Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1876, p. 2

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" hi. & !*5 *i i*r i -Jff 11 flsfe"" S ~ri'r !;v if.'^ V" : fei^lH^N-'.' : ' ^HUf / i^M B -- ;--u-; ^ MMMMMM iiliii f! ^ "iT"i. vit " *j ^ -. >; fe - 'r. : # '; t' f JK " i il -i> !? i::: 1 './ iy. --". -'PltE- ACTONj FREE PRE^S PoUished Every TilnirVday Morning, $Li-Pdrf. Annuui in "Advanci x.i'.-- -M.." - 'I ~ JOS H ^M-KfNCl C^ltOni -" i I si>\Y' j\!"UMN|.'. 'a-v. (\,.JJC<:. .___, i. .. '._ I ..'..!."-.. . : - I... '. : ' -Owing-to thfl great"pressure of 'itlTcrtwcnViints jhi*i week, ;vhic!i havf are cvcupoUislflo leavo ^ vo.r.'c-dttiirvals and v other jaattprs. tilings, wrf s>l:;Jl- the vcrcr.',-- ' * .- ' -v - - !i.;s ' pressure sovii have, to oidi'ro -.. ?' Such -rornaikal jv Sni'i^ -\wiii-tfl- wo rii-.ivb Ii*ut tlio past thivo wvvk* has not'..l!>oon oxpori- ' eneeu, at this- season,1 in "Vaitad-a -:fiii-many yours. .\-fe are. - toIiL" bv old sot tiers, tluit -rbotre wa~s-just'su'eh weather in tho year of t.he Canadijiu .Rebvllibn 1 S.'iT S ^ Day 'of-'lt^SrWsfj j similar ioTbVst * ' . I " M ' Saturuay. ana t|i."it ;the -roa4s-wjiM'e in a. shocking st:ttc;of mud." Agentleman Jst returned from Seafoi-th, injiVrms us that-the farm ere :in that iioisihlj-oiWc-i! woiv brisk ;!v jitougiunj <?ii. in is"i.-w Year. Day, i^f tho mevtiag of Tarli wor.t Lad It*:.! pc.^5|)"i:t.J this se- s.ti u-iit-il Fa!*- n1o"uliini; was C'\'i'; MUKIGIPALJLECTIONS " ^ ^ ..'ACTON. . Uoow llr. N. McCJarvin. (Wuiu-H- lui-K .IiOm Soctml, 1>. I>. I'hciKtio, iUohanl lt.viulton, C.'S. Sinith. ' A: Thin is nil cntiri'ly now t'omioil,dho ltix'vo boini; tlio mily nno wliti .han: ]in<- vumsly li;i.l n "neat nt the Hoahl. ; Wo 1-olioro ovory lnan will jnovo liii'nsolf woitliV of tlio oontiiloiioo jila'oi-il in Ihiik art.l that tlio t'omioil'na iv wliulo will tciloiit credit-u|>on tlu> uuinioi|vid.r>' ty. Tlio '.ftillowiilgTitv tlio rotes cjuit f.r tho'iv'snortivo o.imliilatos r ' i:i:t:vc. " -', 1>r.; McCarvin ..' -. ;; .. .. -.. ... 73 l>. -lU'iiilo^'n .. 7 ...... ... .. to'iu ni;s. .U>!;ii Sooorii- ...... ... D.-.lV.l'hiistio\. . ..' .. ... K. Hamilton 1".. ... ... .. C- S. ^mHli .. '.'.. ..;..- IX NiokliiL.. / J. Snciijllt;'.; \. ." . ' "-... ! i \~ NA'SSACAWEVa." .- . ! IJoovov--J. : Usiiisoy, . ;l"lt>]Hi-ty l\ot>vo, ,T. "Monxiep, (ijooiotl ;by ac o'aiuationV: ' t'oiiiioilloi-s- Dr. T.13.1 Winn. -I'Joo. Xoirish. U.Itutolioon. 'Tlio voting for Couuciilorn was as follows :--];">!-, AVinn, >'00 ; Goo. U. Aikins, lit'., :' .' ; ' j ': ThoCcurnoil %n- tliis Township tinis: 1'oovo, \V. ClaV ; (Poputy se- 'oo:ul Pcjuitf, Wiii: JMoHncrv, NOTES fnOM OLD VIRCFNIA. Xo. MY A CAJ ADIAN Sjtreinl 'Ciirrfn/hiiuhiii < (Ireoii'lJny, Vriui THE 41QTO* FREE PBaSBS; JiANFARY .6, 1876; >Xi th lo >/lhe Frtr Preta o.Kilwanl Co.,Viv. Poo. 30, 187/i. In our first loUer..'to you, wo irrndo .soino alliision to thonogVO, with tho proinisy that >Vo would return to him nguiiii, Jfo is now a -frvonmn,'but that jnioana ho is nt liberty to coasofroui work when ho pleases, roaw ubouC tho Wootliu, gun on Hhoulder, nhpoCing linrca,, par tridges mid gr\v KqUirrola. Drt'oro tlio war, lio negro \viin Hiifloit'd to go idlo, now ho oaiJ do as lio likes, wear rags, go shot'loss, 'unci live in mitorablo dirty d\vi>jiiilg.s, \\To ('anadv4ii.s iniaginud tliut tho negro toiled hits and early -solely for tlio lii'ii'etit of their iuutcr.s. This was luit goiioiiilly true, at least iu Vir ginia.. Tho iliegro - had . to work, .but then ho hud nothing to pro- viil.\ . i JFis iood, vlothing, and I'Veryshit'igthirt he needed was given to him. B?--^^:.fc^ .- =--/.i -J..?, we think our li.nyo coasijereir" 'Rone,..!' . T*U .".tc-rs" won id tlisiir ooour.:it:ou IV <L : .Wo lliavcClient ojnsider.jljle time the pais: few days it\ Zii:il:iau-vip sic- epnutsar.d balancLii^.;o'.tT":*;ks for .the mx ntsnth^'biisinei^. jiisiTlosoJ. ..We are-p!c'i?;i?' trad that 'the'lib-- . end tiatroKrtgS wo ha'vo ,-received |ias"-nab!e<l u-si-to flv^w" a von' fair iiiuici margin ot " pi-hltt ratidr ' : .iiaxa rvls1"! 