Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1876, p. 2

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" Xj> K^ljj*'^' "h'! %i W-- : . ft* -3; >*.-. W^.^;- r ,J ! i: - 1 i t- ' .?-*4i!!i'IH Ite--^ -]' IT >/ E'":--- r i :".:- . --------r--------:---------------,------------ On his rfwn account to tlio. Infill i.u;u kot't Wo luofe thus shown. |!mt tlio farmer ohlljlot get lustrum i(*-"dr*tryx porter orlVuvign ooiys'ujn'er eu\plo\ \iuij middlemen of s|oui<*- kind and that it Is -likely '.Uy ijii' rao.-t priori t'ahlo fq'r/hiin fo sell t v the rvguhir dealer ^t*homf. - ' ! There'1s, h^wv^vi'V. another im portant'point fiyr t^ie farmer to con sider. IT tin- entiije .farming coni- mufiity. of; tin* country purchased Urrvorly from- tin) ini|Krter -niuj .in\mnGicturtr, and sold to the ex- jfortvr,* thei U>el Mealurs aiid.tho IjiKal iriute Mtiti-tisjwoujd bo wiped' wrt of existence. .fEUer* woijjd be Uothing left for the ! business man, traders and ; artisans of tl>o local cent re* to demand :tlie\* would con -"jinpiently,-hive fo go with the. crowd to the oitio^ whore business was": win a; idone. | With their iv- n'l.ivat niany-irTielas which w now consumed in our niidst \yo.uld not Vuen bo ii-jpuivdj. t&i! homo con sMiuniion would 'be stopped, and tin? fanner would ihuvo to send; the SUtire vivid ot, his farm, vf it a, hi* grain, diioc-t to "headquarters. Lot ,juv farmer consider the vast amount i>f~f:irm produce i of vvvry descrip sion that- is consumed in: our coun try towns and villages' and say if it is not more proiitable. for him to h.a.vev that produte consumed her* clniu' in .TijtvutoJ Bui if the far mors in, tbir .vicinity purchased idl "tln-y l^-qnirvd ft}!' theiv^con^ump tion'.in Toronto, they wouldfiflae have lo dispose of tiieircntii-e; pi-o bluets, as th'erv woyld rtpt l>t any person in our local towns to CTJnsume it. This is .what wonlol loultjf tie principles' of thtrGniu i;ei-s were tully- carried out, the -total di-s'rucuonlof the local trade and ihoi consequent build ing up of-^'be- whjolessile ami-distant cities. So tl at instead of bringing thtt producer aiid consumer, close , together, they would drive them asunder. 'We <lo not think, how ever, that therej is any dancer-el fciicha result s that forvshadoweil coming about, lijecause w .believe I it- inii>ossible to carry otrt to th< ' fullLthe pfincipjes of the , organization. -4- of ham: niay, however, be done, as .every -'purchase made, outside the rc>^uhii triiiie .channels, decreases the -busi Decs of the Tocalitraihs ceuties, and piuiseque'ntly, d'iHi"uiMl:es'home con- . Biiniption of home p"rod:icls. While therefo're,' the Grange orsfiniz;ition inay t>e.of much;social and inu-llec tual l>enefit to: the jfarmer, ami .through .hiuv-Za-thg-, community nt Iai-g?.yet, if anything like a gene ral attempt lie jmadello c-arry out - the .trade princjfries professed by . the Giiingei-s^ niiich harm may be done both to thuLiselves and tojth'e business community. We believe that the .interests of every fiirmer is identiail withj the jirogress -and , rjirosj-erity of - his locil uia'ket towns, and vice\tif-<a, arid that in building rheiri- up, by trivin^ t^hem his gellerous patronage, he. is put- tui^ more.ineney In his pocket, ten '"tiiiips over, than he will fiiive by 1 taiifiekiTig away from home, even :. though he get the most advantiv- it is possible to give faun. ' J . w-rtlcltidji-'-thn mttj' i>no makes" money inoro losle. tuidtllome{n well as oiVnp hole scort) <h tnm of rs - as the'tv In (.hiring country inauy speciael set !S kot; but \yhero by this montw i iAnd this is! proilucc deal- faiinei-s." It^jJ ing back of grain thj>_past tivo years: this wonht; ha :o luk-n riclior-by nillions t>day; utid tlio of-starving thous.iiulB in' tho hirj^ city \\ tho l>ominion. PaLHal: :d. Every .Thurailay Moriiing.' $1 Perl Annu: hZs uViid wnfj ins nn5d lH>or cart*' ^demanding wo k or bi-ead _ oa ]>ain of riot am; blocrdf would, never hive l>ieo]t dreanuH) of. The Credit 'Mystc.m is, ir.ix't tpjinlemper- .rnce, tho bnno of tlit.'jlnjjto, and the Monrtcy- jurlmi iu;"vt>king-'.to. statnp'il. otit is dt serving ail pniide; Jlor-o pi.wi^r t<i its elbow. H"(>(^ .lt'TO> meeting had consequently FREE PRESS thelesa thoro present, and t 'V THE ^CTON FliEE COMPLIMENTARY 8UPPER IN NA33ACAWEYA. According ,o iitiiiouncoment, it complinientary supper wan tender ed to tJeorgo Kasterbrook, . Enq., last Tuesday evening, lit Stinglo'a Hotel, NiiRKng:v\vyi jut a token of the appreciation of 1ii valuable, eor- viees fouinuuy years in the Town- 13'wing to Borne iniB- a _ re"jiort had got sl^ip Council. understanding, abroad that or Borne reason the benefit been | postj>oned, nnd a great. many ' Avero preventetl from attending; never t.iAnn *i.