Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1876, p. 3

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SliifiPks is! *rrat^ * rfVraiuniP..'it9Wl:n*ur J lin-in . .* \r r .v ^|&li1l ^ *',vf iv:l Cfccp CIri !/ NE"Wt ADVERT. rt~ifc-?" -Smelts. Extension of l^^Jj'iX,William- ' woti, UiuJph. -. ' : / .rrwnoMa ~ Rutherford :i Tijuolph. }' : '! - '. SSJc Chriitis, ^loiulerson A 3i Acton, M: ^ESS. LOCAL MATTERS. THE ACTON ' tWgitetoii pmt of hm hj-time,'Beware-of Counterfeits JHidliius ever, staunchly mHiutdiiiod ^~.;' . ; * ^uum^riCUS ft firm aiuI .-faithful udliereneoJo tlio Conservative: canse, hut his Btrict integrity, the truthfulness of his cliftTOctmv- and his '.gcn.droua" i and high minded liberality of sentiment ! or tlio proteclton of tlio public of Ilrlt Ii<h Norm Aniorlen, tdoem It tuy duty to Hlntiilnnt my i> and ointmrnt uro nclitior ninnuftictlirod nor koIU iu uuy .purl of thtf Unitk-d htAtm. " : ; Kaeh l*ot una noxrjbnftnrtho "JlrltlBh (ioyornmout Stamp, \wilh tho words sboca, uoott Wednesday, ot ranee Halli r (Ward Imis [idak rocoived a ^oriigcl>y exjirwa, noinber tho Rejection of JlM Tern; f Sl UUjdfaracvus yard- vrido cotton fir-itrmtwityjroidy 10 -o*Mt4 a yoid, at Cirutie, jtlenHcrsou A Coi's. (' -T-Th'coimuriieatwin signed by -" Jeop4i\ty"iiws overlooked.- until too lat te-appear, in this im\k\ : - Mr. JF. ll*es?<ry, of Georgetown, . u cipivtid to vu-o.-.ed>. it% t)ie Riptit hur\^i, o*: SaSiUath evening at 6 o'clnck. Gent's and Misses' over- and i>i*noipU, in liisfpubfic '^'^^^^r^r^f^^1^^ as in 1 is private relations, with a ^: L.o^^y10 iuh,ru,!(fi ^ **<>K Stuhkt, TJiln nolle* has. Uocomo neoosnary. In consequence or vile nnd spurious Inittn- tlnimol"llollowny'fcl'lllsn.hd OlntnKuit," belli* rubrical -^0^^. ed nt 7 Maid en Lane. Nw J*E^ '/3kk Yrk. by piir- K'V." ., al*"tln*(2il 'Kwl'omsotvoii llollow.iy ABtH^JII WOo." with im iu>umoJ \ ^y*B* Ji de murk, FREE PRESS, J Wm. Stewirt & Co. o?IH:^.ffi ^^0*IsfX) 23 ^IFTirfD 3^C fine givnality of iiiadisiwaition nnd tvmnotamontj coununndod ibo i-o--, gatd(>a3 they endeared him to tho ntjebtiens of nil clnasea whntovor niight to.their political prcdelio- tions. . , [Mr. C-iiHodeut. vi-as at ono tiuio.: editor ;of *ho ^Iilbn Xac ,-a, and was iijiolc pt the -^Lossve. Scoord liivs-'Ojf Action.] ':}' mm frertdy iy |fDi to rojoor a to uthM ajprorement \ v': :>._. |;rful eveih *spaper -httikit! -' Iroe of lb* r*J ' 31. > those goddfit^,";.-t; ': 1 Ladies ihoes at.ljiid lir.dor tirst cut ,!ot St<wk-t.-ikini:, at dfrsoa-& lfi>.'s, Acton. -4\v\ : \uthe#ford; &: t\S., of tho :. Ej>h.\nt <"k>thinir-lHwije. Uuolph, aii^ N, d s ', be hei({ at te^b, on for Uie elc tt srtt'cKtf'h: custotar.r^- Fatal .lrrliirtvt. Oa Thu'rf . of-Acton, -Tratfk-'cr.Vj . casie.'Alnng ; koM his b - jlTd nun . Christie, Hen- Bounce a itran>l swwviu'j'salj.