5 :a.hd-' \-: publishing a'~jiiijvr'i:t Actors- has so far proved successful';. fact< rr to know that I.: is ssi is fii^h;. ia'-'tLe case; arid as d CQiWc-q'.'.efice v/eyyiM- bo ableLin fut.r.re1-to";'bt*tow nnlro ;"atkenti(jii: tinon the iFeke Press. . * f' - -' ! '.'--' "ind-Ulchay not be long before avo "csm give-our re-.ulcrs la '."ii'^er and ... -PI' ' better ttcfet. -<? V s - - ^- yi, -j v !^l :" ^i',-tyy ? .- k . Ttie que'stioii of rrijiproi'sirtn do | relations with ;Ca:iaua!"has Ecen .1 trodueiid into ' the.. jVashiligtCih' 'House'of llejiiTusenuvive'-s'by the- Hori. jviy-ih : Wan?,-'who.'lias long i>een an'ad\^>caLe ofjaili.benil fiscal1 policy ;on;tlift paj-fc fit j the 1'llited , States." Mr. \Vard prpppsos in tliei ;' i '-"rl'hat Coniniito^onere be fippbint- "ed tor.nfegotLie with'others on " bdialf ofitli'e-Dominion of Ga'na- "d&, toj aseertain^Qn vhat ba.sis a < - " trea.ty of trade fo-r i ._'-'".henetit; qf the._i>op!e jof the Unit- " ed Spitfc3 and Canida can fbe "arranged." H'JoeteJ by :',o.'!ani.'i"t;on)i t 1. 'i>.' Geo.'. Wrigttl'e.sworth, 'Nui.iun Lindsay. The voting for Council lors \i-as as follou^i i-~ WrigLjIos- worth, lS:t; lxiidsav, 172: lfrasej- \"2;_ nroHebauk, 152;. Preston,' 1"^ ," Hume, v>;i. i . ' 1. . ' "." I). Aio]\li.nanrf-plectod liouvo by p.ecjatiiation. l)oputy lloevo. J;. W. Jjiirt, bv-aeclainalion. !(.!uimefUor.s' i-V.":m," .iK-IXmvoII',. It'.'. A. -Koid, U;>!>i'rt-J!arboiir. Tiie 'fviitimr was- jts.l\.}Jows : 'lteid: L'l.'.i.; ,i;.ti:bo:ir. 21b : Smjth, 1SS ; -the f pletche!',-53 ; Bo'tnier, liS'.- e,f| | . EKisiosA. Deputy Reeve ril.'~ (..'umniins ; C.juticil!ors Geo. j[>uniohl, .J; Hortop, .11.. Carter. Ti)he'"voting was as follows : For IJeputy "Keeve Winers 164. ; For Councillors G. Diiifield oRl-; Hortop 90; Carter 'J-1; ij:..l>iilHeid.'lSiv. JL.'Anst.eo ine.'d 'lil*rion. , Jt'hti-: IX.. llarber is rc-eiectod Ij4ovi-.-:ind Dr.'' ,-in4_r)'r. Stiintii.-yfi Councillors. Wo have iitit learned, the names of tbeiother t'wp Coauc'illora: . ' ' OAK.vicr.n.-: P. A. McDvjugall.cii'ctetl Mayor, mation ; .W,:Fl. Ypuug, Councilloi-M John Bar- da!; J. Ilagaman, John\Neil,.Ja3. Mcponaid, John. Urquhart, Cyrus AiHgersori, \V.- B. j C'hisholm, . W. .Mc^raney^ 31. P|" "C'-iU W; A sUignation in business-spoenil- - ]y pronjiihent in the wl^eat export trade; -is rqiort-ty frohi Russia The cotiipe-titionof Aiubriea, wfiieh has'thetaTJvantii'g'i of ,s'<j>"nor tran sit, nefr soil,- a:^l in'oje iscientitic ^agriculture, lias_checked tjie.cxtc-li-. ion of ti{tJ-esy>ort r>f f.vheat fiorn Odessa.]?'Besides;-.tlii=.j tije bank-, lixve ixien, careless In j-leiicling:' n>oney, and .:iddfed to the' j.resect StHagssicr-- r. a. .ui byj acclain; R-4ve; -:"C ?\ 3Ie 11 The'Dbmrnibn Got has /J CL'ELPII. elvin, Mayor; G. Howard,' Reeve; D. McCrpe, D. Kennedy, and C5o.' Hood, Jjeputy" Keerea. " j. {. itlLTOX. i Mijyor, T>.r. D. Robertson ^wns re-elefcted by tfmajbrit}- of il ;over Mr. Henry Watson. \V. D. Lyon, re-elected Pie^ve by acclamation. The only warv'L in which there was' 'a-contest for.r Councillors was' the South j Ward.- F. BarclaK', 41 ; D. Dewar, 45 ; Isaac Carttctr,. '22; and Dr. Freeman, 21 ; the first three being elected.V It is J proposed, to vote on the Dunkiri act in the C'ountv of York.. M Ma vol 1.- offered the "psople ,o -British (I'ol- yuatbia -.$7-50,000 as - .'cnpipeiisatfon '.for. the Is'anaiind.'and Ks/juinKibit 'joii railway, the Bill for thtf. pro'iiiotion of'which itt-iw "thrown, out, last ses- the.Senate, thoiigh its'puks- aga wafe -atrqngfy? rec.ainfnt'ntleti-bj- ' the-Home IGoveriijiieai. 1 "-I rdlv ;--- -::W.)il\:.-i: : 'J r- -Tie Suez Canil. V The BntihL.Governm-'nt rer: . 