Oakville Record-Star, 30 Sep 1943, p. 4

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Page 4 _ THE OAKVILLE RECORDSTAR Thursday, Sept. 80, 1948. : ; jovri ; Sir Douglas Haig, Wavyell and + * of righteous vengence; the joyrider|town isbourer leading a suicide |Joo: Sir f Nelson $ Empire : squadron to retake Singapore; the|Montgomery; Lord Nelson, Henry Hay Fever Treatment turned pilot of the R.C.A.F. and the |] R.A.F.; the jazz orchestra become} village ne'er-do-well on w mine-| Morgan and Admirals Jeflieoe aud same ts DANCING And Burke § the fife and drum corps. sweeper in a raging sea; the tap | Beatty; Gladstone, Disracli and| ‘*Hayfever is not the harmless : : It is Piceadilly Circus and the/diancer stripped to the waist in a|Edmund Burke; Henry VIII and/annoyance that we are prone to And Ours Savoy, suddenly warmed by the/blazing gun turret; the ex-gangster|Cromwell and William the Conquer-|think it,’’ Dr. R, F. Hughes of Ham- EVERY os spirit of Waterloo and the défeat/|finding his soul in the emulation| or; the Archbishop of Canterbury iiton, Ont., warns, In an artic Extract from an address before!/of the Spanish Armada; it is the|of Air Marshals Bishop and Flem-jand the Duke of Windsor; William published in the Canadian’ Medicg@l W The Empire Club, Toronto, by Ralpb/night club, the hunting lodge andjing and Edith Cavell, | Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Rob-| Association Journal he points Out Carney, president of the Coleman/the country club discarding its! Jt is a cocktail lounge transfor ¢Tt Burns, and Browning and Sirjthat hayfever Hot only causes des Lamp and Stove Company of Wich-|play clothes for uniform and jamp-|/med into s barracks;-a youth idling | Walter Scott; Queen Victoria andjof time but is frequently attend ec NIGHT ita, Kansas. ers, and the sign of the Red Cross/on a Newfoundland beach suddenly | Lady Astor; Gracie Fields and Sir vy complications, Experience — in- (Harry Lauder and Nocl Coward; |dicates that the hayfever sufferer r en ¥ olay is in|"@pon its sleeve. giving his life in defence of a lon ise ae atone age “creer It is waltz music and the rhum-j¢ly colonial outpost; it is laughter | Robert Bruce and aeas wera han at on a 80-50 chance of be- Pig & Whistle some of vou have rome to take for) 4. Shifting’ to the blare-of bugies; Hin a western: chuck-wagon, turning DeV alera. and. Lloyd Georgé; the |coming ae carrie nif granted — from which many have fit is all the trivial ditties of Tit | into nh hoarse shout of Let fem) Welsh miner in the coal:blackentd| Army” exinilning boards take nt ak ; Pan Alley welling into ‘O-Canada’|have it’? froma Churchill tank, bowels of the carth and his thun-|very unfavourable view of it;—es- Inn taken much and given back so j DiscE - : little—it je for-this-thing -row oat (and "God Save the King.’ |}. It's the elub car fading into au derous chorus, the skyscraper serub- {pectally when attended by~compli- - adel R itish Emy ore ise . . farmored car—the deluxe sleeped [woman and the eolonel's lady! jeations,” according to Dro Hughes, we riti s re. | = . i; 1 Re i oye evfauc ® B O Have you ever thought of what|e It is the seda clerk dying for de-|into an ammunition train and the) It's Westminster Abbey, Scot iF sta he eae lk ris ai = wens ronte, nt. : eile. decsakt ; ee ‘tucy, the fat mz th if, porter into Gunga Din; the Timid jand’s moora and its heather, Ire-|"" 1 saw in Tide, the physiemn % it re ally is this British Empire mocracy, the ar Man on € go fp anal's hoor and ats heathe t Salle sof \eaceeal pollen teataannite ‘that you talk about, hear about/links flinging away his clubs to Soul laying down his life for a pal-|jand's shamrock and her SOS | outdoors in Hamilt tl rc over the radio, rgad about in hist:|become an air wardgn; the youth) The strect cerner idler winning|Limehonse, the Lions of