Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1875, p. 4

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BT-* A. * ' ^ - 4 *J. 1 P" it- h < , ^ *y 9 t Si'" ii V- 5?' if "* |M^ Fl i " A, &v;t THE ACTO FREE PRESS i **>.*ws, one dollur a jent, stic 1% In ad\fKH, Ifnoi'Mldbl!>JnrMireeninntliA ons ultumnd a tnifwllt b* cliifintl| <r Ywo i >< w~ hot. iwJ tin tho<nTor tiw }oa J Nop* er b HI be *<?nt tn aiv) per son rtnretnaitono v car unpaid. / . llAtia* <* Fight <Vllt Xr., jieJEg* ttr*". Insertion, and .wncsnl^ Jier lu$W* uaeh KUtwegueut tn**rilun s>horJktU*rtl<t*uxen.ta6r qunt ltesiand ttI^rl-Sl^^Wlh^l'1erl^J*t*^l, ,,' iliwtuos until tu A. (yjral dlKoourt,il(>wc<loi Hit\crii>tv- nem| itneried/'fhr uxt.HidWI inruxlx Adittil^emenwjrlUi tu poclftl takiruc tinDK lt>Krtrid till for* Ul, mid charged ucsrjiii>ji Anj">pecit Notice ill* object of la to ntoraotc tlie pernrtlnrj ooHetll iifio ludlvHUr-vI or oompux>, tq bo oouslu*rou an >ijri rtlaeraent. freij-ti nt advertlswrtents to be patd fur en ordered All arertlslug accounts rrdt tv<, qu*rt<*rl>. . Kol l<"s.ii Marring**, Blrths-nnd Deaths JascriM ir$*. J H ",H WhiSG, l\ BUMIFK. Populatior Sudden Death ip Pepl a-KRBOKO OF THE UANTIVCJ ROOM ROKO OF THE l ^\ Miss Robinson of the 7th con pes.-- I oflhtTtovtivdupof Pet-1, died rect <K in>ery sudden-an tune* pu night previous t<K hei dcith Shi .ci-ded a party told in eon nect. t i ^ ith a barn raising in tbe -.yiq i t*/ For" soma, time previous ly sit-.* h d been under the ^iro of i phys. tin, "svb warned liu -ag-ifns.t j'nga.'JiT^ in tie practice of ituncu 4 Pira'ut; sbe heededy,not hib ,\ii jnonfi ions, )>ut mdulged-her ))asMon |br t-)>,s uuiu^enie^t Vrithput rt> btta 1 it 1-. bVitotl tl it during one 1 _ o 1 he pAt-l M^nter ^hc attt I 1 ^iutjvjint% t,' be--e jstr tit >miee beirijj no obstule Pi. 'jo <_\ening of thep.rtj abo%t rt ^ ed to hex- mother uud si^*eL ei t or-^i to dissuade her from wtnt and sir J U ' Jumtly on ^"he floor until afwi r dmght, vhen in the midst of vl giddy- whirl shfe fainted She ., afcer recoTenng she return ed l^ j. but with the same I'esujt Ihl ^<.v.c plape thi'ee ttmeaj and on -*i) requested not to dicce, she re <cd she iiraiild supposing she sim .. die. When starting for bom* _i3_^x>m^>any vnth another lady-*"} c-gentleman, she fras nppar entlv iis'vell as u&tul, but before reacl-j>^ ' Jme her bofly became so badk ^iioUenasto necessitate the ioosu^ of ner clothing by her com- pamu'.s 1 When at home fnerds j!|^iii^ii(#iiiiiii*^ ^^^ of the jllpbe Thei^e are 1,'. 89,QQ0,D( 0 bouIb 30Q arc o; the Cau are of the Eire of $10 Mongolia Ethiopian arc of tao Malay which 350,000, casian race r52f00O,00O race 100,000,009 race AAiyMQfiOQ 1,000,000 an !*4ho In lo-Ameri can race, , , There aro 2,Q51 langi age spp ken and 1,000 dl^orept pjigioi)? Tho j earjy n ortuhty ot tho globe is ^3,383,333 lereons. l'liw is ut tho rate of 01,553 porcnj, 3,737 )>cr hour, 6Q |>o: nunutei So each pulsation of 01 '* heart 1 inrka the decease of sofin -human ci eaturn. The a\crage of hmmm do is 33 iears. pno fourth oi tho jK>pul itipri dies at or befqre itho iige of 7 j ears Among 10,0110 porsoii!, ono^ar- nyesattho ag* Pf 10b veirsf-ono in 500 attains the age of ! 