Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1876, p. 2

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THE ACTON IVlliaill- " to St, ^H: ^j;. -; S /.< urf- -ii!' h- ti} for Bruoe Minis. j M,r. M. t\i -'.U> take tho 'j'fli'yiiinnc . J<Wph'.x. - After] ajstorlny passage, }!hici> Minos wt'h>jreju'hod!c>nilv in -Kiojnoritiitjr of tliri -l<ii Heptoinboiv "VS e himjed in' dat-ktjVss and lai-kiioas and tain, itttbulty in finding .and had tcoiiK' d ?th<.,houd. As wo : |wsst'ii through the village we woiideivd at Wdtat- " t\ supposed to be [great haJnks of KMid. Daylight,showed thinn to be hilUof'pnherievd .ju,ii!3t; from which the'copper had b.-pn.extract ed. cTho inti>ps ar^ worked by tlio West Canada Mining Company of England. The-manager,. R. .Pium- nior, Esq.; kindly showed us "brer the Worfcs^nhd explained the viiri-: ' tlMR Rlepe jn tho piy'p^wgoiilof'tW ore for trimsporutioh to 'Swansea, where" Ji-is smeltrvi: The shafts cxUMid^ to tho depth of seventy fathoms. Mr. Miller had joined nut stho_minus, wlikih we left on tho 7 th Sbpt<|mber Tit in sail hrwt ifor tho south end 'of .Sui.Tir' Lland, bus brought ilni matter of building School llonjos in jnow and unor ganised ToWnshipa more prominent ly .under tho notieoof tho E Itica- tioniil ! Pe.paritnentj than in tho above sketch of hi* trip." It" tho Government would under take to pay tl\c;cost of erection of sohool houses iiv'.now'-.d.istuict-s, out of tlio overfiowjng Tr*o.Miry, n new impetus wotfld bo given to immi gration to thb Frco Grant Lands. Ed. Fhkn Pkkss.] : ' ' Thu Tuikisb difficulty continues MPHE ACTON IfREE TRESS -Uiibliihed Every Thursday Morning. gl Por Annum in Advance $ c1 an Fvv g Ifv osa JOS-H'.MACKINd COITOn hrfi'S' .' VC!:>- ,r..i-:| t: A"3 '" J-'- ,.' /"':--: ' ." V^l ' ~'t Jt'.l i- - :Vi'-"J-v;l.< : I4: ->,- - ;' ' E-.f^ -"" *, - ' "^': -- 'j -'? V " --; u!".:'-- . Ki-':- / T^'i.-'vT' ' p.:-:"'--:'- :-- * v">' H-i S- ': ':- '" ^T-'-V^'^Sr St/lji: . - -!:- |:f-f ..^^:i.:. Kt.!-'Jr-' w ^i-'.V',* ; lj;.! :. .";-.*.- ' Jf P ^ ,'-" * ' * f 1 "-' .-t' f^fV>.,-r?V.:,f-^' . P-->: -J_ .'.T- :-: ', i , te.i-o^^i;.^ li:-7 :> -.b:..-iit-*-" W"^~- -vt-iHi,-- E"'- ' ^; ilv--' K^f ' *" 'iiiia Kv;:.-'. ^-Jf'ifft-- 7: B*f"-- .?!-i'"-'^ |^v;tm:f fe.;'!.-.:' _l.i.T v-j y^ E.'i- ' ' U<ii.V --. 4,--.--'o v: r-l ; wirore 1' st:iy<-d.- .Mv. ,M. "rowed sixteen"Atilts t"H!:.>rto SiJiloi-s* K11- v=tiu|-jnont, in Si..JKsophV an/l rb- turi>cd:_t 11 p.'tri. 'i AiKvWIrpt.'Unit- l.ight otT lx>ai\i the Alnti iociH stoam . i'ar^e, ; I^r.-ptian/'iitiuF jiftcr-ii r.uw. n^xs nioiningUn' nb\ut live, liours' Uiroujrh...! liear and.jllooj-^o-litkcs iitw tin; towns of timlt Sto'M:n:io. 'jThe. mpiitts: betweoui-rtho towns ire . tailf a injic wide., and ihivo.quart-ei-s jof a inTii> liuisi.'V-itjh- ii dpooont of -^2 freti-?:The ^maljby whicirtho ;. rapida Are avoidevi if4i>n.the ;Atnor- ipn .si-lo, . Close' ha ft n ^groat litK-k, 5if><st -.longi ^0 ffoo't wide.' iind 18. fofct lift, is in tltt> -wiirs'o of . omsttiuotfeii,-; Our knult Sf-o Mario, in tho isipit.-v} of tjio Aigouia'dis- tHc't.; It is a.'tcVtt^tv.l.towu; His ,- honor J nd^re-McC'rifj and tlio An glican ami'Roman Catholic Bishops j v-sidse hone: A-largo-K. C. cithe- i i :il o stptie is in eoiirso of oonsli ue'-' 'i'.tuii: ; A'pi rtT^rijtSfvl heitig "unable l> visit t"Eo--. b*imig\\-;u;k Homo, nn ;.-Indian Kpjioul tinder\hc -i.ianago- ' the 'Itek-. ",Mr.. W.iLon.' j Aft^r iniijK^iing-.UiB'sc!! ipl iii" the . ^'lilagt' 'a)&.l in '. o'f Konib, -sOp liift'- hyi.-steamor " Chi- cora'- for Prince A.ltbur's Landing.' Tee ]>asit)gi; w.'is vt|iy stonriv,' and we Vi'Z \t'i>ticbtm'jiC7Siivi-r Islet. Xhe) iHiin<l ".^hfi-et-hi- eelebrutid silver) niinei; im- worked liea abisut-a q:i;i'rter of \ ti. mile froir. the shore.1- lt.Jis.own- > -'e<l Vij-ari-" Auitrie.-iij company, and r--is-rcpor-.ed'-to yit-K:l itbo-.:t':!?t.000 ' :*or"h of oj-e a d|iy. x A. i-\u of ">i'>ont tweintv .mil>!s anij-wi pass t4.e ^r?'^'| 'TlMfndel-I5ay. -tivrering I[350 fe^^ "aihoi-e. the '^-wate'r.