Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1876, p. 2

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l TTW^l^^^Wl^^^^B^B^W^W^Mlll^^^^^^^^^^W^^^^^^MM^^^^^WiWHIilBiiitllTl .rsi>i>213c jflP i* jfe&gj^d&jate <& SgS^P^gj? < 3" ' 'mm ? V- ^ 4- ^ HE ACTOXHPREK PRESS 1 Per AnnuA -* H XACIilNCI; TPITpft i uciisdat Muiixi':; \IE CONDITION OF BIJSL- .,"": N'E&Sk " }- *-'r" *'.' >/<>. " "' Orteveiy hand - w;yl of -the e> v.Ves of l>llM*l V M.iM>n. of tliij' i:/-v ui ordinary brjiknesv is- usually 'The prolonged winter wenthrj-,' and the ftbsoiics cf ,-jjood sleighing. .aiaulated upon openness -of thq ;s'no doiibt Uio the dullness in th there must l? ot iu Kt.i<rUiiiiti>u throa -ontineht, for we 10 nieSins the onlV J:eis causes are rvruedv,' \ are. aJbstfiiotj' which We do nqt ' -We a j stagnation preya] paly". be brought" that wo are sSVo responsible -for'; might not be'far the'mqst -fruitful ricss-1 u'nibngst- tl Hi' / .' ./: "'.- - '- : : outstanding aecop complains of his his produce, antl combimi' to cre|J4 ptich universal hiriit ^thfi whole in Advance, the iiU. v.uti'nccugnii uiicf j wh^i-pns, in st tho CAiididatP y view of tho cir- i'Uiiifctjjnofiu.of- tlJo <|lSetion' trinlft \vhij-U IhviVo takiM phioe sincfl tho J^s. '2d,: I'STG. luKtlgi'tiopil rlooti <x|4Hlifiit' that Jjivj'ii to svitiiuc-X "ilat ilUcaliRts', it'js tin t ;~No juii<*i it hoar die dolo- it-cine dnlincss in iW, iUid this, too, v'oar when jnoi-e I . >n, it. is just, and; r<>litf- should bt tout to tho oninlT s who havo b k>ii chargod with alitrts, it"'i"jtlioroforo onictod lontvp.nlor or tti- pd -t.heretofore iriide by, or hereto fi>i ii. eoni'mnvd - >V-' tho i Court, of lf ror and AppeJil, idmirhiivo tlio, ftpet of render" -llicipaV cause of l<>ci trade. Stitllj Jer fciiiscs" which\f lalle of being 1 ; litrgiti'littivc A ; lioiviifJAT reij Canada aie l>y siitl':rei-s. What and there ijnestions now proj^Jk- to know that the ^ and it" we could tjo rcalizo the fact" lis more or .less it, the- rcruedy ioj seek. One of (M|uses of uneasi- nisiness classes. is tbe;-diffieultv-thv experience in m|h! Bill wiir reeeivp < ppositioh in the Suso, ns.if it l>e\une law jt would 0{ ejri the way X svstoui of electio TlfifFEKL EtiE pc tition npjinsA t nneth Chisluol bejjn- withi'r ii. tlie. I>^i.slatu i first tiiiie,' be eived by nieni ial; side.: Aj>: to- Ih> -niade I li^s for peruii;; tition. ' ier? (' 'il sociwmg.prouiJt sctltjement! of their l'^d will".bo ucc3.|mnit-<] by the nits. The farmer inability to market excuses himself -every one a gc purchasing the ' J^: i'lSiiit the Flinco of Wales. ti -st'.-iiiDf'-'tliat si Jipient-in person for neglecting ta {vivr his bills, on account' of the lb ad statt_e "of. the roads. The op sis' weather JtFards od reason for. ;npt k.snal supply >. of d . the. consequent!- :c| 'iijty cither told: *. i very grcijt ' c ,-:': l1 iSjr that, fra ^--i--oU is nowltoo jiUit cf any -.. Mie ;o secure ;i;iWpvT, the lather alapnii, jlcTvBiy.'-tL^t --"Hir of ih? f> '.u~in:l><dmect. jjiness Tviil S'J mejcVant, is..fh>ced mi ving in-all prdba-- ;poso of liis stock Sacrifice, or Citrry son. The'result i- is bad. f.ud the far advanced,Jo f-characteristic wet u :Iy have, had-a eico- on her a'rriS'in OIL h >iiS'..n:iiilo profit sii ior is the p'fcspecti nj' ore ne.;g do fmje. NVith prud^ni; th* hkUlt'ul man of t. -'.'i lx ~ i-i 1 ae line to carry h:m-| ii" through ;t!ifi stiessand coniei ; ; j - i v5 all right, in tli.o i pring. fc'l.'- A: '-;Sutrerer,"^ yriiose 'conimuhi-. itron yre pub'lisi in another cb'l-! .ufu, iirges us to; persevere in oiur lenmatjon! of] the bad roads_fri ; county. i\Y^ [would inlimata mi-ck)ri-es|>on^ent that the roiul really the b^stj i IV direction, in1 inf ntion.H V we s vicinity. ; I(j is badenougb, \in consciejicd, bt t we have otheij* tely worse, vUick also reqnire. earnest a ^' 11- 3 vf . 'tv- J.' r)sr; ~ " - ~ Ki^ : . -'.[! yii [ * -i - : ' - .-r.i i. . fc?' ' -; r" -' t . fr:- - u '". .- ":nk-- *! - j-. -^>-. tf&lr ti 'tv jre pt % k : - Ui'U:, P"" W':f:\i .::It-'. .: ft - rt :.^>!i-fc- . --' vftJk-': ' |; * :.r'm& - %-.- > mw M&\f " 'j: '-W-i&l'i . ti iE ^AMB:LA"V?-S ' ?PUd ~3sx r, turkeys,." grouse,^ hisisaats, pc rtriiljjes, quails^ wpod,- tiocks ai d wt.ter ikfals of all kinds, out ot season after the .lst-fdf Hduary.- Any-aperson killLug or iL ring: any isueh animals fur. sale liubJe to'heavy' fine.-.. Hares or i-abfaits tnay De k lied up to the:ls)r jf Jlardb ; sn pe' to the ist of MayV ninsfcriit iniuk, marten. ivs; .* --.' .ra ^'^ ::-'iS ME,-vJ - .