Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1876, p. 1

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:W V'% '^-i"-.;i-U > !^i $ U tractive fcnd 'f- CAPS; : -fl iCOTT. oes ioiui*, has1 } N. ,DREN, IVai Co**-s*iU- J "& S0K. tv r h: iio\vii\\-M: K m. i\ .ha.. ' * firjxjr.ite v| Tr: / ' *' " T "" '..... ju>j Jfcmber i*i -X'.illogoJ oTj Siirgrons.- -Mil.). SruEfrr, riiujty -VolWo. ! I'liv-su-mini jiiid ' A CIVS' \ rhysiciou,: Sup -'"Jjjew'iVark, :&> liraiuiato-of .Yk't*fi.i- ; tj*Ut;v;-," C;in*lA; iVi'iultatton days!- Uj_ni/iiill ^'4'p.m. ' lUssiAence jietea. . ] , ! Wliol .'Ajeton, .Oat JA-VES SIATTHSt.S'. (Vuvoy^Wr, -Issuer lu'f-.Varri.'vg.i. Licenses, l'ok- ~it*stcT, insnsvaco AjjoUi, "Agent Moni'v j - - . . - ' | t4 Lom. A^-aj IVontVcLj Tel: C . joieri j^re ggers of Plain and F-fincy Fourth Dir. Court, l\fm. tarQ, R; A?.; p- ;p7 ,- rJ P HKXD&RSO^VnveyiHvefr,;*^, also Agent l-atlada Dfe'v A^sujr- ce Co. Doeis, Mortgages,-Xcj }>ijc- neatly, promptly], correctly and- On able tonus. M obey .to -> Loan ortgfcge security, ouae. Acton. JD. M.ITHESOX, Attorned j _ f'-t'-iw,.Solicitor Id CtaUcerr, ! ifc..- ff&fe Oocnsr of jtfatu-aud Church > .i' SjuWU., koritatown. WAGlfcAlL>LA\V, JBirrister, Att<ir- niy-atiLaw! Solicitor in Chancery, ***., QlSc^IBalt<m, 10 King-strevfc ' lEHon2^IaQ street The -Mifeon lOt&o will be 'Hinder the in&n&eiuciit.of.' p. VV. . Campbell, 'ami- Mr. LaKUaw will attend - at tie ' iiatou|t>iEcii*"i>n tfriday of eath H EYRY L. DRAKE, Jsaeol for 11* M eram le and -WaU-rloo. AU business entrusted ib'nis care will tfa sslihruilr atleud&tl lu, I (.infers hy mall solicited, - . ,J B. L_ DRAKE | T>ATEXTS for IXVEXTIOXS - Jfj exiJl4ioolr and rcoperrr-seicurrrd ta Cuda, lUe UujieJ st-.u-3 unil Europf. FklBt r*runfeed or ho charge, i Se.ud: 1ttt fjriowu li*!rnU-ioo*_ A^.^ncy iuciiWr- 9^-t*a-j:it. UE.VKV Gh- "" ' i' f <>ttvra, C Ue nloar BhiHnaeri, i^ollctior I -i TVriLUAM WATItlXS, ar X*rrlaxe I Iffiwj A GertKcmlef, . (By EujaI ApMiatmeiit.'} Brnin'ii 2>rirte ar.Ji conildcntiaL : p5ee at tue Poi OiBcc, fileawiUUai, ^qntjr Hltou, ' Uffii3e-H.ilftss^w ,|;--. . .- !-' - " ' ".' " V" /JAjXAUA LOVK HOUKS, , ""AOTOIT, 02TT. f - W. IH^ STOREY & ] CO., k'siUe Mnuufacturcrs of oviory Uos crlp.llou anil stylo' of Leather & Cloth Gloves MITT.AND GAUNTLETS.' ^jinc lOITH The'jrinro-OTo ltyu.moro Tirii^f nji^oar . Our .life's sudocoiliiiff*tgL'S, ; A day to ohililliood seeiua li yonr, Audjears like passing ,ii[c3. The gkulsomo cuirent of our youth, Kro ji.'ission Vet disordui-s, ! StjjaU liiigcringrlike a river smooth . .[Along its grassy liorders., J^ut as t )n' varoworn'eheeli. (jrws wan, ; Ami sorrows sliafts lly thicker,^ YtJ staid that inoaanro lift} to man," Why eeum ylmr emlraca quicker ? AVlven joys have lost their bloom and ' lu'vatli, i ' . And life itself is vapid, _.'_--' Why as?*ejrea<ih the falls of del Kid Leathers. lshot" Market WOOL." SKINS.- " ^rlcq^ paid for Aj;cnta for "Eayinond'a-"Sewing Ma- chin !...-'-' Acjloii, July 1st, 1STS. A'4CTON BAKERY. M RS. S. t'ARTElt. Ierlitrfavl, ra<j; ajid Frrarlu .'Churta o street, AttdU LIVEC LOZIii|it, Pla_str^f, AvTos^ {Jkr. Evttry<lescnjitim i<lLterinb'-aii.J lt.ug5"<caji!iu& .Uiiu; _ the taoat; tcfaii, and natuivic- tias. xyirait;(L . J ". 4 I'TOX FLOIB MILL& SB. i E. XICSLIS] Troprietors. Flour anil: Teed always on -Jiaij wlfeolexalc an.-l retail.j (aristin^ Chbppiu^ I-'ailr. t^isH for ail km.T^ Gria- ItC (OSSIX HOU^K.-Ae^-.n; C'kis the U. j;' JL-iflvay Station. ] eallont -accOTjiiEnrlatiuujfur the travcllj: public . 'Twm. "t'.iMPHiit, l'ri'pi). i ^ T> yMl^K>X'7irOTJL, A*. 'T>r;ut'r. \% liUil, '?/" IMr DOLLAR, rsta*ing ^Jb*t *1 new Hvt-il U rhtL-.l with new fu-uitiire^'t lerj wjl! lEJiiJ ;ai ttcnpoa j5'1 Sji -the _ travelling jiubli-;. I'.ar best yquora a::d l:.'1u'-.r.-. S)rattentive Hoit'I^ri. n;::^r^J Tra "u'>4ati..ri P-tttS.,-,.