^'_; ___;____;.n-. ^......i...-. *as'agoodly number very one appeared to m in Advance. d^^J? :kino editor T-KtyaiUv Molts vita,' Jak. 1."" reolfress 1876; CONpITIOlI Of TRADE. xtract, from the Montreal . weeklj- financial, Pinciples,- was strictly ti in a- leis s;>tisf at Las been nt a during the sea affairs Can no i tribute*! to the have hi n assu'ied:hv several exten sive ni jiorters their i nil porta ti( ns this yesir will-'be} from. t-srenty'-fi\e to fifty per cent! less, than" were' last year's, and'that: too, rio':wuhsta vding the fact that pure iases were compara tively! -l).ght, iiumade with extreme caution mercha over-tn sons of bought dotibtr.! tion'in In the meanwhile our it's are'Hoping the'fruits of difig, ai.d-are. learning les caiitiiin from a" dearly. eSfpL' Thei-e' is little lowever, but that the posi- lfich t:iev find themselves teed iuiulit b<- fai mera andlotl ers to do their nd mak b'ts. It gency n their doften the Ciise t take advantage times to s!>irk bettered were the or wealthy consym- luty in this emer- i'an efFoi-t is' unfortunately too jat some consumers of the cry of hard their obligations, ; wlnl.-a^the^aine time they ha,ye tJ to pre^re a g.^f, for thia ~-i- -: .- I ^Mi-f? i" U-- 'M- - yXSHi- :f h \s - i F-- VI ' $-\M frim A Cryine Evil. The ilcmctury" Time* is warring vigorously against the Credit- sys- tiru^as jir.ictisedjto a large extent in this country, psj>ec;aily in" back counties. That, lit is a ^reat draw- ' -rlwck to prognHs and prosperity is iiow' generally conceded, yet"it '%(-nk- the mostntfitficult thing in tjlie world to thoroughly eradicate. Credit is j>ernicious to "all concern- ell it. It injures alike those that give and those tjiat receive. lit leads to. extravagance and dis_ Itonesty .in the lafter ami financial embarrassment *hd oft-times total ruin to the former.. It is a moit- sjer, erfrryirig wiil> ifp ruiiiand in- fiimy-,: and to secure its banish tucnt " there shouldrbe a united iffort a long pull aind.a Strong pifll and a pull altogether, j 'X)iedit is au en- eny t<i individjials -of modei-ate means'^ poor poorer. " TuOse Who wotijld be safe should shun it as a f^esJtilefico. The de- e- pi-ession in| this country tOrday is primarily due to the vicT ijiis system ofCreklit. jThe starvnig . /thousands of Montreahare stiirvins 'because people who owe fail to p|ay 4": tliey. should jdo, whereas Ited - there been no CreTdit thy wouud j A&f. have been in debt. Jlauy furi^i- ' "tire make a' prafctice~of prepariftg " their grain for market at the e^rli- -,.est practicablemobient-afier harvest - ana disposing of/it immediately? ^tbereaffy._ Thos^e who follow thi4 lpractiee; aie,- as a rule, the most -properous. They, get; along well in the world ard rapidly gather about them everj eopifoi-t, There .-arcvothersw-ho lipid off. They im-. agiijie prices will rise. Even if ar go<xl figure lie offered they fancy it will " pay to holii?' A ..-mommis a surpli s drawing interest at thejr .bankers' ; coun ,ry desilers in -this a e of brisk c Jiiippetkion' do not care to | iress wt althy farmers whom they know to b<! thoroughly ^respon sible, for i overt ue apcoutits. ;Yet in thLs tmergency some general ef fort should be nade to relieve th/j who!es:i!e tnide ed condition." Mr. Edward because it was .to redu ;e the ffice anfl d epri litical world in good service by ed cir election taken ndtioh never existed. Where ! f won one ooaision'jt[pays to boll tliere are ten where loss will siirely "ensue. ~Ajid eveii a higher, price in spring-is by no meansjji'-oof- that, the holder nets ajprofit ,1iy his .]><jl- icy.. The heavy (slirnikage of "grain, ufan item of very great inipoi-tarroe, " seldom"-considered by the htisbaB'djnan.;. .Thejn agiviu there ia. <Ethage:eSciebed|, byimiceand deter-: juration ill' a core-of-^ither: wayR' rsacu-p^rha[js gfiuiinor importance Isat in the aggregiite entiiling- hea- Vy dbM -Of epi^rse there, is now aijd again one who;makes' '-i-ich, by j Jwlding .oh"to; Lis jiro'Inee aiil- I afier fijm those used 'for council 1 >rs. The hieas ire is a good'one, and^s i; w-ill save .expense to the rjiun'icip ilities af well as giving the electors an oppo tunity of knowing tea are before the v Iro ihe diy of e e.etioh^. ve have no hesitav Candida on in giving it ..