Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1875, p. 1

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1 - -*/*9 v fer -I'M p-.i. ', % ckat f okimc J. Xo.| I<N ] ' SKV^ ADViE&fISEMENTS. CASH, 0. BEAA, Harne^rlnkcr, 6IUND rkBKIK. [Tl <C T.ME> , 1 cu ?ip business in Aetoh, Uiosi}- indebtejd to him. to " Haviag iv rtKiuasts/all ' .'caw :and- scttlE.their accounts at>thoir culvert- con\ taueueti. Trains leave Actbh as follows \.' OCHSQ WESfr. Morniftg Mjjil lVay. Express. ., Express MlXed" '", il'V Night Exprosa- . , ; . qoiKQ Kist. Night Express Mixbd -; l>av Express Mail - Mixed, CrBNERAIf OSTBWa ):10n. 9:10 n-nu^ l:5t'prm/ fr'-Vp.m. ?:i; p.m. t2.: they are now- 1--f it! Shoes. ai^-daru3U '}: 1 EDY.BK'CS, JITtJS BASKETS, WbiteWhesS.v. X^OR SALE HE<ir. A {lorsfv.HirDBss; Buggy, and a pair pf'Ti?wJks'-an offered for .sale cheap. ' -'- ;!MOORE & rSMITH. -Acteffl, Sept 1. M&S. j^pTICfii \ - - -.^ | Anv persou or persona trespassing on T>1>,.,ltr-,U TUot 2S, Coneefsidn 3, of the Tpwnahip X Whtit jof Esqaesina, {adjoining *he Village of SPg0? ""P' Acton), ox injuring trees of any kind, or pL-_ .\leawhg gates' uupropbrlv shut, or fences -pota$of. nU^r** bush. rtlyv down, wvU be subject to prosecu- ^^^ tiou .alter this date. . *;;** . .' P. S. ARMSTRONG. v^T " ........" T Actoa, August a>;;is:^-- ij&Ar^gJ^.ib::/ . I-gffw strayed, -' | &J&& ^r i'b;;;;; I Stravedifroui Mr. Sidney Smith's S"*??^.^ *"*"" ; fiel^afcout the 10th of August, a! white nai'.PeT IO \'. .": ... 'Cowf With red spot, metUufa siie, .4 i :.' GUELPH MAU^ETSl. vears old, aiortcrtwked floras] a gimlet; -t J>U wheaFr$llStol a. in. 3:4f a.m, 8:8.' a.m. 11:3." Liu. ' o:'2t p.m. Iiole ;in, right horij. A liberal re>rarvi will be*"given, to any person .who n-ill cive such iufonuatjoa as will lead toher ' . i ' ijAL^OLMvk E-yyEDY. 20; ryco\-ery. 1 15 to 1 15 to 1 1,0 to 0 50 to 0 75 to a 70 to 0 34 to a 18 to 0 12 to 0 03 to 0 124 -to 0 05 to 1.00 to 14 00 to hooting conimoneed oo Pheasant Wednesday A. broom ft^to^/Jjaa hoea start edat Listoweh i ' ' i , itre Royal ih Torory Iwa eu chsed for warrt of meifna to pay the; :6tnpariy. . ! r James' RibarW was /arrested in Hamilton ft.rateiiling money from the-AJueriiua Holtol, Berlin.] "Mi". Jam< 8 Hbgan, of Petarbora|, is to oppose Dr. P'Sullivan ias.thb 1 16 ,1 16 1 10 i 0 00 0 00 0 75 0/36 0 001 0 00 0 00 0 00- 0 00 0 00 00 Reform ^car dldatJa in the coming ' the effect that coal oil ejwato JsMWjJi election in I last Peterboro'. i :; f neighbpchood.,' Boring jS?rl;|tl ' Messrs. X.. H. o* t*lOAT XOST. iP ':: la .-.the 'neish'borhoo.l ' of Acton, on- ..MondayV July 'CGti, a ji^jht-colored sura- "lUfcT:\)v4rc.val, ill be. re^ trcadj veil, $l.J7to.Sl.fe spring *h|at, (GlasJpvr), S1U'2 to $1,15; springyrh'at(red eBaff), $1.10 to gl. ii; oats, 4-fc to 46e; fcaa 6<W to 70c; Wley, 74e to 75e; eggs jier dozen, lie to \V2c; butter, dairj- paettJ, J X/c to 19c; pjotatocs, per bi g. 75c to SI; wool; 30c to Si .- '. ! TORpjNTOiMAR^Eta.;- ! Spring :-tt[> 91.'18 ' w-hi " "" ley. liew T hitt iit, |'l.20|to $ ;fus|U, Mc; bar- '*'*'- - " "' Fv^ ^ALE, A desirable residence in tlie towp of: "_.A.Cton. consisting of SJ acres-i>; laud, a comfcrtable JJwelliiigi House, a fnuuei barn, and a snxill o&^ha^d, of .excellent fruit -trees. Terms teasdnabltl AppliJ cAiion u> be made to". , . H. McPHEE. Kilbride P.O. -',.VJOS."-H..,HA^klNa fillTOR 1 FREDaI- MdKXIXG, S^PT. 3, 1S75. X -.!:.- !-/ &-:i;> T-l 'r ^swara. & ' ..! . =.V' oriProdiare. seliing at xbe_: LLll :ii Marble Works,; Opposite side from Mills, t G.xKifcno\r"s Fuiindiy', and Scdr- Eramosa Bridge, ; ) -Caelph. -, MONUMENTS Tomb Stones, Mantle Pieces,' ic.-, mads Jo any size or design', .slid pa; up in any part of liie cvuhipy'. ; ei'Scotch Granite Mtnu- cieate iinported so or\itir..J- P.S. A, KeuoL-dy is a'prao iical marble eutter. i--X the Ueeii Mr. James Sog^rihai been nomU ' &oiin"^med Johnfflt Thomson nated by ithe;';Rof6rm[Cro^v^ntJj(ai' y^n&i^iu^iei^maa 6^ Wed> held at.'Norwood, to contest jEJ^it ,p&d*f,: ,.i(or 'giviM.ft,'bogus PUlerboro'lwith Dr. Ojkuliivan,; ^^Ueoa"^tf:J^r*haira< ~ ' jTho euro "of-'St. iJi ... .... ..,..._ vifiago has giyea notice that,' will rofuie the! sacrament to- tkjS feinalea of his/ Chiirch who we^r Jow-nocked dreasos. or pull-ba^lc skirta. i' "' The good people blj^ewni'^kat aro greatly excited on account of i^n juiprosaion which pr^Vf Ua^jeri, i*} ,........ .ir^' Baplista' % mer- *cbjiflt,'iitifftt"i4wiil'{af goods pur-. 7-;': : The Oflicial Assigne< s, under Insolvent Act of |1875-have appointed and the list [fublishod'. a tew.davs ago. The tn'tul;number I'WOrLD LIKE TO HAVE A^L: iiia* acM>uijLs jin*i-ni-ies\7aid iniby f Jt fir-t day of Sep;mber ntx;, t)uibre adopjing Hie cash j-siem. ;; ., JAS MATTHE-a. . TTTAXTED.l / , .' :i : ' .; ' CJbqdfHs^locJi, Bark for which I_w-Ui pay FIVE DOLLAKS .J " :. ;,; ', AT THE ACTTO^f- TANNERY .- In summer, j .-> >-'.,. G.XSEA5i)ifpKEri>roprielbr, ai Ai/^ALC.^Asent. , ^: Actor, Jui^S, 1S;5. ':1 of apwoiciimurits ; for Ontario is seveuty-tivfe, and of these "thirty- three lield;tli8 sauieofli under the' ol J Act, Tn of tile rbv|- appointees art; al&> Sheriffs. DivrRvei'soii and Gul lwin 8mith areino.w: Ijaviuia wearisome war of words in-tiio'jfptonto pijk-'i-s.. 'The Dr. occupied .'several Ircary col umns in the Mitil and \&idbr one -ilsi-v lait 'ivtcifi Keveral ;niore this week, andjet the inflict on is to lie tiitiued-1:.'; WhcR ;. they - get thropgh, tha/C/ufe wil doubtless ag^uUilet.the^i feel the weight of. its ponderous sledge hau liner. ~ Heavy ; fciduijes of m^rcantile^ houses have! been!; very frequent of late, attended- with dists^eous. re sults. Amongst;the latst'are the eitensive ^ugar dealei^ i f, Sterling, Ahrens <fc; Cto.-^< Baltii aoie, with' liabiHtiesjamosqating to^ Z,5oO;W)0> and the Calvert Sugar R iSninjg Co., pf the same -.citjf> for ,:>var .111^60' UiIlionr j dollars," ^hen; jpejs^pfttbe failure of tjie R*hk of (^Uf^fiua and' the Mer ihants Ex- pnan'ge Bank of the samt place,'in-! yojyjng several millions, of dollai*. Tbese latter failures, appiar fo.halve been Hrore thai result of Imprudet^. and reckjesa nttnage'roenn than frbJh any unusual depression in-, trade. The Presio^nt of the. Ba: ik of Cali- by-drown- face . the, oymour leather - m rehanlts; of ^Montreal, have assigned'with Liabilities! of about 200,<!00, - i .1 A niriior |s current to. the effect that Pivf/Tloldwin Smith is soon to lead, to thb altai- a widow lady of Toronto. - } "' "'.- ,'. :-l ' '-..-' The. condition of tho American hop crop is fiyorablQ, ana the pros pects now arj that thoro will bo ar large yield. .' '.. -J.1 A ispecial from Boston" reports the finding of,, at Newbuiyport mines, a rouj;h diamond,.valued- at 5;ooo. ] .:- |< : ' /- -An iagricultural exhibition will b6 held in 0-angevillp on the 30th September and thofirst of October.' prizes. A large unmount of spimous, coi'n froiu the Uilited is in ciptiilation in Hamilton.' ^ho detecwres are' on the track of; the djstrjlJutorB, _ Dundas axe factory, together w'itb all Its content^ wjis destroyed by; tire, on Saturday, I/>as about. usiik:d for $600. ' . There wereleleven applications to. go into insolvjpncy at Bellevii.le on Tuesday the i-st dy of. the Jaisol vehtiitw of 1S75 going into force. ' The peaeh crop in Delaware is' very heivy this year. The. l^st steaiho^ fromi Philadelphia j.'-io.o^' treaty-four hundred crates to Liv- .eippoL 'Prof. Gold>jrin Smith gave a" din- fier| at the National GJuh, Tdrohto, r6a /Thursday] evening,, to /Lord Houghton and" his son, and the Horn/ Robert R: Mijner. . " "*. .".',,.yUM " of the Port" Dp^ ver/and Lake Huron-Railway a.if rived at Norw ich %on' Friday aftsr> 'hooja.'-ut which there /.was^gre^ .156; joicj^g," 'i - ; .' ::\^' ' jMrs.-rHnrdy' has forihe'd*a'." 5Vo- meiji's Terupen Jice Home r';itt; ^)tta- %yi.; At the p'esehTiiuie there, ane twenty young wpihe.fon. 'theilvuii? and fonirteen children. .... Jit Deady hits iol'd but'jbJB?.m* terejstiu the Qtieen'jf Hotel, Guolph, treasure Tvill.sooii be Comnjence^; /'. Despatches -from OttftWii^4f that eev'er&r of^ho C^'ajidiero luin:- bermeu closed' their mills Imt jiaL- urdftji. Others- wUlJ; follow Butt nexttweek, This will'throw. <^sr/ 3,000 |men but of'empToyme^t, vS"v" Qi; Wednesday; morping Petar Kerig. while working agti, circultiif saw to.Mfissrs'. Bell <fc jCb's "/orgaa factory, Ouelph, had hisfleft ,thumb cutj oil' at the. Srsjt joint|' Dr.'.He^ rod (JresBed the ibjm'ed itieraiiiee,. rt* ] 'Wcdiil^y eyBDipg.^ I^hideceased wijs 'wS^;^ :*hja v'to'TOV'^'lPfl^ejj .'Cftt^nflf. ^erryvli -Irtiland^ terid ' #a>! JaQfo?#$, years.- of -age. ^6'emi-' "" panada iw. .p*?. apit .ietV ^Iftiti jfb0r$i)ts> -lj*i; iiyed , 'v^^KTii^i'^Scfe"-i""' ->.