Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1876, p. 3

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'?-. nfel I v :M'i' . "i']Tb above soods have been bought >y me fit loss than tho makers' cost, and I oflor for the next tiro months ,*! '. i' <h*! iXjaliiioni. j Call arty-ond sel '.Oct-. 2"; 1ST ght >y eot. I >o oheapost-carpots ,t i bo met villi in JOHN HOGG, -Alma Block, Lfyppr Wyndhiim Sbroot, Guelpli >rt 'i'-h jn^T Sar^, KA\ TKlVli. riMl: TlULi: i Trains, leave Acton is folllows.: :. - ' .co'pfa w*Jsy. ' r 'MimingMail -*f ' t ay Express ' __ Express ' ' 1 _ -' rr" Mixed ..' i^ - i -p?- >figkt Rrpr<?*s - j u- - . :; GOINti "KAST. Miwkr - - 'M -. , Alt) a.m. J-lXVp-ln/ -r>.A|p.m. T-l.'Vp.iu-. 12:43 A. m. 3:37 km; 5:20ip.m. 8:&,>l>.m. :(i 'red&i era ia irell ax : |:be sdrsaU^kf jts erery fhrw, earr^ tfc%t^ . rn Cith ornoli ,. actox rost OFFICE. - Mails going West .-lire closed at 5 :-t5 a. iru Goiitg&ast at-d-p-n>-' Registered Letters 'must bo in five toinntes bc-fdre the aboveli^urs. KnatcHbnU mail, Tuesday^ and Fridays: - ; ' ' j ipC.4 L .ViTW'S.HTr<Ts/<fj/, 6- :;.'ad,- of oiV (iuf, (o Pfrtiiv .Ueeis.of total Hc-irw, iiA id* tpttuit cfmrc}) *trr:crs, mrc!- grltjjprrvf-tempeimu'er r o&tr toe'fiit*, .. ,-<ini*JJV nfirdaj tpthftji! ir&tr.'i mail i**" , Jajfcrjedi'ny, :Wr *n f/.| L-cctiiy 'pr i'k :"'i& (imntry ' j?it?rallf.'\ .Miiitrr i-.f tfiJt iSst^Mrty i* .*r<!f\riifirk"!_ ",/Vi".-, ,'./ '.- Ccr<,C"c$gcTa&p';-i'.t c'r.'.J T***~-. TGui'Mtol 9**#t1i In >i "'.rH iiirp- ft< jtublicaii oi 1/ iVw'^fl! > cr i.\ fj ri- rifrrlr.' 4y Tnxi'-'ja'-.'-u- '. ".7, &-i: llir X.njEinw}-n".lt;rirui't*|?tI Society. At the annual meeting of the mem lc -8 o this Society, at* Brookville, last Sa onlay, 'tho' following1 officers- >vcro elf jtcd~ftjr-tho ensuing year, vis 1 Vresi. ilei.r", M. .McMillan ; Vico l'rysident, |\yte;.Drcilgc;""Seciytaty, X>. Hutcheon j .iDicet^tors Isaac Smith, VVm. Jilliott, 3je(jr Oonld, RoK>rt Holmes; M. Ct "Mehiilian, John McFhtdran, Ppnald McTnvish, t- li^cbard Thomas', Rohcrt- Coiipbell. -' , . - .. r L :~- ,, a ! ,.f ".-. A*t s*clioI Bpanl. .," - The regular moot yiy" meet hit; at tlio SoJiool Trustees \iyu held at the School Hoii se,'ou tho 3rvl;iust All tho hiera- hcrs w;re present Minnies of" last .hi;; read and adopt<eiL ._^i ..._V NEW AP.VESTiSEilEiNTS. ! Complunrntoty Smiper. ' j : J Oyjters-pfJeo-jge Shi-idard. Htdactioa in prices--! Si'^ord Brf^. - ' '"Big Sale McLeo:i, i^iiilere.ui i Co. 5 Smi polv of a Mr. Kennedy -moved; EOcomlcd by Mr. Snyder, that this Board carry out clau i03Mr>6 4M* loS of tliq Ontario School Laiv, iitrfferenco to the attend- -anct of ehflilreif 1>t\vch the"-agiis of seven 4u'd" twalvo years inolnsh-e, dnr- ir njohths" olTthe\yca.'r.'::-Cai,ricd.'