0,\aud 1 lit. LQWRYJM, ,, M. O P. 8 , Iraduato o Tn*ity Oolltgo. of Collogo of l'byicuuii wid Membei _ jSargooni.-^Mii.i. Strkkt, i Acton II mi-------- *"'----- ' 30 vor Ouolph Offiao rtvor tho Bank M Ooinmo^pp, in 100 h\es to tl; Married men single ones. In many, alid mow otliei months in O^ue-eighth of tion ^s nnhtiuy 1 une and Decei i\ber thu 1 in any f"-LJVER LQZIllt, PLABTER^K, V^ Acto>, Qvr. 13^ry luucnutiou of Plastering1 and Ro\ gh Cutting tho niost^reasoiial>W terms, ^uu tiou guarantied. -. 10 ago of GO l\\o lojger than 1.D0O persons, t>5 uiania>e>octur in tlve year tiio "n hole popula- Professi ma exoi*- oise & great mfluenoo on lbnge\ ity In 1,000 mdiY idiiilb who iru\e at the ago of 70 years, 43 art priests, orators or pubhj speaker, 4.C( are n^i icultnrisjts, 33aro worhmeii, 32 holdiers or unhtjir\ empl >vee(i, 37 j^rafessora, apd 34 doctor*. Those \\ho devote "their Ines to the pro longation of thatf off others die tho Fuonest. j There are 33S,0OO,00q Christ- vms , There are 8 00f>,000 Isrielites. There are 50,000,000 Asiatic re ligions. Therd lire 1S<>,000,000 Mahom- metlana There are 200,D0O,0OQ I'agans. In the Christu a Church es 15f 0,000,000 1 Dofess the) Roman Catholic. 75 000,000 p{fess th Grfeek faith 80,000,000 profess the Protes tant. Wanted t > Tramp A good 8to.ry i a told oft country merchant who nj reed tp ta ke a far- "mer'-s oats at fon y cenis a bushel if , I the latter would ;et him tump the lalke*. o^deati, and proposed send ^ measure w hen lied Th farmer ing f " a mauster but she refused agreed to it. The buyer paid fpr Xhinip her reiaaitung hours her .sixty "bushels, an 1 the-nex day be chief t-slety seemed to be the fear >ent after them j Thefarjuerfilled that < T -> -b ould not be better in time to att 'nd another pirty on. Friday pveiu ig ^he remained in this frame <~f raind "until four o'elock ur the m rning, when, uttering three pierc - ,' shnek^, her soul took its pigh .j meet its pre>tor A Monstrosity Tht- Augusta, Ga., ChronicK of Augoh" l"2^h, says " Wo saw last evenii-^ a double chdd, or, more strict.},, speaking, two children join ed togi- li r The cnnoaity is the aSsprvuz cf colored parents, Cni- tenden and Sarah J^ones, of Beech Island, boath Citrolina. One of the children is a perfectly develop ed female, large, for her kge, and. "with every appearance of health. The oti er, who 1$ a male, is buy 1m _perfect de.eloped, has only the rudiment., of limbs, and does not Tcacacr WMmIc, D^ fnstmoR ir< 5* TjaE ACTOIf FREE FRESS.JSEFTBMBEKJs; \M< _VVo aft agtjnU f >r sovwral firat-clau * ttock auU mutti&l oc mpoiiLos 1 Ordori loft at tin Ftuci Prkss Offico v> ill rocuiv o prompt j kttoutiou ' Rotfr CuNHiNouAM.! HwiiY L. DKA^ut ^ *JATgD$)2V, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fir the qi ty o,r MM'>- Sales attended to in any part of tho County, -lt "ruaaoimb 0 rates AddrJi