Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1876, p. 4

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""""3"f""?"""I"""""l"""""' mm mm rESTs.; 30 : 4?% ->*D.rV. . of -Jariuarr,-^ -, "'W7 | Lady'. MtTff. S Jg/ ;h con. Erin. LOCAL MATTERS. "Acton Branch ..rl'TThehcst job jirinthic.-'in tho .County ' kt thiy-FRKi: Tsj:ss Oilicti Call and cxi, amia our specimens. : .; , '. - . Mr. .las, Ryder juinounces an auction salaj'bf vehicle* at lit? earring- yiSorji on Tilcs-ctay ,'ncxti Xow is tho tistfrto sccute pirgainsT"" of the last- law nftcri buffi tralr" Cotart nplaiii xvm laid Jicforo -tjho,Reeve .mo .her ft-' tho ;l'ppcr Canada j \& be trioi 1 iVp|?U if f not I Th lors, Mill 1 do tin uuml Mr. John that ex-n- Nickl l<cf, vice,' Yiflr otTcr: purp ise li.pi th d Th* 'jspok I'. Live ^i-nk it is '. ipvth. iiivi: The 4 i*?si Wfc- !T-'- thank* to- |e given dm * Vtin nance': loess 1 bsf e ' ! . V T leneral: Ihe cash Uj -^t^m HEITiy^ll' i.cagryioat .-:.$,.. ,. . ' -:ifr -' Jr- I Bible Society tjill 'be held jn the Trcs- '-brterian Churv^ tui Friday evixniut;. - 'idt fresh lot of thbuLcilebratcd 50 eent tea, al*> a full assortment of all other choic* brands i>{ teas, choice .and. ,frcsh. -. ~We at* jrequestM by Messrs. Kicklin to ^arithat th^y hata-secured. . the: tilery <?wnpJ .by "-Mrs. Hanua, and ;tht "they will shortly | commence the i-baking business oa the jhrcifnscs.- \Te arc rcijiiestetj by llio Town- . sSipClerk of Xassagawiiya, to say that -tin* next meeting of thtjConncil will bo beld' on Sat-urJsy, M>e.j2t;th;itist., anil net on, the 5th" as previously aiiEpunccV :\V> woiild most - respectfully . niggest to the Trustees, jthat a complete catalogue o^ thjj .library j.vouhl be a very .." convenient thing to have.. Kvery oiie , whe; makes nseJVif Ujq library shouM have > full catalc^rwe ofjthe ltx>ks- -A.lively stioV-storm yestordity - has brightened tilings ijp considerably; StiU pe^le wUI gr.;mi,!e. . They toik bow of the; roads bein^ blockaded with ' fhow arifts. " If'every, one werclat'is- - fied. what a bippVLW^rfd 'twould be T -: . ig:iin to complain of. the ^eliottl^ chiloren n\n- } HvBg to.the post office ^v often each d-y, and,three and four of one faciily askinj; all within five-.mimitea: of ojhc-.- Jt.-raay be' s]>ort for then> bht not for The PcTj!i5T.r.Br- ' | , : -irr^Ve noticia bv njjar.ijrr-.Tjiii in . the GnlpTj^vipers? that ftlr; Th^is. Gow- uy, recently -of| Limchiits.c; hai .given " OBt thfe various c<'ntrartB-i"or the ;Viii'..i. " Ingcf a niagniricfent privhto 'fiaidcucyrn th}t town. . Th+ straoturc is ^t.v -e of: ; GKowjSiacss-irsck, with massive rf-^; fj , . ficings, richiy.cirvei, Jfcaj whaU- toy*.*: fthe ";: .abpnt.?3700a I ] ._".!" ' ' " ' &.r:i. :"a^.n Messrs. S:-v tP<l Bros.' sto*?. aii;l found thcrrisellii'i . - doUar tea iorjSo 5iats':'"*S'>c tea forjTp cenii,'T5c_tea for 50 cej;tst;j:oal;o:!-:f-V 23 cants, anil a grest maiiy i>:her . *!- ' at qaally'hiTf .prices.