.' r. Snyder moved, seconded by Mr. a tUatthis Boa^ll-ixtfUibrize* and cm- rs 5Ir. Boss to attend to the getting .1 repairs ntecsVary to be done'from uc tc LOCAL HATTERS. -/I ltd Secord Bros.'new uilver- tUcm^nt an tecoa Iphg G&B r g; i.r TL<> fir^t meeting of_tlie5riew Canncil rill':: he held ca lluudny ncit, ^ SconJi Brc>3.? c^chr.ited .r>f>c Bigtwil Twi>~ ekno^rlcdse<l to; ].v the ht in the connty. , . ' ' ' -Sclwiol Conenti<m for'this Cimnty will lie hbld on -the 23th and '2aih insi."" Milton Ti* no dooht %6onr for Monthly Fair last [Thurs- h^t thinly 'atteaded.'^'o-.viag, to tho-very bad state of the cc 33 ZBilGh ;." j&ilXi-IB ?^ - -COMMENCED AT TUiEi Mammoth Hotise, | G-ebrgbtown, Ou Friday, Jan. 1th, 18T0. The balance of our Winter Stock will bo cleared out at'...' Enormously Low, Prices. No-wf is; the time for Cheap Siiits;r JOvercaats, Shirt^ |>raWfers^ Hats, Gaps, Boots aiid iShoes, -Sliawls^ GlpiidsJ -MillQier^ Mantles, FJowfei^s, See iftat famousya3?a-wid^ ^ff^otofy,;^!;^!^ carp IQci Blaaiket s, etc!, efe No Beserve^-All Goods at B>tt(b|m Pjrices.i Bargains in erorQry departhieiLit. price s, Produce taken, as cash ;t . ! rood*, ilhe ohljr Jsali^apnrjed to ns hy J|r. BoBj.'Aaderson, -who sold ;|3^ ?, ami that he make month- lytr).p^rts to die Board fctr approval. CarrieX "'-.- Mr. .Smith h|io\Td, seconded, bjv Mr. Ha, nilton. thai the sum of (r'39'be grant-' cl t?vT-.r.lj rcpl?a5*hh(g tho Acton o<d -"Library, and that no v.-orks "k>f :o:i b^pur^h.'i^rju ^ Carried. .' lilfrtloa r Sri.ini Tru<1re*.' ' rho-annual election of ttvo trustees to tattf-'thc places of the two whose tcini "of oiScc'has' ex])ired, wis held on Wednesday. The retiring members) W re :.Mv.f rs. KT- Hamilton and, J03. 'tr sbyi. About tw'ejity ratepayers were present, -tlr. McGarvin was chosen C! mirair.n an-.l Mr. C. S.: Smith Secre tary.'"" ' ; , S.::n"cl". M'">rc" was nominated dy Horace Hall, seconded by Jos. FearnleV. HoraceHall was nominated by- AJe.x , .K ennedy "find C S. Smith. '- [ Joseph Kfiarnley was nominated-by K i Snyder and Samuel.Jfcore. . Joseph T-nnby Was nominated lyAlex.. K ennedy and C. S. Smith. '-,._ Moved hy"Edward Moore, seconded b- Alex Kennedy, .that two of thoso n irninated 1*3 elected ; by a' show of h. -hds. i : I \ \ r - I '. Samuel MitKirc received 8 votes; ITor- ' a< c Hall; 1Q i Joseph Feamley 3, and Big Br (faction. THE CCODS MUST BE 90LD. Prepaid fc r Bai-fjraina Note the piicrs 0 . ' in - BfewarQ v. of Counterfeits. For tlio prot action 01.the public of Brit ish North America, I deem it my duty to state tnnl my i'n.r.s ani> Oxnt.mkk* aro nollhcr mam fnctured nqr sold In Kuy part Of tlio U.N ITEI) B7 ATKP.. '."' Ettflli l'ot 11 tl HoX bears tho "CrltlKh. (JoveVnnient Utamp, with tho. words -" HOM.OWAV ) 1*11.1.9 ASD lOJ-N-TMKXT, LaKDoy," engraved thereon. On- tlie label Is tlie mi iross, 55U Oxroliv SxnnET, Lonhon*. I ' I - ' Tills notice (inp become ne-ccsfnry. In eotiBenueneo <i Viile "nil upurious liulta- Uoi)soi"llollowiiW's Tills ami Ointment," bclnh'fubrlcnt en-Lane, New lies siyllnir "Holloway ii ai) Siumed tUus^> few of our load- iilcs';*. : - uth, 40o;pcr jet. 