When we moved to Milton in 1954 we lived in the lower left side of the grey tenement, Mike Wilson, who worked for the Town lived in the right hand side and George Bundy and family lived in the two tone house to the right of the tenement. I think Mr. Bundy had a fuel supply business and for years was a volunteer fireman.
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Halton Images is created and maintained by the public libraries of Halton Region, the Burlington, Esquesing, Milton, Oakville and Trafalgar Township Historical Societies.
When we moved to Milton in 1954 we lived in the lower left side of the grey tenement, Mike Wilson, who worked for the Town lived in the right hand side and George Bundy and family lived in the two tone house to the right of the tenement. I think Mr. Bundy had a fuel supply business and for years was a volunteer fireman.
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