- Hff.thea sio: ",-*P.aiain, anil' he i* now tcllrr.j |iU .fyfendstha; i^. they wail: iy^'JU T.t th-. lowest pac.5i1kte mririryi-,; tuej ,, gn ts Secorxl'lir^s.- j ; r -. Mr:~B:Jlro"rUf T}AU kecvo, ycitirlay. ftbat-. o e?or: FriA.iv-c'vcr.ii.iJ-.;-'-. t iniTrrowi, to cotisulv, wi::j the Cpujic" its ! : -reference- to t-Le est.-.1-jlUhr:i0jU nf;S.-i> : : eonssqetrritiy cr.iTt-ii .-. t'.:rX-rif.i.-- "f. the-. .* "T*tepayeri t.-i take into c<' ^sest-on1 of -a .V-onr* Matthews" Hall to-iiiorrow ev.-:uii'j. S-b.-.r-l L.Broi. alver:4s":'d that in":'futus--e their -baiihii* -wnalil be ci ad acted 'in a. Imis- pi 1 three ra-tiths' cre.ut^- Tiiey ^ay.if tisy can get..'a settlement of their no- clS-iits every 3 months itjwiil I.e. ii:'.n,t ai"casa to theni; anUlTLhej- .havu a-'Cord- iagly. niad-3 a^grest rednJtioTi.J.n prctis.; .This.U a.--m/>v-e in the;ci.'j:i>: and fce -are sare the peopSe will see^ the benefit thi* will be to. thtirn in a pecmif- ry-way. - They c!-ise all aocouuts a: . presint running, otiTst March, by either cash or n.->te and ".rfberejt. The i!*ve arrangement will greatly! increase 'their baiinei's. .' oyijHk'to-dav on accoi nt of his counsel oing able to attei Comi Hmcntnrj- Soppi r. i sultjoct of temfe : pressiou of giij. "mir c tecmcil ux-Ko'cyi and eic-Council- >as liccn talked irt Wt^ck it > mcct: ng of our leading shots! 1 take. On Monday evening,Sa jA after" choosing lirman, and".Mr. it was resolved tender to \V, II. Storey, .Kiq.', eve, and Messrs. llill, Speight and. r inet togetlun:, : IVS. Smith! C! S c co nlj Secretary ock, 'against- M ist, for selling iThc cas \rKs'.tri iHin and wa.^ di.-.i cut evidence, of coniphiinaiit, subs eouently hud an- inforination, aid ilio lease! was tried .yesterday, but .Mr.':M'orraw for an ailjou -tmtctit fcelin tc arrangements if for sjimo tiih*, decidedito ball a itizeuffi to make is to the form it. in ex-Councillor , an oyster s,u.p- as a slight, recognition of their scr- luring the past ; go Council. Mr. ii the free use of :V coimiiitto I: w isj resplvcd that. rs fcliould lj int .itcrtainmcitt be i ]>ayiircnt of admiiwKiji toln devoted t>.-charitable, purposes. have l>ec,u since assented' to tlic entlcnutn naiufcd to; extended t li'onnty "im d thr.t tlscijo At1 I ,tSs, : tbe o:r^h: t i'-rJlVc': \<:\<-- :M^C 1 llertlnc il !:o'.iii>'ocinjlof :S.choibDiV:si;i:! : ^lUi'^r o* js.i :'.ii:! ri-' unit"': .;p.-jiju-at-._of' t'i :.-i'tiiv iuvioit .^!;y.-!#*ee"-:S.!ei !eV, Keiinidy i^ frtji. Hi-:iii-rsi 'f>fc: cha:r:nai: :iii.v cjiilingsjh-.v.i:. t'ssirand wi:h a i .m-jLi M.j -graphed to ohr ":i wccM 1-e litre |!':r:. ir^ D i M I be U y _ ArU Srliool. '-\ ']Tiie followirlg memoranda fr>r the cnhnth of January is furbished by Mr. - y%+*j head master of ouT-Ecluxd : Xum- ber of pupil* enrolled "dnxiiigHhe month : 18tf-:{Boyg Uo! Girls ".<)> Xumk-r in 1st Department, 57 ; 2jid Dept., G2; 3rdDept., 65. ": \ " . ^ \ - [ ' Average attendance 1st Department} -46; 2nd Depi., 51; 3rd Pept.^iT. -The ; toUl average .attendance jtr*? 144. Average of children iiji Schoef Biris- ' ina not yet enrolled this year,.