Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1875, p. 2

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;ifi t nftfttua THE ACT ON PllEE PRESS, I^EbiMBERj. ^ 1875 w: i.FWnB ACTOX FREE PKKS*iT*o >uye the n^pmiches to our vit- "stuUu>f nunir, . TChtiafcacl Srcrr "Otfirsdav Mominir. I ... ,, V, . -Ml JJU1,t *no win awo, their influence I0L Per. Annum in , Advande.]! wj h ; the v\e"ghboruig mtmieipuli- i tics tip prgnnij&yR..Vetter system, of ^rtiY'^r^nl^V^C:^ r*'18, Ti'is. > nwttcr of very \- * - gr i i'npbrtanre to the fntrn-c wcl- 40a k HAcanNo etwron x MpuwniJ, I>kc 23, 157!".; "Tie FreIk Pnfess can be hid fiwn now until January Ic~77 for lyOne "DojUar-^-freo of postage.1 j. -i -t: ' fciv of our (village-, nnd it should rereivo the I active itttrntjon of evpry ouo why has-imy.interest in iti prosperity. lv .v',^^ m~: * '-':i - i fk**~' ' %k^ i -: .- i. M'--- ---".. ') e| ,'3-. -t > & "V-*."-'..- ^M^'V". 1--; i^-i'v: -. " -->" " :"4vy' )*- - ----i-" fet...-- -' J ,; I ' " T* - f: (ft- '. .. fc-r / 4';iT-ir "*$. s-j*'-^- -.- ". --.->-tn-:- V:r-;! ;- -. 1 t ! - ' ' f J :. V. ". ^ ' fc* >-*' :*ji L^-r-: iii ':- ;vi t: .-f n , ^ >'. . ;";S - 1 ' 'r-: -i-.' *V j ^ 1 '* : - -'-. r-v. ( : r-*-r - ;;>.r* *.:.--. ; .' 1- ^, *" - - *"--S-- ' * *= * :" ,""3 ^ .: J *T 5r^ " -* ? ' --", |.r _* f'r 7~ ' ' - j; ^-fv:.- -" * -'.. ^' \" <* i- ~:s B*f>^ *.-r .*. v - ;..:'fr -- : f::>:s r '.. *V"'-{-' > iV"^"""-*! fWi CHRISTMAS- *J .TT> ami rising of tWo Mre SBOs will iher in that lial> ,'ioiWd timj which i*ceive.*r tliroitgb- owt the .. cirilirrd ,\rv>rld 'tbo fdbottioQs' coj^iomen iof " Mon-y C&rntBEnoJ?' .With each recurrence. f this |rioJ, do dieerful ro>l!tie- iifmrn ci bygone diiys well.up fn our taem6rr.' Asiocintions and incr- dvnts, extending oxer alt: the roars-, tticr, in onr childish simplicity, we jwitfd ud longed &r thi- npjiroacli of old Sant* Clans; with his gla^l, aoaw hardens, arc brought back to . ear mratal Tjsitins, giving rise to reflections as' Taried ]>erfiaps as the \ cirewBJarancea connected with e;icli ' iatertening aaniTersury. Of "the r friends :iri.o~ojs foiriner occasions L*d joined in our uvirtb, smLadded to onr happLcess, sonie aire gone we know not whither j. some lie but a little.distance offr covered Tvitli the" Christiiias sno\ra. :: M liiy of us are ,' perhaps far away irom-the liome and friends we hok so Vividly i e- aaember, and" % "can|,recall witii , Mingled eibotions,' the happy ': Chriitinita'days, when stirrcruntled with parents, brothers, sistvi-s and "". joothfaJ comjianiet*. no tonch of 3Jaev cast; a. shadow over car joy; _^Bat, while onr hearts are softened* "! andf onr eyes. are. dtanmed, es the wjeaapHes of the past crowd up be-< fbre ns, a holier feeliDg of gratituile yc.1 > jdes otnr bosom when we re&eet that all those we so kindly i-emgih; are i^-the hinds _pf Him, whose advent on the lirst Ghristiinas E^'e, was iiroclifBied. by Angels to the .' Shepherd* of Jndea,3Bgood tidings *$ great joy. With chastened 'feel- . ingB we turn to, those ironiid-r-joiu in the: harmless revel/and resolve that no hitter word or unkindly feeling; shall mingle, in after years '. witi the memories, of; the day. All kail, then, to nierry Christmas ' '": hail hini with the twined arms iof .. friendship, with words of mutual good wishe*, with bdonteons cheer _ and gratefol hearta. ~ One word sore : Let ns, by our helpful sym- pathj with the "poor, .substitute for " ^the witheriag sarcasui " As cold ,- as charity ^-^-the niore genial' word .and Christian expression "As ; warm as lo^e." TVTe wish to all. ,.: rich and poor, a !'* Merry Christmas "~ *pd a Happy.New Year." VOTE BY BALLOT. W^i? jMwuiito it in prijtty^gNtHMitl- .kjiown tliiit the voting aUJ-Iifc-iip- pionch'iig nuinicipnl elections will Ih) di>rie t>y ] bajlot. "Tho Act as s<i1 at |hp last stjssibn of; the OiitaKo I^gfelatlire wns |ttomowlmt .lifective, but we riotico'"that a.Bill h; * jrist como before the Iiouse in- odueing certain clauses to ivmedy e defects. It provides HkU tlieixv s&;ll: be two ballot papers, ono for ^ layers ai.d. Reovrg and tho Other 'Councillors, thuo obviiiting the p lssjbility of dishonest electors vot ing for Mayor or Ivoeve in niore^ inn <>no ward. Thb bill is to be tlslied through so that it will coiuc itOjiuimedwte fortfp. r Wle fancy tl:o ballot system will o Pound to Work'iulniirabli- at uiii- icipul e!ectionH,'an<; thai it will rove-a valiiahlu nutans ofsecifriiig i.e servii-es of a better class 6f nicn- i ostr town and township councils. 