Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1875, p. 2

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Mi #" T 8 A T\ FJtEK PRESS, SI F^r Antvunt an Advance.- yeafj, llij.vrnihf Sttll flit.- Ujv Ce- tJrta eluml.Visvvi' inpot "his co?h wi$t'" " 1 not foci 'iiiiSntwl by ...inb i aynig" Iso.iUl' ot net viclfvurj; fast. A; lf whiliviv -* - - f - -' " 1 * r ' -;-A" 'FniiJAY MOKKi^i;, si;rx . fart,: r THBGRAKGtERSJ-"/. ' ' - 'j " , -\Y<> co-nfi'j-s tliht we art; not .thoroughly ac$u*ir.tod \vith-~tlie various' p1si\c:f-.".a<T- mac ijiu-., r^ - ^_ ducod' Unvlinstruirivnts >i erV.nimmTWi:.- tmvd-'-iu'large iniau'ritica' ; ngtmW \ keift\nirto setl.thoni, arid-- :he-'i*sw:, Hie Tm ver gets ii ntuch -bet* t insfMitnont for UtssYiuoiiov faini-'ftu' Uiu-J:it Urn' i vcAw thousands of-'won +u yo< wjiw'vwii- t>eon led,.- -nud'l' nrrglfvsav iftHtiwW-cJ--VoIIr*..jiut; inviivulatHiil by this-brain tixuTUtdusiry iuidv ihoiwarid*. of htimuv,.; ilaildiiuis* by tlw /sound iif ni\\sio,.,iu'ul Iht*i4v--'.<Ui* some pcrsoiv iiust sjkihV' time making sales. .Mii>.-' wV-ft! majnii'nctu ut rou- aftord ji;--i;-, " .,! ' jK^hiUw.tivo or thtvejUr.nt!' 01-even Hall " !.- fc . -i- tl..S f I . . <"-, .t.lllll t .-VfflTll Till** " .'III *' .1 . t ' < ' '-^* i -11 _'A_ it... . chit^v"n^imt .Wt'tifl'ijwdj i", arid-wainis. |.'T^6y ^qn't fact'n'rod ^tptjiaua iifUJt'ii rhs .t^iiiicUtB per. '$' \?..\-_ ... .'ivilUl lll!\ii jfK-rii*' that lm^o' iitum fm-inin;t, Ur> '!Hig (lie J>.Ast y.riiir: or'"*o,- anioppst -<.t^ furn\(h-s, jit vitrlous "booIioiis of th<i, P\>vinoi<' : f:\r'"jft our * - r"^.^;i><: li&ffi-;'-*"# ."."" fr?fd^-.T ' i; ef.-v^. ' : -' *ik-tl nior- (dsr ,-dbowuij;; thiisuYttll tKivugh Oio VstMilUtinUiit,; -s'lai-t cviJ,' ltinvhino t<i ;pl^P tU ,*Al show '^.^-Mwhffifc Uii-v ffi"v*.oJ ing ' a sil<i.- '/rUia fis:i>rii kntiv time' Uic mi\mii';K-,tiif"r w^iicii h> .viiuUl rat he l" A]mJ' :unoni; 4iis \v'(|rkrii : .Nu. WiM-' lAvr tjioy dei-i.S.fro :4i'y" ^"tild fatli'cr never vei a.'retail cuatopiei| conie4tc thoir I hop. ,, ... V Js ' "i- . ii -1 It isall ti;rv nt>A>f-S3vi'>S >- 11 nndfrrstan.l the ol.).t>ct amide- tender A<eui. by/iu'Jvh^""'J lUrtvtjfi-om -, ia(f nuation goes.' we cuiiliot for the ,: Itfe^of us swlwlieivin tlw> nieuihei-s il'r-i ^jiMu^. tOjW'b^ any a,p- j>] eeitii)lo.-Vxt-wtf. 1 We cpuld verv Vign of thcpfiginal Gwin^erti iii tilio "Western States, | wheib th\yvt d good reason to feel ajgriiered' at the ^xtortioaa^e cliirgeVV f thx-. i ailvray ^ruoiidpbJy Ji'V ca'iryuig their ^>rodttce to 1 m-.irkvx :. tveft here in Canada jvhery n'osiieh mciiepoly and extor- .^on-'itt, wiwlaraeJ'oifV'ahaiVhftrts S0" ^'iin^, '!'i ; . : . * ' i the Jiuitferts, that 1 the 'merchajit' and <manufaenn-er are couvfvoiJetl in-their o\vrl interest to : xleai fairly ahd honestly with the Yarnnn conuimnity, we -cannot see ise tber*' is. for ~?r~ i -.-. W&i .^^^ . ta*,f>- m-~i... v?j<. p.s-'s,^" mmvi -..i; m$-&- r-=--fi: pB^'yij ^^^'-.- A ' m1-'^-' "\'-'*"- ^\ '*;' ^fv"V--1 / *^"*'- ^ 1 '- ' -f" FU*~ ': M - V ; -. : "any pfo^tctive combination. They -" ' niay in|a few instances, .jmssihly . -fc^ceed i<i buying some 'liecessjiVy ' uftiHt's a trifie'eheaper than others -,..can _ao, Vyv Jratciiaaiiig in larger " " quantiriesV biit it is'not a legitimate - way .of diiiv.g LiiaineSs, imd iu 4he ;* longiun iV.reither piotitabie or de- ; siruble foCj^Hyer or seller. } ' "Hdvater-, .we'Jsfilt sat- no more ' . "!