Trafelgat | srante = Seimei ju eat eedls until September 27. ory, and that, in personification,|on 4 tennis court suddenly flashing|a citation for valor; the “boy who| Square, Big Ben and the Tower of pits neh epee oe Stata, Sel Of the 235 patients, 209 soars: you God to save, in your fam-|through the air to bomb the Bis-) wasn’t much use sticking to” the London; Nova Seotia . fishing | iech ae pine, By the beginning | fected by ragweed, 72 by grasses, oie ; ‘wnurek: tguns of a flaming, sinking eruiser,|banks, tlie mines of Kimberley, DT ne ee ee woretls bu trees, 85 by other inhalants V let me, an American, res-| It's the ery of ‘Gimme, Gimmié,” taking one last defiant sior before Australia’s sheep and her TIRHUNE), cited. Tree sciieatinn, atanar’ by fand 31—-by-moulds...A_nimber were pectfully salute you, and thank you|changing to ‘Take wil I have if you|@ rold and pitiless ocean closes over| heart, New a{galand’s lonesome bra- the ‘beginning’ of June Ones ol. [Sensitive vy several pollens and had for vour attention here today, by/need it,’ and the slogans, “Every|to strangle out his life, ivery; the afian Rockies, Lake}),,, aripoared a week sees the re Neo traktad (he sewn aethoen. telling you what T think it is... .iman for himself’ and “What do IT} It is the three*hours-for-lunch-| Louise and Banff; Montreal and | nollen became wekatal There was| Forty-eight percent had asthmatic The British Empire is the ‘Sleep-!vet out of it’? becomes again, “Eng- fellow carrying a sandwich and the;Quebee and Ottawa and Toronto— | his 16 pollen in the we from thn {complications. ing, appeasing giant” among nat-|land expects every man to do his/labor unions keeping their promise |and Ene Arent sublime future of | middle of July to the middle of| Dr, Hughes counsels careful ding- ions, suddenly transformed ~ by/ duty.” |that there shall be no more strikes, | Canada. j August, but ragweed pollen, a chief|nosis by means of skin tests. Spe- bombs on Warsaw into a smashing It’s the Mayfair plarbor turned) -It is Clive of Indla,. Kitchener . . ° lenuse of misfortune to hin sitlerate lcific Potent is available to re- ; : - + ins , | + . ‘ : y . ‘| a f ~colessus—and a terrible instrument! parachute trooper:_a grimy coal:!of Khartoum, Wellington of Water-| Tt is Curtin of Australia, Mae-| hogan August # and dominated the|li¢ve the condition, not to eure it, land in a large percentage .of cases ) | Boat results —are-—obtainable Even } : | kenzie King, Anthony Eien anc 3 | Winston Churehill; the King and| those abating ee” , hase ads - } ae jenjoy some measure of frelief, it is |sweet Queen Elizabeth—God truly], 1 s jsave them—and the Unknown So'd-|°" ancy aMtnan pian ‘ Sa eesuene lier—the Union Jack and the Maple suffered by some patient’ were duc Heat and the awful-majesty of that |‘ sootenrel Sascctiva. i. a biped deathiess ‘name—the British Empq vente or to dosage error, it is -sta ix ited. Treatment should be done before . € € : ! 5 | What a proud people you should | @ be! And it is every man womantin’ pollen season, and most of the @ & i ; i i patients seen by Dr. Hughes sought + and child who buys a Victory Bon : jand stamp, su orts the Red Cross help before they were affected in 1 yports » Re 5, f ; : bis : PI . (1042, Plants which pollinate in the gives his blood for plasma, glowing | - Ha denaplfiee AhAl ecomies nation as |Breatest abundance and which have lour wounded bear their sain ‘ that the most toxic pollen'as a rule make | trely “Thera will shears be ait pees Rita vest amreunr, Gt srentrsene England!" m }necessary., Ragweed is one of these, * a: It's “self-interest become self-| Ehyeictane)-(enould- dhe rable, to -interes rome self: ise relief jn 80 to 90 percent aacrifice—the spirit of indiffercnee promise_xelief in ~ Seb hie | become the spirit of Gen. Montgom- | lery—the homeste: irk \° * ob