- %c t* 'waiita pi llie^Witil .iWl .Sthl-li (' Fuel We its tado more ra]iid. atli ntion that bho h niuii with it) mold did not sooacr oil u rnscal. Towahls oveniW ting on tho HUVpW from his gfi6f of ihu\Siinday.lSuliQ' to pass by, with : : "" Suy, Mister, what "you told last night, and scratch to pay called pa a vill .thief, .and tried vJjakty was Rit- liaving recovered 110 morning, when pi teacher chanced lukoy hailed him tl It may lie stranke, vet who could change ! n tho spfa>nd ; .Time's eohrsb to "slower speeding, | be anything to c been such a time kiss Aunt Jane our years of fading When one by i And left our ue our friends liavo gone bosom bleeding. Thj> subscriber heir? to thfrirm tho In. habl ants or Acton uud vlclulty that he ils pr ipsml to supply Fir t-ciass Bread, Bans, Cakes Biscuits* etc. Frisb every dny UelErored at their houses.1 WEDDING 6AKE8 Madb toordar in tho Ialt styles and mt rassonablo 'Charges. Hishest price In Ossh paid for Kgpk Heaven I gived s^rciigtlij Jndeinnifying flettness, AiiiJ those of yhutirntiil seeming length 'A^roportioned .to.tiieir sweetness. .1 iu le P :T>'t>YALi5\ |ilA:X<iEjK6tEL, - J-V Acton, Unt. j l;..jrr. Ui. ::in, jl'jjo 3ainjjle:lli.ucs large aiid- cummoii) IorCogiiufrciai! Traveliire. <it->daccoin modation. f.jr Travtll'a-s. and 0:ueji|s.- Best brands of Liiurirs ;ajirl t'igtir? at Bar.. Good Hojsllers- Ittit -.^uil.. atteuljil'e TTTM. HEMSTBEET, |idcensed[~Ade;tioiieer l^of tlreiCountie!* ojf Welrii ^ti.ji and ftl- too. Orjjers S*it at the Kkee Par OtBce, AcWn, or ht my resiuenc<,| KockwVxL JFil! be promptly atusudeel Terms reasonable, j' "!. A - DAYIDSOX] ,| LICENSED AUCTIONEER j For the C'onnty or Hhiton. Sales attended, to ia-tmy'Jiart of jtho "County, at reasonable, rates." - -". Address: A. DAViDSOX,'^ .', ' ! T CampbellviUe,-fj.f3. coitina* to the H 'UASfloi )uni. I MfiWjv lbs tab ***:~&*}. ' 'J Icaah, ani **** M iMatble ^VJTCM-ks, ? Opposite side from Mills, k Uoodfeliow's Fotiadry, an4 > - / l s ' r 1 Near Eramosa Bridge, ilelph. r- , j, xlljosvs o? MONUMENTS Tombstones, Mantle Piece*,- tc., made to any'size or design", and -put np in any port of the country; " i *^Sct>tcl]f Granite Monu- mantinij>orte4^o order. .. - P.8.= A. Ketosidy is a prac tical mAle cotter. ........, l ; . j t i prRE MILK. J j TJ: nndeqrignfd 'bw * tjduakhis astomer for inej liberal patronago re ceived-during ific pis't suniihfeE, and prepWed' Ito M^ly so additional number of custoin- rs with good, ^nre, fre'slrinilk deliver- M erery inorninj; andS twice a day ion-| Satnrrlays. Partita wlu> keep cows will fisA it ranch, eaeaper and less trouble to feV milk delivered at tljeir doors, and : wohld do VeU to sell their cows MtdKbuy thefu milk. Twntyone iquart tfdtfja- for f 1, if paiq; in, advance,-or twenty-one'mnt ticketifor 60 cenfa.i - -r,i-p,.s,-4RMSTE0iT&^ RINGLE, -ntchitiakcr. Giieljili,) lias n good (-Lojk ctC RBSSELL" AMD "AMERICAf*" ' Always.on hand- -. He attends to reiieiirinj; of fine watcheH him.-.If. . , . .;' kind! Haeklnjf, .of the Fjibk Pis&b, will y carry watclic.-i nr.a Je'welery .to unutroin Uuelpii when requested. Gu4 Iph, SepL27. LST.j. :ApoS PLANING MILLS Pomp, Sa&h, Boor and Blind Factory. EBBACE;> CAMPBELL, JlanufacUirers of A-wvSaslv Doors, Venetian BlindLs Monllings, And thei'Baildins Requisites A f? Makers of ncraoyzsV sxroTzovr TUVSB, Lumbor PUned and Dressed to ordej - in tbe'ljest maoner. - - JI9" All work guaranteed!. Aeton, Jal|yJ, 1875, ' \ " i IV BAR3A1X. OBVSADBJ : Lot No. 3p, 3rdi|Con., Esquesing, J of a mile frqni tho \ flourishing villagi'.of Acton, conit^ininK fOO acres.i About 60 acres ;neavijy timbered with [Pine, Hem lock and Cedar, snitable t6r telegraph polo's or posts. Excellent Frame House, eight roomed, in thorough repair; frame stable and log barni; orchard pf choice, fruif ; a nBver failing Bpringl creek runs: through the premises. TerniB easy. J Lp- ply to : C'HTAifS. CAMERON, Main St., or by letter toBox Ci2, Actpau P. 8^ U not Bold will bo J^ntooV Trutin WU1 Out. ',. Jakoy crept up .anisat down l>y his mother's side, as shf) wixs Iookiilg out oi- the windovv ye.sterday morn ing. After a few minuted of silence, be broke out with : : "Ma, ain't pa's name Jacob r" ; " Yes," Jitkuy."- i, '-' If I was called young Jacob,, lie'd-be called old Jacob, wouldn't' be?"- :" YeB, my dear^ but what makes you ask such a question as that.?1. "" " Nothing,: only I heard some? thing abouthim last night." "Mrs. Watts suddenly became in- tert'sU'd. .".VVbat was it, n>v son?" ' something tho new Sunday School teacher said." " Yon ougli'ten't to have any thing yonr mother doesn't know, J Jnkey, pleaded Mrs. WaitsJ "?