Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1876, p. 3

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w '-U;--ki :- ,'j .-.-';- M<HingMiul \. flay Express /- - - Express; Mixed :> . - ' flOISO KAST. !UO.a.'ni. - cConqerninffCiur Boads. ._ To tfie Kfifor o/<A<i'j", *e iVe*.': . ' Dtfdi SiR.-4lni;otir last issue, acouulmjue;vtfiou fiom "Sufferer," made. ku| nppvAtntico. While' I fully i?roe withlm \ as to tho dls- THE AGT0N 'Erra' Cocoa.-f-G|nATBut and Com. POHTiNa. "By i thorough knowledge of tho1 natural 1: ,w4' which govern the operations of <lij[ojtipn And nutrition, and by a careful Application, of tho flue properties of we 1. jjc'lcotod cocoa,. M Kpns has provided pur breakfast tables with a: delicate ly'; flavored bovcrago -; Xigkt ExpjSSS _A Ey KxpreM i.. ,;iiii .-.v "..9:J0.=to. ill :3.11km. ' 8:35 ]m. "f . WBtamoy IfaOi going Wert aw closed at.iSyttvm. (^sinjKut at 5 p/m. _ ; " ;- Regictered Letter* must he m "five inntes before tW above hours. ' , '- Kaatchbull'mail. Tucsdajys. and Fridays, gtnceftil. state of tU roads through 1 " which may save'i many Heavy doctors' Esquesing, I cunndit sob that tho .bills. It is by tlo judicious use of such residentsiof 'Acton Are ea.lll on to | article*of diet that!a constitution ma; FREE PRESS, JANUARY 2T, ^876. Wrn. Stewart & Co. &to -ESS" ' General . |ve th*-oaah-ti ;;pEFT( BtMERT, !rt to carry LOCAL XEVTS^-r We &dlt be gUtJ, at fl tiaseK fcTrTf#w#riH#"o/yoi( < , -' *prci<x| rcS.frr^ TTiV<t,. ijfrt*. . u wj^ >r ttj*prr*fntci or otbci- sotfetiet, - tr^cidtjtU, or iujy. ij&iJdnt irhirfi ia..u b<- . MtrriiHx!/. ettAifr ut (A .toealitp i>r >h tie ftwatry gesjrrii/i^ j Matter of tfiU ' itJKfsto* "* *V' ronrjtn/< " Printer* ~ 'Copy,"-af tie'riate'o"' te erst 'per'ai., and tf iW.i.iiri:- -r fo iii.viirc i/.<T ~ jiiiMira/c>ii "< iWl < I' pr <" < re- <rin U'b? Tkkftitag') >v;iin<j,-at the .TO called on to u^dves) Strongly in this ma'ttsr as ho'seen .s'Jto :idvistv If " Sultei-cr " wjll t,ukjhishnen)oiyiio may possi- biy rec H the fact t iat in 1874 we were, c unpolled to sepai-ato -frora Esquos ng, to enable us so to expend our ow i.Jtaxes vthai we could get sovgc- A:ton streets vithout iimnd- ,boat; i nil nlthougli; the improve-' merit p )\y ii almost lucrcdible, wo have' st 1^ Ample .too n'for'.our sjwro funds. Several parts of the village liRvchf atj'rAther neglected, and any efforts-.: nade ia flieii behalf will ^jo ajipivci itd by the ratepayers., if,", as he s:iys,the t'roub oin Esquesing is a Kiu phis of 'nioiuy, our case is .'diQerert,: Our shari'of the Muni cipal Lxtn Fund has heen spent, as he recoannehds (^'itliout'any con-: tention f, iaiid .we lmv|e something to LOCAL MATTERS. ... Y I bo gradually built upuntil strongenough to roaiat cvcTy tendency to disease Hundreds of s.utit lp maladies ore floating around us raodi - to attack wherever theft) is .a>woak p lint. We- may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortitiod with pure blood and a pro perly nourished "ranio." Cirit Service OavUe. . Sold'onyjin packets labeled "'James Errs & jCo., Homd>oi>nthic Chemist, 48, Thr eadncedle Street, and 170, Piccadillyy. I ondon." . , show fir for further improvon .