- of lvixIs at trbjttncjy low priyiis, Thoy. have a ' very larcc-sWck-'oniirjid. Jfdw fa the tinie f<jr cheajTiuits,. oVereosts, jhp-ts. lirawora. hafe. caps. elouds, sh-iwljs fianhe'J, cto. C'jir&tio,' Hjaulcrson 5:-1\\. oiTit decMod IwrgaiiH in-aboTo linos, tt)JU!ssen 'the work t-'" Vafctng stock. Tbe4ianu':d ir.cetin; of tho Xns- .ttgu'Wcjai Agiicultural Society will te held- nt the Hotelj Brookvilt?, on . Su-tMi-day die :8th insu, for7;he ele^'.ion of oiKeers, ifce. i Rock D%ttom Pkices.' Ciit-istio, HjeBiicrson .VCsv.. jircparr.tory to'takini; jtivk, wiU-.4">-r lic.-iilca K>r^-,uiF Tii .-ill lilies of F.i t .ina Winter-.g',.l>wts baj^aiii.; 2rT-::ty t^.-.v^ is ni<};ioy ir.;-a!e. 'Th^'AkuAi::! Meeting of ilie^lJa'- Conoort in Jloolnvood. tk-aiiger p.nssin through tho Tho A village of l>oelrwi-ood on Tuesdfiy evenini would ii.ot havo been long in eoiidnij to ;ieoneluaion tlia'ttltero was -fo: theAy ed'to'ti whole loUung in ore- than-iisiml on Hotel shd)fes were crowd- ieir-enpueity mid in Aidt.Hlnj ]->luce set-med to bo e.iive.- The'rijisou of this unusual stiittv'of idUmt^yus the occasion of tliehold-' n grand_.concert, iiinlor':the s of . mid in1 nid of St, ciun\*li in fliaftvilhige. Tlid took place in the'town Ixkll^ was crowded to.. excess, id us. the aiuiiene'o thati-wiis isjsctnl lelll Ajnpng tlu-ei .present we n.u_;ee many from Uu'elpli, Acton and other' pkees iu the lieighl brhood.- . concert was under tho -cori- uig Ot auspic doling eoncer wfiich hirgo: h- The ductoiibip of, '2dr: Slaitl.ind/ of ,rno tuia! . S.-ciet v* wi! Clara's Horcl, Stevrart ?.\turd;rv stex.*.. -?th iltst. - t enra et oiaeers.! .' j -! r. Uda-cesaon > ! ,th-J yi-ar! has -..very >V prosing e2i.-i.-t on liufii:i:ts." --Tiim-j who ;depMi.-]:n^/j;vn -the nrual "RC-i>tint3 -at;d iri>ki!v^s.will-no d-.i}-: the feel comiiieral.k- d:ap[-.xiita;t.-iiS .Uuelj in" sue iUlilps r:i! .sen ly n-e, thfng with i Clark a? ;:ic} with ton.-'i V- Aero a:j,i U MsiH. Ou-.-l; a pice i:,-ci: :>ii-. i Mast i which duty ho jrcrfoiined in manner, us Ut. give tho Sttiti-.factioli. Itesang. seve- ___which were ived. The ["rogratmno was )'r.L> into. - Sjugs were sung :ueh aceeptiinee by Mrs. J:vs- r Giu-iyhj who" also pieud-.-d lTai>rlnelplcl "X'oiHloni can'obtain this trnHli nt a very Iq\v jniec, niul hcmIpcoIvo viiu iiy voIIiii'r tlie snnu> fot my Kcnutn'<< Holloway'.H lvHls-aiul ointmoiit, are mtiiiufu'i'Lurcd only at .r>:U, Oxford slroet, I.onilnn. . 1'ei-svinsAvliomay lie t-o decolVed will lie flensed to eomniunle.nte \<'Uh mo. Many rospoetivlilo Urjnis In the nrlllsh l'mvlneos, who"uliiulii my njoillrlneB ill- loot from ,'Juiro. lnn'o very properly mijr- Koi-lrd thut 1 vliotiUI, n>r Ino In ni'llt nf lUonisolvos and the lHlluio,- Insert their mimes In I lie vapors, tlv'U It lnny be known lliiit mymedlcliii'M ran to mid K-.nufno froni tliein. ' Tlie fvilioU-1 ne i*'n llstpftlio flrmnllud. oil' lot,and 1 particularly lefiilntiieiui tlio>o wlumle^lre'lo iret iniy nil tllelnoK-to apply to Koine of I lie Houses naliiedr^- . Evans, Mkui'KH'A tio.