Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1876, p. 3

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IP SjSi^i^jjaSj" *^M ' ,----rfft - -Tlltl.l'.. "^$.|'fif.- ... -j 4 V .;1 :: -,v . ,^1; - ii'- /W:;t:: ^-.. .-' i r ' i 1.' v. 1V-L'?' : r i .'- . i r: '."; !"ii ' V "- -" " 3 X "-: .111, ' j .' ,. nl&H, "" f^r1^ 'r-' -< : ":i . :iTry ",' ' - - * - :i '.L. .-' ' *j ',.;"' - * it o-..t.- " - r ; -"%V i ^ >-j - Jj ., *- .,- -V : - " ' ~r:' rvV/ ""':'--'-^~1 -1: t U~""!-. b-i. "J - ,-iJ- i, . ?:lrv.r-^J-:/- T-> .' ir-^f^.j U?'M^-' i-;o< ;r:;~< [_.'-!: " " .' '- V-'^ c ,'- fi\<- ' , ^S::i-.>:"T -'-' f-v--' ' > ~!l't- ' .'A'.-i- 1- iV-:. m . Trains le.-jvc Actinias: f-illlxw ^ : U.irmnirM.jtl D.V.- IXpros - -K'tpfwTi Mud I --"Sis lit' By>rj>s< iUmnu i;\st N;ght Exptfsj Mreed ; l\_--: Dnv Express . ;^U>1 -"' i M-ix*4 in 'j Ui'H .9. in., v n- 'J.tHl'p.iiv. | _ .'. ."i^l'O p.m. | I'f i -l'.M.-.':uiiu. ... '-' " 1f 0:10 a.m. ,..t'lm 11 ::!."> n.m. l thr _S:S.'i'|).lil. ! .. -" I - - j <;'o Win; ol w Jtiuir for luirltii tViitl.:l\ j t (r'l.aitj I'ttcnrftd;'lW til HliW.Stl4H;ts- co-.vears. : (iNtrlWl'l ll:IN. "!>< < llC Olll ll'llt R(>!B<ol(l. ;>liorl. l/linlioui-s," I Ni-voraf- c.liildi 'lOHtdll, Out., In ifiV'.s <if oxoossiv) i f?.vturcl;W- a |[y was avturrtoil. { ArtON rRF.E-PRESS.' "m. ^' ' -M !,,,^"4 -' PuV.liil^rCxfiv"T^ri.rsd.ay Monuiift" | SI Per!-Annum!, iri Advancfe. -^c1an>^m>ifrp|$$': J-SS^ H' UCKINO (OiTOR .'Thi'I^JiaV! Morkini:, 1-V.iL F tlu> I A Cam Visel.all t""!ill.-J ii> orgaiir/..-.! - ^ k iiiariH'.V uian Jen, (lii'.l aO t wi'ifk from t: ilriufcint,'. rdict;. of Not tn tliU hisn-Jrif .Kiiisor,. oliitr^ill witli. In'iiiij (iory, ln-foiS." (1 surilor of .lano (.j kmt a wook ag )l>oll was- ongiiil' (for ill-. ll.'Oaifgill, wovai lio inot \vitli u aooi'.li Inuilv ' Mr ntim gi'tXing'pi linit.'- K- -1 . TriB-'NEW LICENSE ACT. .. TIip Act for ves'rioting the. jul- of si>ijilitou< liquors^-jviissi'il tho so. -oud iv:iains in.tho O JHtui.v oil Monday-, witiiou tnciit, and wit-li lmtrflitUo oji]io*i- j Oi Hon. It liiav-. rl:oruf>!rc\ lio\*aiil to l.enow as good a.-, l. nl^d'vtlLa,. If Vfill'fvi alltprobnliility; i-"inaiu ~stan!is!]_v .ias first iutrvdiievl, and tv*-' in fid! powyr; and rlYi-o.t -\vit4iin a . fi-iv wu-cks. -; to its pro- j v.i>ioivs the ntirji'4r o.f-tjsvorn lii;L-.ii- j s'es iii oiti\'Sp towns, .! L X 8. Onirnott. Tivgi'tiioll Chrnnir'-;, dj \lonly|pn Tlmrsday. lias. li>oii for many noiit rJiemlK.'!' of tliv X. A Rjricivssftd fr^oi ed on! one of* t - , ! Ho)H\l liv u/-Je.v. ntano l.ogis- i ,,..', - - tfi'ti "1 '-^^-'lAViil iWnin>i!ii.:::inli amond;. i',imsi.ij-..,s agA'ir for' | Oo! At linos l>_ j kt-i-t'w of Oluvoland -f-1 villjisrrs is to !>ov limit-od to out' i!;oV:t;.nts for tlio j f r > fii-st c yfiil 25|i: H'Oi'i Of tl:i ]iri'M'tit! of Mi;. liiain^ Tin! fort:!;..' If* mooting Jiol( (111 S.i'turdav, A alive Wmdid:- Jtion of Lino NfOlun, mi lis. iiominati' (.V'lsvi >' "' r ' ot itt 11 is-i-lit, ttie'juiy l>rj. an adilitionaf one for oacli fiill U;0 ovi-r tSie tirj't 10Q0. Any nmniT-i- jials.ty may.1 IttWv-rivor. still fnrtlioi- to:'cii on SldLrJ- Ha.l'c'f Miol nurd.i'-i- ol :.M "i'll, ! jliogi ! monilrij.% jw.i.s nmc! in t !io [irisoiiL'!j illth' nil;\1 and .M limit tiio mjnibp.rof nivcnis if tlioy T y'of gr.jnt- i?st^d in a boanl 'of tlijroe: Ccniiiiif.^iont.'i-s voimty. to d'.e apjioint | Ivot.r-,-tei "i Tlirrr iii'siro todo s;->. TlTf d ink; lictfiisf si, is "to'l>e mi-n'tlit fl.vtio.n was il'.fr" ^" j w,-.-k '1. i. vo o..I i i llO'-IlS'.i: xftoli pity or!h^ Lieut. On venter. i= also to ? o! c-olinty, w'norit-ec-ives lii.s;. :-.]r;^6iut- I s.v Lu-ut.-Ov'V.eriiior. f Tiia li\v-;i<.e ivar is to dutt; froia^thc' year., ami all , majgriTI !,e 5v-j ii'r.y'i at the : w.-is dn iv>-n>e ivar'is to datefroi;; iii-it of Mayj-in oa.;!r liei^ns-es.iiow iu force ma; rii-wed for two liiontbs onl> nuiiil tin- V us lias -.Wen hnrytofore .n\X arv to l.-e tlu- p-nroe tate ]-.d.l.- Th,> f li-.vri:-?.Tt-i'-i ;. . - .' T- r r:v.-1i:^].i.Iv<ilc:l"..-.;t-T-.i -,. SViip l:-.-0Ti>t.s sn v-itjvs i..- ;, ". ;:-' .:-""" > t-'w'iu '..., .". :" '- otl)-,-r :i>iinu ij'n!:: T-vv^m lic^a-it-s ia cities . ." l. . * " :. V. ia.t-.M-is..' J, . - " . --.'"-. "h'.-r iaii:iic'ti:tl: T'u-'. council of liia.v liv -of-P-4j ;<M1 1 .Sl.-Ji-f . - So t: (.'oimiV tion.- m.iilc not vnti l"iin!ii( :t-!ghtoji's 1 right 'to vot! . aL'd on nj l'.ud ill the a sniall i d. Y.v.s, o I (=4:<tiiain last. : a lly iar l.f t:tVfl l:S t al 'slivps .f:! ~0f\ votes ] iw being- c rack, n, R/>: Kr.p. Warden it thfi iiiit-ii[i wi-i-k. Mr. I'Mn IV)wn; lLdl,.r>m,-ontjtl Tiro nowly ife.locl Hi'ovo, and"-.