Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1876, p. 3

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:\ *' * :'f "'f* Hi = 1 r i ^ N< \. iraBC^,,3D ^ tUnk. are gi***< L"*nt1nTnnc< fa?* I hew lou ta I General |e the dab to cent |behefit, loney. h to carry ft SB. red TPTjr mtb- " <>n 25 cU; 3 , 8 cent*/ tnccAfrrnt CeT^^leJr*, IEWS. LET*. '-... -' 0 33 to 1- 00 0 95To 0 0 S5to0 90" 6 GO to*. 6* o^sioo oo: |,-OB 60spD 3 O >M> 00 0 OStoO OO <r 75 to i 3J> 0 99tr.O 09 018tpO 00 15 0atwI60O 6 50 io 7 00 50 to 0 *> 0 50 to 0 tO- 0 05)toOl0 OS to 00* P Off to O 07 0 05toO 00 : lieLdweg, !CW, it fred chaff}, ' to 35c; pe, 62c; eg, M* aaiiV pactosi,' 50c to 60c... JEMEKTS:: roes. " to the rad*r~J caBbaetlls yfore the 1st of eiil, and. oblige, |GAI-L<>WAY. rsast Id efficient *er-C JSTEKBBOC*;./ ; Townihip of iVinjg. VCtlXVO^ ' ire o&eided to- Iry'Sogpera* iBraokrHlr* xcorjjlly ," tion Sd'ceata. ' / -LtfcAC SlCTTB, klsox, C. B*K- Ikrsex, M. M6*- ' ' rE^l -i;-'r. lei Baiafe eranbe ,lWi*Ion hand.' : ;"- ):' - Hrt' - -v I'M w IsTBE S^>3EfcaiA,L )T<> TiBCES I>TJBXjIO. THE AVfOti FREE PRESSV JiStJAUY -;:i'-3K gO, 1876. ZET CROSBYS TAPESTRY CARPETS AT ^IlE EXTREMELY CHEAP PRICK OF 7j$. Cents Per| Yard,l W^rtH $1;20. Assortef ;| ^a i $- My: Eid4eriaiastor Oirpsts BEAUTtFi;il(Joii])S, AT ' ' The .abpTegaoa* hava been bought by me At Eess than > Acton is - j :, COISG tt*ST. Mbming Mail - I>.iy Expresk . Express ,-r"- Mixed ' . JC^ht Express V : . j r i ;.""-. uoixgeast. Kigh^ Express - - I i I>iv iE-xpress1 ' - " .'! a]a;"--;. v ..- . Mixl. .;- - . ' - 9'.10icm: -: ;i00p.ral. -r-'^eop-d. -> "' ":1S j>.nt. - li:45.vni. - "; 3:37 a,tn.' - i 9;l0a-m.; 11:35 J|;3op.m. ^TT\ POST 0FFICE. trie Miibfeirig "rt'eit are dosed at 8:4o a. in. feepstcroil'. Ivettcrs iniast be in i mijaaktfs boiotVvti* ibovq hoars. / Kaat^hbnli-rainl, Tuesdak-s anJ FriJ.iva. tf'Klit XEVTS H~c fall t* g!aJ,-at . J.iiias't. to rrtiirf item* of local >iclr.i, iiftV ax sprcifit chxrrA' *rrri<r^, wo - qnyj of Zr:ny>*ritTi-?'or. otJirt' toclrtifj, tltrr*iii'j. either in tJtit fpcnlitjor i"i "^ilesjut^y i^-.i'rrt.'/v. Jtatfrr r>J th, r-i; t-t i'ftt marixrl. "'friritfT'* ki{ the. ral*j>" fiilrtl. J 'i^ it is '^#i At a niictiugof the tlio irppvr in the I*r*s -ipS <*f "10 14th"inst,,U hk^M the annual meeting of the Society A LAtfpK REIUCTION OS USUAL PRICES. ho makjera' cokt, and I oBerfor th next Acton Brinch bf Canada I ible Society, held ivtsriau Church onrthecven- ; was resolvbJ to re rcnueste of t! ipointetl, p'r Ilections an on Friilay, order to gi tiiriq of .hoi ollectors : ous divisi is hey are r. to m.-vfee e invitation Revs. ^ of A'ctoh; .rtya, aje mcatings. I j Tlie following'persons have been ap- poin.ted to! take up sub ;o the attend. essrs^ Came and' ^IcPhe expected the 4th February nexti I B the fnlie: t publicity to too ling^tlie anmal riTectingv the I to visit the va'ri 3ranelr to which. or to tliat dntpi I extend a speeiiil con and Calvert, rscoi. of XasaAga- i address public f cei:tijr , .r- tv ui-'iTr.: V > or it* Ui TSitrs-lay >i tin J, at | 1st and Kennedy !5rd and "hristie'a | ."ith an- Jlenderso tr 1st line low Act< 2nd lines Kri eriptionsi viz :! i^ Messrs. Alex. LOCAL MATTERS. -JIalton.C-aiinty Qouncil me^tii : n-Tuesday. .... _. ~] ^ o close 'K' % Hjriry depirtmenti re^irll>s of c^it 'qr'Tilne, ati'Chriaiio, Hetklarson i Co, i ,f Mr. IttwHono, df.Jforonto, -wi i] jjii^ch in-^he"' Baptist 'C!hnrch, Act/i i ' '.'