1-finter, the old sy.steui, many an lector c;ist his vt.le for an inferior an rather than give offence to his lend and neighbor, but with tjho allot he may vote for whom ;he ees fit. without fear or favor. This is aldesirable ot>ject in-a-local eora iiiuiiity. . ' .. . Haltoa County Council, j MfhTON, Pec. 1C, lSlCt. : | Council met pursuant tondjourn-j ment. ! - i Tho-Wrtriljon in t.ho chair. j Mouihe'rs present, Bivvbor, Buck, Clay, Clements,'FoHtvr,! McCruneyj McEuery, Meny.ies, Kuhnroy, Bob-: iui^iu,' Storey, Wntscin ; niul Wur- wn. ^Minutes of last meeting read aid continued) _? ; j. Sir."'Barber,' ('Jbairnlan" of, tho Stuoid>g Coinmitteo on Finance, pivscntod, ] 'which wuu read nnd adopted.1 I. | ' JJr. . Storoy, Ouiiniian of tho SUmdiiig Clotnu'.ittuo on! Education, presented tho t'ouiify iSuperinienj- donf of I'ublic Sschools nnd also the report.of the Standing: t;oniniifctui,i on Education, botli^of which wcro road .nnd adopted. _ .. i .' : i ' Mr. Foster moved, Hctiomfed by Mr. Ixirber, that the sum of twen ty dollars be- granted from' the funds of this County for tho tem porary relief of Louisa Deljong, hri" idiotic girl, lately an imitate of tln^ jail, said grant to be placed in -tho I hands of Dr. Buck, to bo paid out GENERAb NEWS On Hominy night, in ri ninn fouiid fimt in a wnter-cloaot n'ml ; ItnS riihia.xsd that tin Parliament vrill bo suii tho despatch The hotly- \rn found in Strnutsvillo, week, it nerwly born luulo in rescubd it. Dominion mbned for of business 8th~orlQtn. ! of hn unit noirn tnaa the Ccodi River, at 4>n Wedncs Iny, of last Wc juotice that the Georgetown .'Jcrfild-mentions the name of Mr '"hps Hiiuie us likely jo oppose M-r. Varren for tin; Deputy Beevc-ihip f EsQuesing. Surely.-the intelli- -.1 :fent electors trf.this township will lot allow. Ml:. "\Varren to Lei defeat i-d by such a man. We IcArn-tbpt ^Ir. Bessey Is likely, to be' hntiiig-ht cuvudidate for C'ouri- illor. .r!' "THE T>tJTY O^/MlECTORS. In' view of" the! very defective^ state of the traveDed roachf'in this! ebosty, we. think it is the dnty of the^electors to. seg to it that rjie , Tarions mnnicipbl:rie-s are repre: sented -^he. ensniftgjyeHf by nien who wiU earpestlv;eodeavbr as far -h K_-1,--= ,-.r '-6^,?; ' mm*: fr-mkii- -- whi j^m- i - mm mm - - f as.poBsible ^o -have the evil reme- dieiL "There, isiipthiog so detfi- uental to the interests of nny coin7 snnitj's bid travel op. That the old settled eonnty of Hal- ton is so far behind in ^tliis matter there can be no leasoiiable catenae. It is idisgjaceful, in. tlie extrerne. . Electors of iEsqnesing and 2S"iissa- e"wera, we-would asfe yorii Would yon not Bitieh rat her-pay an addi- ihx on ybar property fori a fiftr ^^jears^nd receive the benefit jof goamJeading roads 11, Would not the Bavipg in wenr ^d leair tof horses, ^^rjiess and -reJiifTeM -Rto're - than cover tii* eaira tail Fijinre the juatter 6t, and- ses if y<Tu would aoJ..bwginers. This. Biatter pf haTirsg yeid roads Jies toagyBfkt _____ extejfttvrjsh! the mrtnieipul eoaBCiJs, st ruck the. Aiamea.of tenr-.irtmr" Jstn, eriRr^a "1 Mrs! Moultou fr It the ratepayers want to have ;Ii"e! surplus funds of these town ships laid but to 'good advantage, hey should elect'Councillors who will act wisely and judiciously in ilacihg the leading roa-ls irr' a1 re- pectable state of repair. -:.