(\> 4 ktiksoribvil ,to ., Ifi a. THE ACTON jliip- Copnoil.j. riifn. t'oitiu'il ijnot ;iu.:'dluj. ToXvii 0 i_l;7i:lt JAfUlMl'V.' 1 Hoove, l-)i:iiiitv- u'illors mot and ill docliinitiou of f:tct, tod ho ilmonr. ns^Mr. Alox. ii\ .clio]i|iinj very painful e of liis urms editor of tlio i'd nit her siid- M.r. O.iiniett Vcars it promi- iuiadian pros. i|y was pi-actis- ank's lit. Port 11 ins himself lvpresi'iiting the. Standard in Mr. Sr. Catha- .L.t.V Uv- ts the <to for: the rt>- In in'tlii- place tted'iuid uis:- -1 .McOoanell S'els.mMill-s; on ;MonJ i_lded Tuesdiiy ing- in "a \cf- e judge' .so-.i- to'jii' hanged qtmlifu'.i(.ton> nuil jloclarution of id- lice, namely: UJMeMillan.Hri.'Vii; John \\". Hiirtj Peputy-Keovo ; lJoliort Ualliiuir,' Kohert A. lieid aiid Win.McHowell, Councillors, after wliich ttie'Tvoevo-toolc his seat., and the CoiuU^I.|n\ocwd(d to husi- nexs, 'i'ho Ut'i'Vo iij) lointi'il Mr. Oeorgo 3V'orts, Auditcr. On mo tion of Mr. HurtjlKPcondod by Mr. Jloid, Mr. Xhos i-Youug. wits nlsd nppointod itditoi'.( M>v*d'hy Mr. Harbour, tlmt loavo lit granted to bring n - lty-law 'Iju' runuiienUing townsliip oiliceis, ai'nl that' it bo read K first; iind rcooiuI time. Mov ed by Mr. JSarl>0ur, i eooilded: li\' Mr. McDowell; that, the sUimlinjj Committees, for the- eiu rentl yeur lin as follows: 7 Uoad mid liridgesi, the Ueovo, l^eputy-Uce .jif and ('oim- cjl ; Klucatryn, :'Heo\ej- "l)e[iuty- Ueevo anil' Mr.-. Ueiti , - Finalici), Ktever Deputy J({ci\e ,Jind . Mr. Barbour.; Uenrvolent, l'iceve, Dcji- tltydtoeVe'.aud M^r. McDo.wi'll. .Uvrlaw Nbi .1, for tie riantinera- tlion yf Ti>'\vn.stii|i.olllen 'S was filled up, as follows, and passed : -Town- siiij> Oliu kr. 15,-lM), anil .no extras; 'irre.iMirer,. .'Jij!.';^. Assist-.or, '?l("-*f aiul to atiend 'Oiuirt >f.'-Jt-evision' tivvo days ; Collector, 80 ; 'Javcrn- Lns-pcctors, .'J.ljO e.U'li ; Atnlitors, S 'ea'ch ; Oouiieillor.-i, S.T while in sesstmi, and 1 mile, one way only, road a petition 11. giving wo;- at iiiiiuieipal >tley l.v laws,- Assembly I:'is. Tjority. :. The X: >!!. k the poo pT, raising.-: the ;.">'-': salens, - 'I'iin-.ti died wa?. t' tried: by -.' ve f.f-0 aeli pra- il.iy 1 Cents per Till') ly-OVO ill ii 'Morris ]i iyi_u-x in" i.n reference ihloil to -aid on motion iv'Mr. Hir- |il next meet- Clerk oriler- of ISe-hool 1 to attend. .1 ' ll'Kl'l Ch-rk. tern' S.:veral -aj. ir thrs i.tiic hvarned the i;.ie-s .t'" '4. a:\_v noi^tf-ipajity f.i y hy'-ti-w "require,a- l:ug<-i- Hr'y to be pard fi-'r tave'.-ii Or shop -n.<-'s tli^Te in, but 1, not;;in exces ., .,i t- -ielitlu* .tion pi1-tin nex tj lei- of .s 1 vO. in ' rbe whole, imlt-ss the, IliLiuilj by-l.-iu-'hijji bi-en appicted by t-!u- elt-cters. nmter -the 2i5rd Section'.iof -the Lies-rise A*t.- ' - -' : __ A more.rigid system of invp-ic-. tion of tM-'itrns will be instituted.. in order to secure the prOj>er oc- corbmodiition for travrlersv-nnd to eecure with tho luW' ir. every ntenect. By. tlte- ciperatiotis ofth.e actj we fancy ilie principal: jwhietion'in the mirjiber of tavrtrs'f ;,jv0 .j Ti:e ,1 [>u,'..: ' aie.l w Ii e Uhe' r -ad i j o;>- rat .us a*re nov the c-iE-trr.etion i.'tV |ton and . the lieili'.' tO'CO! ic road, b hwcoieru i a si n - > thid'e ti is. c-iui[ ed Ids resiiiiut- ii-.ttic^ns wi-1-.u Idir we have lame of tile ap- .1 i . .uid eleven other' ra :Oi.l >S -cttlMl Xo. 1 1.) to 'certain bmds. to-ln ection,'whicli petition l.y Mr. fb.-:d s.eeoiid.-d hour, wis Laid over unt' ing.of Oou-r:cil.;an<r tlu 1 to' notifv Trustees Xo: t> and 1 l>n motion .-?l.o0 (|rdeied to In- '. for letting of : M-<ii-k on fin' and F'^ r. U<id see it the taxis orden's lot li'C.Ksiotl, In. f"s poll, the been paid ii-motiii'n l>y y Mr. litirt to 'meet ,ou liruary, for id receiving lies of A.sff's- twti Tavern paid to Lachlan Ourri and insj.e:'tiiiir a i'.jol Tiovn li:lf'. bet.w.een K ijnesing. Moved ;!>v _> o,,dedly M"r. .!5urt". t! against " Jeremiah W No. '2,7.. in the. 1st C< sti'r.iek oil' the' Collect taxes^n.s.iiij lot havin liy'John (.i.iulhrop! < ' j Mr.'l!arliour, seciindeil ilecion.-j rlie'Council adjourned tor the County ! .Monday, the 7th |of>'r' .of the Conn- t To.wnship btisineii, ' a; LindUii-., the ! applications"'for tlie'otii or'and .Ci/lli ctorj and Isey lei, ed bv Mr. Hun Wal'die bo.Wuif iiiiouhIv.- After thfl Waldio thank.| the honor confi: tiusti'd that thi sat upon li c hafuio; ohnracterii'/'d hljst vt'o'h and HALTON C0UN T'ho Uontieil TueKdiiy.' 'i'ho bei'M elect were Lyon. '. Movod by Mr.. Clliiiritmta (iccoud- itu wl pre; Y COUNCIL. it at Milton, on lo-of th i iiiem- lent exci pt Mr. -Oafrieijl iii^ui- 1 ninth ii, Mv.l 1 (Jio Council for lifilll that" M J no. ni and iy that [in fact ilingH sijico ho Mr. Harhiyr i (j'lay, Foster, Ri^ihm.' Im the (.'omiiirt ing Comnvitteeij Tho t.'ouneil tvport' of dV)ini|iitte|j on' Bta] (^'oiniiiitteeH. eviu-y yelir'H pioiiei held a Kent in tho Oouneil >vouhl miii'k its sessioiiB d iring the prea etit year.: ' i ' The minuted of lust meotingwere toad rtnd confit nied ' IMJVt tV that MOHHI'H. r' ii Of 1 Clt motitH eo In fdriko ^tiii.d- --Oi rriod. adjo irned to it wait 'nding The Coinmitt which was ado|l the appoi' e]>i'|seiited a Report !iu-d, tme:;|t of tjhe-following t'OM^ITTItKS, Finanee M<j lay and l!