Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1876, p. 4

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P^^iSp^^^lll y ! 'U **P m-y---&-%n urn 4~* t-t- -SuiFoca tiOii by lOil Lornpa.. Attfekeitfi'ldrottdtmstjiiM nighf, .i.--oi joiirg ladiesj muifrd Braidy v;i:ne iu>a) losing their lives friuvi .. {locution rby gAagtnerulied from ti. the givls . vvi-iUt-d- us the ko:tso" of M\ J. V "Husjton,, jyud 1 oji sjistar \vas -<ying.ov.rr-night villi Uur. Somo n"(j during .the niglit oiyo of-UiGin , * up'lo jjot sonneting tooth-acje, nud vhou Hr*r-l ;^- t-;:j'rf-'f;J * t Wrh -^V - -1 tn i- - ?" :=%m- 1^0 v J-j! > H" - * ~r*T - r;\0""- 'hi* F. V :" ^K.\- .4- W y3^i '3' S^B-/!-' r -.v.J- ^! i n -! > Ll- ^ . - KT - h*' .-Vf-.-L'f- i <> r. vui|U- B? ^~ -.ii;;:Ui . K?1 *:--TH?-#i1 * Jpf; '..4' WU , * *; (* ' ^* ' *;'<?. ,i-M1 - r-" -1 j ~ .^ -:^H||l,'r- PH'- N. -- ' : V. t<^ rvliovo. , - r_- ___ sifo Vent ack to upd slib turned down iier. it out. ,Iu Arwiiigtuu'l hii could cetlio al f^-vl a sjocoad niuTi jS^a ,, -.\:'-'^!:^.-! P*% s:4 : -:: '[>?.r^ fe"k~-..; rife*? "' J"" ' *i f" " "" p IW.1 m. m> A GRAND CLEARIN lpt illStJ^ut of J>H)till; 'i'i;tT"iilorni:!g .whi-u Mr. ^.iflod tlui gir! (!_>'.vcr, and ho .f'tiaul'.tjfjVtV.-. TI;b h-.-^'t time tie " Vnd nuvdo. so' a:ch "lioisb tliutohe of tUo pels ^vhs-aw^b-noil, :iuil slii1, though vk, managed :U> ppeJA1 the d^or. i-i-T feistot was" unconscious, .^nd Mas ;:U-ouiLxl with"' difticultjv It vyas a harrjw scj\p^' for thewj and . ihia case ; should I* a .warning" to ":-orj>le who axe -iii tho liabit of " nnina down, kiirosexie lamj>s.^ - .i.'Attatif JWn- I. / ' To-tho above tie iMoutrcal Wit ness dds * lo following .remarks,: iSu^fiocat on is noti tho I only 'daH- cer. jfrofli :trnj^i]g dowii wicks'of v*al oil laj ups. "Th^ coal oil cou- Kvned fills the Rtf fiill of carbon <3r; 'hunp black, wh.ichisoila (flrery^xing }ii the roc m, beside^ beiBg 4ravm ^juto the iangit ad | lodged tin tho **yea Mid . nose.- Another more .^serions evil Ja thef--gfet: danger of; j-jcplosion. '- VVhftn : tfje lamp is 'r Jatned, 4ojr,jtije:Qaj} beoomea hot * Kecause tie 'jjlrajfti is; ijpternjpted, J&ttd vapop of tfce oji j taiw>s gre from .the widt, jbjlowedi by explosion of 1 she la top. Several ?very destructlte fines-have .jesn .tr&aojd to' this cause. 1?he las^p tlwuli- he pat put by liiowkig *oross tbe ^op of t&eabiuv :icr. pit is not eebno^iy to trn law down a coal oil lamp. Mofe _ U is <ay\sij)p>f>i than; when:in full niast,-1" la1 tba use of coal oil, gas, gasoline,' or - tallosH dips,'roteihal vigUanftB U the prifie of Kfety." Jt would be a very deeirable thing for' t*achere in the cott>Dn" schools to "give a few practical lectures on the icture of coal Oil ajnd .gas. how to i-..