Oakville Record-Star, 30 Sep 1943, p. 6

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; om Page 6. =e THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Thursday, Sept. 30,1948. = f the groom was best “man. ‘Proceeds for boxes for overscas. | PALERMO Following the reception at the) Mrs. E. P. King ee or 2 kable ‘Arrow Paper Co. _ All Classified Advt’s. are cash with order. Advt’s, taken bp tele- phone will not appear if not paid for by 5.80 Wednesday prev- . ious to. publication. Pleaso Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIMALS . - to , Oakville Humane Society Phone 515 Lost and Injured Ammals H ly Treated SALE BREAD-ROLLS AND SWEETGOODS GIVE YOU _EXTRA VITAMIN Bs WORK WANTED — Book-keep- ing, typing, accounting. Phone 6978. Rooms Urgently Needed Mother and danghter (adult) ur goutly require twa rooms in Oak- ville on of before October Mth. Preferably with board, but arrange nichts for preparing meals would be satisfactory. Reply ta Box No, 240, Oakville Reeord-Star. FOR SALE — Building 10 long, & 6" wide, 9’ high, double pitched roof. Good sheeting covered with stained shingles, ideal for chickens with verv little revert work. — M. Cavan, 64 King 8 Sapo WANTED All kinds of live poultry. Ab- solutely highest prices paid? We call for them. Goose and duck ticks. Phone Jas. Turner, Oakville FOR St tons good whit straw, baled, Telephone 430J3. 25pao FOR SALE — 1 bedroom suite, chest of drawers, 1 dresser, vanity andchoir,bed, and night table, new. Phome 141, lesa 480, or phone Stan. Wood, Bronte 265 r2, or write Moses Zener: 402 Dovercourt Rd., Toronto. 38-42 NOTICE I, William Medland, will not be FOR SALE—Walnut Hisplay ease 6 feet wide, 7 f Glass doors, oval glass on baa ile for quick sale, Also Moffat electric stove in good condition. Enquire Pig & Whistle Inn, Bronte. 61)¢39 FOR SALE — Dav hed, "good sondition, also Sparton fléor model radio, built-in acrial. 5 Wilson St. 27p3 responsible for any debts contract: ¢d in my name, by Mrs, Rose Med- land, from this date. September 30, O48, W. MEDLAND, 1,00 pa04% TENDER WANTED harn lo- removal of the _ For the Evenings. a0 7 ~ jonly feathers wanted, also old feather ‘ home the bride donned a navy coat,) with matching hat and accessories for travelling. Their honeymoon will on Monday from her husband, . 7. King, advising he *r of } (Continued From Page 2) son Edward, of Tansley, Miss Kath- ‘. Opens In Oakville hia suf Arrow Paper Perine Flock and Miss Bernice Me- Dougall of Hamilton, and Mra. B.jbe spent in the United States. On, arrival overseas On_ Monday the Fox of Oakville, were Sunday vis- their return they will live on the! Lloyd King, son of Cpl. and Mes. ae CBs a8 Mr. itors at the home of Mr. und Mrs. |Dundas Highway. Perey King, has joined the R.C.N.- Ws I. AysttIl of Toronto; wi Gkorve “Fe. ett maienesie Wilts He ladtared:oraba aerriee aoe ro alba in’ the Marlatt ‘ ' Ta ory iMing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leedham and }The Anniversary services of Munn's) ednesday. : iam ry building Son Stewart of St. William's, vis-|Chureh willbe held on Sunday mear-| Horace Howell, Jack Migyrinsan |. The. SOMpENY Sul be oheanene ik Lm) ear Spe Tee EW ayeve tang, vt. 10H. Rev. Wesley Wiih-tind Fred Savage lelt recently okt ee ee ees Yor and Mr. and Mrs, Fax Ball dur- | jsett; superintendent of Fred Vieto: eageatioe Merde nth AB on overnmen® contracts. Daw to ing the weck-end, Mission, will conduct the service. Fray hee hc rao SoRSMON Hs brake nature of the company's work, eS The P iNe Women’s War So mT ES MSABTOE TS NP the details af production are not ie astville Women’s War Ser eit the harvest fs Ain : 4 eat = = 4 i i VL OS >for ptridiertion: , ‘ vice Leayie will ¢ondiact their ard jtoha TRAFALGAR jsalvage drive during the week be! Mr. Auatill “is enthusiasiilé aobut } ginning Monday, Oct. 11th. The; Mr. and Mr. F. RB. Dilworth, |The .co-operdtion he has reecived