Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1876, p. 4

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:'i ACTON FREE PRESS Tkrxs. <Vie dollar a jmari smelly 1h ;iivHiiPtv triwt paid before Or hr_ _>uo .lollnrnnd ft uairwlll b. clinr tjfodoltnr. lr iio_>p_'d till tibeieiK >*tar-.. Noy.i.vocJvUl bewtit,<o> .ixiivnuMlo tt.;iii on<j ycaruhpald r*cuy m month* I XI Choice ! -I'* / 1N _j__^.. .,,. ,-rv M i-' fS- >i Mi :..' _ ft.- i!: _______ ;. ^< __ _:- - -,-:^-T^.>.' y' 5-- ';. -":';;. , Hr !d HL- . 'r- =. . Bfi'-^:.^"^:'"f.4--5i,i'[' -". Rj_T_< 1t--AOVKTlsX(J. Klsht (MlU pnr llntv for first UtscTtlOU, Srnq two Cents i*.r Hue t_r inch *uVwiv}t____j_!Anijertlon. .jshort ud viti Is^mcJuU of .t?ht -linos and rtiiucjr, 5J fnrtArc^UnserueittR. I- BulneN< . Cards of cjgtrf linc aml.iunlec, |. per . A _lbert<tl_&oui* VKwed\advertUo- itbents inserted Air t'it-riule^ periods, Advonisciuenl* without special Juatrue- ': ixm. ~lt_.-.ric- Ull! airbld, aud chafed .i-fordlnsLv. - <f Y : ' Any _ iv*nl NoiJ. <s the o0c^t ot jHUtch - is io p> vtnutc llao ivrunlnr* _i____tH._r.u__v -__L..divulu|.loreo nyjati.v, iot>o Considered j\xy- advert'isi-mont. ' | ^ - Trim-lent iid.vou a to __. paldfor \*_iu cu^li-ml. Ail u_vcr.l-(n< aeooitub* . 'fjiiidcivd "qujfrteriy. - .' " :'Ko__et__ ot Maxrliijfe^ lfl.rtl_ru_d Iieto (tucrted Cuoo ;. ' iM"1* -'file old. vcar lay oiv ls diyita-U And e^i:lio ilieiiic-sixiki; tojj 7a>w and ^ol&m i^i under' toiiqi Jt.*c '. -oi-s:?" in' r-JJii: *fl:J'.'j,^: -v "t?lF=|-3f. f K-^- -i-. .-. l *K-i trr-if1 m-'-- M-I-1 tk'-.--- 4l i-Til 'CZ'^ - - i> !^3 -H & ". : " ' - A--- K";4-:" -'- J ^ l":i---. U k:-V TfltS U> TUR|S !RE3IOStITtCE. >Jlie\ild j^car fa>- giv his di^th-lxtJ lone, toUtJi ,Mourdially, rejijrtviehfullyT !' 'Ilia fadiu^reyes iii liis siiivW-whUe head ^Ironu-ltngiit t!>f uliito bea<latli; *i*Ecse 'a'fK tUo \ronls Uie Md year -*iid '. - I *hall -hpver forgv^ them.' wjhfld- I .treatho :.'.!' J /rDi>J j,'on ifiot pFanuio. jrhen I lifra" :. j " "Ti (SaJJy lie j>pkey and wot in,' jrej; / " To treat me ,tin(lly Ad to pay the [debts yo o>red nay sire? , ". .1 . ' . V&&-J&X act-tow ^rith ap caMsrt fccart, --. Ypfir uuu^iLsider'.d hours to liiv'c ? ." ^,ud to tlirow |io.<|lay in wast^away^ - - Of juy throe hundred and siity-tivc?*' ."^*Pid yoa not swear to your secret BeTro my'lieard was a second old,i That, whatever Vqitd done to;niy f^ticr Tpone, . : '. Yftp'd pruo ay minutes n>Qftf than ' ' dd! I-: - I-- f regret, of w waste .