-78. 4- ratnfal jtecUont. '..".- On Tuesday^ Mr. Hanssm"Adams,-'of this village,.-was driving in the neigh borhood of Birder's pajier nulls, George town, when his horse bicame unman- _a%able and started to. run. away. The boggy was vupset, ant: Mr. Adains .. iirown to the ground and rather badly' injnred. He was lying [senseless..y,-hen, picked ap, shortly, after, i'liy some ;'pir- --. -taerthst were passing, but 3pon reeved - '.i*** prooeede"d to Geort^kraTi-Btation, - -whehce hs'topk the train; foF Wcae; He . arrived in a weak and exhausted condf- i^on, -and on e^aminatidn by Dr. Mor row, fcwas fpund that sdme of the ribs were misplaced, and his elbowjidnt in-'. ', jnred,iesides^ome sbgbt scalp'wounds. ' ^Veilearn to-day that;iie is ill a fair w%y. for recovery,(and that ins wounds are hot considered dangerojig. The hOrBe , '" -he. was driving Jiatl only been*bought by >_ hint the-da'yj-before. The buggy wes > Ujhed 'to pieces. '-',.! ' :. Ar.-S-.i (!. E. ipior en Mmmm; ipior eiiiitniry to c*l lastrriiiiisday >tssd (iirlack of illegal 'act. ,TlI( -.Kri-s' .CocoA.-j-Gi I koutino. '.*By u tloroitj ^yl tho ntittiral laws loporatiouH of digv>st "mid by a'careful app d in time until 10 ATIJfUI, AND COM- orouglt kuowledgo wliicli govern th* on and nutrition, licntion of tho linu iropcrties of well" selected cocoa, Mr. ir bronkfast tables llavored beverngo my heavy doctors' pro ha8 imn-idcd o ntn " a dclicatoly Vith -. a delicately which. may. nave us \\i -hills.' It'jiB by tho ji diciona uso of iuah articles of diet that i coustitntion mas bo gradually built.upniitil strongcuough ring sopio sort of towards to resist every ten Hundreds of subtlcin -around us ready to there is a weak point. Many a fatal well fortitiod with pu IH-rly nourislicd frau Gavttt.- Sold only iu MAMKS Kl'J>8 i C ienoy to disease iladies nro tloating attack wherever Wo may oseapo keeping onrselvoB o blood and a pro- o." (.'it'iV Service packets labeled Homo!opthio Chemist, 48; Thre.vliieedle Strcot, and L7it, riccadilly, Lond \yo yearaoin |tho jjlatthqws kindly bis hall for the e was1 tiien ap ed to-tnsdertake ijhe management, no jutoxicr.tiug. ijlicedi r.nd that pen to all; on-the. ce the procteds- and hari'C; o:u A nnmbivr of -'invitations prominent pe'r: I clse\vlu-re, and v.'ili !bc a i.-.r^c Soo^that famous; ( Jirst tjaality, only ^.lC Christie, Henderson l: Wanted at C|i son & tiO.'s( a largo i first-class purchasers down handsomely'- ar A a "diig Push," as ( beTo'ro stock taking, one!" ~ Chvistie, llor of Acton, have decide Grand Clearing Sale-s 5 as to give visitl ors to next Fair full opportunity of get ting twice the .worth < trial of that famous flt New York direct, w. from a distance who 1 opportunity of buying at such a low tigiue. cure a 5 lb:;lot. uudiiiibtcdly tho heat value in-Canada. ^OTic'E. . Estate of Late All persons indehte Sharj),' of Acton, by count, or otherwise, settle at once. : And claims agai^st_?aid K* present their c.lhiiji? f '" . .TAN 12 iSII Acton, Jan. tlijJhV 1 tfti>-ratepayers ut was held in -the ' urday, jtllc Jt'cir 1" so- i THE AGTON fm. Stewart Ti- FREE! TRESS, FEBRUARY 3, 1^76. -" .