--VVe' ;tunfolljwing (kragrajih, which we commerd to.iua:iy of; our readers, especially theJutter jiart of it : " W arel no: able to rejiorrany jioticeable rmpi-ovenient .it trade during '.he past week.; in -fact it is questionable if msiness is not eveu etory stale than ,4t y fire'vious period i4on. . This swteof oubt, be-partly" at- had condition of the roads,. M'hiclr jii't-cts tho wholesiile trade d r^etjy by preventing travel from tho coun ;ry districts to-the city, and indueifly -by injuring the ti-ade o:' the ret iil country merch- lints,"who still.I'oniplain bitterly of' the "du fness a ' business and the difficulty of obt lining money. 'We bo highly plcused vfith tho sociable feeling that wids manifested. About forty of tliq intelligent yeomanry of tie neigl borlipod Ttuid several from a distance, assembled fit' tho tables, and ftlljustico was done-to the bountiful supply of good "tilings pi-ovided by ,inine host Stingjej ' y. il List* r, Esq., of Camfibell- vilte, was selected to occupy the chair, and Isaac Smith, the .vce chair.' Tho - chairman'- , an nounced that although the demon stration was held in a hotel; it was to; be condnc1 ed on strictly teatotal that King Alchohol irohibitel from enter- ing " the roo^n . during the evening, the object of the en- he. paid, a very high compliment.Io the sterling integri ty and excellent qualities of -the of the evening. He Mr. Easterbroolr" for the past 22 ^ears and felt proud of the'nniversa I esteem in which he had always leen held. projiosed the toast of and Royal Family" umorously resjiouded prg'e Norrish. Messrs. Watson and of-'dry goods Jhat from their straiteu- Jenkins, M. P., has resigiied his position in London, undentlle Dotr|iriion Government, thought necessary expenditure in his e him of the title Speaking of tertainment, worthy guesl had kriown still occasionally hlvo Uio of his- advice. | Mr. George Norjish,- Councillor, also testified to tho| liigli c of their gii(!st, and regretted tliiit ho had soen fit to njtire. speaking of tho.rouds, hoHttid that -when hp came into tho towm hip, it had boon settled about twe ity years, but there was thoh no rends jit,to bo called such ; had.jni* municipal or ganizations. Since then large funis had been expended in putting the roads in passible order, and al though they Btill We o pretty lough, ho thought they vouid jcojiupnre very TaToiiibly wit' i tho towiishifw.' Tliero was opw good prosjH'ct of huviiif them; greatly improved eyery yen . lie said he did not look very favorably upon tho Ballot Act; was afraid it would -ciiltivuto.ii bud principle. Ho liked to w;o nmii vote cpenly and- feiir- ilessly. ': Tho subject - of was* the next toast | [Miiuled to j by Mr. lie said it might uji talk tempemuce in tumfieiaiicu cause :ll of the evening Geo. Esq., was next pio He t hen. "The Queen which, was 1 to by Mr. Gt iSong bj- Adamson. - The -guest Easterbi*ook^ posed. ( Mr.-Eastcrbrook, in responding, expressed his thanks for the honor thus cenferixil upon him an honor entirely unlo jkedfpr and unexpect ed, He had always tried to serve jt)i*eintei*e3ts of the ratepayers to the best of his ability Without fear or favor, and he felt llrat he lrad at least acted jonscientiously. Al though he was not now in. the Council,' he should continue tcifeel just as deep in interest in its muni cipal affairs. We should all exer cise economy, and try to keep down taxation. Ht; had every confidence in the present Council and: would always be pleased to give them the benefit of-his expetienco if at any should be required. lie lijad had but a very brief notice of tliis demonstrUtiou, and being call ed, upon unexpectedly had not had Tempenjnce " roposed. ltes- llobert Akens. pear strange to a tavern. The ad a good hot toin, nnd a substantial structure syas rapidly beiiig ; r It had got its head above the .mire, great progress In Nassagawe- canio is fast and' was making through the land, ya the. temperanct starving but the taverns. | It is re spected on all hand i, and. is assert-' ing incalculable influence for good. Tliero tire two organizations in this vownship with a h members, many rge rpimber of of wliom ai*e amongst" our most infliiejntial resi dents. Ho hoped it would continue to pi-ogress until th -s curse of liquor Was utterly banished from oiir land .. Mr. Abrey also ipoke briefly on the Bnmo subject. He 1 ad utrorig hopes that, the day was not far dis tant when we would] have a prohibi tory law in Canada The-Chairman said thut 23 years ago he assisted to foi ui a t i-mpefance society in" this to were only live me nbers. He be lieved the seed .