-, Don't Ject incompetent men or drones, 1k> are too"indolent or Ttoo. indif ferent to -properly attend to. your interests. . Let there-^ho a " big push" to' leet th-e right meu-ifor Councillors, so that -vfe may have somb hope of leeing a better system of roads or ganized ihSthis County, next year. Tho decisions iii the "South On tario and Halton contested-election (ase. were-reviewed, in' tho Court of Error and1 Appeal in Toronto, j V as he ni.iy direct. Carried. Mr. McCrnne.y presented n putt- tion, which '. was; read, from, tho Board of tho Oak villa High School, praying for an increase of the County grant to such High School. Sir. McCnincy liiovnd, seconded by Dr. Buck, that'the[usual Coun ty grant to' the Orkville High School-be'Snppleiiienf.tid witli such additional sum as! will niako the itmoniVfe !?;"00 for the current-year, payable to tho Treasnter of said School, and that this resolution bo sealed wifli the County Seal and signed by tho Warden liud Clerk. Carried.' * ] .1' Mr. McEncry- rrioved, seconded "by 51r. Ba'lier, tht'-ij-Special C'oni- rnittee of Messrn;' Clay, M'cEnery, Barber, MeOraiiey'and ;the \Yivnlen ;dt) visit Ojikville and endeavor to ellect an~Jarruiigotne"nt with the Stockholdei-a of.vliii Trafalgar, Es- quesirig and Erin. .licad Company, fur the purpose, of "having removed the.toll-gate on the 7th lino of Es- quesing, und that in case no fatis-' factory . arrangements I be. effected, that the'; Warden bo and is hereby instructed to lake legal proceedings to test the legality of the Company. . Mr. Foster,1 Chairman of Stand ing Commit tire'- on Boads a<l Bridges presented their report which was veadiind adopted. " Sir; Ramsay moved,; seconded by Mr. .Menzies, tfiat the County Tie:isurer be instructed to purchase from time to'timo County of Hal toa Credit Val ley Bail way Deben tures oh the most favorable terms they can be obtuimtd whenever tfiero mny be Sinking Funds., on hand for that purpose. -Carried. Dr.. Buck "moved, .sehocded by Mr. Bauisey,that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to[notify till auctioneer-s within this County who( hayo not paid their license fees for the present year to do so forthwith or legal proceedings will be taken, for the collection'of the same. 1 Mr. Barber moved, seconded by Sir.; McEnery, that in a&v the Hamilton &. $?orth western: Bail1 way Company introduce.'any am endments into tboir Charter lit the present - Session ; of- Parliament against the interests of -thiB Coun ty,, that.a Special Committee com- posbd of tho Warden, Messrs/Clay, Foster, Clements and Barber, be authorized to attend, and oppose snqh amendments in Committee and Three wbi injured wh Fellows' Ha week ; Within nbiottt two m mths, tnoro -than 2,000 cbrds of woo'Hiave been cut nnd tiscdjnt tho O.'fll^. Stutiou, Gt'oj-gotowii.j Dr. Davis, it is sai his way dowii to the that ho would divulga cnstoiiiei'S, ' Waterloo (County Cojincil resblv eil to petition Covernu cut tbjgnint luhiitioiml aid to the C wlit Valley Bail road. Tlie large tewing mnthino factory ^of Wheeler Ss Wilson, Conri., wiis burned hist timatcd Iokb gSOO.OOO. Montreal, oh Febru- n: k'men wor i neric/usly !o plaatqiihg the Odd 1 . iu Sjri i tsvillo, Inst iitnted ^on penitentiary pon till his Bridgeport, week. Es- OxfordCc untj Com cil has pe titioned Cov . rnment tokivo further aid^o'the 1'ol-t Dovef nnd Lukb Huron and < 'redit Vulll-y railways. Mr, II. T. Butler, Into of tlie' Stratfyrd //(rahl, intvplls to start upai>erJin that town abiut the new year, oilled tho Tltntyi 1 _ ndred und Deaf and UvilleJ This before in There are now two li thirteen ( pn; )il,s in the Dumb IiiBtitjutb at Bell is the largest niimbci-evt attendance. I Five of the Ouelph bul-glars were found guiltyi at Hamilton Geneml Sttssionsori 'Saturday, i n- stealing from the Co-opt-ialivost'rre. Tho latest addition to tho lan guage is from that " wdl of pure English undl'fileil,"tho "sew York hteh : savs " qpled " -for. ijW 3. ;l;i Plum- )so rhino; is near twenty GENERAL Tho. Dominion ojf Cnjohd bngo Company, wh Ottawa, is now'tuning lout fi*b tqns of oro pei[ dlojn, rewly to bq milled. Ah the mounjtain is ponotrated tho qunlity of exceeds every tiling; coiitempltttod^ being noarly puru bu4 fioo from dohris, ' Hogg oi Ford's cattncal mill nnd Young <k Speir's qol nrnnd glove fac tory, at Galt/woro ottdly dtotroyed by i fire Saturday