|-idges--M.essr Kohinson njnM Hiiihlings-vM^e: and Watson.l Clements, Bui Yonn Oiirvin, Waiivi "Mr. 1). Dew; and -Mr. P. Mel den, were-aiipo recoinine.lidiii" FREE IJRES?, FEBRUARY 3^ 187G. ~r^ ijepii'HfiitiHtiWi of tho .ltohtl (Join-' ]|ii{nyi fthd tluitiglit that tbo Council ght to -liiUiriuiottiPi' view of tlio lestion,. It. wiih not -correct that |o rights of private ejtizeiiH Hlionjtl Kiicrifici'll for tho" public gooil. Tho- nliai'oli(ildei'| liad invtmtcd ; two iho ssrs. Jhirber,- ttnek, or. ' 'Roads' niid s. Fister, lbi'iiU>y, ;. Wan en; U.'oliift.y Lj'oii, Mi-lizie.i ting MiLsi-H. IclOtiery |iind ifsrs. l'rii ,"' ' Ldncationj and eaii,l ht'ed iv of VJO pifr nun Moved l.y hfy. _>.\'. if. Yoi|i -seconded by 1^ 'MeDongaliibi, OakvilhV High feline 1 ippoi HaltonAgrii} utur ^fiuited the suni -of.' : Col. Ohy eal tho Council, to ihite at whicli printed, and in|; which' wnd w' accounts be and sible ami pljiceij Printing Comn A coiiimunio} Dr. Jicmietotli 'duties of goal Sj eil'-'tliji: the tho uk 'flint lfed' trusti I- Cafriei 1 Society .100, us 'usii attention! iteness of ccoimts v jiulo tpm suggest ived that !* r.ut'pectojW Wm. Tvi..:r:J Tiid hold-It Drilfj.jilfed at Guelji ruiirv 2'Jth JircTi 3.1. A| ected, as Je; (tnericiiu poult <tn" A till M i is exji and aI .; /. -.' i-y&'- m^n MM at-:- ivill be in cities and large towns,,] -Villages" and rural districts will be eoropanitively ferft little effected. -We notice that Irr Toronto it willi ,, .^reduce '-ib'e number froin-300 to 170,' :; "ntid in'lianiiltonfrom 111 to 70. In Guelpli;we believe there will be very lit tie icdticton from " the pre-, sent'camber ; AckAi will-.- veniain as riov. - - - ; , ' - '.-"We believe-it vill be generally :-conceded by iie-irly all classes, tl:at " -'th'e^ict is a'steji in the right di- . rection, and that1 its tcndeiicV wid 1^ to materially reduce the drink- ing custdriiii. Still we are. quite, 'rrreparr-d to find" that it does not . meet the views of the more radical temperarce,radvoc;tte.s. There are, ^indeed, some - ho even go .so far as to Bay tfet it is very little, if any, :;impL'overjQrent upon the old .lav,- * that they"are eSitiroly disappointed -. in the.aet^n of the Government ; . .. that^Lqrrtthey-cijcd for' bread thev were grven but a -stone. " Miv-.we '-'-: not venture to suggest that the ~^ c-rjnrrtry is riot vc^; jirejp^red to accept Prohibition, andpundl such be tl...e case, it woul-Vbo' for .t1ie Governme^n't' to place upon the _^*tiitutes a. law that .would JiTi to all intents aad jiiirposes a dead'tetter, f -L-VisJatitin ' in advance of public convicrion is not wiser nor desirable.' An o\t;rwheluiing majority of the |>eojile we helii ve are in favor-of re stricting the, liquor trafiic and, keep- - ig it vi-ithTn' well defined limits, and.this is esactl^wLat the. Gov ernment proposes to do. r*eo]i)e .'are being gradually educated to the necessity-of gieiter restriction in ""-.'-. tbe liquor tj^lic, and nearly every anactment- fdi^a mtniber of years, on this question, has had thisT;en dtfo/ry. iRajlieal refornis of this Dathre'req.iife tiiioeahd patiencoto - : be<2:51Vie es'diliFhed faiis. ,31V _tl a s'ettl lows ^.l"-"'11: .the Hamilton lailwny have. <-f the rs.ul 'r iiboi'-'uutil . Active in progres-; for he liiie between Ue.iCh, the., in- ph-te "this- ]ior- \hu iirit of J une Esqiifisiarr Council, f the (iutiirio PLultry ' Society eir annual exhibition* in' tho h, commencing tnd continuing splemlid show liding Cilmidian ry men intend interested take jThsi.Society will itfg to' SL'iOO. to exhtbit. I>et a"ll| warning in time. rizes amount and 'all fc inf-rchant.s'l of Guelph, eo that tie total vabnj-.of the prizes,' will n^f bo short of|...... .'.- Tin Work:},' Osha wa, mei nifJlt was a-r: Messrs: AVhi of 'Vi'jldtely, .'.r . field, Ohio. s.e, 'Jiurcha.fiffJ liu-ii-t,. incl-n'ij and assets '-fc the fij^ii ,of Sweet, l| Svi-aei. tabj'i'sl stocli &',(}tyU;to be paid yea r jTRa ri e to] Jild' the -bthe from date, receive their (out 350 u'nsjti'ceh subscribed The lneiniiers <"leet' < ship of L->ipic.-ing; Mm: yil, for the year- 1 rT I'laihV.Inn.-'SrvV ln'rt'to lav..the r7rrrof".Tjrnii:if jimd subscribed- the d pil'ice ami (piulification "Win. Ciay, Ite freti, first Dcjiilty McEuery, sccoiidl -ve T'j. fie l'o\vn icipa.l 1 'iliui- l>S.:llll>!ed at K.n;'-0>*.Moii-- V. and n'iade eliiration of Jn>i follows : .jfuliu .'Win-- '"'"iiiil BeejA; Willi -De; Uty l!"eve ;tation ; aiki steps -lo . ascertain' tfc farm labofem a id foil servants who could fi| in the county".;-.