Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1876, p. 1

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'" ' " hiP'^ KM : :^< - i Nickel >rk%; r - ^ Prop, *TKWtcro< Ir Loading TtRTOCsT ** ' "" -" l-'sq .<"* & - '-. Rc-Josdors, r_, VUrters, mI- J-.n.l U article* i *.:s-I mij- Jobibiiic '-- |.ii.-firoM : -^ " et- , -~ I KlRKttAMr (nt^rfeits. r-'^sc orsriw ... t; my tinijr to |-r- >p.d ip.-,i,oy. Irvine '-i'.rilkh >I. A-IMXBST,- tocus: ivn |r,e- ai <~>i:>;in.iit,_'/f si av?> MS*. . J-^ orfe. o rqur- ; with ;mij. ,wcnv.-wtT - toe ttiv tinu i-.htTii-i-i.. wrdeo-^ &!, liilord k-.^.'e-iivxl -will ' it- *l:inn.' U in the Br i tilth... y_ra- ..vein-, dl~ - r"'.xlie "b- ae3t *C ..' . r >-cr: ihelr - \'.-*\ it, HiitV- fe% .b. ;.-'C-iU te a-ad ; Vn? nrTO**fillud* . Tvrt.lirim'lKi.-' l-'.y r.) iii-ril-*^ yj ijiiiae-: I^vis. N.v*v U-^...V; t" . -; Ifmnv.'-S. fV. Ir hn. ->.'B. 7>\r57.YA*AS CARDS. V'. " XX^XVXJi HlOO (O^v', ^loml.j'ralOolletootlMtVsK'lHlls | , '-'. ______ JJStttKOousi.-^MHt. PTUKKT .MT.IS ! T 10 subscriber begs to announce -\Ri Ri MORKOW. Phvsl- to ho; inhabitants Tof Acton and \iJ. *. surs-.vv, *e, .t'n_i.iiov.iu- ci- vici nty that ho has commenced tho ip. N" \virK.nlso-irvliiRU> ol Vle-twla i, ,i - "STioire, . .O.uiudu. : CWutiii'Uin -dni-K- .1,ari lCBa "UiSIIiess in the ;,. iv* w^d Kriday< from IVu. m, tUT 4 .'&*. Ho'Monoe-Avff1;;Llk,vv,r slri'f" 011 Post 0rtic<; Building, SHO?- TAME$ MATTHEWS. *>n- IMstliutWr. liwuriuici- 'AcoilL JVcwnt, wlwl ..Jfeai-j- to l.<vu-.. Aa-iu M.Mi^-nl Ti'le-V^.,^)! 'sraW>. Co.. cVoir tV'.irii' kUH-uii iWuit, ' Coni. ln-'.i/ il.t Ai\, Ai-r- xj I's'r. til DUEMKUS0N. ' Convey- Jktuvr. >tl-., :l:>.| AttfiU C.llljul - <- Jtc-,' pr-'riir.-a ii..-|i;iy, |-r.<:n uly, c.-rr--*'.\y juul o^ Ku*):vi1i!t' u-rjni^ M.iiu'V; it Loiu \vi MiSr:i':it-._- soj.-u.-lty.' OlliCe J' ~ D.jiMATHEsbiX. Attorney . nt-uiw, -Soiu'iiloc tn'i.'Liiueery, -Qui Ac. O:nt..'-ri0iiBi'icror .Main-miJ (."ltuYcu Strecls. tatiiriro;.j\va. I . :' .1 A-M. LAU'ILAIV; ALUiTllo>-1-Li>iv l>:. Jbi.r.. N. B. :-J- r o>-. N'.C. m'es'NT.i-'.l.. , s. k. r I.-CC3. y.B.. r . I U a: lie 1 irrt i'lilies of tint" -. ->J.. ii-^ and Il-iVli or pc.SK of iiiiltaisc-^ matt. ~. 11 OljLQW AT..'. ]RTS' > - ^ Untment IF34ENO. -; 1y :oS- Tr-tni'l? <f . |.-r:aia Cisr* ^'T '. }icu. of tsrenty iiurr-s,' -i^caldH, 'istic Ecusilon'; iN Pore Brtasts rr^tr* Hcinonrs^- :ifflj<-tiDg Ertip- - yje vari n uatlon- I 2. Si eactt Lris, >oflrroed"vo l>e'one of- ^^iniotiiided for -. &t>Meilng Nature e: U3<?yareuB*-ftil ^mriaiot--, GUn- :*Tly tb&s^ of tbe ;iMiJ aixl Ftip^rior pi*J l>e ta ken a t -J33j?nl-or clianee , iif/ls. j:d.,-2fe.S4t Otiajioffi-, itc- \':!lo ?.:| Hauti:u>ni In a! f Kiij isfn>i-t~; Miio:i'. -Mian *tr<-<-i. ' Tlie ' iJI Milul'Oil3t-fl wit! 1>-- mi^or tho iiia::(t;o- -^-^T" ureut of I*. \\*. L'iiii)-b.-!J. .in I Mr ii.ji.l- lu- Vr<Y' :i-.t-iKl i<t i'io ATili-iU Vilifv" bu frW!iy.i:i:i..'ji Viit.-r j" .; MILL STREET, AOTON, ^woi! ion On havjo i'n livrgc re ho is |>r'ep!ir< J to turn out k second I'o none in the. Pomin- is chij:ip us 'ihi clio.ipost, mid the shoi'tt>ft_ posjihh- notice. I Mock ot Sejrso iBlanSots. Vtips. Brashes, :t!oaiT5s, Triiiips, otc. n Barristvr, In-iior epairing proniptllj attended to. o nie :i cjiU arut bqconviliciod. V. BEM1\SY jjicton, Kov. 25, !S]i5. ' :. TON iiAKEKY. H E\KV L.DUVkE, ; uisuuME .icmt; ci^irn, j ";| 2ktem for tho Moroiii_i K-una WuU'ripo.-*! All bUalKM cutrnsi<.-i ;o "Is c:ire"*li|bi'.- TUhfM'.ly attt-nJoJ to.^ i>nV-r> ,tv ziviimoliclted. H, L..liRAKtj . p.VTEXTSfor iTS for IXVEXtH>>S ,iU;>u<l\' pKi.vrly WcuKd' 11tw< Biitiirrlhcr bpg-i t 1 Sl-.f-i-s ;i!lj E'.iiojH..; ' 1 ' eii-oJ.....-_-^. l.l tki^^'f^ - - --------------*-. r-ul^-at g'^ar.--TO'-.l or r.o ^ti:iri;o. ;S*1nd lor i-rUr.t-.l iLi>:riictuo^. * Ap-*'icy ln'oikr- aii.ia litiyiars. - 11KNK,V Ul.l -T,! ^i;t.\ra, Cunud.t, v Mec^inica! nn^r.ior.-^tKiciior or J** ^ tenuand l>.augU:>uiunr I Fiht-class Bread j Biscuits, ^V riLXIASI WATklN'S, A ~lm*r Marriax* Utts A OrtHc*lir. I.tty Ho.valApKniilmeiDUJ j ._ -Boilia*** l>il\Tito ai7n icoiitUU'nllajl j <J2o al sib? Poat," OIIlc^.-Hl-HWlIliiiin, C~ty .Hiitou. : ' tab cV<-ry day U-llvorcd at tliolr!, ' ljouses WEDDING CAKES -Mnjdo"t6order li. the lal K KS. S. ;CAfiTK. TMckcr f J3a>ir. Dnwia; lid Frr .Cli irob s^-tT:T A'ctou ^*- ttrh 'ilUVEB Lt>ZIEfivPfastVrer, tb Hi't rea>o:utbls Lcriii lion ukr&~n:etr-ti. * CTOX FLOEiR MILLS, j kit E. NICKui'V, 'Pmpri.plors,': Floar atta Feed nl - ay - on hnnd," vrhalo. : an l CQi)]i,)Jqj Uail-j^ CsH orall'fcin^sur lir-lu. i pO'SSl X HOI St. ArtoiiK J.V Gio-Kilo tb. i.i. T. Kai way Sliiiijin. JSLo^llnut itecomnioJiiU'.ii fo. tb-trjiVul- "ilaj pMc. Til-J 5. C.