'tweed, r.OcTpr yd." 4ts, ^3 00.; . i . ". Tb^ Halton (|o!inty Q^iincII' for, the correrrt'-yeir will hivcomfvjse.! .~t the foil >wjngr.bierab.,re : ~\V. It! Ly. JtRP, W. H. Yoiina, J.- I?3r.r:-er, j|>eph. I*-is!lyTi. . Tlic_rp being a tie, the J.Tv>ldij '.......J~......" 'f ' - - --'- ..... ifeEnery,' Dr.; Bnck, .Menzies, J .'/ A- : s ! Tea, when: -lit adtho Baw-^ blic bttat&C .ne^iaop*'-?: IROS. - ,t---- rier Barol#i>d |1.W per ::if \\. Clay,:'J'nlinjWarrcu, W. I>r. McGarvin, if. t'lvm'-jntu,- ,. "Hj Itotiinsog,-J.' Kam^ay. J. !e"nry Kosterpnd Thos. Alton. -: -"- - A complimntirV3U]iper is toj Le Icaderojl to 3Ir. Gc-ijrse !Kastrb?oah, of Xassagaweyiy ipn" ti)e evening' of the 25th jmrt.,|as *. token bf,t!)e. appreeia-i '. tion of histjoFg :acd. yataabla service in the township conncij, from "which, he has recentty; retired, j We 'have no doubt tEere |will be 1 ve*y lange-and. ' enthnsiastde gathering ^>'n .tee occasipn. The.TnajsWig eokmnittfce make the an- _^OtriiceiBent| in another polnmn, extend- &eQeril invitation to alL ' . i -SSeconf Bros, h^ve made an other grand reduction jin price3. This . firm certkiiily dtiserve'the thanks as . #eU as flie i Extensive patropage they re- _.qre.fe>r this efforts they arle constantly Ttnlrnig to place cheaj| goods, in the '.; hanijs of coitsSmeJB. Their present reu i&ttion in prices {is mide jnst at the pfopeKtime. and TrOt hejpjthc. people to tide. :qrer ,t|he- p^eyailiaJl, hard Mines. Extra heavy Full p Extra heavy Woo Extra heavy Blan S'p!epdid Shawls, fei:60 Spicndid .'.nckets, ^1.50 Fur Sets,. 52 00. Extra heavy Flannels, 25c po'r'yordH Extra heavy Factory Cotton vote in favor airxnan.gave his. eastin; Mr. L:i.iby."';. \ _ *"'. The.feoanl.foV lS/Cwill consist of'the liowing members : C S. Smith, Ed- wird Moore, Alexl Kennetly, Eli Sny- d. :r, Joseph Lasby, and- Horace Hall. .800 Ladies' Wincejy 50c each, i iin-f Fancy Drcsa oer yard. i'ul New 200 pieces Plain Goods, I24c 100 pieces;Beaut ^0c per van! The above is o; illy a few goods which We ipall offer 10 pr yd Skirts, nihde up, Serges, ines of at this our Big Sale. Ke^nember this' iB' to be the grandest we have ever <jpntcmpIojt"i ' Call and see us iP you want 1 (iOOPS Al PASI PRICES. (ed. to buy Ii appeargitOibe their c*n provide itheir patri the. lowest - possible' pi -them erety saccessy' ]fjf CareqMaileBi*, ', ,;5Ve invife bJi^ho can |do so, to !send ^ of iniisnaJ ocgqrreniMB in aiy part of the County... "v^rjte-oD one si<le of the paper p^y. ilajl t-onr letters on.Moada^ or tfi6^*^. ixt)>e (svw f insertion' in the ttasi dtfeEAs of the same week. .