Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1875, p. 4

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n .t Irir fm ,^' yisr-:;V { \.....Il.. ^..i-j. THET ^cMir ?m press MvtMf, irrnHpuld't^Mnfthrt'e months *osiWiiriiita 1 WvUbUwr^tt not iialnlMMtnv oiiaor Ui> jttrd No pai e< wtH'ti* Wilt tolauy iVJjj*1ifevU * j>r '"-** -"-- Uii per ofr-raor than oneyeki- hqvJti'U' ' a*.* Av*HTat*s^KiKht **pt* p*f Itne ft*- nr*t itwrl>oHi,rttJ(Lp<-rt)tt; 'p^r'itt* tor eatflii -suwequtrtfti ^u*eril<ic t>tfoiiad>rHs<>iat-ms<j>r. Ut|tY Hoes hoi) tiiAieir, Bl t*t Hire* tnserttch Ikislrirs* Card^ttt eight -llm* d tift'lcr, <4 per iijlsrfoi taHp&je&ib ilvcnl*c tfttvM ItlT ixtnticlisl |.<-tW* ttoscJ*cnl> "Mthnlit Special tnsirflc- ntsMrJjnalAV u _. .., .who..-- .- ...... itmaucnlt advcniMMhcms to b* paid tor iy Spe<5(l. Settle*, tboobjeel of wiaeh ipoi; ..... llVJJU an MvertbJc-menu 'X* ta prtimwc.llic:peciuUury.enctli orn>- Individual or ouip^oy, to be eGtwlucrod A L^y.On Canadian Nation-1 TXT-ft 0&RVM^\;fc.*>;T. II ftlity. } JT *|Or*duU >f Trinity Col' ......ISP*-.- truqrt ordered. All KiKeitlsln^ iiecouuts -*er.>tl quarterly^ - - . ~Xi%U*,oi MJaYrbigeiLi fefrtbs k*a Deaths ' "u r n ' "" i ij'i _J____' - ' ' - == :Jjt3x Aneastefc SjiU^cei Story >m Ifl^pS'i- ji .^flfpt^CI <HW^ JW3JTES BY ,A; tttLK ;Jt i^very seUtetjtthat tho ueiv^ pliers of the ^6u|mioa are -called 1 upon tochronicle ^ jjenujne: snakf js$ory;.\| itfqwdve^-j^^uuiiib onb .conies ^,^An<s|'er|fi)is xre^kji.tUe. ^Trq^iiWihg a "y^\ii^ girl named Ln6y"&nitjb, x<<si^i|ng:n?ar the yifc. - lage oiT-Alacaster^ | jyti'thp reptije one of those ^4eo^s<^ello3S-'spott<&d .. jiipnstors kfipwn ^s nvilirinakes.. ,' Thagirl Lncy hadigprtB out in the' nt^ming with lier pail; for tS'je piiis }xxi*c picking iacil.ebprries,': %ier ^ap3'aiik^j,jBjr ,q\iite Jiarc; bift. danntfyjgirls,' f, and; picked braaiblra-^-ich Cii&jSijch gric^ -wt<d counj^. 03 an H*'*-!*'-""%:"'\ ' -S\' ' '/' IndijS.:'i'Alt sbej jneinembered of IS?~r- i^ .?-; '.' ' her'wsfortnfic ii tlftiVas'ahe wjis- yalking thrbugh stme burdocks slie ^tej)peid .nfio&^spmetning softy slimy ; I .^- -and jpn ftliD24i sticag- - * ing seji^tiQn-lij'ljeij?.'a^&hrlike tRe tbiicKcf a thistle/ jjooiedldpwn, and to her .inexpressible horrbr heboid bononrtily Uulto In p)i yiijigV out uiensucoa proiwactl by tl Gfoyirn- nieitt for tho gooil of i tin gjjuntfy jrtC8p>ii; self interest XMwpii'ty >rejndijco, they muat Ik^oji p tbetlosV rof tboi present oontiiry ; jecono a* great fljud prbsperbus pep lie, \ ertr- ing thpir own ling, and onjo/jinjj! itbuir: ojwn national Uy,3" . Tba above is an extract fromth^ introduction ' to':.- i into'\< iditiou of Mrs M<jP>lie,'a weH knof'n. \i*orki "Forest Lifo in Ginada," and |was *riueh so rei^ntly tis 187 1.' Here: suretyjis" ttvaspn" to tbo ol<l flag; treasbiji to the boivry ciwl of paity govern.ment,; and a positive' advo- Nvon^le*.is that tbo lynx*yes of thq 6?