-;*. - V iy iregretl to -Jetfrn:- tha^.; Mr. Henrjjs ^Berry*. who. carried.: oa.-' a ec^ifeotipnarjr busihess in Quelph forjmi^y;'yer|L /died *t Sti Paul, Minnesota, W Monday. I4. yas aid:brain fetefr.set in about itl)H9e w.eeks* agjp,; under svh^ich he gi^dd- ,ally-, saujc'. Hiii ' rerualhs/ wjzpe bjonght'to Guelph hd fmri^i'.^eaV .to-day,/'//;;,/ v*"'." /'.'.n."/,:v-".'- > ass 6u r Hxtores j feoods into ;.Caib. will a "ieoon4 lents i |m 5- ets.. upward^ RASOLS,;larwS ?i'ba .fj-,' .yy^( is, jJRlixS^ ajadj J ' Resale price f 1.63 wortfe ;3fjc and {QAIH8 v W come all/*J t* C- D- PRINCLE, Watchmakef, Guelph, : Takes advantage, of tneiJ^KZEJPBESS to thank tils' costomers lp and aronnd Aftoji spe Ujelr psit ;ritronage, and uoh Uelts a ccfioUnuanee. * if - -' G. IJ. P. also hopes ik)on to make ar range cents whereby wateJiEB and Jewel ry may be/sent ifb aria rom Guelrn wlto !ety, nud without trouble and expense to bisSmstomert; ./ | r Gtjejpb, July ISJ-KTS.^:.-' : ------> toiLrj Jose])b inari>well ahd Guelph.' / ,/ ' A meeting Council of the is etdlcd" fdr':~tb in. the Council Orahgeville, y/H. Seymburj .h.aye sufcpendel. trrhis assigned O'CbuucS-, a'rgent]e^ favorably know^'ia ' ^ll^'fc1' of tho\|'.rbVisiorial Oourity- of Dufferin. e i^nd.^Septeuifier, Chamber," town -of- vv Alex. Disrbh, .Canon ;of. thp Catlhiidrai and Rector of Louth amd" Post Dalhotisie," has:beeh appointed; to tl e) rectorahipjbf.St.. George's' Church, Guelph, in plupe of-Tuiu ArtJhdeacon Palmer, rosigijied. ?; " . i -| ; ' ' i-,'. ' /Tjwrt hundred andtweaty-fwa-car jdflds of peaches,' cbutaihhttg 'llll,.- OOOiibaskets,' arrived in' Jwrey^>Gfty on Friday morning. /QnThursday ISO'j.cjiir loads ^arrived. '^ese;/re the Ifijtgest arrivals^ of the seasou./ Rblrert Bbiinor, of tho New Yoifk Lkd'jcr^h&a btrnght the'ifaiho.ij^ trot ter k\ Grafton/'ffor which' he is sup. posed to have paid. S'WjQjjiD. Tha horsti'(rotted a trial mile aj';CleYe-v " laud^-.s-i.5.*".\:" - A withas been/f sarvett'o^i '-tha Roni^'Satholic authorities of id/oii.- trealj i|i"deiing -theni to T'all^.w/ k be jirai>ar'ed;.v:fi>r. tlie-ro- maiiii^^f Joseph Guibort, aud not4-s fyiug j them that the body will, bq preseuted for burmlon -Tharsday'.'[ .. A |vaiuuble ^ree belbngiag.toj Me."" Jptu EI Hot, Lot No.. 1-8, Cohf cefijiqir.% of Ruilinchj was killed by -h'jjhtiung tfn the e veiiiug.of Aiiguaij. ^Olh. ;. The auiinal waS|insured W: th4 liPitsiiuch Mutual, .which"Jfffl- t>attly cover the- JoSai . ' A repoVi" cqine^ Xiom'tLxwdpn.1 tha^Ehe 'friendly 'i'elafipus existiog/ at, preseht between Rritatt. and Cuiha .are about to/ bq distiiiib^ -ed, o"n aoepunt _of so/uitt' ^re^ent, , enoe *ih CJiiniv the^'naturB of \ybichiW;too^statfcdr /-/' -;f . '" .'.;':iS_ayii: la .Chicago/."/J>aper'.: ThTeel Scotch^ . .yvprked ito/ get Upj.-! in ^the Parish . */ BanWpot,. Perth/gresv ijpto be Robert Ni(S6i.U,i th^),potSl >r- liuftir-*"18 niissionary,' ..y$ty vplo *C $50,000 gran^'pf Parlkjneht:*tp '.supplyCpensions to- )blje;vj6|teraii8 ojf,thb war of 1JS1^2 has o>ily :beeii ^sufficient. 'w'giye each claimant "^yfm'ty^ollawi'ow'ing io' jibe .ynexjiected numbgP;^hp^ hoya siirviwd.'.xt ItfVfwas^<vsiippq?6d.;; .i^at;- there Would j|>e about 5CJQ 'appljfia- tjoris. - <Tlie're:were, ii^ reality, near-, ty;3,tiOG. : ./;. - " {$iiOQ per Aiuiam lit-Advance. _fda*-dlf;ricE.;' M'nilh-goingj-VV^tare cldjied at8i'[5aim. GoingEast fit 4p. _a4l/(;;"- iJ.:...: . '/.l-v . ; RociiiteMd .litters miftf be. in five' .rainiitt*'before the above-hours. ./'. '.' KnatchBnlUnaib Tttesdayi atal Pi idayal L.OCAp-NMwk^iffi ;&amk glftd, at mil pmit, ^rMve-UemtAf'l^krtiw, tuck <a sfrtcih', ehvi-iA: iertijts5J rne*t* f.Utgd 6f<teiiipt knee :qr\ othtt jpbfclifi-i '.<tei(ldehuKbt!-ail j/ tntftenl tehleh n&pliti \i\Ur<j\Angi^Mlk 't in%is\tocqliiy\ br'ijt Oti tounffi.get&;atlt(. ..ilaUen. q' tAp(. kti&iriay \b& -at OnrlfelM fiifn^ei^: , Copy," Qtjth&f.iu^mefat.'^jq&i / euulbtsettigf. '^an^/fowSins'Wi pttbiicat&^tftyrtefet*i^f<*U4 faff- UfcfiAt MATTW9. -T^The niw//4yertisemehtt this* we^;ibWhion; w< direQt .thej' ttej,tfoii: of ot)r'Sa4eeB, ai>'t|hdse of Jrfr.'