*&.': jpdd Did yoa not own ipth teen TJiat tbe past ja3 a time jiad sin j -j : ; Bat that with me,' untainted yt. Wisdom .and'ibitv sh^ld lii'gia ? " '-'Bid you not oft the vowreiHsr Tjiat neVeri s-fth me should folly .dwcil: ; ir- -':' however ".Fjite iuigut deal with : ry&ir,-..... fios'd jvrize Sue piBch, and nstf nie That never ji deed of scorn oi iirrathj ' , ' Or tbongh^ unjust of yoor fellow-' vtea, . Should, while I lived, obscuro yoar rjath, . - . ;: ,; " Or enjter in yous heart again ! ; >. 0O3. ARTICLES I JbUrrKD FOR 1 PRESENTS F\nt Boot*, jrbr* Butt, \jbr&xinp Caau Pheio-.irojcijk Atom**, Jus miU Hoods, QvlU, JX>lh, i J^ne BHUt, . , Pntjter Hooki, ic, tie., ttt.t ftitj St^k.lnf Fancy Good*. O^iaiiMt Stock ovor sous in ; tfaoipJx. ie Worth Ur boUe> STev r ods for 3M wt DAY'S BOOKSTORE, Ttp Finest CfQOOdl Wm. Stewart & Co. iVYXDIIAX STREET. a nil IiPH. Are iio*ing now ' . mi: ;"Diiy)oalnpVfil l*Kt iny tonjguo ia 11: '". ~ _1_ Your-sad short-comin to.recall," ., ' Arid- the Old Year Bobted-^-h* could not sjieak j^_ He turned his thin face to-the wall, 01i} Y^ar I J'y.e done you - "_ Hear iny repentance ere you di#,! - \Spcieal-Lii>fi ill Cheap Jackets. . XJngerawhile:" DJag-dong^ding-dong 5i" Th jov-bellj drowned' his jdarting " QidWearT Old Year J" He coold not ': J'.tear, . ' r_--"-j. . He yielded placidly his Breathy J Ipi'ed'him little while he vai here, . y,ew,,Year i now, starling it ray de,'! . Most bitterlv the past I rite, JVeleamed a lesson since he died 5 '* '**iyb m lead a better life ^fith yba, *: Special Special ii " .".' J-:': - i" :-fJ--v:-- -erf; *., - '.h };rlf: iljfetffcr, V Veorjpr'B "W^eatlier. Prop^eoiss. MTho Weather "Bropheejj. of Mr, -VecQor, of MontreaJ, issued id-Oc tober fast, has pro veil s remark ably correct thus ^kr, liatit is -srorth liepublLiLing : . -f-, _ -i ' j Every prospecb of ari*.early, wet " fiind; ' anow wTH probably |corpe early, bjut wifli not remain, andrthereWUl lie mu<l and fituih long -after the date atjvhicb last year thb gronnd ".was frozen "and corered wkh saow. aevera weather will not set in until - late ia Janoary, iud con'sequently .'oinr chief rivera' and etreams will jhp open toan uncial If late period. IjndUri soin'mer may be represented by-a day or twoj,) or at nipsfc a this jill probabilttyi will not come "er, but ,rat|brv be scatter- in the form bf an pecasiopal, '. Sjtir day during ab miserable Oc-1 , to$er.". [The. vi-fntfer having ^et in j[tnL* wjll be late)),: itf -will not be jsevere,'! bat- will be" distinguished [ iiiroughqdt by, |fre(jtteiit |falls 'bothj of rain aid j anoy, | the I one ~ajtoiit .feqnalliogT^ the other, j The , Biason,- consequently^ mil Detnfi're- ; v|jrse- of clear anil bright, ind boots and rnbbej-s, rathei* than rioca&sina, /Will be the order of ;he-day.' Qbrisflbas an3 N"eiv -Yea: btd fair to be signalized by