( '; ' ;;.VX^lL ' i, - ' r F..:,^--.r \: & Co. WYXDllXM- StREl^T, nl-wido cotton nts a yard,-at I'o.'s. istio, .Ilender- mber'of genuino v ho "willoom* assist in making as gjiods must be. sold Will i you bo .lei-san it. Co., d to extend their f their money. A tea, lately from 11 surprise those ave hot had the a really fine tea T>ou't fail 'to so"- ' QUE LP H. Are Bhoning'tow Spci4\l Lines in Cheap Special Lines of Cheaj) Dress Goods Jojxrt Sharp, i! to the late John note, book ac- ill please call and 11 persons havinif ate will forthwith r payment. \KV, Kxeeutnx. <7<>'. '31-it e.-t metii* :i.;i ! FEEDI EEOFLF/S ral-Ud civic :l .O^ aiotion *^T by'.C. H. Suiith, as tlejtii'd chajr^ ointsiVSt-cre; read th^n.>M; Bran: $10^ pfer, ton. iml .dc-tred'that ' ' F r O-TTElXil^B: :>v i'vi- ! . , I' e.conducted n:ir- :iw to.Tuiiioving .iued of. The Messrs. .'pi.',.-. ,'C. Si'S-Uiith. itterof t'::-:..a.;-li- as.-.c-ri::im:- of ; 'ij.-^ion;. It a- majority ..of :: -! ptrt of the ' .lditi:i:i ..jf (i"> .-..f-.heirp,.- ... :_: s-a.^.t,/ 1.M-' n. 7., J u::c ta..- t-.i'jr. :v: :hi bie- '.tha dirso: -.'iamui Acton founrll. The Council- metioh Mt-ml eni all pre-eiVt ei r.- in t} Ths ! p.rc.viv proye A'I sessor cesiai with as As to s:-jur^ j-u3t;n;-:jt. It he cjlii^nlttee i ; \V. H. Storey 1 ^^.v*rc and A. (' it -,\ .'is io.>v't-ii ie-.l'l.y Kdw-rd c be app dllted l;2;ition"b,.r 1S7U j. t.i:r and equita- '/fttrcun QuC.-'tion is a.l-io resolved t of I>. Hen- Alex. Kemiedy, 'ampbell.- .' rne'e the 27th ul.'.;. :ept Mr. Secori^." -. Minutes of ap- -l.v.v fur the he liamc oi .Sta essor^ at a remuii, was introduced arid-read.-the ne- time=: The hi: nk' vras! tilled up 1 Zimmerman eratttifi-of-$20. ..' iced and passed M.isalcs as COn-' p.' M [ -. '.' iced and passed A E y-law v/as. intro'd ting Christopher at a salary of v-law was introd "Hubert Kishcr as'lpspector, j2 per Say When remuneration ot app !st.iblc A B .ppoin I with o:i. <Iiity. Moied by Mr. Smj Mr. Christie, that By lifhitiig the number of Acton, for t 1 for certificates licens :s, to define the tors and f^r orne village I be pai Inspec hj seconded by law " No. .'Ji) for : taverns in the ring- thb sum Ul. )0 obtain tavern .' . r utics of" License purposes there in' me: tioned^ be and n the ye ir 1876, and tliai thi^ be si by the gped by the JtceT e, counters Clerk, and that be.attached thereto. M Movfcd by Mr. C-hri ,4 ^ Mr. . Sjrnith, that By.: limiting the number of. the village of Acton, to be paid fr a certificate license and: for athef remain! in force for 4ir*-year 1S7C, and that'this resolution, bt signed by:the- Reeve; countersigned b that the corpq.