/gat- the,ws,/l^tessr^ \$o \oi&'-JiToa.,-Ut. ^il ILajttuo^ and ^tr./I uchani. Bead, tlfem, \ i On Sufe^diyi-at Ho^in^nytwen*' t4 miles/from BbBt[jn,.i boyn|iuiel Morrtii Ryan;i^rUsd with/a., loaded, gfltn intending/ib kill a^t,/.when hisjsisteftMary> aged..fiit ient7*bo I. jdesJred to save th. ca^'g life) caught' 'herhrbthe^ Inthe spun?e*th<>'^uri dropped.from tie;boy^s;liands- and; rWeht.. ipS, TciUteg^ Marv \ffi&, I-B younger eiste*- -aiid bydty- "wb&nd-/ ihg a tliiftl sister and! himself.'.1 ;"' -. 9\'>- .' -;. .'-1 - _-'. . j* . Jaiji^ vPhfri, Esq.',x>f [Waterlod TownsKi^i, 'recently :#ell;heir. to i, lofting of^bout '$100,000; b^/*he deaths of hi; teotbef/'-J"otm ?hi6V Esq,,S;- SV'"C;,'- o/,Sc!b'riano!j"9h^;w^ Jy/dfediin Edmbrgh/leittifi^c|OS(iv; third; of hs footune, SSOJJ.OOO;; is? our roj"d fri'endf cme third' -'% -tKe.. childre4;oF\h%iattJ \Y,m.JPhin.'E8q;,; ;ErimosaV<# the/fifeniala^Dg!"*Wr4'. tb:noither. branch/: of/the' r :'- ' ^m>- -mj&i 'HV#?f|l^0|n That's3ay, Aug. 20th, ./Mr,../Jamea Allaaj. only'son -if ' !ix.?Ali^B, Esq;, .i|f fieanifl'ville/iled 4b 'the iltfcr: Itti^Martha,: the 'ypu^g, a^- omplished-, ind.biJy,;-Daughter df Mi. ^e&rick-ii r^be^,/of^Clintpn.' iAf \4f |ihp;c^PBabayj(^."g^wst Regaled thcrri., jielyeat;as'tiftp^ip^srepast 'Someen ^^.ihiams l.^Mife) Ji daneepn the tihm Vjhitit tHef pi l|vhea4. wi^ohed with' jn 't*Wt:'iha it r^meiit they'i had. growi ,tfc ^1^. 'trf .e ^age in; The. hMiber o; v^lu^bje. and usefuf/articled (valued a: ^^|^20p),prfeiiented !tb; the bride^ wer< i. ftfobfa bf-jibe; g<x4 wishes bf.her inanj: , JpendBi ./Aft jr.rec^i.Tiiig tie;ipbfagratu-' lationV:'ta'.ikI gnests| the tnarried coh- jtie. too^ Jhe e vpning traja fw Buffalo in tfcejr jtijiiq fhe'jea |hore,/wberiB: they intend spefldi ig" the * taneyro'opa, Co jt -. *_"-".- ThfrSoia of Tamperarice are pr*-.-. ; '-^fn George* iwh, onj Tuesday 24th of ;. / Yester^a^S i:r,airi:\(^t8.^<lc.c meet by all, except"blsp ypokipg^i*']' .. -- ^'.'.v'.' - y-*l" . Deat. ha4 "ispised.1 of hi* harness But ness/having;ina^S'ar/ ratigeinents. ^.^ .lorf daughter of Mr. & <^v^|?Y'iin^nvfactnre,rs; "[.(':'. :.,- '!"' wbyldac&- ppe'tfully isti) late to| their- friends and customers tha' they are now making but 'all. aebbtirita, md wojuitl "be obhged if _, . ..... , .... .their."Wends whpn visiting, the store . .....p., :vhrlB'tu..;ret;ur^ed/;wotddl'Mk'%,bh^a^untB./-' We.will Tneiday-eveiiihig :rdjb 'a-Vip 'to Sanlt 'dehvera^.inans"as posaible.through tWr Sg^::^^[^^exceediIgly: gjffi^Sf|^o^u^ pleasaat passage ,lv .the steamer liuu.'^-B^^l ar> go nTinero'MJwd spread over soi Itoba. "Wcsar' pr i^fsed somb'" Jibie i,wide'1*, territcry,.-thai it "Tvouhl-'cost us by?^e'Wa^!'-i)-r iei't week's issue. .'- '& lea^?.*Jj'und red dollars amiamonth's - . '. / '.'i.- : .time to yisrfcshent all and make cot. r-Araongst hfehee it will be im-. Asaignoes uppointe 1 under the /hew In sblVe^Act, we rln & tlieriania fbr/]Ial toh;County of D*vib! V^atson fiamplbll," rf'SMiltorij; 'f^,-^,Welluigbpn':' Gbuiity, ,Joseph Sha*,i^raagevilleij. and Sir.: ?eel -l-d"T:|ii'agg(f,.eai^biir,s' ii Sqn^/6| Montreiil, '. - on,^lotiday. .Two ^ Edward T. paring an isntertaanmeapt ;'The " Council are ,|j|pings; goei^ -.. 'thing^^hy miking a graVeiS*-alk^on Job i ' street/ \^'\[\_ / / i:'""-i , .; .Everything in seasonWhep' picj; , ' ing, will be all ,the gor\oext weekj a^X .. theyield promises to belexeellent. -,; : "3|be small box hospital borWii,;. down, on' Sunday night M%tr TBe-fite': company "did not arrive at khe sceae ' 6t'%_.- action,"/y-i'/ ' ::j' " -H|^fp."- .if is expected ^baKiSfk-'and Mrs. ,-- " Hardy, (Miss Jeahie Watto^> *ill give, | a conoert.under tb^ airtjices pi the . j Georgetb^-^idbp thfl e-vining of the" |' lstof Octoter, j'".' "V"'^-> A ypiing laWj-stiipeat. 'ofitlie xr-' Academy had a very^nliBnjw'escape ifeui'_ '. being dr&wned oh Saturday, hi the nvef ' Credit; It appeirs shje^ias staadiiigcu. .^y a.lbg when ifi CdnHnencbd to rolf;'at/' : slifi)ed>ff into tbf water and but for ilijt ..,' Jtinjiely 4ssistance4f h'^r ^inianioii, who caught,=her|byithfe hair, no doubt would i iiavp fband a watery grave.' . :"-...'..' > ; I'Vl The Gttelpl. ^&pii^x".Csias.: -St'! . Masks. Gwe* Hj'.isEiy TlA .; /..-vMr'.eMttttheWs;hop 'yal /feas; aaunated.witli otiii i naa'ety people the., foreivpart -ofi',t3fjf week, ahd/in. Sir.' Smith!