-!" how they j tb 1 > th<! Editor of thK Free Prewt. . Sin, You ' amongst others may per- clance,.have noticed tho mined condi- ti in of ithe.:fences and other wooden st:-u!ctnre3 in our village.- One of ur. ci ;izens has at 1 length"Tdiscovercd .the" ca ise of all. this havoc, in the shape of a nost pertinacious cow., This animal lately industriously gnawed a passage tlarotigh the southern wall of his domi cile, and with perseverance-, worthy of .'/.Petective Kyder," appropriated a bag of] x>oultrj- feed, and a straw mattrass, .pijciceeding with still.unsated voracity tof demolish the contents of a feather bfi 1, and a large quantity of unipanufac- Sn -ed fur. She was with' difficulty dis lodged from her position by the old of a xiiler-of hot Water and a pitchfork ; re uming, however,; next., morning to th scene of her depredations, at which sp' it; all preparations had besen made to pr rtiect tho trembluig occupants from We shall bo. pleased to cuKtomers, and whether they vaut Tu" JV"o trouble to to buy or hot. nhow Goo<f>.~1i gee our stock Irasti dt n very yotrhy KclUnc liollojvnv'n IT aro mnnu'fitct Btrecti Ix>ii<lon Persons who be pleased Ml c< o.l at 7S Moid- A'oric. by par- 'MtptruJBlvea Unprincipled vendors can obtain this - -' ' -"loivrrtce. audiodeceive tlio sutiH! for 4iJ- gcniiino In i nniV'O'ntnrfJit, wlilcb ired ifnly -t 5!B, Oxford o" 1 necsTlitf olluili'l'my me.11clnrs til r-t from iierc. Iiiivo veiy properly sue- mhj- be so deceived -wilj mmusilcnte wlili me Many respectulile^llrms In the British 1'ro ' '"' " ' ' SintlvS aoFV;nn.u.,lle. Insert, their iiniues in II," i-:neiis, lliat It tuay be Known lliafmv medicines Can 1 ho Had ^ i"". MmwTni r."hj.t.'ori'l nrths allml: e.l 10: ai'vl i p..rt!ulari..- rorommen.. tnose wboUeslte tb clt my metlicliies to apply to some df toe Hortsts named.- tVASs, MrncE i *,Cd, Mpntrcnl. _- Avkky, unow - A Co-J Halifnr, N. S. FontsYTH-ts Co.JlIiillftut. -N-S. - - Son?, St.'Jo'm, W. B. H Ai.t, po., Ol'arlolletown Victoria. B. C. ' ' cirirln, H.t! .'-- ;vj Ciffttliam, N. 1.5. T. Jt. MAUKEH* Apotkf..:ai:ie-s L*xoS.r.Y * Co vioont A Co..|V Pr. Jfiix:- Vmi.t. t MusiBiiCft, Moinrejil. J Wisaat-iL'ri. Hamilton, Ont, H. J. Kosk, Ton nlji. , - A CiriPMAN Sji itb, Sh John, N. B. John Iloxn, uoi erirliLjOut- ' KmiotA Co.,T)ront<W - , J.CliALO>T.K.P^Johh,A.IJ- I IIaxingto.v Ih: itberh, St. John. >,JJ. 'it.S Pninnv, \Moklsdr, Ont. I . .Mrs.OnHEX, Monlen.N.H. - OEOitar.t\ Husr.Jun., Kredcriclom J..B. \V II. TiioMi'Ku s- Jlnjrbor Urace, X.F.u. J. M. WlI.KY, rrl'djirlplon. >. U. W. & I). YUIi.r, MOiU^nl. , CliAs. 1. DAViah 1| rcfltrlcton, 1..B. Tho mi-dlclneM aro mild ut'tho lowpst wholosnle net pr ces. In qoni.titlCjt or not loss than .20 wo tl> ylr.i, 8*. Od., 22s.,-and 31b. per dozen braes wCrills or pota-or ointment, for wliloli, renilttantss must be NDt in advar, ^ m g HOXjJjOWrAT. 