^Moiiirciil. V Avuiiy, ItiiowN jt Cri,, Halifax, N. S. KoiisYTIt i Co., HaltfiiT, N. S. T. H^ HAKK.1,1! iV SON'] St.Jnhu, N. H. AKiTiin-'AltiGh'nAiif. Co., t:imrlottetO\vn ij.Csui.E.v ,t Co , Vlotoria, ll.C. Mdonis A -Co.. .Vletorlu, II. CI tlr", John l'Aii.KN, Clmtliiun, N. n. .-- MtlNiaiul; Co., .Montreal. J Ai.'n., Hamllton^Ont. 11. .T. Uoji:, Toronto. A. Cme-MAN Smith, Kt. John, a, 11. * Jou.v Hiv*i>,,uoilerli'l3, Out. Ki.t.iot A t'li.; TortinUi. " -' .f. CllAUlNEHj. St. Jolin, Nv. 11. . H.ixisOTiix HiafriiKi-.s, Ht. John; N. B. K. S, I'itiiinv, Windsor, Onlj' ; Mrs. Oui'KN, .Monlfii, N.S. "".. , ilE-oiio:'C. Hunt, Jiili',. Krederlclon, N.H; W. Jl. THoitesoN llurbor.-umcfj js;F.1'j. J. M. Wli.F.vj l"r.d -nleldli. N, It.' W.. jt l>. Vvii.r, Moiltreid. ' CilAs. 1. 11A.VH-S l'reikrlcton, N.ll. ! Tlie iin illelnes nre h'oldJnt the lowest whnlesalo nei prices. In quantities of not loss tlum jC'-V! .Worm vl7...-Ss. (VI., LiisJ, and Sl. Pi-rdo.Tin -'boxes of Pills or pots or ointment; for wlilefi remittances mliBt tie sentln advanro. TIK1M \S HOLLOWAY. oSS, O.tfnnl fi-lrro, V.". C. -Loniion. June 1-t. 1ST"). ; ! - UVNDHAM STBKET, GUELPE Aro showlnj: now Speienl LirieB in Chct p Jackets, dunrt0 tlie eveniu" hr^i-Kval.d ability; Mrs. I Mor Miss ^K. Catueron; : M ins'Minnie M-o:-sV, Lovell : r. -Mai'.la-id ami Messrs.' lloekwooJ,' 1\- of 1 ->i;i!i.-1, ot Iloekwodd, IVicy S. oord L^.-Aetou ;. an'd Ciiiyhy.!iii_,' p e l.;:ter :as Mr^Jvliiiihirf., R-iae!i:n^ the Grand; uij.'-t/.i ..^lain s.reeti a train Mr, Shsiji at-.e.npt.-j t ir^e hy: tbe hea'l, 'nut t fri^hteaed. ..uimal threw- him to ground, abepjang oi hint with^his fore feet, re iutcraai injuries. The in- ras taken ho:ne, when after fdnsiderab'o saiferi^^, he- died on iatur iaj morning: _Mrv .^harp^ras 7- years d ;c _; Jl<j xas a.uslfid awd much re?- pBcied eriti !. ;Mi."sKiiiily'Strange pjnyeii on thef piano! very sweeitly. it?:is' u-ei-v'weH fondorcS i>\f CoM:::s. ,o:"TIook\VQod, / ami r Eddie Hbitiilian, ofGuo !G liELPSI ASMIORY, Special Lines of Choaj Dress Goods, Spocial Lines of Cheap Special Lines of Cheap Special Special Lines of Cheap Wiiffll is fpli, de.servic_- tie wis uiwn iu g<. >r.<.',. i;i:-Is. Im- a. eial creilit Tor th.^ m.-i'.itii.r in i.e.' atVputtd . him.-elf. A roji sivlfcbv 1' V " ' ' o! -iiraiiinti: -d '-.Jofiah'.xi p;-..):-.os.",l " was by ^dey-i-s.-Cdlins. Duo -and :. ai-d Mis-v, Kate lAfl.iwa '.h-:,fio.s..' of "the; Cr:.-t, part n.u'i'ajtiuio, M:iitluid an- :!:;if. the time fur the 'vaki haTI arrived^ The Iprieo w:u-/tixcd at ten cs-iit?, and as e.tu-iuied to all. Gold, Silver;& Nickel .'= Plafing jWorks, lit.QV33E0 SraSST,.GwSLPS.. \\ ' ' - 4 :..'. I -*-, sir; jswareb rjv. M ! A^r ad ticlS^i^'.^; "^ -\ -. A verj' tnjnyabl^ gniertainment was gira ia thi Tuniporancti llail, on New Tear'i eresi^g; by the S-ins'of Tir?i>u-. a of-this vilJage." *The Hallj-'wai' . filbd to its utint^t capacity, and there. .! Joli-a SSirkliam,, Prop'.