* yard[pic'6ess:,eiojpm.erieeS ) e*-t ts'r^y.moirnjin^.; bj it*the heavy shoy era of;.rain in; thf aft<rpopn J>afc'j;a^>tci ioMratipns,-an:;both* rpaaes. ^ The/bTOO is1 'rtpbrtipd excellent'hi"both quality ind; ItaantJty." ? Vjv.v>.'; (' -: ^ Nil. i)&}pii fciuaum."; wi|l/be^ t^wateh^Ford^pfi b ir boyBioj^their tip- 'eat,- tour Be?:!' week- 'terrt'I'in^ence.jjro'ie if/them from-, ^d' let thewj re^tf -n with f'-Victo^". :^Jerched upoO'thpir nn"er. ./3$ey 'PWy "^--1-y, Harriston on aduesday, Kin- possibloibr us so. ' | '. , Wa iteptild i lso -wish to renfind ou* frJends'v4nd-cu itomera that all acconnta oiTiOur.bbpks a e'dne/bn the 1st October^- ^^Inuartbe pi id theh> as we haver very; hiavy engagenjents to meet during, that inonHi/and wi"}ltecthirefo'collect every. .doalar/-<lue us by that.time; -; l_",' . ,' .V.'Onr'-custonM rs we;are happy to jpay, ire all of .the fii st-clas* tind, aiid. we; feel assured that, th ;y will all make an effort. Mboi settle their accbua'ts promptly, and;j 'thus-enable us o dp the same.' This has been; an.exceelhily./hard seasbh pri, merchants gen :r^y, and ^on/that ac count we .would ask ouT'friends-to:make > special bffortj in- bur behalf, knowing las they well dofthai we' do hot nnreasbu-. ably pushj; for taymenta. -rAlJ:!,accoaiits' hot paid by thbUst.of Obtb'bet'^witt be Ted in to Court for>>Ile<:tibn. .-ucknoWj., on Eri- .ttncf' Bm$selh> 0%. Saturday. E^e- sohj'e of! i&et r^preser.vtives of./ whichj' arc jvfe/jb^ieve^ljtYiBg i the/tJiiitea 'Statesi-'- / with^Feirgua'4n' Monday, '.; SaW McCanav-, a emjc^Ie :age4;,<;jl^e>a3ia}^a',r^ woman,^fit of Jdesperation,,;-'* ' jumped 'into jtjjg'. Tororito ;i)ay swi^M1 i^'ulia ofeach;match will;^e .telegraphed 'here.evfery !jgvenihg.r,, /': ".'1., . ^irid-'baby,/ mi'fieu takeB^i^in^l^'^^'^W sensible", by ^larjea. ^^^H6gan,^.who^wa?|tv^vpwriya^'nded,'Oinly about was; standing by; ;7Oa^ingifd\igb^ *thUTty- head;, oi>jCWtlo heing't on tgj-e>: to.she| sfetod that 'her husband was* ~-Jr* '"i-^-- '--_^---i-A-u'-^u-v. ^a/driinkard and* had left heij, fcik^ig Ne^f Y^k bouses are rep^rted ^j'^J^Sa? fprnia committed suicide ing himself, mther thai result of his imprudence, .Wjvbrit. / ; The-vote for stock iit, the ilimiitoii' andiNor'tli western; .;R: 'R; took ^Liciiitr HaiSil- tgn oii Mond by/a, . i' i - eaon nnn ; ^oraen-.ohangejth^b*' tak)ngs 100,000 in J-^^ ^peetmg the^/hUsbaiids.! MrsV'Shi^n was forev^ "iellirig..he^r ^CfOBf BAKEKY. 'if' II liilx .'."i^n*. c**['-i;.'-: -ThesnbefeWrbeg? to Inform the In- hsbltantsot-Aotonandi victnlty that he l>repiired|o^pp}y -i ;, v Ji^- ... . Flrst-clas Bread, Bans, Calces > Bis^ts, (EStf, . ,. Presh every dayi-dchvered at tnelr .:; -' _ '..'."' j..1 / WEDDING CAKES } M^da tp order In the Jalest styles jmd at .-.-. reasonable charges fcS-Highest price In Cttsn paid for Kggs. lion, Alex, Mackenzie amyedut Quebec,_pcr the steamer Prussuw;. at'eight o'clock -Mondaf evening, He proceeded to Ottawa lj^ special jjain...--:V. i" : ' - - / .'/- '/ f The trial oft the prpte it against fie elfction of Mrr McCiney,;for Helton County, has ;b jpn posfc- poned by Chie'f Justice' .; Draper, until the. JQth of-.Optober - r;f > 'The > retatning officer . in South; Oxford has fixed the nom nation of ^ahdidates for the j^ntari< Legisla ture for Frfdjay, the 3rd, and the polling- for -Friday, th 10th/of ;Se^tembe^ jj - ' 1-/4= grand Reform pic-ni< in . hen- ou^f Mr. Archibald Mi Kellar is to]tte held atlRidgetpTvn m. Wed nesday, Sepfie'mber '8th. Several leading Reformers have signified their intention, dt boingipi esent. .- The writ for tie eleottduiitWest Wellingtoa has been reciived by ;the returning officer. Tb riopin- ation will take; place at Jlanisto^ on Mondayr> September t lie SOtHy and polling-on Mondaj, Sspternher 27th,-' '."-'I ; :. and '.W?i'~-'Mackenzie/ithe 'present premier jejf. Gahiidu. \' Very* larg^ transactietB' in- butter } have tai^n,place iji.r.GKieJph lately,. Mr. J- T-. Brm:of. tfcat '.-to w-iupuft .ohitsed/m.EergusV/^ObO^lrJa^Offff: shipped, liisi wee/ty,-three ctirlpad?. 4.- r. wtok- '..- ' hi -with/ii'itEkAheir little bbyj-lha'. she I had bfc)^-'tqrned 'out.of Ej^ho-Jse;; on 4gnes street, and /that she. habt h?jd ndtliiiig toeat./for* three, da^s. She iv| 'taJtel.^:.fibe.hosMtal.v , ",' >/ :Ai Me^^m;ffom\'^^KJBicagO ;?a^s, .tl&t..-' Ihtf. l ifccbigftn C!an|i&^^Sqttiiher^ r^)^^i'/hiB>?jeiii; , ttireel trl'to-an ^terj^eni^bylJvM^i- ithojbuainesa.qt'ftheJSirihig^d-peh^ Ir'fciiT^virt 'run ' over, the IDa&ada day, and; the|^aw Wj.^{n M^g^-bai.^tefe *^ot; .majority trf (fy Bhe' .A'.by^h-w/grinti'ng a;lqafi;of 20,-; 8Ued.