| sSvi-NTit i.iKi: Me- Messiu- LyoiL the Coiihcil, by tho War auditors'-iLt ii pm 1 i S|H'n Ml h soon as fl |e hands of ring ti lll-i.'eo reel) ited in th] i 111 e. tion 'jvas read fr perforin the ensu vas al. of (the itre on the- os- :he i un du ll year.for the sinju of sfifl. A conininnicitioii lrom the f erni'neiit was li{ul-reljating to T the.t uncil lot : number] ale ilotne [lid situati Col. (lay staje.Lth Ir. Waikcn hall, wa: Mr Trustees of,'tin': Oakv ito.M). t himself ked upon (lie and]' gravel road relative t< the abolition of the toll gate. o:i sail road in the township of E-ijin.'siii '. These gen tlemen were now ii ati.eiid.ince. The C'.iriitnitteo-jliad s:rongly ih-ged ii["in the eonipany th i i-njusticie in flicted upon the peopie by the said that the George Wriggie.;;|vo;tl|'rand Xiniaii the Id ndsay.v. Councillors, . The .Ile'ev.o. halving.(s'taktn cliair addressed,tho Council. 'A By law jwas introduced and passed, appointing .John -I>rain'rtine of the Auditors. The Reeve named, David Cross as flip other Auditor. A By-law.for the iqjp'ointnieut of two Asfesjors, was introduced and; read the .necessary tiuiesj and tho toll gate. .-He iiioyec sident of the road }lr. j heard ' Mr. Cross said that owing t absence of the .other iiietnbe 'the Board, he would be tinab settle.ttnytjiing. He hair tri^i coHect tho other men hers toj aiKLdecidew'hat th.ey were w- to do. I- Hi: had writ en to'Ml K. C'hisliorni to ascertain the v of the i>ireetof8 in pakvillej whether tjiey .vere 'w -51,400: creditors of the Josejih Hall recently, when ived at sis fob elv. ofTth'e'lirm ' & Kelly, of nd Bai:ncst of l^ii-nes tfc Co., of the whole, es- njg.. buildings, tliej sum of lori'e-h.'i3f--in one Ijjilfj in two" (The "erlij.lgyees! .va.ges jin trial, will id douirj be: very (ring to_JiIr. Barber, fts it goes confirm iho popular that Mr. Barlflr, w-itla Messrs and '-Scott, v| ed-d>y"a specia l-^gislature. Hist jo; Gaol.--.Oii Saturday, ast, ltjeliard iStinsoii was lodged inl the'.(p-iLt'Iph gtioLoiinller the jircumstaiiceK. o %e was boardiu nam shot d Elizabcab Iy afterwards li to ij-ork iLu Krin tl ie\jiok it house, an| Breij of: It he i bouse,' in| j^f vrhicli she was board ffj.r ;; herself "Dui Ing hef-absence wee ^-, lie. sold part (j whidi 'ijhe claims, the remainder by p Tloikwood. . :Shl! tl: to , i magistrate foif sea": ch Johnston's son e of the articl Mj- . Breckdn then wit r stealing her <l thi.j charge wasj: n fu'i: Mrj Bauuer. 'i he di.s io.ral-'of 'the appeal against Mr. Justice Pat- tefHoiJ's decision' in the MeCraney electi gratifi . far td that le is "innocent tneaiipr for whjeh liie suflUred dis- qualijication. Tiitfle " is-jnovv no liotlb relieif tario blanks w^-re tillell names of- Samuel and James Menzu .Moved by Mr. 1 ed by "Mr..Wiiri-eij urcr, be authorized go minis on'the rond, which had been Hficriliced-'-tho public hav- ...|g'received tlioontirir benefittif it. Tlioy ought to bo ronmneiuted bo- fflro tlioy Rurrcndoral their rights. 'lio grant made, to the Company ] 'is only 3-l-,00f),. S 15,000 as ited by Col. Clay. He inafntain- tjlutt tho Company hud kejit up the rojid and th^i pco[ilo had biid ample,, ro-iujrhs fori tho tnonuy received; from tho county. The shareholderu *ero willinb to fiirrroiidiif their right if ,tti"ojCounty, woulilj'undor- IhKo to grado the road to Qulcvilh, but'itifiisod do do ho on any other Uii'iii^..' Thfiy: would eoiitinuo to gridi) tho road by. degrees, aiid iii ulljy open] it to tlio hike. Ifo co isidered the offer of the company tDjbo extremely liberal and ought to|bemet in' a liberal spirit. 'Mr. Clay stated that oil reference to the bydawK die found that he was perfectly corredf. in saying that $15,000 find bii'i'ii given to the coin- piliiy by'.theiCuiineii. j Mr, AVhiio then addressed the- Council. He said the com]>aiiy bt it(-failire to fulfill the. conditions of fili in be edit and its churter had lost its legal stu- Tho Jimd: had not been' keptJ levy of. the, (ix last repair. Heavy_ subsidies had n )>aid, both by thokdd Council 1 tlgc new ; which had all been it and tlio day' had liollTTiig fori their,tii6ncy. Under thesii'cii ciinisiances thei efore, bear-' ing in mind that tlev have been receiving tolls for so many years had done so little, the company entitled to nothing,, and-"the gate ought to be removed, at HI an Wfl . !'-' onci Mr not decido anything absolutely ; wero only enipowcred to resist lixtnniiioi't.of tiuiOi In rtiply! tfiey ttdd us they wiUdod no favors from tho coufify of Ilalton '; ;tlii-y intend, ed .and were prepared to ciimply. with tho terms of the By-htw and, b"uild;tho road tit once through to Georgetown,, -six monthir. earlier tlmti tho tlato fixed. We told them that tlio matter couhi not be settled until tho spring session. Col. Ctiiy endorsed what i Mr. Waldie had said, *>ud added" that tho comity of Hal toil did [not A'isli to bo placed in the Ramo jibsitii n as they were with regard to the Of Valloy to pay them money have nothing for it. Ho thought tho Council could not do better thaVi aece|it tho-offer. . ' . 