Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1875, p. 3

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.".,." -.v.- -:2a. . - [. .* fronrtb* i .i ~\'M -j -.- .A , - ' & ' .. j*C5 % , - -.- *-43 , " " . "' 1_ ^tei &9S t; r ^s5fv:: r _ *""' - fpawwwi THE AqTOK ,,1i|RE3 PRE|gS,, SEPTEMBER 3, 18,75. ~^ NEW POINTS, C"==~= NEW BOOTS Si 5 Another Lot of that famous 50c. Tea ju^t td hand] *";! i In*" sonnfc* .ra rxr. a A.t>Mn.utn MAX.: A hiril. clow nmri: was Solomon Ray, Kotitmg of valucho gave aH-^y-; i lbs twanUsl _mvI scared," - >. ' ^ Hi> jiiinehtil abil sjiayetl, ' And the ttiore'"h<; had the more he craved The hsrd carnili dollars hfioilctl to gain Brought p.inilrtJtlfr but-care "and paiu ; i or lvn'le'hb spent,--- And aU;heilont'v ' .."] lie made itjbrmjrrma-twenty per cett, Soch -was ths lite rtl Solomon' Ray, The vears went o>y and lus hairs grew "..-' s^y. ">: .- - :- . His cheeksj fcrew thin '-' _ : Andhis within . .* ' . * i?5?^ 3Jf>ani as the dollars fee wotked V."~ to wins-'-". - . ' * t ftut he for The heirs ^ . ' - i. Anil that'was 'tie end ot" Solomon R.iv. " They^Ttarr-el>|.-w*Jk> had little. car4 ' For ^oiorudrV jl'av while lSs.'I.f-f'iwia . sparedl ] = :; - '. , _ His lafi'JTa tret* stifd. All weai to the-lawyers,-1 am tgl.l, ; Yet'men v_iQ vSieat, and pinch,and save. To carry their treasure beyond *the .;_' grave, i__ :'-' - All their"gfl.l soprie day 'Will iuelt piVay jl: ' . '. like tbe *eltishi satmsrs of Solomon R&y. i-bx* to bo. on no tolliiiir $hitt i&n: he diod s>n|e day, as all men must^ i "*' But vp<* know is'. fufep^Ir. A.I' irKHgnsintly. " Y syuipathios a;-e nil For t\v*n^y v ittjj'here, knd to avdw FI_*fken for tie Sou casion Ims oecnmn] mirpei nnijyl wuin. ____nnl, for there come of it ' well that chu_re -c tut mil II>do on knov. ti "t nn slea'rs I have ed an t>xpiv:^sic>n tys ord en ire h^vd hIw; tKt>'aiid vv " I h:i- thffct yoit- ix'tuined Air. hsi\'-'"-,le'ii Did'viSa Tom. a half-d IUy, "Of cokrrse ;;oae {^r the Souih in mt iit the :riem!i A f-on^M iltvo ootnimttod i hi ft u nd to tllOA \\oul nphiot tunUy NEW TWEEDS SHOES, &C, I I ito %\ t ong lio \s n>} a Soutllltn UlbttUltlOllB Mitxlv grvo htm nn strtU the South Lnc bpin ti id ne^el ho^tbiitpd sentit(utnt'5 I |!ut\o li i\here'_qr qc ivlucl* ih manri if opinion, ind spta"k before Ppro \H.|.diti. to eNticnutic, and then lio whulil coiimiico tliom ot his mnd celnco ITlio ^ igo) stojiped tit list 'wlieG' if 1 nd pt-m-ftiited th<> foros>t for A ll e li ur ios(3 bdene \\ Inch The v ijjon h id 'iii___; in tho v ;!ii,li.test douhfc njoon's fij s v to tU<- SsoiUli,' K i*o, while Unci (in \ou weio two st ljlvd ut^ntgioi s wfso li id hit ini_)iudont ityg it mil \Mtli a. spide m hi^ ^li 1> s ifijyjer, ^hjinii Tlitfi cfstmg lusejiiiip iboitt two nid<a, and to a Ifalttius -uiht mco ot John Hule Vrna lifted. pdistnro He cist Ill's e^e,^ aiounl him, ail hvibiooil fio-e with liairei.nml on Lis heud at the prc^oiittil itself John Hyde needed no Becond bidding to shako tho dust of North Cmolina from Ins feet, und made tho best of his "way homeward, where "he turned in safety, and somo months aftpr his letnrn I heard lum nairate this story on boaiil a Wtlhamsburgh ferry boat in tho presence o at least n dozen indiviUiiaU leached a cleai ooJn and bi'neath tlie h" diseo\oud a. deep st uidHT_; i t J.U liind .