. oaSastLvy, next,*^3rd inst, at 11 o'clock KO- and 6 p.m.' ' | - i j-? ' :- I :"" : rSecnrfl Broit' c*lcliratMl-' 50< BrtiUior Tea-ig' icknowledgevl to Lc.tlij: IxavSn the countv. ... cro?s road ^oconl r.r il Js-.mncl M J -1st ami 2nd line* I> line abnyp Actoiiii-Mes and nnni-an Ktiinedy. } 2nd aid 3rd: hIlqJi I Acton -1 Messra. M. .John SjAight. 3rd 'aijd 4th linos' crc>i>s r Messrs. Maim, ; r. I-Nay; iiiial D ' ActiiA *-l, anil 4th ;a id oth btilow pAct... yickliil .n.l Eli Snyd;rV 4th lines Kri i Messrs. D. I>. id Ji>hn War ren.' : Gth lirifis I xin Messrs. I). i and Fetor Mann, sen. .J-^jiiL'sing ^aid t<wu line l>^- Mcssrs. John7 re.' t ticking and towii rs. A. Camp!>ell 'luqsing ,below- McFhersun- and jque>1ng al>ove -William (ior lun and- : Julii jawoya Mntthews l.-Jil Kcnncdv nortli of JML|l street Misses $teel a^d Cssteron. . south '-of MilJ &treet-S-Misses oiidSpeight. - CoUoction Vxiks mav apjilica "a- if J . - -A. garden vine cc(ritjiining anfober.of frcsk J'ls half-an-inch "Ion hai*l>een left at tbia office, ks a aamr le of the Bpronttiig vegetatioiiia January. Aiii' about timir to icoiranence gar- deiiiigjopf.ratibna ? '_] fiW.smted ai .Christie, ITend^f- aoot;ep'.'a, a UBeii-'-^o[ genqiffe firtH:Iaa pnrchaaeea -arhp-:" will coitfc doifTfr'hitjUonwsJy" aadaiais^in jrjiking a ',' Big Pnahj".aa good* mast be *4d brfere stock'taking. " ':> " h!-' 6ni?r . . :\ ; - H\. ':WiU 'Vou fbe ~ \Ve learn tbarone! day last ireek, iftai Geo.: Gibb of Balliimfadv and tjro children wcreretarHing home from J.c* ton, she iu throjfra from:the buggy and , aewerely hurt; iThe horries Icame lie- taened from the vehicle laind were qqt foa lil-tiU- a day or two aftenrards. T CoireipoadenU. \ V 7Ve invite all Who can do so, to sddd tit abort -descriptiojis of | accidents, cnisnal occurrences in arijr part- of (1 e Coopty. Write ottjpnas4e of thepa|x?r. j.y. "Mail yonrljiftters ^fli.Monday tr: r Tnfeiday, to be sore ai insertion in V.6 :9tctk Press of the same weei. Says' Tut (japi.: r.h:'-U Men's For Caps; - -ii 'Ba"ffalo-Bobes,-lined^ihdnnlined The above gcocg tob^ panic ' j>riSp*a;in order to clear them off before the i spring; Sow is ypnt/: time, ^neap.fura.^ "'"-' ['"" " MtOLEOE, AsBrBsqs ~& Cd.,) Mimmota Houad, Georgetca n. or -./ "!.- : hsief Temperaa'ee. Tiie follojving are-the names of ite -efficers of Acton pirision for the pi 4'qaarteV: : J- I . oberi^reJvW.P. f: . Watson, W.A. *.L ert Matthews; B,S.Hi fJE Hunt, a.r:5. : I r *j&vn& MeM^hoo.'T'.s; | f ?HJamin^>"ieklin, Treasnrer. Albert. MpEe, C. .'! I A5C.! 5 .James Sharp; S. >! rv- :- Jdhn.