ladrning. War- nock's nxo factory t 'as Hlighily dnm-. Bgod. Totabby'fira S1J2.000. Ih- Bui-ed in Waterloo, Gore, AJVclling-- ton and Hand in Hand...:Mutual OoinjmnieB, '/ho Domhiioii ' .'elegrnptr Co, a a (ijiecial meoting hi'ldbn tlie 1.5th decided toincreaso the capital stock-, fo 800,000; whieb will;bo^penl in extending, the liiio through- the Lbwcjr Provinces ir; forming a moro itninddiatD connection withIthe Di rect Cable ;Comprny, hndj in ef- focting direct conniunisition ^be tween, Montreal, Boston,,and New .York, '. .. r '. i IMen and maiders who begin to fear they are gro viiigj (on old to obtain wife or htiHbar^d, ^rmiy. bo encouraged by tjm .following inci dent : On Monday, 13th ihst,, in tlib litt'lii villagt! of Harrovr, town (ship of Colchester, Essex Co., tho man-iiige ceremony .'p|u$' jierformcd by Bev. W. C. Watsoii; nnd was made'dotdily interestingly the fact 1hut tho bride'gi>oin, h'tirris, ii 82 years of ii liiide, Mi-s. xVnn Tirasl t"V M John 5b, and the e|r, only 79. 0 iifcw Mili- *n Tuesday. Judgments .are hot i}et re-mlca-ed.; " Tlie ' 3fouif'uy\ Time.-; in its re- lew of position says : A singuUirx-ondition of ease and lentifrilness'pf money bus succeed- c;l [to the iiilanchd pres&nre with vJiicb-wb liiijv-e been familiar for s>me tirab back. The reserves" of t iej bftnk-S- have )>een V"ery largely a igmentpd, and there.; is nndoubt have, pbw'ar to take such papei-s;" tho projierty of this Council^ hs may be necessary. Carried. Dr.-Buck moved, seconded hy Mr,]Biimstty, lhatithe'sumj of $15 be paid'the Cbmhiittee appointed to inspect eertain Poor-houseBj bbr ing amount of expenses incurred by them.J Carried. Mr. Fo&tqr moved, seconded by Mr. ,Clay, that a Committee con-, sistinjf of the , -Warden, Messrs.; " chose " or book the o Henry C;IBowenrs sni, for dam-. ngcs.'foT defamation of.charade against the j-Brooklyn .Qaglf was opened 011 Tuesday. T lis action had its origin in thq Beecher scandal.,- A banqniiit- was- given to Dr, Clark of Princeton, in that place, previous to his-.removtl' to take charge of tho.Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto. It was attend ed by.polittc.iuns of nil si ades, Thb Hous 3 of E epresei ta iirea, by a vote of,' 2:S2- to 18 ha 1 declared that a third term for President is nuwiso, uiijiatriotic, and fraught itiou; lew wll iJt is reported tliat tl tai'y College at Kingston [will bgr open for admission!'of cadets about Aprilnextv At the,begirinixrgthere, will be two admitted frain each of the eleven constituted ri>ili:nry dis trictsfortho tirstj. yea|r opening of the second WaierJoo Poor House, irom the report of tlw Inspcctjbr of tho Waterloo'" Cbtinty Ho'tisofqi' the year ending Deo, wo glean] tho following. At date of the last report there mailed in the house 69 inmtte^, and during tho ybar 7G were mitled, j;ight wore removed tyy death, 7 absconded,SI' were dic!h 1 cd, I children wore sent out on t rii 1, ttiidi73 remuined in tbo ins.titu tir m' at date of report showing a aligit increase 'over ^tho previous ybar. Of the 76 admitted dur4ng year,, 33 [who had not re)iidbjl In tho County tvfo years, recoivb<l will be three cadets from the twelve military diftriots coiji- l!>ominio addi tion prieihg the 'ihirty-six in twenty-two.- A woman of lady-like who gave her name as er, [and represented 1 lawyer's wife, wt hoiisq in.Toronto, asted for board for ben elf rit tb DllT ajijearance, Mrs. Walk- epsdf us a a private rbsday, and band. She was told that 10 board ers were wanted, but si e persuaded the people of the home stay tho night. Ne;:t. imormng after breakfast no husband'havinj; appeared^ althougl on liight she sent a letter . _. ____ win? she and was Lusband, Bbo went orlt to Search for lady of the house hink m;in was very Btrr\Jge duct, went upstairs iinc her trunks and her with danger to the free i istitutions heen thoroughly l-ansackel, and a of the Unitbd States." - - - - ^ . The Port [Hope Wonjan's Tem perance' Assiwiation bos passed sioluti&n'to tlie effect thatf each mem- .ber shall, as far as possible, avoid dealing with any merchant who sells