-jistge fires, and bow to treat tie ' -owned *nd fuink. If ten lives p.fa! saved in one yar by- aach, an sluoation, it is worth the trouble." a THE QOtDEN OF TSB 4^i6isr > Ij ^i-TJEiL^ia: Having hrrangeti for extending fai too largest business'in. Western Ontario, I havd m r Stook, at present OTer one hundred thousand dolara, so ns to-enable mr, early In the Bpring, to make the naoded altera tic us and iniprdvemenit inj njy store. This extensive I ?ale, the most seen in Guelph, ii creating quite an excitement, being no newspaper hum b' ig. It must ne> done,- antt the Lion will do it. d iced prices: ' ' -i Striped Silk at 25c a ya,rd. Striped and .Plain Lustres Lworth 50 3 for-1. "- The very best Silk made now, at 62 Jc, worth $1, -~ ' &. beautiful Stock of Fnra at 1 a sjti $2J00(Twortii of uew Fancy Clou Us, Scarfs, Son fogs, Madeline Squares, it graatiy reduced prices. .] Adios, boo those goods, \tha Giielpn. -.' ., Id Men's Wear,; *y are selling for 70c north Si. Heay^jFulted Grey Tit 37io,-wokh 70o. Home Made 303. U is'impossible roduoed in prioo., iso Flannel, sold all orer at^Oc, reduced at this sate to to;speak of all this largeistOck. Sufiice itto say all bring your pasjrio tho Lion, and reap tho advantages: 11 AnOibhzr Beduction FREE PRESS, AT D. MoNAIR flN Mill! ;\ j my already by. determined to reduce wonderful ever Sotice some of the re- Butter, Acton, NERY& FANCY GOODS ALLAN Call and see bur beautiful Btiok of "Woolea Qoodi, Millinor7. Oreso Goods, Ob Jdioa'a Suits, ^aaoordasiiory, Ooatlomoa'o Furalshlag Qiois, .' _ Toilet Artlolon, Toys, ' Boriia ^Tool, etc the best Ttfeed Eggs, Nov, eto. Tolton plonmiro ;ln [intionnclnit to ' h public.Konornlly.ihut ti;o ltf prepared, to furnl.slj . Flrst-olasa Horsos jaad O&rriaies : HIr Rigs nnd Hotboh itro tho bout that can b<> limi,'atiit IioIh ilet<mi,ilnod not to bn BiirpiiKH'.'il bv anyfilty Htublo. Aoton Julyjlat, 1876. G. T. MILL Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER IN Also a idea sjtock of J E W ELER Y to r B0,d off wry low, HOLIDAY GOODS In great variety, just received, to be rushed of! at extraordinary low prices i , , Poultry, etc, taken in exchange for g^ods 17, 1875. ANOTHER LOT OF PLATED \l&i J. D. WILLIAMSON, See the ti olden Lion over the door. e^ Go o<h OPENING AT MeBean if ^-iv M^' ' ' - 4t.V-^J " v$v*- fey. fiJ--':-Mir-:y/:n--:o ...... fed. ^ -'. E"it..'. ':;-...i<-.-.V:;-.v^T-. ,=iT?.i-:r-i*iLii "*. f-.i --i . : 'ESS?;/, '.-" t ^^.-il' ferat^^ ' . " E'J r.Cilj p||^i r"^MS:Cyi ^venWlin Britikt's E^story. The Historic Ministries f the j^st half century (have each been . iiirtingaished by some great work .ecomplished. The Duke of "Wel- /Tittgton's ' Ministry! of LS28 vtw. i Cutholia, Emancipjitioni-decreed! ":trl Grey's Government of 1330 .' -vill be ersr memorable -for the ' Lord ' Melbourne's iliiiisjtry of 1S34 gave :Lu peo]ile therNew Poor Law; Ms c--cond Admtniotrillion :is disiin- !bhed in the pagjes of- liistory by :' : great meiisura of ^Lmicipal wjwration Reform ;' Sir Robert ."".'. el's ^Goyenarceqtrof '1S4J. wjt- . sjed the repeal of ihe Oorn Laws^ -ordi.Derby's third jlinistry took . ieHp^n the'dark, and eststblish- rd Household jSufjrasie ;" -whilst in 3Ir. Gladstone s~ brilluint rule of six yeais'thp IHalj 'Lucd"Act, the Irish CLcrch uVcti.the -Education .Act.