abundance of rfin aiid stormy, sleety! weather. Tie ' greatest amount of i snow will fall towards latterrendi of the ipjuter, and the spriqg of 1870 will be an usually backward, extend:ng in all probability late in'iijay. Jjx fiue ..the winter of 1875-76 wil be. ^tiie very; reverse of that of 1874-7-5;, that w,_long, mild landed ay, ra ther than short, severe aod cheering, . Hi^;h w.Luda will also, in'all prdba- ' biiity, foroa a dustujauishing feature. "' I ' i"l'--------.."' i' LWho\ii most liloejy to diyuiga -" cbe secrets bf i bani J-=-Tb teller, ',' - jW* 'should not forget that life i --. a floweri yhich is no sooner full/r blownith* it.beginis to witb*r,"1 4 '.] . It is^very indiscreet a^d troabio, 6me aknbition *hich cares so much . ..Wbbut fame; aboutiiwhat tbef world ' jiays of ub; to be. always looking n :Ahe faces of other i for approval; cd be always an^ions about the ef- -fect; ofjwhit w do or say; to be jtfWays sbontiiig to iiear tbe &%ux* otfoax <twn voices, -;' -'.-"- . ^. ~ The iyoung mm wUo pffersi to ; atop drinking and/ chewing j i his. ^irl will marry feiti, will, in less , than a year,after ou rriage, tell her , ihat he sold himself for fifty cents p~n the; d&n*r, and stf Jilj reply; ~. '.jtliaf shje 1 MiuJ tweatj iye. pip oeat "; , Iwihidb fcr biqfc Special Cheap Dress Goods Lines, pi 'CheAp Cottons. Lines of Special, Liaa of 'J. ;1 Lines of Cheap Silks.: Cheap Flannels. Cheap Blanket*. ial Lot of Canton Flannels iii Lot of A*S Bla(! If HE ..." lr r jfiJaotber. Re(|uctibh 131] Price! IVl MILLINERY Also a iiioo (0 grea< Taria Batter, Egg*, Poultry, etc, taten in exchange for.gco tU., Acton, Not PL AIR 8 i- .i & FAIf C Y Coll and ao< "S^oplon Oooas, llilllncry, B::osi Goods, OiilAron's Suits, stock of JEWELERY *& HOLIDAY GOODS y, jujst.recciveil, tb be rushed off at extrap rdinary low prices , oiu- beauiiful stock o* Sabordasaory, dontlojnon's FurnlsMns- Oools, Toilot Articles, Toys, Borli 1 "Woolioto., otc. s|)ld off reryjow. 1875. ANOTHER-"1$T.; OK-. : A-T.ffDZ: -' ;*f# K ji-E OPENING, AT UP-TOWN HARDWARE #0RE Designed for the Christmas Season 1 1 LINE OF, BEAW-IFU-L LA AT PRI I Alma Block, A. McBEAN & CO.'S. Que|lph, Dec 18, 1875 /.' >ecia.l Lot of k Lustres, Special Value. Q FELPH AIBIIOKY, Cheap Tweeds. "Wincey sj Cheap. W, SHEJWABT & Co. -' ' L ALIO G^ld, Silyei &; Nickel Pjating Worlds, liSj QUXBSO STE EST, CWXLPS. Jbfhiii Sivknam, ?rop, MsdiUsetWan 1 Importer of .. Br^ecb and Muzzle Loading BjUles, Shot Cnns, &ie. Revolver' of all deje 4ptkw ahcayion ' hank* '. AiqcpmnoN toj, AU>.sussatv:B LOADIMOI AJ|Sts>' BIr Cap, Be^ippers. Caj Open :r4r Kynotfb's C rtrio^e Cases arid tor re-loattfng i afoe. _Ra,!oader, 'Qredaoni Uleanj ne<M nary for a SpocM] At ^oita of Bepali _ _____ _._ enecjute* on tbe nljoru t notice at _1S 9aebe< Street. i ] JOlISKlBlOBAil. e_OaII_.IT < n. the p J^Tftdton, Curlers, and ifog Bo< iji, and all articles " i uarfsoutflt. ilng and jobbing e?