\ d rliELl., ITOfUri OMI.MOX flOTtL, Actwo, K>teri Jvifu-.-w, .'.'roi-neu>r,T3)is tt* Howl i^ jCt^i u." m rira;-oiii^ , wittt nc> .Jilurniiur**.' Commercial" . Tr*TelIcr*iwi-l r_^.d-^o-i-j. ::cci,iiitno :i.llcrT . and li.>ai?S^ttnp.o< .sjRjJIid ; tiVvli- uaa:. o' ibe iravci- ' lioj.ijni-lici ,-UaTNiiiip loi'^-wnh 1J:L* ^est . Liquonj a.l;Gii?ai>'. Uopl :S ibdi.g 'aud aitWative IffujCereL- --: - ' Roi AL EXCHANGE HOTEL Ac o:i. Kobt-;D^*io l'rt p. hapi(!le|r.j>im :arg-? auJ.i)nini6di'>a-;rjr Conita^jrci*!--. Trviv^lUrs. ti(od avct^m- .Ta'Xlaa4o"f,>i" Ty.ivol.f'r-. a:id<jucSU. licst braadjtt.f l.!.]^r>.> and Cic-irs at ttif. Bur. J viiLeutit'o Hiti>re. Trni. II3ISTEfcET, -. Iiicensed Austioneor '; '..' For the i?ounties"nf Wvllt- gton and "Hi.J- Um. UWc-rii liiL'ai' tlii) Kkek 1'iir.s.s office, Acton, ^or ai- my r-iiifenr,-,! in ^Hockvr&jid* vil'. iiepfojjj-tt> vitieL.dei'|lo. Terms nea.soriab!e". . -;, ' ". " -; ' TIIEUKKEWilAHS I Tlio work of tho euu ia slow, Hut, n8'8uru ns lii-avuu, wo kuow > iSowo'll not f lrgct, r AVlion'tho hUioh aro.wot, There's green grtvs under tho snow, Wheittho witiils if winter lilow, : Wailnig liko voici a of "oe, There aru Ap And hmlti ami And green grass in il shower.s, 1 llowpra, , nder tho snow. We find that it's ever so, ilu this life's niiev ;niloiv ; We've only t> wait, In the face of fato, For green graA-i u^ulor the snow iiud well select- DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND. tarns of AeuuVaud r<?i'iiri.d losupi-ly -reavion b^e. c!iarg--s . HijUost price la disbpald for Kgg*. nfnrro tlio In- vlcloity tliat lie Buns, Cakes eur. - Col. Niitliantid ter known-us Goo! ington, San K>;u_i! Sta'.o of Culifuri! .(Vissengcr "ofj niiij known trnn^Atlji Mtignoliu, fiiinou rapidly of' her the absence of 1 times, nnd ' the of lier excellent aiin'immder. in, or, mther was case, ?the. IVfiignoliijt very good " send of tho pksKL-nge .). Cooling but- i Nut of Cool- in County, ill tint fiii," was a fellow o on'thut well- antic steiiniKhip, i ulike for tho ocean voyages, tiplans ut : ineul bluff - heartiness As illViiriahly; the hail received u oil'," the friends imisU-rinij in great stitnig'tli; nnd . nccoiii]>aning their hearty wising for u swift pim- 11',. uiud'.ia' "good |-t itylcs and ait fjnge, quick rutin time " genei-nUy. Busy us I win ntiiiieroirs fiiendf nioinent to steal loom-mute^ the t picl tho other bej-th in iny'^lutu nging curds with |f ehumpagno, was my doiu iciliury xt eight days tlui room and, exchn him over u glass o cburmi-d to tir.d partner for tho.m- celehrated or notorious pernau whose name I have mentioned. Dim rumors of luring dei'th dono Iduring theieuilyd! I Suites, hud reach time to tjnie, tn) these the name of| associated. s;reat man: A.l that Wtts certii 1 t.liut the Colonel I forniatliii-itig-the the gold ^evei^ ai< M itions in mining, tended with solid : his uppearaneo no tra.yeJ his suppjosejil'inuiiicul untece The LOXGIX E PATENT LEVEE WATCH which!. I sell at 'J $2 "Si i.fcro'Es, AfeNicopr ItT, EXtliWf edicine Vendors NTING scription mokt at^ It vies, [lied at the -** OFFICE, B y- ^-^P.l.TIDSOXV c j LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the-t'ouaty of tlultou. i< . . Salvv* attead'elitT La aw. part of Cae'i ' -Cojioty, fit reiu>oiviv.b:e r.iH-F. ' A D1VIU.SUS, I . '- .'. i Campb dlville,-. !%<.. T7jE.V.\EI>YS I Marble Works, Is ihe best for I Canada. PRINQLE, 5 . " Watclimaker, Guelph. Bue^.li, Keb.i. 1S7S Op - <J pfJSP- r.-."j M-le' from Mills i- a dfoIlovrV Foundry, and :_f XeirjEramosa Bridge, -. Ouolpli. B: B.L KLVU.S OF monuments Torib Atones, ifantle Pieces-' c.J mide to any )?ize ot design, andjjiut uj) in an>^ iiart of the cooktrj. -?:' ". EfT Scotch diranitef .Monu- tneijta Uup<>rtcd tolorder, PeS*.-j.A! Kennedy 13 a-prac- ticsS mafHie cutter:. :' PliANING MIIiLS I.- . : Pninp, Sash, Door and Blind i FavCtory . i ." " ' ' ' EBBACE $ CAMPBELL, Alanufactufere of drnts, nor did the nuiiierous American physiij ed witlmL tilioiihleivd man, sin ulders bein largo bullet-head, close cut crop of I His face, withth-t) excejitiou of the; an I-shaven, and tjssion was one of o> he Money in upperlip, was. c bin gene'-al exprd frank bonhomie Tlieie were moments, liowever i"ure occas 1 Ons it for pei-sons of an of mind to conj the Rinnnier seas| Archipelago" wftl slowly settling ilol blue water} 'and ["pKI.Hf-r- ipmoTOGxU-PHai v Xoyr 'is the Time for <vheip Piciares. i.S." I, Pro' v:SS^ ilP r Bt Ketouched sad Burnished ?_r<otogrgha reduced to' 3J.00 per . Onfa*i0 "photograph Gallery, Actdp'. r 9*^1 ^xrace^ancl obtain a good aad e^eap fettire, finiAed in the. best ak- (^rmaoed."