-'therBailot-Adt, the Abolition .'T .Purchase in'tUe Arruy, jostle ^ These . re iii "taeir -wat gfeat "osbievev n;ents-^-heroic tutj-in-es. ' It isot i'ji^Jijffk bf dariftg'o]r capacity thaty 3Irr'*aeli'lias uji-ned aside.from' .Lei pitli of- -alventure in sitaibir ' latitu4% , Yon will tin'd the mark vi hy] hand mord tor less Lightly wrfeteu.* on; each of the. measures j;^d.|.nd for '6nej he is chie'fly, if :- k-j absolutefy, responsible. But touching, atid a lowness that is not with'ont its'..dignity, be has in these latter years ejected, to bj fjja Ofenferella ' "wf the brigbt Eitc<:eoirion'of Premiers, and whilst- qthers |of bis kin bava .. Jaunted in 'the upper rooms and taken daring and daagerons flights < vtlong the hoiisetops, be is content r fo stork in thb^itchen, tfpon what, . in household;phraseology, is cum- jj'rehensiyeiy dfis^ribad ag "doing 2)>* gleatiftig np." CONSTANTLY ARRIYING AT THE - . ' lCENTR^L EMF>pR1UiVI, 4 MILL iT^ZST, ACTON. / - ;-. ;". Winter- Stock of : " .- ; GOODS DB"Y J- f Q^AJtfg OP GOLIl Socia|. rules are no criterion; our pyra conscience is fhe 4.n!y umpire, ^Womeu 'arp nevejr" [isbspaF/is fop ;it\iarHj jtbouglj ^imid ! foj- thenxf * |l .' ;. Ib-faf&b'fi nian'8 psdigj^e whictj "'. e 8bou}|l\care for, but "bnjy .4tf& "- ..Irtuea;/ -.;'. T W"bije wp dip inpfinfcd to forgive Jtoo'HttJe, y/P are a|)t.40 forgfet pop ji.uch. .'_ -.; : i '"- ^xercjas theuTjrOst liberal cbarity - ^ojjthers, bgt-yery little towards _ jourself. ' ,: _^r i." Advice. *bough dispensed whole- i le,'ii rasa-, ed but in; yer)r smill \.4ij&*r. i" ' -'r " "j :\V-T -Adversity jLs a great a4atbr,; '"id imebt* m*r titi? tha a41 the ^hools/ Natural ajbtionsare^lvyayagratfe- '^it^. - It is affectation !' y. wbifth_~ aurg .our manners. ,*--' Preachers' 4>o often aittack tiie riii-ancbjts^.in pjaee of* }>]&> fpqty pf .-'- ue)'tiB.f VH- \-i~'*'\ -" Old'#& fa pffen beautifnl, and ^.ro'pe' ^t n? the^ctiildhood -iif unnjorta]jty| i i Eraggeratioia is thq; vifle, We . ih neither eojbappy nop Ui .wfetck- iASan \po tljinlj ' ' ; Cien^us.iS tbe^gojd i: xgtji i miuo]*iut is tb^e-j^ifeor' whij^works and j^^pwt;];!. ... AfflD READY-MADE CLOTHING -; ; SELLIKG1 CDj^1^ -. . V. At-GREATLY REDUCED PJlICES. G RElA:T B A R GAI N S ! Aw ofFeredToroasb or prodn >e,' " Ip. G-rdceries, Crockery ^andj r^Hassware Will'be found a oompleta aisortmont of tb)best quality, "i j. isf, isacAiyriv. Acton,- 3>eo. 29, '. 875. Ulcerated Sore Legi years' sf Stabdlng Oeleljtated .Qiatmaat harn CAJ^fcE) TUB POOR MAN'S FRIEND l conftdontlp recom mended to t)je .,. ^n unJulllng:re|medy lor ffODSili of. every degcriptloo: a certain pure for .....~ > ' ' * ------------------------- K Bruises, Oltllbialna, Scorbutic Krup'Uop*; evn of Wfltuy Cbis, Buriif.