_ i>nt" would ooniujeud the following \ letter, which, vie} copy from ,the -' 'Milton JWifisi to! tariaers.hive-had their ttme and Wfc'U have oars iimW:" i>o\v". pi or s>liort-ijjht^. ftil crc.isiires, in a !ew: m< ntlis trotii nix t<5 . eight tliousand -of" tl e inhabitants wenrrstarveil "and htd to leave tlis ci\yi wholjj Vloeks i'f h.ou: es "sto(Hl enir tjVtlio. ci'ljy jUelf Keaine lonknipt, and the v'tiry fhniiture of the rixynjdormuc'if rigni, if Wt- remember rigljf, 'were oiiertkt for sale bytbe slieriit"; Iijuose; this eirema^ta ice1 riVerely. to flvir.the ftranger.5 Hiat >ur siicbeis'-'iti tliis w.)rld i)ojteit>u' .yferj wadi on Ad i>ro5{5erity, of pm 'neijdil ors^ and it is but ^i aitseraWe. narnhv- minded policy (in'"fansieri^n attempt ; o rnonepolize trade andjfomm.eree to tl emselvoi' as 1 nnderstamlj.Uhey are; d uiig . in some ueigblKirhiiiivU by dftbhinj.".tog!thcr'arid impyfting ^Hir own mercKamuye; while- pe/uaps atffliu lanie tiftie tioine of them Liko the, Clj.BJnsre. ir^r^iiiUs^C: Or^:in^^o8>ave:f1H.q^ay_ "M^^SwhiS fiffei^jiavins; ifortunKv ;-i't t U^iiia^ority tlrti .old ]iui> ^>fpe<|tfli^jtWj flwiijj- in ft jbeiiig'deS'TMo 1^Wl'. tl)Of 21 itimsRed a; 'jiwi'tty fii'u-1 viiiiy !*>em"Bli'!\!igo;.tliat ';rtdiV'n....ha*ihg.'.;-S>ttuiiU j ^l}t.rtlro!if up to^;(li mi', It, ; ;,I%e.y :ht> vjtl btfen c>)nutjL-y..:V/h>i4*i w j-"1'1; iyd-^ltfciiiH^ very '-Jar* nith rap. gi/eat'iesB f Vi't.jiPr"ii:nimietyiiit;.oV;pi,(>dHi.;tjvc- power,.; and alji^it it (ill^ t> n'lake.ihti aetjiveTy spi: \yertr;Isouii>, Wtirtf nOlijL. ii'h .kiiidHo Stt-ai their yo'dth ooutitVy al! " .bouruiv w tui*nxtli,-" or ihe plawv w the "ui:uiufsetiiixr ; how Luij; will, your No wonder factories staiid.T It jiloes.i fit reiiuik; the ..-,__l.i.i ;.^i...! yiiioixof a proi>het.ti>eo he insult,- A' olosiuiiofonr-jpinallcr factories, a rsti:o-. tidn of hands Sin the;larger iuics, a jc-ir^. ral'Stampcde to other |'nmtrieS.. and then downooino our mark its.1 1 remouvber'in the year 18,"7. I think .. - . i^- -.i comoHihdei' cm-*iotico of natiyiSB op. jt i ipl. to lnudv'thjl ltwgaig6"ypu';'us*,' 'ihtvniotliwv Ctnnitry ;ittn0i8.<?d. hi jAn tlijj^ono in whiohyi^ ctiBvoy.l^. - Canada,.lvsulviiig: to reUtrii; to; f|>S, 'Sc^iwfcve/.;^;bnar|ily/jftja,;'; |V, : i hind oTHhcul- bii^li-, after tv#ugth- * And'flto'JmViy Aiwtfrcdand'.4opt j "S : >n^o|.liiprci'f:I^o6op^^Jia.:ho IqoJtM and (imilciV,' . :" : - ; w hieli51 tlitJ'iwfiij^:; :li:i' ho vivacity* 'tfialTtleaijf" no vivacity, lua* tem-K , .\rijelliorM>U.nieau:it^p 6wcf', - . iliTHiunt;- :yeaiii of 'hi^ !fjru&i f^Kr-Ktivlii%w>-'l<>^h$<l"fafct0;:1 nk' life.;iiJiri|.t1!'rg.':.t\." .jTKoVi' tind,-' too, tlia t t med it -besf-JoF ids'- in'. Cui)ffev'J (ejef-' WW,) tlie.ttKKol;iateH!of I have ; in thwj mother " 'Mie'FJ" er,bsied tho encb no tisvveiler'.re- ii-o not tjb- bu-Toiind m ichv. onceT; kiw\y;|hehi. Uieri, thai 8ueh\i>Krtii*s- tihoiild 'retnrn to th' land oi'^tlkir adoptioiii, wii.h tho .e.\ehunaJ.ion. on After all there's n a Canada'of ours." their 111 placo like tU Heated.C . , ,-; - Asinst<ii*(Wo't it was, 1 was-standing in 1 Hamilton mar- 7 kef; it wa after the elos: of the Has- Jho^bad. elfort: ot putting .tho l/W sian war, land the ciittco mtant fall; in j gi-ain ciop u ider cover befoio jc is overht mg .'rcrdarfe liy a citizei l7rej^i,~lier<! are potatoi-s f. sliilliu^s .a bushcl^-iuid I yesterday:-a\'.r a. York sh: Uiug a pouml, Ve sliall Hi -able to live * h-p. the d ni ad *ho"ff'lh-iv- ("thoroughhv i.ry has eouie inide/- our , "Soe tare, .Tl-otjc . jt*w mid- bo well, for Ahose. <r three i urk ' , . . . . , .