Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1876, p. 4

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f^4Wf -. ",:"'=" t fe-Ji r r J?4 k" -if!- : :*. Sir-" Sfc.-j i: V-' .-"- ,' tflfzpi '-5i--; jfR... K;;\-ar---'Af*'fi:ii.i jj-'j frMi .' 1 ' 'J \i 1- 4 H -Vi ill"' if V-- . .-,w i? .> ^3M':'!<- */* !^:: :^ ftjU'&At: ^-.. --A!lH.^:- If* *.-.; "V 1^' -V sa; f:lfl iS"-"-l- Nt-lvS-SK - i *3o ' "-ft" *S'1 mi il-'S -' &mtg,ks a^ ! I ' . PJJB>' I ' ite: AptCN FREE PRESS rti\-anoi< Irn-tl i^)v:vl tM>lV*ix tihrc.ottiohtbs onciollarnn.l a Han wliLlii- cliarjrL; or l\ro<loltiirs If noj jvi 0 tNHhe.p'na of: llin Nopai or to uivy"'.|Sot* in wore inHiiont> ,vrnr iuivhlit. _! | ItAittS OF MlVKKTriltNtii KIRllt Cf >lls|' pr IUX(*fi>f41r.~l lusorilim, nnd iwojMmts }riiiib for carli^ subjsrqtiolil liifccrrloh.. .Htknrl Hilv.rtls.MVictilsol' plclit lliu-s imft ;iHier, $1 Oir tiir^o Vnsfri toi.H. mwlno^s. Oarih* of *lslit Hues nd uuiter, >4 per xMiu'.'tn. , - -A ttifMUtlls'vmri nllowolon ailvoTli'o- lucrpif M<spn<*<t for .^xum'uIoJ pirlixlx. Ailviirtb-oinciit-: v kliilitspecl:0 Instruct lions'. lns!ir;<:U till f\ir^ut, vl chnrRcd. arcordiiwly. i : Any Spooisl Koiloc, tbfi oljcst of which *t m pii>niito lho iwrurilnrv tenctH ofnuy IiiilivjKtiial or 'o-KftiMiiiy, tooe cotisUicrcvI tf,n fttl-Torii^nuiritx, ^ "TtwnMenLnilveuis<iikoats"tti bopnlilfor xrrrcn onlenpd; All Hitvcrllsftur'necOHnts Ttfrtrtrr>.M viu rlerl,v. ! - SoUwoi Marri.ife-s'Hirthsniid'Benths Jtikcncd iV>> i ?" Jdwcc stKmg HC.ll liENTltfll' TTJEAI'LD M*>. IV.ilsrevtMy wi' tlu; aullil tn.-ui, . He's:lx\w.ovl >Cav41 bj tium: ..-- Ho liad a heart as stout as yours, j When Sc w-;is in^iis-pHnxo,. V "Put toil has raukvxl jhis ' fran"U\ '-- ' - ,Ahd care has liiitxl liis briV*; He sihiddotl yiiu'.for t:i:uiy-j'&vT3; You o\w hiui coavfitift uow-. j SriKMith a^his ills ilooivif yoa earij ;: A^id chix'rhis .latter ^Enys; ' ; His.^kitn!- null's. altKit ii) set. - " , HiUle not the jKirtrnjj rays. IVe'll a'- lie. wvak ;is >^iil as h.e, ; Kaiut,i.*tot;erif.5,'leaid;:'g \\\<OU sticks; . /'.Au hsnllv lit to.y-iii; mMb <$WzP\M. "To clear o 'I/-,-- ' HBM 3 ACTdN Ave ifovt oflferiiig their entire/ fjstoek nt FREti} press, January 27, i. t balunce of Ka|ll nml Winier Stojclt, HENDERSON X CO., N: FORc GASK^ON^Y. Now is the time fo^ Cfheap Suits, Overc oats, Shirts, Driers, Hats, Gaps, Boots a,hd Shoes, 'Shawls;;C^(>uds, Millinery, , Mantled, blowers, Blankets, etc., etc. Sel thai famous yard-^ride; Fac^bryv, flrjit: cmality^ >oply 10c. To AeservB. All Bargains in every ^department; Goods at Bottom I?ri'Des; "|Belles'"'fall jitvat many peo- Jile tb'cliuivh. - '.- - \ ' To <loiu*$ixis ii ayin juust'liare --^ollHrs'Sliii-stiise., i \ \, "\\'list's in a. n^n^e? D. Scarer arirfes arSt.