- "Well, if you must go poking into everything, I'll tell you. The new teacher says to we, ' What's your name, iny little man,' and when I *aid Jacob, he asked -me. >ifl ever heard of old Jacob, and I J thought that-was pa's'name, so I told him I guess I hud, but I'd lake to hear what he had to say about, him.. . Ho said' old Jucob" uaed-Wbe a little boy once, just like trie; utid had bean shooters and stilts,.and usod to playhookey. and get licked, und used to tend cat tle " -. " : " Yes, I believe lie said his father used to keep a cow," interrupted Mrs. Watt.- . " And ho hogged his brother out of something or..other, and got struck with '-u young woman named lliichel, (Mrs. Watts became- still more inten.'Vted), and wiib going to marry her, btither old nun fooled Lim, and made biiu'iuarry bisjpther dati"liU-t; but pa guessed he was uobcitlv's fool, and '.married them both.*7 -;- r - "jThe wretch !" ejaculated Mrs. Watts, shaking ^her fist at Mr. Watts'slippers.' " lie said old Jacob had a dozen or-two children, and^------" '.' Did'I marry for this?-' exclaim ed Mis. Watts, sobbing and throw ing, herself on the sofa, making all ["the Bprings hum like a set of tun ing-forks. ' i Jakey didn't know what she married him for, but she wouldn't catch him telling her any thing very, soon again if she was going to kick up such a tow about it, and Avent out of the room, feel ing highly indignant. When Mr. Watts came home, he met" Mrs. i Watts in the, hall, with a very red face, who pointed ) her finger at him and jerked-out. the word " villain!" and asked him if be could look his poor wife an innocent child in the face. M; Watts showed that he Btaring- Yery -hard alternately ut Jakey:and Mrs. Watts. ' "I know where you go when you stay away from home," contin ued Mrs. Watts, "I've heard the: story of your perfidy. Can't yoU tell me how Rachel and that other woman is to-day V'-sho asked with forced calmnesi Mr. Wafts confessed bis inability to enlighten bee on the health, of the ladies -about whom she was so solicitious. - ;Mi-s. Watts said sbe'always knew sometking like' this would occur, and .ended with 'another hysterical interrogation -about the children's health, but not receiving any satis factory answer, she threw herself on the sofa-Again, and sobbed, and asked herself a few times why she bad ever left her motfier's housej and then: called Jakey to her, and told him/ they would have to live alone in a little house, and be very poor, and, maybe, not have enough to- eat, which made that hopeful utter-a series of most doleful howls, and hasten down to the kitchen to examine "the larder. 4 ^ Later in the day Mrs. Lewis hap pened to come in, and :Mrs. Watts Confided to her the story of her husband's vilainy. Of course Mrs. Lewis was very properly shteked, and 'tried to impress upon \Mi-s. /Watte tbenecessity of being pbil afdcJr itod you had better eld lady, mister imste was.?j Theteaclier accompanied Jak. and was presun in the parloi'. Mrs. Waltlts fot disclosing her but ho disclaimed thing of theikind erable talking i that Jakey had] story of the) K Mrs. Watts hunt up Jacob, him, astonished li as loving as she Jakoy is now c< that there is no of a jack of] jsup'pll and Mrs. "Vyatte happy if shd coiilU Lewis's mouth. told my mother about old Jacob re's boon thoold Wver since. Slii" ifn arid li bloody break, lier'- back cl there wouldn't edti, and' there, ain't 1 ince pa offered to i< Kxl.-bye. Maybe dijx p in and see the $he ain't so bad t* some pressing, $ into the house, to' Mrs. Watts begun to thank him husband's perfidy, I laving done.any- ind after consid- was discovered misapplied tho patrjkfch Jaicob. od right out to when she found ii n ngain by being ind been distant.' cor tinted in the fact i n xiodiate prosj>*et "its in the faiisily, ' v )Uld be perfectly but stop Mrs. stair arit Ifl|Had "If I hall that weak place i a farmer. jHo hi and while drinki neighbor, the injured* prime had leisure then ^ but it did not * leisurp 4d coXs* " If I had leisd leiau m wright last!winter, altered my Sstore it is not safiel" 1 time,aiid when hi; and burnedi do^wn build ano'tlier. "IfI hail 1 chanic, "Ijshou done in seaison." his time has beenl he was not !at wor rise ; no quit wor smoked a cigar spent two -Lours with an idler. "If I. had lei* chant "I siilould to myliccotints, my bills more chaiico is, my fi leisure yon would attention to the do now. Tie tl. hundreds of farm soil, is not more resolution jthe now. If the far fence in a -moot- on ly act at once, bo saved?