/Jt>atnd 'A/atil editifs hid ndtdia- coyeiejd Ltbo' paragraph ind jshot forth glan<?ea of sternest denubcia: tions <>f boih;the-bopk^aiid its au- 'tb<}r. j-Perhaps though, t leydp^not consider tiie fair and taleuteE ^'lit- r "ajfoeinaTi "worthy of t ieirjst;eel." ^|Vfe;:i$^k'4': ~ v -'. ^cy^ike most yp^ng da ^PiP^^ml - i ? 0" .'.; ^"^ E^J* aiid* strong, ^^T*'fv'1\ 4-~: . ' Tfef-TlrJSy:\th'!>st^-.%ehr :~l'fijp* I. r '\3*J^* m$iStX:t - .... pjuij; ot-ber.proper placjO; iBaithis is'not ^batvMi^ Jlowdie harf<lone. Takig her stund op a hi ;h,Q'r p^ane, she stes.and cojrectly es imat'eis the La huge milk snake of extraordinary- effect] on,oiir cpu-atry's ft ture qf the propordjnstwiaing itself abo^t her nmyatrained ingjienee ol, self-ibter- ;leg and str^kuig at itTFit^ <fis'tend- est :afd -pjitiiy' prejudice. She (sees i fcjjpji anjija.wa.j She riniember- thjit these things ilwart < he growth Eorhaps they think thai lady's ideas on.political matters are'ojf no' aiSconJUt, .especially- whe l shti. de^ nonncies <4islf interest i nd-^ party; prejudice," for Aese are tho Wry lif blood iofvtlip party i irgan and the profefdional *i>oiiticir j>art zan. Jiv tins mhtter wu:confess'to being soineihatjeonservative oi inself j for wo;-ate .oi| those'who, think | thaV ladies! like ciegymen, sht hid ^stand; aloof |fron the ^emorali jing influ ence; of pArtissin warfaii . Ajs >ve' hold th*t no clergyiriai mm Sui^ooiM.-rMiti tjTRjitT, Actox, /~\;. ' Offioo pvbr; tho Bank of." Cpmm^Vcp, . ;ipuMphr' ' V: .". Wo' kro agenta for several nrst^M9 tobk fth'l huitual c rtnipivnie*. . 4 .'. Outers luft t tioVKiacruKSS ptR< wUl;rec!oivsprotupt attention. :! *, Roir v tl!uNNix6.U*;. :)Ikkry I. Dii i,KK. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Ftor Hm;'JB ty *f Ualt^n-" ' Sale* tttotled-tU in ahy:part ofjthc GouBtj, ^t rcasoui Jo rates. p' ^Akd-ois: : A. DAVIDSON,- [.! r~ ' Campbenyjtle, JP-Q- OttViER LOZIER,, PLASTERER, A TToi*,; Q.vT.; Every .dueriptibn' &f Pbutoi big, and IV ugh-casting <4qi the nic st rt!*8onabl<> terms, ana 9>,1 tion: gt anuitecd. ru hiifisolf mth either of lhe; parties' ao\r fcontendingjfpr the]irivils|geof TtfaTAL EXCHANGE HOJtEL, rulini the country withb it denogat-iJLv .lotan,' Opt Rort. Diesrs, i?rop. ing'Iron)!' thofrespeiet < tie" to his/ a-----'" v"" ,nLT" """ ^knmnA'^"' sacrea oifice, o we belie' e that tlie lady p\\o beepmo a par ijah. pteps iLiSt'^f-'.'-T"'-"1!*! ( mmm - eii nothing aronj "than1 that $he screamed Tintil she fojand herself in her own i>ed at hoiiiie."' 'Fortunately at the time pf her wlventura sever^ men werS working in an oat field nejar by, and h**ing seen- the girT go ^b the berry .patch, and bearing shortly ' jnfterwaixlsj.'