- P.i-ssing between Thfinder ! = 't'iut:siAY iliiKN Jan. 1.3, I87. to bo tho tjliiof B.ouircn of anxiety. to "BAD ROADS." ' We ?iro glad to s|n that our^co- teiiipf r.iry, the-Mi t-jn Xcirn] has t-omothing to $ay- concerning tho bad rp,ijds-of this county. iW u strong .pull^a'nd pull|ultoge'thor, We >nay: be able to get iip such an hgv itntie;i;on this enhjee'tas -vvill result in souib plan to better their condi- tiuii. Our municipal fathei-^ ahould i;ike tho nmttpi*. inj<!iand' without further :delay; anil' show us tlit tlley can at'least niiike an effort'.to- orgnnizo a system -! of -radical iin- pl-ovonient iu our Li^liwayR.' - Hero ix wh;it our friend Of tho -Ncirs lias to sayf-a'ibut it. , ] "\V6 ' haVo ; no doubt he speaks froju bitter experi ence : . ! - " Unit on can takjo tho premium for ther worst .roads in Canada, or iii fact any where .else. Never bo- Europeaii t4tiin6n.' Con trad e- tory tolegrami am grotty nuhicrouR/ but oino"pj)intH 80>m p.i-otty eloi.r. <C)no is tliati Auatriu'8 proposod 110- jution of tho difficulty- will prola- hly 1)0 ucejiptod by tlio othbr )K>wcra^ ami tlitit; lu-cuny it out, Herzegovina will hvo to bo occu pied byjAustrio, witb the approrl of tho othor powers, both to bring tho pressure necoBBary to make the itiHiirgentn ceaso etctivo operation* iind to provent tho Mohammedans from revenging themsolvos oh Christaina. Tho Priliaos of Sorv'ia ;uiid Montcnogro nr'> having a pretty bard time of it. On the one hand, thoir people aro ko eager for WAr thut.tlio -restraint laid upon' "thorn j endangers both tho thrones ami.tho Uvea of thoir rtilora, whilo on tho othar'Austria and Russia counsel p.eaco iasnch a manner that" it is quite apparent that no war wilf be permitted;' Tho princes will no doubt keep'the pence, so far as they can., but their position ia not an ouviablo one. It seems evident that tho Turkish troops aro ' making- very little, if any,: hendwKy in sup- "liix'ssiug tho rubellion. . L'ape .i":;d 'Pie Island, which h^ IV" -i-^-!;- fif-^.'-r-i mw 17 - 'V i*- W &i-\ : < %%?& ':t u:MW IT' .-;'"jk: r.j; S-: x nn elEvadon^of SZi'j feet; we jenter ' Thniifier Uav.iiudour stanneti ves- r p?1 soon glides U}> rto.' the dock- of . Prince- A.rthui^i"ljin.diu'g - the " jSiJjrer. Oity""ofjAhe'"Bortli shore. - It- is the' couiit^ [':) town d^-tlie "TrtUBicipalit-y .of jShiinbdi, which coiiiprii&f the towp; phjt, of Prince Arthur's JLandingjseven townstiips," and the ' iidjjtcen|/[islands. It is Vbeantifnlly situ&t^i on a gradually Hsing slope f*cinglthe south.' .The poprblavion is iibo.ut a- thonsand. There apefsereral .'churches, a'!coa- ' sidormMe nntnber o^Storaa, a couple : of banks, and a court homTe.,^ "It iBupporta a liveljj local no'wipaper, ' tbie- Tkunder'TJay\Sintvtel, It also supports a.n astonishing number of 'saloOna aid- taverns, there beins; 'one for about every forty inhabi- taiirts^ Silver raining is-tho cbiof attraction 0f tfi^ .jilace, and forms n rinfailing toptcfof conversation. Tb '.last sdiopl -visite-'l is situated a- short disUace above Fort William, prr the left hank oJ tho beautiful Kabiicistirpiia i'ivcr, which dis chi!rirR>i' bv tbree-i'iiioutlis , into Tbnnder Pay. The littfe tug ,u which y.-e_so entr^ 'the of -thrjkB, which is about 30*0 feet" wide, anrj'soon lands its at-'tlio-.fort, one- of the oldesL_:md foepjorly one of P';'fr /:; the old ,' E-.* ' -J'- 'tc3r'"-' \ - r-i--' .- '1'--*". "I Ejfer--. :-: ?'!% 'MS* - fore hava theriyads been in such a' bad sta.teas they h:i vo boeii-for tin/ last two weeks. I,- st-ei'ns strange tl at in 4i w*nlthy County like Hiil- ;ton tli? jK?crjde have not enough enterprise to ImiM at least one good road" through tlio centre of tii: cpunty-. \Vefbope our liew County ;(Jounoil w(ll (leviso some plan to-get ov<-r thb dilliculty.' County is conliriiHilly .boaiiling some gentleman fnte'at C.istlo Van, witb nothing for- them to do. are very plentiful within a short distance1 of JMilton, and the priserie,ra should be ernploved in breaking theni, thereby doing somo little gcbd for their country. Pride of our' county, if nothing else,, should make us itse strenuous ex ertions during the next year, to have some of our roads gravelled. It would riot only be a comfort t-j'bave good roads to travel on, but farmers and all others who own horses could weRi afford to pay a good sum yearly towards them, aa they would save money by tho op eration, for there'is hardly a man who owns a teanrwho baa. not met with one or rnon accident* during the paat two or 1 hree