- Itj won cattle creating neighbors,-tljiat irj minate in liw t nearly all they bi pay for. TJie ! fact! is, chauics have m they are aware o: provement of th have the lorig ev in which they can upon all tho ! day, if they will ed agricultural them with caijp fails to study his shaved, has blame.--N. Kl leisure. I would repair [my fence," said none, however, cider with a broke in and fjit ce of corn. He repair his fence, back his corn. [nf," -said a wheel- " I would have pe, for I know lu t he did not find diop caught fire 1 e found time to to britit lmpro nobody 1 , Ironing : Ironing flanne: damp will make do hot. think tbii stored tq their i always wash our' this is-how Is^io rection8 are prop] One will have 1 them; they.will white and retain years.- Take eit water, have it near, so it will soap; shave eno good suds; pi water, and stir it) then put in-ent make it comforts then jilace the and wash, them hands. Washint board, or rubbing ruin them. rinso them in you can bear yoii fortably, blueing rinse them until they are suds.- In the clothes in the thorn. After dry, I roll them lib: the basket through house ___________ ____ that are damped ^osophical, and leffc with the obscrv. dampen them. neyoi^ yot soon a m\ liis Inoso. who latok provo to bo An Aneddote M opkl H ^-e," said a me-; have my work The man thinks.' ajll occupied, b^ut till aftea surir at five o'clock, al ter dinner, and talking nonsense 4. Spl ure," said a mer- j^ay more attention pay and collect roihptly." The [ejid, had. obablyjpay less ttter than your lacking with who- till the ldisiire but more fit"to do ; to do who sees his cbnditipn would w lnuch. would pie vent breechy quarrels among nany cases ter- i: s, which take lioth worth to jfaimers and me re leisure than ft r study and iin- ir minds. They enings in winter pDst themselves ements of the takje ably-conduct- jiurjnals and read Tne farnier who: business and gets put himself to ih T . Hrot, Iliirto Pennsylvania; At one of hi.4 very much del: culiarity of hu| to. boi upaccq|iij tmd gloomy a in this mood committeo ^^( scene to see hi humorist welocj of unusual g shook hands the1 committee! "Mr. Hart "you will fin|l| healthy city." " Ah!" said "Yes. Th, one a day." At this committeo-maili hurriedly asked "Is he deail . j " Dead 1" e tee-man " Why, the ( the gi-ave reply The commit all his might face of the lect "Isn't there gister, or like that, of {t| out whether a died.'J "Why.yesJ ly replied the "Would yblu to find ou*, andj the lecture if man is dead ? I am nil right, the city early but if he isn't but feel uneasy I am not well The kind immediately I the information). When in hhi that night a gentleman wish stairs in tho " of Bret Harte. was lecturing in. a short time ago. ipointinents ho felt cased. It is a pe-' lorists, wo are told, [ntably -melancholy times. Hartc wan |now. Qno of .he t in baok of .he: 1', and tho dein-essod med hiiii as a gleam sunshine". They arte earnestly, .and (nan decorously, |,"- he (said, gravely, this an unusually 0 pleasedliumorist. death rate' is only j unsure Harte took thq by the arm and W' ' ', ':. ^culated the commit- dead?" an for tcKlay," was ^se-mnn stared with 1 ito tho immovable coroner, a cie.rk here, br-re- or something horn you could find ljnan for this day has snppose-BO," slow- Cpmmittee man. be so good, then, before I commence possible, -whether the If be is dead, then for I am to leave morrow morning; (flead I cannot help about myself, and Knight.'^ i ed committee-man rried away to get to hi 1 Mr. met! h travellera, ked whi hatl .nd But,' didn' teiAnybody/ FUrmer. ow el fflannels. while they are (he 11 hard, and I tl.ey !can be re- 'fan er so f tness.' I a flannels, and n.- ' If. the di- rly.j followed, no trouble with renjiain nice and r softness for ain-or spring ii^g hot or yery dissolve the soap to make itj\in the, boiling . ui til- dissolved;j (old water to |ble for the h*nds; fla inels into j it gently with the taern on the tliera hard will gashing tbem, as warm as l(ands in com- ai little. I tveral watersy' ly 1 free" from r I dry my freelzing spoils arei perfectly up a nd place -tbem " ptlier. clothp ironing, nejrer biil ejsil ughf ate " uth After watei taut-ants o 1 the bag, abou . ha effects, am placed side hira while finished and as! meal, he was one for himself carpet-bag remarked the table r viloge. " enger," it as til ere wbre \A for all wh(j> wisj inconvoniejn li'iilp that/ said this table . ar and if your ba|i iiiust