^ias tben sown which now is sending torth such abundant fruit The' V Agricultural Iiitei-ets of Nassagaweyn." llfsfKimlcd; to by Messrs. McMillan a-jid W|n. Dredge. The ','Commero | Response by-;Mr. I Acton. " Mnnufiictiiring sjionse by' ^Messrs. brook, J. Mehzit*s ^nd Geo. Ilam- shaw. To tho "Legal there were no lawy Win. Reed, |" May bull "'wis""ciflled, upon to air'hiji elofpience.. j The-ok gentlepian re lated some hniiiorot s incidents.- ijf his cxperiencia in.N issaijaweya,'3i) or 40 years ago, wl en there were I no roads. He once occasion, [ani would.--close with again expires: ling his thanks for the favors.received. Song, by Ilr. Watson. : : - The next loast was "The muni cipal Institui ions of Ontarior"; R!e- by Miv Ramsey, Reeve of Nassagawtya. Mr. "Rjimsey contrasted the, mu nicipal institutions of the jiresent day with whit they Were a number of years ago; and noted the vast improvement) which;, had taken plaee. When he was a young man this township was connected with tbjejold Gore District, and all ,the municipal In isihess'was done in Hamilton. .. put one representative of Asier t-General.; M^r. Jenkins* was sent from this township twice i- * -*;"" , - * . '-It -' .'L ^' ^i - proniinence in the literary and po- Britain did Caniida secuiing an extend ation fir what he" had to say on her beha f, but he sometinies displayel much lack of suavity and discretion.^ Miny supporters of the -Tjominion .Administration, which las been much struck at throtigh him, *vill feel somewhat relieved at his retirement from- of- Theiill introduced into the' On- tiirio Le jjislatur j to provide for the of .scIiodI trustees by balr lot, "specifies that ill cities,; towns aJid vjllages -where a public school board1 if; establ shed, the nomina-. tipns ^rd election of school trus" es sjm I be hel 1 at the same time ind place, and ly the'same return ugipiKcer and conducted-in the. : amB uu:nner, Tie. bybajlot, as the nominations an 1 election'of coun cillors; and ths quiilifieHtion of; be the sanie ns fo-councillors. Gj'he i ameTTof the cat didates for school trustee's to bo or !a separate ballot^ o.ur.aup*r)ort. u nbia' hstve. by vote,' nnahimonsly endorsee, the rejection by the Wal- k nil Governmei tl of the last Do in iiiion offer (the $'?5O-j000' offer))" tc that Province, andrby, the'8<Mi)eA vlte.huve decide! to appeal'to the "iiperial Government. e;ich yearr UNOw that the munici pal i lu.w. givfes each municipality enrire control of its 'own local af fairs, -he thought our: interests wei*e better reprefeented. Not many years; ago a ^person would require to have a large library and devote a large portion of his time to study ing the municipal law, to enable him to understand the work of a Coun cillor ; but now that the numerous Statutes were consolidated, it was a very easy .niatter. to keep himself posted. He1, was glad to' see so, many of .ouijyoung men taking a good deal_oflintere8t in" municipal iffairs. "The/ should fit themselves to take thei places as representa- tiveSj and fhare in the work of trust and honor. He had faith in the rising {eneration," and hoped they would,, cultivate; an ambition to be better men than their fore fathers. \ He had been a member of the NaWgi tweya Council for a number ofy sars, and felt satisfied that lis affai rs bad been economi-' eilly manage: d: Sq long as a man does -what fan believes to be right, people will overlook slight faults. Sir. J. M nzies, Deputy Reeve, was-called ci]ion. He spoke of the new 'Ballot;_ ict. . Believed it .had worked, belt ir than was expected and ttioiight it had given general satisfaction- it the late elections. In. regard to the municipal law, he could find'n 3 fault witfy it. He thought whin he first came into, the Council that all would be right if he only icted conscientiously, but he found tiiat he hot only' had raised upon it. n-nsh p. Tli ere al ' ..n teres Ik.' Hetidersoii of interpsls:" Re- John Easter- Profession,"^lis . rs present. Mr. or of Knatcll gpt stuck fiust ltliusliel of po- Uiking to