>llar, onThank^niiijj t aw " njoinel TTjdcf, altroe, troin v^itd, he natueil th \\ tltn w tgoii bjui stopped beneith the bough of ^\hicti dingled a-cord unhesittitiinglyi . ' Tin ht"j.e^ hail with a notisQ on the ind a holida^.;.'Tom v as lotting about 1 , His beat t stood still ^ritn^erroi doing nothing, ant I g-ne him half'ajS tho hoinble truth flrtbhed upon tilling ft big hkm A. dullar to:;ias"sist treel -And ii isti'tj the hrst tinlo liave givim the^pi have done s'i.l.frtqtientl thougbfc anyibarin Mr. :[cmd|j yell to_ fee ihle' "n,!,: was . any; di&cu' Kortb aod So.itth, .altered nowj and against itwi. |- ' - - - - -f' I anv; vefry bV jnentlonmg tlie fac liLetl_ to j oi. for rtplied FJmIo I do not. wjish "ti);t'*tni.<.ssH in. Of A FBEE|K|A$CH- |"\Vv^'3n\ve l^een told thst-h is one ' nileiif Mnsonry that a member of tlie . prier shall not'persuade his neigh- ir"bor to joiri-jbat ancient body-to-tup Pend tiutt op taan shall be able to ' *ay tiat any undue infiuenee- wasT used to csontrpliiis action, r . , Although jpfe are not a Mason.we' . are always glad toTeport-tbatwhich .13 good, whet!ier_it relates to individ ual or -institutions; and aicting iUnile'r such aic inipulse We propose %o tell a soca-y ot" Masonry,jvhich the * r' ^der rriay' refy; being . wiscj fetri^y true iwitly the stngle.excei>- rejoined Mr. r A.:'1 \ 'tioftHbnly .that the Tianres'are hcti- f; ** '; tibiis. The ici^c is in the United ^E^tes.' y . Ii . fs some t-en or . twelve ytars since we I<xilfe<l iijion" John Hyde, who at thitt tiuie,\vas a i-esideltt of- ^Villiaru^b5ii|_;h,Ti!i the erfsteni dis- ' f Hot "'-of-Brooklyn. Avherti lie may -. Stitl bo" residing for aught we kiiow ' to -tin conthirv. If he he will in ,, . , . < "tlie land-of the living,".'ami should j.- kf1,1 I ' They wer< ibout to hang bun ' monej I | IJe e\prej;seil adesn-e by gesture and lieS er to ipe<ik,' w hen the leadtr-cf the .'blind unhesitatingly took the ga; Well, dop't;d)> it ngnin," - ' ' of it " 'and ^t i\ is all \iroj'Ojs Lefo e theio y bit ween the hut things bi\e t hero is a 1 iw law, and'"I -shall l>t ure,n.! ' "| :' tiine yoii had hctt about' votii Avhen - , /-l ', > - night, for .there, is in.g agaijt^t yon. irs, to tiniis'li jour: 1 ly js possible jiml T, .cunjrtutj J">ffKt thf y6tt ari? in j<] ; John H-rde -tint Hi auee upon at-tmce. lvcojjmiie' ti this- ifimfjrion, lie will. advice. ire. ct 3 truthfulness. wMch' jwc are w-aa about raw-boned "muscul.ttr.^VJlis person. bore marks; bf "great ^tbil, hts fao^ ' At:-xhe. sptking, ;J >!m -Hyde Bixty .years $t age- tiill f'*nd he an'<l weatKer-jaeaten froni constalnt expositre, and his skin had thtTappwirvmce of tanned; leather.- He might' have ;.been isiune time tl;at serious u t'.evt of his adviser.; - Ife -iatontionaUv conn iietermiintion, inA m the mean r Beep veur eyes you so out at f< i-iblo feel M\ i U t"c toyoti t;Mues-> io '.^itedi iv ^trn home, for . i )ti% tctibn that ' 1,11 nked Mt A, foi l{u( -f ite<l Jitl the 1 end confegjtently. ivas not ufnjd of an! I wit tesort ^- -w- :>*- "^ 5'."" *-.'-J -^-" irgafnsr'tb b> " -Es^blishmient. ' : ,- .ft-. . v r &\- -_ % A 'A ^0RE ?H.