^lxiui^ ihil&wsgon. Ti-uth way botribliited hr rnuch br s:leuSe as hy falsebood itself? Tie.~rays ot* iaisjimcss like those of lijjEt, ai-o poloilesa; whetj' uabj"0- eDi.". " - It is difficult to tfll how muoh u fish will.-weigh Uy looking tat tie *calfs>' . Tiie tiicst fffective'T?fiy for arbey to l^arh-.a bee sees |>r\just |iuttin^ Jiis &Bgex into fie biVk' \.\\ '"..* ;' define^ gossip to fae thp " putuugtof two and t*o to^tiei- .and making five of thdnx" ;'! Quill^ are things;lhafc-are sdnio'- -tim^s .talieii from the ; pinioa^Df . one! gooffi tolsprtad titei opin\sx)$ Bf Mother.*' Tlie tna'n who said there was reason in all tilings' vs-as never" ca- "^"fessfd by ths off l^ind . foot ot a jnocley cow. .' . ". Was^'not her death, quite ad- i deu V ssaid a condoliorg frierfd'to & l>erea*ed-; ^widower, i ^iWell yes, . istier jut her." . ' ' ,', "' " ' _"7J.n" oditqr of -a denorrinatjjpnaT paper at C'uicago' says: "A| Tieejls ^grace to edit 2 religious |>a}ier i atiay tiirje, ,|jut "especftdly" ^"tea - h| pas the lb^uniteLjipV" ' prices. rPro&uce tater. as cash: cc ^B3V!IS /SffRICTliT /t' 03 COJJ3IE.NCED AT TI^E Mlajmmoth House, Georgetown, < >n Exiday,. Jan. "3jtli, ^j ^oroe of the towns tip JW5St had' 1 gime of base ball on JSe<^ Year's . iday. The oldest inhabitant opened -his pyes and stood tl^uidersU-iick. ,. iiun. -,'" . As ther^can't sueceu in if high -.' degree in. making sugar from beet ." roots tbey new projioee tjo niake - it- froiii gravel.' ' S^t theyfll take^old b^ots.^ ' . ^^SHtln the dtam ! shop as yon TroiiId-sliiin a;plague," said'a pbll- ,utl ropist. '.' Never'go into a sa- ... k>or," anil he. 'fmnse'd ' 5n -deep tho:ight, .".unless I ara with you." : "|Fhe prisoner at the ba^. seeins to hive a'very smoothikoe," Sfiid a sjjedLaetor'to .tbe*"jaflbr." "Yes," repl ed jthe jailor ;! "h& was irone<l - just .before he -was ^-beought in,".' . . iNoisy. little boya in Cincinnata - are told that rigtit ii^the centre "of ; the ijind hoofs of every- live rouhj there is a Kttle lump of goid,_whicn" -can jbe easily dng"dot "with a peOr; :knifi,/: - A|man, giving fcisppinidn of a 'Bernipin which .irie^lieaful the other .. i&.r-,s*%J.that the preacher sucneeil- ed id Burying the meaning of the '.- apostle' tmder a tutnldtts :of bfg 'u-ords. .' J. '"."" ' -" s. " %. doesn't take:( pie, long "to. jnake g toy mind, I jean tell yoiiy" jiaid u Conceited fop ' It's always ijo wl;erejjhe stock o^ Jnateriaf to, ' malce up is snaH;H qtrieUy .reinarfc'"" ed a yoirjig-,Iady. | ;..:.- GL-lsiyou doubt, fchaS I pis is Leap Year.