pay.], by this logic, out the extra walked up to apostrophized it, said he, " ydu'i" tient while I' now you sball So saying he displaying which the measure^ wpuld began heaping table contained! gers,, appf;ecia joining to'assist pet-bag had squarej meal" away with; difiiij! who-, feastied the'rest if th comfort and it they Vith| for The'^v'oTld According to Engineer,a,: weel: ham comprises, i-esults, the fab^icat! millions of pens, steads,: seven th ousahd hundred millioi s hundred millio: s thousand saddl es, j copper or bromu 1 sand pairs of sp ictacl papier mache worth milts of iron tons of pins, and hooksand nnd .thirty five hundred and (of jewellery 1 aid fits grcss 1 to) 18 spi ces bolts .wrought iron and fifty miles' yestasj forty tons forty tons of thousand dozorl thousa nd five hrjndr bundr :d tons other of |wares4-tlieie, articles, almost all parts SCHOOLS IN THE ALCOMA AND PARRY SOUND DISTRICT?. BY INSPECTOR LITTLE, OP ACTON. room at the hotel Servant told - him a d him to step down as be wanted- to Harte -went idown, e: committee-man. Miv Harte, to dis- i4: "but Ixouia formation earlier. . That' death-rate see him. and theie "1 am sorry J turb you," he not get that It is all right}*- I.spoke ofj wuis\ nerely-thetiverage. Carpet-bag -wjith an Appetite A recerit setond-class on the Union Ifi was suspicious- passengei; acinic railroad who 'some of his fellow took |into one of the res- road a huge carpet- filled with his. it iri a. chair be-' he ate. .. Having the price of" his charged two dollars, and one for.the h the restaurateur Jiccupied a seat at ust pay for the pri- reasoued the I>as3- |t. eat anything, anil, enty of other seats [bed a niqal, didn't >dy." " "Can't his host, '/ Seats at a dollar apiece, occupied one it Seemingly convinced passenger handed dollar. Then he |the carpet-bag arid thus: Carpet-bag!" been mighty pa been eating, and all you want." linlocked the bag-| yawning emptiness' of a half-bushel scarcely fill and tnto it all that the the other passen- the situation, hiic, till the car- such a " good Ithat it : was borne ulty by itsr owner,, upon its contents for' trip to bis -great the have contents tfing enjpyed satisfaction. ,'s Wprkshop. a statement in the 's work iri Birmirig- among its various ita ion oi* fourteen six thousand Bed- guns, three of cut nails, one of buttons, one five millions of coins, twenty thoii- tacle, ax tons of wares, 150,000 four thousand steel wire, ten tons of hair pins eyes, .one hundred of wood screws, of nuts and serejw fifty tons of 1, three hundred length of wax for of refined metal, ^terman silver, :one of fenders, three red bellowp, eight, brass and copper with a multitude of being exported to of the globe. . j . (From'.thc Journal of Jtducaiionlj -. In thd following! sketch of the visit of Mr. Miller and j myself to the Parry Sound and Algdriia Dis tricts, as-few references as possible are made! to the duties performed by us, aa.ltheso have been minutely repotted to the-Chief-"Superinten dent. In a scnteu'ccFor itwo, how ever, the extent of pur duties may be summarized. In the Parry Sound District, one of the divisions of the Ijliiskoka" Region which stretches from the Severn to French River, out enquiries extended -to fourteen townships, twelve of which 'Were visited. In this dis trict tljeretare twenty-two sections.' In the Algoma District,.extending from the month of French River' to Pigeon Stiver, there are twenty sections, eight of which are on the north shores of: Lakes Huron and Superior, and twelve in:the Islands' of Manitoulin and St. Joseph. In these two .(districts we viBited forty- one of the for^y-two sections (fifteen 1 of. which we organized,) inspected the schools, in.operation, and exam ined fifteen candidates for teacher's certificates; 'In the performance of f hese duties we travelled 2,500 ( miles. ,-' j : ._. ! ' We left'l Co] ling wood on Saturn day, the 14th of August, by steam-, er " Waubuno," and after'a run of ] abont eight hours' arrived, at the village of Parry Sound. . The scen ery Bnfrounding the entrance to the channel is magnificent. As bar.vessel rounded "Bob! Island," which lies between the large and amall.