^^Si^V^rJ Aeton o.i, NE DICKSON E Acton, Sept. 23, .1 !75. ES UNPARAUED IN C JELPH AT MPS .CT.0N. A(...... UVERY& SALE STAB j. i 'TaIL' LAN ' Tnkoii pleiiHiir.) In minoiinclifiir to itbs (uilillo Konciiilly-Umii Jin Iri j'hiparod to fiirillijli ' ' ! i. : i " STlrst-olaoo Hor3os and (jlaxTiafcros ..' At RciiNofiiitilo llntoa. J Hl pig" nnd TTjo>rHt<W uro^'tho'i-.brst Hint can-h" hnd, ftnd lio.lfi ilclormlnbd not\o boHiiriuiHlsi'il by iiiiv f||.y Hlublo. Acton July JhI, 1K75. i C. T. HILL., M hi; Street, acton; ; DKALEXt IN General Groceries, * - Boots .and Shoes, -TKTall Paper, :ru ZV^adp^y- Blinds^ Crockery, Glassware, , Hails, ;" "[ Glass,"Putty", linseed Cil,Bav & soiiei Paints 1 In (_rrooerif34; Grdol^Bry and (Massware W F A Ll POODS y^ AltBlVjiNa DAILY AT : ; McUAB'S. Do not fail to visit the AST EN And examine those piles of * ... ' T "W;iNCE]rs;! ranging fiom 10 certts u Also those COTTONT 3, all hes( Cahadf ranging frota 8 cents upwards. FLANNELS, frorjoyXo cehisaipwards And other Stapl ev : md Fancy Dry proportion BICKSoN |c M ' ________ MONEY >wards, an makes, Goods in (In. AB. mill AtT- PANIC PRiCEIS KENNEDY -Have just received their FgID Siock of liodts arid And are deternnplood to continue better BROThteRS, ' -l : . Shoes; <q sell cheaper than-trie pheapelt, And value for your moiley thaa aan*iei ha*els where. ~/i__i!"i' , Call and ^e| for To irs^lves and triiig your Friendij mtb ydu. -.-.. ij 1 ~ _5__in_lne our etock jwhioh comprises everything in the tr idtfof the latest and most elegan _ styles and patterns of .English, Canadia i siid 4_nerlcad manufaoturo. j', * -' j fj_5- Orders promptly executed and good_^ts guaran ed." *.B,--.Alt aeoc onto iaust ho settled this month. / J8J5. t: KENNEDY BKOS. " "' Turpentine^ I '. ! ": Maoiine Oil, , O.oal Oil, ; : Skit, etc. '; . .1 ' .': 'V The subscriber begs to return Ills tbnnks to the InbnliitnnlPOl AelonnijdBurround- lng country fnr Uio liberal, fmtronng. heretofore exteni)e_ lo hlm,nxHl ai tho same Unio _d!Iclt tbclr further support N.n.