- ', . J*>B.7-W*vwere awarded all the ." fint pniea $,r _ji . competiltorB Sat . 13th and Hth, I5- j .-_'-]- .W. HILL, Ph&^o. ' ^5. 22-3aat AetoniNov, 26, TmARM FOE S\kiT~~7~~~T' Oae htuKlre4 acres ot _. ',. ir-oodveS, -beiig the eait half^i" ^f Hi the 3rd Coiiceesioh^ in the rv A1* jfcEi^ueging. For particulvMs^^P i-'-l\ THQMAS GAEV^j* -!' Erin P.O., Ont., Nov. 30. 1675.', '" i ! i ! WindW Sash, 3D0ors, .i- " . \ i7eaotiaa Blinds j liouldiags, And other Building Requisites '-.'-,' Alo ilaiers of i JWPEOVBD SUOTION PTTUPS -Latnbvftr Flai ied fthd intio-'bet! SSjr 'A^ -no\ k guar^in Acton2*(ii!lj4.1875, HIKE B1ILK. ' The nnderiti customers for ieLved durinj| .would say '" snpply an _ _ era with gooi ed every' n Saturdays, .find it much get milk del ithey would and buy their] tickets ' for twenty-one (ighed !te li the he is" additional 'dj pure, morying, aijd Warties ejieaper " ve'red {lo welj milk. .it tie! p.S r- ^ictoivg Noi loth,| & p nt 1 s ,/. Dressed to orde manner. teed.. :>egs to .-thank his :ral jpatsccjuage re- I iast summer, and now prepared to lumber of custom. fresh milk- deliver- twice a day op. rho keep cows 411 nnd less trouble to at their doors, and to ell their oowsTweuty-one'qnort id in advance,, or tsfor 50 cents.1 ARMSTRONG-. - 1875. his society serving the inline taiie which adoiiied well-shaped hand merely -a'large di;i liant sii?li ns is tii rew oiit.Hashes and blazed with i radiauce.- One i 1>b:dging my , 'I yet foitnd a a glance ht my nivtdler who occu- layslof'the Golden d my eai-ji from |d with niuy of Nat Cooling was Of tlio origin of this but little' was,known.: liily known wvi* >iined up in Cali- irist sym|itoms of il that.his specu-. etc., hud been at- liccess. Neither his sjieec h Im b:s outline, betray a lgles that the m is often credit He was aipluiiip'broAd' tho siid broad ^urihountcd- by a covered with i nnd begun to feel that the diamond fever was kinder kutchin', and Haid I to . myself ' N^it Cooling, yon never wius a ono-lioi|fiO jjerson, nor a cuss as Svonld tiiko u back Heat any wheres. If you are' goin' to pun out on diamonds you must do it heavy.' ; )" lluin' on Sucli iinconinion good t^rnis witlt iii)suU',1I took another drink, and then ' fell talkin"dia monds with li very elegantly dress ed g(-ntleman, who gayo mo a lot of information on the subject.. After a few more eobktail.s 1 told my new friend that I must get a diamond, but that it must ba the biggest in New Vork. . Tho gentleman wore it. handsonio stone himself, which he "kaid was as good ns ho could, pay. for, but remarked thatj-he thought he know wliere to find an A 1 bril- liaiit, in fact, the ayp-w-unui-st stone in the world. ] laiji^Ii, I do, when is 1,'was ta see |I felt indebted, an when he eon- Htone1. t1 ring |in the place of niV alid,.])Utthig Colonel 1J|: pocket, walked into the -bar in set bb{{u4 gU8 t. As I had judged, therp was bi at myi t (Jlljti wruj] woii bote 'mora than two in the littlo h( tion nnd I HI talk ono !l lad sillFered from. My ( |iis friend had cloared oii lolt powder wlitin I lieai run upon it. " Yes, sir,1 k'oung blood, dressed up l] barber's block; "I guess them intones is mostly bogus," ci le samo time a-snaky Icokat ing. I went on taking b|ittors Bilent, and seemed, pod' in my ring. But they dn't let mo alone,' and jn-osont- ly git up a but nmohg thtiinjolves the tho cr (innqm ifn Advance< \: ono, H my jThljr pcula- riond but d the Raid like u very. stiiig recoup the gang a bit. I declined to'seii, and kept him off and on till I was ready to start, and tolduhim I -must! wear the ring till I was, -,.., - . .__ . .. aboard ship, when, if he ^vouId ppy |*ho following excellent suggestionH. TIMELY SUGGESTIONS. ilrt a 'lerigtjiy "article upon, the now . License -Act, the- ^loba offers down the money in gold, lie could have his ring again. You guess what I did 1 . No ! Why the dliy before we sailed I had the real dia mond set in the ring you iipw sloe /in - imr jion.-l .....1 n .1 1J./...V. ..!. on - my Jiund, and Col. Bogus put back into tho old setting. My friends came on board, jiaid tfie money in gold, stranger- nai-y shin phwstera examined the ring and thoi same old sham diamond ldinderi they sold nie, and went off as happy upon eijn, right ; and tho is .punctooul to J think how 'atixio it, and bow much to the yo'uiig gentlen senfx-d to mention li'iy desin; for the biggest diamond in New York to his friend- He 'told mo he did not think bis friend would sell. In" fact, ho was pretty Btire ho w.ould. not, but that I .might have a sight of the stone if I WouM breakfast \.atli him at Dehuonico's at 12 o'clock-next day.. "This looked all next morning I wi my appointment, uliis introduced to lny ftiends (friend- also to an ele- .gant gentletliun nlid sat down to the Very' Lest breakfust I had ever seen. . I didn't; however, eat much, my mind was so-taken up with the diamond. NothinVthat I had ever seen in the sparkling 'way. Was n circumst-imce to itjj ; Long before we got to the coffee and cigars I made a lx-solutioii to liavo that dia mond. But when 1 led up t<i. the subject the, owner ; sviid. that no money wjut'd induce him to part with a gem which.had been given to him by his,deceased ihother on her deathbed. . !