. a' piercing repng' ' iiance acd agpttf as plainly as'words conld haVe done, Aey hastened into the 'patch, and a^er a search of half an honr gave it iip is at.hiid 5ob, -which, as we view it^yrill give arguing that the' gtrl h^t} probably ' - been sj^ag by & wasp or Some other Tenotaous iflsecti J^d had }d: -the, patch by some;other onscn're- way. After the mga hd gone Ijack to their work thee ^ttje: girls entered the'pa^ch fojr'iijjg pnrpose of picking hernes. <^^ focy snortly aiteV- ^ yard teomnippeed tp- scrgaip, one ;.".;, ^te^^ahQther.i aod ran in to the fiekl yhefp th njenjwdre working, when one'of^he girls f4ll down in a fit. ? . The .others told the,men ag well aa they, could through their fear and "excitenjeh^ that Luey Smith ya ; lying ii ie.i)erry ipatch, Bd that - a big v&rm. had killed hsr.'sJid was ? jaiitin^her wp| They^-iingiediately ; h^teiiie#int the j^atdn^whereithey oflgehhijoS' patriptissa, a id.prpyent' the 4evel6pemeV of th >se higher sentiments' of natio'n;tlit / which it is thii iduty' of every". Cihadianri to sednrnisiy" cultivate., ;; ^Te. do not suppose that Aire; Mood efpresliad- owa in the paragraph qti oted, a r^ajc- j i ionall existence for- Cana'hi iseparnte ' from] and. ^ihdependaijt. of- Great Brjtainl-|; She certainl^ speaks Of a relation difierihg front i i hafi ,of the , niereiy colonial days relation at the. same time ample 'fc'opo for he development^of a natibiial feeltiig, sind for the exercise of; i hat-fore of the JVTother Land wfai'ci we should bejstjrry to see Canadiar seyerltj^e. Commending the extiac.t quoled abpyfe to the attention o * our bre ;h-. eni of thte partizini presi, :we dtdp for jthe present; the diwussion of ' ' the mb}&cL^-r-liTeaford 1 f&nitor. - GoLb .pispoEGgs.-j-vOur readers>ill xemember that some tiirje since an account appeared in Tas FiEB Brbss pf the absconding of C >!*, a from t bout S XX? ibelODtgbg to Molsbn's Bafak He jj^as jTollbwe4 ^p-Plym outh, Mich- jgan|iby.rM;r. Mqrdoob," commission nar- - peheld^ sight which wa^onou-h to S 0r*f"^?t ^ P,ronto. $ ^he J"^' make : the>lopd ^'f th^ stLngeS ***** 8nd *?**? "M * J*H WW- m s#* i.;fa.3>-;. t^-i.t'ftja. . man run cpld. There lay;-the un,-' ' fortunate girj'^ 4'4ead swopn and : ia-hpfL htpfjay";^Jarge milk snake which was very jealous, ofits^prey. The conduct of .the hfdeouss. reptile is the- men-apprbached ,Was: peculiar ^n. the extreme. With jits hood "ripd-lead distended, its bed jaws jfjde ppefe'"ifcL-loiig suppie ton^Je ^ ^r$in^ malicahsl^j|ight;and left, -" it "ranj, arouna4is-fvictim almost erect on "its tail,' Aliasing I savagely and making thfc, 8tr5apg^'^grinding -j noise which is possessed by one rlpf-. . tile of the snake; family4 the milk' ' r gpake. Ilage, jealptisy and excite^ _ 'meii.thad ma<leihe;creiature supple . jas^a cat|so'tilat"ifc;JWas" almost im- "si.sle to strike .itr with;a stone, cad ally M ILS. S. CAItTEK. R Teach' r rMutlc, mrnmu THE ,;-f.ft^M^l ^- ,j-J-:- '*>' : m-. a. ;:> ^';-';: .