Wilf Penson was a Volunteer in the Milton Fire Department for 20 years. He also worked in the Public Works Department as the Works Superintendant. He was Captain of Company #2. There was always a friendly rivalry between the other fire companies as to who was the best. He always said that "we are number two Fire Company but we are the best".
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Halton Images is created and maintained by the public libraries of Halton Region, the Burlington, Esquesing, Milton, Oakville and Trafalgar Township Historical Societies.
Wilf Penson was a Volunteer in the Milton Fire Department for 20 years. He also worked in the Public Works Department as the Works Superintendant. He was Captain of Company #2. There was always a friendly rivalry between the other fire companies as to who was the best. He always said that "we are number two Fire Company but we are the best".