- I - "However, the parly broke up, and 1 invited my ;iiew friends to diiie wiili me oi tie morrow." But I bud diamond on the brain, could neither sleep nor drink, njid acUtal- lyiust a.big^iile ofdollaiK at".ioker tlirough tryiu' for a straitht (lush in diamonds: At bur next meetin' I noticed that the proprietor of the diamond looked discouraged about somethin', and told him wiat a bad time I_ had had at poker. " '"iA-lji !' said li-e; 'I am|.the most j 1.' Last faro, covering the [jack. I nineteen times running, me dwid. biiike with nary xiircssion flashed when a singular fioin his tine daikj eytviitd on these \viif' i I, is' my .opporr in^ with ci-aft* tiliiiost hull down horizon. Col. Coolitig rejoiced in" a velvet unlucky man in the woi 1"A-^'i r i'r*iV"-'t 1 ni^bt I lost ten thousand llollars at stitt, black hair tr ... 1- ., - ..... Ho won ind left ed in my j jiocket.' "Now, thought tunity,-so, after syfmpithis him, I raked U]> ^hu dian jectagain.l Ho dijilr/t like) at all at first, and k cited ted like a vicious. mustjin_h but at lust, reflecting that his debts',, of honor must be t.n t,: he caved and pui Led with the dijmond, atterlciss- ingit agin and agin, with tears in his tyes, for ten thousand 1 dollars. cash, on my promising thut|if ever lart !; tho rjt dilKcult imaginative tiiiH ire up a scene in of the Indian i -ft scuttled ship \vi\ in the dirk, a l-dkish-.looking tho nboilt their lings; and pitched inn lis umpire, for, said one of "Ciress^ the strange gentloifun: as wears the Kohinoor ought to tinder- stunjl'tho subject." j " I own 1 felt very liko drawing iluy six-shooter and clearing on t the crowd, but I kept xny tompor nnd said, ' Gentlemen, I don't under stand small potatoes." Them little- bits o' things may or may not be. genii/nc ; but if you want to tirag on diamonds I guess I'll take the ])ool.^ At; this they nil k nder sniggered, and asked to look n.t my ring: I lot them look as loig as they liked, but kept tho ring on my finger.,' At lust one of them suid, ' That stone must have tome pretty high, I judge.' ! Yosl sir,' suid I, ' ten thousiind dollars dash.' At these words they sniggered again, 'i So I, pu'.tin' on that I wns riled, rounded on them sharplv-: ' 1 don't know, gentlemen, what yon Reo to laugh nt.'- Then the g|race! fullest and ^politest cuss in the party say, quite solemn like, *I fear it's no laughin" for you, sir. . I gnesS you nir a stranger, and I suispect some rascals in the city here have stuck you with, a imitation scone.' " At this I pretended to rile' up, and hwore that I bought tho ring of a perfect gentlemaii, and had no end of trouble to .buy it all. The polite man stiffened up his back .at that, made some remarks oil g< ntil ity in general, and wound up by offering to bet a thousand dollars that my diamond was bogus, to put up the money.right away, and leave the matter to be decided by! an_v jeweler named by the proprietor of the hotel. ' v1 ".g'hen I felt that I had stn ck a lode,- and turning round slhi_ply, says, " Lookec' heret- sir, bets of a thousand dollars is good enoug l for a sniiill game, but when my M'Ord is questioned and my property run down, I put down my whole pile, and I will back hiy diamond with "my bottom dollar.' ' They kepttheir faces very well, but I coiild see. their eyes glisten, |ond sub-1 mi[ i know that I had 'ein :safet the idea J.One said, 'he couldn't pat up ijiuch lid cavor- | just then, but he could find eight thousand \u liulf an .hour, | and in-.loot iiiioin coat and a loose necktie of sangUiiio hue, but it was impossible to. enjoy) forar-jf time without ob ise dinmoiid soli-! his" large biitj This was not| mond, but a bril (rarely seen. . Iti like a Hum-light,' most intolerable! [splendid summer] afternoon, as the Magnolia was do-j ing her best' to mike shors work of the Atlantic,' th<js_: Colonel j;uu_jht| my eye fixed in admiration on hid I should want- t<i stone, I would giv of repurchasing it addin' 7 [tet cent time I had laid oil must own that\ felt pretty f^unk over my bargaii! 