>: W&l^MWS^:. *<gm ^:;:rf:;-.\%;-;:':;-^::|i=!v m m fviVr.-V.--: BU -.r' ' .t.-.;:,'> > y 1 )nmlm aid French, Ch|reh.stre<4^, Abtiinf ' 0^ jSINHOUiiE;' Acton! Cloki>ito r;:tbo.<?. T. Kiilway Station: -I Kx- eellcmi acfcominodt tion for the traveling public _THOS. CjAMPBELL, Ercjpr; DO MILS ION il OTEJb] Acton, OifT, Kobt: AcSskvv, Propriotbr. JT1-U new Hotel is fittec iipinfirst-clBssst/lo, with r ew.furn>tn'1 - -OonuncrcinlT)&yol. lerai'w 11 lind IgooU. accommodation^ and . conpnndiob Sam]>le Rooms. Special attont on .paid t> the ; wants ol' iflje travel ing public. ' Baraupplicdwitliitlie besjiiiquerasaaCigara. GoodStaUing and attentive Hosiers. . . i pie Rooms lai'go and cofaimoi ious; for 0o nmercSal Tn ivellers.: Good asebm- mwSatjiou for Tijavelle^ nd Gttcjsts. Be^t brands of Lirtuors i Ba?. Good Sta bling Hostl B. & E.t*ICi:LIK, Proii^otors,- Cigars at! the d. ,att4ntiya Floir and Fe k! always" on' land, wholesale and retail. . Gristing1 iand. Chop] >ing Daily. Gash for- all kflids of Gran:. PreparatDry to -removing^'u> more ' :- r-'?**l.i:li3-iii -^ 1 extensiveand <bmi#CMiiptt? pr^inis^Sr. HIL Mill StF:cJ, ACTOX, pE^LpaiN General Qpoceries, Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, ie was committed for;tiiai. Subser oued|ly Mr; Murdoch and ?Mr.j Z Lasy, also of Xorbnto,' a tiended khe tna'J and they have beer so far sno" etssful that they ha-ve go , hin> to dis gorge about $10,500 of -1 heir; mpiey he took with him. Tfcey had hitp ;anvfted, and by meap! of tbreiaU and perenasiops prevails tl^n him| at lastlto gins np hisBtoliFrH property^ oh ipondlljonthat no h Jther Bteps *onid be taken against him^liint that he wonld be allowel to rftbm to Cinada in safe ty, "i f he so Vtshed.' He Said that all the meney be had takw with him was 8I3.( OO.ot which 88.000 *asinvested in thb farm, ?2;? 500 ne was allowed to k sen, and be giv/9? up $2.5Q0.: He p )sitjyely reyl i.useil at first id assign the farm over, but at last was prevailed oW to do sb., He^aid he ha^lost,^I0,(00 sin,ce p'e i*ii *-mA ? rf-^v ' /Ititn'n ili-ii^t-^rt MLtaL -' "" -j. -.,- . >.- , . , . - cami! to ;Owen Sdiind,;-hvbichjfstory f1^ .*be ^u w^e afraid to his creditors may^be*e if they-l(ka, ^irpy; jrith any forca from a fear of He also said he bad no fjfSV-|3| _ the prostrate and helpless .jphHi. ""--Sonietimes " thb.. enako ^harged. ^vith, s^ch _ rapidity and; -!jfury. nai>'the meri w-jere forced ? tp retreat, when thp creature would ' ^njm'to';i&j;yictim';and cbil it&lf ftp Jn he^. Jap,!. Fortunately,; a .^eigjbbb'-, eejjsg the. disturbance ar* riyed with a pitehforjc'an'd succeed- \edin transfixiB^(the. shake, which me^nreii 3ijh:ih. ia. length and '^ 4n cireuiiiuTerence at the largest- 1 part of it^b^y^v;'K^ uAWjinate WB8| offered a phfak i hfiiftk 'to ffil with any sum he^pKased>, if "he woiild'co'me but he declined. , ; -.1 Efforts have again be Bn made;.to . . _ , -.., . ihdrijie Mr. Jo|in Brigh' tooorrie to ;;.