*/-For tba '""lienef fc of those who.are not poded ' with r regard to the regulations, & .," of~ihi current JirasoB^ and who are -likely to be interested^ we give the gener illy:, -acknowledged ' custom, -viz:--If^a maiden proposes,; to.a biieht lor, Und that baxi^elor declines ;td "en tertain 'such t pWpositKrl, : >shalj buy^ or pay.fb"r a' dressi'tol Kelected by that maiden. And ;what& iooye.that dr'essfniuBt be a ; illk cine. \Ve Buppo^eA the same ;-rule jipplles to spinsfcera of uricer- . . ~ Chjarles. ^Algernon* Swinburne; x>f ' Engbmd.' : He was iprmerly a Rq- "niaaj Catholic. I'w confyU)'ii ib Vtateil that'Jfames Gnintjihe well- knoi-n novelist, author of. the .;,>-..-illow P|igate," the^'.Jtomance. ., ol-War," 4e^ Las joiriijd the Chjirch. ^ of Epme, being baj>tie<l by Oardi- "'"." iial JMajkiing himself/ Swinburne J* briar the greaterj man of the ,- V*twp,;but itis hoped 'his- change of "7 JctBt iTvIll lead to-greater parity in v.' ?lii ?poetry, -which,;hitherto, -ha* ' :: Jjfttnuch t4*e-desirieU in^ thi 8 ro- -it Drives, Jobs and C^.SH.~Np Goods charged at reduced i8tc The balance, of onr Winter Stocl: will be Cleared out at . liliiormously Low Prices. ' Big Eediction. THE C00D8 MUST BE SOLO. Prepare for Barffains. per ^ #--, 7cpry<l '-f M B ote the price's of a-few of our lea3 -. ing Jines: . " ' "". I xtra ^eavy Fnll Cloth, 40c E xtra heavy Wool Tweed, 50c pr yd Ixtra heavy Blankets, ?3.00, - SJendidrShawl?, 81.50. . jljhdidJaclceU, $1.50. Far Sets, 8.2..00. ", Extra heavy Flannels, 25c per yard OExtra heavy Factory Cotton, 8X) Ladies' Witicey Sldrts, niade up j 2fjp_jn"eces Plain and Faa(fj ^Pfest ' > "Goods,^12ic per yard 100 pieces beautiful Kew! Sergesj, I 20c per\yard. - Thi^aboy^ is only a"Qevr| Jiries, o|f p kk!*-rthibh we b'aJl-o!p!elr-,nt:ib' o ir Big Sale. Kemember this'is* tfy b i the'grandest PUSH SAtEl "- : we have ever contemplated: 1 yall and see us if you want tp buy .* C^ODS 'AT PANIC.' PfiltESl We 'shall be pleased to, "see oii cmtomers, and show onr stocl vi aether tbeyiyant to b;iy or noi. "Jt3" ifo trotihU to show Good*."Ul . .. ______I.- . - 1/ ^IsLEOPj A^I>EItSO>< &. CQ., Mammoth House, ' ' - "' Georgetown N. B. Remember .our^jOrdered i (jibing and HillineryJJep^rinienfs. OMcL., A. & Co, Georgetown, Jan. 11, 1S70. V'~ Ahoth er D. I Beduction in Price AT MciN AIR'S IN MILLINERY % FANCY GOODS Call "Woolon Goods, Llilli; Lcry, Dross Goods, Ch.Udroa'fl Also a uico stock of and see Our beautiful stock of Suits, Haberdosaory, y Goatlomon's Funtlshlngr Goods, . Toilet'.Axtlcios, Toys, Eorlia. "Wool, ote., 1S76. SALL". IDHBA.P OraiBCOATR "? %. Sweeiiiiig Sale of Ready menced ELEPHANT GI.C 1 Made Clothing; coni- to-day atthe HINXJ HOUSE, Q-TDT-EXJZEte.' B-a' January BE 0 Chance. . Call and See' Our Prices - '.-v ' No. 21, Lotw-or ^rTyndliam Street, Guolph. 4. .1870. ; .'.'. e-w CONSTANTLY A)RRIVING AT. THE ID 3R Wis CENTRAL :f MPPpyfMi MILL ST?R:3Mi ACT01T:V Gold, sa^rer: & Niek^p? ,XSSBT, vManiilacttri-cranid Il0porterol :/ -ft Breceh and Mnzzfe Loa&iat Kiflcs, 'Shot'^GitoV:&<5.