'with; e him the! option at .the same prico interest f|or the t my monlvy. I and |ironiising ma_niificeiit. jewel) aiid launched uti onco into the following story : "I gueB3, neighbor, you 'air takinl ad.yantage of the firte weather to] kinder photograph tny diamond] It's worth the trouble, yes, sir'] Not only for the pally of the stone, but.for the.high ,t Id time I had. in] gettin' it.- -You see I ain't a Newt ;Yorker,-and nev'eg set ey^s ou thtj Empire City tilltv few , weeks ;ag6_ whenl kiniiaroimd-froni 'Fisco to; make a European tower. . In OiilLJ- foi-ny we ate_ heavy on gold, that's: a fact, but we dpi't pan out much oii diamonds, fJiougb - they are migbty useful goods-when a citizen J finds UiingB pi-ett;' well peterecLout in, his old diggins. and__wants to yak moose the ranche, and makes tracki' for a new placer., But no sooner had I landed,.=an^ got well fixed at .the New York Hotel tuari.-makirJ' a bee line for the bar, I found alt the folks run ditmbnd mad, HTi -most settlements I am acquainted (with, the talkcrui is mostly on dol lars, but in the big city L lleai'd, ctf nothing but diamonds. It seemp ihat some old Boil married a pretty young gal Bofaae li ttle time ago, and .that the,show of jewels at the rvlik- iiaond -wedding li ad set eyerybbdy starfe istarui* ,nia 1~over . brilliant^. Eveiy iboy vwas ,b ?aggin' on liis.idia- mondSj:and>sQme,of 'cm seemed to rbold a full Ibana. \Wal, after m,V third cocktaiJj-I^^jlifc jEt-etjh iaiga^, .so .witbiij^ myself great pl'eas'lire in NewlYork and in Euroiie out of mv bis diu- liio'nd, got rire.ttj' high, and propos ed1 u gaiiiu |.if etichie to iny compan ion, just-to while away'the time. I have ])layed all soi-ts of games in my,'time in all sorts of company, but the game of euchre was a Ann tion. " It seemed square enough even to mo, but. the cartls ran me in the queerest way. So, after losing quite a pile, I thoughtl it time to giye over, and wont to bed, thinking that after all, my diamond was jsome consolation. I '.! But when, next morning, my friends did not drop into breakfast, as they ' promised,; I begun1 to feel myself weakening on the busineia altogether, and made tracks foriiJ great lapidary down town. Afte' examining tho gem, he told in coqlly that it'was about: the bes bogus diamond he had |e,ver 'seen but that it was a sham and no mis take. " You, sir, may- imagine my feel-!. ings, not -bo much at losing ten! thousand dollars on the diamond, and'"a heap ' at play, as at tbe thought that I, Cool Nat, of San Joaquin, had' been gobbled by a couple of ifew York dead beats. gueEs my language was pretty hea vy when, I had cussed'! all the:wool off my new- overcoat,: an idee knocked up "agin my brain and struck in j at once.. I inquired where.theigreatestjeweler and dia mond merchant, in the city kept, and after! showing bjra my bogus gem and; swearing him to secrecy, asked him! if he could find me a real diamond like it. ' ';' *{ He- told me. that he d!o | ibiS'levolqest io match it, and :did three boui-s, charging would stick it with pleasure'agin mine.' Then another struck in, and thought as ' I didn't look satis fied with such a little bet, he wWld back his friend's opinion for five thousand, and as I still;-kept, on say in' I was not going to;shew] my diamond except for, a bet of tweity,: thousand dollars, they scraped up about eighteen thousand among thein. I covered the money, and over with the riug and a written memorandum, to the pro prietor. A lapidary -was named, .called".in, and decided at once.that the diamond was genuine. ' "Quite a.considerable scene took place, and the; swindlers insisted on calling in another witness, and I nearly busted myself with laug ling |when thciy named tho very nu.n I bought the stone of. When-he saw" the stone, his face was a study; but he never let on that he had seen it before, and said only that it was perhaps' the finest diamond lie bad even a ring, bowed to the cjmpany, and walked off. So-to do my rascals justice, they she wad. grit,-drank the champagne I treat ed them too,.and walked offcooly enough. But the beqt part of the goke-i8 to come. .; " The story of my big bet some how got arounqV ,and all sorla of versions got into the papers. I was interviewed pretty1 heavily by. re porters, and . .Col". Nathanie J. Cooling, of San Joaquin,-was cred ited with owning the biggest dia mond! ring in New York,, Vdien who'hhould walk into the hote' but my friend and his friend. The cusses" evidently believed tha; by same unheard of ;chance they bad put-chased a real Instead of a b ngus" diamond, and that they, wens no doubt raging in their innards to think that they hadn't'- told me in the first instance, and had ptto the gang in tho hole for $18,000. But the stone was now celebrated,! and they" began try in' to work on Die to let 'em have it back for $1000 D, as I had mode such a good speculation in. bets. > The original proprietor said lie was'iri funds agin, and. Gpuldn't sleep, for thinking b' his mother's ring.; Of course he wanted it back to sell- at a big profit, and. as coyofes round a dead miilo. 