&** was carriedrhonie; when it'-was the iUhited Stites and 1 seturei-. ^e '>'- found; that Jjor Jeg - was, terribly -^' -1* Bwolh?p-and b^jt spotted green color j^Ute that of tftg snake itsfelf. The m\l" >iJ^naother of the schildj without,-thb " ; . *Mghtest hesittf^^epmiaenced to snck^thftwonuvL-'and soon reduced .;-." anJ,drove, a,way the V- --4.' colo#,j after!- which'-$ iji-awiug of : '/red c^baTC Waa applied^ and bre /morniMj; alf^sijgiw 'of aw.eljing] bad diaappehred. .^-Thp'jtw-1 basj^how ^i thbfdpghly 'recbvejfeA and has; sus- '4. | ^.ined np serious injuria sayp a |^hock of the nerVous^system from L *whieh her young frame w&l soon rnnninc away .%till -'witbin .three weeks of .his doihg so.; 5t'rn. AJole was! .visitbd/^*by one of thb firm of Mpiiison, Taylor-A por, qf'Tbrpotoi and jtheir persuasions ha& good'bf-' feet In procuring a Burre Vdbr. ."Hav ing ;,dohe' sb" moch Cole' promised to come oWer. if^pcessar; - and prove any [.accounts which might, requite proof: It is estimated tb at the estate wiil-rpalize somewhere tbout eevebr ty-five cents op the dol ar,' j :* * thought of- P JR. R. MORROWJ PI ysician, Sur, syue ^College, - of' Victoria feon, &a^ of -BeE ? I 'ork, also Gradual Consul ation Collegs, Caaada; ^ . ruefuays anil Friday*! 4p.nt.' Rej6dence West Act^n, fro n JAMES MATTHEWS, Conveyancer, llsstier pi ilarriagiB L censes, ' |"ost- Maater,'. Insurance Agent, Agent Money to Ejoan, Agent Montreal a el. Co;, Clerk : -ireeover.---Spectator: .;-" -' Mi Wopdatbek is agictate/l^byer|i the ;^0f ntriaance. [ A rjrppfo herd got into hne, of lihei^yaiagjpre' * garden fe;-j--A 'J jipatchw oie fine n%ht jbcently, and pPSp; : Jrf^rydnringap thht was devoufr" ' if^Wfci' wisi captured. Thetonfcrijged jplen imponnded the animals and fejt ! . i^lr*W*M daSntees-Slip iward M^^.- "^^^'^Bwor ,wa?"ll4,.-.i'Aii^/hq# : ^'^" that* ., -. - .^ -r 'L sbpofd gr>ppleVitD."it;Be f^MrKiMtsahce." -^j.'/f-r.r j ' '" Fonfth I>iv.;Cbnrt, Com; in<J. B.,j&c, Actbn, Qsilf. &a. ttt till BbweT.stireet, ir HENDERSON, Con rdykncer^&c.i Ri:a^o- Agent Canada \fdfe Aisnr-' nc4 Co.. Deeds, Mortg&j es, &j.,'j:pro- 'pardjl neatly, promptly, co rrecayima on reasonable terms. fMoney - to -Loan on MdEtgage Glasgow House, Acton. rr- t . "M, LATDiAW, Bai ristlrrA aSy^at-Li*; ^slicito -inCh ' Mfljon^dwn street ^^eJMiltpnVayie 1 ;"- : _.'-'- ."C -/" :t ' ^ ' &.* -Officw MiIon,to^ ._. _ wiUbeii^ttomanfeericnt-bf Dl W. ^_ . M Canpbell, andlMr. Lafdls w"Mll atkehd i J2SL%5.^SS M;eeR.,"., ,.;,'- ' Jf ActOB, July 1 oi^aio3i- ./Salary: Criickeryv:1 ti *'T=.V-'^-'.:|,":.|'";V'" V:'S W'lli^'^'^Wc-^^ 'i:- f <rp y-^s&^mk ^:^-m- -rpmim tfrnwrnx. , '.. fll-tt. Si! !