-the4cTOp'any for-Kve tlio.usftnd, Qpfj; .to Dover; >ailrcftui;.'..wai -carried ,.in ;'.'?'" ' /' '%- '-.- .' I.,'- maioiuty of 73,"" . > 'out.a sprm^e-of tlp^diQroUs,.as iuajoiiiy o*. j w, ^ . . . the followmgiinvenyry, of asset^-. An-.^ngine ^rtver .,at;: crossmft ^^^^a^.a^igW-in "i neigh- frall '^ilt [xyx.' over' the 1 f&fiada^ Sou ^bgira "in'ru'tiire,' '<?ve$-< the -G;reiiV; Wes^n'?! as r'-lleretQfote. ;The^^h^der^:of^i?^r^e/vy;es; ftefn^'ii|ii("Bb&n ha^'Catoel^o; bttterfy) jv'se, G^Oi'ge*0'^1* Aetoa,/JnlyUl>i7r,- d. GAiiijfy'WAy, We baye~received the iriae. list of the Eflma and Wallace Exhi bition, to beheld at Listov el, SeptAv ember 89th and 30tb, wit 1 pbmpK- mentaryjticket epslosied, f or which the Secretary willplease revive bur thanks, s We notice that 81760 and eight gold and silver medals are of fered in prizes. Arra: igeraents have4>een made with" the railway tp cany visitors to the E chibitjon and returflt-for single foro," ,pear Chatham,.to, save seme^per- sons; driving a team and taaking tbS crossing, reyerssd hi->.enginesosud.- denly that the s eaiA chest explided. No One was hu.-t. M ': r ^ / ;A/4iandsome ahjl elegabtfy dress ed youpg woman endeavored to swindle; the' Broadway" Bank,'S_t. LoujsViori i"rid-y, by ^epoajtiBg a forged oheque fir SS.OOO/and then ehde&voring' to |lraw/$3,800 qn'.it:- T^e Domini >n Telegraph Cgm- pany have coripletetl their circle' from Harristoi' to. Owen Sound. The new Offices opened are Clifford, Mildmay; Paisjiy, PpVt^Elginj and Southampton, ; '.'. JThe Caledoni in celebration' is to come Off on the 15th September, iat LucknpW. AH the drjstihgii&h'ed athletes of CanaUa-and the; United states-have pikJmised t4 contend for prizes at tliis tournament^ / . kThe Toronto, Leader, replies to an article. in the Port- Hobe 'Cfaiifa ynder the headiig; "A^Snarlfrpro a Country Pupp-y.1" The pf# re torts" in one e'atitled, '[A ^uiri; fromabity:Toi4?r ' / '[y]' "i, '.' ' Mr. T. B. Fwzer, of Limeh4si has been chosen one of the;delegatef. Trom-Balton cojmty to attend' the /Temperance Convention^ : whioh commences its session on the I5th borihgeity VIJUl foo&Jjv'pi;.-? pajr- old ties 1' hoots;; t^l^qa^" iS^empty :ht>ti; ._ s, 1 jugS-a -siBbkihg; cap'j4 briar roots &n&l#,4p&d%idhmui. \\ '/*'j Lady 'pliysioiahs /'are.' ;dqihg -('a th riving hiiahiesain Bait tiiike' City-. There' ure;- riot' mW.enqugh, to, gt : round," iafid,, it'.p^veh'^ trbuhle. Twenty-|lye" ^Qun^-r women are st<rdyi^g'iii quite ae'Jthe ,'thattibti Ef,-4^dxit is' Vanier-.thfr-daySvlien Mc'"Brou|h; ten"; '/^""hero- Oifr, the. Hamiltari po* lice oo|ii^.;beqa^e'ge^ral |iaanager: 'jof.fch^iliihe^;..'; .V'>;^?;'r*"; ".', '0.. 1'jfhetoropeifer Per^an wasburpv 'a3 ,toiwe"'waterf e^g'e' on' Thursday nignti'j 's^yen *:[milo8 .' frtini :Jj6a^ . captain ..and. .'cre^ i^d-; fli.l-^ry'.f-^rrtjw; .escape, being eainpelled .to; th^j'w -'the phatches OKorbio&i *iq"' ^e/i'refu-ge'/ufeh ifeip^";'3wa//^ourfl,?a4'trward;^ "j^e'rpZ^jgick 3<i ta^u' to 't'%i&jifc^i>&?r ji-anttoha-voonidea' 'Vftfiand-B ink' the'prop^Iei.dpmet, grbnrift - P^rnio>4..4re nbt ye^throtigB ^ie Hoiy: seasoij1, aha-iaanot sp|re'-; thhe to/4>rfng thplrj oajwi-*? madifet.;';-_\ye IeaCned;,of-onlyi fet '.'Bales'." Mr. Nick- lin bbight a yoie1 of p^e'n, Mr. /KTichbi a ihiafr.r. and a steer,, ai id-Mr.. John iStbrey \Wo jco wa. Mr j McS padden had a- very >ut we helieye they: Were ^rot aold.'. ' se; a ' different;. ati te of laffairs. The iert Fair..grill faft op ihe7th of Obtober. IBjros; 1 save just received -' fresh Ibij of "fafteen chests of that how 'deT^atedtoty|ceut Vleteoj Tea; .- . , '^"ype myitle -thi &tie&iAon of our .^Jta'Mr; j A- '.<),Bucham'a adver- issue, announcing :j : .y -. TIME jUI\,iv.: "\.. Thejfirst of Segtember.has; come the time forijloptini the cash system at..the [Post Office Sti^re; Acton.'";!.The three;, oaths'trial jpf ithe. idisconht cash has p^vedjvejipr satisfactory to. all concerwu.' iwittcpntinue;to give the 8 per eaiit disco ml as jbfefore. "Prompt, paying monthly cus&mers'wiuVbe^allow- ed the^Escouiit f/-;i j;-" . ; / .: . ", ^Hill;Bro.rhava a'jjice; assort ment of photb al bums, whicStheygoffer at'a diseouht'bf ^-.percent,, for"a few- weeks pniy. CiUfafldisb^thara. received > cans grudeit :pf really mag-- nificent vase;laiips, :lBy removing the,. bo\frt which; sits, into/jt^e stand, yon: have ai beautiful flower /vase.' ";.Gail and?