-ate the'retX Carried. - Movfe'd by "Mr. Chris iic,seconded by Mr. Smith, thai the. lie jve> C;S| Smith and thjs iriovejr be:a eon- tain the ozi of a sui 'TojKeEditor\of(heFree.PreJiii: -, P*2i Sib, On Satur< lay la3t ani in ^idwt^oecured in our village which con- : i'ri^*.1Jne that there is ^considerable bf ! the ttarbarian about eomje of our inhabit :Ytti. - "Swo .enterprising yauths invest. ed twenty cents' in a jlarge dog, and having tied this poor beist up,' proceed. fi- to": practice on it^ith revoivcra. ^*Ttme ten shots; |he.aminunitjou Iyed out, "iiud ithe poor aiiFmal was ' ," '*. "piw. - Several 'spectators of ; J^"1* the sam^ gr^de -ofhrcivilization as -*aephief performeia, en|oyed the sight -.aittaangly. If. there $ -any. law in "tv?^ * r^u:h each' miscreants, I " .w -wooldi aijiiss to put it iu Motion and if not, the diegra'ce foUow- 'SLffi - ^'Wf8 wJ" l>e a slight, though ' *S. n61^ P^P'^hAeht. ' ft L* Ead, ilSit S^aauthfcjusjns 0f improveaient we bf oar youths exhibit and al4o tlie cbBtjof a L k-up.- . Courtcil adjourned - Saturday eyenin. tned jt > ) 2Gth i. P3M, ate of some HoStentot. v moral* that-would drahbn'or a 'i:--;:4 Yours^ "HU-MAJTrj V. igns of-the * Only last night we g<,t a splendid Tall of'; snaw,; -Svhich has sleighing, and, to prot -all tliatl was wanted good ani ',our mercna: to Messrp. Secord iBro'i.'.store td-day i: The sufficient." They !-,r'ec'e to inakd, another, effoit to-place cheap goods, in the hands of t leiripatrops, and, with tliiij object in vje^^hby advertised' a great {reduction in the \prfces:'df all goods.capable of any reiTuctionj And now sincf-we have got goodsleighiug, a grand rush to their . louse, hai com- irienced ^>y-people anxirwis to encourage, their effc^rts. abd at th. same tine:ayail themsclvps of the gr sat recjui pne lese no t|mo fn; calling Ktcck. Shorts,.$13 * Middlings, $15 pr ton,.-? -.3Ar*3'E'S Q.iK3.tTirsi?II o GDLS. .'mi n 1! I'ntmcht of As- f he corporate seal acried. : ' . ;ie, seconded by Ifiw Jso.; 31 ,for shop liceniles. in fix- the sura -to to obtain a shop purposes^ be and / the Clerk, -and s< al be attached mittee U> ascer- ;oble fire'engine/. > meet again on Inst.; Tunes.1 made, excellent p that this was is make business .1 la happy,j a visit ltly dettifmined tion in IVe would ndYise oujfre: ^lers to and laying in a ii-v-7,/ii.^,7-, ti!<i.- n. Intermitionul Lc-*s&. Westminster I.^s/n Btrc/in LcMjii Leu Select - Notes, on th Lessons', ff/r JjS7(j. TbejLnrgest hnd Vh . Sabbath School Pn foi w.irded, j MILLS Gr'toa1, Special Lines of Cheap Special Lines of Cheap Special Lines of Cheap Special Lines of. Cheap A Spacial Lot of Ciititan Flannels A Special Lot of Chca > Tw;eds. A Special lvOt of; VVin;eys, Jackets t:hi^^t r-w^oi^^miM^TjJ^ =e SI=E!Oli^.Xi TO THJE3 ^TJB3LIO,i |03 'PIECES CROSBY'S T^PE^RY ',: I . 75 Cents Per' T^d,-.'Wort^..'$L2a-' f 8 -Pieces. Agsortsdj 2 ST|3^i^^r^is^r-5^^ BEAUTIFUL G00D$ AT J^LAR^SmyVi^iOS-ON^VAiiTmCES. r^omlK^Ualfelrly atTd^elf ct by me a<; less- ^ **" nakars^os^ and TofJer Jot- the n^i two "months tl^che^carpeU to )*$%. Oct. 27, 187i .'Alma Blocfc, TipperWyiidham:Str se t, Gurfp. Cottons. Silk(. Flat nels. Blunkots. BROS. 'Montreal House. Cheap. Black Lustres, Special Value, KlfLDIE* f -U. ;? : lieirJv :I- n.>,.