'piirchased!a controlling Itn'tfjjvst, in -the.Suez fcin;i!, and at -liin tuao of - -tJie it .was con.siJi;rf-d i brilliant stroke ^>f p&!idy on the i pajt of,tS& a-stute .Premier. ; Eug-. r land's tbeE-tsb, it was sat 1 . wonld be.igreatly increased hv this new-acyaiHitrorr and th>j oar^iin -. was. considered a. good One botrr'on "commercial and military' grcniuls.. "i__ 3Ir. IHsr^eli was on his venture- by his friends- as jwell as by jmany who are politically oppseed tqTlim. nriw trim'-- spirfta the idea was not. 'M;v Dis raeli's but'that tho scheme -'origin " ated with Mr. Green wool;, the cdi ""' tor of tbeT-jll' M'ill GorAtfe. who cotfeninnicitiecihis L-io4to-3Ir. Honrv Oppenheiai,'a member 6\ aj-.vell'j y.t.known carlitnerchil agency; coifnect-j . 1efl :ia yarioms ways wit^-'-E-gvptJ ': According, to one.Tersion,! Mr. \.iu-. jenheim-saruclc ont the idea-, Mr- ,. Oreienwooa apprpciated. its value;- 'i and nndercpalc to v^mt it l>efor<> Inrd'-Darbj-', who, thoughi he did not; feel : sjire abost, it -hinnfji:.- tS3 it on bi'l^rai-Ai'.-li'J -ftinier jump&l.^-. [{, -ti!f not iinfrerpiently li.-i^l pens in regard, to lessBr bargiius' the-more tlio canal uharta pn-ic-l-a.s(i M exJmineil the "lew ptofitable je 8*1113. Th 3 ^transaction ia how j us- tiGed'on- military groimdi iilono, time Parliament "imeejB, yor 6 itv./] Fellows has basn,. elected f Ottawa bv a la'rge rua- i A jarii pf.; ice and flood wood; nearly a mile long, passed down the River Credit on Friday afternoon. agrccd_to p artthAfie P* . ojriee." Aa M|fc--T7- Tt ;," Lard work The advent of the Centennial year wad celebrated throughout tho tlnited J5tates by ))rocest;ion, il- luminatiAn'K, fireworks, and salutes. The deuipiistrution of Philadelphia was peculiarly entlmsiaHtie. Joseph :13ork, City Treasiii-er of Buff do, b'ns defrauded that city of a largo nVifonnt of mon(:y and ab-' >co.ided"to Canada.-.- The defalcation, is placedbt 8250,a00 although ai further dovclopmohts. are- ma<le it will"probrt.b2y exceed these figures. A mutual Council,, composed of ten- mini; tens and representatives from "twe'itjv ..Churolies, wjl! meet' in Brooklvh on Jan. 18ch and ex- amineintj the differences between Mrs! Mxjulton and Sir. Bsacher. TheJWolUrigton County Cotincil Comiuitteb. ;bave purchased fifty acres from-. JVtr. Charles Allen,' of Elora, Bittiated at ytijoyitp, for the site of ^hu County Poor House and Farm. The! price agreed Ion, is -52.500 .for tiie fifty acres: i Dr. Christie has been returned by acchupatjon for. Argeutetiil. Mr,. Wliiti'i7" found - in' his 'canvitsu that h'i wijiid(i,-lf;i.vo no chanca, an1!! (Ji|c-idud toj'withdraw;; in fact, lie '^fver [I'lbliclyiaccejited tjie,position u't'by the "in February! John Bull m:4y' havel to,convincelihieif that; lie needs;so much stock i iriJtliiw etna! for inilitary purposes, j.' i '. of idl atefalt-haughlfb aiid-'his friimds had bisen Seeling tile county 'or niuiith i. );- .{' ,i |. j- At the last! rigiilar meeting of Orion Lor; ge, if o. 109. I. O. %); F., Georgetown, the followingbijethem A'ure elect id.for the ensuing tertn. *";--' Stindish; N. G. ; C. S. . G.; Dr.. J. Statidish, m Hayes, P." S.; Edwin ias.: ... Thos. J Staples, "i B. S.;.; Jq Search, Tp s His food litis; that 1 Now he.; is at a peifect loss how to take caro of himself. Ho is -improvident, and if ho has a bushel of;corn or a little meat he is quito satisfied.. . .' He is, very-superstitious and :rc- ligious." In a!regular negro nieet- ing dancing forms it part of'the. worship, lnthis exercise even the eliihHi'ti join. I.Jo fore Ihf.y J itic the church, they see'visions, hear super- n.t.tural. voices, and hold familiar eonversatioiis )ri,f. ,/- Lord. Tliuy .have iio windpivti hi their houses for fear.that invisible beings should gar.o at them iit night. When night comes on they are as caretul to up iW^ry Imlo in their huts us tiiir.