led bv month. ineindwt a Religious Rev. .E. Methuwn jon: voenl solos by George Atkins; Rigby; a singsong led by Dearing, with his aceord piano solo by Miss Lois Hogers: a reading by Mrs Herbert Burton and a quiz contest rondueted by Methoes Denring, Thev. EL Righy and Mrs, George S. Atkins anade n presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Met luén Dearing in honour of their recent, marriage: Locals and Personals: St. Luke’s Anglienn Church teld noustially suecessful Marvest t ivol services on Sunday, with large Lot li evening. The church was benutifully | congregations morning snd) with grain, flowe deeorated fruits, veget bles and rs, under t] ir tion of Mr. and Mrs, James Pair | hrother—CananD, Russell Smith atl St. Jade’ speaker t s, Oakville, was the Biest| for the evening serviee] and the soloist was Mrs, Ray Crip psy) Trev, Edward Righy conducted the | service, and the soloist | Iwas Mr. T. N, Bullock. | | ‘The United -Chureh will celebrate | morning its hundred and twenty-fifth anni jversagy “this Sunday. tew. Alex. \MaeGowan of Toronto wil! lie the) | iguest speaker for the sperial sery | fees at 11.15 acm. and 7.40 pom. Flight Lieut. Richard ( Rivaz,! DFC. nephew of Frank Rivay, Serg’t. Ivor Say and Serg’t- Chas att ofthe RAE, are) week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rivaz. Thev have stationed in Manitoba, and are now being tran«ferred to Edward Taland, Flight bt.; Rivaz has given Ainsworth, jruests this heen Prince ’Diek’? much distinguished service as “tail! alrendy ;zunner’’ in bombing * operations; ‘over @nemy territory, and is the} author of an interesting book, “Tail Guoner,’” based on hia ex-| periences, s Mr. and Mra. G. 8S. Wood, Mr.; Norman Wood and Mise Anne Wool motored to London on Sunday, and | Norman the i University of Western Ontario, } Mrs. J. Allentach of Buffa’o was a week-end guest at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. A, A, Galbraith. : A number of Palermo friends | fMttended the funeral verviee of the, pate J. Rov Thurston te Bronte on remained tw enrol at the-Parish Hall on Monday ev ening. thins which have bein established | Ka-) ons for partridge. This order prevail« throughout | with the Parks, the Vrovinee of Ontario exeeption of Provineial Crown Game Preserves and town-| The paratrooper takes his life in his hands when he descends through alien skies. But first he is a hand- us resulated Game Preserve Areas. picked man, goes through gruelling training an The limit ofa hitnda. per day receives the finest equipment yet devised—for his = - and your security. with a total lnyreor 25, ne j ; r i “ 1, As his attack is our defence against Axis domination so Brantford Roofing defends many a home against the beating of the weather. But just now, because ir's built of strategic materials, the supply of Brantford Roofing is limited. Supplies ‘available for civilian use are rationed to dealers, to ensure an equitable share in each community. To stretch raw muterials as far as 1 possible, all Brantford Roofing lines have been MERTON Held Over Fron Last Week J ilenstiot Mra. Bert aft | Mrs. WW. nik Mr. family -of Kir Mr. ‘Thornloe, anil ond Burns ond thee wrek-e ne re were guests during i), at the heme of Atecand Mrs here standardized on a minimum range of styles neth Giles, and colours. Mrs, Rogers af Casth ‘ If you are faced with roofing problems, ask your visitjag at the home of her son, Me Brantford Roofing dealer to assist you. He will Ford Rogers. help you make your present root last longer and : : effect urgent repairs. with a minimum of new ae Atay Brecker of) Hany material. He will also help you plan now for a Visited on Sunday with her pur completely renovated roof after victory. Mr. and Mrs. FLOR. Breckon } ; Mr. Georga S. Atkins, Mr. Vi 3 Bed one ape utara oh Brantford Roofs renee, Mrs. Jamies lattersan Nn | Mrs. Fore Roge attended . Haltdn. Tome and Sehwal Coun " htford Roofing Company Limited in Bronte on Friday evening. ad ar Brantford - Ontario ———_—-_|- _-_ payvis &-DOTY Mrs. 0, 7, Batt Avr is ing with relatives in this | = — this week. | __<R “Here's the New, Easy Way to Healthful Family Meals” ge AS OMEN everywhere acclaim “Eat-to- SS Work-to-Win, authoritative new booklet that trkes all the guesswork out of good nutrition, It's practical .. . time-saving . . €asy to use! And there's a copy for you FREE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale—to help Menus for 21 breakfasts -..21 luncheons athe pittiional statements in “Fat-toeWork-to as “i x ; wl able to Nutriting Services, Le cep them fir, on the job 4 : fawn. fot the Canadian Nutsitiee Prope So learn the easy way to good-to-eat” meals MAIL THIS COUPON that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy of “Eat-to-Work-to-Win” today! “NUTRITION FOR VICTORY”, BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. Please send me my FREE copy of “Eat-to-Work-to-Win" re (mew) Name. ™ Sponsored by ont THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) ! 4ddrex ARI in che-interests of nutrition asd health ‘ as an aid to Victory. City Prov. ee

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