\.;r-->- Lers,&c IBLOATEKS^ Jored t*tt sati- >ir 25 eta-,2 (SI,' Sceat*. jranrr Ar*9t JEWS. W>LS. L ' 'viihriiiiwtiaff* y *&; yljtacex. reft '_"' jlnJtriiaiionetl J .'"/. peat StoA est eri Saaapt*- ; (repaid. -y. :l f'1 OSCE. ON'S M (STOBE ray~lanr*'- -#' alax'ia thi^r f>larcbaae* ati*' Hai*7 5 MatJef r seHloirer; ** ? Iburt iaahv*F^ price*to W*"^*^ ^ Village Council jthis-evenirg. -i_Monthly Cattle. Fair on' next Thunpday. /' ... -)&r. "Waldie o^ jWelihgton Sqaare, has be*n re-elect 1 Wartlen' of this County. - . _; - - ___^The snow-of Tuesday has mde the rcods dow qui e" passible for sleighs and cutters. More of it-would heiltttjr ppreciatL j i youttg man nimed 3IcMil- las,-slipped o the ioe wlien carrying a pa of! wsiterj the other day, ahd frac- tured the small hone of tis anVie. ' p .__AngnsBCameron's ash waggon \ lease- W griefj the other d ly,when cciS- \ %BS^ ismall bridge neaJ the TaibSwd ' itank-engine hoose. We lave not Iean.- " led that any one! was harfe >, . * i _. "* HSfton Conntv . l?oun:ir alr .wars completes its business injfne 4a\ \sesiioa.' We|je[ubt if thi re, is another tymnty in Ontario wubneJCounciBtirs ren"rt on diity less thar three ^ys. ^- iaeh-siession kf,th.e WeUinssoh CoiKidil - sallv oecopies five or six days. . ;, ,- " -- -^ ' ' ' I -, ' ' : r "-. Mr. ^ohtr Ramsey, Heeve of yassagswiyai claims to |be one o/" the ' i oldest i residents of the township, now - -Ev^jin"- it. He !ws born on the "westerLboondsry of the .township fifty \ ews 4g<>.when it'was 'al:p^st " m!Ur- ieis.- One Ot'-his sisttrp was the first -'. fejaaje; child: bom in I^aniosa. f -; ^ I^ffLristie. Hwulepon Jt Co., ,: of'ActOT. ha!-e dccideil t|> ertend Iheir " rnrJKr Cleariyg Sa!e s^ 41 .to S"" vlsit' """ flS'toneit Fair full opportunity-of get-: A' . .jtriil of thatVjunons 50c^tjea, lately fr\-.m. direct, will jsurprise those ' 'fiBim afdistante wlwi bavj; n-t hail t^ importunity of lyins a jrenlly fiae tee at Vneh a Wngwre. .I^n't fail to s4- , core a 5 Ih. hjt undoubtedly the best - jrxlue';in Cicada. _ ' . ,',':' on|signed 'fCov. enanter" has.;been hamUd"in with the j'request that we shonld^feDlish it. We respectively decline io!jdo $o> on the '- grMnd tht we have no desire to enconr- ige any controversy on- rfinrch matters ; throngh the roeditnn of tie FretPres*. r;_ This a a snbiject which rigid ly guarded iganirf in sicnla^' ney-?p- -pers, in- when once conmesce<h there - ^-6 telfing where it will end.^ "We are ~-ilnavslgbxd to publish. corre'Jfm.lence "' *. subject* of general intjereft, hut such Tmaiters as1'^Covenanter" speaks of aro -rSrach better kept^at of print, : * * MUa|u The best job prrntia: in the County at th*,FeEE JPeiass Office^ Call and ex amine our specimens. - m raised Iy it; and.'tlic fumls needed direct-taxation. Xcanriot ents must be but tl ink " that" " u(Ti-iier "j has made a " big push " iu the wrong directli n. Instead of asking! us to pers lade and help the TownsJu'j of-Esqi lesing to mend their own roads, vhy not use ;he eloquenco he so.eFiilently possesses, in laying 'his grievance before ihe C-otincir of his own municipality ? and half the delicate flattery applied (in vain).to the iut: ablitanU of-.A .'ton would, if directe 1 against that august body, surely jfixxluce such-results as would entitle him tr the 'ivsting gratitii ie'of the tnive lingoommua ity. "n[conclusion, allow me.lo hope t.ijit(;it ^cASt (till we- learn ly men is}' we. mav be attend toi internal irnicli n"oi"e iicces&irh" when these are sHppl quite soon enough Ut kind inviluition rSecord Bibs.' celebrated. 