-Cas_rP_|_ for Hides Uollvered. [ ' ' I .; C T HILL,. Acton, July 1st1 1875. . _ - Cr 0 40 4 S "Z ' "COF^j.ANT_LY:.A^RI,v|INa tfr'TIlK^'X-/ OENTiALP {EMPetRIUM, . "f- IR _]I,j!ff'f *Wmtor; Stock of": AND READY-MADE CLOTHING ; : I84JJIOV/ VSELLIiq-Gr. OZEFIEV At GREATLY Rfe^CJED i^ticEfJ.f G R E _AJ T B IA _ri G % t M S ! Are offered for cash or produce. Will'be found a complete assortment of the best quality. Acton, Deo 29,1875. J. VST. BIAWW. DOMINION j EiyiPqRIUM. !,03_>r_. Z v^ m 3few3re of {fojunterfcjjj^ For the protection at tbe pobib Inh North Amerl^f<|ee__!._t^^ _Uite that my Pir.ut aJw Ou noltber manafaclured kor part oftbeU_TlT__D_TA fig. g_li o jMia jvnd Wan tbe HOverntoent Stamp, #ltb tbs LfMTjpu". iSitfrtivcd tbhMon. ^J lobol Is tbe address, 633 OxVors l__ This notle. has b*coa_ n,_____ con_<iu<.nco or .vile and srmrlou ysp w/ ^i__i'<w*j_______jm < q^i fielnsrrabrhatt ^Nlik 1u_l enLane, Ww ties styltiJk "Holloway 4 in , as3U_h_xl ; qjprlDelplcd vendors > can obtaiajki 1,1 tnuib at very low price, and so (teeth -' yfu.-"hy selHnetlie soirieforay *m_!S '.ill Hbllowrly'11 Hs and-OlntmeoCwS %% o,to rnanufaetored only at 68JL oS -;_r^ street, London. : - ' .>; '" -^ ^TW V I'ersqns who may bd sb tSeeeivi b_ pleajsedtocownvwlc__u> with___,, . ,, Many;r<^petyle ffrtajs In tbeSHyuM Provincci>_ whoottalo JW a-dlei-SH"*--' roct frpm here, have ,T(iy property: _ trestejl that' l(r tbe'ofnit? tbemtselves and the pnNTc, loseft _k__fii name* in liio papers, that it. >_ _] i" known that Hry b_e__eri>e ea 5 m 1 -J Kpnulnt) from.t_*m. ",' 1* ' T ' ' Tbe following Is a lli of tbe SnadWk i ed to, and 1 T>articalafl_r reeo_* j tho_o wbo desite to get my medietas, < apply to some of tbe tfoase s nnid%- T Ev_iKrs,'Mi:BC_;B 4 CO.Siiontreal. v ' AvKirr, Bbow.< a Co., Halifax, K.B. r - b_.| ;F*_B_YTK<t Co, Halifax, W.flL ' ,fi--\-l AroTH_>!A_H-8' rTAlt,CoLCbarlU. IIWSj j r* a Co. Victoria EC.. . , mWbe 6rC&.. Victoria, B, a. : Dr. Jou!_ Fai_lk, Cbatham, S, B, MtTNRO 4 Ccit, Montreal.i . 4 Wisis 4 Co., Hamilton, O^1- hJ J, Rose, Toronto,,. J A.|CMir_CA_r8__[rr_xt-8t. dbbn. J*. B. JorTjr Boifn, Uodeitcb, Qrifc EiiWoT * Co./Toronto. -J J. C'HALCTNEii. Bt. John, N. B.. HA^IN<iTl>__ Bkotjikbs, rtt. Jobn.S.Stj".; K.. tfBi)Y,'W__iasar, Gtnt, * Mrjt OHPEf, Morden,-ST. 8. GeokQE <.. Hu_T, Jan., fiederleton,K__J W.' __. Thompson Harbor a race, S.r_U J.JH. Wi_,ey, Fred-rteton. >.B. . "" W. 4 O. Ycile; Montreal Chas. 1. Davie_, Frederietoo, M.S. The medicines are sold at tbe feini ft. hofesole nerprlers.'ln qoaDHUee .of M less than 20 worth vlz.,:_s. 6_L, 2_U1 W.: per dozen boxes of Ifllls ,_>r pn_i OiDtment, tor Whfo_i!re: be sent in advance. . ... ..___... THOMAS UOLLOWAl1. 533, Oxford Strpei, fl_. C- J_ . - Lrondon,June !___ 1KJ5.- , ,J 1^ which Is now. complete, is larger, bette^ assorted, more attractive and - cheaper than ever before, comprising in part Tweods, OrorcoatinErs, Dress Goofls, in Pronch Me: _nos,- Cobourjs, A All "Wool Flails, Black and Colored Lustres, In Plain and ; ffisrutod Plaanels, ^"ineoyt, Shirt-, shirtingsj tr_tdfc- -. sMrts and Dra-wers. 