- -ir see/them. : . '1 J .; ...-" - "iVs About'6 o'clqckfiToosday morn- " ing, Marks, whoibWJXatefcon the York roiid on: tbV^.6Ui inst> caaiB . to the' jail- and; gave himself up.- /The jailer, Mr.>Tayh)r sit qnce to% snim 'in- and cohirhnriicEited witli;- j'Cbief Kelly who proceeded to the . = jail iufd took Marks "the Poifcd culls in the^TownHall wheve v bo Was kept until about 10 o'clock > when he was taken .back'to ,the .- the jail, where he now i&;'Tlw ad-;'/ jwriied "inquest was held in-the'; Police Cpftirt Tuesday evening." at; / [which he; .was'preaeiit i; custody, i , HV says/t.nat he\has been forking 'I ton his grandfather's farrt ia JEriif 1 ince the shcKjting'affai^ ajiAfiifiuoi - aiow.tliat Yato' wasdpad/xhiril he "' aw it in the Gtielph_ papers./ -His : randfether pf.rsnodid-him;tcorae '.[ nd. siiri,e"nd(Br.'^ the authorities, fliich'he consented to do,.and was riven into tow^i during' fihp hightV - le coronor'sjary.bai^oanjdaver- .jlict of nmraer ag*^ttWia,j.n<l- bi\- ill bd uued. at^the mxi assizes. ':- w .? * -'V -j ]fl On Wedrresday a no^drious ehai ternAmed Jack O'Ddhfiek Jescap- ; |i-oiri,Gtfelpli, gaoh He'l W3SS/ that: morning sent (down. for^ll-^Khon". .ibaige of assault- anla. - t^ery. ' -^bo'tit twelve b'cloek -me tdrntey c Tvas..bii'sily engaged Jn^^tending-io/ri aaqae duties in <ajnnect-ich with, hh*" " V-y ket8,*Sc:,|duri! ,-gentral 'Exhibi bitioh sal&i weri ^jreara agoy and .^tand,' is not so _____pappy^"8-4iike>j;Siipi!rio^^ht5r-Bve imijeis i.bahd will/hi jibove'^iullt 8ie&h*pi?ij>B.^he Am^ Bohoois-(?xtaTit-ihai&e famH^"'-" :'j'"c|at. Ur' r'"'-/ii-j" statetwifcJAeven:peftsona froth :t stone.2*iW^at^.:ttm?Me,-J^ Kl^'-Wii-5S'-'-<*-^-'-ifii^ .Uo-wtsqtafberVB#^d abput_ jhe, ;Sh^"Sbi^t F^^ Ergn'aer though permitt^ I^.^H'-^w^ Ft-.. -! a streets to be sold in theihbpsf M. Bu the MWfc& of yherXn'teripr, m" 'hiet'Slridkyu nW'.W/hitefish Poin^ tjs|niii^ ih:,tP'day'B hli:Xira^d Annual $ xhibitibh of -Silks, Millinery] Blah- -io brinor the merits bfoKis "aatoblishnierit before partjea' from 1 distance, j^Wsiting the exhibition. |;Mr, 'B. says hihW a ,*',Bargain'for Eyeryoae," and'.we have no doubt many of our, readers visiting Guelph will call ind 1 lave a look through this ^'pieiidifl -stab ishment^ whbther: t^ay wantItb buj pr/ibt. j ..' last of Fall Sho^rSj. . Central "Fair at GuielpK Tin 14th; Sept.iahd ttr^'fbUawing'<hys...-.-.'.-. The JEso^esinfei] Falli Show will-bei held at Gebrgetfoipn 0^ Friday; :the ls^ October. ; ,;,\/. 1-v;'^- ;.--,.; Haltoh; Couhtt .-ShW, at Miltoh, -oil theii3thSand 14th Oatob^r, ' : IJassagaweya, at Stasjterbropkt 5th ol October--/' . / / j...>^* /.'/./ '-' , :. County of^eel, 'rfBrinipton, 5th and ;eih^Octor^ .':'? /| ^/'i /' . Provincial : Ex tii^itioii, at- .Ottawa, andfoajp.followiog ^days.' -. /-.:|ri-rK"-';. - -r:------r"l-^T- (T, .^Western Fair, rjbhdpif, -Tiiesday;-28th iveekof the;Gue||>h'|. Sept.v^nd thrba 'ollpiving'daya.;. Th'We. annual exhi- |.//Toronto. Falls: Jubitio^.aame weelf aa/ /ibodbn, ':'-'Z~ *: /Centre Welhnj^bh, at Elora,'. October 5 and 6. Weat'Weliihg on,; at Oct 6jand'7; ',- Elma ami Waflace, "a^Listbwel, 29th and 30th Sept. : '-. South, PJding'i'erai,iat St. a! TySi. 5th and 6thOctober, , / ; - i" . ': iVorthJRidij^^erth, atStratford, 7th, ;and Stn/Pctober. ' lrspmrt!. three-, pbjept; we /uider-, ucb. tbxnakb-'mbney Latest, despatches ""' " tha ned. Saultri ^foll ta', A -- Last Tuesday ev shihg-the 'crbwa x& customers &]'Meiara. Seoprd Broa,': store,- wer? Btartled IbV 'h'ej^ga hum .shout put:ioudljl, ? '. moa,^|anaimme-, 1 inately aibu'd criW'fl rite'mbjing' sort of ohasedthS/Rrictitorbs; ud ;13tb-.. A. Mfiunt1 ForestV iisiness... 'The ^ipentet^-who ajts,/v" t work idaking repairs]in the gaol - md m pile.-of pljinkB' lyr^g^ in the' . Urd "Abou$ a minutei^r "two. af-/:. rone ojE'the priso^p^ralj^nWhiiwy* ' jiind viold .UnjB '/t^itey; Ithat' - ei'owiis^ap^ank^up/ jifeain^t the" f ilfuir. iie immediateiyiT^tit-put ; ajnd fou'qld O'Dohfiel's gaiekf#Ijr- - - ijjg-ou the grourid.'and ttJe.thujli;. y / Hashed upon himJtHathBh^d^mada ' his escapal by c^imbi^jih^./pfenk ': atidljuuipifig to'ihe. ground'-hp tho '- dfher side,; a diiftanceiiof ijabont/ iiirty.feefc 'A'search Tf*a"ionce . i istituted, but7 hithertif wTthout ;: a viiil/ A'laten feiiort'safo" .hi^jWivd'; \~. arrested at Gali. > ' r--\" ' ' .: ' "-"1-; .