-Spaldii, pud Pimples on nin Face, Sore .and ln flamed Kyeu, More -lead*, Sore Brows, Piles, Flsiala, 'and Jauc roug Hnmonrs, nnd 18 a Bpeciflc for I bosn afflicting Erup tions Jlmt sopietlme ' follow vaclnnatlon. gold In Fots at In. 1 id. and W. M. eaeh. Dr. Sobortt' Filu: Aatlscwpaula Or.AL'rEKNATIVi: PIfctiB, coDflrmed The subscriber begs to announce to .the inhibitants of Acton and vicinity that he has commenced the harness business in the Old iPosi; bffice Buildiiig; MILL I iTKEET, ACTON, wberis be ii; prepared to turn out work seconc to none in the Dorbin __________________________Ion. a#flbin aa the cheapest, and by sliy yeart" experience ti> -belpne-bf.j on the sbo "test possible notice. I tbe.besvniedjclnes !vereompoan<Jed.for ha-i .n hanl n. ^a.rrra nnrl tll aa1.m. purifying tl)e Ijlnod, and a*sUtlng Notar&l !"?? R "***a f* Ia"fi ana WU SOleOU In her operatloas. -Jpiice thoy ore n-At| ea Stqeg ot In Scnofula, Boorbat e Goraplalntf, Qtan- dnlarBwei'lngB.'pajtloalfirlF tbose of the NecKti&e. Theyforfna mlljlahdsnperlor Kamify Aperient, wbleb rrp>y bo taken at alltfwes withoutcinducrireot.or clianEe of dleu Holil jn Ilexes'at lg". IJdL^s.Dd., 4. 8d', 1U. t ud'^s. each.. i^ ffTHB,PP0PaiKT0BS, ; j; , BB4QS AN! i BARiCdTT at rnkiB and by all ret pec t*hlo Medici - . ;,j FfiEEPRi;SS OFFICE, ^eaft |ihc ?op Qa ice, S)UIJ ^recj. .J endorsj Steam CarriagelWag on MAIN SfREET, ADTON. MICHAEL SPEIGHT, General 1 Slaeksmltlt, Carrfoge and ^ V^agon Haker Best Jiorse-SHoers in tie County P>rfeoj > sat4sfaotion guaranteed or no p lee charged. FIRJST--CLASS ^LOWS AND fGOLLABL)'S PATENT IRO^ HARROWS Always on hand. A Crooci Sjbpck ,of Carriages!and '"Wagons. B^PAIRIhG promptly and properly attended to. Aoton) July 1, ip5. " " ' ESS SHOP. MP-tOWN HARDWARE ~i t . Designed for the Christmas Beasbn. BSAUTIFUL: LAMPS AT FRIGES UNPARAtLED IN CUELPH Alma Block, NE DJOIESON & MeHAB'S. E . FLANJ And ^ot jer propprtion. Acton, Sept. 23, A- LINE OF; ARE STORE LI Guelph, Deo. AT " A. 18, 1875 W? FALL G McBEIAN & CO.'S. ODS ARBIVING DAILY AT - Do not fail to visit the AST E j And examine those pile3 of WINGEjYS, ranging fi om 10 cenb j upwards, Also <hose COTTONS, all best Canadian makes, ranging from 8 cents upwards. ELS, from 25 cents upwards Staple and Fancy DICKSON & :875.-r D General Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Wall Pajpor/ Window-Blinds, Crooker3r, i ' r >: Qlass'W'aro,! ' ! Glass, j.' ' 1 ' ?ntt7. Linseed Cil, saw- & p^uei 'Paints, Turpentine, I Machine Oil;,-'/-- Coal Oil, :: Salt, eto. :Y? The subscriber begs tnjietnrn bit; thanks to tho tubnbitumsol Acionnndsurround ing country for .the liberal'ioimge heretofore extended to 'blm, and at tho same time solicit tbelrfurther support N.B.-CnsUPold'forHides delivered. : ;.'! C T HII..L. . Acton, July 1st 1S75.M ;' .. is now complete, is larger, better assorted,j more, aitnetiyi : i\ cheapor. than, ever before, cffirnprjing jn part !2?jweo4, Overco&tlBffa,"iD'ross Goods, la;Pyoaeh,irlao,.Oo'sv^m ill nla m!4 , ^^Figutbfl FlaaaelB"; ^iacoye,-SMrt3r SMriwi'jlTaiiJfe. (~:rf oalirta . and, Draw-ore, * Pelt, 1drt I BHa&iii *' BIaafcets,":All "Wool |Sablo' Ooyor,-(very pretty patterns), O|oad0, MufflMi - Hosiory, <Jlffv;^a, Sollaals, " ^Ta^lo Liaons, Towollagrfl, Factory aatt, Sleacaod Cottoas, . ladles' TZJAtft juik Ladicg' aad ^oatB'Tico, ftc^, :8. ;" " " aad a very good's|ock of, BOYS* -liifp. MENS^. H^S ." CS-roceries, Groclxery & I?, Ttlai VJ kSI y Call early, and saourej