intoxicating liquors. ; '/ * ' . I Cori^ercial journals nnite in lay ing tbe"blane'of haM tnmes on far- mers'who, w ith barns frill, and often with, a^sniiv'1 bank account, still complain of being hard] up, and fail to-pay their Mr. Thomas Smith, of Norval has l>een gawtted as. Inspector of Weight* [aid Mejrsures for the Counties of the room resigned. elly a diminished demand for ac- llamsey and Storey bs appointed; cimmodatjon. Whether we-shall by the Council to wait on the GovH irje money easy all winter':'is tho -jptieal question just now.... It is fticult to forecast the future, and would be" very unwise fc:r en- gleiaeRts to be ;made on the ength of the.;presents ease con- tibtiing- ^Moiipy was" almost': as sy.a "year, ago? as .it is now ; yet before "thp v/i'nteij was half over \y6 peiienced the- most, severe pres- ve we have; kribwn for fifty years. is not safe therefore to presume." fd it "2- e t 4 )fe Christian ordinances:_irr".P-lyiributh Beeclier and. His TroublesV It would seem as if the great Brooklyn scindal will not stay fiet; . Tilton has. passed iuto the 1* lch ground, biit othor tor-menters " ive t-onie iu his jdibe. Tlie busi- n :ss committee emheipbip '- for have, it seeirts, Deabon, West omtht; "roll of' not -attendin store debt Tlalton |md Peel, in ( Knowles, was appointed to Mr. James Smith i>y ermnent. in reference totthe pip2 gram the- of Education..-r.-.Carried. "MrrvFoster-- moved,-.seconded by Mr. Clay, iliafc the Warden vacate the;chair-and'that Dr. Buck take- it. ' ~~1Di: Buck took the cUair. " " Mr. Foster" moved, seconded by Mr. Storey, that the thanks of this Council be tendered to tlie Warden of this Comity fcr hi.i cotitteous-ahd efjicicnt discharge of -his duties as Warden. The AVarden .replied, thanking the Council in ajiprojiriato terms for their, appreciation of his ser vices. . ; 'On nio_tipn the Council adjourned. W.if. j'AS-ros, Coonty Clerk. The fivery-stable .keepers of Hamilton hn vo organi uxl a society for mutual protection against dead beats and cr rel drivers, also to fbc prices, and. ly buying together get tbo benefit cf w'holeWe prices. At the rr-jjular coni;nnnicajtion of Credit Lodge, Georget own, on Fri day evening Inst, the following of- ficei's were elected foi'the ensuing vear :-^-Brb-. D. McKtn'zie, W. Mi; W. McLood. S.W. j jj)r. Freeman, J.W.; Ii Giant, Treair J. Butter- field, Sec; Very' proper eomplairts; were ; 'Jfbis eost tlienice-litfcle auuvof'$7.8?, bh.u-a These 'p:mi^, hwvever,v J, ^r wt],B^isl)ed t<t San^h hi* ^- ilL j^tadhil "styK ^ho should jpayfor it himself. As-Mr. Deacon said, " it is a i>etffect jaeco of hun: r"-and;if the--H>bE>l>er5-art>-<>f /an'; ener- "gRlMS, -firc^resaivt character, "they will ileviseijioavejattsjis of-irjjaiiiz iug p radicrii isi|*o ^iu-r3t., Couit- -r*; ctKc*sir> tbxistr oldrHettied'towushijis , ltrv*' fkifen tfo mcl! Iji 6be hibit . iif dWog nothiiigi^rt icMiiitfj. kvtirtli. :,% and eektoiu 'devote' tiieir at- t^ntion^o-iiiiy eimtpreb>:risi>e s-y[s- Js-ia rbf i'.yjug- but money in t-'>u- utrBcting good*leading roadsl TJjc electors ehonld^ri/ake it a test qii(|s ikxi\ -aritK ,*Ii"e jeandhhttea at ^the flpfiroftchrng s;i?ctioti whether tlrey ia*. prtipsred to. iiaitiaj*Ja system of veltigiitiofi by the ehu'rejb: iauthor?!'Thin will l>e an, a'ccjBp'able amiend isuioroment in this sespecfe. -: i^JS- Possibly one may bbheld, as Ijjieiit^ as much inconvenience bus ; -i . Tfw efectpisof 'Actoftshould -ariio 4aiaLst-slof Brooklyn and vicinity [ small notes in t le Court where the seii&ixt ilieirfaturt-reproseutattves ftn k^bwiv to be veiy much, disslafc-j defendant lived for tho .cause ofthe ateBjer^wto,will xerC t%uatves-! i^lJed with presets state of afiairsv action,arose. madeifl -tho'Publib AcoouiitH. Cbnir wl|6 knew tjy bitter efeporienoe tibe. jiiJittee'of tlw ainonpt spent by Mr?. Wells, in . furnislijitg ilia room. jruim;u-y rViau-uijr and give, afi dr reui>{j fur not uttending ser- ceand taking iht! communion J.liat tU<eii'.'p<u>ti/t; hi'ia been charged with a in.ji.t lieiiiwi^otfenee.and does-not se.'iu disposed to taktvurjiy ttejis to- livird vindicating bia cliaiacter. 