'fillo Warden oxpiiiiued I tho ap- porbioniirent of the .'amount to be paid'for debeiitui'es by the several inuiiicipalities, should the afliiii be accepted, as follows : -.: KsrnicBing ... ..-'.. . $L'(^.TO] 31 Trafalgar- -.. .. -.-.j i<vS2ti .')7 Miltai ... ...... 2- "a,-i".B (t (ieorgutowit., ,. .J ..- L','J/JK (18 Biirbiigten':'; .. . j J,(i!M fX) Xclson ..?-,. ..' '. .1 " l(i,l()0-i)'fi - . IIb Jiaid a . high conililimoiio to M^r. Switzev, the Trustee, and said ho was sure that /"gendlciiian ' would do ajl he pyasibly could to .protect the' interests oti the I county. He (tho NVarilen) sajd-that as. the town: ship of K--<|u'osJhg- had uiailr. no. !' * NEW ADyEHTISEMICNT.S. j" KRW'ADV.EHTI^EMElrrS. o ysti;k StPpKU. yeiir, the : dOV- [ni- ke of tie oils aiul the Crin Iliirber submitted a motion to' facilitate the settlement of the" qupstion.. He! moved the appoint- iiii ntof a special Committee to fel vvith the difect-oisand come to tiiicn'ole tenmi if possible.' Tho-i re.-fuliuiou, however, would not. pre vent the previous resolution being" carried (nit, which authorized the Wjarden at once to institute legal proceedings should negotiations be of no effect. . Mr. W-.trrei jiointed out . tlue .liiuinaly of the case. People who live On the sides of the and were consequently most iiiterested- in [having ii good road were those who wished the gate abolished; and "those who lived many miles away from, and could' not possibly have any.interest in it were those who wished a perpetuation of the abuse.- It.was absurd to stiptrbse that the Ccuincil should be . t li its dictated to by! (Uf directors. It Was absurd to Kuppoao that two or three ;inen could compel the Courty to fulfill the company's stipulations. It ;( ri'liciilous to suppose that authority of the Legislature would -bo.needed tojenable them ro collect jt. Ife had ;no doubt the "matter would'be satisfactorily arraligeil. \\: (ad. Clay said that ini re^ar'd t')' the eo!l'-c'ioil!0f the railway" .fund, the township; of Esqiiesiiigr. .\Viiii.hl. do wlvat waW right. lie "did' not think there was a uian'in the tov.ii- ship iiieiin etioiigh to refuse lo juiy his.lawful taxes.- ' '- . * I \ '. Messrs. 'Warren, .Ilamsey/Jand McGarvin were appointed a com- mitteii to wait upon the Govern ment upon educational matters.: -j ' TJ-.e expenditure of ^20 on; the Credit bridge,- on the town .linii fje- tweeli Ha|toli and Peel Was tiillhor- ized, Perl paying a similar .sum; j Mr. Clay" moved, -seconded' by Mr, Post: r, that when this Council adjoin n,' it adjourns until Tuesday, March liml. : ! The printing cGmmitttte present ed its first report, whicli'.was adopt ed. The rep irt i-'eeoinuiendi.-il that the County printing and i adveiiis- ilig be open to ;t.:Iideis. J ' j. : The 'Council [then ifdj'jui'ncd. I ' On. Tiiursihiy evening, the Ifjtli' inst.,' it, CTiiripliuiciitary.mippor will."be ienilcr-: Cll tO i - ' . -.-' -' W. HJ STOREY, ESQ., EX-REEVE, ! and Mr.KnTK; C 'l\lliU, Jnhii Xjtf.i'jhl and. 'kltaurdK2Vicf;lih,- Jix-C'uu/icillorii, ttH fi mark of respect aiul apprechttioh of their Hi-rvicea. during the past two yearn in the Village Council..- " . ^ .; A general invitutiou in extended to. nil to participate in the eutertamiiienfc. (No iutoziuating .- Iiijuora). . :- Admiiision 50 cents j lady"arfd gentle man 75 cents. The proceedB, After pay ing-the net expcnseH, arc to l^e dc%-oted-: to charitable pur^'oscu.. CdWiTtEE, C. S. Hmitli,. Jarnea Matthews.; John Record, J).- McNair,. Jienji Xrcklin, J. If. Hacking, James Sharp.: " ". the LOStilNE PATENT t E V-JB R- IV A T;C H which I sell at--'.. u ;'.i'$20 ';.:-; ' Is the best foi the Jftiney in Caiiadn. * ', ! " 4. D, ^Ei^G^B, ; ; ,.;. -i' Watchmaker, (juefph. ! '"uell-li, I'lb. I-IaTO". - , l!<:Tli> -SALE. - ' T ,Un"H .lIlFFr .XJ-."- .. "^ ; Fiiiiiid abwi.t"t}iu.,rai|Ii. oti the road near ActoiV, The owner may y^t it onto _;-.,._ 'f'HOH, -HKN .. ;Lot Xo.'-.'J'ilSth. con. Efiri, liXD.: t; of Jarra-iry, Lady's 'Muff, ~' > A AGT0N 33UH3TO !