-.K are to u:\clude pure air from the , sich-'fooin. , They arc. good singers,- hnd although utiUiught in the science pf music, it is- really 're- fiiarkiilrJe how,they can.sing. But religious us is the negro,' Jlo is ^liovish in hispro'pontdties,' .They hold religious .conventions, some times-called associations. During thyse-sit'tings tho white man must watch his hogs , and chickens. A -good brother will shoot a white man's liog and then sorve it tiji; to tlio preachers and brethren com posing." tho-" convention,- If he is caught he is willing to expiafo his crime by unbaring1 his back and receiving a curtain' number, of striics. But lie" is fertile .in iu- venting 'excuses.' Last siinuner a negro ussoelafion was.held not f;tr from here.' It was during that cea- sou of the. Tear, when water melons were ripe, (and tattly they- grow here in groat plenty and .'aro really uel.icjous)r: A farmer had missed some melons and so he was resolved to watch with his musko't loaded with bird shot. Soon he perceived a.negro get over the fence and get on his knees alongside of a large ripe melon. iHe- discharged his musket at him from behind, which caused the poor negro to jump up and make the" place resound with bowlings. Ho denied that he went over.the fenjee to steal the melon. Being on his 'way- to preaching, he said religion came on hiiu power fully, so he went over tho feiico into the melon patch to pray aDd wrestle wid de Lord. This ic counted for his kneeling in front of the meloii. Being asked why he pulled the inelfcfi, lie.said when the shot--struck hinr having his hands, on it', he jumped up and jmlled it up unconsciously. . I I"-haVe faid the negro'is super stitious. He is-- also very credu lous. A farnifr being desirpuj to stivo his sheep.;from being stolen bri tlieui, hit on the following. ' Wbeif shearing:liis sheeji he filled a viat with dry fibur and told, the negroes who assisted hbn that it Was a vir- ulant poiijon. He thgn^ made. a stnall cut in the flesh'of. the sheep aiid lambs,-and in iti'e^pnnklcd a- littlo of' the flour, tcllit?g tho no groes that it poisoned the,'flesh of the sheep for six months'. The re jiortUoon spread among the blacks that!'Mr. T.'s^elieep'wcre' all jioison-^ ed, find no! one dared to steal ope of tljem. . Tno white people here'iire gener ally in tolerable circumstances -bis.cI inight be better if they worked-us hard-as .Canadians. But they arc not good farmers. Ypu will see all winter cattle, hogs', turkeys! <fcc., running'a|4 over their winter wheat. , It tho ground was frozen up and /covered with snow as in Canada it wouli not be so liad, but ns there is little snow, here to cover the ground .arid the land .is scarcely ever frozen to any depth, it raakes it so much wors'o for the wheat to have the! stock i-uniiing all over it. Tlieh-eason why they are so care less of their crops is they are too -lazy to build g,ood fences aronnd thein. ' ' In otheft days 'the negro was eniplowed all-winter cuttiug and splitting rails, and fences was then better. How as soon as the negro' has gathered in hie corn he spends the winter!in idlenos3, and .tho white man baa not yjot learned; to do the work of the negro. In! soine Icounties ..they have what ia called ;" tho no fence law." No ct-ops are fenced in, and tlfo stock when ob'rn is growing must either be herded or fenced in.; Happily for the tobacco 'crop it is; safe from the ravages of cattle or hogs. They will pass through it but will- not tas| it; being so much wiser than the human animal, who, Beeihs not" lo know that the nicotine bf |;obac- ' If the Virginian fs poory still ho is better off than; he allocs. Ho tolls yoii that ho' ia: poor and the country] is beconii ng poorer. True, tho war did iniji >veritih" tliiH.ooun W'. ..... --'- dicrft bed anjd|plunderel tho iuhabitanta' of nearly all thby had. Thoy took ftwtiy fclroir mules and horses, pro visions, either brt ko or- carried otT their dishes, bools, in short, little "wn8-ie(|t joxcept 'th sir lauds. Thoy promised tho negraoB an idlo life in futunyuid fori* time until nthrvod out tltow' would not^work. , But thoss who .aro lnilustriousiaro ro- gaining a part of their lost jwealtb. It was tie commoSn thing to lose fj*om Bix|y toonoljundrqd tltonsund i&llar8.