(, . Lcavi'S. Leuaes-. I'C.".. .' International apest Stock of be,rs Samples Tepaid. , 1VH. STETVAltT & 0. T. H ^A-croisr. COk The Acknowledged Cheapest House. I Is Cheaper than Ever. r - * i . Prices Keduced. "Money Saved. ILL, ,j': &* ORDER A'lj OXCE. ' -;** 4s BQU'B CHEAP BOO (STORE On.JS^st Side of W yndham Street, GUEL^fl OYSTERS- OYSTERS, OlSTERS. Best Bran Is of baittiji; FRESH OYSTERS, ' ' - AT STODD^^RD'S^"' Oyfter 33azar.- All kinds Qf Temperance Drinks and Cigars constantly oh hand Acton,Jan, 1^1875. LIVERY &SAIIE STABLE Takes' p'ensure. In nriiounclnc to the public Jeuerallyahat { I- '" "" " <" . - - furnlst .FiMt-class Sorsos Jlls Jtlgnand Horsesj can r> ho.1, anil lie is rt he, surpassed bv nnv ritjy tatable ]'Acton Jul? 1st', T875, OKE Mill Street,'AC'TOS :. - DEALKR IN . General Grocei ies, Boot3 and Shoos, : "Wall -Papir, Window Blends, Crockery, " ' ' 'I /Glassware, j .Nails,/ .. Glass, Putty, Linseed Cil, sa**: & foiiei ; Paints, r Turpentine, Hachine Oil, - Coal Oil, Salt, etc. B The subscriber,bees toicturn bis Lhanks to the ihbabltanisot Acton nndsmronnd- !ng country, for. the liberal-.patronage heretofore extended Ip nlm, and at tho. same time solicit their,further support J. Pi AX LAN in firi .________ ... e Is prepared to l arti. OarriagrsD N.tJ.-Oash Paid for Hides deHvbred. CT. HILL,. Ao'tpn,J[ulylst-|87S. | " READ THIS. ;Haying adopted the system of doing business on a r Basis of Three Month's Credit, We feel assured-it will result to the advantage of'tiur customers as well as ourselves, and we propose showing our customers a few of the advantages they will gain bj it. If we cangeta "settlement of all accounts every three months, it wiil be as good to. us as cash, and as we-intend to earry this but, and whether the account is one dollar or a hundred, insist oh cash or note,: , . - . 't and interest every three months, we have made a , . !' I ^REAT AND GRA2TD REDUCTION IN POR ICES Of all goods capabh of reduction, a few instances of which we gire below ' :' i' ' S Tea reducjed to 85 cents. . -' '... 80 cent Tea reituced to: 70 cents. : ,.-.. . 73 cent Tea reduced to: 50 cents." 40 cent Coal Oil reduced to 30'cents. ' 25 Silv.r Watch reduced to g!8. 18 Silvjer Watch reduced to $12. , $15 Silver Watch reduced to S10." 6,50 China Tea Set reduced to $5.50. ' 6.<?Q China Tea Set redtuced to $5.'. ' gl J50-Chopping Axe reduced, to $1;35. i 1.25 Chopping Axe reduced to $1. '.' Sl.50 Granite Cups and Saucers reduced to $1.23. 7J ^nt Toronto Biscuits, by box> reduced to 7 oents. . 20 pounds of Bice for 1. A further redaction of 5o per,lb. on all' Teas, exoept our 50c Tea, when sold in 5 or: 10 lb. lots. .-'. '"'!: " stoge; o-0Mm*:ste >.; .; In every:Department'iatithl PASHIOHABLB W M' ... ." - -. \ . s , ' J l^tl^f \"tiI?".}^.i^ S*f ^l?01?is.npw 'poraplf t'e In eveiy^tfEpirtnipn Fashionable Gids Is the aLest ho has eier hubmltted i nttentlon Is invlteil to our ;with in, \'i- '4 " , and desires to i s ULspKy j-if &ew wnd j' ic approvaJ. Special! e-ier submitted ror. Silk and Dress Department* Shawl and Msm^et>$^s^t^eMm Millinery Department. Furs, Fan6y Wioulen -(^bids;;H6s^ry;"li:^ij^d^s Blaiiket|, Flannels, Twee^, &c .. .