1 jflrs Mcruitbn aliirtus in tho ; most bug trying to run the I'rovincial Legislature on the principles of the British House of Commons." , Tho bill introiliicedbyMr.Hardy to luueud the Division Court Act posed of. A depntai ion'of women waited upon' tho Toronto Polico Commis sioners on V Wednesday, and .present^,; ed ivpetiticn to his \Vofship. Ifr "was' about 3,0.00"of-the women of 'J'oronto, a id contained the names <f many wbo moved in the highest ijtrctea, ai ftko many large quantity of nndercdc'thing-, a new silk dfesfl, a rair of yrfy valn^. v ^,4 [able bracelets, a . muQ\ and a hat raheVec^J7^thrprhwneT Cn|tief with ostrich fBathers [carried off/ Mrs. Walker has' i ot been heard of Proposed Baxi at Bjookwooih. On Friday . ev ning a meeting was held |n the T<wn Hlall, Rock wood, for the purj ose of or janizing a Brass Baud for .tbejvilLige aiid towushipj.- 'Tlie; nieetiifg 1 'as well atteudodj Mri M- ! Cummins, Deputy-Iieeve, occupied tb a; -chair. After the subject had! been fully disciisHedj a comuiittee,' consisting of Messrs. Cuuiajins, Shultis and receive W.i H,' Smith, who murdered Mr. Finhiiy tittSombra, has not hirf sentence commuted as many "sup pose. He. ii: ho we v;er. tespited'i until the 22nd of February next in order tobavethe^egal points raisedj at | ^^g "^'. Mr> fe^ ^tj^" 0f the; tnal ful,ly gone ^to and.drs-1 ^^- g{lch. a iotTf $gB has not been seen in (Auelpp.foi-a long the names of parties wishing^ to join the band, taki.up subscriptions to defray the [co;it tof: organizing, fcc, and to repc rti at a] future meeting. Rcn.' Oveii. Cn ^Satorilay last a little boy of Sir. Byuplds, station master, was-knocked over on his back, on tho stroe;, by a. hcrao, and the runner of the sleigh !tc> which; the horao was att; che'd [rari.over his body just bulbw i.h.e Tib's. . There were! two men and a w'onu n in the sleigh, tho latter v husbnnd was the The boy has got <j>vev it. iBramj>- ion Jiunuer. Extbaordinab; r - Pigs, Mr. J. S>. Armstrong, o[f Erarriosa,; sold 40 dressed hogs, Sve nohtbs bill, of the aggreg-to weight jf 8000 lbs, being an average of 20(j lbs jper | hog , at [positive niMinei-, that both Bepchei'j will enable bills of chaiigoandjirom- aiiil Mis Tilton ' acknowledged jissory ' be sued in. Courts Hhii- guilt to-her. West-auxl Mrs.) held at tho placs where the Wllnir liltoD deiuanduninimbdiate in-Jiiote purports to li^ive been drawn. eyils and sirfiering forced trpou: them in consequence of-tho trafiic In iiitoxicat ng liqiiori. ' Chrisli<r^ Heudoirson & Co Aoton, having lacoii'tcm ilation maferial1 changes in-'-tiieir'hrisiuei's, will on nud after 2nd January next, offer tiieir! en tire stock at extraordinary low figures^ la tlie ineuntiino tlicy will bo happy !to ,see all their okl customoi s and as many now ones as possible, mil can nsHrtro' them that nv effort w; 11 be snared toi supply them with- all tiieir wants, at -priiuw that will give entire satisfaction! A' cluiiee lot of fancy goohj soitablu for Christmas presents, etc., at cloaoprices.; A wholesi.le wedding took place: ut.Meyorsburg in tho township of Seymourr tli3 week' be pre last. No loss than fivn couples belonging to two families were inari icd asihe re sidence of M r Nelson Siiiynon8,-by the rtev,:F,.;BL Fink^j.Methodist Episcop^il miuistbiv'.r;5'] time.' .' Y'-l .: TitE Ottawa L iMuEi Tr ^de-An Ottawa des|)atc"h irays,' there is no thing doin^in'tho lumi>er trade at present as far as si les aro concerned. A rough estiifiate roadt by sosoe of the. manufucturen; given the amount of sawed lumber beirg wintered over iri Qttawa, dud vSsinfity at one hundred "million fset, of" about the same as last year. ',' Att embarrassing- hicideht hap pened ip a.' White hill, New York, .clergyman;.recently. He married a coupie^-aiKi when he examined the fee fotijid it wa& n $100 bf|h The next dlly tho bridegrooai telegraph ed that it was a istak 1 e meant to; .have handed him- $!r0 bill. Tlie clergyman re plied tbat if was too late to -rectify the mistake, as he hajLjoyfully used the moriey