-*&!' I " " i^\- "\iM tpf-t;'.';;| P>r. ' fei'T1 " v L&f? -t -- fe'^i-S " *-' m i- ^ -! P^-v-M1! te i-; Bw^y?i :^'j^ ESv-i;-- 3 il -^ iSfir""1^ Bl4w. M HK^'--: gj&*v-xia Sfe^ raM?ji; * M'3~-^3 fflf^i' K|,|J fpfe- SLt'-riV't '.' "-" in nit ^tentijm of our miih- Have we no obB rtcioon,: to atithori o will uncertaj;.rtli j.jb of ot iniizifg soine system of amproyt- entJ Jt ii; useless to offVr tjlife eitoit wane of oceans. There K? :':<3l. a mimic palityj-in the Couiity- .f Hal^on bit esq -well afford xj>tndJ vefy lar^e turns in fe-n- meting gopd rcajs, . .<s cpiild qniy be got to work j in - xi ie eort ofj hartjaqny. i There Are o uiany difiereni -interests td-seryui Lt.t tba effesfc ia tliat "notbing'k/t" 11 is dbne.- Suiely this Bisrit ;pf j-.-alousy amongst tjbe different sp> io is. is'r not a safnsible spirit, ani it is hij b time ii was dropped. Inch - Her Majesty is . cretlited, a id a desire t&jg ve iis" much echti jHissibl.e to hji i greatest and most of statesmanship, ito3<1 d*d of influ- as entertainet: Clooksvilloi on n A. }5Iac{i)nald, Hon. "Win. ,J acdougiili. I,G>n. Frank Smith, "r. PaitersGn". jVl, P. P., and ^Ir. M'igle. M. "'P. P| Ae. 'A\ uyinj ;*ihilitie* where ufiar t-h^ tbe th otkr o:- fisher, may Lb* f^j.pedi ar tiketi' up to the Jst'oi" Jrl4rL^[ : :' fbe.A:t aiianjiing'tlie flections Cbutroveftcd Election Acts, cioduced hf- llr. Sfowivt; was rtbntcdinthe Oiit*ri6;I>gisL*-- Jbn I iidav. -It pj-ovi&kfs Tliiiit jniiiisl.'me it <f difcquafifit'atiDir,! yh-hiu;" bee u h fllct*d oh. se ve.i4 liters shajl bs remo,v<-d. Tliej <wing is-'ilio. fuHN text('of-jtiiB lii^fce Coi tuin.iig thi8^prpvi^ion>| "^hei ea^.in case of ca'n'didatijjj ...tii igichji-ged jwitih,some illegal act, J lawjdpes riot prpvide'meaiislofi niir.cnnditlAte in- uivaftor elected to: <sembly, or-of l>r; Rteicd as aTOttir, of hcrriftt;r voting in elections,- of holding nibation of tl I" Lieutenant-t mieipat office." We fancy this pod deal of ny ollico in the. o Civwn, or of foyernbr.- or auy friendship foi ^liltonyJan. ' is convicted -. NOTES FROM OLD VIRCINIA. ".BY "A r Urccl.'Kvyj In my; com Raid noOiing n the people hers-. THE AOTOK UANAniAK; Sjittial Citrre.iifiunitr.Hfe oftlif tVtf I'm* I'rineo Kilward Co.,Va. Jan. 14, I87U. imuiicatioim I lmvo bout tho i.plitics of -Tho greutoi' purt of thorn are CoiiHorrntivoa mid uro 'bitterly opposii iBtnition. A lieans uro foV but nenrly till 'hnte-Ynukqe l ately pl-efei' the old corrupt is ngaii.i mos- Case. Tbe he -return ofAMr.' n, for Peel, "has He took his 80t x; last week, for ng "very vvarni'ly >ers of the ;. Jlinis; lieation, however eforel one - of the sion to renew tho d to- Clrunt's nUiiiiu- "cw radicals or t'epub- : nd lioro and thuro, tho white population ule, i\nd would inlin- iny other form :.of tJovernment t lanthu existing one. They-look njian themselves hr a subjected ped]'.le, and as such- liave no sentiment of patriotisii) for-the Auierican U-i ion. They would far to bo n portion of American prefer by the British. Ei lpire, than to hu sub jected to the t now occupies Almost even served in the and reuiembe 'first victories ttrn.ics undur Vail Jnckson, iciturn General who tho White1 House. grown-up niaii has Confederntp armies, n with pi-ido their ovor'tlio Ynnkeo their belovei) Stoho- whq swept them off rheSuez Cana' purchase seems to j ve gi-.ititied th 3 Queen, as well many other people^ as it :is an- nncvd that she e jicws to Pa will eoiiinuuiicjite Kment in person This will be tbe e has opened^Par-' since the death. the Prijice Consort. The person- MrrDisreali.witb ^Ir. S-jlomott;.White, an enthus- ic Conservative of Peel County, at a' banquet at riday niglit. Sir lentlcss removeKl, atu. whoso er tilled, by tothe,poHticjil irrita- o negro %-oto.l Thev tho tiehU buti f.vlioin the rt band of death place was tiovi General 'Lee. ... Wbtttiadda tion heii' is tl vote ftiniust llii-dicall Part was ended,-th) Yanktk's p theiuforty acr.'s uf land and Tlie JK.ok" negro. ye.-ir for bis any. Still ho hv thc-nidiciil negro suffiiigt. almost entite President's jpa rencv ws as " vf>ii *J* lllllit- ,, ., . , * .l-r -ally- during th g at this deci- ,,f h ,. c , . ^llen was junimigfor Ohio. of journals1 ca pa]ver. njoney of it to tnefitt Alleged tlfat backs paraly business, and , were present and The- Pettitr ] lob bery Trial. 4. Charles Mills ind sentenced ' to life ye;irs, in "tl* Provincial JPent- ntiafy. Jamei: Davis was ac- Ktted. Peter Xoliin," ione of the itnessf-s,! was, trie/d before Dr. Robertson (Mayor) and S. Center, J P., for perju ;y,' to-day, and tbe c+se was dismissed. Fftal AJTraj In.Xcrrvl. Last-Thursday evening a numt>er of pit-ties were at Lvcra'ii Hotelj in-Xorval, ai id at about 11 p'. :lock they started1 to .. home, when i coupler of dogs com- nced fighting. Thos. Ilewson, a i ttness maker; i . that' village, who 0 rued oiie of the ([ogs^-tried to prevent em "from; being - separated' by Mr. Lh-ons, the hotel-k eeper. In the scuffle tliat ensued Lycns pushed-Hewson, c. musing him to fal , with his head strik- ii.g-: the frozen g-ound, "where he lay s unned. Hewsoi. was taken toj his h >use -ajid put U bed, his stupid state ing~ attributed nore to the effects of h s drinkihg tlian to the falL The fo?