- -;4 yi:- rarfi^e;tb xik^ti'for a.'- backwoodsman1 ":or L ___'rover of the^. "Western plains'; ijut ie was, neifner-T'-he was 'captain. ~~imd owner of a "schooner in" the fim'ber tradel arid by twenty yearsj of bard toil_-fcid amassed consider-' 'able property.' ' ' " . /: . i'. John-Hyde-w-as a Democrat of - the most "pronounced stripe^ and. a, feoutbern syfmpathizer. diirrng tlie : '-war of tbe, [vfry; warmest descrtpj i seiied -in fact be glbrijsd in the-title j. mtlsked e tb 1 not * ikt so k-he matter a did syid he hid not ill t* 1 an\ w mng any purli^Hmeut. -was illjgpotinded, 4s prove. It -was | the tbiid Hyde's ijn tier view- w:itb i+t |. 5t-hai Ibilg- be"in 'it tave ts Mrbere he"whiled_:i wiv the-hours by a. friendly game cVeuchte On the nig lit iii" question ~te rn>e from tho table at bis.accustfi ' " half past ten), bat mied hour Rationt e *hoie ptesent gobd-nidht,' and d< parted Iso cdpnfer tad tbresbholdlof the door aTnh iloscd it behinl hith'tlia l he wassirddehlj *i' copperhead." . Thim '.was two j strugtre3, gagged reasons for this. ' Io.'the Srstplnce, j arjd tlirtw Jiim' ih ,-iiia father bfcfore;him was"';i I^efup- ;-crat ;of the (first school," and "about -as.radical'a^-be jconld 'He.r'aad iii the next -place, all that" John had accumulated bad Tbeeii;in trading : 'with the South. His plan of 'oper- j a onnU ations was to run "down to i>ro'rtYi i wagon,- I stboil in, i -?f 'struggle ; Hyde'sj ! were as 'Carolina vfilh an assorteH cargo of ; articles I m6s:t' needed in that mar dtn "Bitterly te-t, ajjd the^n return home load bfpinej timber,, thus making a large profit ori every Voyage".' His timber business was conducted as follows : Kejsould cbhtract with borne large planter fot- the_privilege iif" hewing ;!tknber from his (the^ planter's) property, which * timber had given lum: be'would bayejsawed;into planks wife; andlumily; mth which ltd'"toad his' vessel ,on of away, Ihe "return thr tlie late _war^;party feelinjg of <k>ars| ratf very bjglr at :the South/ and moon, reached beyond, Mean rienced can be. ;cribed. that h.e tibn to, the v. y ! riien ban i 'll'ii waiting.' wjbrd p; vrbich ili4i capture; would be their'st: . Just before tne breaking but of Cul ioTfftcnth-em ft the accustom|ed presently qw thev unknot life'thought of hi i' unfinished -bupi- nisfl als.c, and how dtsastious wou_ld linJB stock;-as wjk_ -j> ' *" *we '-will 4es'Sna^ as" A.! pn<< B. jTJieir property adjoined^each other, were anxious to sell,^#ie-privilege of' felliDg timber toi Hydei After considerable talkjKEIyde- finally' de- ' ta& A/soffer7 and iii-4ue time concluded a bargain with'hlm. ' ,TbingsWent. on S'ery j ^-eir for : two or three weeks after j the"'sjgn- of the contract1,'when one day; Mr. 