-, . , .- Manv.filctiircr and; Im|>orter ol jf>rcccli aiul rtlitzzlc Loading I . Iliflfis. SlieX Guns, & .. \.ii-Tjlr:r.i-tJ' a!! tl'.*rri;-tij!i/i (i.'truy* o;i ' " \fianci-! lV proe< * a boiintfnl supply .of provision.; (for- 1r"1" er^y one4 TlicclfairVvasalSy ficcapied byiilc. Johii, Sj^i^h-t; sad approprin't* d*e:s fireie ciuTiN-crcd W .Mr. iC S, Cooi, Itt-v. Jlr. Camera.:-., aii'l ltev. -%irj C'alitrt, of Act oas.. '.Thayer, Geprjet<iwn, and Mr. Adairj,"of Toroa .-to.._..Escelleat. mtii4c,- by the ^XcUia braii band, mil singing- by the choir with > immbir of choice snv^p r-_-ndc-re<i in a'raperier manner by -a quartette. from Iranjpt^n, cotnprisiug-the M:*ci XicEc^.Mr.! It. iS'ichoLi ind Mr. J. }JIaggait. - Jhe entertainment ,j>a5ed off wel ^ weeds upwards Vof j50. The Arton Diviaon Sons of Tetujxlt- ".^"^ceeaitinces- to prosper, aad'ni-cr . ~ nninben ovei 200members. '.- I, " " i-"i: laeeijig, f.rf, - :-/.'-*-i!': m&Movmej . r-itmmm.. |ereek !-na |62,Aetofc i- M . The lite:^Ir. W. G. Qullarlen. * \TroJi (ht Godcrkh Star -, .TliBrnadflrit-pf the Star 'will, re ceive wi-.h Jthi deepest regretrthe ; aad" annturjeement of the death :: oflMr. V.'G. Culloderii who hrr-. for ttpwaplg of .two years conducted tM -'ediiir\:l department of' this "journal with^ignal ability and with t ujthfula b tho primcipfiejwbich Sr, ^aa. ajjra 'fs "advocated and con- ^ sUtently^aiaiataui&<iL- Itr. XV., G. ^ CollodoDjiad bson'm tatlier feeble health foLriveral days, but until ?^?dayi3f List week lie c6ntinb|d in ffie actire andabie/discharge^pf - "ieditorkl functions,1 apd did not '"' J?!^- aiy symptomi-'of serioua . ulaei^ or <requHito to . <*H Mriedi: il att" BiiLeol Mon- ^lat, aid ongliJie Jtttendedtitis wai d|ti, ami /Wide every! ef- - W^toperfjjin ^ia editorial, wpi-k, niei -wagtret uppormoefc inl.fais *nd. Im-fe-engtih entirely failed- ~B,a^ fiitliug it necessiry toire^ " ^L^1* *iom4't*""f6r-.ttfi:iiwt -.;Ste'toV4rrliev)ttihg soigbfc, med- ^.a^nee, liien'fcbe attack unde-r" Irt-ut candidate's. Miss Mary was declared* the winner, havii g -received 123 votesj" the next liighcst n-ceiving 62. Miss Sinitj exprejcwtd.a desire" that the cake tiai c :, and Mit-I of E, all u1 tlio-( waa i italil a.Seaj credi jilies w.rei jiniiiiiiati.'d, c> hail" u hour's dili ins by Sh> i nil ent supporters of should be Aold by auction, the oijs tti^icapproprialed towards tine pnrpro-vifevlhat for-which >!.ic-.-i't had; btftui got up. ..Mr; aiyl .auctioneer ;' y,-:r-i !::;.jqk--d rlown' to Mr. ad C::::i::i'ins, J)cpiHy Iu eve Tie.