50e nie.teor Tea is'acl nowledgud to bo the best in tho countj. I r NViihted a'. Christie, Hender son &.Co.'8, a larjo. number of.genuino tirst-class purcha: fra Vwho "^"ill come lown liaiidsomely " and assist ih mnkilic goods must bo sold Big Push," is before stock; tak ufc'- Jobs hnd Odd,Lot* "to close " ih every departnu 1 Will you be' WYNDHAK STREET, aTJBiLPH. Aro ahowinj now tsi-^t "wroisr V'1 X ^ SEEOIAIJ TOTHiB FTteUq. 3& 103 PIECES CROSBY'S AT TUB EXTKEMELY CHEAP PBICB OF 75 Gerits Per Yard, 78 Eiooesi Worth |$Iv20, ply Ziddormi2istr Carpets Assorted 2 and 3 ""* '*- ' BEAUTIFUIi QOOD^ AT A LAEGl! KEXVCSIOX OH USU^L PBICES.^ ; -; v '-' v The above goods bare been bought by me at less than tho makr' cost, and I th Dominion. Call early and aeleot, ' ! .' nt, rcgiiftllcss of cost or >-alue, at Christ id, Henderson & Co. OYSTERS, OYsrERs; OYSTERS. Best Ifrands of BAIT FRESH" STOD what a frig jnish in I squesing real- fry jt and permitted. tO^ uiprovenients ' to ua^ and ieil, it will; be listen to his Willi vou be one;": IMORE OYSTERS, ARtTS yster Bazar. emperanee Drinks Yours 1 'nil v LATEr-AYEK. Jan\ iff, 1S7G. Council.- t met oft the Nlissafi-a-oreya The members elei 17th in it., at 1 o'Ji<>ck p.mi - JThc mem- l,ers w ;re all present ;i!i.l "signed thuir dc'clarajtiVitis and rjiialit' viz -. J >lui illrans'cv-^ Keijve ; J.-imes Me'n- TheopUolus B. ;h, and David. nes, . [DepUty; " Beeve Wind, tJf.'rg'e'-'.'X'rH, jCouneilhirs. Mr. bforfish mnve\l, seconded'by- Dr. ' Wiins, tha-?3'/ l' pai.I. to_Wallace & Pant i: i for-printing niinj-tiis and By- laws, is \y t account uts & p.-.vis.iu,'fi'f pn l)n iiitijn, one trrilhi each wasttrder- atiorrJi of otfitve, Speieal Lines in .Xjhe ip. Jackets, Special Lines of Cheap Dress1 Goods .SpeciarLineB of Chei p Cottons. Special Lines of Cliet \i Silks. Special Lines of Ch6i ip Flannels. Special Lines of Cbct p Blankets. A Special Lot of Canton Flannels A Special Lot of Ch ;ap Twpeds. ! - ,- * >0er for the next t^orabntlw the^cbeapost oorpeia to be: met jriih i Oct. 27, 1875 Alma-Block,.Tjp'per Wypdham, Street, ^tnelp SECORD BROS,; Montreal House, iStOOEI^O fill In every Department at the fa.shioMble wes^'-.-iaif-D.1 f- ?! ! ='. -v. , Sees to Intimate that bts Stock Is now complf te tn every department, arid desired to 1 Inform! ttie'ladies of Qaelpb and surrouadlngr conntry that his tUspl-i* <if Jtjew-and: I. Fashionable Ooods Is tBo finest tie has ever submitted for pnblic approval^ attenUon is lnvlied to oar Special A Special Lot of W ^CTOX LI VERY & SALE STABLE Black Lustres, Specii inceys^ Cheap. ^s_co?03sr. Silk and jDress Department. Sh awl and^ ]\iantle Dep^ptmeiit, MiUiuery department.! Mso'gi'J, -U> In- itiug..-' Tnkc^ -p'eisurc lr pultlle generally it fll! e.1 to jc refunded tn J. T. Taiorj 1"^ fonlois. Ilcutlcritin and .error i m assessmciLt >rrisli[ secondetl fdli>w:,ing:- EU1Q5 for sheep killed BarU-ree .?2-T.'8S r. econded by X)r^ ee be appointed' on behalf of tile Conned. Xht appointed Jaiae^ Stancqujbe as ippointment of l>:i . norfpn of J.Ir. N by Mi, M Jiiir'es.i t'iie were ordered t<j-lie"p.iid by diK-s-; to_, I^unbert- ahd to W. Mr.rton*"(i.