-bay/wa saw two lads rowing ' in a boat. One of them raised his' bat tons, having recognized his old schoolmaster. Oh the wharf we were greeted by another pupil, the wife of the Rev. J. Cookman. We found we were hot so far from 'home as we/expected. My former pupil'and his companion rowed us across the hay to the residence of an old friend, Mr. Charles Symori, A warm nnd hearty reception made us feel at home at once; A lovely view is obtained from the'house of our host. Directly opposite is Bob Island, to the west of which are Oak arid Rosette .Islands, lying in front of Parry Island.. The latter is 27 miles l^ong arid belongs to'the Indians^ many of whom are pagans. .Parry a village of about 800 inhabitants, situated in the township of McDougall, at the4 iSegeen River. It is the County (?) Town for' the district, and con-- tains the Registry Office, Court House, Crown Land Agency and Custom "House. '-There.arp.several stores, a telegraph office, a grist drill, and a temperance hotel. : .No intoxicating |liqiioi-s are sold in the place. It stipjiorts the Ndrfh Star weekly newspaper, which- ig not behind its contemporaries in the older counties. The chief.industry is the hiahufacture of ;;lumber. About 35 million feet are prepared in the niatkat evofy, yeai'.| There are three sajsvmills, one owned by Mr.. Beatty, !another by the Parry. Sound Lumber Company,: and it third by, the-Guelph Lunibjer Com pany. -,' The Guelph Coinpany's' Mills-were erected this year,*at'a-. cost, including the machinery,' of over Sj30,000... J In the evening, we attended a camp meetiig of whites nnd In dians- : The s^ene was very, impres sive., 'The Urge camp fires lit np" the leafy canopy, and shed a bright ness on the faces of the attentive audience as they listened: to the earnest appeals of the speakers. In different tongues, but in unison of heart, Ithe two races worshipped the same |God. .'- ' '. After- visiting "P. McCurry, Esq., fetiperidary Magistrate' of the district, and Mr. Beatty, from both of whim we, received valuable in formation respecting the edncation-1 al wants of the people, we spent the Nipissin0 ning'east to Doe 'Ryerson. a heavy greater part of Monday in; tracing 1 are writer visited the schools iirltum- phrey. Next mornmg I ^-started frojm,! Ashdowh' for Maganet-awan, diatalit '31J iniles oiitiie Nipissing CoJIonizaiioivRoad.' For about-ten mites! / it is pretty gopd ; after thit it iis worse, thrin one could wuIkIj At Seguen Falls,-15 . miles froTi', my. colleague met me, having crossed frpm Christie rats the; Township of Ney'r' idle, he had obtained the re qui^itli-nnmbors of'signatures for {i I Hi iori; School* S/ection betwceli Mo rii eit-h and : Spehce. Tlie coun try in cenerai is rough iri Monteith. Tho npilis productivej; but there is too 1: ttfeiof it.; "In passing through the tMvnsfiip I gathered two stalks of coin"; eaeh of them nieasured about six feet. One lof the heads contaihed 135 grains.! Two-: miles from SeguenFalla, in" the Township of '.] Spence, is the I " Half-way- house," where: we rested-an hour and a half, and made an attempt to organize a school secjtion. .Seven miles further, andl (are come: to Spence,1 jA the junction, of 'the Road and a road ran-' ard! from McKellar Falls ke in the. ToWnship of Hero wie are delayed by irain-storm, and -employ the time in rerising\tbe boundaries of "jXTuion School.-. Section No. I Spence, ar d Ryeraon.7 j jSeveh miles moij-e over the roughest-part of the- roaa, and we reach eur destination, Majjanete-ranj a small/village/.mid-, way betw :en Rousseau and Lake Nijjissing. Including stoppages, we had- been twelve holurs in going. .31J miles. Next .day we visited -' Distress Vajley"in-'th* Township <Sf (liaprnsn', fiyo milei front Miig- ane iiwaii. , The name is- a misno mer, origiriatJng wi^h a band of iurnbermeii who sunered SeverBly from a scircity of provisions dnr- ing a winter of extreme severity^ TheJand s of excelhnt qualityt- none bett-rin the district. Oats are the chi ef crop and a inost pro- j lifio one. In one instance i.eount- ed nineteii stalks springing .