| I An old .ijian who-Bits near mp oa. I am' Kvriping these liiies, lost over sixty thousand dollars in besides , his confodorato mondy negrobs.' ".Undo "whole ^ifo iii ami lose it all by the usefulinan, howev had money to lend by saving and hard living ho. lias ngaln amassed dollars, land nlthou jcveral thousand ;h a cripple-anil tottering oirtho bijink of the grave-, ho can talk of not ling olso oxcojit nionOy. ^ !' But this countifv has facilitioB Billy " Bpont'his ssing. woiilth, |to var. Ho was a ir, as'ho alwiiys Since the war, for improvement, ginia, especially tl Shenandoah, whicli is called tho garden of Ameriqu, agricultural countii-. -In thosouth- e'astcrn part qf the state tho soil is poorer and-noVso rt-ell atlapted'for grazing. But- by and good care, the linpioved that it crops. .'..But what Western Vir- valley of the is an excellent sareful industry soil /can bo so will yield igoo'd ^m you cxjiect when little or no bimyard maiiure is niadol No attoiupt- is inatlo to improvo the soil by stiminerifallow. ing, or ploughing tinder green veg- itatiou. | Tho Virginian farmer bnys on' credit, al ten per': cent, guano or other fei tilizers nt the the iate; of fifty < oljars per ton. No wonder he Js poor, and"com plains.ofliis land. This State, if its resources wore properly develojiei, would bo a great cotintry. Tl o trouble npw is,'that almost every white man 'who had laud Uefori ther Var, has by far too much.' If industrious northern,people jiveuhl' come hero and buy these ! si: rplus,1: lands it would bo a grestt ben*lit -to tho country. But the ioublo js, that northern ptjoplocoi to liere either ns carpet baggers an 1 scalliwhggcrs, deceiving tho igno-ant negro, to secure his vote for th 3 radical'party, or expecting id male'fortunes all at pneej ;Th'ey,djomi here and buy cheap lands, ignore he methods of making crop nsed b<? tho natives, and find out that.thtir expectations uro not .realized ; tl fit they leave in disgust. ; Tho tru } method for a northern man is to eiino here, with his superior industiy arid experi ence; but let him adopt many or tbeiii as the stock on which to en graft his own metlods; let liim exercise patience, am, in u reason- abletime, he will do well here and bo satisfied with the xmntry. - He will find an excellent climate here, healthful and temperito. ~ I am now writing this on tho 30th ofl^ecomber^at d nearly'two weeks w_o havo had neither frOBt nor snow.. Last wool myrchi'dreh, one two years old, jilayod nearly' out balanee of Fall and Winter Stock oil and after Thursday, 0th' January jnst., ofler their entire ^tock atn^ecwied QAIMB F TERMS STEICTIiY ^ASH; lfe Goods bhaifeed at fbdticect!# prices. J^tpduee: taken as cash. CASH ON tr i I w, 1"" i ' A disrnpfioi betjwo|en Austria/ QCIIUOL NOTICE, and Hungary it feared. | Thelatter ^ nsked for pornruisioit to; create an inflated curreneV, a csurso to which tho Austriana pro iccidedly op posed.' . Tho population o' Now York Stato is over 4,; .00,ODO - Tho^Ballot H/steui givo ulmost unjversi 1 last'Monday.', Errs' CVcoA,'- Koirrisn.-v" Hy a of .tho ii.