|WoVden,.O.S. i . _ B-. B-i Cook, Chaplauu j - Editor of the Fret *Preia. & Sie. The friends of Temper: must see wJUi gre^t satisfaction progress thejeanae has made in our lUage.. .Bnt *_ ishort time ago pu -DilWeion-waa called a "Parcel of Boys," .StiJJ. last night we find "several of " *rt respectable^'citizens"'ioinitut Tpyf'** Andjt is rumdrod that niany -, m$* intend fallow ing the good xam- plg.:- Snob men are an : invaluable ac- aitibn to our Order, and will give; the .-stability which | cannot fail to at;'the cMse. la I'jBonchiittonL. I o?r i>ew member* itill thaw' aiich action at!the atep tbey have ta! '"y induce -" ion or tlirough ; ;derro*i, S^cretH to be : u.-iiie luat LiV-r : han Wednesday prior t. aminal meeting." Propoord Brnab I'nrtoi r in Acton 1 & namql " A g* in Bel! evillu,. miit the Village t4> app< rpferen:e to tlie boftu two monthi the cheapest oarpeU to b met with in JGJHN HOCJGK Alma Block, Upper Wyndham 8tret, Guel p SECORD BROS. real House, -^.OTOINV The Ackiio^vleil^ed Cheapest House. Is Olicnper r- i l>e feoc^veil on post office ifroin rv, and retnms Xi .Baker; residing Wiembera of- tho^ Council, Yesterday, acconling iatrncnt, to conf a- with them in offered' for the establishment of inanufactures'in this placed Mr/Baler's pre position is, that .if a sul icient^rncliicemoi it be' offered, he jsinl h3 partner^ would at"once cop; the manufacture rtf brushes, em- ployin a capital of some ?25,000, and rpqniri ng th-j servijft-i oj about 40hands, tn of -hn'm would be skilled workmen> the, renaindeF-*l>ojs aid women. Mr" Baker had with-him'j model of a ma chine recently patente 1, oi which he liaa pi rchascd the right to use in Cana da,'ar d which he propc ses to introduce into h s factory, for. raj idly boring and :manir ulating the blocki for the brushes. With the introduction of this machine, he si ated,-rthat" with the proposed atnem t of capital and: labor, his firm Would be able to turn b it a ^quantity of bfnshiS fully ef^ual to any establish ment lpw in existence :n Canada. He has t! ie appearance of being a good practi :al man: of business, and., who would be a desiraMe citizen. . :, The membersof the CouncQ were of course not in a, positii m to makejiny definits" offer. All the f could do was W aasi re him that if ev< rything proved to be s represented, fiii firm would in all pro bafcility be liber illy dealt with. After satisfying himsel E, with the loca tion of the p'iice,;a'nd w .tb the facilities fprprc curing the dosci iption of timber requin d, he left with: th; understanding that if his partners thought well of the matter, he; would shoitly return aaid have t! ie subject laid mo :e definitely be-: !fc|reaB ratepayers, 'j We win not offer aiiy remarks just now ii reference to tie question' of bonus in" this case, as it will be time ehougl io' do so" when the proposition assumes a moretangide shape. An estkbli Aunen.t. such si proposed would nndoul itedl/be of very great benefit, to this1 i lace, and it ~sh( uld receive all possibl 9 encouragement, winch, we be lieve < ur people are filly prepared j to gjve. * We hope to'hear more from'Mr. Baker in. the course of I few days. . i G ^.