Ham- in'the mud with eig): tatoes, which he was ilton. He told a g<od story about trapping a ground liog in a stump, and how happy he was to get a piece of it t<^ eat. Any kind of fresh meat was then a rare luxury V " Educational -In terests." lie- sponse by Mr. D. r!endei*son. j " The Pi-ess.1' R -sponsu by Mr. Hacking of the Act< >J Free Press. [Messrs. Ramsey an 1 Norrish paid tlattering complim snts. to the Free Press,!for w rich they jwiiil pleaso-accept|our th inks]. Response hi* nd S. R. Lii- Jermnn friend, The Ladies." Messrs. WuiJ Reed ter. Mr. Stingld and a favored the compar y with some ciojce music |on a Gjerinah mouth or^an and a flute. Several volunteejr toasts were prppos'ed and j briefly responded to all-of which we ars comjielled to omit for want of spat e, The Iegislatuj-a of JBritwh Col- to do that, bifj that he had also to act legally,: a id to conform to the statutes of t le country. He paid alcomplimen'. to the worthy guest; considered him a man of sterling iritegrhyr ai d ' ripe Bhould miss hi:n very m*.ich in the Council, atulj I;rusted they. would Some very disc 'editable con- du-t on the part cf some official hign xtp in the Civ 1 Service has recently taken , plat e in ^Ottawa. The contents of docy ments in rela-. tion to application fi am Mr. Foster in reference jto thn extension of the Pacific Riiilwa/ and tOi tht recent action! with. *espect -{o^the1 office, of Agent-Gene -al were stolen and handed to the (HtuptaJ Citizen for publication. ThB pers/n guilty of this gross breach >f public - trust is said to j pretty ve1.} known, but is so skilful and wide awake is disgracefu: qirect evidence him, such dis&issal fron. which migh1, PRESS, JANUARY 27^1876. GENERAL NEWS. Agont Gcnoral Jenkins has tujken tho hint and resigned. It is'probable tho Ontario Legis lature will adjourn tho middle of next week. Tho Itnporiat Parliament -will bo opened by the Quoon in person on ho 8th of nex'i month. Mr. Th'oH. WMto jun., nas de clined ap])ointihent ns a Railway Commissioner for Quebec. I McConnoll, the iinsassin of Mr. poison Mills, will be tried in Ham ilton on Monday next. i Tho Public School Trustees, of ^arii- -intend to carry out the dompulsory education clause of tho- Sclioo! Act, ---.. . , i Tho epizootic, in a mild form, is iiow troiibling tlio horses of Winrii- ||eg, nnd in sundry parts of the Provinces outside. ! Tho burglars who robbed G'his- holin it Co's Ktoro in* Brampton liavo been caught at S|iiith8 Cieek, Sjlicliigaiv. : 4 i , Threo shocks of enrthqunke visit ed.tho island of St. Thomas on tlio morning of Jan. 7th. The second w'as very severe. 1 Heavy snow storms have block aded t|ie railways in' New Bruns wick, and mails aiid passengers, are cdnSequently delayed. I On Sunday night, near Amherst-' burg, a'colored lad fifteen years of ago stabbed another boy" three years his senior killing- him in stantly. The Milton hotel keepers reaped qujte a rich harvest from the Pettit robbery case, wikiiiy in from 150 to J8250 each in the.four days that tho trial lasted. Petty robberies are incieising on every-.sido in Toronto. Nothing is overlooked. Tho- city author ities blame local and municipal au thorities for shipping vagrants and loafers tc that city. On Friday evening a man named John Nelson, was found frozen to death on his way hoice to Orange- ville from Alton sUition to'his mo ther's place, onl whose "proj)erty the body was found. Se-veral of the factories of Mont- .ivnl wdiicli have: been miming at reduced time bavo agajn commenc ed ofieiations -at their fullest capa city. Business in! . that city is said to be looking up generally. It lis rumored that the Canada Southern Railway is about building a branch from. SVpllund Junction to Clifton,-'Out.,: for the .purpose of making a connection at ^Suspen- sion Bridge with the M.ylC.R.R. TkE TORONTO ABORTION .. Trial of John Clements. VEKDIC'r OF NOT o*ujLty.: in carrying out h 'Operations that can be procured agal as. would justify his office' with a stigma ruin him for |ife, Mr. Ddre, an offiier of the. Do mihioti Department of Agriculture has been sent to i E tgland to take charge of theOanad i Immigration office in the place of Mr. Jenkins Railway deputations are still | rampant, scarcely ;i day passing J that the Premier does not or more, and make to them the' stereotvfied'reply that ' Tiio mat ter, w|dl have the best consideration of the Government." ' . - Chas. L. Peterson, nn