533, Oxford Stroo!, SV. q. London. Ju 10 lstj 1675. ii_ VTEW COOD^ McLEOD, ANjDEBSaN MamjCnoth House, Georgetown N. B..--Rememb'er bur Ordered Clothing and MilUn|ory'Pepnrtmou'ts, ! ' ' - .MbL.vA.a OeorBctoBn, Jan. 1], 1S7& with goods at "We Wjiah J*- fin tM 4 ^featperancei ConvekillenL .^/fhe. ^uArterly County" Temperance. ^Sinverition in--connection with the Sons of .Temperance in Halton County, will helheld at-Palermo to-day, commencing - \iik '*9on- - -4X1 L>i\isjonsfis the pounty -v 'fill probablyr be'largelynexiresented. A ^buc.meetipig will;!* helil:ij the'eyen- kig, at whicli ail are invjggd'to- attend. > feTo'city. of her attack. Boy^ "For Caps: <.]. Men'aFijrCapi ^HijrJui^-ajrtKa, fined ^d^nnlincdL te3?m Abora good\ to bej^old at panic p e|.in order to cfcar thbm afF, before Wi-awinc. ATow. is your - J^ime top M Uo'uicj 0 coVactown. HEIGH HptOPi There is every reason to^Jbeheve that sh "is one, if not the'leajder,of .ah organ ize 1 gang of omiiiVora,i whose ravages . do ibtless will.increase" with the impa- njt y they enjoy. <. . - " I'ould not a vigilance^ committee he orf anizcd/rand ill "the interim the ser- vic 3S- of Mr. Kyder be profitably ar*. pli id ifa this case, as: far o]s his othci; art uous ""duties will permit! It is to be hoped that the'Municipal Council wij 1 make T^oniei provision jagairutthis ter -orism oe of lthsir. first acti, ajid re lic e from further anxiety,'_ ' '" ' ; . *' -r. ; ":'. - j ctou, Jan. 3; 1S7. " -' '_' i I !ee fcJtst famoris yard-wide cotton, "firs; ijuaiiiy, ojily. 10 cents" a yard, at' C& fstle, Henderson &:C6, 's. -^ itatlie^', ;G<;pt's and-Missea oyer- shoes at and under first post^ to clean out] for-stock-taking, atrChristie,. Hea der :on & Co^'s, Acton. -." - ' " ] low is the time" for cheap, 60i6p, ove eSats, shirks, drawers, hat, 'caps, cloudsi. shawls, flannels, etc, Christie, Hei derson & Co. Coffer "decided bargains, in sSbdvB lines, t. leMn the yroA of tak ng stock. ; ; J lots Bottom Prices. -Gbtiitie, Her de^eni&Co;, preparatory to taking Btoc k, will'offer decided-bargains mafl! line 1 of Fall and^ Winter goods,'boots ad shoes, etc. jpon't fail to seonre" a bar^ ain. ^Mohcy sayod is money made. WMsth^ Matter? Why any person who wants a good, 0ol(i, iSilye: and cheap SST OP HARNESS, .: : ^^ i] Roi3T, / Creech, '__ MtlJblV STBEET,-ACTOJT, Who is always ready, to supply ous- towers *ith everything usually kejit in a firsUclass flares Sh9p. .; . ; -Harness made to-order on: the shortest possible np(tiee. 00iuih&RS A SJTE0IALT7 Student's1 Microscope With Dissectini .Apraratus,. for ex amining ' insect plants, flowers, cloth, circulaticjn of the-blood, ani- malcula in wate &c., 50 Cents. Pips: Lighters. Tnera fBztrators. . .; -Byct Opoaarsi Always useHil, flways answering, ali ways instructive- j Platiriff {VTorks,. 