-i,^ bitters of aU dencrixiiiOnt oiraj#io "-.. hand. -' II,: Ho I AJBMpNITIOK^FOa AH., .' ( ,LOAi>lNG ARMS ARMS. m for 3-e-l'wdtnK wtme.- KjMoad-----^ -" * nipoers. Cap iijpctoi*, Curtee,<_ ^..'remiors.X'leitning KodK, 'Wn(I all artMttl! liecosBii.ry fOr'aBpyrtKtiian^iKitflt. : - - All 4irw>or. Hfpalrtng.aBtJ-.ttWijD,;-- "executed oi the sbonent ilotlcem -^"' .... ;; j . ;8:attcbec4streti^-:,'"":-':?'.^j'; "I"" ." '""' ~1<: JO^H^KiSft^JkM^^] . 'SXT'Ittllr bnllrtT &n> the i open from !0 o'clock n.ra. to tO p.m. Beware of CoHjfnterfett^l:'< -- 4'.- '$~A - '"" V&r the tn-otectlou of-tbe pahrip of B. fsh NorUilAriierlea.Iddem Itmydaty KUitl; thnt^iy i'lUlM A.V-D <JU)MlJTM.^ neltver manufactured nor sold in . parSoftrieUsiTkDtrtJk**^. -f - / .T^'t.'.^ KieU *"ot 'anUj Cox b*ry tbeV"BritkkJ. ' <^ovfernrrtent 8Uimr, wMh *w :wwB&-':!i XU>NT>oK,t': ei>sniv^d~thereon. 1 on jgwho; make ve a f d1 -A:iiv| ,r|a bright ;i||sta(p^ ow. of the' 1 ;0*r";drifta.l ;d, whit a j .'.:' Wiiiteii Stock of >ic.:l JE HOLTIJilir. GOOBS in great varioly, just reifeired, Butter, Esif, Poultry etc., taken in exchange for goods. ;i Acton. Sov. 17, J875 ~"i "' Steam CarriagelWagon Works All|l STREET, ACTON. MJr.^Mf:l.l-- SfEt Gen era^ PI; ickiinitb, Carriage and Wagjon Makers, l^est JEJor^e-Shoers in th^j Gouiity tisfaotion'-guaranteed or Perfect sa FIRSr-CLAiSS KibifAIRINC Acton, iJnly 1,187 mLLARD%, PATENT IR<)^ -ikR^OWg ]?0(^KJ JiJSm JOB. PKlNlffNCf no price'*harge.d" PI-()WS promptly !and properly attended to. ALL itlNDS" D? ^ . *r PttO^IPTjLV EXEOtTTKD AT 113. F:LA1.t A/ELER Y ^ be BOld offTcry low. to be rushed off at extraordinary low prices ANOTHER LOT, OP r O O X) s tlon.i or "Holloway'if *tll*ahd being fnljrlcat I^^M^.: e-jaif. eii;Lune,New J% - J^.Yor*ju ties t. Rtyllnr-#iH - W^B'-'jiaiJW Hollow.iy &Jm^" - -*^ an 'asiurncd thus TTiiSprinclr>'rd!v^id.jjs can ttikain 1U* tniri at 'i very" low |iric>; Rliji'^oilef^J AND REAdY-SVIADE CLOTHING ' . -. S E Xi:iQ. XCEsT (3- p ^ ^ At GREATLY il^bt CED PRICES. GREAT BApGAINSl - ! Are offered for cubh 1 or produce. In (rijoceries, Crockery ..and Glassware Will be found a complete assottrtientiof the best quality.' Wwl Mannar.- Actonj Dec. 29. 1875, DOMINION ABE Proeilice-", wi 10 iitAnltl T% reet pora lie reiViUvp..v< <CKtell tluit 1 kbodra,- U E ^OTonsr UP-TOWH HARDWARE .ST03E Designed for .the . J ; Christmas Season. bfa u AT PRICES J JMmoi Block, Quelph MONE Fall Stock PI LEE PRESS OFFICE. 1 . Acton Nov. 4, 1875 A.LIN OF.. IFUL UNPARALLED ' ATi..;,C --, L^iVFPS IN GUELPH A. McBEAN t&iO'O/S De(?. 