- wing morninglhV arose from his bedr ajid Walked across the room, his family ticjng that he was unable to speak, srfid that he -appi ared to be in a very citical. condition , Medical aid was. si tnmoncd, butht never recovered from it tneraiitbor- , . s comatose State and died ou Friday ht "He was i l*rg6 heavy mail, a K)ut 55, years o: age, and had carried l the business cf liarncss making ia g tod -while in $ha1 village. An inquest t >wpi anil a pott mortem by Dr. Mc;' C arviri. of Aeton, when a' verdict wi r sndered in :aceorc lance -with the above let*.- .The, examination showed that 1 .ewjon was in a 1 lealthy condition, and t iat there was nothing to cause death; the ordinary co irse of nature, The. s tull was found U bf slightly fractured aid a bone""had. penetrated the brain, c msing death., - .Ve underatand that Iyons is under -.' irrest to answer the c iarge.of manslaughter. j: Voin penalties and ttf we are.: exten <\inn% eaicumii'terceH, or where cjr-j l^taije?s_cojne to.light,"or occurj. owin-' doubt on Jtjaxi Ho. The Milton Jfiwt say : "We are a raid that our (krnnty Council - will h ive a great deal to answer for, as it' is al mpgt impossible for a person to tra,yei our roads withr mt saying something b aides his. praye-s. We should think tl at the long tine we have had bod rqads this season - would stir tbe people this county up. and make then! put forth an.effort to hive better roads be fo renexfc year. orae one should ta,ke e matter iii hai d. and have at least pi e good roadjthrough the centre of tbe nit. unty. There is. no better time than tl^e present toagitite the question; bonnd forwan would revive industry, and every man's. IB not on hand a ttetra girl per- forniH this ollico. are present ,\ iiienibji MwingH tho nwitch. "hen there, is tho porch in front < f, every house, open on three sides, that is, it is n mero -covor-f or ' stoop," with benches on each aid i of it. - Hero you not in Bummo'r time, often till lato nt night. The nutivcsloye to it in tbeso plnccB, i.moking, 'tjliew- ing, talking, &c. C)no bad practice Hummer time, Thty. nt night. On n.y Hi.pposnd they nteo lly two meiils n, day. 'AVlien the tilii arriveH, we, in Canada, usually you hear the boll'ri informed tl.ntsuppi are" siiated by a shoat, (yoiing -pork) coffee is serve;! up. thoy havo in wi'l eat lato Arrival beio/I j-etiro to rest, lg, and you nro is ready. You lble on which hot cakes, und Tea iH seldom The drink is nither coffee or buttermilk. ' They fond of tho latter, bouses no other dim a man Wlieu' th the ho ;war ori.ised a mule.. waited year after land, but n< otes as he is Hescaiculy knows otes, lint he [does ns is a mere too!x)f tho us. no Move for the \er got lirectcd for whoit. be ' ho .is bid, and arty. It w begro that led to the meiisuro of But it g negro vote Hv.. . Tbie-questio 1 of inflation Richmond lllVt/V/ for a time of -cur- anding themb iiitbe especi- 2 time that Governor A'class led aloud f\)r inoro = i i' enough ft|-ade; 2l-i!eu- demanded. be deuiands < ii.s'c:ircity; of :ed -every, branch of that if we o ilv had the the rag money enough, business vrculd. bonnd forwan [/factories n'.nv idle; and become 1 ives of; that asin war times, scket would ho stutf- fullof the irredeeniuble paper. The increased quuAtity of ..paper to bo issuetl was ne-er to be redeemed, and hard raoii ;y was to disappear forever. The brokers on1 Wall Street were -,called Gold Kings and the depression in.'Jtrndt! was attrib- dinnrir besides bu(t< ruiilk. They viiy peculiar to nnd .not cream ii vo'no dairies, no milk pans. As ijuii as tho milk niivko, butter in n .hemselves. Milk; is churned. Thev is drawn .from tho in'to the churn, see cream, i Thif bu'tteriiiilk 'plentifi poor managenj of o( One of Acton's ToAhf. htitor 'uf the if' Dwit Sm. Wjt mission I wish to coneertiing a certa|i leading d'ij-ect- fro^i) of Esquesirig to yo Inge. .Now, Sir oceans of ijriiUerspnk, enticing the elliiig public to ltjhdirf establish- farining "hnd tr-av call and see your si ments ; vain mid f itjilo will be the luffs that you d's Tea, anil its Jlr. Matthews, Christ io. A" Henderson, Mr.- Ken world renowned have given to Seco ex].losive qualities. ntdy and others, way spend thou sands of 'dollars i dvertising their justly celebrated- goods which for at. least so you pialled on this rtind cone ptions of your fertile bra n and brilliant imagination will }Q wasted unless yen on yCur Council to unite with tin Township Council it E.