-'.- imight butter Pngnged m iijgrlcnltural piiwi/its Up encs. fefe?" ^vtj',; 3 & tUifnigh'tAll coh^ for-tlieir last Aviator's grv> - .. my rca*l ^deration, dlt -appears to Mye, ers'to tsieoirage our man tfacturera, and been wrliteivtv ^1i iirtelli^ent Air- :givo:;an h'onjest'emplojrra- :t t/.as a;any * 'e\iTviW grovr op around us, towns.spring . p ifi our midst_ .ofifjeitiesifctoirKi tulalge 1, and tnir na tion hidcptitident, the wourcys! of imr own country,- lieconio' f eveJopadj our marsets estaWi-died indc]ii.'lideiil 'of the rain'br. s'.irishine ef othc r .countries, or the ntf-ds ufid ik-cessities of .t'oreign^ur- chasers, i -I' .;-' ' -'." K-5J3SAr.i.WE i- V -f ARSIEK W*:~:-. .Ar-T'X - mer in our jiejgljjF5onng:totrns'fai]>: < JfisSAGAwkra; Aujj. i2, 1.S.T5. - - "SiSri.I irefiuently see'iri the iblTerent ^ ne^-sja}fcrs-oi thi4'sevt^jn oi tl-e'joun- ' "try some allaiit-u to tKcpram^t'rs; and the Grange nnvea;ai \ woull like to ; "itaa*-was; taeierOraugers are aiming it. I ov.e...lS jjj Cdlt tiia lite-X of a larm- ' ers.' ai*oeiat;<.!i^<'(r"6rgan,:itatiou of some ' kind, as litre ar^ quite a jiurol.ver of liudablfe iad legitimate ]mrjjoses Srell. worthy ^of their auejiiiun ; rsueh,- for t inatane4 as the best j.>jiyjj^g erf.p to raise. and the best, way t lexuap^ au;i.ue *,^iio; vuiy pwiu v- uk... i [ayejiot pjiid tlitif county. aforeketper Llne.Sllgftl ;.; * Qtistoms Ref orm JL new srystem' of c dlectirig" tho re veil uei from persons 'ntering Ara- ^ best Had of rt6*'rtise..*nd hoW i erici1.-V^k^ h'a3>een a, lopted. ^ The U> feed them ; the".'best-.sifay t(> exter- aim of the ht-Ny reilila ion is chiefly :--i '-If 1. iu "jay mii'iate noxleiii weeds,!:;potato bugs, gra3sh,ojjperj>,; eaterjllarif ic. ; also to Eecure. a proj>er representative of onr fraternity, our risrhts and interests', in J'arUameut : to engage si'our own ex- pehse, inih-i iiixcrest of <j>omm.jn"hones ty,' _an Inspector ;of-weights'and mea- hnres-fp'r eieh asuda-rery-Jpity. and coun ty, to be paid a--r-dspiKlaW-1 snlan- auf.t loreien t-ork. will in fa ure. be com- el led t^lijke-an Oath in 'reference la.'the. dutiiible goods-i n- Uis posses- .dnpioy. Km -4ihole -tiire '.pr^weoi-liii: .us sion.-".>Shi^lld;imy 0i be fctught ] .against ajsitonest fcU-rchants' wn.'4tr>"'|iiwe!H'ib'1' ^lst%,'nis" giods'arjB to be .our rrtl-duce and i-ell ns,-their tea and t:___: "fl;t ^h,ut, AMnnii^.nh to.1 J' IbU)^^; also toipress ujit-ia bur legislature iSheirepeal oTttaosd objijetional clauses in . oar* Common .JSeaool - A';i, sh- that ;we might be allowe.1 to spend our money . >*"ith the :best possible advantage "to; -our - /'cfcHdreii, both iinauoially an.l.inte-lleetu- ally,-'- These aad many more advantages" might be secured by a^gineral eombiua- tioaamongii'vnc'rs. : Tiirt--th!s A'iinkce nojifja irf a fe\--.'fanpera^jettiiig iu pri-. v'ate*t;.jn'jLave'y.-it!i ch..-!-<i JicnUr* :fdr..fear" their"neighbors, riiigtrt ome.: in,'.^ironi what I can-beast is hot likely" to i>e pro- glers, and we : see; no . dnive.of:uiQciigpo(L TheseTOrsrigera ^v 6boiild :be more ^__:are going to do'away with.these" pests of ' "" ' " agentu, they caH W'ellwe would not 5vh to! defend these geitle-, men (the agents) iii all their trahsactfons, ior -many an. hoiest farmer baa ljeen _i?i. -i i _^ ii. .