-i ^.^-g.i v" '.. Jt- :and x than Evc>r. prices Kcduced. R E AD Mon^y Saved. THIS. Hariri g adopted the system of doing business on Basis of Three We feclaasurtd il will selres, and we result to the propose showing sur customers a few of tie advantages ottri they will gain by it. I'we can get-1 settlement of all acoounta every: three months, it will b& and whether the account ii one dolj as good to us as cash, and as we intend uxarry this out. and interest every (hre months, wo hare mad* a REDtTCTlbN Of all goods capat le of reduction, a $Tee A further reduction sold in 5 or 1CXlb, our the frailbnt'otir curse Jicton. Jak io, J876, 'feUri'traly, 1 TeatotauJeb. that famous yard-wide cotton first qbality, only 10 merits a yard^ at Christ e, Henderson & Ikt.-a. , j 1 iecord, Br^s. b are made tin' ether grand Reduction in prices, if his, firm '< ertainly deserve the thanks' as well 0 s the extensive w tfonage they ra deive or the efforts the f are eonstantly makii g , to place chea p goods.vln the bands of consumers. 1 'heir present re- duoti( n in prices. is n ade just at the ....." " oplsto times, ;be theirl study how tbey . patro is^vith ga .the "liwest possible price. Wo >p c r time,' and will 1 elp the psopl ISe 1 ver the .prevailing hard tu t ap]ea^jb ;be '" "..... ciaii pi ovidertbeir. them ivery success. oodsat wish It is a great and who has accompliihed tc*.r jlf.tito'-oe so, red iced to 35 cents. 20 pc undi lots. Month's CJredit, advantage of our custom ri as well as ar or a hundred, insist 011 AND GBAND IN PRJCES 1 few instatiMs of which w> ^it below p - - LOOK! 1 20 cent Tea reduced to 70 cents, 75 cent Tea reduced to 60 cents.: "4.0 ce :it Co il Oil reduced to .30 cents. $25 Silver Watch reduoied to ?I8. ; $18SilTer Watch reduded to $12. 815 SilTer Watcb reduced to ?10. $6.50 China Tea Set reduced to $5.50. 6.00 China Tea Set reduced to $5. $1.50 Chopping Axe reduced to $1.35. $J.2fi CJhaiipnig Axe reduced .to.fl.' Granite Cups and Saucers reduced to 1.5C 7J ceat Tojrpnto Bisouitjs, by box, reduced of'Bice for (jl. 1 if 5c per lb r 4- $1.2^ to 7 all Teas' except pur glorous thing to sell good goods cheap and^he man this has always been reg irded as a p iblio t>enento- we t bink we can justly lay some claim i p the title for pur bbu ia* alwiys b n acknowlejdged pup <if tfce cheap -t, and Jo are o6wm*in|-another efldrt to throj* cheap goc is ad money into ttie pookeU of oar ooftomew, eiid wo are Are*dy ooar) oopd that -iho' publio liail it With pla)i BECORD CHRISTI To clear outv balance of Ifeil an|= W^inter ^jock/ HEN E, !*" -. - I -. Afe noW offering their entire stock at * ' . J PEiGIDJED BAEtGAINS :--'-'V-" Now is the timel for Chbap I Stdts; O Hats, Caps, B^ots and ShoeS, Sh^rls, CJlbuds, milimeix Mantles, E^lbwe^s, Blankets, ete^ etc; ;^^^^ ; v , See -^Vf^oiis; 5*?^^*^ No Beserve.--kA.ll Qoot^s at Bottom Priciefe.