wsoki." Protection to Brakoatdon. : The bill introduced by Mr. Mills for the jirotection of the lives of brakesmen ought to b'o ' carriotl with but slight modification. Ac cidents to brakesmen aro of fre quent occurrence, and many of the.ui. aix- pivventible. Thu only question to be considered is wheth er a little mbuoy in tho bands of tho , railway cor|K>ration or tho life of a citizen is of; tho most val ue. The bill purposes to inako it tho'la\y of the1 hind that all lines of railway .shall provido their box cars with i^- path | or " runnint; lioanl" along tho wholo length of tho', and to with iii one'- foot of the -1 preceding. l>ox i cir when nt- t:iched. . Tiro pathway is to bo twenty Inches Wide, with a rail, two feyf-sLN. iuches-higli along the side. 'AIT bridges over t)ii) track aro to have a clear spac of at least six feet two inches froiil tho ".riiii- ning.boartl'rto the lowest portion of the arch of tho bndge. Oil both sides-Jof all bridges, in order still further to lesson tlio danger to tho brtike*inun, and to-: wain of ap proach to tbo bridge, a rod or rope is-to ~cios3 the line":one kundi-ed yards from the arob, with thongs or rojiea four feet in length, tho " sweep of which. over the man'.s body will notify him7of bis imjiend ing danger. The penalties attache ed for any neglect of this proposed law are very stririgent. ln: tlio event of any accident, through ne glect of the company to obey the law, a penalty'to be paid to the Provincial Treasurer is named. The sum 43, for loss of life, $2,000 '; for loss, of limb, $1^000. One-fourth of this is to go to the consolidate^ 'revenue, and the jremainder to the estate oi tho deceased or maimed man. .' ;FREE PRESS GENERAL NEWS; TheOntaria iogw Utuio'iH)itsom- blod on Tuesday nftirnoon. ir..-".Bosh.Twdod h now .reported'-'to ibo in Alont-rcu) ; j Tho gruim trado of Ktirope is reported utiignnnt -t nd prices fal ling. ftuni Mr. Sol. J publikher of tho and well .known died the cither of consumption. iurt, forniorly 8tro< tsvillo Jtcv'ww, to n nigl A dispatch fotn ijondoh, Eng., gives us information iwgpajmr men, t, in .Toronto, o( a sad collis ion, which occuned in tho Kngliih Channel, by which 23 lost their lives. . Sir. Anthony Rothschild died on Monday in London of tho partnors of th iug houso of that 11111 tho. iiito JJaroli Nafeh Rotlischild. llo was one great hank ie,- and son of m Moyur do groat falling for raw furs trict. Mink a year or two Thorohas bqon ri off in ho prices paid in tho Otta.wn dis skins that brrught $) ago now fetch less th in $2 A liko ducliiio isjiio'tjced in nil the otlicr pelts. j Jliss ifjdwell, of St. Goorgo, who has boon biio of the-ioucbora. in. the Rockwood school for tho, last two years, left before the holidays and biis goiio to an ithor Bfcction. Roforp lcviving, her pupils present ed her with 'an addre sa and a- beau tiful writing desk. j Tho'Licensed Victuallers of To- remtb havo been waiti ig on tho On- trio Uovernment and expounding their views in referenco to tho liquor question. Mr Mowfat and Ids Government' bail better ,;take cure how they yield lo t|ieir| licniiso victiiuJlor charmers, charm they never bo sweetly: 'Tl ere is an ovi- dant determination 01: the part ;of the country: that tho liquor' traffic must bo curtailed, lint, no measure which will bo at all ncceptublo to- the licensed victualling will witisfy tho people, Who are earnest in- their demands for restrictioi.r ^.: A shoi t time ago it I: rnn?t-important posts ;of the Hudson'-Bay 'For Company. Two s'm'rirl,--c.innon3 taken up by wtmm ] ^slkirk'More t5iah half a Cen- iigo, gimrd (?); tlio entrnjiie." co6[7arjy's store,' warehouses dwelling-housc-h forrn. three of -a-square, j "Tisfl [darip ig nttracjtive, with i its" white grass' lawnSjj.iand- bloorrijng len.s. T'.vo miV'S above . 