A DAVIDSON, '^ IQuiiimcllYillp, P.O dono'on satlsfac ,in rtK. D rawlMS 1 and French, Chufch street, A<,tonr ROSSm HOUSE. Aotoit Clow! to theU f Railway Station Ex c^llcnt otfeommodat on for the trav olluog pulUiu, THOS. VI MPBELL, Propt) -, Acrqs, QJiT Th-j ktx Aa'itNi, rropwotor new tjfttl ib fitted tip mhrt-cbiss rftj lr with new furniture ComtnbrcialTra\ cl lera will nml good acoommodation 1 nd colnmodiout Sampljo Kooms. fepcual attcntinni piud to I the -n-juits 01 tho ttav ellui^ public Bar supplied tth tlie best Ijqiloja umlCigars <^ood Stabl ng and attetftiv e HoatCre. Grand Annual Eziiilntion Salo 4TTHB L - FASHIONABUB WBST^END,, Guelph, During Exhibitiq i^ Weefc[ A O BUCHA'M.of tho Fashionable Meat End Dress, Want)e and JVfilhnety EstabllHhmont, 86 Uppei W.-ndham Street, (McQuillan's Ulock> (Juuiph, begs to uhuounoo that iw Pmnd Annual Exhibitipn Sale ot / ( Black aaA OgloroA Silks, ( Pl(4a and Ttaxvr JJf otf dcoi, , BhmrU a& Mfentlot, 1 SCUluxorra&lTa:'^ ", BUnkoti tv id Tweds, Shottdnfln and Tublo llaep^, 1 OI^tos, SoiP7, aeo., a. Will oomrnence on MQ^I>AY, the 13,th of SEPTEMBER, and con tinue throughout tho Exhibition week .'his sale is held annually for the purpose of presenting to parties fiom a distance an opportunity of participating in the Great and Spociul bargains which, we muke it a point to offpr op thepe occasions. fh'P jeni our display will be of un usual interest to visitors The recent hard times', " financially,*' paying enabled us to geqire at a, telling reduntior from regular prices, a large portion of our new Fall ^tpek, a)l of which we purpose placing on sale during tho vyeek of the Guelph Centra] Ex nlntion. Vfsitors will bear^in ujind that ihe Fasl^onahfe West End is situated on Upper Wyodbam Street, No 87, McQuillan's Blockjand u the lead h^use in tho Diy Qoods trade in- the fown of Guelph A special exhibition pnoe list will be published in tl)is papef next wetk, and as we have a " Bargain for Everyone," we trust uU t|)p 6i8 ot tl^B pajier visitii'g Guelph will favor want to buy or not. No trouble to show goods ?ead us with a look., whether they .....t 'i ' ! ROYAL EXCkANGE H0TI^t, Action, Ont Robt Dickie, Pr^ip bainplo 'IjLooms largo and coiumtxlioua for Comtjicccial Ttartllcrs. Good acctnn modatiofl.' 'for TroUlli .u^...v. er .and Guests. Best branils of L|quura and Cigars ot tho Bar, &ood b^aLluig and attentive Hostlers. 1 A* TON FLOllR MILLS. t>", Proprietors E. NICK and Feed alwavs 'on ha^d and retail Gristing and B. & Flour wholesale Chopping Bail}, ([.ash for all kinds! of Grain Q. T. it. the half bushel, ind the 1 merchant got in, and trai iped thei 1 down. WherQojpon the "armer poured the compreslsed oats j ntd the bi g The merchant protest ed, and d smanded , that thejneasure should be filled up after trumping^ The faj mer in formed hua that there wis 10 agree ment of that sort, bntthat le might tramp down, the bats to hi 1 heart's content irfter they were me asmred A -wealthy aid cultivated gen tleinan, on b^int asked 1 y a rich but coarse youBgjfellow