-i till jo to .put Un qud to the g -nteel swind ling i:i fyh^h traveller s h'a,vp,/in-ton mariy'cUiF, "..beiftn 'tenijited to in- duii;e. ;Bv!et!y orie entering from a cnnfccateit>'Arufetbe dfelinqijent to be lined'tltree tames tl e autpunt of tho OuStJoin I dues. This teems rather a slighspunishnent for per- jiir-y; YtT|ik not seiid peVsofis gnil- exeroise cauljlldn. The cool Wpat her and appriehe, i^ion. of rain are both temptaiioiuf "o liasto in haryestfield operatti'ons/' i nd crops are'soiiietitnes eanlt'd' li'rito tlio' bard wforo tlio necessary i loisturo ia wnSuined, and tliu .cpiisct'jueiicpirnira; realized n. heated ^rain, radically jinjiired for iiso or s: (e. &iiley:'especiklKv 'sliouid be c.U.efullv-WatonedJ , " .: i^. Alexandrian' fiaperi titStes, that,]Eg)'pt will prowald} oh important '"exp'pr.tfer .of ' si j It. to India. Sihco the iinit of May last 0,000 tqiis/of that article, produced by'jthb'n'ew irtlt pa'rfe ntwa; have",r. -.Hoy.--are SuclrVpJitaiiled 1 ' l^eii exported to C/.ilcntta.- ' ".....""' ' " ':' "'" x> tho State ty:-of false!_sv.-ei-.rt, _ Prisofij' the shine ai any other 'de tected. per;;ti'rer 1 ;Tl{e[oSseeins ' no good ffiison -vliy should ho uiade- ttx btv j. . n- -=,,,, ^ , - , . .-- would hi ihe adoption Vii..ii4h other-hand we are much indebted to r'-1,Qrf f1 W; jUx^'l'1. ihemasaclas'siarmauyof 'the comfort* amiiilngnilggtige. It !. r-,'^', ;- Mmnmk.: Ik*!;/ mauy we enjoy- Tnere i#* notoh^farmer in fen would have "air "apple to eat -jf!these agents; had not-bri.ught-the treei \o our .door* and pressed us to take tbuin, on -time, and iu many instances evei.;plant- ed-them for _fe-'..The most of 'qs jwoubl r Alio he iiin"ing away ft oargraiii.with our old dradJei but" for thete" middle men, who liave.eoiHfc toVour houses "and .sold us the machines',, then "iiayti co)iie ;back and set theiti goingffor lis s have / etkixFanil -nr^tch^ iheir operations, c^iid faive gone back. intd suggested prauMjcal , omprovemt-nts-to the niaaufaetiirer..'. . And fotheie' njid<lle-men wet are in a fgreat me=5Sure inuobteS -fur the state of -perfection to whieh these things liave been brought. - .j\b"it; t argue tfaitrthese / men's tiiue ?an<lj labor Uaye:i cost ns "^=nflthing. "H'o-proVe my poiutUhere, 1 ' .will retef the readier to twoorth'ijee facts f "in the history, ol (>;ir J.nanuf4ct:ae*. i*'Aboutthe yearUSSa the first s<.wing:.].t"".1 a f^r^it *hil3 t< fer*d; tii. the people of Bnll land ^butwheiv taichines were offeped'; to. the pcopli .^^^.grqvince;. the "selling price was ^tetiji*l<K) eash ; fev'jpeople felt them; ifel^fc* ableito punih'asb, thus the article :Kii(tp(i punsnase, tuus tne article -. ^ 14 ",- ' ':: iJtrai.JB&i-caitrJroml-the iStxirin^" clas, ^' -a,rge1itlemiui, :it SE1r-JV; ___.-M l&#'3| yrheie'itS waaj'thei-jiiost needed), almost T--f - iltogetijipr, and.theJmahufacture of them ' 'JwagTe^-Hmited,;*o;tiktJfteraU 'there Gmiibaflili !of tire law wanq%leh.great!pntt<.