'the but on- tho. o>po.sile"side of rirer, i;s jHi Siicitoit IiJiiJiiin olie Mjiisioii, :i-with its Vdd rjclr-.surrounded' by hotisex occn- byjn* ians arid half-breeds. AlwA'e. fhe iriissiorij but on - Hie Hauil aide'.of the rivijr as Fciit Wil- I. tui-j ' The ud ' t.idet> VJ?ry :-wal gar<|< fort. ' tiiS" ; I'atl thu V-pied - &ii%- -., i Mik <,m THE PEEL ELECTION PE ..' :' ,-TITION. We learn, frim the Brampton Banner that Mjr. Hurst the J>eti- tioner ogaihst She election of Mr, Uliisholm, for Ppel, has made ajipli- .cation j for "a- .withdrawal of -the petition. ThoWanner learns, how ever, " that the notico of withdraw'- al is not acceptable to those jvho have bx-on p/ishing the case, and that notice has been jserved that in case of tho tf;ourt granting to "Mr. Hurst the "withdrawal of tho peti tion, that another Petitioner will be offered, and that tlio case should proceed. .It is just a question, however, if /the Court, consenting .to the witbjarawal'by Mr.'Hurst, frill consent to the substitution of another, inasmuch, as it-has recom mended a oonipromise. The words of the act a|-e that tho " Court may" permit and,her to become the p'eti S-....W.. -y I.J -1___:_.. _:i." -_J.i .:* J. is the,Government wiia'rf, an ivliitli are piled numerous- coils, of ^ trie;, wire and inliiieiisO quan^ : title:; of -fitcol rails fyJT the. C.uiadirj - 'Piriiic It-iilway; ihb] east'iu ' trrrm ' - " "lii'iis of" which is jdaoi-d here. Near ; ' the >wh;irf, 011 a ii/e siiTounded '-. with.. ti-^, a .'?M^0(!0 hol^ris in coursfi of constnietjion. On-o'ir )tiirn ' tri d*^ncj 11 ' tri|i,*|wo >--!ob at the res) : pf MriJMcKeiiar, one of the 43^: .-. Hrnst(f<!s:of iho'pijio'd -'-r'-r. ... i-n' 1 : so i: : tifuf liedi "of" S[ %ve h vfieouK' to < "lie has a garden..! The borders of .the 'lire" unique-, brMiig Composed crnieiisj of quartz, and olhor Miiurt-al bearing, rockp" cylteoied -by Jllr. -MoKelii r, iir. lib pror.j^ctiii ton iv ;rq, ; ;ct!lie. ijcaridiibites for certjl -pd. 01 tr "VOi'k t Pi l>>fUJi^ Wr\lefl^O!i. Monday, .thi 1 iitjiij S'i?pt.j at 10 pt-n;,. and .after n] kiWmi ^voyjege^ landed, at Gjderich ijl5Bd;iy;.flie;'if/,h at 7 a 111. .- , tiijt :Mr. Little on T< .::fW. Vl<:ti C'oiiijiosed hikI minerals S :veial rod: irlz, an ethyst, },ariiig-capper, iii Iyer, iron or le.'id f >'niii "sttraclivc; foatui^ tf. tlio The: <>xanSiii(itibii of two eates _coucli|d iii!* AiihiiiV tioner Jui , bavirg advised peace,' it is qiiestjdnable if it will consent to a continuarnce of war. If the1 trial proems is thq political fe-elings will becc/n i niorc tbit^i'r, and the porj'i7 ijjy (witiiesses will have no limit.'.^ Th^ Eipctiph 'Expenses. The Ifjflicial 'statement of the ox- :uses/incurred in behalf of1-Mr; ay aft the rcbent electron in-this tjountl' as piiblished in the- Mflton A'e/M,/is as fojlpw.^; WomI Nr.wnU* printing .. '. .50 00 IIilIIoA 'ifimULiozuriuthiil- ' -J W Ai-jo-J Kj:i;k L'Jiisfe-for'iiriijtiii^.: 12 00 AceoiAit of John .'.Marshall for ' ' . htrao hire .. .. ... .. GOO .\Iakiiga total of;, .._' .. j, .97 00 . Tli 0 statement ofiMt Lyon's ox- lcnsi s is piiblished in tho Cluiiiu irion, aaffoJloiis: -i' *. . : \Vall:fte&.I'aii fm, printing. >.-. .%r,i OS I'^ln.-rd J5;;iluy, priiitiiig, ete.... 41'80 Jotc-j h U. Hackiiijf, pHnluig/.., J 1.00 John MarxlialJ, livery.. .-'. ..... 1 | S 75 I). It bcrtBon, stationery. .-.; .v. 10 00 \V. J.. Lyoir'u personal expenses,, iio'00 18'J 38 ^rtior \ .rfyfln loth *iilv win JANUARY; 13, 18"7(S; Sliockibfir Murdor in Hamilton A iikSl'fcOTABLK CITIZKW j STjlHirKI> ON VHK rUIIblC HTltKET |J DAYIilUHT. * !-.' \- About half past [-> o'clock last i Erin Council Thus'Countil met ion tho |24th Dccwnbor, 1.1175'. The llcofo in tho clmir; nicmberH all present.. A petition wis prosonted to th'a Qpu ncil by 1 Icssrs. M artin | and Kennedy, and read, from Thomas Doc^ray tind. M2 othors, praying ThuiwhtV idofiiing, Mr.; Nulson thnt tho amdJ.nt ef tho Municipal Mills, <v woiriiiient and unfold nnd Ivoaii Fund coining to that part of f respoctot citizen wag jnurdorotiBly 1 tho Township ^f Erin not ombruced ' "Haaultedj by Michael. McCpniiel, a ' within tho Ci)dit Vulley Railroad group, b^ ftpj ropriatod for school and educational purposes.. The petition having been dnly consider ed, it was movod by Mr. Held, hoc- ondwl by Mr. iiiirt, that the peti tion bo ncceptul, and a: By-law in troduced j gran tho petitibiier a tirst and hoci On ! ir.otion onded; by Mi ting the jirnyer of and that it boroad nd time. ' V by Jlr. Teotor,1 soc-" . lteid, tho Iteevo ordort'd the | ayuicuit of . $10" to fllidcoliii M.dLichhiii, for work done onthp'ioth line. Moved by Mr, Itarhbur, seco:ided by .