old settler, died iii Woolwich on Thui*s^fyrjHe emigrated- from^Baltiniore to Mark- ham ;Township in 1825, uud in 1840j moved toAVjcolwich, where he has resided up to his death. He leaves eight children, twenty-nine grand children, and seven great grandchildren.. K. Cbisholm <fc Co., who were rob bed; jit. Bramjitoii Tuesday night, sent Mr. MeBride oue pf the head clerks, in search cf the suspected parties. He foUni them at Smith's Creek, Mich.', and by prompt action and the execution of a quickly'de- vised stratagem, got them back to Siiruia, five in nuihber,:where they were at once arrested, an 1. forward ed to | the authorities arriving at Brampton on Friday night. Tha Nissouri girl who is said to have tallen heir to jirojierty in Eng land worth 80,00f), is said to have been discovered in the! of Mr. J.' Thorburn, Windsor. There, that's off our mind.. We have taken particular notice and believe it has been in every other paper, in the universe ht least, such of them as come undt r our observation; and -now publish it in the hope that this will be the Inst time- we shall see it in print. It -is "exceedingly exasperating to havo' other, folks' good fortune continually poked under one's nose ; we can't all. be .jUcky servant girls. Tho trial of Alderman Clemonts, wtio was ohargod with being impli cated in the OilmOur abortion case, occfipiod the Court. of ' Assize dur ing tlio greater part of last week. Tho only ovidonco agiiitSst hirn was that given by the convict Davis, who wa brought, up from the Kingston penitentiary to testify. Davis sWqro: positively that on a certain day he saw! Clements in 1-orouto, and it -was already proven that during that week Clements was on the northern- lakes. A number of witnesses testified to the unreliable and untruthful character of Davis, and n"o corroborating tes timony could bo brought forward to sustain his evidence. After the counsel for the prisoner and the Crown counsel had each: addressed the jury, Mr.! Justico Gait com menced his charge by- explaining to the jury that in allowing^ Davis any means admit his credibility, that -was for them to decide." He had the strongest doubts as to his competency to give eyidence at all, but that was a point for him (Ijhe judge) to decide and not for them. It was a point on which, if necessi ty' arose, ho intended to take the opinion of his brother judges. Oue thing for the jqry to understand was that if the girl Went to Davis ifor pills and drops with advice, of prisoner, but' voluntarily went to have the operation which caused her death performed^ ithen- they must acquit, the prisoner. There was not a tittle of corroboration of jDavia' evidence, and_pn .the testi mony. Of that'man' dejiended the whole case. Another point Hvas :that.if a week did not intervene fe- ! tweeh prisoner going to Davis' of- fice-:in reference -to the girl being table to stay at his (Davis') house !and the girl herself going there, ithen'the wbofe story jmust be li lie., j His Lordship's advice Io the jury j was jto acquit the-prisoner. The jury! then without leaving; the box jcorisulted with each other for a [minute pind the foreman rose, and' |on being asked if they had agreed, said, " Not guilty." His Lordship at once tohl the prisoner he was discharged,"the announcement be ing received with considerable ap plause,: mingled with: a texv hisses! Mr. Clements then'left the Court amidst; the congratulations of his friends! It is considered probable tliat the Crown will not go on with tho prosecution .of Win. Frasets, charged with being accessory after the fact of the inui-der of Jane Vaugban Gilmour. OFFICE GASH Stbli - SKAKl -f-- n _;,: & On beginning the business of 1876, 1 Trot Id: return since^eHlwiii' nty ntimergug cuatomefg for the very liberal support they hrgir* mT during tbe pat 22 years;! and again I most rei pectfully atk & eblitrnKjM* of tliefr rie(ipeotive support. During nijr enperlnce in bturnw* J*tt. pretty; thoroughly found out the , * Credit and Rowns in .. And am fully convinced that a Business is ,a Dange ; "bbtli -Seller and ~.'Mv s Business to I am therefore determined,to do a I j * And give my customer? the benefit by girihg them ." fiigJit per cent off for Cash on all Qeiietal I; . . - ^(excepting Sugar). By doing business ns abpre, I wiUrkve tlii c*ii, to' i buy my goods and effect a f , * j ; ~- PAYING OFJW L^AST 6 PER bEft MY;jCUSTpERS WILt GET TH)E BEHIFI^ !, | ;., ' .] -'-'-! ,'\."