*;': u: ., ..^ . -^ - "k' ' -. 'i :\.'i^- -:;-f ; Jf %T I ;"! - -1: MHJLLINEBlT i * 'fe^-.?;^' Jewelry. /jjp'n'tiftifl.i&Jgii: ^^ 'SiSjjibite^. ^^a,v ';. J * "Gbdl^bif i^ifeaji Our >tOJ* b .V-s,;;': h; " : :^.", 4Won.3.u'*ai i#^ IvM j-:.t". Their old frionda in-Acton and yicinityare specially- invUed ^o-cftfh >_:\'; .'f; ""' -/"v and participate;inth#b(rgaiafl'nd'w offered. " *'-'.' a-r-*.^ s".x* V'r " r^,::<-i',";/v. ' '. ^'1 WW. STEWART & tLi: >*- W all; ;5^;^jrpr( y i^Aacrtiih; '&?& & EW . Allorde^glvetilnioburfiaiidsVlli W utrioil}- attnueU . to, Htld warranted 4a. glyeiMUstfotton, afi we.implw ooqo'bat the be. t wjorkirfen und materla.M . > V . } QQT ijVBS warrrtnied I wSSf*' Barls^ 1 tlooja 1 thby are o( oarowuinanarafeiuyo." i, ,;"; ; ; JX n^v. R5JA#rtl|j|9;/ ;;v.- K4- ' '-" ": t'-'- Sp^V^ klttdn doi1d-cHh nOaths ahtf.oa -' :- * 'horequjeecwkIs Jrt1 r(ar Hne/yHb t lo-'give us a tail btfore pitrcBWh' pewhPr. . r' --4V ' s:V,- menuefiheBtand^-- i.. vVj; ,f >;-.^jiij!4,.MrSv -.1'.- .* w Liiseed <lil, saw ftrfsoUei ,: ;: .. JfaiivtS, /i.v v." Ttipjatia, Maciino Oil, '... CoalOil, :! ;';.i::'^tj'etoJ ALSO i- PARIS OKtN & HELLEBORE For'; the T)estn ciloa', o'f.: Pbiatq Bugs Galtrpllla:s;anflpt,bpr}"usccts.- .' " ThesubscrtbE f. ^begst to the ^^^^^^l^^^^&^i mMtm^mm '*~ij&> -, M x. sV.- fkOTW.-^x;,:. :' -: ' . BA*f.!,>,. tilis tojje^'pleasure In oiintmoclog jto the people of Aeton tinil sarranndlnj Aiun try tbathn Is ^ow rror*rd'bJ supply cn> tomers wub (syeryflii,4| ^ f^e jfne ^r;-; ;:. HARNESS,-. ' iXV ; iJ:: ,: TKTJNK^; #':.' wiiiPis^"v r?^l"||/' .[ ./.,H. v /.,-" ;. .' ..1-'-j--".!:. ','i'. Prices.: ^o> S'ntt'J-'tiie^rTOBiOB.- ::'il'I'l-r Lim^Q^uil^madeftlpeciaWy, 1 >i- Give Itlm a calt and MB(w)ll>ttoyon Jood ;ActooyJuly^.tS?^,. > t.N" :.-vK,:';?:'f}; V-'. . MAA2lNfeS JFOR y^;^|' ^ 'JB^iMlifefi f' $n3 CSJiiWren's rBbrM' -V^5 -"'^'4^ .^:i:: v; -.p^feia^."'.; ' <wtm '. M -' ' iiLi Bo* :^|^ p|Sep|^fe ndciff Bund8;yi;i^a|girpe i Good .^orblgrfbr.^ugust. '.t f.-.~j. Lf*- H.,^ -c, .- *C" :.^i; ftif t& b^st ^atl -raost^tt) \:' "' e^e^ited ,at;the BBAC:& CAMPBELL, ?n'!^?*<!'^'^< 'P^'i'^^vM ."i"."iif-'vv.'r' '" }i' ingcouDiry ftr the liberal pairpiuigj/ heretofore.exteiided to him, and at the' farna Ume sptli It their pirtjier, pupport K.'B.^.Cash'F ild fo* Hides dpllyerert, ~?Act<n,J'ulyJi^ls76li: '|J, '.]*' ,' ti^{ LIVERY & SALE J., P. ALLAN TakeS p'easitr* In announcing public generatl L.. - , tp tte jr. that ne : Is. praj tred -to. t*m*p- ' -" " ft'tif.' - ' FlrstiolaM.! torses aad Cafrjtai^a AtjBs asoaaSle jitates.!. HU Rigs an* HorsosBra the-b'gt. that ha Is determined i'-: yxo .*?*> tflans.^feSoHpqonsfenrt , en<iHre arid allycdmpobndits vt^ q'f laii^hlwujaasi^iBia WtlV1 debver milk ^iSZa^Jfcj^iSsSf&Lii'-l: SF? -;; OS0a*aiW-A^alWji .v ) j>- ij3! w;';i' >i'-'-v^iv 4.