to liquidate a longstandirg,debt. A" motion has beery introduced 'in- tlie House of ILapresentttives to authorize the aj point ment. Of , a Commission/ to as corta nr en what terms a matually I aefioial ireatyof commerco bet weer jthe t mp. d States aud' Cauada, can- ;l e ne; ;otia tod. I At the veir there to making tho first each of and hns- tand'hav I he [irevi aggregutb of 178 weeks of and lodging, Tho various cajns[es -of pauperism of.the 76 admjttijd wer): aid t n'dsr abdj destitution, 15; parents in -he House,"J 1 j crippled, if); vagancyj 6; old rtge, 5; desir.tbd by 1 usbund, 2; idiotic, 2; blind, 1; enciente, [ 1 ; parents in ^gncl, 1. Tlie average number of inmates for the yearj was 78|, and the, toi al .number ojf weeks board for ininaies was 4100!, at ari average estpense of 89 0;]0tl| cents per week for ea:h' jK^rtou. jStriet economy is ocbrcs ed.ii cve|y departilneht, for w<: find that the totalexpenditnre for; tire yeiu- (inchiding provisions, lea sir etc.. on hiii/d atYdato of "pre"-id is report), )fus $7,7&t.29 > brjL Mm' deducted for pe ncnt imprbve'mehts, farm prolu" fat cnttlo.ihogs.'proyisibns, fuel,'c; etc.| on hand,--and [inccni) dc\\froin Firin and Iiouse; $3679! leaving the .iimo'uut actually peniied far Suppoi-tiof the inmatd's of HouKoipnlv $41D8.29! ' , - ' *1 TificVyxtn KoiinKitv The jlri secution Jjn'fts contihued against till prisoners! Charles [Mills, T. Legg< J. pa vis,[on Wediiesihiy' niornijn; before M't sirs'. Miller and Swito in Milton.. Hill, the-young . nun] who, it irt alleged, was persuaded the: ufieus&l-l partjies to, keepi of the'v^ay dtiringithefirstexah in ation iuKamilton/shortlyafttir rbbbery becu-ef},! was examiheil o,nt fromhimi evidencb was elicited im plicating jtbe prisoner Mills, drew Buthv'en/ who has -been cused of an attempt to get' Hill' te leave the' country, wj aAio e[ikni ined, and- re/nsed to 'answer[['tbe fjuestioni put to him, on the gr^Jnnc that he [was afraid of implic-.i'ting hiulfelf. j The piisoners were! "rt' mapded until 'Monday^ bail having 1 l>eeh refused. ' 10US td s!ome one hjiijo. The irtg[ the Wo rn, her ;cori 1 itmn,d that brireaH had were the most in>])brtarrt . witness I was Samuel Lount Everett, who testi tied to having got the conriderce o: Davis, w[hb, he said, called hiniself boss of tlie gang, and .thereby islrcit- ed from hiru important; evidencb hi regard to tho robbery. Mrs. Pet itt was also examined, and'testified tlnrt to the best of her knowfedgb' Mills as pue of the pifties whei, enj- ter-ell their hfense: on the.nrght'tf the robbbry^ Tdie [prisoner Thbms s Leggo- -tiros admitted to baih j The prisoner* were farther r-omatidad till Wednesday, . S9th B,ecembfry when thb eiaiHinajliba vrill '/bej 1 tinned, - [ 1 ' V 1 n -ri - j BIEtn*. InActqn, oil the 14th ifisi.-,| tho ai Mr. A. [Stephensoii; of a dSOrgbte; HABEirb. . 1.1 In Acf<>n, -on the 22nd Inst.. I?obert FlKni^an,'of [ Cctrbiti 'Mie't. Harriot, daughter * of tho .late Jus:#B Lasby, of [Acton, j ' j. . I , -'. DIE0.- , ,j -' In Godcrich, oil the 21st fn'st. W.J. CuUoden, of tho Goflerich formerly, of Milton. An ae Calland see out. beatflifnl sfoet of ""JTwion Qoeds, iiilli&ciir, press.66ed's; OWifltoa's Suits, aa%rdassjT, :/ Gcbtlcmcu'e FsnuiMnf' aoo^LS, Toilet Articles^ Toys, ' :i "- -'Serlia ^ooll. The case was continued on jRIon'": day and Tuesday, and a number 01!.; ; , , */ facts weie. eliciteil. On Tuemlaj Also a ifce slock.c/Jg VVlfeLER T TTILLAGE OF; ACTION. ".'^f'.:. MUNICIPAL! ELECTION, ! i87a,! fitar. I as drivin ; as her Your votb aiul influence are respec worse of drink. I ? ' D. HENDERSON fc8uHy AS REKVK, v4 IL^OOI Choice ARTICLES 'bUITED: FOB CHlEtIBTM4iB PRESENTS At D [BOOKS HOLIDAY GOODS I i> grea/ n -ridy,', just rebi-rvcVd, tb be riftned off atsxtraordli fat floHQftttt Butter,]JguP, Poultry, efSytakeii in exch^s-e fbr gWcfs.- Acton, isbv. 17, 1875. '" . Brick Drug Store on M ill J Si OH2SMI4T &XP: D3Ef V- -' lfa-s[ remoTed to tber: ?brmerly occupied by the* late BE CARTJSH, wfiScl*- has 1 rebXted/' " ; '.'-i I4t( < 4 large; slocfeof t*ttgs, Medicine?. Kadcy, Goods, |T< tl ad*y*ba ihand.' " " - Aettm,- Soy. 