11 wonder how they like tho deal now! As far as I can figure it, I take about eighteen "thousand by tho spec two-thirds in diamond aiid the rest- .in' gold. Our glorious (lolden fitato is, I guess, the place to ctit your eye-teeth in, ;and|I judge the dead bears of New York State will not soon ftrgdt -N|<t Cooling, of San Joaquin. .! ".. "- : ' -^ ^ i ' ' ' The 'Marriage Question, i This is a question that concerns everybody. " All over the land," Dr. Talniage roceiitly remarked, " there aro thousands of people" marching singlo filo wlio ought to be keeping step .with someone on the-i-jght or left." The.questionis, how all theso people may find their affinities/ bo' broughlinio raiik,'ahd keep step together down thei march 'ofiife. -.. ' | ". We are inclined to1 think that the imj>e)diments to marringo a^-o less with the ladies than &he! young men. Who are they, that maintain by their; prodigal expenditure the hundreds of drinking saloons that disgrace our cities 1 Who' at* they | that? crowd the galleries of the! theatres and the exhibitions . of every troupe- of strolling 'negro minstrels or montebank performers? Who are they that support the nu merous tobaiconists' strops and pur chase !thpse costly carved Ipipos ? Who We, tlisy that .pkrade their Adonis perfection'< iri fashionable suits for which their! tailors Are not paid, nor aro likely to be? i_ Who are they that loaf around the! street cornei s, and reo 1 homeward in the small hours, making night hideous with: their drunken songs or foul- mouthed; talk 1 Who are that do worse things than these, of which we may not even speak 1 Aro they no." largely this very class of young men. who can't afford to marry, tlje girls arei so awfully extravagant, you know.jr - - ' \. Youiijj men instead of railing at the fair s'ex-Lno y0t-y good sign of a man of any age might be better employed in making themselves worthy of the love.of a'noble hearts od womafi. . ' ! Our girls may be often idle ,a,rid frivolous, ly be an of" some tion. "an obj we can but theirs may. frequent- enforccd idleness for wiiht, noble ambition or aspira- " pivo us girls," said one, " "lict-worth living for, and (lo anything for its acCorii- plisbment.." The subtle spell of a good mail's love wifloften ennoble sucji a nature into that of"a heroine, and she will cliftib side iy.. side with him on -whom she bestows the wealth of her heart's affection, up the difficult heights of achievement, or-walk,[with him through the val ley of humiliatioi aiid sorrow, arid count it all jpy permitted to share' his udve rally as: well as to rejoiGe iii his prosperity.- Who so finleth such a. wife findeth^ em-' j>liatically a goad thing. Snpb there are1 all round us; and any ma'| who deserves the name, unless he have, likfs St. Paul, a call of duty to a clib!ate life,iwill seek till.he] fin<3) a' worthy help meet, and then will wopj win and make her bis for ever.- iiethdiisi]Maga2ine. j . It would be. a good idea for every one interested toruse their beat!-ef- forts "to have tliem carrieil into eflect :"j I . -.!-. P Injone way, private ^effort .lean work liiiJBt efficiently whereithe in}, fliience of Government;c. felt dt'nlL "VYe.refer to getting up and maiirtaining places for pleasant and'profitabloi-elaxutipri'andvftniuse- ment which" will so fai^.,counteract the attractions of the tavern. There is nb use in shutting pne^) dyes' to tho fact that to exfco|it tavr erris are the popular club liobms- of the present day, and that love for. society and for-the..discussion of the news has in a 'great many cases far more to do with their being frer' quented at first, at anyiiite, than the mere love "of. d rink. They are warm and' comfortable. " Men can there " ta'ko their ease in their inn".' after their own f-aahion, and -cult bring a friend to" have a talk.'when tbe thing' might pot bo'jiossible at'j their houses or in tlLeirhotnes. If tho taverns are-put' down, some- Sensilble ^ordA jjibiaut AdVr-- .- ThejfoUo^iiig isipppj-.tlie finan-; rial artfelii'of .the- xTiiw Orleans Piciu/U/te,- ^flie'_:"pi ipplef who ' sit. neryrju'fily' iti cfiWIiH^liQ^^i^lft' behind tlieii* goodsf. vaitingj'-jlpr. ciMi-' tofnerato take tbeiii by!stprm, and make ;hp-"effort\tp.leti,rtli\world ' know the bargains'ibeybave to*pf-. ?er, wili-'fihd ibe ^'asbri^ry'iiin- -.' utmot bid propitious. " W#y W ftfiode; ^.:' fitting vvl1? ' V'mt !M^J?P*?