(^'hitl^'e^ftttm -. i. > .w<wjF,ouid4bT*eHWt>4aU^-HipWwho. ^^ng^*tWyiho^fn<ash: tatf ly purohkiiaa Jr nop "."j\':;";i-f- >'.;,.;' ' - sfite osajtie;'a ^^-S^^5^^^ift d a.nd anhihl in f,~Craypni'or' Pfclij, " '-""e^rt,- k...-f " .. , , ... ha^pnblio thit a'larga assort- vim sirf CTrfSs e>' "je4fjj8i;& ?:&ji$i;:\.. ffl$& m ^'w, 'k'--' pftpnm s i^b, p<>6r a) ia -jniiHi .:'J: n ' '. *,' ;.% ."< r--- ^..ij^^d^tesiea to order . ,. *."" . ilV) gojr^^arahteec teed. ..: "' * J*.' -'t' w* m m mmwmm ^^P" A?^i?"'-Sffi^^Vf?tt^thelbs^cepf their l^menie*bciti: ^i "S .'.^ #^ ^^ . . .'tn^raef toiai^^i^-f9rtbeiir'Ftel(lo6Vls^'r':--"'"'.- rri= ^8W.^Becare xttae of tibi" unheard of bVrgains that they are now i-: PjiMlc^dar.^ten^irpald to Gustoin Woric aid Repairing; A* we: emp^, Ph1y:iTrtt.cla4^Hi'men.-we cats'turn out work that forjstyle and dttrabilU - , *sa ty4Sseeond tbjoonhi,tb3 pominion. .;;. ;;-:>.: ML ^, Well Selected and CHBAP. ^^t Ban^alnsimay b always fia^ for Caali oi Protoce. '^^^^to_'d) B|p|eUya.i|3ash bi^me^,m ,onr"^bods Jre s(llingr*thjuT. CoytE&E -Mairket' Prices. est prioo .- U40R ,; ^;?*;ii. r::li^btoB, Julyr 1; 1875. J'"- ' 'J ,l'- Call and Examine oar Stock. &: .t-"i i Td BE Glt!EN: AT . ... .-, ..r.H-.a- 1 '.jl'lpr.wlifj if;^T: ^^ .i^::SE^-A]^^A^^AiJE: OpBi:| .-.. - -J__: --I---. - !.r.'. :-, m :. '.: In order to! make room of loads' oPjicy Goods, .arid o^h determined on a more swe .|:>'Vif|^V:^:WACOM Voasi :!^pK^ RRIACE AN F^0tbR. ((tfr.^ll acoourit ig, ener l. PB.I5fT^ from five v-n i -VJ'i toporteUons; an'Hto esse our ti^tii rb% ;|fl| ; of, the BCftirclty c^ mot *y,- i^r> v 11 rgatic*n4pi. 'v.'rpV'!* . "H--.j:"^.- 'i's !:-_ ij .'and bo bw !wl^a,(eciintl ""eiv'i .' '.M-3" Than hitherto attempted, as we nt^st convert the goods,. ^RemempeTthe &lea are KOR 0. .' We eiinumerat<f bur Le^^ , DBJSS' ^pfl$ j^4|i^^t8rn5>v^ro^!"'-' -: Iv.^llVvlW:^^.'.??. cents upwards. :r^':'-i;"-'^ / ' p^>i^aii ^tfctip^ ^ilj^fe';.^ANTLE^;; SHAWI^ij^ir>[prJfeop1^1 .,., ^lc4j ^tHs^pri^;':-:: X'} !:^:X -ff*h; .^|: ,;| M^ Speblaliiodi <* SlfcEi- itAOTi^.|fbrf2.iJ4"^Mi'^-^ Bpjli) tja^litjip^^ &'%$ )iaar,&;a?ie?4;frtb)^g .; ha j ii^otjbngu'ai aufeeiif. r^A ^H'^li if-^ ". -.I . \;;i- ^uVl^ljfen^ iiG;HEeE| 9HiERTXNG^ iDENI^IJEJqftT ^-- .^i^ tohu< . -si ,;i^^."g"JHr%^:^'^i':'.H': // .f^i^'^K^'^p^i-.'"-': ^jt-vJf lfi|i".w.|:;M?*S |ItUlmi ; i^^e^ni&Mte^r'^^jBfJlteT/j^iiQi, topfler, but' _Njr^ .espe- ilally want to meet the biiS.limes, so oonvlnoed:, ""'"': '" "'7 "'"" -- pubiioiiHftt our"1'.' *>^":-i!,-'r" '-' .- .4vv-f-:'- Are second, -" Thq SoJ$ Q nop Mj: - ?.4": We la^in remindl the In (be pom " 'ft M5.? ;) -. - :.i - ~s>': t XfolnnirnntVL. CTsSn i>k - iftiiA* iln'vn^il ;i;*G.;; q^oitf'.-fMj^, --""*%: :>*-:* f .-' ,--t--M ;Vvf:.-^'-.-^';.---'"::if;^'i^^^^^^ i:^:A mm

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