foi permis sum to marry none of th i girls," answered, ' Certainly, Which would yon prefer,, the houd >niaid pr the cook." , BR. R. MORROW, Physic an, Sor Keon. tc. of BeUevuo College, Victoria eat, dei^nding for Kustenance on , mesdayaand Fridays, from his fast These- two btinjra are >n, tc, of BeUevuo S"ew Itork, also CjTaduate of College, Canada. Consultatio: t daj - - - , joined Jieiher by a wide bind, m iaithe cenie of which otie of the longs cf vbese strange creatures aeemi, *o be locate*L Touch the male, ilid the female twill shrink , pmcfi aid_h.e wdl ott Reverse |he oj>- '"on, and stiH it is the fe nude \ jj mauifesta sensibility j SThe h- of the male v% small and jnissh. e t.1". ears presenting'more "'theap^si - cicf those of an animal than, a fci.^n-being.. The pulsa jmns;of the heart and-thei iicfc of re- .iuratitr. carij be "piaiflly perceived in the- ii grrmeiit joining the pddies. yhis ligaic.-nt, If suciijitciin be call-. ed, is. t-J fL's-girl at t^e enO of.the .fcrea8t%^ii-3 and to. the mabj lower " pawn; - I^-^s -brbidj and- thick, Covetrf ;Vi:b. skin like tfls rest of the r- .:' -. * Whether there are two disti-.o'iYi^ hetjg'^efhjr.itiir organs, or are-depehdeut upon pne, kr? '-ft "yet been determined." J3Hie ht:vr cp'niion seems to prevail, -Jhowc-^f;:-'; it--'is apparent,, at anjj rate, rdi p ^ male receives nourish ment %i. rp ! UL- its companion.. , The ';inotL:ii-, iL:"'-J..e' fatber)'6f;the chil- idreH -<fp Hj-,^.g'-and-healthy5 The JtTHns"a^<i-"5i^5utffgh<i peeks'old:*'-. . -, ... : A -ls'iy;- iri; a paroxysm? of]-, grief as sai-\i iniave shed torrents of ' IPoor thing," 'Remarked an "eeliaigj^jnster, ?' $$: njust hav, ' a c--jftiact'in either evef .' 4 p ac Aeton. x in till Kesideiice '.Vest Bowpr street, I , Con1 ey; JAMtS MATTHEWS, Issuer of Marriage Lipens a, Master, Insurance Agent, Agei t t<, Loan, Agent Montreal TeL C o Fodrth Xhv ConrtJ Coni. m <J ^.cton, Out 1 | HEJ.DEF.SObv.Couv eyai icer, &c. also Agent Canada ante Co. Deeds, 1 [ortgagps i :c pared neatly, promjitly, correct rtasonablo terms. '. " Mortgage aecimty. House/Acton. SJJondv- to Wif. LAXDLA-jV, 17 neyvat-Law, oli tc. Offices-. Bain ill Mfltonl Main street} Will bennder the Campbell, and MJ, at the "Milton O&fet week. 5 "--\Allta. of tie Torpn-: Railway have .given n xice that if Itwo inontlrs' employees find Bruce images, a. the foor^ day, - the hM nou fortbedming out of jathy due,' by nextMon- , wiil\8faTkel..." It.istBijd ^le1 pian/wer promisedlfo pay ithein on mpn4a>:wage^hefp're the" lOtti o^" l^th cit'.tbis month j.but that'the oiTiw was]'-'-fused, from thi- recently gpringfi<; icoln has :leeln Telea^ed sylunajdvrlich she. was Sonreyed,.an d;- isJaow in J,-Mass., .visiting-her sis- Elbv'ard*. jit isj stated that niffi.