'Pelt' Skirts, 'efiawls, - .' ;_31an_5ets, All '"Wbb]-..Table Covers, (very pretty patterns), (Jiouds, _dn_dO*S. ^:- .SosioxT. ffl'^os.-Soilands,' : Tabio iinens, . ,..' ', .' " fowelB, T Tovolings, -"liMtorji-Uiai Bleastol Cottons, - Ladies* Linen j Sots; . iadies' and eonis' Tics,. &C &c, and'a very good stock of BQZS' AK0 MENS'j HaTSZ AND; GAPS, t ! together witn /3 Groceries, Crock ery "< Crla^swave J__^* Call early and secure bargains year Bijrli ACTON .' WAGON AND CARRIAGE , . , FACTORY. |; JAMES' KYDlER, Proprietor. ->: "" -:' - --.' !" .' --..I: .- *v7aa'onsj Oatriagos, .. sioliriis, * : Cnttors, $.0;- Kopt In atoclf and rondo to Order on _tbe Shortest _Notlee. ' Strlot attention paid to . Sorso-ShooinsrSs Ooneral JjofsblMr : and satisfuotlon guaranteed./ Aoton July 1st, 1B76. -_____________f :' ' JOB PRINTING Of every description In the best and most at- p tractive, ,t}JeS,r ,];. proinptly executed At-tke-- fREE PRESS OFFICE, ol ell:' ': (Iil^Mattiiew's, 2_"eVJ Bni_diag_.)-' '.;-.-id "' .j't J ACTOmr J. H.l HACKING, Proprietoi. 0' Acton, Oct.. 26, 1875. 0. M, SCOTT. an uclulilng remedyj lor voandsat It-'s^riptluu^_a certain cure _ ed Sore '_(_, evi-n. of tkM| standing; 'Cuts, {Burns, t*p__M Bijrl_.s, (-bitblalns, ecorbtttic Ernpttnal nnd Pimples on 'be r"-ee,. Sore and __ .flmrii-d Kyi-s, Bore Heads, Fkm_ Brra__k| 111<->, Fltiuln. and Cane- foos Hnipi 3 unci is a Hpeclflc Mr rtione sffllctlnf " tlonstlmt sometimes (bile*- Tactno S<,1_ in PotM at 1-. l_j. anit. d. _._ Br-iaoborts'PilnlJB A^tissJOThutt tir AlvrKKNATIVB PltliJ3". Hwflnfaei by Sixty .y<_ar>* expcriem*> to b> ooe ' tbe b-st merilclni-aevere.}mromi__d piirilyii'S the bb'Od,an<EaiKl>.!iiie>*_t in hiropprailons. Henreiby___._ In _mruia, >*oiAnU. OiniptalnVir 01 Jli'lar swelllnps. ntrUcal#|y U_na C If- ok, *c. Tu<;y fiirmH rail'lBudsnp-i Family Aix-iient, wblcb msy be Dike* ull times without cmflii'-inentor eiumi! qf diet.>. Boxt-x afjls. lid ,*.-*_. I : 4-.ftl,llx. and __s.|eeb. ' " \.kX THE.PROPiaiJTORa, BE__ChZ AND BAJBNICpTt IUSPENS IK V. BKIIMTOK-r, E-NeiA**. and, by ill r.'spi-t;tnble Medlcliie VendO-t A large stock of Boots and Shoes, of th* v>jry DSst manu acturo, has just been received at "1. GRAINE & SON^S BOOT & WILL STREET, AOT>N. i". ' Alull.lineof Lllsiieafor MENy WOSlEj^ A]S[d GHIllpR^ Will be found to" select from, at prlc^ as low as oaa be t ad aaywhire. - sarColland See-ItWZbs Special attention is called"to our ; j ^ fi OZUSToIm "WORE. v - -, >.- -..- -,.,, v.' vhich at all times receives our careful personal supervision. Perfeet satis :action guaranteed. I; : Repairing neatly and promptly attended to.J CHAINE & S01T. ^Aoton, Sept. 28, 1875. n STREET^ iAOTl t'!BMiAEIL.