bargains'. titbn, Oct. 28, 1875. ! A Urge, stook of Boote and Shoes, of^ttie veryjbest maria aclorr, is* l)&;n|receLyed at. i '; ' .. ~" GRAINE 6c SOWS NEW MILL STREET; ACT0N. A tultline of all sises for ; Will be found to select from, at pi ices as low as can be b*d any#b*l ,i !; Special attention is, called to our- , j . : . r CtTSTO.M yWORK, whioh at all times'receivi Te ction guatanteed. , our careful personal snperision.; Repairing neatly and promptly attended, to. ; Dry Goods in MeNAB. eOTS ANB WANTED. Sortie I Bias tots, "WTiiss, Srosfi,e. Com'38, Traaju, eto. Uepairine promptly attended \o. Give me a o>ll and be convinced. J.F. DEMPS^Y Acton, Ndv. 25, 1875. TOA&pi l>OR SALE. j . bon(j{F44 acres of land, TADDDiitwiin'ii -JiiL. --j. -"B*.-TOflw acres ot iana, weu .T9^PRT1 N f .aijklnd 'wooded, bettgltho east half of l.Lot-j21, ^ xeutly and|ptiy^Tatth.0 ^ the grd concession, in the Township Far particujajs address, Vpi, Ssquesiflg l:^-inP,0.y THOMAS 'GAHVINt jf)nt,> Nv, ?o/j875, eo: ^S, I ' AT PANIC PRICES. KENNEDY Have just received their Fail Stock of Boots aiid Shoes, And ark determ lin ed to continue, to sell oheaper than the cheapest, and 'better value for your money than can be hid elsewhere. Call! and I3ee for ^ourSelvbs and! bring jrour : !' ! Friernis with yoyj. Kxaiilne'our i took which comprises everything in and most dlegan; styles and patterns of English, Canadian and American manuffoturo. . IHJ" Ordei s promptly executed and good fits guaranteed, W.B.r-All aooc unts must bo settled this month rVACO JAMES ANDCARRIACE FACTORY. RYDER, Proprietor. jWasroav ";. ." j -'Oarriagesr j. .'. V! .Slelilia, > .' 'i Outter,-*e. Kept in stock andlnade to Order on tb* j . - Bhortest fJottce^ . .' Strict attention! paid to j. ' Soxse-S&oelnsr fie Creaeral Jo^Mar. i and satisfaction guaranteed. .. Acton July 1st,. 1875.. -' Having, adopted Iho Acioin Nov, i, h COR 18T5. the trade'of the latest A KENNEDY BHSS. JOB PRINTING !. Of every description In the best^ and inost at- traetive, styles, , !" ' '"/-' promptly executed at tlie FREE PRESS OFFIOE, (In. Matthew's Ne^: Buildings) AGTOm I J. H, HACKINfi L.- 1 .Prpprietor. Actt^,sip And discount for cash of J. . ate. Offll Streets, f -! - -! 1 :> bMur] GHE1 \'t - 1 fiti ' SS ' i^i:'c<^*^iitJ lineoub*' 3t Yj . ^Cajrim i EIGHT CENTS ON THE for three months past, (would-take this.opportuniSy I ':t'-'HJ:' ' ', \ \. Sy3i;em Has Proved Most S l numerous oostomera and also to my.aelf, I will ; ; ^ Sell QoodB as Low as any House in tho 8P] Customers satisfied of count syii1 Doing a, Credit Business, and:will igivo F.W GENT pISCGUMtt'OE OM no doubt avail themselves of the disooiint. and satisfaction to all concerned,in tie < ^1:^' ttlfj I \: \ Proinit paying monthly oitstpn|ers considered *s; <4*bi iaij" ^lie Idispount. \\ V".' '-',..: "*' ii -:^ '"'" : 'r f6* jail Jprids 'df "pscSBsi Convy|af c: r, IsBtter pf Marriage Licenses, In Age at Money to Loan, Agrent Montreal JFiel* fonVta Dir, Cortr 4^ *ejn>er l, 18W. SANIES MATTMI Nc Ml ]m ;tv

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