- i-:ilt-j ll^llii-d in out ivJ-j, ti:e t'it;il proce'ds of onet-rt, froiii ail sources, boinga"oou;S130, Ai ;r'rc lengthy program' ijibeen gono through with", the pr'.b, coedffligsiwerfv lirouylit.' V> a cIqso by siiging ""G'HiSave-.tli*; Queori." e' rtann'-i-'inUvhieb tho concert nduetod1{-e(leeted' very cred- AMMTtNITION FOKlALX, BREECH ' 1.0ADING ARSIS. " H'y & Kyr.oci.'s Carir!di;o Capes nnd Caps f-ir re I-failii-.E: wilne. Ro-lnnders, it"- -ipoi-rs. C|ip l"J(":trirs, Curlers, ard Crerisiirs. I'lt-atilov1 Hods, n,l all.article^ ni-ei.M-s -ry fur tiSp-iriKiijim's oittllt. All surls of lt<'pilrlpg nnd Jobbing1 csueuted on the shoricst notice ul lis Onobec Street. JOItN KlRKHAlib open from 10 o'clock-a.m. to lu p,m. DR. ROBERTS* i Soletsjrated 0-iatm-eat' - CAtLKD TJIE r- POOK: MAtt'S FRIEN'O/-' 1 co.Mli'lentiy recf'niniti];'1oil to Uie Pub- He as an ucfalUnit remedy lor" wounds or oveiy di .' fnr Ulerriiieil !ore 1."C-S iCven of- twenty y,-:ir-.* sl.-milili'^r C'a'-s, HiJ.rr/i, Scalds, KraK-R. <:liiU>lalns,t<cii'rl>ulle Eruptions, Kore and In- :re IJri ;ists. Cottons. Silks. Flannels. Blankets; TO Eie Tho above jjoodii, tho. Domiulofa 'i TJAM 6,1'ijBTO;" r *-+ u B^Hiohc^.31. TO EB:B - 3BtTBXiG- iC$ rie:pes cRosBrs tapestry j" '. AT TUB E?iTitBSBLV 0.a^AP;i'3*DB"-d' :i3! Assorted ,2 w^A < 3 ilyT!^idftemir^3?: :(^rpete Oct, 27, 1875 Anbtiiei' IReduction in Price! D. 75: Cents Per "Yard; Worth $1.20. BEAUTIFUEijOpOOS, AT A LARQXi REDirCTION ON USUAL FRIGES, / for for tho next tyro mon.ti/3 tho' clujsapoat tfarpets tirbej riiet wiih in have been bought bjine atlosa-than tho makojfs' cost, and I.oil Uill oorly and Boleot. '.: ' _ '; . "> ' -I " A Spocial Lot of Oantcn Flannels A .Special Lot of Chcaj; ""Tweeds. A Special I/ot of Wine iys, Cheap. Black Lustres, Special "V'alua j WM. STEWART & Co. W GOODS. m Tlie Student's Microscopel With 'Dissecting. Apriarat nraining lnsecfB, plant i loth, circulation of tho maloula in water, Ac, 50 It, fOTJBX^ flowers; blood, ani- i*nt8.- Thosn Extratoik . S711 .-u.d l'lnipk.1 '.in the K.iee, Ko Il.-'tm.U I-.y.'-s, .Sore Hetuls, Sor me had ' I'.lis, Fistula, and Cane irons Humours .,, -.- V-an'l Is a'Ki>-c;iln lorilioii" jiflllctlngKrui"- so ,.r.v_; t,otJS tlmt sonir-times follo"w vaolnoatlon. Hold lii l'owtaij.-". lid.'and-s. 9d. each Er.lioWts'Pilula AutiBcrophtaas ur AI^TJJKNATXVU PlIJ.^, rorinrm.Gd by sixty.yean," i-xpcrlepco-to be one of tne b; si tneirictnt k ever ccTnr-ouiided for purlfvir^ the blood, -hrid'osMstlju: Nature In her operation*,' 'leme they are useful In Scrofula, >sc>rteitle. CDmnlaint-", Olan- lar.-SweJlinsss. partlcult'ify those oftlie upon the cOmmitteo of man-. ',rlf>"^il,?.!-,i^^.'!??'d>i,.1.,-AV>?.?.i,.,?,/5 -^-^.^.it. Mr. "Alfred. Ans tee ., ... a ., 1 :,, 1 - -e l,d"lar .-jwe-inniss, partlciil.t' WO t|lllik especiall> deserving of- lj,vclc, Ae.