*themaniifec. . enipliasisjot t .0 Jaw it. wis,easily seen thafcby the sentence-does nd n-B'ilegetf to sweir fajstely than c titer .people. The best (jure for the .heating car ried' on ;by tmscruphns-fti-iycllers. by our neigh- ;ystem of ex- the trunks of inett together, tliat 116 live 1 cmikl. tfee*. passehuers wjr. exam by one fiJiiin-;'so placed dollar \\\W n.'BJV'1 iKHCtlO place, Upc'le'Sam woi the gainer!. Sinall, fr;' revenue ofti clals would lose a gre_i pferquisil;^ and trayi obliged. -to honiostly thei gop^s.; Caste lor Colon el tiAKEit. Baker wja4 recently 't ied and sen tenced id jEiiglaiid foi Ussault'<JuJ* lady i:v Huge.* Ttjis-icase'j as \ ri eicarnple of expci<litii!)\is justice in a slo\V ctmn- try, is jwjorthy of t .jiecial ' iibte'. There arej^ouU! tliingi} that it takes' do- iii John h jjafi "r r in a. .nvilwfay car, has assaulted hy n perstfji enough t den that siitjl; be proteiMid ag.linsi^ fctrodacihg!jnachine^-y aivl manujfactur-: Heavy-^al; yeap in p rifjbn yd.d tt ^-.' f- m p -^1: ^ int;in lerg* ftuantiKes, these machines toald be inade much cheaper. But the Iwirtjthfflg so large iWaantfty, bo that the ,imantifacturer' imgttj^ ajle to realize in a reasonable. ^ tiniefitihis;, large outlay. .'To overcome thU difficulty^the- agent was employed: . .to introduce/ them to "the publiCfleli them,' and snow 'the' purchaser'haw to- J, iue taenii-'anttjrhiit has been theresult?: V it ha 'created;* t?8ef4d branch of. indus- ;J'*ry-U>..o^iiMd^;'-it'I]asjEinj.loVe<l thopi. .'!'" aad*-of <men. whose faniihes hare coiiT joined qtrrjrgdjioe and tthas contributed -tnjWSMMSfe-ttent Vo - our .inarketa, wial^0rli&y x>uf iaachine sere4ty t>< c*nt iess from .the! agent thau we fo ty :CSCi or- of sliing- ld-be" greatly revenue ofti- t part of their, woiil iaV; duty on 1(37-1-3 hits bben Ajiio of. the worslrr klROwrii"' " fjiOm tlio month: of A117 gjuKtXl874|lf> tlyb end of :e'bniary, ip7 Qj :oti \y I ;2Sji 58 tons, of 'boot-root' v_ere' euliivated; while' ih: 1B72-3- t|e quantit} Was 1,008,000-tons, \n Irish'/lad_v ;of.g0od f.iniily . , and 'fortune ,;/ihiined Kate Graves, " has sued a, trhont lover for.15,000 Tor'breach. of prbmfef-. The ^vkj>- orated brid( groom is heir to a largei fortune. IitavVnouneitigihijichaugej of heart to his lady fair,, ho ruth- le^Bly .taunt id her iWith throwing qver anptheV ..lover dor his sake. ' EememJ^r' h'V '. w"rot.e, " that' othters chirge ttieU' mtsds'.". r The young lady has ttcovered ^&l,000r and her.father h:(S challenged the fjdithless swijethVart. ] +~ An elevated purpose is a .good and dnobling thing; but we cannot'bogin di the top pt'ii AYo must work up by , thej often ddhcult path of daily.duty 'ihe last, blest fruit,; which " 0bme6 to |ato perie<:tion, even in the kindr- liestsoul. is tenderness idwariU the hardi.forbeatanco towards the unfor- Xunat^, warnth of ijeart .-towards. tn'erjcdll,-antyphilanthropy towuids j,be| misaulbi opic. If- we wo lid:, give "-ourselves Only half an hout of^every day, we would preacli'to ourselves' several of the best) ser- monsl that could) bo uttered'every i^am-whyj.vveej> " Sfo man's life'is free fvbin strug gles and) mortifications," not even the -hapiest ; lmt; eA-fery one may build up his own by seeking men tal pleasure, f and thus; make "him self -indepai ideift of outward \ for tunc A\fa wore boriij to loot n;pward^. arid' rnwa-d.. \Vere aspiration crushed wi,hin.. us, we should re marij. iis sterile as tho clods of tho .valhy', shut aw:*y, fioot the heaveri- lJra would-be J^^nd'ieirce-tif-thh' ijlornufl-lew.' ....... .1'..*., .... and' tbe mul-day siiiishtne, On the;proper and complete exer cise pf the tti'eptionS alonojitlio best happiness <( (iie^depends^ Biid as the hreauost 8Cr.'tp,of'g.'