Sectaenltbaani\ hoinlgi tase OF ithe 235 patients seen be Dr. Hugh- jeathedral because of the prayers of | 7 z : os, 66 percent had satisfactory re- | ‘ os mothers there; the dingy town be-| i . & : jsults and 27 pereent had fair res- @ Everybody is thinking a great deal about the future these days . . . planning ... getting ready for the period to follow the war. All realize that the war may bring surprises—but the tide is turning in our favour. : age of cases resist treatment. Of Chemists and engineers, producing things needed for War, are making discoveries come a flaming symbol because it lalés * which will mean comforts and con- has given birth to heroes; and the! . ie Svcs ales ee veniences for all of us when peace comes. human heart and soul become torch PIE Ses, : ~ N thod a f aki re and beacon to light the way to SYDNEY — The Prime Minister Sah oon a ngs, ght Liberty and Freedom for all of the recently stated ~~that- by January, processes, new materials, now being oppressed peoples of the world. 1943, the Australian Navy had In- * * My peor 3 filed away in blue prints and formulae, That ix the British Empire! |ereased its strength by 28% since will us many new and useful That, too, is Canada. and it’ is|the war began, the Air Force by articles. Many things not available now for that, that we work, and pray,}“00%, and the Army by more than jand fight! And unto whom we sur- )-50%. render up our sons! : — id God Save the King and bless the; NEW ZEALAND had, in May, 1943 | British Empire—the people here) 80,000 men serving abroad and a will be replaced by better models and designs. You may have plans for a new home, remodelling your present home, new home furnishings. If you are a farmer jassembled, and may you serve vour|simi'ar nomber fully mobilized for King and Queen and Empire even home defence. Naval personne) num- * . 5 jhetter now, with your influence; bered 7,500 prewar figure 700), you will need new and improved so as jand vour effort and your unsporing and Air Foree more than 30.000 ment and machinery. dollars! pre-war figure 1,250), Now, while you are thinking and plan- seteee pee tee ee tide = ning, you can do something to insure that your plans can be carried out. Victory Bonds—which can be bought on convenient instalments, with money as you get it—provide a means of keep- .ing your savings intact, earmarked for things you want. He'll Appreciate The Home-Town Paper “Tt’s just like a letter from home” Most Canadians are saving money. Most of us are buying Victory Bonds ands when we buy Victory Bonds we are helping to win the war. We are helping to speed_the day of victory and we are doing something that will benefit ourselves. WHAT IS A VICTORY BOND? A VICTORY BOND is the promise of the Dominion of Canada to repay in cash the face value of the Bond on the date of maturity with half-yearly interest until that time. A Victory Bond is the safest investment in Canada backed by the entire resources of the Dominion. Canada has been issuing bonds for 75 years, and has never failed to pay every dollar of principal and interest when due. A Victory Bond is an asset readily marketable at any time. Send It To HIM To-day! 1 year ( in advance) $2.00 The Oakville Record-Star Colborne St. - - - - Oakville, Ont. a ee ee ee ee ae ee ee lin ile The World’s News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper Published by THE CHRISTIAN, SCIENCE PUBLISHING. SOCIETY One, Norway Boston, Mamachusett G. Sa ieee Zot Ready a . 2) A anrmare Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. e Seturday Searcy a cared Sin rene a Year. Obtainable mtr Hel F a CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOMS Dundas Street, Oakville [ a National War Finance Committes ——— = - a SS — oS ———— a ees = St + }of eases, as only a small pereent- *

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