-itnral la^-a. wl. operation*! <if tlig. Mid liv-a careful :i jiropcrtiea of well KpiiH Ii.lh provided our t With a, (liHca'tfl" : t!a^ ftliA then -stion ajipeared "to; salisfAction rrui. asjicoji- ingh knowledge icli govern tlio and nntritioii. ipliciJtiou of the fiup fcelc'Ctoil cocoa, MK Annual Public School Meeting1 EXTENSION" C)P BHSINESS. ruak' tabl red he'veragf which may i-avo iii many heavy doctors! bills." It is by the jiirticji articles of ibet tlm. a cc hugradually built l punt to ri^.iiiit tivcry t -lobii Hiuiiircda of mibtli inals around ua ready there is a weak poi it. liinny.n fatal nhnf^ iy ke well fortiiiod with uiro'l pcrly nonrislied frunc' Kris' Coi'o.v. G FOKTINfl. The this jirejiaratioii hai rem ral favorite. ' Made water and milk led James Kris nu ona use of ntlch institution may 1 jitr'oiigcuougli y ' to'rwo. - Ues aro filiating fo ntjtack wherever Vb may esc.i]>o .'ping oiirBclves lood and a pro- ('ivil Srrriee r.ATi: agifeo'abl CL AXII (11- cliaracter of crcd it n gene- simp ly^vith boiling acli ]iackct is labol- t'o., lldinuvopathie Chemist, 48, Threadntt lll-strcct, and 170, 1'iccadill Preparations, Town, London lly. Wort , JCiiRtoh-roa for iJiefetic 1 and Camden . MAKIIIKD. In Acton, on. the residence of tho bri! Mlcv. I). P, Cnmc Couch, of Brampt Kcuncy, eldest dau Kcuney, i)I Aoton. On'tho '.>Gth ult Reid, nt tho residence son', Esq., tho bnde' ArcKJill, of Krin, to 51atheson, of tho sarr b jila On the 3rd inst., (itth tho bride's mother, Rcid, Mr. Jatnos G Mis* Catherine Iteid, all day barefooted an m tho yard. Scarbely anyono wears- an ; overcoat, and neither gloves nor. mittens a 'o worn y'ot-I No ice coyors otir ponds or creeks. (Jara apply to W. ALL Tl...'----------V l . , . -r~r. M.MHiAlll.T k Two weeks ago we ha 1 "what Vir ginians, call a cold spell, - Tho tliermoinetor was dov n 14a below freezing point, that is IS"- above zero, and this was considered a real cold spell, but I could not B0& it. j IVruit is' plentiful, hero. ' In May thero are abundanco o "chen-ies. In June-tliore are plenty of apples. Then tho; fields where no crops are raised are covered with an excellent sweet blackberry call :d "dew ber ries." I like them"; be iter than the blackberries: The last! named berry gro\$s hero iii abundonce. Then peaches i*re found, all oyer. jWi.ld nuts abound. There ate abundanco of vc fruit jailed " Per simmon "which; gro r on large trees. It is svvfeet anfl makes ex cellent beer. U" J. E.; 29tjh uft., at; the ifrliur, bv the Mr. Eilward Miss Mary jhtc'l of Mr. John I the Kev. H. Adam Mntho- i fntjherl Mr, Johil Miss' Catherine ce. - i: residence of tho Itcv It. of Acton, to liUsbbrg. . It's rou, n, t e of by Hill of J IHEl. In Acton, on tho lit iiu=t, Alice Ger trude, only d(mghto of C. S. Smith, Esq., aged 10 rnonthf. In Acton, on tho ]< t inst.;, the result of an .accident, Mr. folia Sliarp, aged 72 years. . Notice is-hereby given; to the as sessed Freeholders, Householders, and Tenants, of tho Afon School Divisipn^that a Public Meeting of the School Electors of, the Division will be|hold at -:' ,; Tho Temperance Hall, On Wcrlnmlay, January12thl187 at ten o'clock-in the' forenoon, for tho_pitrpoRo of -eleeting |TWG fit .anil proper porsons,. as 'Trustees and Auditors, and .for electing a School 'Auditor for thei enEtiing year, as directed by law. - ;- V, ! E."MO0jRE. -Chliiirnmn B. ot S. (Trustees. [ C. S SMITH, Sec.-Treas., Apton,.Dec. 2Sth," 187,rn I GRAN0 CLEABINGSAti a ^LtD f H& GOLDEN^ fcilp^ Anthony Stephenson Begs to onhotincb to. liiA-custbmers and others that ho h.iB removed his;_' BlrtcksmitUing Business From-the old stand to the shop fbrincr- ly occupied by Mr; Overton, ttpjier-eud of >raiii Etrect, where ho ia prepared to attend toiall kinds of j General Blacksmi tiling, Horse '.' -. A S&oeingr, &c I The patronage of the public respect fully solicited. .. :' -A. STEl'HEKSOX. Acton, lice. 15, 1875. m i5-4t X>RIZE . PHOTOGBAPHS. Tiow is the Titne Tor ! Cheap _ ricturcs. I NEW ADVERT F OK sali:. Village Lot numlier 1 bareheaded ber.-T, on which there it cottage and frame ban, wi soft water, situate pi streets, in the villag. iudisputAbld. For ] ISEMENTS. 11; i i Block num. a rough-cast th hard and Acton, Doc. is; cton. TitU jnd- pnrticii' of Acton. Minnie McKay. 