'A. approaebefl" Hyde,: and" said, ".Mr. Hf/lfj;.I'know you? to befall right as a bjtiBiness- man,.and7T;: be- l^ye-yo'ti,toj hi all -right jas f^ as political matters are concerned ;; but ,you know"! these are-J troublous times./-Tb4 people are terribly' ex cited; and each mail looks witk.sus-' picion uponj his neighbor, especially if j that nef^bbpr is a Northerner: himj;m ajpefcuniary pomtLof view- sleeping in an the fai South feyety. Northerner, whatever-his am decedents, wjasregaTded-witK some liuspicibn. On his ; last Voyage tb tNbrtbV CacciHna; John -'HycSa"was approached by two'planted -whom, be hiside^th;.t<r-tBose[who smvned time, bis co: perbapflt'would te I grave in A.d<pfl: to! thp .reflectitUii.S "".there'f Jjpj^oriajthe ma-f bflP^thfe frightful Now, there has jbeeri some hard talk neath the seeme^l ' though cuBtodiy who vfe(re':abtfut':')eanng Bint ttway _____. " J ...1, . <\,ny. *n *Viu flcrossr regionB fiflth'B -d bf the' In "<;npton: bn-t- on ibhould brfgb. [ 'ito his. the partie were" \p, as thesip he tried tho;>exercifie of to makta liimself did not intend ly to fri( hten they-' ki Ll^ HENDERSON, & Co. DOMINION EMPORIUM, c. SCOTT uMTre i ireful m from his mo^tli, unbound htm, and siid, " You pie qiutb at libejty to t-peak now, but before, \oudo, listen tb me for a inoment You aie now in the heirt of tlie woods, and joi might scream foi nssisture*1 with all the j>ow er o" a focombtn e histj^, but lessistance would not reach jou The ptxpamtions for yoiu exeiu tlou ai-o conplete, and no eatthh tpwer can -(j \on 1 therefote tecommend \oti not to fritter aw ij wlwt Iitte t me r*>m tins to jou 1>j van. appeils Ibr ,Jielp or listless nifitment, b tt commend joursilf to IIea\en Afe will give -sou e\aith t\\e mtnvt", to pit p fed foi \oiib ejiitcsince in!jo ancthii woild, ind at j the < \pirattbn of th it time j ou w ill \ mg on tho end ot tho rope above ) von betwein He iveil ami earth, md m \j th I oid kiie mticy on voui soul And he'c) the leider took out his watch to nqte the tune betn guilU of no of tine 1 Hvde , " wht re i^ I Let mo faco lum, ;ii% e r^nce ' =;cie ; tin itcu,er * His confidence the sequel will nic ht after his custom, to in the place, confound Inn have ho n.jHt to minder me he cioased the skulkmg she ex of irtued and n spite of his and bound him, b a wagoa winch jRed during the d preceded John His kiJa. ijmers silent as tho gme, and not brol^e _tl q ae.neath: tl rolled alo.n stillness e ol ize of r the load an opentitg ui tin ^nteied whil^. "the is the i full till it wobds i I sensations exjpe- You in cold blooil ' Bring- forw ird my accuser, and let me have i fair tual " "You luvj>e been dread} tiled in tjhe com t of Judge Lvnch," was the replv of th$ leider, given in a tone of icy coldness " jou have been trtid found guiltv, and sentenced to death, -;nd the sentence will most assuredly be cinied put Then fore, c:ose to plead foi >our life, and commend jour soul to He ev en Von h n e but three mm ' litis left in a Inch to priv, and jou had better avail yourself of it, for just as surely is the moon is sinn ing above us, just so surely will the sentence of death be earned mit when the tne minutes aru u]> bj>eiid tlie little time which remains to jou as you pie ise, but when 1 ceas to spe .1 now vou will never lio-i>* the, so.inel of a human voice ngiin ^Vhen the u\e minutes are ti]i I slia^ bl) ill ict Ln v i with hjs ster^ and rflertle-.s e\ecu not oyen r.ij, lipa, bu^ did John Hyde _f)leid tionei In innocence n upon which by 'the etfortunata Hj'tle ' VU (d !