-; of her fHeids prbfested ' .iv\ incarct^auron, not be-. fer insane, J find- that it is tO'ilie'prsasi"^ ij them that avalj: was" iajis anted . to by ai> coiamittedl her there, R. QREECJH svai Lifi anfcer, ', PosV Money .Clerk B,4c, Assur pro- yand on Loan on Office Glasgow" , BarriBte;, Attor,- "icitor in C tancery; ton, 10 Kii g street.' The Milt >n Offica gement (f H."wiJ Laidlaw wi 11 attend. '- on Frida;' of each muia, Wholesale Me nnfactai er - w j. - - *. Sadflles, v Harness, Vali^ Tra^ftJliagjBa^i Horse Clotln^, '? Cpiaps r IdBruiihes All'orders given fnl 3 our hands strjotly attenoeld ;to gfve^satisfaction.1, as -we employ d ipe out tbe best workmen *r d'nia.terlaJ." COLL4B8 Warrant, id to-.ttlve Salls'ao- tlon, as they are 01 oujr own inanuiacture. REPAIRING) Of ail kinds done wl h neatnoss and on Firat-cla Bor* i and flarxlaarei: * _' i.T" j-^---"-tti vr r -A iiKeagpna We:"Rates. d^jrelUojrfve as a,<^ll before jiftechaBi; \'-. r-. llie/shortoi t no lce, '_:An who require goals In our I ne will lig elsewhere.- , ." Bememter tbe St md 1- iaud warn ntfed. to m rt- wjll ba S| HI Street, ACTOX, HILL, OEALEB I General Groceries,; 1 Boots and Shooa, < Wall : Paper, / ' tWalov Sliads, Crookery, ] '/ Glassware r Nails, X4seed fci, aav * Boiiia Faints, : Turpertine, / Macliiiie Oil, qojff.pil^ alt, eto. Fasbionab]e West End Dfeas, Mantle G/uelph, September 1, 1875! _Ai= o? B-grpjET A ivr. and Millinery Establishment, STEWART! 1 k 1 St CO., I WYNDHAM STREET, g tr |i h p a ^ A1JSO. 0ARIS GREEN & ^for the DestrfliJtliB o*. P^iato :Bug^ Cattrpillars ai d other Insects. "' - i'i ; "-'.. . . The subscriber beistoretoruhlB thanks to trie inbabltan!s o Acton and snrroand- l)Dg country, foe: tl e liberal; patronage heretofore extended to blm, and at the amt-limo solicit t ulr farther support 3ST.B. -Cash PaIcF>r Hides deUvereoV;; Are now siJlhng their Splendid Sto^k pf pRV GQOD5 a^ GREATLY ' REDUCED PRICES Preparatory to removing, tq wore extensiyeand commodiouspremises, Their old friends in- Act^n and vicinity are specially invited to call and parhpipate in the bargains no\v offered. , If S|. ^VEWART% C9. ^ UtJiC. UVERY&SilLESTAB |. P._'j ALAN rake* pietsare In hnnonnofpsr to .tbu punlto generally tba he is prepared' U> fnrnah'" J' ' X. "iFT. V',V nis Rles and Horse's are. the best thai m be had --* "" ' " " - --- ssurpassf _ ____ Acton, Ju ly 1st, 187 >. , f fcan be had, and he is, determJned not J-^bonrpagsejl bv:an.v<fity Btuble. Q. E. MORROW, Chqmist and S^^g|st A-Cto^. .',! '!:. '. ;='| 'DEAXEKIN ; ' .i DRUGS, f r L , CHEMICALS,, i : ipERFTJ^ERYi ! BATENTANPv : \y. PROPRIETARjY, . . v \'y\. ^'.MEpiciNE! . ~ ' .-"!-' Always on hand.a lares and w^U-selec'- V-- , ^ed stock of: ."' ~;, , ^j^Staffs,: Idauld D79j wxd ToU foaps, Bnuhe SpbaeoB, Ttuiufor Obil' '";'-'. .^drea bM! Adnlti,. . sionider Bsftoen (or 14^a4 TJFwaeji aud OnlWrwirPai^ta, dry and ;; :^a oil, Bodiu^ Statloaer? aad B"aac7 Good*.,:' PURE .WINEStiifP LJQUQRS ! .' Kor Medicinal Purposes, slolans Prescriptions apd meSfio f .....!W< Do- lpts, and Horte and GatUe "' ^fnlly oompoondf-*" d. ei, MOBRtvw; [,^Uly,M?5. M6df,eli^esv o^fefiaiy oompoandedT '.mobrow; Medical Hah, Aoton, Mll&}<rmVi&X The subscriber ;haa commenced JQtei dairy'business,--and will: deliver milk: every morning'and evening at the hou8ea|in