authorities are stressing the salvage Jim and Mary Dilworth, Toronto,| from the town officials and those been ing the plant. jof paper: Ol tron, rags and rubber were the guests of the Misses Mar. /Who have assisting: in prepar- G - PEACOCK jtires (no other rubber) are wanted. hs all, on Sunday. A quiet wedding was solemnized | at three o'clock on F riday after- noun, Sept. 24th, at. the héme of | | én the bride's parents, Mr. and Vrs. | | Joseph Peacock, Omagh, when their! daughter, Miss Myrtic Christ-} ena Peacock, Wis united in’ marriage | to Howard Caverhill King, Mr. and Mrs, George H, King, Dun- | dus Highway, Trafalgar. HH ungeli | 4. Cleghorn the Presbyterian | Chureh, Preston, brotherindJaw of the groom, performed the cereniony. The wedding music Miss Donna Downs and Mr. Mason sang, i The bride was given in marriage} her father and was attired in| a gown of Queen Elizabeth blue | crepe. Her flowers were pink roses. | son of} tev. ‘at NEW SCHEDULE PRESERVES RATIONING EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 30, 1943 choices both of products and was played by | Wilmer | by 0 Preserves rationing gives the consumer a number of Mra. Wilmer Mason, who attended | the bride, wore skylark blue crepe | sizes of containers. Because of the wide range of container sizes and the variation with bouquet of pink roses. Cpl. * in buying habits across the country it was necessary to put'the system into opera- Donald “King. RCAF. brother at tion and then make adjustments on the basis of experience. cated on the Reetory property at Palermo. The Jowest mor any tend- ORCHARD Nursery Stock — In- formation und prices - cherry, pear, er not necessarily accepted, Te niders | will be received by the undersigned Now that preserves rationing has been in effect for several weeks, it is possible to made some increases in coupon values. The new schedule is announced below and is effective September 30th. The new doubled ration Bismemences for molasses, TAX SALE TOWN OF OAKVILLE | Take notice that a list of lands extracted and comb honey will ‘their elaime. IF YOU are thinking of laving Immediately after the said last vour «ar up fer the winter, we lave mentioned date, the nasets of the some heated storage space left. said? Estate will be distributed am- Phone 141. 130-40 dba’ Sa: parties entitled thereto FOR RENT — Board and room vl andl only elaims in quiet home for working couple which, the undersigned shall then or qné or two girls, Large, airy fMive notice, rec cand aH heme privilege Ap-l Lhited) otOakville, Ontaria, this ply Box 241 Oakville Recant. Star, 8th day of September, 1643. S3psh CHARLES LEROY BENAES ~ FOR RENT — Comfortable front enor, bed room, well furnished, warm, By - W, ROBINSON, ie c. Onk central, suitable for business wom- ville, aria His Solicitor an, teacher, Breakfast. References, a7-30. Phone 641, Ba pao COMPLETE FOUND FOUND—Red setter, male, bear- ing Mimiceo tag 405. Apply Oakville Humane Soetety, telephones 515, 25139 WANTED WANTED —_ Piano. fash for good piano. Box 23) ord-Star. WANTED TO RENT —— house or apartment. Apply manager, Lob'aw Groceteria. HOME WANTED — F pups, ma'e and female, Humane Society, 515. ANTED Furnished without board. Phone 11. Will pay 39 Ree- 2530 Small Ment 25p39 “collie or. = 251¢39 _Foom a5pae WANTED — Temporarily, labour ‘ Part **8 to aesist in setting up factory. time. Apply to Hercules Manufaect- uring Company Ltd, 20 Dundas St., North 7139 DELAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS AND !ttLEEES Repair Parts and Service J. CRONE, BRONTE, ONT. PHONE 44 r 15 Oakville’ (A The acned hae received in- \structions fran A. L, <ENT, to sell at the f, - One Mile north-| west of Oakville Station - Let 15 2, &D.8., 6th Line Trafalgar, ial IDAY, TOBEE 15ST, 1943, at 2 pan. the following: 1 Bull, Vatley Sreat anewater Foremont, | coming 2 yearg old, an exceptionally well-bred bu Alan-Be La