^Tnty rWrua-ll'iaiul*upiTibr Fairlily Apeiient; wlilclnmay bo tiiftcn nt all times wlthout'icomlnement or chnne'o of diet. Bold 1n lioxes tit Is Ijd., 2s.9d,, . f J-i. Hd', lis. and iStei each. ^', ' [iX T11K PHOPHIKTOR3, BEACH AND BARNICOTT AT TJIElIt ; DiSPEXSABV, BUIIK*OBT, H.YtiL V\l>, and by all respectable'.Medicine Vendors ttH HO, SfOP! gent ft wore ' tost for the vigorous- efforts he pnx" iorfh jn order to ;.oiisiire the success of the entertainment. tiro close bf,.: the concert, a nuihh|erbf the visitors from Guelph,; Acton and elsewhere^ on the invita tion Of Mr. Anstee; proceeded to that man's residence, where tbey made the ! recipients of tho in'ooanded hospitality on tho part of Mr. and -Mrs. Anstee wnd their family, who did ,everything jn-'the .1*. power to promote the'on- joyia.e 7t of their;.guests..- A most stimpthous sjiread was done amplp jjisticel to, after .which amusements, dancing, etc.', were' entered. into' with siiirit tintil.after the " wersma hours yhen tho company dispersed. In conclusion we would say that if ever yen want tojspci'nd.a pleasant ;eyeninj go to the. next Xloekwood iConceil'.-^ Mercury. ACT0S MABKKTS, -White "Wheat. *^ili Hred waa pconounced w*-ngte am of the lungs". The ^*^,^ h .isail in such" case3, ** rapid in its progress; he safak. quickly, and .vitiiout rally,- or in Treadwe! 1".. - Spring \\hci Barley .. Oats.... -!Peaa------ Potatoes, 'per bush.. svmg d two.yoaigeliildren to bewail c&r saddeik'axd meitnehob' bo- ^^eaent 1) j" ;-h - . A^tZ' p"11^^ iveiy infaejepested 2ff*h ^isUdened thVlwliole of ^U^coinimintty irrespective of ill ^IZ:^%lfcy-pWy bia. Ha T*?0O!bcti with-taenews- [Pre- i tliit! Province during fined ApUcs, per lb^J. Onions,, per bushel. >.'... Butter J.. L............. EgjriL...-A"...'.........-.. Hay, per ion.;...;,..... TOreaBfi'd Iv>gs| ....>.'.... fjambskina ....':. .J.;-..". Pelta....a..rJv,^,..;.. Chiekeas, per t|j.;....... Dacksi ! " .'..I...... Turkeys " _____ Geese ]"-" ..-. 0 05 to 1 00 . 0 1)5 to 0 98 0 85 to 0 90 0 GO toO 08 0 35 to 0 00 0 CO to 0 63 0 40 toO 00 .0 AS to 0 00 0 75 to 1 50 0 20 to 0 00 0 IS to 0 00 15 00 to W 60 G 50 to 7 00 0 50 to 0 80 0;0 GO e Qs-to-d oo 0 05 to 0 06 OlOGtoO' 07 ; 0 05 to 0 00 Openars, Always useful, always answering, al ways instructive. Powerful P-o c k e t Micuscope, 50 CENIS. Gt'iLI'U JIAKliETS. : iFall whiatf 97c to $1.01 ; treadwell, 97c to- 98o i spring wheat,' (Glasgow), 93c i. Hoe 3 siing wheat (rod chaff), 80c to' 85<! ; ' peas, -ti9c to 7'Qe; parley, 5Dcto 62e; eggs, per ^waen, 17c td 19e; bufttcr, dairy packed,' 15e to liic; iiitatoos, perdjag, Wc to (K)e. -| - jn WHat's flie Matter? .Why any per-g^n who wants a good Vapd cheap SET OFi HARUBSS, Should call on * MILL STBEET, ACTON* , -' - ; .- 4;- - -:-l !'" . : Who isdalways; ready to supply cus tomers with everything usually], kept intft firsUclass 'Harness Shop. Harness made j to drdet on the Bhortest po'ssiblef notiee^ " ' CLLABS| k SPE<?IALTTi il.CHEECn, Acton. NOV, 18. 1675. Best i Finished Reading Glasses, powerful, magnifying power, for flow* ere, photbjjrnphs and pktureB. A" Jarge and cheap stock of new goods at APJDERSiN'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On Eait side Wyntlham I itroot, GUELPH. Choice ARTICLE bUlTED FOR ' | GHEIST11 ' PEBSBNTif ',/' '4- BOQKSTO /-3.