^quesing and price niid quality tell uie),; stand une continent. The gr th e iniles of the, gravel two or tin above mentioned h irrible road: A well signed , j>etitio!n wojild be ajl that would bo nocr-s-ary to start i,t. You might get sou your neighborhood obtain signatures. could get that terr< r of the Hotel keepers, Detective us the benefit of FREE PRESS, JANUARY When neither of the family Eaciueaing Agricultural ciety. So- t 20,1 187j6. uro es|iccialiy In tho best is used for cows it is poured it co, w'r> cover iietbod makes but^thuy pire v*s. , J. K. Drawbacks. your kind prr- speak h word piece of Road the 7th line beautiful vil- you uiay use worse than "can' prevail e young man in to go round and Now, if von uted to them. Wei!, the Ohio-el ection passed off, and Allen .the representative of unjuflated curreij cy, never to be as this Uuion lasted-,' was defeated, and as the New York "Herald ex pressed ; if" th 5 country escaped u political danger." Rag nioney and honest money became the symbols of thetwp oj^osii.g. parties. Now as the" hard nioney. party has tri utnpbed-tlio' Richmond Whig has changed its tone. It now discovers Vof the ^n'est't'roii^l as it says, on nVore' manure reflcc tion, that there us^-eTibngb money issued,' but its scarcity is.owing to other catiseB. talents, for a few lays, I think it would be; a step in the right diiec^ tion, and; I, think tlie young jnan I have mentioned nod for whom I have, a high regard, would feel bet ter so eniployed. Now, Kir, I am (lad to'see that tho differem, papers in this County are using their powerful' influence in bringing the qu 'stion of roads before tjie people." Why, sir, ope es our Coun cils have it presei t, is that, they have too much money. "SVhy not tjike tlie Municip:il Loan .1110110)* und make roads with it, and stop r,d*2n rtl^^bT nW'! U frth|crdisc,msioii as to tbe mode Sociotv pay R ,)Qrtion of the cost ^ and will be so) amongst the farmers of spending it, then;1-'---------r.....:-~..... : ' On/Monday .passenger traina- coramencedto riih regularlyover. the London, iluron and Bruce bnnch of thq Great Western Rtilwav. - . until next summer. .The principal thing tluit raises meneyl hero is to bacco, and as-that is k'^pt banging in their " barns" until next sum mer, of course the rag is scarce, '. 1 Two crops lave bfeeril excellent, viz. corn und tobacco. Abundance pf corn can! be bought for 2.GO per barrel, , A barrel contains fivo bushels. Thif abundance of. corn is ;great ble!ing for the state, in asmuch as-alnnost evsry person eats corn bread. Thya negroes,.tire well' off this -winter.. Every day you sSe them "toting" corn on their -heads to the n ill. Meat and corn are the twc-'s'tnple articles pf food] with thejn, Tl ere is a dunger that they "will do nothing next year, or at least tunte '110 prepariition for next year, seei 115 they have quite a supply on. hand. i .'Among the ^^irious items of in formation, T i orgot to describe a Virginian home. Itconsiats gene -rally of three looms on the "ground floor, with a b;d in .every r.oom.. A bed.covered with a largo white counterpane about twice as wide as we .are acctisto lied . to, reaching to. the floor, covers every bed.: There are chambers c n the second floor, and fire-places in them.- The kit chen is', an old building separate froxh the.dwell ag,and is inhabited by the black ccok. ' Each dwelling is surrounded 'vith large oaks with wide spreading branches, and are indeed beautiful in- summer.'. N<> such wide spreading branches ave seen in Canada. Aspen and locust trees also surrcund tho houses and [serve as agreea ilo-shades, not only to sit under, bt t also to eat under. 'IAs flies are very plentiful here in sumnidr/it is i good retreat from them ; but I must notice a piece of by conferring a benefit Ion both niim nnd beast.' Now, Sir, let iis nuke " A : big push " in this matt :r. Let Acton Como down hamhomely," and if necessarjy telegraph tD theEsqiies- ing Coujicilfor " One or Two hun dred more." Htiltxin is one of tho richest [Cointies i 1 *.ho Province and I think-it is both able, and willingto help usiji 1 improving the above meutipned d sgraceful piece of road J Why, Sjir, in the spring and fall, thej brokei down buggies, leighs and cuttei-s -A-by-law granting a bonus 'of Sq,OOQ to a foundry and' imple ment factory hat been - carried in Brussels by 50 hiajority. "Brussels- is ja small vill.ig.) on the' Welling ton, Grey & Brace Eailwaty, And Lwus incojrporuted only Tibotit three lyeai-sago.- Ryder, to givo- his time and Esqueaiiini Jani 8th, 187G. At tho minimi mooting^ of the Esquosing Agricultural Society was held this day. j . Tho President in tho chair. The financial report having been prcsonted and read, was.on motion adopted. I- The. President then read an nd- dress to tho Society which was or dered to be. printed jn the local papers. y ' The following officer" were then elected for tbe current your, viz : President, J. B. 4S$ossoy. Vied President, Geo. Tolton. Socro-j tary and Treasurer, John Murray. DinucTona. Ward 1, J. Stewart atid C. P. Preston. Ward 12, 0. ITaiuilton and-R. Bro- eel banlf. Ward 3, Abrahnm Stark nnd W. Wilson. Ward 4, Alex. Waldio and Wm. Gordon. Ward 0, Wm. II. Shortill. Honorury Directors, J<i. Barber, Win. ClayV'C. S: Smith, and Alfred Cook. Auditors, Wm. McLeod and. D. Cross. ' , ' ' i ADDRESS. To Ihr memher* of Vie Etijiwting Ayrieul- tural HvcU-tji. '- '-.