(*EP AHSA3. a little: tonsil, Mr, JAS.' 5tratcil Mr. C. (iibbs tc - Tmiiis being l;VUl-:i: lew hi dell 'by .Public Auction^ mi . TUESDAY, EEFY -8, 1373, : A spk'ii'.lid iu^s'ir.tineiit <iC, ' -. Clltt3r3, '" - -' . < . , 2ti5r^ics. .. - . Domos.rats,.. j:: Bc'o. aa4"Loa^:3lVig"a3, L'timbjr' Wo-~202.i, . Iron an!'vT'ooioa Sarrews, Goo.I Driving Ilora<: iiwl /ftrii'-;<. All of which lie ic deternvise 1 to sell At and Balo w - Cost, j a'iij.i>;t'x;li Mte ,"; Shortill the sum ot' .?8;20, being his account for a collio and shroud for 'he late Irvin 'Love, who i indigent eircuinsti! Moved by Mr. ed by M^r. War'reiJ granted to JohiJ building a bridge between. Esqttcsin! the Hi rices. Carried. ^IcEneiv, second-- , that ^J2.50 W .iCampbell, for <j>n the town line anjl Erin, in 11th concessi|u'i, the towii.ship." paid a si of Erin havin anion nt. -^-Carried.1" Mr. ^IcEnery, second-1 ed by Mr.'Lindas -granted to in trod (appoint" one' Inspector of :Licenses force the law and lis ' Municipality ml shop: licenses, w- be read a first opinion of th<i liiisde ill' Lfi-j, Act of at once the On- IlianrfAon, I follow;- Some! ujorrths with ii -feidow Bi*ecken,": and e left and went iwnsliip, wTiere d. invited 'Mrs. ken. to coihe i.ud take charge |to receive' free and li title, girl. iiKliielph, lust f the iurnitijii-e and advertised ^ibiic aiictioxi'in c'upoi'i applied a warrant to hotelj"'where es werjaafo'tiiid. iharged Stinson joods, and uponj rre.ste<l. .also|au';oincer to en] tho iBy,-Iaws of t respecting-tavern tl and that said By-1 tiii-ie.-r-C'iirried; Gloved by "Mij Wrigglesworth, seconded by Mr. Lindsay', (that' tli W'illiam Thomp i^G.10, being I lie . killed s of which" are Treasurer pay to son the srint of two-thirds value o|'one shei by dogs, the, own 'unknown. Carri by Mr..Lindsay, td .appoint, a Tafern License Jn- specter and -an ofli law be laid over meeting of the Co The Council the Friday, 'the 28th! up with the! H Me^aughtonll , that the Treas to pay to 'Joseph- lling to| off tho gate or resist t{ho wisl :y had a e Eoad the Council, which th feet right to do. Tl] chartered laliout twer ago, n great deal of inrjhey- had ty-five l-eiirs road Thev lit dues r i,i-: -, 11 "o, ii ei^aii ucai oi. inuiicy nau been IcLnerv, second-it P ' , 1 / r ,, |l spent including a gn.ut frou the County Coiincij. They had takifn off the gates on the w:hol : of the except tho upper po -tion kept this because tl ey thoi it unjust, to the township of Es ing to allow people of other .town ships the use iff the re ad and nothing to keep -it u i. : He managedit-ho road the past seven years', and there had been i.boUt $5,000 received for tol s, the vhole "' I'lof which hud. been Hiejit on tie o'dar . Ir , , . , '. _ ,, road, lie had taken yieat trpubl in the.matter and w<> y, that ; I?ave be ice a By-law -to.] t" Moved by Mr. \Vrarren, seconded that (lie By-law er to enforce file until the next hncih Carried. . fr adjourned until a'nuary. The Fra8eh \Lof William Eraser, rial. The trial who "was charg edlwith being iui 4cce.ssor after the consideration^ fadt fo the murder of Jane-Vatighiin ^j Oilmore, was concluded' on Batur- dny. 'Tlio jury re their verdict at hal and returned into ired to cpfei'dei -past two o'clock^ Iconrt at ten min utes* past five o'clock," when the foreman announcet diet was Not Guilty. :;Th6 verdict th apjihtuso" in piOnstratipn was Eraser, after Hoiise, was es- owti along Ade- was received wi Court, which de quick-ly, suppressei -leaving"tho- Gburfl co>;ted by a large c] hiido street. Id bo quite willing, if the other Tipistees were, -Mr.'ljt. K. Pre- i, be b the |-s of lo to !:d to ther lling :-; K. lews and take \:s of per-. wasJj] pay- had tn surrendei- the roadi Chisholiu had written Trustees in jOakville uieetiiig and that Mr. J ohn Barclay wiuld be present in M Itori. to-day, to state tlio tonclusio; iSJ they had arrived at. He (Mr. J!arelay) was not that he no decision. Mr.; B. was in tho room; and. meotings of^l'lje' Trusti villo iiiid woidd bo uble] Council what %vaa the these gentlemen. Tlio Warden1 Are k-ou filling to surrender your sha|e if pthers are? Mr., Crass ^Yes, jf. i: I'angementscouJd be n| sacrifice the roadr Col, Clay-----Would'- ,ii.fii tlnU the liad h'eld a coukl give S. Appelbe was at- the es in Qak- to Udl the decision of rcicable .ar- ^ade }ioi to ing to. accept tlui-samo ]] th.e Compiiny when they (the pouncil|) s(u:|nder 1 tliat their ver- ed the roail (' Tjhoy ha& -givleij the company l-5jD(|0' bat fulfill the conditj and only kept e] road that could be mpijt lea-ily re'-, paired and abandoned tho it at. He had no doubt that the i own ihip of Esquesing would take ; ood the road by grabts of tho statuto labor. H company would not be and self-willed its to for cil to a law suit. By permission,Mr. E| addressed the Council, that ho appeiirer befori g^ve you- be will- i'romiie that die (Jlauncil lion's of ght up. it; failed to its ibarter nr^ieii of;the care of money and hAppd trie jso stubborn pe'tlie CouA- S.- Appelbe Hq stated m as-a falgar would siljility. The not even a rein Tri ll ri< lertah-e the ie s|.on:i tact was there was note possibility of the company completing the road. .And if it was completed. I.e. questioned whetiier "the people of the' tsyo townships wpuld. be'wiiling to p-4v tolls on it. Mr Young was a sharehohler in the road but-he knew nothing about the proceedings of tlixise who p.