-from one i root, nd aSa speoimen/ of the fe!rtility;of the. soil plucked/the four ea'r4now i 1 the Education ;Office,) In!the bur eh there cbiild not haje beeSfewer tnan.2,00Cf grains."' After orgi.nizing two sections, we. made the voyage to the;foot; of Ah-mik Lakjo. in a! ' dug-out." The'lake is an {ixpansion of the'iMaganetawan River, am -for picturesque scenery can scarce] y=be surpassed. As vice paddled oter its cleaf'Waters, lbve- I ly views iero continually opening tip to., our delighted ;gaze. "-"Top sooii our i' Charon 'j landed ns in the Tpwrtiihip of Hagctman. - A "walk pf ne iriy 'four. nlUes through & sparsely! settled, district ,brought us at dusk to Neweoinbe Pest Of fice, when' we, passed 'ithe, "night. Close by is : Wliitestorie ' ". Lake, 'abounding m/excellerit trout, bass andprGkerd. . Even an impatient man can h sre have good suciess as a fisher. ; ' - Next morning, through rain and along 'ni ill] ly - roads], we "plod oar "wea >"way," but are atlehgth-coni-' pellcd. to ti:ke shelter iri away-side "hojuro unti the storm . abates. At. one o'cloec we reach; McK'eller Fall i, ten miles frtom Newcombe. The forma ion of a school section five miles distant, from the FallF, arid the elimination of two-candi dates fori t sacher'a certificates, com plete the'-veet's work;. - ,_ ' . :j-Refreah'(id:-. by the: rest1 of the Sabbath,^ e start on Monday, the. 23rd Augi st. for Wanbamik, seven mtlejs off. Thencela rapid, waljj of five miles stwarct brings ns to ihe j school at EurdviUe, n^r Manito- wabin Dai n.' After inspecting the sehcel, and exainhjiing' two candi-] dates, we return ! after daii:.. to Waibitmiic.;' . Nextj day we reach Parry Stand. On Wednesday, Mr. M. 1 nspectedi, the' echpol at,: Gar ifig,' e! even nri]es' distant, and the writer attenddti to the Pairy Sou ad Sc ioolr and other - duties. We loft the "district with; very fav- ora ale injpreBsionsi The settlers of thfj-riortli shore ileie JM.r. afc remained, "schp^-.'s-^lipn.-. JA-ru "I" Lake H-urony brgahize "of aboii't two hjo'tirs fllom. iCtHarney took"me to Litjtle Current, in the!)Island of Manitoulin/-1 Grand Maifitoulin is KsUid'tp/.be"':tiip largest-island in :fbe in thej'world[iny/'aafe wiatdr.. It ex tends inextieme length,!!:from east to, west,- alriipH |-s-ffiivus lifi'oms'Col- Mp.nteith>^iirigwood to' Jfaro"ir6pn,-aln?d.^n ex treme j bread tb,- li'Oft-nprtji. to/south^, nearly] as" far us frptrL/HainiriE-on to- Toronto. It contains*! dq2e#t6wn-;, sliips betweei^ ;!l/jake; Wojs eyl. (partU of Bayfield South), '6a. the?" rVest and] fj Manitpwaning audSohthl Bays on the.eustr The Ihdian^eseWelieS to the e:\Abpf these, bays,^. -sfhiclr are separated by an ifethrnui !b4fcw6en .two: and three miles across/ Deep bays indent the shores of tlie island. Besides those named, therei ari -dn the riqrth " Hoi-norja/ M-idg-i 1 and Gore Bays ; -aaS-"imj -tBe] a^11*0- Michaeji's Pt-oyidence'anct Portage. At all these -pointsJtbere-|iate settle-' ments. jThejlindsimthe interior are ajso being rapidly taken,,np;-' The j great drawback to still trior* rapid/1 settfeirijent is want pf good roads. The principal high way "leads' from Little' jCnrrenf, through iHdwlarid I an d Sheguiandab,- tolMic liael's Bay, There are several lar ;e I ikes in the island, jtlieprinciiwl beiig Kri-ga- wong>. Slin-de^mo-ya, arjjd;Manitou- The last named-is tl e largest. Tfc, has ho JFeeders,lbut. "j i cjqnsideruble stream ^Sfanitpu Rii erj from its southern polnt/tb Michael's Bay. The sumfner rivapdr ttion! must B very great."' Jts eh valtipii abov Manitoiraning Bay Li 15Q fejet Notwithstanding its osfees, ft maia-v; tains it^: level. How is i^ Bupplied: with! water?. :-"..' _[.' After leaving E il^amey, /Mr. Miller ; visited Mucge and Gore Bays; arid the settler lepta at Span- ish and]- Thessalon Rijrens, north shore, and Hilt >ri and Sailors' Encampinent in St. Ji *epb's Island. He;retiirned to'Littln Current with Captai-i" McGjeigpr,' >f]J the/ Soy- r.vour,"'jvrho h'adlin some instances kiridly. jwajted j for him jjuntil/ lie tn!ade|the necessary al-rangemeats for orgamj^ing a/ sect on. /^We pro^l eeeded together to Mani.towahing," a small |village^on a deep feiy o^ th . 'satbe name. After c mferring with the two .sections,.: we_. left for-Sim's Cove, en South Bay, about! seven -nnlesdiE fianfcj bnt stay ed over night with st settler, foac.; riiiles^ on our way.: ^"ext day it took us!ten hopretesailjeiglrteen miles in/a Btraight .orarsel In go--./ ing down South/ Bs y we .tacked .