18, 1875 at panic PRrcsss. KENNEDY 1 BROTHERS, 'ij tiVV jnst received their . ! / of Bjpots| aad Skpep; t, and ____3. i yig your And are deternnrined; t} o >ntini^e to i sell cheaper: thag tlit* qheap '. better value 1 >r~ ?bur money than can be had elsewhere. fcjr.-Yourselves and bri yotf, '; "' GaU.andSeQ. Examino our stockw lie h comprises everything in tho "trade of the latest and most elegant style* manufacture. " and patterns of English, Canadian and American ftj- Orders prbni pt ly oieouted awl good fiU guaranteed.; KB.-r-All accounts nju^t be settled this month. - j j '. KENNEDY BKOS.. which1 is now complete, is larger, jhotteif assorted, more attractive rind cheaper than ever before,'ompri.sing in parti T^veods, i6vctcoatiai?s,'Drcs Goods, i^ Frcacli JEoriacs, CoTjourgs; All ^"ool Plaids, Black aadlColorpd Liistres,; ia. Blaia aad S^grutod Flannels, "Winceyjs,;Shirts, Cnirtiajja, "Cndor- ' sliirts and Sisa'worsJ Felt stirts, Saa-wUs, Blanket3, Ail 1"W0ol:Ta'lJ:.e Coyers,. (very prettypatterns),.faloud3, SSllffieXS, Sosiery, Glqyes, Hollands, Tabio Linen's, Towels,, Towolings,' Factory and Sleaciied Cottons,' Ladies*:.Linen Sets ' Ladios* and Geaiis' Ti:s, &c'.', Sec'., and !a very (good iitoclt of BOYVi AND ME1SIH HATS ANP GAPS; ^together with ' Groceries, XJ^ocIser^ & CrlaLss-nrare Call, early and secure bargains I & M- S-0QTT. Acton, Oct. 26, 1875. vim In- scllmeloc sametorwy gev<____ Mnllo.;ftv>,' J't 1* mid USlll'O^t. ^tit** nre. mnnnBicturcU^i'Ujy at MJ, 0*U-. feetr.tjjrirtfinJ ' 1 .- . -"-"-M..-- iWm'nii -wiioimay I* so dierivMt n-; be I'lla^ed .. eitminnh'tfiite wltB m*, :i?ji. M.uiT je>i>4rta>le arm In the Krltfcft . ^alh-rny mi"ttrtnCfc vetypret*rlr*t ______________tAr the.ifaenm' t'hein'-lrai. iililils i>bllc,.ltueEt tlilr ' : (latnex in tly!tapers, ttmt It mmr:*i~ known ihat.niy m*dlclne can t^JM4 :Z-nntpJr-i~ni;Uw>i*i i' ^.ii 1 -..Tfidr.iiiowliWrlsn HstnTthetifmiHgtim? cil lof-^nti'l 4 jparticiitartj.^rjetnnJBifndi thn^c urlvo'flc ,ip|.Jy to^,jtn,elc 'Kv; s, Sirfi-rtR & Co.. Jfr>nfcr1. '! . J---SI AvKfiV, :'ii<i'\v) ,,'j :]Hi Foj:.-, :-fn alWiL.tliill'fns, Jr. S. <i . i"%>\l T. H. iAukkk Jti^i.s.^ St. Jni>n,7f.B. Ai'otii K-* inevil a'll.O).,<'i-ariotls>ir LAXfil^Kif^tr:o ,(VicU,rla iL--U.j. '- vioojjK A- l'o..'Yiei<frl>, It C V-S-- nr1 JbiiN l'Ai.i>:x,BhaUiam, !f. Bv '" .' MVNKO.& Co.', jlOUJTP!_!v'.: '_' :'-. ' - ^' h irp to eet my to dlelpri tat - Aatttie liout fsatne*4v-* > ^.. ^r'=> Ailar^e stock of Boots and Shoes, been received at - ' of the very best manufacture, has juit M rs. < GEoiiAK i W.U J Wiskk & i Vi, If.-tmiltnn, Ont H..T.atoHE _ A. Ci n->t*N.fi3 ITU, Si. .rolvn. {i. B. j . J6.