2C4t of. ice AX, QYSTE^S.AXD) .Georg-6- S Has just .fitted".'up aid or oncd a iirst- .' cla3: Fruit" and Oy in tho prcmiRCs on th A Horrible Tr* edy. At Chatham, on Monday, a man namod Joseph Slater i ttbmpted to murder;.wife by l hooting her with a shot gun, the shot taking effect'in the'neck and breast. H<* afterwards attempted to commit suicide by cutting his t ir/oat with a pocket knife. He cam< i from Grand Rapids, Mich, some tw j yeara ago, and has' jbeen living in diffprent places in Canada. He was a vory dissipated .Character, ilia wife had separated from him anil refused to live with Jbim, and wis employed as cook in the Station I !otsl. Slater entered the hotel kitchen by the back door and fired it Lis wife. She is considered out of danger. iThe man was found wit i his-(throat cut on Jas. Smith's'farni, about two miles distant. Dr. J3i 'eright wus nt for and drossed he wound! ITno doctor reports ho. v ill recover 'tlioiigh ho puflered ft Dm loss of blood, and is too weak t> bo .remov ed to the gaoL Tho Bowmanyille Ma nufacturing Company has been plaiod in ' the hands of an .official - assi gnee. The Ontario Bank is tb< principal creditor.' The total lis bilitios: are stated -at $120;000, and the aasets are about the samb-figurc. The bus iness will now be woundup, and tlic store of Messrs.! Diekaoi & McICab, on Mill street. When, ho vill keep a good supply of Fresh Oystors, Lobstora. SarAidos, Ohoicb ITow J?rai Tobacoosl Oig ars, and Co&fuctlonoiy. ,'hiiT ih and Maria FKUIT. ijoddard stei-i Bazar s cor ler opposite Oysters by tho can, any style, and the best to customers. I The patronage of tho.: fully solicited. ; j ;gko, Acton, Dec. Iii, IS75 trved.up in attention ^given iubli<; is respect- STOJiDAUD. 2o-3fc Bpst Itetouched and' Burnished r-hotograghs. reduced to .$1.00 per dozen at the i Ontario Photngraph Gallery, Acton. Call at once and obtain a good and cheap picture,,' finished in the best style, before' prices are agj.iir ad vanced., N. B: We were awaideilall the first prizes over nil competitors at the latOjCounty Fair at Milton, Oct. 13th and 14th, 1875. C. W. HILL,! Photo. Acton, Now 26, 1875.' 22-3m- TTVO.'lIIJf.IOX HARNESS SHOP. Tho subscriber 'begs to anhounce to thB iiihabitHnts of Acton and vicinity that he has commenced the harness business in the Old JPost Oflice Buiiding, MILL STREET, ACTON, where he is- prepared to turn out work second to none in the ,Domin.- ion. ns cheap as the cheapest, and on the shortest possible notice.! I have on hand,a large and wellselect- ed stock of ' . ' Sorso SloiilOts,'JWliips, Ssashos, ' Kapairing promptly attended to. Give me a call and be convinced. , J.F.DEMPSEY Acton, Nov. 25, 1875. " UTEEIt; ASTRA Y _ Came on tiie premises of tho siibscri-, _ bor, lot 18,1st lino'Esquesing, Eomir I timo last fall, a Bed Stoer, coming 2 I years old. MICHAEL TltACY. Esquoaiug, Deq.24, 1875. i. 27-2fc CHBiliP OVERCOATS. the shareholders exp'resi tentiou of bearing all th ) loss. their in- i Sweeping Sale of Eeady-Made j Clolliing cpm- rre^ijed to-day at the Rare Chance. p=.'.";.^.iyi.'R'" January "4"J'_'l876. .1 ANT CLOTHING HOUSE, Call and. See Our Pric&3. THERFORD 4CO, No. 31, to-wor "WTnOham Sttpot, GiolpS. g-tjejil^sl: II": 1?" ft-% 13 tt Istvingl arrang-od for extendi ng my already bly far he largest businfss. in Western Ontario, 1 have determined to redact my 5!tdck, at present over one hundred thousand dollnrs, toL ennbio me, surly in tho spring, to mafe'a tho lieo-ied alterations and imprOTement- iri my store. ^r, . -." ' in finelpli, is creating quite an.excjtementy being 'no newspaper It must! be done,, and the Lion twill- do it; Notice wjmec^ttl !bug. |duced prices his expensive .-'sale, th e most wonUerfui ever 4xom* of. tho ro^ JStriped Silk at^25c^ y^rd. - 'r"'-://^ -i'. "'..', ,'~ . iStiiped and Plain Lustres;, worth 50c for SI, ! ." .The very best Silk madoinow, at 62^c, wqrtb 1. . "...: ' .