(: Mr. JVIenizies'inii'vfcd, ji -Whin, p.a.i Alex. M'ePf -Auditi !Keeve the: othkr Auditor. A By-law for the _, townshipolticcrswas int; ikIucciI and read a tirit laud seuou|l tii le w'th bl.-yt.ks partly t lied. J . - OwinL' tb the ir illness of the Clerk, t je-CouiicS a Ijuurned till Satur: day, 3SL-i..' --.' donnr il met qn the 2: ml. inst. Mem bers iaE '"present, Bee\ e .in the chair, iii.nujtei read and cenfii med. The t am; of ^t w.-is pi lered to be paid to John Kein for sheep killed by dojfi. Accotm ; oFJ. Kasterbnok'of -?ll.fip for rtc r jlh g* 8-5 births, deaths, and 11 marriaj |ss, 'ifor 187,5, vyas ordered to be paiiL Also aceouht -ft* Wm. Dredge $1.77 or iphmkrf. /-Jho account of Jonathn Tasker| of $; for 500-feet f f9l fejiessf iwlrsiti, 4 InmtM.'r -.,l ' - . We ihviteiaU who can do sh, to send ByJh w for defining planes of certiim pewnieiiu. " ^r-_._;,._4a a- pubW t itficers was read -a first and sec ond, tii ie,. and blanks tilled tip as fol lows :' AuditorsSG:eaeh ; Assessor $80; Callectir 875; Clerk -5100 (to include the sch Ml'rate tot);. Ii ispector of -Tav- ems ^. By-law finall; read third time and'bajsed. " .' -r - -. The 3y-law appointir g certain xown- shipWicer^wasrgad.a third time and passed The blanks w< re filled np with the fc ilowing flames : Assessor, Mal colm IlcMillan ; Colic tor, Samuel R. Lester ;: Auditors, A itcPhee and Jas'v Stanco nbe (-Inspector o ' Licenses, jThos. M. Ta rlor.. . : ~ Mov id -by Mr. Huteheon, seconoed by Mr Menzies, that 1 eave be grhnted to intri duce a By-law .< icfining the ^du ties *f Tavern Inspecti r. The By-law was do y read the necessary times and passed " 'Mr. ! denzies moved, i ^conded by Mr, Korrisl, that $10 be-pai f.fb,Peter Black ;in aid i frMM. Brain,, a poor, and desti tute pel-son; ' # ,' ' . Moved by Dr. wini, seconded by 3Ir. Hitcheon, that $U be.pai^to. H. Cargllljfor clearing ro:dr airowapce on aide roill between LotsJ lp and 16 in the asipn ; and aE > bn road allow? reen 6th and ]?th concessions. rhri b h-ni, nnd Ite bo surp;iss';l bi nn Acton July im. I ALLAN ; ftnnoiihclne to the it io Is prepared to ni!fh FIrsV-siass Horsos and Carriages . At Reiso lable Rates. His Rlu< and Horses tire the best that Isi iletrnnlned not wo City Stable. ' (75. ' i - - . . WM. STEWART & Co. 1, Value. C. T.1HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER The Acknowledgedj Cheapest House. Is Cheaper than. Ever. Prices KedticetL 'tl ' Money Saved. . -] Furs, Fancy Woolen (Joods,: Hbs|ery,^iitI^Glovei? . BJankets>lFlannels, Tweeds, &c., t r j; ; All of whJch we ara^jjrepared; to eutatttaV very lowest prices. . '-.'r'i A. O, JBU^AM, I .' Fashionable West aid-Dress, MillineiT' aiid Mantle fXUbiishtaent.- Ooelph, Oet ii 1875. 