-.. j GekxI'Esign : .Before vacating tho chair to whieh you elected ma twelvo months ago, {I desire to inako a few remarks relative to.the proceedings of the Society during, the year. It will be remembered by most of you that a wide scope, was given to the operations of .thd Society by opehing it > up to other municipalities,.this change has had 'on the. whole, I think a very bene; ficial effect; agriculturalists from other townships have bean afforded an op]>ortunity of competing nicainst us, wo have become sci quamted with each other; have seen their productions, and have been nble to drawa comparison be tween, their productions nnd our own ; -whether in all cases favorable to b.urselves or otherwise' I leave you to judge. I am. confident; liowever, that we have gained rathJ er than loit by the adoption.of the change in-our, usual Toutino and that the benefit to all 'Concerned will bucomo more apparent, if the system is continued and gets a fair trial. I have pleasure in congraJ~ 1 tnlating the Society on tho snecess of its efforts in tlie direction allud ed to as .well as in tho results at tained.^ Tho .prizes paid exceed, thaso of other years with, perhapsj the exception of 1874 while the balance available, for next year is vory materially.: increased, being .S108.S0. The Legislature Grant' too,- is somewhat more this year, than fti former yoiira, thoiigh thcrti ia room for improvement in this di rection ; this however, cannot be bad except members contribute more liberally. The fall show, as- yon nro aware, was really excellent. Tho show of horses, cattle, etc., bo ing better than iisualnotwithstandl- tug that some of our best teams are pot exhibited. Through tho liberalty of the Corporation of the Village of Georgetown and "Captain Barber, the comfort of the visitors and the exhibitors in the Drill Shed wab much increased by having a good plank floor put down. In this con nection I would recommend that.thb ton t'oanc.ll. Tho members Icloet of tho'now Goun. oil n.ot nt 11 t'clock, on Monday, and t(pic tho oath of qualification and do', clkratipn of office, after which they, ad journed to meetlag&in in tho ovohiug at 7'lo'olock. Tho, Council imet Monday evening." 11 the members prosent. Dr. McGaf-: vfn, llceve, in tho chair. The Clerk* rdadiho minute* of tho previous meot- inl. . ' 1 |Mr. Cbristio raised objection to the pissing of tho minutes on the ground that it was customary for tho outgoing Councils to have a final meeting for that Pllirposo, and that the new Council wore njit supposed to know anything nbout tho doings or, business of their predeces sors. Ho had ho special reason for ob jecting to the passing of any item in the irtinutes, but thought tho precedent should not be established. The Iteoye n'iid it had Ixien customary here, and he thought also in township and villnge councils generally, for tho new Councils to pass.andiign tho minutes-of the pre- vious Councils. Ho thought the for mality unnecessary, and that it w only applicable to town and city cor porations. Tho objection was waived, and the minutes approved and signed- lJy tho Iteeve. J _Movod by Mk Christie, soconded by Mr. Hamilton, that tho Council go into Committee of the Whole for the pur pose of. drafting Standing Committees fbr tho year. ' j In Coiumittee Mr. Hamilton in the chair Mr. Christie moved,^.seconded by Dr. McGarvin, tliat Itichard Hamil ton, John Secord, and the Ilecvo be a Committee on Streets and Sidewalks for a1 JnL^EI ^OTOISr, OJ^T / On beginning the businesaof ?87Gj I, would return sincere thank* tV rqy numerpua bustomers T6r (the very liberal support they hare giren tat during th*e past 22 years, anfi again I tr.cWt respectfully aak a, ebntinntBe* of-tbeira'respectivevsiippprt. During rny experience la business 1 hay* pretty tbproagbly found out tho ' . f XJps and JDcKwhs ip ylr&dfy . And am fulljcoiavibced that;a#. j ' ,- - - ' '1_-" t- "^ Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to r.j! x - " j;Th -abl hk Donnl RE o year. Mr.