-" - " " :*-? i'.". 42,00"..iivorth of new Fancy Cfoudsv ^carfs, Spn-p || jtags, iVJadelihe-Squares, at greatly reduced prices.- Ladies, eee those gooeU,;":.' " the finest in Gaelpd, t " j '}' ' ' " I- : ^~ ' "* I Iji| Men's Wear, v aVe';-#cMintr.:..t'he;. hest 'Tweed : "or 7Qi3.' ivorthl^l. He.tvy Fulle i(5rey . rrt^ 37 Jd,'Worth 70c. ; Homo Onto rlanr e{, solil ^tfnrer at COo.-reauced .it this, saig to :. It! is! impostible' a spisak ofall tliia large stock.. Suffice itjto.s.-ty all-U'reduced iifprioe. So i)ringj ypur csath to the Lion, and reap tiWadvantages. j j i .>.;'] Sec j. D. WILLIAMSON, the Uolden Lion over the dooi. . '" " i. ! ' > "'! CONSTANTLY ARRIVING Aii^HE EN TRAL ElVrr^O$IUMf MILL STBEST, ACTON. n S- Winter S'toekiof- X'-XiSr-. REAT BAR I Are offered for cash or Actbi ^ :p':C>r D READY-MADi: CLOTHING ' " .' SEixiiiT^ At GREATLY KEpTjMD PBIGES. j'rodnce. Iii fooGeries, Crockery jan^i - G-l i^. ^ I E Will befopnd a complete assortment of the best quklil jDeo. 29, 1875. J, W. MAWN. sware^i ' -T-" CHEMI2T AND DHUGaiST, ' ! "'*'. -. Has removed to the ": D^ug Store on Mill |S|reet7 Formerly occupied by the rate 1>&. OABtrEB,'which- has been enlarged Wl refjtted.H :.;;, -' 4 largf stock of Drugs, Medicines. "jTancy GoodsJToile ; Ai ticlesi Ae.' always o:i.hand^ -,-; :"-^T -. '$> E by.3,1875. AR3I TO RENT. .. The snllorib^- offers to rent,-3rlet on shades, ;ki ;farm,! bSing Lot No. 31, on' ;the!5th" Concession of !f^uesmg,coin-" prising 1GI acre, 80 acres of which.! 4re nndier cult vat^on, the balance eioaUent codir an| : hard .wood. Good frame Jiouk) and barns, witb plenty of good water, and other conveniences, s A bout 24-iniles rom Acton.] Apply on the . premises to ( ! ': ; SI1I0N McLEAN. Esquealrg, Oct., I, 1875. . NEW" Ex - *orf, | Co., I -St ;Ol -i.:"-B*1 . : flchool . tho Temj Sect -fitst tina 'Chrurtie,.! :. ^-The| '.--." Jbopsra ', lateto^p '-' .f'iMr^ 5 i^pect .. Church, o^ j 3>die shoes atro igjt for _ derson 5:1 __w: Elephant j noinice a ;at cxtljemd "yeryi largc| , iNow ia , oVcoats, i . cloads, sha Henderson! In aooive'lf ." taking: sto , The an) i""sagawcya| !be -held |BropkvillJ imtt.', for' '."": J^eniloi'son'j '. sgock/'will ' lines of Fa" . -ind shi&s, pars^11- :' I'] The'; At -: ijhesirig^ "! The held'.it. town, on 7- for tiie ele ^'"^Tlitr' this season I . . pressing eiffl fire depend . |try 'settleij . ' cnatomary 11 SiolisiilbraljjQ ;. _J F^tal Arclill : ~, On Thu'r of Acton, , Tr ink cross! '. came along. | '.hojd His . _'tirj&teaed - tebpiug on cattriugsefveij ! jtrrfcd man tonkiderablel isiT mornina . cf ge. He j ! Jndted citizb| A. very'en reB^itt the I .'-, Yr*.evBitiJ ""-.". ato of thiij 'filEd to its , 'w aboantl ,,.ioy-y"oriei- . i" by iMr.' Joh I -adioai --well -'>.'Cooi,"iJev.;; Cajwrt,' of J j Oeprjetown,! ! tb.j Excelle; brs hand, | ! with i nunifc .; jn'.|a ;mpe froia irampij '-. fKichaJi,' "Mrj j Ha^giiifc; *-!off iwel P| ! 'Tif ".Alton. ode centum ;; nuiiben Q2g^ The Lt6! :::V': y^/roo '- T^he nadej - .Icet^o^wLh Bad. annta -' 'iofij35Ir. W. thb| edii>ruf djoiirnal \<ita fsgtbQtnesa-1 . %|tas al'iva m^ntly Bti CJaliodon ia| tesltt^oi idayo? Be actird - V . -i-i. :";"\j J BARGAIN. ' FOR SAtBl Lot No. 30, 3rd Con., Eajnesing, f l; a mile 'from tiie ffouriihifig vfllag*f-'- Acton, containing 100 a< resT Aiont 50- acres heavily timbered -y ith.'Hn^ Hem lock and Cedar, suitobia for tolegr^pk" poles orposts. ESoeller t Frame House,, 'z: \$ oight roomed, in thorong & repair; fram ^tabla and log barn ; on &wa-of choic*. frait;. a never failing sm ing i creok rans^ thrpBgh. tho premises.. T jrme eaw^J Api ply t -. Main St, or by letter to Boxi 62, Atoo. . ift& H not sold will pe rinted. . V- -% f"* yon ir^fifUddeij ^t^eae.'! /FJtai'Cb ^<W!"'lwa> i*^|6|nnsaI!

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