'V . . '" f" .1--^- = :- '": v- :n- abort daicrip.tionsof accidents5! or otmsasl occurrences in any part of the County^ Write on one side of the paper a$y. Mafj'."'foot letters on Monday or i'Taesdayj to \mtmrt oil insertion ih the - Tfi*x PEof the sahie week. . See tiat tamduayard-wide cotton ' first qaaSty/only 10 cents * yard, at Christie, Hsaderson A Co. s. Secodi Bros, hare made an other grantf; reduction in pricesi. ' this fins certainly deserve the thanks as -wdl as the ettensive pafaronage they re ! for thet&forU they are constantly t " 'U'&^t-'-i *&^*f*ff irk >^vtf ;..nw<f to aUoe cheap goods in the - "hands of coaiomeTs. Their present re- idoetJon hi >rice i- made jnst at the prober tune, snd will help the people to Hd over tie prevailing hard times. -- It appears ti be=thir stnely hpwithey '. esm-proTJd* -heir patrons with goods at i she West joasible.' price. We wish ' them every access. ^ / A Fiesiish TwcK-^-Some mis^. - ereant put \ atick of wood charged with powdjr into a pfle -belonging to; Jfr. J", ifewtori, of Kalbride,.and last Sundaj it was put into, the the, . stove into jiecea, and" blowing open \.s^ thedeoi iirthje house. 'Mrs. Newton wa> o badly burned that " doctor hai to be sent for. -The /urnitare, i., wasbadlydamaged. 44r. Newtoi had a Jstock of good floond"'ifaqt, and the stick that : *aa:,.chargef was rotteti, abd of-a di&rent kild frorii'the"rest. ^ It ia to be. 'hoj*a that the perpetratorti of ttus outage will be discoverei and braughMo jukia^-4'C/ia7npion! AcTox WAGON AND CARRIACE ./ " JAMJES RYDUKi Prpprtctor. "Wagons, '. Carriigsk, .' Stelffbs,. ,;i - Outtors, &c. Kept In stock and rAade to Order on the i Shortest Notice. - i Strict atten Hon paid to and satlsf^ctl Ae'tpn July 1st, 137S. Horss-Sbooia? S; general Jo'b'blafir )h guaranteed.' fUhcorit ance bt.- - - - - , Also $6t to jThos. Cox f or clear'n-g rdad allowanqe between Lots" 15 and 16 on i-Sth' ?oitland.alQng the j >g, and SI.25 for repairilrt-ai bridge oppisite Lot.16, be tween 6th and 7th cohci ssions. " Movedfby Mr. Menzi ss, seconded: by Mr KorHsh, that thf j urn ofi $3.90 be paid to Anthony-Hiat in for 65 yards gravel foi rdad divisioji No, 9.* ^ t Mr. Nojrrish moved} s sconded by Dr. Winn .thatTthe suin" pf 899 be paid HEIGH HP, STOP! fiat's ihi Matter? ] :.r Why^ny person > pho wants a good - '!. aad-imeap.. 0-eneral CJrocs ries, Boots and JJHoes, > Wall ^aiier, -'W'iiid.o'vir Blinds, Crockery, I- Glass^aro, . c Kails, /Glass, Puttyl Liasefd Cil, ,4t* BoU94 Faints, TnrpDntirlo, Macniai Oil, Coal Oil, Salt, to.^ The subscriber begs tor itOrn his thanks to thefribabltahtsot Actf nandsprrpund- lng country for the 111 era! patronage i am sfW - tI!I8 / heretotore extended to b m, ahd at the SET OF ItAIWNE55,i Bame time solicit their Urther support READ THIS. I Haring adopted the system of doing I nsiness on \ ' -. t- '" Basis of Three Mbiitl^k Credit, We feelfssured it will result to the adraniage "of our customers as wel^aa oarselvet, and.we propose showing oar customers a few of the advantages they will gain by it. If we can get a settlement of albacoounU every .three months, it will be as good to us as cash, and as we jintend to carry tljU out, and whether the account is one dollar or a hundred, insUt on cash or note, ! and interest erery three inontba, we have made a N EW -FALL G^) QI>S "- V-'v: & MoUAB'S. Y #. :, Do not fail to Tisit me;; : - /" t - .V-r . And examine those piles of cents uriwards, Mlso those CQTT0XS, all ^est JCanafiiM make ranging jfroni 8 cents upward$.j. .