Verne,' fresh, and velfer ealf: coby alia Ba! above, fresh, and heifer calf; ghters of nhove, duce; 1 cow, pune with boll ca 1 sow, fresh, bred ugnst 15th;} a-vear heifer from bove, due; 2 cows fresh in June: 2 cows, fresh in Ju'v; 2 cows not! bred; 4 grade cows: 1 cow, red and? white, p bred Sept. 18th; 2 heifers, 1 rear; 2 heifers, 2 years; 2-unit Hin- man milker and dairy utensils: large Kelvinator milg cooler, 1 Clyde mire, aged; 1 Percheron mare, aged: 1 6-year mare, general purpose; Reatty Washer, 25-evele: Thor washer, 60-evele. This is an except- } 1 | ionally fine herd of Commercial ‘cows: Positively no reserve, IR. /Rt. Ford, J. A. Elliott, | f Clerk. Auctioneer | | 1038-39, apple, peach, ete. - on application. /ynti) Ort, 15th at 12 o'clock nodn. Stark Bros. Quality Stock, av Lact THOS. N. BUL LOCK, for sale for arrears of taxew has| sivable consumers in areas where consumption of these products is heavy, to buy lands Orchards, Ltd., sass i en Warden, Sige 287 ea Bad feat apie Ue i. more and still leave caseak for districts where the total demand is light. t. 4c. 3. Luke’ wi Ch h.j@! may be had in the lee of the HONSER FOR SALE Thins St. Luke's Anglica» eNas Treasurer and the said list wil! be| The increased ration allowances for corn, cane and blended table syrups and maple houses og Bond Street for $3,000. | publishe din the Ontario Gazette on syrup ore adjusted to bring coupon values more closely into line with the great Apply Mrs, Charles Ribble, Bond| NOTICE TO CREDITORS | October 2nd, 1943, November 6th,| variety of container sizes now in use. St., opposite LO.F. Home. 83p39 146 and December 4th, 1943, and | FOR SALE — Larce office tabic,| IN THE ESTATE OF EMMA Mess pee hee ee aease ch ch seat one or two people, two draw-|CATHERINE DREWRY, DECEA- : es, the lands. will be temas ers, quarter-eut oak, Good ae new. (SED. aold-for taxes Ui me_ in. the, Cotta: | ONE “D” COUPON IS GOOD FOR Bargain Counter, 143 Colborne St] All persons having claims against | yin, * “J ahh hanestercanehbetaan te nd . a Sp88 the estate of Erma Catherine De-|hoqe” ce 19 Weick tei ton Wet, Mere Thee FOR SALE—Stove, Climax, reas-; wry, late of the City of Toronto in : onable, also "38 Plymouth Coath: [the County ya York, deceased, who ‘Treaster = ms ora Jams, Jellies, Marmalades, Maple Butter, a condition inside and out, Jow/died on or about the Sth dav of Sal aonb —mileage..Box 242 Oakville sealers tsp ‘miber, 1943, are sa nate, leR9-0S Apple Butter or sed Butter 6 FLUID 02. ar 9 jed to send to Dunhar eddle AUCTION SALE ‘ ee a jOakville, Ontario, Solicitor for the | . . te Ta ie i hort: Fae Sates of the last will and test- OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Comb Honey (in seiares) ators nipberrays EC Bet One Standard Section W. I Austill, Lindy Lodge Lane ent of the said Emma Catherine | | 5 —_—_——- } or taksahote Bast. ; zap39 Drewrs, feceased, on or before the, The undersigned has received in- | y of October, 1943, full par- .Structions from Cut Comb Honey - - = = «= = «14 LB. NET FOR SALE — Solid walnut _dou- scale of their claims. Immediately | CANON D, RUSSELL SMITH or \ ores “and ue springs, ee BS ‘after the said last mentioned date,/T° sell by pan Auction at the cted H 5 . : ~ craton radu © assets of the said estate will he |Premises, St. Jude's Reotory, Wil- Extr Ma 2 ft. 11 in, $15.00. Phone 837. 41p99 | Fist ributed amongst the parties en- liam Street, Oakville, on a oney Or ple yrup =». . . 12 Habe, 02. AL FOR ae 9 — Washing machine, | titled thereto, having regard only’ FEY eek OCT. 2nd, or ( Brantford Locomotive, completely|to the claims which the undersign- t pm., the rea Seen eae ee i reconditioned. Apply Imperial Ser-led shall. then have notice | GerlardHcintzman piano, ! beds, Maple Sugar pean dR Pet Celina Se 1g LB. NET M | vice Station, phone 760. 