* ' drummers a.i)dv [iaMii-g|rJor|kQyQX * v,'eli kiiowii; nppl^nces, 'TpXj^radej hav.o effected la'rgej Bales', Cut swafr' . lowed- up/tDob. Iatte':a jShare* <Sf ^lib- receipts in tK:n'enprmou'attendant' expenses/ - T4ie. has been foun;d b| returned to b>oi{ fashioned '.method hiisinessf Win est remuneration thos(e -wipvfliSye legitimate, 'pld- ,'of: pufeliiii^ tfiorr' !ty it; tiotf^Bihiply because - we lira- lihteV^stetE.ih: iis lino of.exjienditu fe, but' aB.our- b^st adviceloull who wish"tp. \ya.evi^;Xr prisjng arid to- fecu're.a^'laVge.cus tom, there isnotliiiig now, jso. efrea- tiye tb this end ai JudiciouivVJulver. li.siug. A litltle i dveitit*ementbiay be Uke a "gentle' touch "of, the whip topoor.Dobbin/s Uorsc, "a"mercy thrown away ;' >nt A Itberul ont lay is aTmostrcoirtiiin to bung in'ji large retnrfr, .arid-this ^ill lost ftveji beyond, the jenrrmt neason. We do not; believe' .tiirtt any one wLo has valuable seriTce or desiraSlp property to. offerj can fail of reai^- ing a rich Jiarvest by continuous advertising onii iirgpfccule > "fi-i rish An Irish editor saj a he c^nsee no earthlyreason why women should apt be allowed to become medical men. What is the difference bet ween a | hilfanda! pill? One is hard to got up/ and itne other is, hard .to gdt dovyrl." !" " '.'. [. .- " Astonisliing cure for cjneump- lion,!' asjthe old lady s^id when she sprinkled snuff on the victuals of her boarders/, :: j|' : - i "All;14 wanity," remarked a'tiri- ware peddler, the- other -~dav. ' What's life to me, anyhow, but holler and tid sell I" . j -, You pin tell a la/ly who has-a seai- ekin sadque lrom one who hagnft. The one who has one has to run to the stores twenty timea a day. j Some people will be over-po>it:e. "Don't trouble yourself. 1 catr^ind the way jmygolf." "Ohi nonsende, my dear J , indeed, to show you out.". : .- - Speaking of the newly-disebvered rock in mid-ocean,,Josh' Billings in fers that; it is the rock in uiid-oceah that iickena! so many people! jn crossing jthe Atlantic. 1! ! . . A cler. yraah and oue of his elderly parishipri era were walking on the i<% one day, when the old! man slipped and fell. .Ah I" shouted the clergy man, . " tie wicked Khali gland on slippery jlaces."-. The old mentis- rban looked at the parnort h moment and said : " I see;! thpy do/ but 1. .can't" " :"-J j . [ !",'-. '" thing, else without their harmful in- fliiDnce-must-be supplied i}i.their! place. Mere'suppressioD .won't dp jj mere negatives,.mere." Thou shalti not," will not be found in the Ion<r' run : "effective. Reading-rooms,-! news-rooms, are all very] far. But they are not all thp arejj craved for, and they are list ail- that must be previded, if the fascin-; ation of the tavern8 is to disappear/ J-.We wish bur proliibitioaists to ponj der tliis.v If the taverns were al closed to-morrow, what' dp the pro.iose'in. their place to meet t" social craving which - -will have course in one' way or other t Wh the " putting " down has been: d cpmplished, only half of the wo! will' have: been done, aiid possibly not! the largest- half." Relaxation, amiiiement, social intercourse, peo ple tr/ZZ have, and,-aslit so happens], a great rhaily seek .theirs in the tavern. \They, may be very foolish! 'We think they are. Butthe vlise,| and practical social i reformer .will be positive as well'as hegjitive inj hiB operations.. lb is all very easy to^say, " Let them relax at Jiini'e; ' let them* amuse theinsetyes --/witli their families." But what if many ba-vCaft homes? and no families ? What if many-wish to meet / more or fewer of their fellows whom they! "neither would nai} could: take td their home's! ' If the curijent is| daninied in one direction, ij-hother and a better channel must edv" Inrtbis woik then of club..rooms that] will satisfy timate purposes^ and 'stillrbi less ^in -this work of pn amusements which will successfully! compete with the titvern, riav, with! j .~i .. , even more questionable places ,,f ^"hv philanthropist Who workA as well { The *Kt?fn?1r aVPcax dS talks will most effectively co-- operate with tbe jGovei-fament 'in.! making the new Ljicen'se/Law a sue cess- "In Toronto wo have a Mechan ics'--: Reading-room and a Young Men's Christian Association estaV lishiuent. . Tliey.'arelioth doing a- good work. But do-fliey'snccessi": fully competew-ith the tavern? We fear hot. Plenty of young men not i vicious in "the ordinary sense bf the. term will not take a tickat to either, even as a present.' Why ? .\ They fmnkly" say that! neither jnie'e'ts their, jfeltj' want. \ .They nieet a friend, and they Wish, fo have d quiet place.