'S.'l 81&. 0"E [Fine Book*, ~ Work ISoizsi:. tieski, Jewel Case's fyrtispig C'.isesf Photograph AlSums), Jvveni'i Qooih, X>olb.i Dolls, F-ie 'Bfyks,. Prayer Boohx, etc. r'\etc.y elQ. Stock of Fqneij Goods. iff Tha- Fiaoat scad of Oisapest Siijcls Sood.3 et cr seen la,. &ue!.tni. . 9i6-. Vftprift . o [ - Choice l^cty <>oo4s fee $ttat. DAY'S BCOKSTORE, ^ NEW Ai).t"E[RTISEMENTS. 'Tp1BSAIdB<; , '; "" [ ' i Villager iot namlwrl'l, JWTSIoek num ber -21, on which there" isj.a rongh'-cast eotta^afiW? !fa.1n* iinY/ watl* haia .and soft #atr, sftteato eS Cfenrfefr ahd_Maria of Acton^L-Title indisputable. '. For price "and phrticn- lars^pj^y tc/ W>; ALLAN, of Acton. - ^Maroaret &_3V?&>;S'M SIcKav.- ActonrPte^ 22^1875/ ;['" _26rfi ;.-' QVSTiBK& AND FKFIT; m jentar^ecf dt. tet Artielb^ '*C- - * >\ GBAPIIIC OliSCIHi*T10J* '^ '\-^ orL* : v:- '.": :, DfJMlM(0H0FfjAMADAAJI^1T -.f-',pR0Wi !Eti'"-::-----'. Also U-ENV-FODN DIIATTA; Mie- NOBTHJ- WEST,- TK.HIToKiIE, -klTMCOSW Mid IrABU S DOB. j WftS ib JSpWB* eoniafTiing lnf*>roiaSipn or esbeiil*] totrf? est to the Emlg"fUli andfa. Table P# KoHtcB. V' . A useful Bocjij to Bftnd torfrleiwr. In the OlrfCount . .' fHii : Sebt Frc'et; on' Gec5rg<6; Stoddar4 i Has just fitteoV vip and opeiteor ai firsi- ; . ' class -..;; ' Friiit and v Oyster Bazar ;in the premises on the corner opposite the store of Messrs^ Jackson fcidcltab, on Mill .streeit,- whore he will keep A good supply oi .'. .'-." Prosh Srysters, - LoDS^era.Saraino's, > Cawise STo-w. Pruit, ; .j' ' Wbaceo3, Clears,- [ i. - -| aai4'Coafootloaefy* Oystcit by t&a" en*, of- served upin any.stj'le; and-tbo besfe; attention given. So customers-.-.;. " ,' ' -. The patronage of the'JuhfiffB respect- 1 - - I . ' GEO*-f#b'DDA'RI&.'._ Actonj Dec: 15,- 187o. ;. '-fcouclf'M ; finip.!!' gie fexjjerieojfs ^tjed.'jjre pxcelleni o M*;Mojr}d3| sbfcon wit* ;V;J|tfck;i|d , -#nh^ic-arife'iJ C0VEI4 PBlNTll] CO+jtft: NrftKAl*.:; pRIZE "VoUr ^EJrins,; >;.:j..' .: beipt "of I*ric. , v * >UiMJHHIKt# -t- I;i aficf BuffflfaS^.^. to -jtoa prf .k; "(Jest OBkfbnc) 1-bptograghs .-. dozen at the" 1 T . OntarioPr^e^b^%C^^tAti<>^ Caifl'.ajt oace"fcer|6bfeni1tfgob|diiic( cheap picttrrci" finisbe* tli bg# style; befoe- fericas "ire H/jiM d^ vancerf, -' ' N. B. We ^tferei.avtarcjisi afl-'"f&f "J A iirst !priies olrer- all corhpetitorf f'."- J the lata Cbun.ity f air at Miltoa, Oefcl l^th and Mli <8W^ ' ; .',1 --'j Acton, iSo^.2Sf.m&. , XXElHOiVA"-*, Antliotty Stepitonso^. Begs to Announce to- his ctistotticirs; . otheirs that ha has removedutis Biac6!8JtthiHg Busitt^-s From tho old stand' to the shop fbffiifcrr ly bcciipijcd-hy "rfrrOveirtc*,- nppbr -^td ' of Main" ttWect,- wltero. he is -preparecj- to. attend tot all .kinds of General K&ck9ndtkihg,norsc ...'..'.-' i Slioej^is/&Cr':; : The patronage.,ofr the public resject- full?jr solipitedr r,;-!._"r' y :.,,. 'J MA-STl^KEKSON.-. AptcaifI)ec.,r5rl87o.-:.! ;2-4t ' " i oveif l'\;;-#4. xt*| ; -."p"fteep_oifft -. ^anpsleagh | V " --, ^l'^*S"fisk.< "' ' i*'^!:*' "'-"- ..- -****"- . .... '^Caimclli V;. ."speevioua:!) -- "^ecfd fiti-Speighl r'-'I?(#| l?ijred-byj !; ^'-;'^Sicklm,v % piid'iji'.-' .. . < s~"^<|unpj>ei]] ,;.. :-.^f!*6.'.Cfer-J - rfesighataoB this, mtiriic T^OMIJCl Thb subscribtft . by the' iohabftaBl vicinity that ie 6 harness DCsmess?! ;0rdl*bsiOi itfILL where ho fti ihab^w*":' 'of -JfeWSj-aa* ! \&.\-/A\m -.. rV ACf^KJri^-". foitanv <"#**, X- l^work seeondf to;aotf S* *i* :*W"5i': , ibnv as e&djfr as- thff ** | a * | ott tho shoifteit] ?basib% n*^ * 1 rraTo^w.BaBd: elf6tw4 */* *** "-": ;S0SS8i. !BIttJ^fffe&iWSij% ,, ,0iitts, Trtn3tA !*$W|' ^:\v > BapairiHg! prdiapy a1n'd.W U:y Give bw ai <Ua*sf:be'opSwi(l'--i* ' ' "'"" .' " l -'.iJr'.-K.'M' ActoB,!So-J.'55*.)f8-7* \,: ,V_ .. I' . :-' ' ' .> ' ' r"V- j -^ov-ediiyj B*fajfy '"ft-^| - ^e:\ Cmi - i The comui -'.. tti^ foUpw^nJ . .*dthe samel . Iiart& RaJ ;& Gallowa-J -M& Hatthel Sia^bs.,, - 5r "K>cer<" ti T. CampbellJ -'(:- vfc' . 1 ; x ? N ^i-a CiS* Si'"'*-' "* ' .t".j

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