- H'l :/-f<- ' *" rl NyrtbrKiding^ Fate'rlbp, October 42th 'Mr. >.~. of September, i^tr. Ahearn, tort, has been apj tion of firand Tj atGalt, in plac^ whose ^eatfr we tigaoagp/.r Montreal ite agentj at/tyes- ) [nkStatibn Agent of MrJpgiennan^ chronioled, a %aort |s i.yj wbujd fioi/ft^borize-the oiroulati'on, jfl/ ^y. , of pdlemu* 'against 'rf::f '^oi^ CatholkJ^ithr'r'/^.j^V^T; ' ' A desrrilptive : "fire ocqtu'ri Berlio/r^^^itesday. It "broke] d^t- iArtbe rear;-* Btables b'ilthe'.RWR^HoieM ,.n.ise8 oc^pjad b^i^B.' S. S. ^er.iancf n: tv- very feW'tnic Ik to iria' wijth fehe^jfvivora; ^Qr^,.^.',bqm* no |iaenger exqept the. he^yMilidenwiui <ire,r' ajl; qfj .which bd^i.ofife'. Ukfec. .' '"" i{i'ire'"-- "':'-,' V _L -' .mcf.0Se .teya'if^Tfaeri?.: lady Jicriiog, ion /the) v4tb |Ppr4;a:^:"R,/aiid: iibt a '" vty'$9ityii&;-}iia,\ that . ^i/b^ftv'ffefiiSar^/to the township ', ^ri^|l^ rWipia* ..rnaobjnej; jAny ; p^rsdS'fl^fring^^p^.^ noise 'fblldwed, ind W-jushk^":.4o ;tlie door discovered that ; loless 'thai} 4fteen meteors' haid falltjn on the,pla^Pnii;jj{.end how t4ere is' a gnaoa rosfi'ot the people who are ^'ahxibiia/.tb laeourB J' they *rb rafkhig faway". witl sjnd;20 - '- ihad' '^qiiJi tjo weigito-SBnd for her and :comrnlka^&^^ G."Hi] few> f^/kiirjga! eyery'pe;rB0'n <}i * graphs during tfai One (iay/lasfUve^k. Egbert R^d- \\ / uioiid'ij phdtograpber^BriteSels, waef /'. . a -reat^ij ->ind' taken - to. gWl, on ">->. is lai/ge of haying cqnimitfieS ;an_in-./> - dicent assault npon"/lUuad)eth: Jah^./; -r ^yilliuuJsi'-TJb seenis^ti^t on &&i:-r:. -Ijlth ins^'^gU'liwe^.'tofB^i. --;/ h [end's gallery - to. -get; fittr p&rf^riBji|. |.. ti ikwi, and' w hil^ eftga^gM :Ibflkj^g:Y ;I;, u; some piptu^i]hevto^|hdW :an4- f( ficcd^her.into/we; neganve.i^pm^ ./ /; aiid trieut fo thipvc hSiao^iand" '>". t^::ih.pVbpM- lHr)^e87'*-:i,i::a'-iJri" v " ;p h^vin^/fMie^:t>q aecqi p irpoae,lsh^^rusheU.4m*. ^ dlery,; ;^^'7hfl'^q^wl-^oVii ,-::'-W mm i one dbzoi It-in ,fi,>id phqto^rpher,4jf'- 230."to 0.-* all ftjoncb<uids'eeuitea qhoicepicture;.".'- /'.;GUK64a. , -On -<ei2f6tb' til^^.^Mn, ^eh^aj^fe^ fra^ie* h/tSldt^fwhtfli; ibarnedjlwiJSh.: fearful i* pSi^ :."-56fe' large brick^ livery^.'<te b^s knd^la^smith shop adjoining '.tBs/fc&t^jlr'.'and. owned by' G,t). CI irapB:; of'^Vftjin^aud oc-; eupied'bj ID'anifl $6%niari andLW.' -W^Co^^iio^h'-^^.prey/ toj the, flauleSj ai .'tho wUoJ(>;*^^;|f;j>la?e.;' >m -/tiian'jdnp ,'ihQur ' hi -iiigKt; eQtertaiiw'( the with n^tu-ic on ihe organ, tfiy-AerToioe, jWe,^ic- ^;i4t^';KhB' alivje. wsith .^ou^V-warpath^ bsteni im'fer wqrk thek:{^air- ^esMteldj&ufc .uirjlaipfc'to^^-aee "j'^hb 1- be'torlunafoiuough tftbiptR're 'S^ri|.':S-^-;"",v - .rxrJvM-it^ ^ / ||S, :ijid hfw0ull -lj.1...Sia'^r:fiir lifi i*j Sa^-wjiile. si' rti^in^tqok^i' u )t gaining^ J^;obJ^ h^ /tc ok some raralHS. fi :ir g rBpm asud^gwi hi ir toeui/Jthem^; h >,; a^/&&ted % jjfpji |7ia.ce^-i^lii' '*" w:~i MILTG N/ITflljta/,!-'.-_.., .' Mob. Tfi&Mwi, Cole, has/ pu r- m Mr. Bopthi Si^naa startihg a^itjkery dn'^/ yery^ scale,-;;-/' s.;--.;- ;-:j""V".'-.---.' 4-Tf,. -.-: Some" raifcpre aiits puifea^/U^TO p.thfcie $nctipnV;( f the. wdbwalkrat^e ipper ead of Miin\W8^;'and.-placed thear^crosi' the: :r iad ^femp^night.;;\W^^^^^ ' ^'eetitig-of th|> memf^ft qf ^v^gS^^jj^ ;Grce ' -" ^-^ -^i^it. it Vm tmatflhioua y det'cwl-ia ihyite.tna Rev. Gahuy tb.'ta ce.chi^b of %*be auft |j^^ St, Steiphen's Oh ircbai^^he/a^i^rj^rr'k ' /mbjat 155010W).:*** >&&1W m0M}l$. ........ -TlSSSL ^ p^tby otall whq';Si l^tiahifi^ with y^gwedbn ;f 'hMn-.V-r :-./ '->:y^/".:' ^?^^-l^ ^ ') : ' / the-ceffe 61/bi waa'cjuigfii irnxaiidmutilat- ^at^e^i'^pltat- ">|D^,;:Shepi ..f'ir^inaae. "inld nht;saye the ^ amputate it; tt tb jelbow ahd man huthe Bym-' =iu> ;/,^g^i^^eBl nieM"'ii)ato'coflti! perah*|pftb^# -ihSe^^ber;/ s|iains weird 1 LSt^U |:j^g| i#} ;to"s%fie?air ;s^ |ie5^^Wagr/^ ^ouojay jh *^a-dtnCt .^1 (^{^^-f^r. 't.1**:-'^!--! ?'*.? mmm^^fy ing rjiute^Stitiji/t refer'}'to(/*: isaueVqbiJf dqr thahej . , .the ,-TOra,7H1Spustuaj| /fepja th'i'FjE E|tt(is8, tSii ? ^b '3 otbn Ji eniiv' ^kvluiW; ,'jl ,__, ,____"SputtualV directed/ tf^"- iScriptawd. i &r lwft\ hijanbtioas'tare ' 1 -w ^fl ' m in feet- mi dne j^t^e/^T^ oultf'e'ac-1'.-i . -/ "' !/ -i. ^ 1 %i m w*%sm

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