-'i- 14: ^er c0nt for tbeir Please consider jhe; -matjtei:..pver,. and Sight Ex Mixod ~ Mail 'Mixe^ tiaing ] piye tne vonr snpporttp, carry *F n ty f\eirt ni-fl .lUoi !> -'T^, 1 -"" i the.only right Way of doing biiEiness,-that ia On Saturday j eleci ion ciiaes wn disposed -of lis fol ows : In th full Court of Error and Appeal the decision of Ji stice! Gwynne unseating and disi[iialifying Mr Neelon for Lincoln in the Ontario Assembly, was con irmed ; in the Muskoka case the < lecisibn of Mr Justiee Wilsonv sus aining.and die qualifying Mr. Mill ;r, was resery ed; the appeal of tl e petitioner in the South Ontario, against the decision; of Judge "V Wilson sustain ing Mr-'Brown in his sent, was dis missedrlthe ^ijipeal n the1^ Haltor (Douiin"ion)!case(was a^lso dismissed, sustaining Mr. JMc Di-ahey in . hif seat. In the jNortli Victoria cases, stay of proceedings h as . been grant ed. I i " ' "' tl- .'The Brampton TuSvs s;iys : -Tire qniet village of CheLen'ham had a! Kensationi a few day's-.ago, caused by a report spreading that Alexander Walker, a school teach er there, had eloped with one of Ins pupils, a daughtelj of Mr. George Lyons,' of. 4th line west Ch'ir.gua- cousy,[who is only fifteeri ye;irs of age. The}' eloped from her parents7 bouse, white the family was away from home." The worst feature in it is that Walker is married to si daughter of Mr. Ebenezer Haines, who is held in the very highest es teem in that neighborhood, Who has two children to him and is again near her confinement.: - Mrs. Lyons,-.the mother of the girl, ia- nearly distracted oyer it. She got information on Thursday-thai the two had since parted, and that her daughter'*was iri ToVontp ant} Walk er* in |the United States.1- Mrs. iLyons ieft Brampton yesterday for Toronto to bring her erring daugh ter back. The feeling in the, neigl - borhood. is very string against Walker.;" *> Church I Dedipated.-^ Dr- B.. I. Ives> of Auburn, N. Y., dedi cated the New Methodist Episcopal! Churchof Brampton, last Sunday. At the close of an eloquent and im-i pi'essive sermon, he called for. a collection to remove a debtiof 4^- 000 which was duo on the church, and the whole amount was very soon provided for.' At the close of the evening sermon the house was formally dedicated in the presence, of a large and attentive audience.! . ' -~ Qi?bceries,.Provisions, Crbofcery^ . I- Hv| l G-lass-ware, Stationery-, ^ll Papers^ - I Windb-w Blinds, "Wlndo^ Rplfer^i&l Specialities.-S4FSAK. OYSTERS, Y.f iRSIOlTn BLOATEMS, |>|.- ]FIXXAXHAl>DIES,&c.,-Aci^' -- *!-^-.rv-4 j.j-'-; PRODUCE TAKEN AS; ^AfeH|||; !! f believe in the "DrsGOUNT f<YSTRir; nnr?*n<. jit: 7wr prored:r^rVR?tw-" fnctory. 1. will enritinue to'""-giv* the Hischurit nsi folitiws' : (hi 25j ct^j}! cents discount- on 50, ct.s, 4 centi"; on 75 eta, 6 cent* ; on SI, 8 cenfcr. ' i ronveyanrcr. Issner of Ufanfhfre I foritsef-.TnsnraBreljM-Bt i ASent Money to Lnnn> Affcitt. Motijrcai -JEfl. V., -ittctk'; j. Fourth DiVi Conri,Tom. in Q. B "."--"Vj--- --'il..-.^"' At ton. JaTifi-T1].-,; I.K7C !'j An Otti>WH pijxtr trils of a. j>er- -Q.tBBJtTli SCHOOLSv son in'that ncjglihorlioo't wht>j, hav- ^' . '-ing a horse, that he foiiptl useless, j drove it into a ouslroaa <iold night, I choppexl the hoofs'off: the pooilani- fPre.<!>>/?<\ri<.m nl Vi'nrlc Dial,.in order to get' its5 sjibe. nnd then left it toTts fate. If the Ot tawa bnite was treatedjiis he tre-at- I\Siindmj ed his horse, he would deserte' littlo pity,"" Where;is t;hK society ' >""\'Jf llor- the PJrevuntion ofJ cruelty to animals? 1 - _ '1! - t; :^ - M ! "" 1 Hi ACTOS "HA8KET-, Vyhite Wheat...-...:..-. "feeadwell...-.___,... Spring AV^'eat...... Barley ..;-----; .^ ., .. Oats....:...___;:.. Peas.'..i.-.;.7..v.-v',.. Patatbes, per bash...., Dried Apples, per lb. Anions; perTsishel.".. fritter.;............ Pp8-.......h...... ITay, per ton........ Dressed Hoga ... Lambskins............ Pelts,..-....:.;' *.;.. . 0,95 to 1: 00 0|95to0 98 0 85 to O 90 . 0" GO to 0 -68 0 35 to 0 00 0 60 t'o-0 3 0:4ft to 6--00' 0 08*o0 00 0;7S to 1 50 0 20 to 0V 00 a is to d oo 15!00t16"d0 . G\*K)to7"00 O 50 to 0 SO 0. 50 to 0 60 &ilMt?i S-rkfKjr'JYnrW :".I - ..! ".^ S-horil Timrs.s'i -.':".' """! | &ftool S'u^Hiitciicleiff* Wentmi'iusfer Que.ition Booki;,. - 'Tl Intern(nioiinl~_ Wi'-sf/n muter'. Jjuson Lesson Jjtaves^ Leaven, j- BercwA Ij&sou Leaves^: ' ! -care 5 lb!] value in C Sdect Nr4e? oruthc InUntaiiowd Z.e**ii for 1S76. The Largest arid .Cheapestl(SWdi<Sf ; Sabbath iSchpol Paper*j Saajapi- ; forwai^ed, p-repaid.;- ; .