-:S,REl:rifff eueral Blaefosmitli, Carriage and Wagon Maker* Best ^or^e-Shoer_> iir/tlie Coimty; Perfectssi ;iefaoiion guaranteed or no prioeroharj jed. . " AND (JOMARD'S: PATENT IRtHST HJlRBOWS ' ' >& ZGqojI, ;$1:ook ;v of /Carriages and RbPAmiNU promptly and Aoton, July'1,1875,' ;*'" / ALL KIN^S OW ,v BOOK wAM :"r &. i."t:^v" 1:J ._|j""_?i'SsVJ ^^#0 properly attended .'r. ujf- s_ii_.-c>_I w.<: .. jPBO_.PTLY.E___CtoTK SfRXaS iwiagojis. ded to. V ^ _P3Ft|JjfTIN^ j DR. ROBfiRT^' Celebrated: G in t meat . !-'..' CAIJiEB TH^I" POOR. MAN'S IfRIENO, U coii/l'kntly recommendpd to tn. Mh, "' ' ' " ly{lor .wi BF EW GOODS. 1 Ttet Student's Microscope:. - '~':rAi^ WithLDissepting Apraratas, for ]' arnining insecte,"' plants, 'fl6we_%v clbth] circulation of the blood,.Safe" k malcuLi in water, Ac , 50"cents.. '.';"' PlliejL.^ntars,^:^ Z'-';';v"r ' 'ZVft.l -j\ - Byo< Opo_)|es^4 Alvrays useful, always answeriaf,.sjf."; Po Powerful c k e t Micros cope, 50 CENTS. St: Finisli^c- Heading Abates, vfl erful magnifying power, for _bi> ^ e*s, photograpla aad ptetiawif.^ *?'" large and cheap stock of new __o_od_rs| It ERSON'8 CHEAP BO0KSTtBf _* 0n Eastjidey^dhamStr_e^}^j|J ^UEI_PH. Vi->. _.! ! EMOVAL. Begs (to announce jto!__',_,___..... . ^0tiers tlit h9 has reniqved his; _ . .,' f f . . . -. _.. _ r -.".t^*- Blacksmitliing Busing 111 Fro$_ the old stand to the shop Usif,,,:| ly oconpiediby Mr. Orertaii W*>^^1 of M_Mn-str_et, whew he _ifi-----------* " i*B attend to all-_^i_s of: ^ General Bia^fe^"t___B.r'i*ijSt ",' _," ! . Shoeing* &Ct" f.- r Tha patronage of tie ] fully solicited. . v ' - -^ "a_ soi_*i_BN<je^f^8 .Ac^Dec. 15, 1875.- ).i^_#J-.V.^_J5a O UfSCKIBE. FK' WPS' 1^'^ Zj^H eM&i ^ - -,K -.'.' >lnml a>! : Mlege, , /it?_**"< ' TSotfejse, . ,-rroeaiaxg.l i-K m.- .,-Ajcras. <_F v^yanl l'oxima>t< I'-Wnoey to XJc_rxt.>ii 1 ZB. ____^e . , t,ife Assd . Jfcc., prep.ii and on._r| ___a_Lii_.<__tf GJ-Tsgowl _| -Jrii Streets. _1| fSBancery,! ICb? Stre1 Milton' Ull taeiit nf L <_fiif_iii>^r B_il H i A*n__btl AtibiUiiue falthTnlly j solicited. fE ex_>eJJ ;.Kit_'_e"sf forprluMfdl ailou tep y| ,'. J_tecH*ii_ij ieotsand. am MiWftnSX I -Uwmostji. tibilgoarul liub ! Hotel I Vitb :| ellers 1 i,muia| : KltVntion 1 Hue pu"lic. .l,ti_mn< a:-d_ ctt__ut.Lve.lil "'];" -; - "lace ; For theCoul , ton4 Ufiler. 1 ofl|ee,-.Aeio ] Jtoife\r__d,^ ""'" _s rea ;.. -Fori , > Hftie*latten. f_ I Cointy, at rl . ; Add_e__iI 38^ . -' "_:" Qpposit] <ioodt| f M0| Tomb &c, m andvpa tnfints i P.S.- tieal i "pBJZEl Kiflsrl.-isv fiat Bei "lotogragU dosed at thl

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