-:" FLANJN"EIiS, from 25 cenis^upwards.j ^ J^hd other Staple' and ^ai|icy ; BrV K^oddsi Jit| _ i ' I ie pa oado y FIT; Eobbe^t -As it bat an attempt might i* the prisoner Jfiils , io %pnitentiay,' the Sneriff^of jMilton took him <iff luietly- a^' about 1- o'clockf on Joseph Aiaelrson- for making a road op posite Lot ]2 and 13, p itween 5th and, 6th concisions; - ', ,' MoVedMbViMr. iHnttbeoti, seconded by Mr. Menses, that: have be granted to intrtd^eeTa By-law it next meeting of Council fdr the purpoie Of regulatmg the numbirljof houses"^ public enter tainment {adt to exceed' Fpur in number.; "Ahfo a By Iafw to regulai e amount tp be paid for ". icenSes, and the amount of bonds for b due fnllfillment of all By laws, and i tatutes concei ning the siane All partiei interested, a: e requested, to take notic s jand send i i their appliea- tions on oq before the 20(thi day of .Feb, nVxt Should call on GREAT ^D GRAITP RED UGTIO N IU PR ICE S of reduction, a feW instonces Of which we gire below Of all goods capabla LOOKI S' VBSCRIBE FOI: THE BOBT. C3REECH, MILL ;STBEpT, ACTON, Who Is always rejdy to supply! ous- j ^OtOH TtQQ turners with everything usually, kept in a lirst-class HarbesB Shop. N.B.-Caih Paid for Hlf es deUyered. C'r T. "BltAi. Acton, July 1st 187B. S Tea reduced to 83 cents. 80 cent Tea.reduoed to 70,centi to cent Tea reduced to 60 cents: 40 cent Coal Oil reduced to 30 cents. $25 SiM r Watch reduced to $18. .'""," | $18 Silver Watch reduced to $12. $15 Silvir Watch reduced to $10. $S.50 China Tea Set reduced to $5.50 ' $6.00 Cliina Tea Set reduced to $5. . $1.50 Cliopping Axe reduced to $1.3 'j $1.25 Chopping Axe reduced to $1.'( '. - j M .. $1.50r Granite Cups and Saucers redut ed to $1.25. 1 j . - 74 cent pronto Biscuits, by b<>4 rod iced to 7 cents.! _J-: " ' 20pounpspf Bice for|$li '.-'!'. I "\i !. A^furUer^reduptio^ of 5c per> all ?ejts except our_50o Tea, when sold in '& or 10 lb. Io proportion. Aetot , Sept. 28, 187B, "SO: & M<m&i ceo. E,Moim0w CSEJrarST ANfi DRTOClISfP, '{ ' ! Bifick Druff Store olri Milli jStred^ ' :Tv Form srly occupied by the late DRt 3ABTEB, which! has been enlargedjand- ; 1: i. refittid. arge stocfe oi Drugs, Medicines, fancy Goods, Toilet Articles,] <fcc." alwajson hand. ',_ Ac on, Nov.'1'i875V Harness made itOWB. i*jli \i iJ *-i n^r a I Onmotiinithe Coun<iliadjourr yrnigkt 17 mat, via George-\-J^^ on Sataroay 5th Feb, ijd .to ry. agaip oh atamay ran r epruary. J.jEASTEihh'>ok, Clerk. .' shortest possible police. COLLARS A to order on the 3PB0IALTT. . i ' CREECH ,A4on. _OVV18,1870. ".)' : Only $i a Year. OB PRINTING < t.WIM** neatly and promptly pxecntea at tne I FB.KE PEESS O i"FICE, - Itisagreat and-gl<irious thing t6 |BeU good gotds cneap, and the man whohaaaccomplishectmsbaBalwaysDeenMgardadas a pubiio b^nefac- tor. Uthis be so, we think We can justly lay aoiitr claimj to the^tle lor our ho4se has always been acknowledged one of t bvi^ oheapeat anylwnere and we are now maki,g another efiort to throw .heap goods andjmoney ^*o the'pockets of oiir customers,|and we are alrady'oonTto^ed'that tjie public with pit lasure. '[ V Xext the' Tost Offlce, Ml M Street It '1 SECOR0 BROS

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