-Secord inoreJ, seconded adorn the sides1 of tho i-oad like isb many second-: hand coffins on tht overland route to'Califorbii. Tbey remind one strongly of jtbe djr/ bones in the Valley pf Jebosupji it. I will now conclude, honing, Ik] r. Editor, that yjou .will continue to agitdte this matter'in your valuable paper.i : I remain yoiira truly, : A SUFFERER: may:-call it; vhioh prevails here during the fly neasbn. . When you are" seated at tie table a young no- gro-stands on a seat cither with a switch with .leaves on or a long bunch of featbVrs/made . of a pea; cock's tail and' winds it over your bead, keeping off tlie peBts. In Canada,' every one" keeps off his; o*&n flies, but h ire if a ypttng negro! ns a well done refinement, or ^on^enienco, as; you j job cannot bb- equalled by or all It is'r* ported,that Egypt is nego tinting with Englis 1 capitalists for tho sale 6f the Eg i*ptian railways.. A man neiir Palermo , very near killing himself the other day by swallowing a b ittle of crptoh oil. i. , In -Orillhv, on Friday, jf thief stole 320 jfnee, and being pursued attempted to escape by crossing the| Narrows, connecting Lakes Simcop and Ciuchiching, but the ice gave jway and the man.was' drowned, j - p?he body and the. money were recover ?d. A sheep had its wit taken off recently by the shaf b of a thresh ing machine on Mr W: McBride'8 farm in East Garafn.xa in a style which for speed and the improvement is a jierinnnent one ; but I also think that so long ns the exhibition is held thero, that tho Village 'Corporation should have the grounds properly fenced aud that pans should bo provided free of expense to tho Society. Th<ro are few 'other- matters to which I need refer.'] There is one, however, which, should not be over looked. -Providonce hns abundantly blessed the labours of the htisband- mn dnring the past year, and whilst many industries throughput the country have become paralyzed, especially hv cur citios and towna^ we have the more reason, tq'.j be thankful to the Giver of all good for the late bountiful, harvest and the blessings which follow. T now, gentlemen, leave the chair to make room for my -successor, with thanks to yon for overlooking my deficiencies and wishing you every success as a Society in the future. C. St SMITH.' !!" U th by. Mr. Smith, that DJ D. Christie, V. a. Smith and tho 'Reeve be a Finance Committee for the year. 1 Council resumed Tlie report of the Committee of the Whole was adopted. I Mr. Christie moved, seconded by Mr. Hamilton, that leave be granted to in troduce a.By-law. for the appointment of Auditors, and that said Bydaw be" now read a fir3t time. The By-law passed % irough its several stages and - the .Hanks were filled, up with the names of 2almon Hall and S. Carter,-as auditors. A By-law was introduced and read 110 first time for the appointment of Clerk and Treasurer, in room of. H. P. Moore, whose resignation had been ac cepted, j I Communications were read: from V. Secord, John Rossv and R. -B. Cook, tcnderiiuj their services as 'Clerk and Treasurer. ', ] On motion, the sum of $5 was ordered to lie placed into the hands of Messrs. Hall and Hynds to, bo used for tho sup port of John MePhoo. The sum of 20 Was also placed at the disposal of the Reeve for charitable purposes. - I Mx. Secoril moved, seconded by Mr. Smith,7 that leave bo granted to intro duce a By-law at nxt. meeting of Conn- cil relating to Bhop" licenses, and to de fine the conditions upon which j the same may be granted- ..Also By-law re-} fating to Tavern Licenses;' Also By law relating to -the appointment of Li cense Inspector.- Mr. Christie gave notici'bf his inten- ion to introduce a-,-By Saw at. next eeting, for tho appointment of one or {nore Constables and an Assessor; Mr. Christio moved, isoconded by Mr. Smith, that the service!) of Hiram Ryder is Detective be dispensed with, and :he By-law appointing him bo declared roid. Carried. Council went into Committee of theJ Wholes-Mr. Hamilton in the chair to ;oii*ider the appoihtment "of Clerk, and Treasurer. Dr. .McGarvitt moved, scc- judcd by Mr!, Smith, that 'blanks in tho By-law be filled up with the name of (John Ross, and jthat the salary be $90. Moved in amendment by. Mr. Christie, econded by Mr. Secord,; that R. B, 00k bo appointed ClSrk uid Treasu^r, nd that the salary-clause be struckout. here being a'tio, tho Chairman gave is casting Vote iu favor of Mr. Ross. Council resumed. The By-law was iread a third time and -passed, with the blank filled up'with the name of Mr. Eosk.' . - Mr. .Christie moved, seconded by Mr. Hamilton, that tho Clerk be instructed jto keep separate accounts of school and village moneys. Also, by tho-same, that tho Auditors be instructed, in making, their report, to show distinctly the "amounts, of moneys belonging to .th? village separ- ate"from the school.moneys. > The Fihance;Committee reported their examination :of tho following accounts, and recommended their payment, viz : From Henry P. Moore, 4 months' sal-1 I am .therefore determined to 66 a ^DYPAY BUSII Apd give my customers the benefit by giving.thein . , "' Eighj; per cent off for Cash On ill General , Groceries ", ! - . . (^xceptihg -Sugar). By doing bnsiness as | nbove',1 will hare th cash t" buyniy goods nnd effect a . '-. i-."'