-'Mr.'"Hurt, that Sauijiicl Johnstjpno b j ]>iiid ^.'1.37 for providing 2A cords of lire wood for -McLean, tho[ pay ment jf wdiicb tho Ileovo ordered. On. motion by Mr. Burt, seconded by M]r. Roid> the bill of e^xtrus pre8L'i^ted by tl o Clorky was Order ed to bo paid by tho Reeve, amount ing tcj J.'iS.fjl, also his half-year's saluryj amount ng to $55. . j ,; Moved by ] lr. Hurt, seconded by Mr. lleid, that tho report of tho Benevolent Committee lie ro ceiveil and engrossed on tho) min utes, i The re]K>rt' is as follows: The Benevolonl Committee report that they (have expended tho sum ef $tl'J for ' b-nevol.-nt jjurjwbes during tho year,. aa follows:: To Thomas Pj-ico, ::>33 ; Hetsy McF/ir- hme, $j8-;i Wii Airs. jflciVrthui' ,ow McLean,1 $.33; ounc- I cd thai claims had bien -iiiadc toj bo p'aidfto John an estate in the upper part of Man-' Im.ttan Island, on whioli Now York is.built. Thehuirs, 1'1 iitnmnler, have somehow discovt red -that this estate, which was gr.11 ted t|>, their lier, $23; \Villi.ini Hall, $11 \ Mi-s. Cox, ^2<J \ Join McLelian,1$2G;- W-illiaiift.' Abbo ,t, $17 j-.'Margaret Thompson, $32 : John Saplcyj $10; Mrs. Alcljiroii, $7 ; John McMil lan, sen., $30; ^,Vm. Raimsbotham, $4; D11 gal Hluo, $2 ; Niel' McMil lan, $6; Thomas McLdlan; Widow Murray, $6; Widow Pat- terson,j?15, iStal $119. Thb $iiiii: of ?|l 2 was ordered to arising from a mistake ceedings have already been com menced. Boicmunvilte Merchant. Legal pro- This year * saloon license will cost $400 in Montreal, $200 in Quebec, and $60 in any other town in'the Lower Provinces. Such is the ratio of the, value of such a d->ciiment irr, those ' localities so think the legislators in their wis dom. The Gfielph J town council passed, on" a 'Second [reading a by law to place shop licensea-at $400. As this is a surn: in excess of the limit-proyided [by the Act, the by law .bad to be-iubmitted to the rate-, '['layers. The voting took place last Monday, when the By-law was de feated by a large! majority. A practicaljoke in Toronto has had a very sad result. A hotel cook ,went-tohe cellar for some coals, and some fool of h boarder thought to startle her by grasping her un expectedly in the dark and did so. He succeeded most effectually, the girl fainted niiid afterwards becom ing ijhsano andrhaving to bo remov ed to: tho asyjufiij Practical jokes are a very silly hipdo of amusement' under tho! best of circumstances, and such practices in cases like the abovo are simply .'criminal; for sad results have often enough followed in similar instances to be a warning to all concorned. Fire at Kin-'RliJE.-fAbout one o'clock last Monday tiorning, tho Fountain Hotel took biro and was burned" to the ground; together with the stables and Mr. C. Rup brry' residence. Tb Odd Fol- \ low's hallt was in a uing of the hotel, and all. their pioperty- was destroyed-.. The Gre-ijt supposed-to have originated. from a defective stovepipe. Owing to thp liigh wind ancestor John Vermil/ea, in! 1667, (to lie paid, also $.1.27 for s'Ultioit by the then Governor cf New1 York, cry and postage, 0n motion of iMr. has ne\-er been alienated. Tho pro- Barbonf. secoi perty.'a ^lortiou of which was, until some.ycars ago, under water, is val ued at $50,0,00,000. One of the heirs, the oldest Vormilyea now liv ing; great grarid daugl ter of John Vermilyea, na.w resii; es with her daughter, Mrs. James Wilson, of this town. In the proc* 3 ef time, tho Wilson family may reap the benefit bv Mr. Barbom lteid, tl e Council accounts for ex tra services periormed by them in, letting a paid by I>eputy Ii Mr. liurt Mr. lteid Mr. B.irb $23 y Mis.L Col- Clark for furnish ing iii:owcK)d ' 1 nd lights - 1'9'r tho Council! meetings aiul tho Division Cotirt.-during tie year. . ', [ Tlie salaiy of Jlr. Bii'rt, Treasur er,- amounting t > SdO, was" oider'ed butchof i n tho market. McConnell is a tonant of Mr. Mills, and was in. arrears for rent. A landlord's warrant ivas issued and Oxecntbd by : Bail ff Smith. McConfaell's wife woiitdown to thb market nnd- told her husband. Aftor j hearing tho particulars, ho said: that hi) wouhbfix, him, at tlio same itime he sliairponod his knife, thb, blade of which waa cloven inches; piit : it tip. his'sloovo und drove 1 p:to Mr. Alillu' I b iiiso oil Georgo | street. Tho Jattor came to the front gate few re- hiur in to soo him, and after a marks M nOonneU' stabbed .tho shou der and face. .Mi-. Mills turned abound to go to t'liq hbuso and fell.' jMcComioll thonataobqd him in t jo stonincli and]: di,vers other ph cea. while ho-was pros trated. Ho then delibeitftelyvitjpftd tho knife .on bis sleeve, arid coolly walked'a'wry. 13ailijr Srnitb and -deteclfye Plierson yv'ent in,!pursuit [of and arrested him in his [ house, Upon , being arres'cd hoi said bej wanted to teach Mr. Mills how to behave himself; Upon bia jieruoh tho kuifc aiul.a .revolve:: ivcrej found. - 6 ' .