-- All bftrhich wajare prepared to cut at the ye'ry'lowest Prices.' ' -A'j/O. BUCHAM. Fashionable West End Decss, MJlltneTyiand MantTe IStablishment. ' Guelph, Oct. 12,-1875. ;' . ..- - , !" ' DS NEW! FAJiIu BO O ' ARRIVING. DAILY- AT. Do .not fail toi-visit-the: r'-.t \ ,'.- - - --- _, ' ' , L ^ V . ... ' . =And examine those piles "'df WINCEYSr ranging fimn 1Q cents upivards^- Alsd iiiase COTTONS, all best^anadian^nalvBs, ranging jfrom Scents uji\va^; ' ' , v MV FLANNELS, irpm 2p cents upwards, ; >i |! ~'h Arid other Staple: and Fanejj ^ry' i&oXjd^ in proportion; - ^M^SiB.'; r"-^ -JV- Acton,aept..23, 1S7S; GEO, E, :, CHBl^T AJT35 DStrasiST,: Hi"-J " x -' :* ' -"*- ' -.'- J",'l ' \. V % !. Hub removed to tbe^" !. . -' Brick DrUg Store qn^ MilL Street, 0 Formerly dcc.upiedj by the late pE.;3AETE^ whiah has been eoUrcii and "^ refitted. .-,. . -' H '-*- A large stock: of..Drugs, Medicines, rancy Goods,'Toiielt Articlei. &L always on hand. '-,.... ;' ". -| . .-: '-,,/;'.'" Acton, Nov. 3. l?75j "s \. [ I mJBSCEIBE FOB THE Acton Free Fr^ ;'; :... -; ' :. r Only $i;a Year. !3S, At Reasonabl) Kates.; > . ire-ithe/best that.) Hermlned not vo 1 -f OB PRINTING of all kinds ' fj neatly and promptly executed a t the FREE PRESS OFFICE, A'ext Ihe Post Offlee, .31111 Street, 'X It is a great abd glorious thing to selV good goods cheap, and the men' whoi has accomplished this' has always been regarded, as a public benefac tor ! If this be so, we think we ban justly lay some claim to the title for i "; : - -ii -"-.".' I our house has always been acknowledged One of the cheapest anywhere; I and jve arel^nowlmaking to tbro>y cheap goods and moneys into the pockets of our oustome|rs,l and we are already convinced that the! . ." : I' -. public hftif it with pleasure. u . '",: '. .'.-' . ; '..'j -, ..'.. ' - I - SECORD BROS. riillOSE whe,alwa#s have ' | READY MONEY,' are the most particular in their eft forts to make their purchases at tbe Lowest O^sa Fried. i < With Cash in Hand No Losses Are Made! and Vou can affofrtTto Self lower than youmeij'hbOrs,~vftioTauit!iiake up their losses b? greater prices tk> those who p*y an4-thu~ - MOST UNJUSTCY make those who a: ways have money HEIGH HO, STOP! pay the b/U* of T. J. thpse who never any. 4 DAY doesbusiuess on the Cash Principle, paying money down* He possesses advantages in his line excelled by none. CTcme Cash Buyers go- to day;s BpoksTOREi What's the Matter? Wky any person wjioi wnnts a goed ana cheap SET 0? HAE-XTBSS . ,- 'i i fauould call oa " ' BOBT.1 ^GREEttH HULL SVKBET. A1TON, t 11 j [ i i "Who Is always ready to Rtrriplyrteos-j * iomers wub every thing nsuHltyl kqpt fn^e. tirst-cl*ri Harness Shop.-* ttnrn^Jr made lo order oh thdi shortest possible notice. . . f OOIiAitS A EPEOIAiTT- I 8 CitEEC3,\6tua. * I -.J o J ' ^

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