the Village. ; MilkfWArranW pnrer: j Twenty-one quart tickets for II, .if paid, in advance, or twenty-one pint ticke.tfffor 60 cents. : ', 'lc ' ' r' i' p. s. armstb6ng> Acton, June 8th, 1W5,' .' Ti>',--- J^~E IV HAGAZINEH. BOW BELLS Younj^ Ladies' Journal SEPTEMBER at /pHl? EMPORIUM MILLINERY CaJIand examine Fapcy Goftda, Jewelry, Donlt-fail logo to Thfe E|mpwlhro, The abov* line* yo^ wll And doniplete. nr- POUND AT LAST. ' 1 Tiiut (he cheapest spot in tfie County for t IS AT chasing elsi W;liet^e J ti. McNAtR. Acton, July 1st, It 76. (m, SPECIALITY. stock bqjoro pur. jgNGLISA srAGiZDfES FOR SEPTE2IBER AT AN (to DERSDN'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, ta^t side ^B yndliam Street, N GUELPH JOB PRINTING Of every description In th j best and most at tractive styles, promptly executed at the FRJBB PRESS Jdjatthev's New Buildings) ACfTQN, f ffn 1 4g j; h. or. HACKING,1 Proprietor, T>HT0GRAPHS] PHOTOaRAPHS ! (3r -r ' Jrd.. X ji jElj ,.-T._ ._r,- 'ully 'Inform the public that With a tbe past few Weeks he hS bad-grea , Improvements made In tUB arrange tn)eut of Ugh!, land that he 'ia^ntnjtf i& fSMt-class Wort;; njy part of the day, In all kinds of weather. ;; I have sicureoV'the servioea' ot Wf. W. H.. KAHRH, a ncst-clasB artist: late of. WeWYWtt City, and as his timers limit,' <H, all woflld'do vail to call aT3>rioe 'who are dBrtrodHOf ob^lntbg molures,~'w,-*-' :iiii _.._______1S r______,. _____,-whlc' for artistlallehlinf! and brillianoy of finish are unequkued outside of the drat City gaUerles'in the Uomlnion. ' j ; ' ,: valuable-Instrument [second ,to none in trie rounlry^ 1 am enabled VC work'any size, from the ord produce picture to In Copying and Enlargine, , Any sire dap be obtained and finished In Ink, Oil. Water Color, Cravoh or "--- ' and in the| highest styie.of the art, j I would jagaln remind the publlo that' I have constantly lustook a large assort ment of '. Oplaai, Sgaar* Sietmro Tramec Plaia a?sjd Faaoy Monldin*f8, ico. which wl If be sold at tbe lowest grlces. ; 'jiar- Paj tlesanrlbus to/secure a really artlstio pl< tare will-please bear in xpiaA that U wi 1 tie to thelr\ntercst to call early, ai J TjKahrs will bOkUnable to. re main In A :ton;loDger than a^Tew'weeks JAMES Q,. HILIi, X-y'- ' "' Photo, rulyl, U>V5. JD J^ "5T' ^ 1 BOOMSa'ORE, j___ Ycwng Ladies' Jour mi for1 Sept Row Bells for Septe nber Every Week fo^ Sej tember London Journal for August Sunday Magazine fo Amgust. Good Words for' Au, just "" l Chambers' Joqrnal\f ir Augut Xoung Men of G't.Iritam,for Aug Kind Words for An just Sunday School Tape -s fof'August at KENNEDY BROTHERS, Who ale selling off ihe balance of their Immense; itock at GREAT] .REPTJOTIOK FOR CASH, In order to make room for their Fall Good*. Don't fa!