Hello Harry, I'm pretty sure you won't remember me, but a couple of years ago my cousin and I were trying to find information about our great uncle & great grandfather Harry Giddings. You knew of them. I could have miss understood you at the time, but did you say, at one time, you lived in the Giddings house? Could you please let me know. We are busy trying to gather more information on the Giddings, we would love to track down the trophies of the Queen Plate winners. Just to see them would be amasing. Thank you, Debbie Wood
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Halton Images is created and maintained by the public libraries of Halton Region, the Burlington, Esquesing, Milton, Oakville and Trafalgar Township Historical Societies.
Hello Harry, I'm pretty sure you won't remember me, but a couple of years ago my cousin and I were trying to find information about our great uncle & great grandfather Harry Giddings. You knew of them. I could have miss understood you at the time, but did you say, at one time, you lived in the Giddings house? Could you please let me know. We are busy trying to gather more information on the Giddings, we would love to track down the trophies of the Queen Plate winners. Just to see them would be amasing. Thank you, Debbie Wood
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