.o4p,iof bead, or o,1 tinsel, rioks beautiful and cost- y through/ 1 he- relleoiing-' mirror of an isidfecent .railway car- ihe kaleidos V lady,,riding "been -grossly iri .the station; a wit " Ivoniinally' sJjonld. know, enoughj to{ stdy 'at sound very fine> biii .whfin ;y?6 '*\ph'Mder';'tb;e' "man's petition arid.tlie social effect of tllis. siiiitence, w0 a :e. tho .efforts lif a life duiiible.d into ;irretrfey'able ruin.ranijt thip ihteaviest-^ehtenco a C<)urt" ct irld 'gi^je co ild 'thfei|efcire ststrcely top worse thai|i the efTept of the senteljce: giyen^' ier :or. jtoerlv^ did from the^manufacturer, aiid thirty per cent more for our produce- n/Anl/1" if ^U/iu/. f~.j^L*~?~~ XL__1' gett than we would ijt. these factories had' ioot been established; ,; ' jV Another llluainratUin might suffice ; .III theVsami year (1(5.33), inva little un- f^eteiiti^ttajbuilding ou King street in Thihi| of THts.-^-i rashiojir for '& long tiffte past has' pla<5<yc$ a: wife ariitong, tne luxuries iyhioh; a. poor qian could notanord- to ftnjoyjvbut We hear it lasttli'ereis to beachange, anil richness in. dregs, b pronounced vulgar, j: A French;countess has ttppearedji at a public 1 oncert array ed: iii aj dress thiit j osfc'less'than' two ^dollars. Jlrtn-V of_-this, ye '-" "" '--- " ' a limited in- _jiltoh;T.*;.Wi.?\,'hite wu making lonety b|JchelQ , vrtt.l etodeooj. .fte -had no; agents, no ma- bar-ht ppy ytt. < And itrjtfght t(j nffilnp hofcript.-;' iTH6-woMs:^'a}r'>^"*^i|^|u4);'i(itt,': -: V.. v JJtit tho'toiicsJitna^,-:M.e"rc"c>:lfku, dart; TIBf wiW iiwj'i W*>. ' 'ai> Hid: sUrfmor '-- ":!*.-'-I Ihi.t eli^X^ncsTnisy--break*-tlioheart. . e.cll ;-*' " "/v /Aild oyoid'.tljestiitp'Ofthojileart.' WUetla rV^: Hv'pW""tt':ormjtv - "'-* -:' - .Arijeilior/fy" ' " ' -'" - " l'ikf y ..ajid-a'iige*'- ftrfi'tli<Sre;.: '!" mvel Bifiggs'-' baa co.rpnienoed ; ' a political; CiitecUisiiv-'iyft- scienco 6| obtaining a Hying!, public's -expense.. ,. . : ^- ' ' ] PdUtict^l .Coteohism.' rftiinvpl Ti\\% wMitiii 'oiithliir begitnieia.; ' fxhi's 1s*-Jio.w k *><-l\^: :"j j.' ."1 ; - '"' ' ": WM itivrf politii*,? Tim ' ' '"- ' ' iity'tbi' public's exj ' ' nnl a; 'tolitioi^ti 1 Vw- l>e( uuth'e.diHei'ence 1 , The criiriihal lias liei'd fanhd 'dfl'f, wbilp it should ,u</ ihfi' ohje.C^qr every, poiiticijm'tO"e3qa|M3 tlni^leiec- tio'iy.-' .' ' '-; S>>\" -""'^^.:-.""'..;. - -Itlgjht yoiV are.- iWha6-'UHi8t ev'erv ;.: Sir of His party AVI Ori, season in- Austria fnt politieiah profess yc'iiie devot 1011 taihe interests country diuhfidelity tp! bis' leadet's." "/-.if..; y.l: ..' . 1 j> at Ane thip pnrifripal jmrtjes 7 ts and'iTOries..- '; - Wlat^a!%it?'V \ '-'-..'" He is opiiOstid to tne "Tories'. (it is;ii'j,ror|.i' is down "an]tVp CJiLtk ' / Is diis thevonl^dinere.n'ee ?.".. Thero 13 i|io.'oti(pr visible to1 the niikei! eyo. ) ' * !.-?* ' -f . " Wl jit: is'tljp'.'ci'tfef^ntjt of rnanL i- A i^vernfijeri^:t(li(5o. vBy powe lto|w camp-they into pfewer? .By -prbiesiiions, of purity- and econcmy W iat'. do understand "by, ' i'iii ^ty i:" Th i ' expenditure .'of' inaney' ' to J elect uit'triburs of P;u-liameht of .the AM-ty-'l Eciinov>y;r ^hf| pntlay! of the ^ilblic funds to pron>^ti;f'tlip best 'iufli-rest of tile cdriiil' those t-.