>le better imagined than des - n<i fibers ai lid be now regret ' did he di aw had not ) aid btrictei attbn circle at honjie for a single) a po tion at mirs" Taos were v iin did He assert his nd cill for tho pi oof he was convicted lu ip,>eal to their hearts d husbind-> I In vain a picture of his f unily lu item (Jul he ask day in w hich to settle least of his worldly af i vvhb- listened to him warning winch Mi jA :Ie thought of his | rjhome, h*uidreds | ^ tnd how iterrtble' were, and gved upon tsiense if heshotlld 'him like so many speechleis statues -...1-- .._____l___...1 ' T>Mnn..4--l^ 4l^n 1..nrlfim I n,V,^ 1, A A 'vould look for'-been looku the leader, | who had S steadily hpon his pg, day a^ter dav, vvhifohe,' watcb, olose-l the case and made a poignancy of his was a nameless, nei of his taking silence, the weird sudden gesture, . Insiantly ed above him w-as placed doomed man's liead, and fivjureg ftf his riitiless miskeel cap tbrsi as tfhey sat i n gi lm silence ho . moonlight. It libeased fancy atf who had him in band of demonB, u-k ijVer to the e'l nal | Eroni such -fri^tful imaginings :o ftee hjinself bV efiRon Ho \iied hehevb that his lopo had on his faepk mand from had but un hp death g forw aid, he v\hiRper Hyde's ear, 'j That has Tako joni seat hi the the waggonjatte. Say 1 You will be taken tavern l^ froiit of vyhich irrestedT and liberated I can't bo answmable to mm dec, for yonr Itftj Make vom Way North * ' as fo^'ble, atad do not him- "Wb him 1 He hai Then Ipanir ed iirsijohn. sav ed you' bottom of not a <wor back to the j on were After"w|iich peedily as S[ come he.t'0 ilgam tho noose which datigl over the the next instant he v ould havo been swing ' r had it not occurred,to lum, like n!n inspiration, to make the Masonic sign of distress The readj begun to tighten' but instantly at a com- ;he leader it was allow- That Sneakmpr. Skulkinpr Mr- Jaakins- " fan I bo piotected here, M;is- tei 1' asked a wbman jestoi-diy as i-f.c entered tho ofUce of tho Chief of Police " YcVm"* " Can piy family my innocent children-^alsbi bo protected 1" Bhe demanded, striking tho floor with her itmbtelln ] " Yes'm " " If thete is any law* I want it," she vent on, chopping into i\ big ai pi cltair , " If there isn't, I prq- peso to tako a club to him '" ' ' My dear woman, this world is full "of sorrow," said the captain as he looked up from his w ntmg, ' each one of us has his own separ ate and dist'not gnef to grieve over Tell ir-e jours (.' " Do j 011 know Jasktns ?" tho asked ' Jaskins ? Jaskms T~ Seems as if I h id heaid the n une someti me " " Man with a hbrj on,o eye gone sandj "hair^-got a skulking, snftakmg way with him," she said ., , " Vnd he has stolen your poul- tij, ehl' " Poultrv ' Naw ' Its worse than poultry it's nc\.t to arson oi munlei ' ' ' Cio on, madam go into the particul ii-^ ' " Well, he boanls next t^ me I'm a widow Been alone Jthese fourteen jeals, and if I do sav it nivself I've atwaja hail the tPspec | t-iblest kind of a mine, I\e a 'dinghter Jine Eshe's/seventeen She's i good Sill "' ' Yes m id im " And that sneaking, Ja>-kuis is aftei hei '" ei umed ' Possible ' i "Iln ]ttst is Was after mt first For weeks and weeks he'c; hang aiQiind our gite and smile ai me and inquire if I wasn't lone-| somcvand send np strawberries, and, look his lov inge->t out of that one eje '"* " jAnd thcnl" " IVml then, when he found