^vh'ere they can have a pleasant tdlk. This! is notjpassible where silence is tbe fiile, as it must be where reading is going ohvj They wish; a game at draii'ghts, or itjliessj or-billiards. Is there", anything! wrong in any or all.of these? Fewj will pay there 13.. But .they aie not; come-at-able-except "amid inostdari| I gei-oiis surroundings, and too many brave the danger in older to enjoy the pleasure; The danger and the innocent pleasure may be both supf pressed,.but, that bfiitself can never be called a"Buccessjiu;tlie way of moral and social reform. Let-the taverns be all- cjosed' tomorrow, Have prohibitionists, we'ag:iih ask, considered what they are .going to dp to supply their places? If they lutve hoi. they arP hot'so "wise and not so well acquainted.with human nature as they ought to be. "Wilt {they leave "every one to follow his own couise -without doing anything to train his taste for what ispur^ as-well as pleasftnt'~\ } Poor' philaiiij thropy that would be; and but very impel-fect, moral, and social ] regeneratibp.r.ftie; result of its tri-vj umph.: ," l^ing out the false '* by all means, but at/the same time ".Ring in the true."} In such!work all may find sufficieht emplpymenf.. and the more-such [work; is ,done/ and done efficiently*; the more-: will the neW licensing llw bo a; "success, drid the more readily and effective---! How to Avoid a Bad Husband, 1. Never marry for wealth A wpman's-Iife-Jednsilereth not in the things that lie poaiosseth . 2; Never. "imy-rj: a fop, or one who strufs -.'about) dandy like, to show his. silk: ghWes nnd ndnes, with silver csine, and rrngs" on hi* fingers. Beware this is a trip 3. Never, .mam- a niggurd, or close fisted, ineahl soidid wretch, who saves every penny i or gi\es it grudginjgly." Take <xtre Jest he sting you to death. _ i. .Never :marry *i stranger, or one whose charaet<:i is not known or tested, ^dro.e , females juitrj) right into the;lire]-Ath their \yi<le open." . 5. Never marry i mopfeordron*'/' or oiie who drawls and drags through life One. -fixit after anothe*-, and. let' things.( their o'urA course: .... I '-: J. ;6. Never marry^a man who treats his . mother and' i lister unkindly or indifftirenily.' uch treatment .is a sure iridiciitcn of a iiuoin and wicked-'nianv ; 7. Never on any account marry i grinnbler,ja profine pel son or who in tbe leijist tpaaks lightly of God or roligldh: S ach a map rcaa never make a .good lusband. 8. Never inarry i; sloven, a -man in his person ftf in his habits. peartmco is au in dex tbthe'hfeart. . 9.- Shun the ruk< as a snake, a viper, a very! demor. .10. Jj'ihallNr, ne\*r maiTy a\inan who is addicted fotie use of ardent spirits." -Detperid"u]>on it you are better all alonefthatt jou-would"tie- were you tied ro a i lari. whose vey breath is polluted, aid jwliose vitajs are being gnawed oi t liy alcohol. 1 K. " \ FUiimaiskPHs. - ProbubHitSes for : 876 Foreign- ei-s, firewoiks, and s iajed proposals. - PtuicJi- defines " f ishiohable ^ir.-- tromes " as "high iieels andi low foreheads.'.^; ], r "I don't, like :wliter," said que pickpocket, to! aiio herj " every body has Lis hands n his jipckjefa ** ," I take;my t>i; dis jnoiningi* said a-colored; preaciei, <rfrom?lit portion!ob: do iScntters whar tile Postal Paul!pints hn instol to the Fesions." ,-; i - h * "Why sh6uld J we celebrsrW Wasbingtori'vr-birthdtiy rbore than mine ?" ask^dia tealier in Boston, because he never Hold alio'" shout ed a little lioy;-' - I "Vill you dake slimding1,'sald a ^eraian ieet6tallei| to a friend, ^hile_Biandin<_hnear k ta\ern. ",1- dpft't careif.Ijdo," \v| " Yell den let us da 1 1 Josh Billing defint bred business: 'man the reply, a valk,' a "tlmrrer- wdn that steeling Baft ly:will the >>ay :be paved .for some tljing in the same direction -. mot'-e thorough and more Radical- still." j "!knows enuff-J Wbout there kau't ennybodf stMl"fron him, and enuif about] Jaw io tnt he kin] do hjs stelm__. legall*,"" ; '(.Whep Fi-eedoiB.'wn her mo mtainhAighc unfurled her Rtar.darc to^ Ite ^r, her-skirte, pinned bick b^. 5y tight, iuiadd her appeir exceeding spare.': v \,: .} , ' _ , Xparcei^eyou hre a bit of *jte? said-a jsaraastic fellow to a naraaBL. "A wee biti IJAer ye thaTk~we cud ! mak* ft 'purr*: bbt -tea. <ulf' was. , I the apjt j-ep^rtj of the mmistefc.^ , ' Man^.a.'n\m JrBo /Would ipll p Hon f unnyolviiielookswithoudspaccs. A t bisieyis.-ISh-itiitpr Wt the- nJUia V steatiitg a nickel, will KwoonndW i pnasUkiiia^rep*' * *"^ J marchj/oflf whii.v' peacefully; aa^f-^i orth4l[ is Kpa "ii9tml_| Is! I fc nam_ V m ^-:-jR-

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