-I: I 'i* ' I' ~CD1 Fine Booh*, : Wvrk Boxet, - ~s. -. Desks, :" ; . , " Jewel Cases' ' Dressing Cases Eltotograph AUiumi, J ; Juvenile Qoods, \ Dolls, Dolls, :;""' jFinei Bibles, .,- Prayer Boohs, etc., etc, IfM, Big Sloe* of Fflncy Goo &.' Tho .Finest aoA Oheapef ptook : of Qoods over seas ]ja ;.. aueipfc. $10 Worth of Cholck |>New Goods for 96 at DAY'S BOOKSTdRE. Also a idea stock AT ; )' McNAIR'S IN MILLINERY* FANCY Call aid see bur beautiful, stock of ^ii' v7ooloa dooiBj Milliacry. Oresa Goods, ]'\ _ OMldroa's Sttlt^, Saljorda3hor7, : ! ; fljtatlcsiea'a FuraisMng 'tsooia,-. ,-|- ,'" ffoilot Articles, Toys, ;.-'-. Berlin'Wool, otfr.,'etc. E WELEI^LY t0 bo ?oId -ff v.ery'low._" GOODS Of j HOIaIBAY in great variety, just received,- to bo rushed off at extraordinary low pjrice8 Butter, Bgg*| Pouli ry, eto.y taken in ekchan^e for goods. Acton. Nov.;17, 1^5; aNo pl Aril Beg Alma1 Block, TJpptr Wyndliam-S;reefc,'Guelpli' 1875,, ifall and Winter ^[ammcitb piQiise,: Georgetown, leavi'to, stiy that they Iiave received, large iinribrtatiens in it.. -':-- i /-IBlack ^-ad Colored L-abtrfis, WHIT^ COttONS, |PaJTS, TABL^ l$m, DRILLS,^ EETIKCS, &C. Fancy "Goods"and {Small W;eres" of aQ kbads^. ' n -,. Millinery-, Majntlepr & S^i^wis, Oarpot^, Broaaelotii3, Eccskin^ -. Bnsiish and, Scotch Tweeds, Ovbrcoatin&, . '. ,.'.Eead7:*aa4o Overcoats and Clotiingi ,' , . j: So7^,i|Boa,i7-aiaAe."Overcoafa:aSi|d H:' --.,. . ' Olotlslag, Gents'" Fa miraiTigBi &C.- TlioabbveGoods haveliecrilmporiod direct frt m the leadingina-ket* of Etfropej thereby j)avln(<a large JercoUtage, or wlileh the public jhali get th^ ad-viantag- our oANilHAisr dIepaS^M'T Ia hirge oroi U i ^ -V, 1 f-l variediiiid attractive, and ns the rftantiTacturlusr Interests islderable importauee. and as we bc-ticVe In pollonlzlns h ame imtuatry vi- UP-tOWN BEAUTI AT PRICliS UNPARALLED IN GUELPH HER LOT OF ED WARE OPENING AT HftRDWr,E STORE Ueiifined for\,bou.' . '!.-.';.' -!,-" Cntri^tinas Season. A LINE OF. FUL; LAMPS AT , Ai McBEAN & QO;'S. Alma Block, Guelp|h, D^o. -18,, 1875. i . MILL MEN, WOMEN AND GIJILDRENa '.Aotoa'|:Sep|b. 28, 18" A large stock of Bctt ta nn< I Shoes, of tho very best manufacture, baa. jubt beenireoeivcp rtt;. J[. !'.' ! CrlAINE & SON'S :" ' ""'J- NEW BC OT & SHOE STORE- STREET, AOTON A I nil line of $11 sise&for Will bo fofind to b< lect fi otn, at prices as low as can be had anywhere. ..> '! Special attention Is, xsr Call and See Us. -* }led to our I 07ST-OM WORK, which at all times re<?< dTea o u careful peraoaal supervwioni Perfect eati > faction guaranteedi . Repairthg neatly add protjlpUy attended tjO. u CUMNE & SON. BOOTS have iald in largo lines of the; lollowln Tweeds Full GHoihs, Overdontingsy '..... Knitted Shirts and Dratvefs, Muffers, . - Yarns, Checks, Fine and Ft ncy Flannelp, ;' .' Grey.and-Scarlet Fla inels, Druggets, r/AlUWool and Union (Blanfceti. !. ."