- '.Mr, Jrlilla died from tlie effucta of the Wounds on Sunday; No- him It is bjulievcd that a ]>;-actical routo for tho. Pacific IJailway through..British Colbmbia lias:- at-' last beon found. - % tho Kov.. J. A.' C'ampbtjl, M- E minister,.'! f Georgetown, at tlie hsti deuco of t ip bride's father, oii tho-5th inat., Geort'& E. ' liarnvhaw,, jCsq.j.of X.assagawcj'a, to Miss Mary Anjn,- third datiglittr.if \\"m. McFarJone, [Ksqj, of Er.imoim.. i - - By the s-imo, at the ^.JC. Parsonage, Georgetown, Dec* 23rd, 187r), lit. Tlion. I^rout, of Tnifalgar, to Miss [Hannah Eliza Lambert, of Briti Township.. [ - liy^the 1.Time tft the nnmeJ plaee, Dec. 29th, 187.1": George, Thomson, .E-sq J. of Eriu, to Miss Charlotto E.urusidt, of [the siun'c place. Errs' CdcoA. fijv.vr-Ertri. Ain com- FoiiTiMi.- " ]Jy a-'tliorpu^h kuiiwlpilge of the iiatjnral laws which govprn [the 11 ed bv Mrj-. I3urf j.operation* of digestion .-.iT(t!.niitritio:i,. By-law lNo.15 in 'reference to the ^^."^^^T * $-&6 ,,-..,, , , . l>ro])ertiea of _well st-Icetctl cocoa, Mr. Mnnicir al Loan Fund was [read a. Epn's has 1 rbvided oar breakfast table* third time and jiassed. On motion- with 'a delicately tlavored l*^:eraRQ , secoruled Ijjy Mr. nd passing jobs, etc.'; were order oT tho lloeve. Ac counts ure as follows Reeve's Recount. eeve's Apeoiuit do do .l$22 50 do .. Ji 50 . .i IS 00 ..j 2J 00 .-; 25 50 S100 50 Moved by Mr. Iloid^ second ed by' Mr. Teeter, that the Reeve bo puid dho sura' af $22 for the time and expenses in looking after ibo portion lof the municipal Loan, Fund coining to this township.' The amount iwaf paid. 1 On motion Jiy Mr. Teeter,-se conded by Mr. lteid, the tbaiiks of wnfch prevailed the tire made quick (V'e ClJU^cil werB l"'osontei1 to P- wo k, and the first intimation-the ^fcM'Ilari, hsn.^lleevo; fob hjs inraiites had was Iropping in, and sonio of thorn had row escapes. We'-believe tin ins ira.nce is small. Ch'.tnipion. Gf ntrai Sir,Henry William Stin ted, .jv. C.Ji -the.first Liout.-Gov- 'of this Province, died, at :yliam^rfill, England, oil the ult-., i at the conipai'attvoly j gafity, nothing will do; arid with -., Ratlier;ciilions proceedings are re|K>rted fiounTrenton; N..J,, whi*e two railroads, have beon fighting for tho iiosseKsion-tif a pieco oi track wished to crois.. The ono kept possession for a long time by 'keeping a Joconiotivo ori, the track, wjiich waff only removed t allow-tia'iiiH to pass, but tho.othor finally took.advantage of'this, seiz ed the track'as soon as the engine moved, toi'ji it up and lijid their frog,, running liheir- engine on it, which! is iiow Jchained downrand barHcadodi This! is not {ho first sucn eotifliet winch there b(is beon, others having taken place near tho Niagara river onjjbtb sidos. The object of such p>'bjpt!cdiiigs is pro bably to obtain a speedier or more advantageous settlomont of some dispute-tfmri can bo sectued by law; ', :'. -j--------- The way to Wealthi is as plain ai tho way to markpt |. it depends clrierly . Oa two wo|'d industry 'find frugality^ that is -waste [neither |,imo lior money, biitniako the best bf both. "Withoutfindustiyiqrfru- yge of fifty-eight. thcuij ovorything. the ceiling l>ARi:.