} to Secure some of the unheard of bargains t * it- they are no* offering in TT ~" ^ ^11, Worneji and Children's Boots ParUcular atfce utwn paid to Cnstom Work and Repainn';. As we, employ only hrst-olass ttoriuaen. we*aa turn out work that for st, rje and dniabtlu ty m second to npne in the Dpminion Aolon, August 24,1875- Ksaijrapy BKQS, ) s> THE CENTRAL IStt^ffi 1 WX\ Strest, Actoa, Is tlie Place for Cheap m 1 I a nrr rtn I STOCK OF i DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Day tiella Cheap. PLANING AND Pa^ip, Sash, Doo Factor^-, > MILLS rcaud Blind EBBACE & CAMPBELL, *4anufae*,uretg ^f "Window Sasi, Doors, Venetian Blin'ds Mpuldi ins And qtlilerBa^di j AUo ifaigri !M?EQ7EC SITOTI0H' Lumber plained aijd Dteased" ^n the best m inner. . wc rk guirai ngs, ReqnisXte^ of S'^oacrs taordpr Dry Gobdjs, Rfady-Mad Clothi]aglf { 1 j Groceries, I Crockery a^id f j Glassware Is Lar^'o, Well .Selected anc. (ilEAP. Groceries always fresh and of tbe best aaaUty. Great Barsaii is umay be always had for < 7ash jOr Prodaee I wisb to do str fitly a Cash business, aa. oar sob is arSs-selUng at th* LOWES r MarketTpnces. \ ' - ^! Highest price paid for all kinds of Produce' J^T CaU and tEtamine oqr Stocks Aeton, July 1, 1875. -----------------------^ CLEARING Startling Sweeping 1 flxoard of Bargdmfe TO BE GIVEN AT TB{E SF.MTJ-AN^uJlL S AilfOP McLEOD, AlTDEPwSO^ Ss Co. ease our fi^turea;^ler. to mak ^robm for our ipiU ^mporta^ion^ _________r^_^, ofloads of Dry: fSo^ds, and.^>a ao^nntof the scarcity ;oi 1 jbney, wjj ha4 determined*"dn % nwire sweeping,^eriergSt^cailid,! : " f .7. "^Fi - F : -, .' -J- ^_CT^ ^QHAHss CIVRRIACE ;;-:; j\AcrpR: r, JAMJl^i *BJi^E!R^;;^p^e:tOrv iputtersj Ssc, Order on thei 16.".' " ?' '-. -"',. u^. ^jald to{ ' raltq!bbla(r and saUsnteUbi. ru^ rante'ed, Aoton, Ji y "^st, ^87i. '-'" ' <fil &n& Shoes, h Ooods, t, i > I aeUl i g /[-5H ' \ alibi r I' tSi 1 " -ts 1 -) i SALE and "CTn.^ <t?ST* the: g Kjda ijato Caiai1 R^ember|^e'Sftle^areFOR CASH, and 'in no cage. Will a Beobno:i: '":price- be made. ' " ' We ieiu lunterate- onlr Leading Dej rtD ien #Aj^Aipfca, DRESS C^QQDS. frothj^ve oent? upw^ds. M^SLESS^ fr^p iflye'oeato up^vaidi. dOTTO^S,'WHt^ imdVG^y, ^4 lots, for?Half priceV ;-'; .-'-' ^,s ' ,-. ' SfjeciaJ lines; of i^pk J^A^piJES- ft ^r|^0p^ -woithjiM^ Special ^wns fc6HECK^:SHiR^INM iwfi XM , .-., A:Sj>au^'Kje|oi|:EADieff ^K^LARS AltOX GUFES- ^raol ajei j^e tX^i '"' -^ '^M f ;:;ai4V^^foi^a^;^"--^^-i -^ M'---:>* Spe<3ial, linos^n iMEiS DRESS GuODSy for j5o and ':;'V-'ni.."l.i-*__i "'"" " -""' " oOo.^r yard. ,^-l8-'^)'^.^*!^*V;*-#^W^-:il W JQREA|? ..^ww,,,,,, >P v tobifer, Ditt%i es^i^^^want iaeeV the h^rd t*inBe, "stf eomi :aii: inifrBa: obiayineed..' .'. ^'- --*' ,T^ ;v" Are sfccendo to, ,nw, in'-.the :o*nlBii of t .^ July% 18$?? V^e."'againji^mUid(.thV pubilo that Mi11i&e^.^L&t)ft^^ , i" V \->y. - o.-rre and opjtstrlb an: thln^. T|e Sa^le^witt Commence : on \<ifa Iftrst1' it ^ikly and Wm' tlnue for six weeks.^ v '- 3CS- xA- sFori AT; Z.A.I AcJ : f & "n ': .,:,V 1. -" f.i r. nortik i$l&aa* - ' "" ^4-. S| JQS,8jai r-ffl m "frf!1 >_." Vir: % :l:\. irs-j ,i", i:-".' r tti**i|>a wis* ^ammdl a:Qou no; $e&-e to^nq,'" ; IN -i-.^ *i^fiH m"-1'^- sM f'-Vvfr m - \ -.-- s;: "Ml R"..Y"---- m IvfS i!': i ' **&']

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