J wouldnt marry rum to save Ins neck, and ho couldn t get my pro- pet t\ to run thronjrk with, what dve s'po'-e lie done (' "" Cut his thioat ' " Naw ' He turned right round and went to loving Jane ' He has sent notes to her in those long, pink envelopes, he has sent her,bonquets and cocoitnuts, and perfumo and chernes, and he's skulking around jet' I've talked and tliked, bu,t don't do no good. If suthin' ain't done I beltevo Jane'll mfirry him '" _^How does she act T'VShe's a grinning around ?nd looking soft and loving like, and she won't mind half II say, and is getting notes and writing answers, and-r '" i And she sit down ' She wiped her eyes, softly ruhbeU her nose, and ifter a moment jumped up and demanded I " 7^ tjieie any law "' "Lots of law dead loads} madam " "And you'll put the law to htm?" " I will, ma^dam I'll make this town a volcano foi huh before he's a w eek older'" ' I " And yob 11 - break up tlie match '" "'Either that or hieak hia back" " Good ' The police are worth sitthin' after all 1 If yon say you'll w ait on him and tell him he's got to back "right do'wu or go to _)ail, I'll chain Jane to the table-leg and sit by her for four weeks, hut I'll make iier forget him I" " riLdo it, madam ,n "Think of my Jane manying a man with one eye-2_ And a led heck1 And a limp' ~0 h-h' when I think of that skulking Jaskujs snealiibg around my innocent Jane to rtake her his wife, Tcould t e a-i Takes this opportunity of informing the inhabitanU of Aoton anl sur rounding country, that awing to the satisfactory turh which business has taken, and at the sohcitatian of a aUmbbt of his best custoraera, he has been induced to ' I Still Continue Businesa^n Alcton. \ \ i He will endeavbr In the future as in the past to do business bn tho , ! I . STRICTLY CASH AND ONE PRICE PRINCIPLE, ^ i ' Believing that to have one price for goods is the Only fur and bonesjt way of doing business, besides buying lor casti' and 8J>1Jib tor oashi he will be enabled to , * ^ "^ - i * Sell at Least 10 Per Gsnt OheapeK ' ' ( t - , Thon if ho did bjusincss on $he longwmJed oredit system. All parties vuutipg Acton &re reppeclfully inviteid to es^LskI ^nspeci the goods and prices before purchasing eWwhere. "* "^ " ' * Acton, August 23, ]875. b. m. EAST ENC DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING S j- O ^Ev Jo] l SCOTT- nf iSrita of Acton and vi- T 10*lgno3 b*>s lenve to rV! the att^n Inn of the Inh -riulty to tho WjlII ubso. t U-stocltlolf Staple and ^Fa&cy Bry Q-ood^ Our Prints, Dress Goods, and Drc$s TrimniiBgs. i Areall^cbe*! taateil ilEan4 neToslpallerJis. OUR STOCK OF TWEEDS IS Comprising full lines of LARGER THAN EVER! ies of Scotch, English, and Canadian | MANrrACTCRE I > | AnJ, being rr/icUoal wtrkmen, frel Rntlsfled In REsnrlrc' or rnstome^ tbat lor * inenpnchs, noalness auJ Uurabtllti our wo.k caubot be eurtxissed. DICKSON & Acton, July 1ft, 1S75 AOTOK M6iTAS. FIPST-CLASS PtQWS eel to slick en, and the (man who had but un instant before declaied instant before declaied .b inevitable, Hifted the noose over 1 is bead and cast it away tbmmouse down v' She sat down and they fixed up plan, and Mr Jaskms 1 leave for tho "fifest this very day AND F: Collard's Patent] Iron Always