-':( -five times. , -Mr. M, retnrned by land tho following day through the' : townships ofTehkujn "oab,^ancb5el<l 1 and'Assiginack. T!h; Twifl was ob- J structetl'with stones attd/logs, arid his " Epsinante " Wiji 1 it'n/obsiinafe rawboned animal, pi isesBtkd'-with sr--jl- determination_lto ciupb his riderV ' nfaps pf the townships to be visited, [ ed! ^ ___ . _ Mr. ItcMurry, CrowriLahd Agent, J difBcultieiTncident to all. new set-J intelligent, sober, and Content- Thoj^h 'straggling with the hinges, having kindly placed those in hia bfiieeat our service. This-work was .continued till nearly mid-i night. After "packing our 'I'imped- imenta," consist ing chiefly of educa tional documents for distribution! on our journey, we snatched a few, hours' deep preparatory- to an early! start oh the following morning,: On-| Tuesday,the 17th August wo visited | the schools in the Township of Foley] The first eleven milfes 'we journeyed ion foot,th last &rp on the stage, which runs 6b alternate days between Parry Sound and! Rous-" seau. For about ten miles from Parry Sound the road iB gootl; the rest, except/rom Ashdown to Rous-, seau is not recommended to persons afflicted . with ' a riervous system. Next day wasBpent'by my edlleague in organizing school sections iri the' ToWhship of Chi-istie After a hard day's work he had the misfor tune to lose bin way; and reached^a caniplatein'1 the: evening, having tleraents, Jthey are inindful pf the education of their children. / Thejr, schoolhouiies-, are.. on the : w,hole highly -. c reditable" to - them, and andj there is no difBculty in.dbtairi- ing|a site of the requirecl area. -A tax of tw lve'milli in the dollar for school purposes is not unusual, and shows the desire for schpols arid the need of tlip liberal aid!of tha De partriient Jin supporting them, fluch aid : si deeply appreciated. If assiatanoe could be grabted to fyild $ekocUumti* an/immense impetus worild be given t the cause of edu cation in ne| townships. To a fe"*| !settI'B .erigagedjin clearing their/farn is!| tbe.xpenps of erecting a aeiiool-h Qiise and paying tho sal- ary|of a f saeher wafaeavier burden thai tbey can jw^l bear! _ -;! . G(n th evening,of ^he 26th of August *e again left <Jioilin<jttpod, this timn by the " Franjjes Smith," and arrived Ibe following nfttr- --,: ---.,___ .- . 0 noo i'at Ilillainey, a small Milage wtjdked ' twenty-threo miles, Tho j in tho Township of Rutherford on /' ! ' - :'*' legs again fit "tl.e bHad - ^ir \c'-:V tvepi or_.dash Lis against tho_ ovejrhan^ni;. biiiiicbei. The retjiin Toyage was very'.exditina. sThe Jake was very - rough, and tbe.^wi^t dead aherid/.': Out- oyrm boat wats heavily laden with luliiber, salt, [fish, furniture and passengers, .Tht:rs^ attempt to: reach! the lake fa'led,'.the .ownVv; eri'of^ the boat/an old 'sailor: of! the. Royal . NaTy, .deeming ifrl prndent [to tack iritoi the- Light house Cove. A ^ei nd J attempt made in the aftornoo: l was. success-l" fuf, and we wehtboaiidingo.v^r the- a sjianking rate until wis were half-way np "So*ta':'-.".Bajr1when the wind died i iwayj and we bad to' finish (the voy ge with oara. After anLintervieW; ith Mr. Stew art, the [teacherjof ! ^O. 1 Assigi- hack, I-alccompanied (the Rev. Mr. Finlay, a; felJow " vo7agerir,".t6-hij(i- boarding house, whit b we reached at -ll'rSih.^. Next morning met ay colleague at Manij owaning,vandl, after copying a map of the island, kindly'u?. fpr the pt rpose by. "Mr. , thipps, and organising a",section, we, walked to-Mani tou^ Lake, and . after dinner set sail "or'the Town-v ship of Bid well:' X\ e wibd fivilod J us, ahd.we did riot fend! till 1 Op. w.,- rfter rowing aboiii' seven hours.' Two or tiree piscui s and.a drink - o,f lake-water suflictdrfor' supprri Our boatman's son and a jourig Ud then guided us tbroiigh the wood* 'with torches to- th i nearest farm iotise where we sptnt tho rest pf the niglit. ! The [>rps iect - next morning | was not a chierful on The rain was ppuriog < Ibwn, and. we had a walk of ;sevtntl inileA through the clearings end wo*da , before ns/. jWetrieilto friaeet oar! fate with * chefer'ul face. We visited several of tl e settlers, Wt were not successful in., establishing a section:' At noon th(p' weathw c'.eared up, and! we ] lired a Waggon-" to talce if8 ]t<> Littlv Current, ten miles: -distant. ./jtSe" roap^- j-Waa ' wretched/ tat a wirm sriri drie4 our dc thing,"Mjxd ^ irighteneidE our faces"; as well as tb* andBxarp^'/Tho./ quality Of the land t trough Bidwell ',and Howland is various, sotneTx^ ing excellent and~Bcme very infers tor. By hard drryiag wa,arn*eii^ at the curl* nt inttin e for it* vr, \ tci to leave by the; rran^&stfc"" -* : -', .'4 Mr

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