-o- fesaed to call themselves directors. He- never received n Rummons to at tend any meetings. The thing was a farce from; beginning to end. Tie toll-gate was an incubus on thejieor pie, of Esquesing and if it were ne cessary, legal action ' shoidd be taken to'remove it. 'Clio motion for a committee was theu carried. KiiircAxro.v. Jilr.' Warren, from tho special committee on Education reported that the government declined to ritdve deputations on educational questions until .the contemplated changes in thu Department were effected. -On motion of Dr. Buck, seconded by Mr. Warren, the report of die Committee was adopted. LiQUOK LICENSES. ' Dr. Buck moved, seconded by .Air. Robiiilspn, that a petition from the Council be forthwith presented to I he Ontario Legislature, against the gi-.)nti>ig of grocery liquor li censes, which; was carried. T" JAIfj 8UBGEON. ,TIr. Ramsey moved, econded by M.r AYarren,; that Dr.: Bonnet be aproiiited Jail Surgeon, at a salary of ?50 per at^niim. .. Mr. Foster did not tljink it wise to make the change. No complaint had been ,1'iadO against Dr Freeman. After considerable discussion, the- moi ion was carried! ori tho^follow- votj: Yeas-^-Cleinents, McEnery, IRobineoii, .Warren, Young, Back, Me izies, Ramsey, Barber 9. ' . fflays Glay, McGnrvin, Watson, iHAMILTON AS'D JJ,.W.".;HAILWAT. The Warden entered into explan- at|cns';of tlio negotiatiolis with the directors, of the company, and the steps itbey had taken td protect the inli rests.of thle county., Mr. Lyon actod (;with them, throughout, and Mf, McCraney also gave his influ- encj. Wlionj they arrived in To- roii:o,: the extension of time bill was before; the committee. . The delegation afjer consultation with Menfjfs. McCraney and Lyon, see ing that they had no chance of ob- tair ing what they wanted, deterhi- to get the best.terms possible; Ileyl iior.-:e* can'fc wtir keji- (ver from year to'/eari. h^-s- ruue.-ii Jnany a nierchaiit and uiicljaiiic,"eriiije- (lucntly M:r. Janiei i'-tyiler ha,-! widely ,wi:n^ to the,, e in-.'l'.i.^iuli t.f ku^kiiig d-*\Mii%ll fif -the above,stock fit. the';pub- lic by pablicj auetio'u at his faiViage Slioa, "ill tliel Village of- Actaii, on" the ' ab.'.ive day. j ' "-..'" . -. .-..._ ..1 ' 'I'^-ery. article will p>3it;vely i be [We are nnlejbtod to tlie.Oikville kjo><.k.-il d.iiWn -to the highest b'id.Wr Kj-p)"'^ .for the iibove fxcidli'iit :re--'regardless of cost.. ': port-of tiie Coilinty Co.uneil proceed:'. .Sale, too Vine,oil at bnexi'clojk -shari>. ceedirtie-i. There is .evidently-1 ar If you want bargain-,- attend this pale. mistaMe in the date of.-adjournment,!. Tr.r-.Ms. -9 m-.atlis' cr^lit will' be as^ithe 2nd. of .March Tim rsday .4 Hot'Tuesday. falls on] ] ^IVell notes. StKAVCII C.lTTI.K. seein'tothiiik they right' to keel) all strays upon their flu not see: it -T-rtonii* jiersoiis- iave a perfect aninal . whieh [ preini.-o.-i, if. they I advertised.' liey>.r by - furjii.-ihaiy appr- 10 per beat' dih-.oaiit Oi l.'an.'l young, male an 1 t'c; cH'iliidly invitetb ^ - <;;:;. til{;::.>. Aa Tor C3.51I. ;'i?0B:'DS' thinking that they h.tve any duty " in the matter. The following, fmm the Bjbcay'geon Iwi.pvir'l'c.nt, will j awakeu them : "A rather curious ease lias-recently occurrd respecting strayed cattle. A farmer was Ki'buted for having a los't cow iii his JKiisession. The cow strayed oik to his'premises-and he, kept-it without advertising it. The neglect to advertise tFfe animal was consid ered jirhna jncU of an in tention to defr-aad, and the farmer was sent to jail for two lnoptlis. J'i5>>- -Qr&xhf--'- ^l&ia. ASHS Oisrrn. 'Q&i . On beginning the business of 1S76,-f'would returrr sincere thankiffro'. FarmBi-s who have cattle in their-; tnv numerous^^ customers for the very libfra!- support rthey have givin nie : . possession, not their in-dnertv shotiid during the past 22 years, and again Iir.ost Tespecttafly asH a continuanee advertise, them' at once. vivitKiF.n. , j In Acton, at the residence of tilic bride's'father, on the 27th. Jaliukry, |iy Rev. 1). B. Cameron, assisted l.y 1'ov. Mr. AlGxaniter, of Korval; ^J.r. Ji.fin Bonis, of Krainoisa, to Miss; M^rt^a, cljlest dhughtcr of Mr. Tlios: McMahon, 05 Acto..- . ilAt tlio residence of the bride's brother, W.lK. Mitchell, Esq.; '.'Miltiin.' by the Kev! J'anies (ray,.rui tiie 2(|th! January, 1870, Mr. D. Abbott; of Era- mosn, tb.Miss- Grace Ann Mitchell, |of. Milton. . ' ' of their respectiv-e support.- During my ;experie.ncei in business I hsTe pretty thoroughly found-out tbo "'.' - -, White \ATieat........... OiiS'to 1 -4'TreadweIl........... Spring Wheat. ........' Uarley ................... Oats ;.'...,........-.... Peas....