<N Uosiv<"i||<;rieIi, onfc : -': - .1. Kr.i HTifc Co., T(ifVinJo> j-": J^Cn ii^is'feB. (^t-'Johu,JTi W: II.VXI K.S. Puxnnr, MTIadror; Pi-"' vu^>B?,'Ejl",i,riKs,*n JphD. N** ?KXnr>r, ^lrladfor;<lnt. Rl-K.v. M Wtfeii, > vim -T-A 'MJk'if Bros.'i ollr tea ^ -'$Bubjsc,rl -3t ^anally :. tfat *?ain, fiends that I j S>west*pa' l|o to,Seco i;i:__Mr..B| "fen)'ed -*'-| 3 ycmlil be, I -!morrtrw:)j toj ;5efeSnce ' "*Vfh raantjl -rins^quently H v$r. ion,, h'retlp'rteion; 5ffH "i .___JTilojrrs iS:-:tf*-r,i!Srjtee>H.I?;fc."T:H:: J.'M. W'ir.F.Y, Kr^dirriMonrNi-K.;- ... iV JC;i* W.: * J. Yuti>tr Mh$vhl. ' s. - S:H CiMR.4. OAVfcs, Freyerici,on,i(fB. ' '-' Tiio indtclnea, reisold at. U>e l-i wholesale net r|HaritiHe;jnr less tliiin 20 v ortii jplz- j^i tkf.,:OTf, iM ^... 3t<\ Dr-r diiz-a liojOTs of Kills or |xit. ul nj mbiii,- ft*: w lusn rem ltta3ney'gift . be neiilin advi rie>:.-. - , " ' F ' TnilMAS HOtUJWtt. 1-: iB3, G.tHorrf Str o' * W. C. ' X. ljoudon;',luue' IU"IKE5j ;;- ;U"; ;. i CeleTjraiJedi. :jOitmyfcP Dr.'Rtfborts3] . . -' I. ' cUl.tEIl\TIIB " ? .-'poor.'wbdN'3 f-Riisno, ..___. | contidcnt'y- rqcorhrnenuVd to-tb 'l^obnU r'liJ jilc os'il'a urlalUBsiremcdy, Jori^nnnd pfi; :*T .*%Vi iv Idesei iitinri;. .a-, cortalu .etrre'. r.:; ,'i /Ulcerntcd. Bore] Lleirs, evrn .dr ! tw>a& i- *J lyenr-i*. gliin'drna" " *-^: 'Brulsrk-i;liil " ' atid Plrrmles . r____ _^ __________ flamed'EyeR,-Sore PHefS ris'flfa- apd Caa'c<:tnq Hnmoonfr; nnd Is ti Sjjeclflefpritiose affllcUtij Bra*- tlonx tliat 8,emetiinesvfoilo*.voeiiMiaH0SU ;Bold >n PrttK at, |ls>.liJcL~ amd( M. 8d.-edif .4 v| luiffl AntisA$4d^^lf} H .H (Jr AlitEK?JAT)iyj3 .PIJUI& ivlflfjnti; ] by slaty' years' esiporlenceito beuooa 01 V, tlie b^t meuieiaet evexTroroaikId,ftr: 'r; puriry|r;g the bltjod, ona aspisling !fftare:;-^ In herpiieraHoni. [ Bent-e'tli^y aTBta***1 "* " la ScrriralS, iicorbtrtin-Cuplitintv,Bli d'llarSWjallVnos.^rUcufrt&tJii**"*' .Nrcie.c*ftK--.Tftfy-af i*;rWUtajS Famnyi.'A-peuan' ull tiroes wi tbo- of diet--. SoJ*1 4R,;9d'> ] BEAOfi and'by w Kqf the] ton. t Offlce, Koctwl Terioii f SVrperaetx. _______ ei at MK lHI*8r%t, 1 -?" art re ...... * -U 3^3 JOB Of MILL STREET, ACTON A full line of all t ixes for T ;MEj^, WQMI^ AND CBp^KEi^ 'Wilibe found to select f;<oin,',at prices na low as ban be had anywhere, "..-. ; 4!oll.aii^ Sec? Vs. jsn' : Special attention is callgd to our I ; : ouslroi^ ^dBE, whioh at all times receives our careful pen ocal supervision. : Perfect satis- faotionguaranteed. j;!. Bepainng neatly and promptly atl ended to. ' . (;na INE & S0:jt. h.- Itrthe bestiah^ni itrac 'RIRTtNC 'H'r'-:.' n-4 w-- ey^r^jdesd^Kma felrg }"U?k' ' . t- t X-' - jjrxMflptlyi^ec^clfli! ' ri'i v i! < '. J^BEI r?" j. h; -.r' .'atthew^s.^ek I -.-;..III .k.'i^Y- 'SA<|!^lc|i':;?Mii^ ^> ltd cat p1 '.- 1^ '" -Bsl "Kiofol y':Y~r\QaVi . :.olvip| :V- ' '"-Tttyte," :^-:i;'i ,- ,firrti - I3t|tj ' 1- Wi~ e;y'::: fed \m ':' rl 00

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