-."' ly guarde^l per*- i*r . i-4*b teUin] lnl|*yz gli " ott subject! "matters ad,] much bette -job PMatl . .i". The bestl Vt the Fee r: amine .oar i DIEI>. i jaweya, on; the 24th-Tbst, Edwju-dThonuafaged^Tl years, a native The Meucer Will. This case has been before the Coui;ts in To ronto, during the past week. On Friday, Vice-Chancellor :Blake gave judgment declaring positively that in his opinion thie evidence brought forward to prove that Bridget Reil- ly was by general reputation re garded as the' wife of the late Andrevy Mercer was entirely inad equate'; ^.hat the marriage entry m the parish register of Toronto Gore was a forgery; that the alleged will was equally a forgery, and that tbe wbold case of tue plaintiffs was evidently .an attempt to perpetrate a groBs fraud upon the defendants. It is stated j that- the Quebec Govem.ment, as recjmsti-ucted :.will- consist of the following members ;' ^C. B*. PeBoucherville, Premier and Provincial Secretary . A. R." Angers, :Solicitor: General;,1 P. Garneau, Commissioner 'Crown Lands; L. R. Church, Attorney- General ;.A. J. Cilapleaii, Com missioner of Public Works ; Mr:' Baker, Provincial Treasure ; J[: J. Ross, Speaker bf the Legislative Council. , In Nassagaweya, on; 3w!irdThomaif agedj of Shropshire, EriglarnU "He. "emigrated I to Panada'in. 1820 and come to the Coun ty of Halton, aad.Vesic|ed :on the- farm "he cleared for the remainder 6t his tife. On January 22nd; at his residence in Brampton, Christopher Stork, .druggist, in the 46th year of hisvaga. ,.'-. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. okmer at cixeik. E -r- ,- -i. B00KST0BE HEAP Side of Wyndbam Streit, GU-ELPH. ) Speedy Justice. : Brampton, Jan 15.": The five burglars who robbed K. Chisholm and Co's store here on the night of ;the 18th of this Tnonth,'and wei-^ caught jin Michigan, were brougnt before the judg to-day'. They all pleaded guilty, and -were sentenced to the penitentiary for 2 years ttd 8 months, 2 years and 9 morith'F, 2 years and 10 mouths, 2 years; and 11 months, and 3 years, respective-: V:: .- !-'.',--.|J ,.- . Brutal Wife Murder. A'ni&n named Samuel Hopkins; living jnear Lyuedoch in Simcoe County, Ont., murdered his wife on Saturaay. He first stabbed her with a butcher knife ;, she then J tried - t*i get to the doorl. but he fol- i lowed her up, and beat out hfir' brains with a-grubbing hoe. The !riian was at once, arrested and- -is! now in jail. ^-' '. ", The-Ielection of. a member to rpresent North Renfrew in the Hpuse'iof Commoils was held oh FridayJ land i-esulted hi'the return- of Mr.'Peter Whife, the .einBervar tive candidate, by. a majority, of about 200 over htBJ pppouehty Mr/' Murray!" JTOTICEi TO DEBTOKS. All parties indebted* :to th.^! rinder'- uigned *re I requajtod to caU and settle their accoiinte on! or before-the 1st of ,. ,. February next, withont' fail> and oblige, aro th i most particular inTttjetr rf as I need the money. ! '! -'fort^ to maker theirnnrchaits kt MS ' - -D. GAMOvTAY. : Acton, Jan. Id, 1876.' ' !; 130-2t . 1. SE who always! * $ IS. OTI E. Estate of/ Sharp, ' " All "persons indebted to the late Jphn Sharp, of .Acton, !bjy;. note,' book ac-: count, or otherwise; :Svill pleaae call and' iettle at once. Andxall.persons having claims; against said Esfhte will forthwith present their claim's for payment.; X - JAKE'S_EtAR^, Executrix, Actori, Jan. 26th, 1876. ai-2t ? READY MONEY, forti: to; mateer theirrpuatrlifes it tft* . Saei _firt xjtii Cijee;: other Cve far i Lbwest' Ossi^ Prioa. No. With Gash InvHftnd":*!" v."V- Losses;'!; Are 1 JB&d<8i 1 PEOPLE'I MILLS rain, "$10 ppi^fbon. ' Bnorts, $13 per ton. t Maddliags^^il^ pr ton. JAMES GOLPIE. 7'. and ybulciin afford to sell lower ft^! .youj- neigbboVs, wjionnjist awk*;"??-; 'their, losses bv greatec pricea fo'uiot^ : - "j Whdpay arjitbui .."r^JI. awk* those *rho always ha pay the bitis, oi trapse any.! T. J: ro*i' doe^ business on" the Caih ?WPJj payipg money down-; -He./j' advantages in ' his; line; ex* rionei Close GashBuyers go Bookstor* foe their uotxtt- eatiSEed With Small ProfiU: GhTDf fen v: -:-\- r'triSil "v--;" A Tit creaht pu| :V:-.wi A-po-i V' }to:iMr.:j:] v_v^i*8fcStind '^'^itev^i -f'-; !:Of $&, t^iulbroias binadl ^oa-iiis ^hrfff'! ^uietlyl ?V^"

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