-. i....,.';....... Potatoes, per bush.'....... Dried Apples, per lb..;-. Onions, per bushel....... Batter.,.,......,'.'..... I^gs...!...'......:...... Dressed Hogs .........-. too 0-95 to 0 :9S 1.0 90 to 0 92 0 MO to 0 '68 0 &> to 0 |oo 0 GO.tffO Igs .0 40 to 0 bo 0 08 to 0 0 0 75 to 1 HO 0 20 to 0 00 it) 18 to 0 00 v6.-fl0 to'.7 120 NEW! ADVERTISEMENTS.i. VILLAGE OF ACTON. A Public ratepayers Meeting of] tb.c is requested ^t Mattliews' Hall, to-nio|-roir (Friday) evening, atiralffpa^t seven ,o!clQcki to take, linto consideration the granting of a Bonns to a hriish liiaitafnc- tnrer. . ...". . '"h"' Mr. Baker tvill be present j to address the meetiug.-' jj: full attendance is requested. .':."" . N. McGARVIiS, Reeve. Acton, Feb. 3, 1876. : \'- TyrlSSIONABY MEETING. A meeting in behalf of the Home Mis-: Bionary Society will be bold in the -Bap- tbd coujity redeem, the debehtitres at 94 per cent, the market price being 97i, and to forego interest to April next. We replied that wo could men 10 ges me peso.terms posa^e. . tist Ol,urch-oii Monday evehihg.juext, at Tbd company (then offered to lot the'J7 o'clock.. Kov. Dr. Davidson, ;o Guelph, J-tdy. Messrs.,Buird, Iteed,'C6x; aud others, are expected to bo preseiife; Singing by the tiiildreu. A collectiou [Iwill bo taken up in aid o thoi Home Missionary Fund. ; ; Ups ajiid Bowiis in Tirade,^ ' . And am fully convinped that'^ I ; " .. - Credit Business is a Dangerous Busiross to . laotlr Seller and Buyer. , ... I I atn.thprefore determined to, do .1/ And give my customers tha benefit by giving thetji - :" Eight per cent off for -Cash on all <3 eirerajV : ,-.' ' :-'\: (excepting Sugar), By doing b'ustriess as above, l>will have tho cash to' buy my goods and effect R V:,. ! |, -' ":- :'- sA^iisra of at.lafeAS'T $:$m\ge5Cp: " - ' ' MY CUSTOMERS WlLl CET THE BENEFIT, And ih reality get 14 per deiit for Itheir Mloneyj -S -I' J :': --Xbe^ttl ^f-the FmtJ , amine pari *; '.l-Mr.'J action *jahpp on' time to scc| I -?-fhe Aston Be -Bible Sotad byierion CrrrSec e& a ftBitt'l tokfJitD 3 1 choice Ibrab j . .,_i__Wei Nicklin tod ' ib* bakery J '.that they; baking-hu*1 -J_- Wei ahip.aerkj - th next m| , held on iioton the"^ ' - -r-We: : suggest to tl catarogne of convenient -wlio. make hare 3 fnli : 'a iiv Baa brighte: .'Still -peoph 'notr-of the: tfnovi drifts J fied^what at '.- -V^-I BIB to complainl aingto the j and fliree ; nil ;^itirin. It rray be .li; f~We "tWGalp,a j dy, ^centjj iont the yari| . ihg of jm.1; that-town. Glsi-si f icings, rich about S8, ' ' A- H^j cord Bros.'j dollar tea "!| _cen,-75c 25 cents, an I jit' efjnally <rat again',: fr lend* that j .lowest, possj g* toj Secorej .- -^ gfapa,ed to' I -ho would-In morrow), to| reference ' bnish manl '-cotiseVjuentlJ r. TttepayeT3 tj tjuestioa o ;SiItthews' ^-Pn-th| j Bros. ' adve i bisineM wrai of three mi they^-can. : oounU jever;.! BM CAiH tO tfa ingly' mada ; 'This i a ftad wb are : ;.bonefit thia: . ary. way. j present ranrj cash or nn ; arrangemenl| .-'" businVjis. M Please consider- the matter over, and' give me your support' the OiiJy rigbt way of doing "Business, that is to carry oofe m -.' My stock will always;be found,oompleite in , GrpcerieSj Ejrovisipnsi Grockery, \; { , jffls^swkre, Stationery,,iWallT;Papiers, J |^- : rWindqw Blinds, Window Rpltsrs, &e; Spcclalilcs.-SAISAGE, PYSTERS, YARMQU'TH BLOAtEES* !;. ' ;-FINNA?r BADDIES, &c., &c ' :, .!--- "-'" j.-,. fPitODIJCE TAKEN v)] -1 1 i.helievein the 'DrSCOtiifT SYSTEM; aHd as it has pro vfkivBtfMti*-.i_'i7i: factory, .1 will;Icontinue to gljve the, discount as follows":!Oil .25 ".i*i:?1 f'34. cents discount; on 50 cts(-'4 cents ; on. 75 cts, 6 cents; on $1, Slcente.'.; '."tj-f Conveyancer, Issiicr of Marriage licenses; insurance Agwi* -1; _AKnt Money to Eoan, Agent Montreal Tel. ^o., Cleij^l.S . Acton, January 18, 1876;-. JAMES MATTHEWS. .; ^m Aetom Sri : ft,l!."'- The fo! M-, - month of Ji '-^-J-Itoas; head 1^: V her of pupij. i-'i/'-'ISpji Boys ' ; _lst Dep:" 1; 3rd t)ept., .46;.l2ndD^ toial avera; -.' ' -: Average : 1 .ion not yet fc j : On Tnes: 7r this village, 1'.:7: horhofldfof p ' tovrh, yfhsa :*gable and ... :^aggy was ' ithrowito-" .H| c picked ,np, I ties thkt w T iad" phjcee !'. - 'yrhenoer Ire I arrived h> -a I tion, azid 01 ?ow,:itwaa| were Tnispt jured, besid -'."'- :'" We.Jostrirtol v..'.." for recove .:'"" not conside 7?v _,te was drivj - him, the 5 amaihed -J cident occu -viuceg.nietg vtho b&rharia v'tW.!-Tw'<j .d twenty having tied I - <d to- ipra = After some I .?&'--oatJ __ rt to -eip about the 1 ' the chief. , ;- ;^n*zingly: 4 panada to ' tawkitvdJ imotioni and! (' tgsiich act," 'lasttfScjent "1 Kith all .thel . ftesoi so. '-Wateij* i oi Hottentot," ' ? ~' .'- pBB^^Tvj' : "iLi^ * ll\"' r;i,v; *%'.>J- A;l!L*'4

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