-i fey, which u'rO 'identical. [wilTi 'of goyerii.m'ent' tiujiporteriH { ' ;'j'..y ' ;. - A'lsinatt tiling: a nkisla.rd.iphis-^" ter.' .., !" :' M;in\v*vtiflie e1>iig,^geaie*ti-^N,-WJr in-tlrealay." .. -;.,- "U'h~ ".i s redection atltho close *:debu BXibHeryifiney': t"p-tho party in " "" "" ' ' w :i--. i "Y-, j^i ': Jplaji pljaptirolin l$tthj|}, jjiib\aob<i.t>qonie-:bf Acjtio "I'M . -'.:.-.-:, '^!Su2:ii}-i/i.u--i- y--l-rr. .^H':.:! 535?= tM:- Sand ilACountjesqfl^li^^ knowtHiit lie lias just rtstu/neij.' ^m 'torn the: Where ho bos made larg jpurchiises of Which'wiil'be "."."v.-.'?.' !f'^'... m 'SIot jf during this"month,i ,Ct^lie^'noticb;cd*yvhich ^ri'.tbe gi^en; :;"i---'--,Vi'-'r-./"-i-"' -v J ' '-^ Andi thlati ^oSderfUl Man'^-standiagJnjotto y ^>jij Pw><itiand Quickl.Sales " ^ilf beJhe- watchword, (which ineins! I3E3^Al'T2a: - ' ' "' '.-..}i'.|..4'jji:r ?j*/' .--. V /f M AlmavB|ockl,' Upper Wyndham Sbfei : boelph ' '* -r-' '*: Buari< iti&j.*sif i*o*i.t-t*^r^T-^-w; ,* , vm?: W0mm m* * i" it:- W-^i .mi 1 -v ': / W.: ~^A- a ^mm: ^sx^J \^Tlie^li^tee^ty and hes^est retail fetpcli: of Teas anS] Generitp . >vsf-v::, ;^- ;t, '-:. ' *--':r\:C:*'^-., c:Groceriesrfe^ M Tie ^eja^est 5 gtpi^ fll&j'^i^ -Tho Thk'.feajt thjat is life'ta< us, atuio!)>tiere.- | , ,..'.r '., Tub jfeinUter of "the interior. The lhputij. i: ,\_.-* ; 'flreo \g9phlar; Kings; Sinok- ng *1 rinkroi and' talking. What arb they^'hich.JrfiottghiaV:! ways jdrunlc,: aro never ihtpsjedted t TciiStS. '": . " '. ... What an intellechinl appenrrancs- tlioBe -:M fr]izzes" th(i girls->ivear itppti' their fQrehoadsr'give them. : A Celebrated"wit once said jto his . tha:t.i'tjw'iSs neither his' inter-], est to piy'.-tho ^iricipal nor his principle to pay tho interest. Tfero an Colorado who signs himself 'f.T. Pot,v' V It is. Said that the ieas^ thing .mak'ej'hiita boil over. *' ': *." r'.'-'t " - ':" ,' ' W bat \s the -; difj[eren,ce between speriuaceta fuidiit schoolboy's howl f One is. tho wak produced by '.the' whale, and the ..other, is the wail prod iced by i the wliapks. . . ,,-' yL poiitemrforary says v^A child over iq the sUeetvby a syagon tbr<^e yeai-s. old) with pan- WHY ? r$W I * ' M -:- ' liiisdii^^SiS'dfc^M^I *j^v j JLDElSl I^ION a M C3fcr*ElMiteEE I^uncter3felliiig all the-other rrterchapte> ii because he & A- FOR " :. M AND CASH ONLY, it talets on, which never spoke after- anf lias iresiderit in the-Brilishjmarkete t^o;ftrat^lass.briyerB^-one in. wards." i ' ;' | i ' -Olasgbw 8nd ^he: other in London, En^ndf-bo;th dailj' on the spot, The comply cucuirjber cometb, con'yeying. cpiintless cases ..of' chol' ery and cholic,' causing cheeiful' comments on the part-of the com pounder of curious but'comforting cordials.. ' ": iope, *>o does ihe moat common and*'.dreary'- scene acgixirp attraetidn aid value when beb/eld jbrough the beautifying die liunji of gi-atified aSeJtion.. I'. ', MrafQadibout called prober near frierid, Mrs. JIolniOH, the 'othe'r Mayi to tell her that Mrs, Jpne^.wasjgp- i'ncjvtJo. invadei tho GadabciuC aaad- - -*"* ".a*. iUf-lrf 1/,T/ L'nAilitli. home with tiieirolifldrtin diariifc hpt feather."; Hra. Hplrdes hopjd tiip affair would A, yottngman, searching for h,ifl futher!8 pig, itccosted . an Irishman as follpwa j -"Have you seen astraV pig ij[bflu't here?" To which Pat res ponded, . "FUix, and- how could I tell a stray pig from -anyl otherl" The fpllpwjing epitaph is engrav-j ed baa tomhstone iri a "churchyard ;; in Ireland;: ;' '"..'" ': -l'i '/Here Ilea Pat Steel,'1 that's very.tnie, .Who was he'?