^ 3Drive4 Jofe^ aiid Bargainsjin every j department. TERMS STEIGTLY CASH. No G-oods oharged^at redtiiced prices. Produce taken as oash. J4 cc BI& ^lA-XiE 35 COMMENCED AT* THE Mammoth Hoiise, d-eorgetown, cash or note, On Fxlday, Jan. 7 th, 18Td. J ' i The balance or oi|r Winter Stock J will be cleared put at - Enormously Lojvr.Prices. ] Biff Reduction, THE COOOS MUST BE SOLD. 1 Prepare for IBargains. Note the piicrs of a| fe df our lead ing" lines': ; ' I " i ........ Extra heavy Full QtotH, 40o per-ya. Extra heavy WoolTwesdj 60o pr yd, Extra heary Blankets, $3 00. Splendid Shawls, 31.50. . Bplendid Jackets, $l.9i). Fur Setsj $2.00'. Extra heavy Iflannels, 25c per yard. Extra heavy Factorj Cttton, 7cpryd 800 Ladies' Wincey Skirts, made up, 50c each. ' Fancy Dresa yard. es, iOcperYard.! The above is only a few lines of goods which we shall offer at, this our Big Sale, j Remember tp. be the grandest !..;.... "PUSH SAI.E" ' we, have over cobtemplated; Call and see us if ypu want-to buy COO0S AT PANIC PRICES. We shall: be plehsed :tp sen pur cuftomers, ! and - show Pur. stock- whether they want to buy or not, __ r- IO' No trouble ta thqw Qpodi.'VSi McLEOD, ANDERSpis & "CO.y ! Mammoth House, - - | Georgetown. N. B> Remember our Ordered Clothing and Millinery Departments. .. ) rMcL.,A/iC0." ", Georgetown, Jan. 11, lffifl. ' QHB&B OVERGdATS. 200 pieces Plain and Goods, 124c per 100 pieces Beautiful iNeiy;> Serges iOc Der.VardJ ] '- I <ent 50o Tea, when JOB PRINTING Of every description III the best atid hiost at tractive style s, _.. promptly exeeutcidiati the HEIGH HO What's the tpfh17 any pisrson wba^wante1 a .and choap FREE jFrtci, -^<In MaAtbew'e .-Heifi' &mw)< } ':-\-% jteTbN; 3. K. iltAOKING, Propiistor. Stt|feepiiig Safe of Keayy-^ad^ C^tiiing rom-: mended to-day at the; ' , ^ EiEP^ANT CLOT|lW H1MJ1E,, Et^po-OhaaeD. Call and SeVOur Piiries* .:.:. WM. RUTHERFORD& 0, ; 5^0. 31, Lo-wer Vysidham Stt-09t> Chiettii Jajntftary 4,- 1876i ' '-.- -,/-. SPG 0 K 0 0 M>li!3ll.:S'- In eyery Department at the FASHIONABLE WEST Begs to lnUsobte that his Stock Is now complete lnJevorytrepartmchti an* desires M Inform tte Iidtes of Quelpn and KUrroundlos ... ^ Fashl onabloJjixxls Is tbe finest he uas ever hi? atten Ion Is It vliqtt toour Should ca 11 Ott SJLL^TBEE r4 ACION, -. *.- ,j J1- -'!'-> ft-.- : Sfft)i read] toattppry isuN toniers with eferytu ng iuana lly kef I Eartustt made ^-'t^cktf i' sl^tppsaiW^flo " - ,\0::m^0^j^^: be country-that his display of flew and iubmltted. Jor iiublic approval: Special Siik ztnd Dress Bepariment^ J-Z; Slija^I aiid M^^le Dej^artmeiit/ Millinery Be^artnient^ " >U Fur|s, Fancy Woolen: Gopdsx.Hosieryr Kid ftlov^, Blankets, Flauneistf Tweeds, &c;, ,-^ All of which we are prepared'to cut at.the_:,yfry lowest prloesi C - A;^ P. BUCHAM. .'",.'.'; Fashionable West ^nd Press, AflUlHery ith^ iJan-Ue Riftabuanment!.. Ou4lph,Ootia,:187S. Ford Swiy O^JnpIAd %y ti rlate DK.;dAl(TfiBf ttfhiolj' hw been enlarged and ^Slfe*^ i;i:-:^.\- E. MORROW, Has removed to the / -iJ- ?^' "' '? "> 'i*rfe<. of l>rt gs, Medicines.- FknHf Obods, Toilet Articles^ '^t M HV41 17V *?fy^&nttw, ... ;I - .-3

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