-(i-RbnuF:RY ],n- Hamilton. On Tuesday overling a young man, unknown, entered the jewel- Ian ' establishment of M .'Taylor on James street, and reqiieitcd to look at somo gold watches, ctating. that he wanted to purchase ono U> prc- seni to one of the empioyees at Mcisi-s. Wauzer & Ci.'s, Three watches were placed before him, arid after examining one he said it wot Id suit, and then pulled'Out a bag of fine powder iron dnat,.'threw, the |contonts in Mr; Ta dor's face, up tw-o of tho witches and 011'. Before Mr. Ti ylor ;could recover himself the thief bad do ped. Tho snmb'mai endeavor ed tn entice Mr. Hallet, joweller, to siiow.him some watel es a shore timq previous.' tool ran lifte iu- 2 S rAnniNo A ffray> Shortly midnight, On Chris :mas morn- two brothers named Sweeney, orth Ori|lia,.liad at light alter- cation, the youngeir Sweeney per- sisti who the ret 11 time fron ing the they ig in going to visit u neighbor resides a short dis anco from louse. Thejelderbrother, who rned . from. the Statss a short ago, tried to prover t " Jerry" going out, but notfrithstaud the earnest-^expost ilationsofj1 nother to remains ind desist, both conjiinenced scitflling, nnd in tho struggle the yo mger was oyor;oine. ; , .On being released, Jorrf "seized a large knife which was lying bit tho table close by, and- .plunged iji into liif brother's stomach; inflicting a dangerous if not fatSl wijinnd.' He then fled, and la*' not; u[p to wri .ing, been heard of. -. Botjb are said hard- wort ing and : industrio is young menj arid well, rospected - : li firesi kiii<lness| and courU'.sy while pre siding oyer tb i delibenitiohs of thp Council during'tho-year, that.' is so near closed The Rcevd niado a few veiy appropriate- remarks in )ep]y. Moved by Mr, Reid second-, ed by Mr. Bui t, that a VDte of thanks be.*ed to the Clerk of this municipality for. his attention to thb business of the Township, and for the prop jr discharge of the duties of his office during the1 year. The Clerk retimed'thanks to the Council for the respect paid him by tho voto-juit passed. After which, on motio 1 by Mr. Barbour, seconded by Mr. Burt, tho Council rose, and thus er ded. a year pf as pleasant and flgreeaolo Council meetings as was lever experienced by any municipal'corporation.j WhJTyleh, Clerik. : Truth may bo violated by siloiico as by falsehooi [itself. ippinoss I gtoWs at litiaugeru guidons. as niuch our own lbs, and fs not to bt picked in for fear it sliaTl -. ' j Died :n Jail. \ ':. Last Tuesday Livening Geo.! Wil- lougliby/an old niari in poor cir-i cnnistances,.wcll l^nown in Gfielph was en'gaged at Mr. Goulding's aiic- tion room on Core St. cutting wood. A if n.t once ho wag observed to fall tr tho ground as if in a fit, and re niainbd so for nqmo time, M-r. .GJoulding thinkir gj that it was the effects pf liquor n.ore than anything else-got Consta do 'Turner,; Who. wis near by to leinovo hh'n. The a cCb and took him to1 tho gaol whom lie could bo look ed; after... About ten o'clock at night; tbo Turnkey1 went to where ho'was and found 'hat ho had been vomiting but toot no furtherlteed. Tlio following! pit r: dng on thp. place, the i'JTu :nkey was siirpris-. to! find him.' -jileirff. Ho at" once communicated th a fact! to'the auth orities and an'inqucst was hold by Coroner Hei-pd. Decoasod has lived in Guelpb for a nunaber of years. He was in ybry poor cir ouhnstances, and made a scanty liv ing by oboreirig i.bout town[cutting wood, &c. ' Bacbelo'rdorn chance. Tho git rparriod duriiig ely-......_ whicli may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It 1$ by tlio judicious'useioif such articles of .diet tlir.t a constitution liiky be gradually built up until strongienoiigh to resist dvery tcmleiiey to clfsoase.- Hundreds 01 subtle imdmlies arc floating, ' around us ready to attack wlierever there ia a weak point. -'Wo. may [escape many a fatal shaft by keeping orirselvea well .fortified with pure Mood aiul impro perly nourished\fr.1i11c."- Civil i^'riiw Gav-ttr. , - ' ' .;[ AtTOX AUXET, Wiite Wheat'...'";....... 0 Oito 1 00 Trculwoll. Spring Wheat..........' Barley......:-........... Oats.....-........... ...:, Teas... ,;.;.-.'.....;,..-... Potatoes, per .bush........ Dried .Ai>i>lc3, pur lb.. .. Onioiu), per bushel, . ., 1. Batter... .____. .. ...... Egg,,.1...,...';..-...... Hay, per ton............ Drc-i.-ied Hogs ....:.....:, Lambskins .;'....:.[:....-.-. IVlts.'..-.:.....::..!...;.... (Miickc.ns, per lt>........ . Dnok-3, ' " .-,.......;'; Turkoys. . ......: Geese " ........ <;ixtru H.1BKET4. :Fr.ll wheat, (17c to 81.01 ; treaiiwell, (J7u to 9Sc; 'apring, (GlaNgow), S^o to 05c; spring wheat (red chaff), SOc to 80c:; oat^, 3lic to 35c; [peas, fi9c to 70e; barley, 50c to fi^c; eggs, per dozen, 17c to 19o; butter, dairy pabked, 15c to lGc; potatoes, pur bag, 50c tb GOo. TOiKOXtO 1IABKKTS. white bar- months, it anc am 0 <X, to 0 SS 0 5 to 0 P0 0 b'O to 0 pS -0-35 toO 00 0 CO toO j>3 0 4'J tbO 00 0 OS tb 0.00 O 75 tb 1 50 0 20-tp 0 00 0 18 tb 0 00 15 00 tolGOO G 50 tb 7 00 0 50 tt> 0 SO O.