- ^AVIISTG OF AT LEAST 6 PER CENT; .:/j.. " ,::v:-'!- MY CUSTOMERS Wftt (JET THE 8EHEHT, And-inTeality.get " v" & y; 14 jper ^ent for their Mcm&y: Please consider tbe matter-otter, nnd givtne your sn-pport to carry oot '^ . the only right; way" of doing .usiness, tlfat. is .'-!.* ,-. jei e^a. jd .;^r _ , My stock will always be fbtnd complete in r d"roc|riesy Provisions, rocke?7, ;; Q-lass^arer Stationery, T^all Pajwra, j Windo-vT Blinds* windoxc Rollers, $el, Sjpecialtfes.-SArSAGEi frYSTERS^VAKMOtTtt BLOATElf^i -{:~- -' F1SSW niDDIESl, &c.,.&<%' '-,'! '-"vi^' PRODUCE TAKEN AS xdmfi--fc i:.; ^* ^. ^-. 'p' l"STormng Ml iDay Expre^ Bxpress Jfcixed ' ^ight Exprj |hightExpi infixed -f {Day4- xpre ? SftfaiP" -. i 3Sixed IgOUl" oing Eastl .. - Register : Ijamntea bill jiiKnatchbullI \\zrfeAL%'all thntfi, such ~ ax -' ingj of accvifaU, I .intertAitffm 'the eoiin^iT Cow," \and not r <uS*.itytti>csicr - it 'of latent. f I believe in th'oDI.SCOTjS'.r S'iSTKM. [and ^s it has pjoved, very ssii- factoryi 11 witl continue to pive the difcounti-as- follows: "tln.23 Cts, 2 cents disMuntj on-50 cts, 4 cenfj^ on 75 cts, 6 cents ; on $1, 8 cents, v..-:. rortVcj|artrcr. issticrjof IHarrfajrcHLicenses. Jas=nrtiner Asr^rt . Cleric Fonrth Dir. Court, Q. TB,..i&c> - :?i C-V ! At-tpn, j I" On': ai Jan'.n;x1R> l^Tfi- Hitch-in a Wed^npr Ceremoriy I jiCTOS M.lJJHEt*. Mesday hist -MivTh.os... of. the "butchers in the .County. The sheep was stepping aver the tumbling shaft, wbei the wool at one side got taught. ~In an instant the pelt split up ho bully,; arid was wound, around: tho shaft and taken off clean by' ,he. ears. The sheep would havo mide off without its peltt but it wiis immediately caught and bled $ ,-. * tv Sad Afjfliction. Mr. Joseplh McCollongh^f; Amaranth, has lost three abildren-by Dyptheria within seven days. Thoy were 12, H, & 16 years of age one died on the 20th, another one the: next day and the thji-a on tho 27th Deceni- ,ber. The nrst two were buried oa the same day. . ! ' On Thursday evening; the news was giyen of the Milton Post Office being - robbed . of about $50; A short time after a couple of boys were arrested and one of them e6hi- fessed to have been the vietim. They- were tried before Judge Miller anld sentenced to one month and two weeks respectively, in Castle "Vani -r-News. In view of thk ong and efficient se^1 vices of GEORf&E EASTEBBS^ff] Esq. j as CouiiciUor- of ,the_,ToWMKip Nassagaweys^, and he. havinj? retin .._... ' his numearoji friendi.-have: decided young Udy's pardon, snd beg to be J give him a Complimentary Supper at -in II. Stino-lp's TIntrl Rrnn'tviilr. ^ry, 530; R. Fisher, salary .as Coasts^^ l]ierf "afiections: After getting a UiSUn',e S ** BroqjETlUe, Womaji's Riairrs,^_Owing to the closeness of the contest in one ol; the wards for school Trustee In Orangeville, the! ladies vrere called upon to record their votes and two of them actually -attended'the polls.and voted for the,man of tbeir. choice. As one voted, on oaoh side.- it did not .effect the final, result | Henry. Varley, theJ freTivalist, is dead. h 00rdnd-MiKft Ma/'giraV Trfi,-.bbtH of Al- ijiibn, Wre. to Hiure been: imirriwl. The Jwitwling diftner.W:ts'pi-epriire<l,' A^ljftf^Tieat. Traill well.. ~:.,_...... Sprini Wheat,. ...... BarleJ.v...,.j:.,.L!.. Oats ........ ,.\...... I Feas.:.:..,;:..;^.,. Potatoes, perbusl___.-, Deed LVpples, per lb.; o & to i to Ct 91 to 0 98: 0.81 to0 90 0 COtoO 68 0 33 tofl 00 0 60 to 0 63 .0 40 to dob o ostoo ao /O_75to;l OT , 0 20 toO 90 -0 18to0> ISflOtilSOO 6 5^) to 7?00 0 50 to 90 0 5b to 6 SO O 05to=tf W O 05 to 0 06 ? O 06 W0 W v'c 05 to q eo i - crEuniit. ifaksJew.! Fan wheat, 97e to^l^J-; treiaWell, ; 07c to '9Sc; ^prihg wheaK (dasOTrl, ihegnesfes had all arrived.-frrerybody seemed .w l?eih the best of hiimor _ litld; the honr uppointe>l for the Oaionf, per.bushd.". ceremony to tiike place w;as at hand, .Butte*.,..'.., \...., but -tbe bridegrpom hiid "not vet ^Ta'3-- - I .. :i _ - tt> i ' 'i " Hav, jrtfm..... put m aimearance. E-.cb one began d^u H ,w ...i.. Io ask the other *. ijer? Is |he,going to. come 1" &c. Pelts.,..,........... After wjaiting for some, time two . ^'"-"H1^ ^?f,^' *' ymuig men were dispatched to Xurkevs <""" ^Dok htm up, nnd, after, riding from .Gees '" |duqe tOT>lace,they nt: last gof ridinga i.hat ho| was seen inakftig tracks" i owardsjthe setting sunns f.ii as his iorse could carry, him/. "When, .the :^ Z OScr'sprml F^ft^"cfaff)! jnessenger returned withou!; the 80c b? S5c; oats,:33c to"35c;"peaij, eggs,.fuv .vith grief, nnd vowed vengeance -a- I (}27C"'.}JC-to a^'butter; dairyi*** ,inst:ier faithless TomnlV shoi.ld | i;'C to 1Sc;yotat<7C3'Per"^ %^^ he ever get within >-each of'him. W -.