2h pap Dated thie 24rd day of Septem: eerie and mattresses, 2 single dn ; or FOR SALE — Two corker span-|ber, 1943, beds, 1 single hed; apri nk anil mat- és iel puppies. Phone S867J4. 5 Dunbar M. Heddle, tress, 3 rugs 9x12, stair carpet, | Molasses- - - - - = «= = « 20 FLUID OZ. FOR SALE — Ducks, dressed, 4 < __ Onkville, Ont., rate Ae chests of “drawers, + (1 PINT) i ls I ov elivore arin re. Solicitor for the Exeentars, 54 aeee 0 claire, rocking rer Siveph Pickett, Miho, RA esd hairs, 2 verandah raga, pietures, Corn Syrap, Cane Symp, or f any Blended 2 ” 4 Sh ee ei —— i toile ar chen table, kitehen | 50p39-40 4 t bok Table § = « 14 FLUID OZ, bine en, go stun HK FOR SATE ——Vasaiag waits| NOTICE TO CREDITORS (2!"%:1,"057, all in. Jegee ! leghorn hons, alive or drossed. Phone AND OTH ERS leum Has ndz ‘oe sl eal pre, kiteh: . ‘| BE. Bamber, : “Span S PIE EST ATE OF THOMAS th utensils, 3 mirrors, garden hose, | Canned Fruit - bed = * s bd be = Lad 10 FLUID 02. I FOR SALE’— Nappy Thought), |S : MAS jchild’s play-house 7x7. H rook stave. Good ritphtt: Alea iL CARPENTER HAGAMAN, DRCE- TERMS: CASH ~ i or ; pieces of furniture, Teleplione Port ip Bink Wilson, 7) fateh ; Sugar ee em ee ee eae te he LB. NET Credit 2209. J, Wesley Peer, Lorne] Al persons having e'aimea against | Clerk, Auetione or! Park, T8p39-41 jthe Estate of Thomas are . ee leat Hagaman, late of the Town of ( | ti LOST ville in the County of Halton, Re. AUCTION SALE Coupons D-¢ and D-§ od - ark nas red Farmer, deceased, who died on | of PURE BRED and GRADE AES AST — Girl's rain cape, in Chis- | 4, alaut the 4th day Of December. | ata holm'a field, befwrcen Allen and (hat ete hontgty iay of December | SERBEY and GUERNSEY CATTLE! NOW BECOME VALID SEPTEMBER 30th ~ Reynolds Streets, Telephone 505. \to the i RY d Solicitor for the Ris , goof ins Reward. 5p39 Exeeutor on or before the PSth day” : Shah isd Nl i ia reteived hie} The validity date of these coupons has been moved forward from the Or dil id 1045 Ld Md r et 1s on i . b FOR RENT of October, » full particulars age WR. A. GRUBEMAN original October 14th to September 30th. Bede My eee pees ate This has been done to accommodate purchasers of some items which at Trafalgar, formerly Furness Far at this season of the year are normally bought in large units. Cor Gth Line do Upper Midk ite | + at pada = Coupons D-6 and D-7 will become valid on November 11th and iho WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6th, 1943 original schedule will be continued from then on, with two coupons at LS0 pom, the felewi i i COWS—Jerses rade, becoming valid every four weeks. er fresh in June; Jersey RATION ADMINISTRATION ; mes & riate, mies THE WARTIME. PRICES AND TRADE BOARD | Guernsey grade, Bs " July; Jersey grade, ‘ ‘ | Nove mber; Jersey grade, wears idue December. Jersey grade, 4 yrs = j due October: Jersey grade, t wren, Ps ‘due Noveniher: Guernsey gryde heifer, fue time of anle: Purebhed ' Jersey, 7 vears, fresh in MA betes sey pradé, 3 years, due January? Jersey heifer, 17 months, due March eligible for registration: Jersey inn i grade heifer, 10) months. : CALVE s—3 Guernsey heifer cal . ves; 1 Guecaes bull en lf a6 Sed D | BULLS — Purebred Guernsey, a es on an € ivery 18 months: Jersey bul’, 20 months, eligible for registration, REEF STEERS — § head choice “steers 18 months to 2 years. HORSES — Team of Geldings, aged, a reliable team HOGS — (White Yorkshire) Sow with first litter ten pigs (five weeks jold: time of sa'e): Sow, dye to far- row about Nov. Sth, first licter. 1 Hinman milking machine use 2 vears; 1987 Dodge, 1% stake hodv, dua! wheel truck, ex- cellent condition and good tires: 1 =-furrow tractor plow: 1 9-furrow horse plow; 1 harrel molasses; 1 Nanny Goat, great weed destrover: About sixty ¢ons good hay, also a ,quantity of loose oat straw, Ford, J. A. Elliott, Auctioneer, 1¢39 Good Condition A- REAL BUY, HITCHCOX MOTOR SALES Oakville Telephone 345 De ( Clerk.

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