148 .QCJES EP STSS ST, 5JT7BLPH. Uor. 18,187A B.<!I?EBCH,Aclon. John Kirklidm, Prop, \>jj, j jManfi(i^tdrer^* |u9orterot j7\, JBrcecll'antl Hjnzzlc Loading ; Kiflc(, Shot C tins, &c. Revolvers 'oj' all deseri itlons always on j' . -> ._-: Jtifiid. Asraro NIT] ON FOB Po1 verful Pocket teiqrbieojfe; ST0 0S In every,Department. a(j tho iJegs to Intimate tnat hls"ptock is nojw^omhlf inform the ladles or Qnelphnud surroundlris, FashldrilibfeGiKxIsls the flnostbo Uafe ever suhn^lti uftenUon is lnvlte.i to Our Sijk and press De ShaWl and Mantle pep Milliuery Department F-ur^ Fancy "Woolen Goods y Blankets, Fiaunefs^ All of wolot 50 QE^l'S. Best - Finished hfieading" powerful magnifying power, forflowJ ers, photographs large ajid cheap, st qcRot new goods at -I3 and pictures. Bv 1* '^' (Jcslph; Oct. I2j' 1S73.' iHosi ejry, Kid iGrloyes, Tweeds, &cij we are prepared to cutlat the ycry lowest rrlces* - ' BUCHAM, Pashloni ble West End Dress, 111 lllnery it nd Mahile;ETtalfUshmeht. 0HBSEi3T:a4NJ) ^DRip0ISTi CIIEAP B^KSfoREr' J iyndham Street,^- On East sido Vi '?. f~\ ""' 1-' AliL BREECH bOAPINa i lKMS Ely & Ky.ooeh's CSa'r ridtgo,Oanen and Caps for re loadlpe sB rne. Re-loaders, Jie-eappers, Qap Elect irs, Curlers, and CreaBors.OleaolnirKodE and all articles nenessarrifpraSporwnnn's outfit. All sarta of Repairing*, and"-Jobbing* executed oh tlieshonies .notice at it i Ouebob I Itroet.' ' nomine open from 10 JOH !< E1BKHAM. Callc'ry'bti Ihe premlyes-r o'clocita'.Ei. toiop.m. 1 OR SALE. : Village Lot nu.mbbr IT, in Block mimj- b'er 21, on which ~t loro is a rortgh-cast. cottage and framo b irn, with hard ahtL oft water,, situate 01 Church and Maria.' streets, in the villaj e of Acton. Title, indispuiable. Por price, and partfcu-, lars apply to' W. Al LAN, of ActonJ. MAiteA^B'r f Viiasii MoBjAT.' Acton, Dec. 22, ljflS. " . 26-4t' , .Has rerxidved Ic TToftoerly occupied, bj refiti^dt. " 1 :. ,r,A . large-b to ok of al.waya:on faand.J:: .^ i ;':%t6h|N6'v: S.'is'X the Bricjk Ibriig0pr&;p'i5:.:MiB;8>.,TT.:;. ^ 'j ^ J-'Vjje Iftt'a t)&. ZA&X&ll- whictb h*a been! erilkrgetl an Dwiga, I Medicines. Fancy ..Gopds, TQilefcArticlei,. &o. - , I -1 - .'-.' - . ',' ;: '.... . '! . " -V- _________________r.4j;bf all kiridsi neatly and proinfotly exeonted^atthCi FBEB PBES^ OFFICE, jdPKINT| Next tuc ros oaic i,' mih strctty ('Is. i^ U' '3' and * .M 1:ll ^estds Iof '.', 'i' ' -. -. .. 'j ' - --i " - iTHE; "FMlcaE OFFICE. :',."bmtfil>iFiii-'":'i.;.L r.'f m fine-I, poiti Wor s Bosksj. Di sis, teti)cl^t?cls}i iftujlogrophle tlm,mi[ .'" V* . juvenile " --'"'" i:' ' ^ ' Tio Haest-.tod - net QaSiB V ;:i|; - ; :># SIO Worift.1 '^-; ;-|r Coodls DAY'S B30M5

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