-JO'fb 0 .00 6 OS to 0 00 j 0 05 tb 0 0i5 0 0G t<j>0 07 0 05 tbO 00 : Having adopted tha system-of doing business Basis Of l^hree MorttH^ \ye feefassbred'lt will rbsnlt to'-lli^ advaniage orotir-cosUtoers '* irdjf.n' selves, apd Weproposg showing our ciistoroeira |> fe-w ojf tht r "ill .gnjn-bjr it. Ilfiwecan get a settlement of aH'accdontse rery imi: wilPbe as good to cash, and as vre intend tb carry ithiiflint, whether tlie account [is one dollair or a Ijrundrpd, insist On, casa ornole^ interest every three mori'tlie, we have made QBMAT & & QffiAND ED U G TJD N IN P it I < E k Ot nil goods capable of reijucfion, a few instancespf irhicb we g ve belej Spring Svheat, 95c; new wkeht, .^1.02 to $1.03 j oats, 34c^ .Ijy,yi0c.to81c- ; . ' ' _;:, . 1,1 ' i 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS /^OMPLHIEiNTAKY f izrDPi3^!^, A sold i$.Tea reduced to8o cents. *. 80 cent.Tea 'rediicedto 70-cehts. 7-5j cent Tea reduced 10 50-cpnla. 40 bent Coal Oil rednced to 30{ienls.' -' ' I . - ' i: $25 Silvr Watch reduced to 1S. ' {, gl8 Silver Watch reduced to $12. =' $15 JSilvrr Watcb rc-duc^d to 810. I !" ~ ' ' 1 - ' ' .' ,8(|.50 China Tea Set reducedrto ?5.50." $6.r00 China Tjea Set reduced! t.o $5. > $1.50 Chopping Axe reduced to 1.35. 1725 Choppiiig Axe reduced to $!._. : $1,50 Granite [Clips and S;vucers reduced to $1.2 7j centfToronto Biscuits, by box, Reduced to 7 dents. M pounds Of!Bice forl. , i_ further rpduotion of 5c per lb. oh oil Teas except Our iOoTea^ when ': in S or It) lb lots. It who J. In 'view of the long and effluent scr vices of GLOKGL I A.STEBBK0OK, Esq., as Councillor of the'lownship of Nassagawcj 1, and ho having rotirod, "or his iiumcious friciula have decided tol give liim a OompliuiLiitiry Supper it { our house has II. Stinglc's Hotel, Itrookvillc, ',- On TiHuday, 2JtFb init,' I at 7 p.m '1 he public iro cord ill} in vitcd to ittend Admission 50 cents MaJinijmj Committee Isavc Smith, It. Hoi.mks A M,eGiiinoh, & Ram siiA.w, r Gou) n, \V Wat-jjv, M lie Millan, It Akiss QYSTERS, , i/OYSTERS, <' 1 OYSTERS, tho " popping "tho nsclves. has now a fair ls|. will! not got tbo present' year be said thoys-did Best Brands of BALTIMORE FRESH OYSTERS, "STODDARD'S 1 Fruit and OyvSter Bazar. AH! kinds of Temperance Drinks and Cigars constantly on hand. ActeJii, Jail 1- 13/0 I and we xnto publ ^real and glorious thing to sell good goods cheap, ud the mtny has.accoaplished this has always been regarded as'a pablio benefto , If this b s so, we think we cam justly lay some claim to-tfae title-for always been aclcnoHlodged ono of tlie oheapeit anywnere;, now making another eflort to throw cheap goo Is an d nkmej the pockets of our customers, and we aro already convinced that the ia halt it With pleasme. ' Blacksm Fron. ly oc; Sir Overton, upper end ,.c vr ..n .i-..i .itu i.a ....----------1 jl- of M n street fuUy 8ECORD BROS. J^EMO'ViL. AnthoD.7 1 Stephenson Begs to-anhou uce to hiB customers and btkdra tlutlnj has removed.Ins thing Business the old 1 tanri to tho Bhop fornier- atter d-to all k isds of General'Bl iclcsmlthlng,llorso SllDC^IIg, &c. Y Tlio patrom go of tho public icspect soIiut;od. Ac toh, Dec whtro he is prepared 1 1 A STEPHENSON 1-3, 1875. 25 }t "pRIZE PHOTOGRkPHa Trow1 is the l^lme Picture: i. Best Retouched *i d Bnrnls&ed 1 botograghs reduced dozen at the a*d doubt, flcU.rTh f*,l>r-i Ml I ooir ferJT ^Tbe for ilje ,cnl . PeTasfoBoi ." iiiitgfe^'Mr i^?|gSiio, -MfcjEnery;": jMrlBock,! '[Metaies, Hi -i-A.col 'be.teiid^ of Sfissaga-J |-25^h'Boat,; 1 jin the towr jhaa teceat ';*' 'rf;ther| /^ntl) ' faonnceajeiitj la'gageae proper time,! tide oyer Jtl apfcairs - c*n"pAmdis' ^5>?esfe 1 evexj T for rixwis* -J to $100 per Ontario Pholo/p-aph Gallery, Adorn Coll at once and obti in a good s*4 obeap picture, finished u> the bsj* style, before-prices a-e. again vanced t_ N. B Wb were aw irdei ell * first priies overall ewopefiton's* the late County Fair at Motton, OoV 13th aniTHth, 1875. Abton, Not. 26, 1875, "~ "_ He meetu I I" t 14 t t

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