-' fhe mo|reT impulsive of-feho -. party I' ;??W ADyERTIS|EM^KTS/ passed-s|onie very uncomplihientary -emarks upon the young man's con-; ' luct, arid proposed Ihr and feathers, "Y \130-2L jfirOTICE TCO DEBTbJB^: ihguld be make his'appearance in i.4n. ^^^J^7^^ ^^^L , t : . . 1[ - , i^sifmed are icqtjested to call and settfc ^.. - hese parts again. Tbe older and their juuxnijite en or befo^>h"e"lst!Bl *! " "ore sedate of the party prp'pbsrd Fcbniary ncsi, without failiajad oblige, ' ntakt thl best out of ^ bad JE need tho iponey. . ' L "'" V gain, ea t the wedding jlinner, and I " **- GAIXC-W'iSY. pnjoy th emeelves as best they could I. ,ina%.. the ^circumstances which] ^mipLtMEKJAUT they dtd> Tbe groom, "that was' to be," after traveling's,]! Tuesday ifternotn, found himself-: iu tho vicinity of Brampton, "and, after taking a night'b sleep,: concluded that he had made a fool of himself, .ind. resolved to go. back, ask the ble and Inapectcr, 33; J. H. Hacking, printing, 510, .. On [motion of 'Messrs-. - Secord and Smith, tho report was adopted, and the Reeve authorized to issue his check for tho several amounts, Mr. Secord moved, seconded by Mr. Smith, that leave bo gran ted to- intro duce a By-law meeting, relating to the licensing of livery stables. .Ifr. Christie offered some remarks concerning the construction of a'side walk to.the station } thought it advisa ble that a committee be appointed to communicate with j Grand Trunk au thorities concerning tho'difficulties in getting to the station, and to obtain their sanation: to the: building of a side walk on their premises. The matter was laid over for the present. Council adjourned till Thursday evening, 27th inflt.' . . ' ' a>-.. ; ' . " Now' is the time for cheap suits, overcoats, shirts, dfrawers, hats, caps, olouds, shawls, ffanhels, etc.' Christio, Henderson &' Co. offer decided bargains- in. above; linos, to lssen "the 'work of, taking stockj 1 > . - .' . [ ' Rocs Bottom pBicBS. ^Chritie, Henderson & Co.^preparatory to:taking stock, will offer dscided bargains in all, lines'of Fall and yVinter gooda, boots and shoes, etc. Don't fail a bargain. Money saved ia money made.- couple, of his friends to intercede in iiisbehiif, she freely forgave him, stud .the two started immediately for; Bolton, and Were joined- to gether in thebonds of holy wedlock. So all ia welt that enils well.' " Brampton Banner,. -. - -4 i ' Ladies', Gent's and MisseA over shoes at nd under^ first cost, to clean out for' stock-taking, at Christie, Hen derson i& CoJs, Aoton. ' "; C< rOh Tutoday,:g5thuiit, -j at IThe public are cordially <^i' vited to attend^-. Admission 50 ce^bt^. Managing Commitfeel . Pw Holmes, A McGrBBbjfj G. Vsm- .; shaW,; P. Gould, \V. WAtsfStM. Mci-.,. MiLtis, R. Akiks. ; : : -V Epp3' Cocoa.-^Gratefttx; ast> Com- foRtino. "By a: thorough knowledge | of tho natnral laws which, govern the ( operations -of. digestion and nutrition, and.bya careful application of the'fine prdpert^ea-ofwell selected cocoaV &Ir. Eppa has provided out- breakfast tables with' a^ delicately^ flavored beverage, wbiqu may" save us majiy heavy.doctbrs' bills, Jfris-by the jadicious uso-of Such articles'ef diet that'*: constitution may be gradually buUt up uiitil strbnienough to reaiBt - every -tendenty t6 disease.; Hundreds of subtle msJadlsa are floating around us ready to-'attack wherever there ia a weak point. Wo may escape' many a.fat&l shaft by keeping ourselves well-fortified with pure blood and-a pro perly i nourished frame." Civil Service "'ojtftf^e, Sold only in packets labeledW James Epps- 4 Co;,-- Homcedpathic! Chemist, .48,'. Threadneedle Street, and i 170, Fiecadilly,'London." . ' OYSTEES^ r i OYSTER * Boat Brands JBTAL'TiaiO FEESa stodji>aMi^ Fruit and lOjste :.-.---.r"-:-'^-:.'l-b All kinds of T^mperanp Drinta and Cigws constantly on haodi " . b Aoton.Jan. U, 1878, .J JfJ ri- -Tl" imevery dejj . on value, at| ij-Mr. -|!JS>reach in i.fjn Sunday l tm. and- ^ J ^Secor ; 1--. - "irieteor Teal , :jbet in the I ' ;>.--^A . I'ljtiniber of l. ihlias been lej rjpt.tbe SprOT| .'fi-Ain't ft; at !5 dining opct ': Wand ;Bon t Co.|sJ ifirt-clAsv down hanilsl '*"".Big..Pn| . i]befdre sto ^ecldenl, '-.We learnl "Jfra.:Geo. children wej ( ton, she evcrely he -. tjkehe'd froc f<%dt$l a| -if -Corresp We utvit jjiis 'short, dl }inusual:.oc| i^ounty. ' **dy. "" ! iTueiday, - I l^UXB Pj - V i - JFstn. O 'Boys' "';-r- MenVl Buffald , ^The aboi prices in i "T tSe cprhig cheap furs. ,. . '"-.: Mel ':- Ml TdtReEdit ' 5 -D?AB:Sl -.-^nce must I 5" "the prog - Tillage. 3Jfvisioa ;*!.B6yfc*- . **pBa'intenl Tje... Such] 1 wisition >dy a-^ . #|<>fitf thi . r^Ps'*'T hi ;atisf action ^;# Jnay ind ; 'Bnions to . roai."6n:t oo >..h Acton^ jl

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