on hind. Good Stock of Carriages REPAIRING promptly and prqp^rly Acjton, July 1,1873. T><>N1JS to IJfatoufacti^rers. THE VILLAGE OF ACTON ' la pr sixirod to grant * bonus 1o pnrtlps -Atni 1 Bhlne-^DS) klndot ma utt"octurlng bubtiesa employing ten skilled illicit ana uug gnu uw... ....v. ...wj -------, .upwards, and wtiero faW buplatKs does o -r.fon onA "Mr .Tnnlrins had better I " soiiflJot with any buctneu.already a plan, ana air jassins naa oei-wjr ( estol lg|t- ^ihm thto rnr,JoriiUt n > A0. ton possassfb eiod railway relUll , beln i on I thB i.lund Trccnlc ^auwaj< tMily live Biile8WeBl-ofToroi to. U \n a heaiitUul tind ti^ulihy locatCon, Is fr<-e irorri muole'ptl dohi|. and, property can be ol named on reasonabfe lerma I JAMfiS <* 'HIMt, j VtllastepUirlc, Aoton, July 1,18TS. - J- It is seldom easy to see the^ hid den benefaction in tb^brwhioh ja an appaient aflltctiojv,'A boy who was " confounding ' 'the mosqui toes was told by his pastor that doubtless the uisfeto aie made with, agoodend in view replied, " I can't see. it whether it is [ in view or not ddn't Ukol-he end w ben the scamp At <my lAto I feel" , w. SteamCaFrragfelWfigbn Works MAIN STREET, MICHAEL SREIG^T, General Blacksmith, Carriage ana TV agon Maker* B^st Horse-Sho^rs in,the 6ounjty Perfect satisfaction guaranteed,or no prine char Harrows and attei tded to. ILSCOBEUf & Co, j_ , T0B PRINTING of all kinds %J peatly a-ud piompt;ly exeuuied at tlie r FREE PRESS QFFIOEj t ofer Ithe, Fost Office, Hill Street. CANADA CLOVE WORKS AOTON, COT. Wholesale! Mar ufacturert of every de MIT r erlptl'i: Leather \ is Cl( iti. Q-loves 3 AND Q/iUNTLETS, V Eac. Iieaffhe'ra. ' i __ Ht^hw Marfect I- Acton, July 1 it, 1675. n and AIAC Wagons. POST /OFFICE" SWF, J. Hk\ mg aciopte4 t% REAQY PAY [SYSTEM And dig^ount for cash of EIGHT GEUTS ON THE D0LLA83 ^ 'S' for three months post, wonld take this. the j * a Hasr Prfived a^ost Sa^csfkctorj L I V ^ ' ". - . To my lurrrerous customers and also to myself, I wdll oontinae th - Sell GjoIq^s as Iiow as, any Souse in jtih^ Tra^ Doing a Credit Business, antll will give thti ^ ' 8 PEB CENT DISOOP^T^OR CLA.SQ.1 e> j r Customers|jvill no,doub avail themselves of the chsoomit. 1 am hi'Is satisfied ofiBuc&ess, and sati6fictabn to all concerned,in thje cash and clis count system.' t "" " * * I ' I I - Prompt j paying monthly customerir considered as caga, and will g^t the discount ** | ^ * j Cast, for all Kinds of Prod^c^ Conveyai^cpr, Ifsacr bf Carriage ticenep, Insurance ijrert Affent, Money_ to^ l,oan. rAgent Mclntreal^rTel. to., "lerl Fourth D|t. Court. Com. in Q B., ^c. ' > -% , 1- / JAMBS MMT^EWSi; ^eton, 8ep ember 1,1S75. | ^ i -i Ftoor Oil JUST RECEI AT CIo<h X r&D ' - \ L " ' 5AHBWAEB STOE.B, ScotgH ^roor OH Cloth* Horse Pokes, . .* i Paris Green (Warran I proquet Sets, 1 -" Refrigerators, i- , Biibbe^ DborrMafcs; 'S i( e'd Pure) * style of 'rlee " 1 paid for La"^rn X Mothers, J l i La.wn Scythes; Fly T^rarps, Garden Tools^ kindd. Witt Goods q^ iall I ARTHTJU HoBEA"*, HardwaresMeitehaaL A4ma BJlook, Guelph, "Aug 13, 1R75. j"Qob ^ttX3ttni;?3r&; ALL KINI|SxO: i - jr r > i I * tr ' r StoamT ^XECOTB A' THil PEES PH$!SS p|FEta%,| ti t! -4:-

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