- What wfts,4ie? What's - A./ Presbyteriad; minister while marrying it' couple; pf rustic parish ioners felt exceedingly disconcerted" i|atioii: for jlier 1 friend. "'.Qhj no, said Mrs, Qndabout, "t arh jttst go i; lg to!to^let thetni wait. On-!: jthem S ;lves| and. ilake as: little :^rotible a? I can fof iiyself." Bwhgtogo, 'jjrrsi .;. Qao aboii^.. .^continued j-M. 'jWhen Mi^ Jones ;gdes jho'me,1 I aim going to take Eddie and Hattie ajnd Mamie arid.' the Jbaliy^-^aini' go- tp .cdusiii Usther's-.fpr-i^: month; ""hey :ha,ye s ich a pleaaatat place at 'araway, ani'the deaKchi|dren c^n a,ve a. spletidid./tim'e playing 'pn e lawn^nd in the barn." lotbe.too much o'la.|is;i od'his inking the bridegr'pptn^^"if he ionit let youi angry passions Hse, Because joiir neighbors advertise,; . I ' And draw away tho dimee ; ' |ut bpldly-do as, they have dope. If ursue the eo irsethey have blegun, 1 'And drifi > away dull "times. ' :i was will!ngvjto take the woman .-for his Vedc\ed: "w^ife, -hy scratching his iieid aiid.8aying,..."'Ay, I^m willin'; but t'4iathVr;. hae her.sister." ': ' A father^ id cbrisoling hisdaugh- ter/"w|io lost, her husband-sajd:: "I don't .Won'dir'yoir;: grieve: for* him, my'child.' pfou -will neyer1 find his] equal :" j "irdpnivkno.w'as I can.rf Eosppnded the^ sobbing widow u but I'll do my jaes'tt" ; The 'fa'ther.fell comfdrtfcd; ; V.:- -'-:-. ' :-. . EUgene",!^.^oefc, 10'Amelia, :.'.Y "Cpidsj'(it down on the shelly shore, And.^earj'thamighty-;oceaii;roar^' :/-_.- . Am^a,'H faahioiJable'.ypuhg ladyj 'to'-Bug^nei"'^-"-'-"^^' : ;i; ;': " I can't ^it down, ybttWilly gooio, ^: Bocidso I'd pust my pMl.back looao." ' / reaping all advantages for the pat rods 'of the, Won., I iiW>.v f,4 U At tie FasMcna"^ West End ^ v.",-,J ' ~H' KT The inhabitants cjritho Vtll^ge of i^ctpn and snrronnrtins cbnirtry* ri ' '.' :jj_"[ \' fdfited to attend-^be Grand Clearing Sale Jofv.' ^ V i.'|;. -.-^j'No* SoiBgKm at^tha Iresa Mantle and aiilllnery Esta^shi itfetit^ 15EPEB: WYlMimAM gTBHE&i feEffi .......... . . -- . . -i.-. Vt' .,-. -.--.. Iodd^ds^ Crowds every ^nf. : AstodtsdiliiS; B^rgilnrf ^ 1b^ | ' -..,-..*-.? Cqme auJjSee..; ,^f pr ZB^.QELj^EsCw' .^K"-i:,V;^'.-t^'..r:: 11 i Faehibnaple west Enal)Eess, Mantle and Mllib^ri^stabU8iiimint.J 5 r uejbh,;^tjf';^,^874.J'_.;.:;;'_; 'V l>r-j *W*s?' m& Is jtyi^ bpenida FIAIJj GOODS[ e;ten6iyejty\and. at suchiipw (prices. Inifapt-theiiidd will,selji goods this B*eHwn"'^We^'^tulit"<><ihe!r;' merphants: pfty forthem; -| Bring your money td'the Libn'i an^'"" '-'-...' -; . '" ' )) ^ - - WILUIAIVSSON, ' I.- [ \!;ki|gu8t^S0,:d875, .:V" !^v.tT.""i*ia PBiN^^0i^FrjBLISHi^ ii^^E^j Twenty i. Proprietor pf the Ijeading Store aid the only ^jirecit inipiirter m*3&mssm jjn'Gulel .^XWi1!**^ I'l'-C ji. .( : ' \o:E^mi:o ,- -. . . ,. Order^ fpt all kiruh} of :.. ': , ..-. .- ijobj'rihting promptly attended to; / SALE :^.^ -v. ' - ,' ^J '1V '5,r- aaiO^siiE ^ ?*Z?>. ; j^Q^r oouhg on -at' the- 1&&T: '-ri.^ii A. 0^31 WYMDHAM STEEETi.GTJEj TREMENDOUS B iuring.':ths.'!lalei, ^vvipg frec\|ced safely .ir^cd^r^:^ ^'^ ' ;Ab "we iare atudods to clear it fight out ier i a, pfe^uJrei folshow gxiodi. j Ouelp^^u^WV;'!^^. ! ' 'A; mm s "<;- m Call 4n4 ej|i in ine to^c :a* w^l :B t i-'ir WW it ":; 17! K. Fi". "la liffl^ '/ -,!

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