_j^Factory Cotton's, Denims ,'jjr^fs," ' .' f\ ' Oqttdn- Yarn, Gorton BugaJ i jfM's : ' ' BUFFALO nOli&H, '".- LADIES' FUB SETfS,. ' : j iMEN'S'FUll CA*S, CtOTU OAFS AN.[) HAT5. iVND SHOES, ^bo best and clieaj*^liiiiui&ctijre* ' *he nbovft'Gooctfi have been; purchased "fro; dn tboJX minion nhd ^iil be asriJaU adviDCa On tost T!l9 IfuTplic tmay rely on salting Great OR1|)ERE0 Ci6^HING[; Dfi^^M^Slfe^ Ahead of ill competition. Our stock-Is lmrfieni e, The (llllirent U tea h*Voh*a* ae->- leoted wl 11 great care. Any gentleman can be pnltcd In tost*, qnjd if t&A rrlca. - A - beantitut finq pr the n<iwen thine In Overcoatings. Oiw facllltl* for cnulac anrf --i - - .i._j---------'-**- ana miklDgo ir finrmenla are unsurpassed money ca i in'ocure, and can therefore guaran Our Hons of th'iB IJpmlrilor. Tickings; 't-hirtmg|i SVbillefflitrtsi ;*C" Bargains Wo-Wtyeall thetn1en|lha( oTportehe* ani atcre Katlslaollenln over r;instajiei .^iLlinerj^ :ork; Our'Sholw Eoom ib complete^-.with fill tjlie latest Etvles* (froni liondor1 , ' }-;'.;.' ' Paris and Ncvvj-fYi : ' ' \'i isfe hns been rimed ror its'stj-jish and mil _ surpitss aljloiir former eflorts, because v e niwe'ttio talent andgt iiqtie mil; ery.\ Th'sjaeaiion wesha 1 " _ "s tb uo It. "All ilie now color ilniUlJibont, Feathers, Torquou>o"rann'iuen[s, Ae, LAPlis ANp -CJEttf, mouse tit icK. ,ae ll woUla tal phaseB ol Its ImmpKao.variety, wj were iiever Letter preparet inalargei stock tt?an herctolore o!mr^et tUo wj no doubt, wit goods at, ro tyi _ ___ . .. w-^ were riever Letter prepared, to -s^rve tho ptlbiic to their satistnetl jn, as wo have " wants" J' ' - ' "' ___ ___ . _ r 01 our ever^lnci-ef sing'triadei and .-I A Ih returning prosperity and the ejapeedlngly low prices v e aro'toiil ouf ' ' ' shair sarpass alfduriortoer-aQvancet,' ' ' _: .,' " .-. , ' .. T Goods Sold' for Oaisa,! ana-no Second VxLtS. MoLEOD,' ANDERfeOA .fe-ifJO. Georgot wh, Oet. 7; lS75 dor1 is-. wMoh- is A6toh, jB" m ibo 3rc how complete,'js-'larger,' bet ' cheaper than ever befoi-e or assorted, Tnorft aL comprising in paint ' [ xWeeds.hoVercdatingrsrISress Goods, Blaci]fS. ani^p: ^JgUtod: Flassels, ^incoyef hijts, SM^ting3, - TTrii antrts Sand Drawers, -Fbltr'" fefcirtsV Shavlst bankets, All Wool Tablo Ooveri, (very % pretty patterns), ClctdS, Mufflers, Sosiorr, Gloves', Hollands, Taolo Xinons", "Towels, factory and SleashedL Cottons,- Ladles' Z,adics and Gente'"TieSi &c, Bfcs., and a very goc d stock of, .. t BO^' AND MENB' (HATS Ai^ ' together- with C. .11 early and secure bargains. in Fre'ncn-.- iffeiino 5, CqlJajarsrSi ored'liustTesi in Hsin.^nd. ' J, Oct -26,1873. AKSI FOR BALE. *H- One hundred afcrcs1 tof land, well Wdoded, I eng the 'east half of Conces: in, in the 'fjownship address __^_____ !S1D] of Esquos dg. ForJ particulars THOMAS GABVW. Erm Pjd , Out.,'Nov. 30, JS75. Lot 21, q: Mk secy I'KSCHIBE IJ AotOE Only $l'a:iS?ea| - % -A.y^ m n...........j...

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