Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1876, p. 2

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- ^**^^^flMt *^^^V^SHlnl^HfllHHB^^^^^^9H^MBH^9B^HnS9^mtSSBiR^nl^^^9sS PBE A1TOK FKEE TKE88 .. VjaUiafced Erary Thursday M turning;. W Per Annum in AdVanoe- JO* K *MAC*tw) rWTOft TacusbiT Monititto, Fan. JO, 1876. 7T~<*1 -' ' 'I, ".' ;?jT. i-y>". There ia a J diversity of opinion 4?rmpectin'g Ute expediency of grant ing bonuses, to muiufacturrt-s. Soma .oppose' it on prinsiple or T". .tttabry, and others from pare sell l ishnesa aiid jealbusv. Still this tin - i -t i ." : i . tons prevail* to a larg* extent, and . it se*tsa U) be the opinion of niany .';. thinking people that a spirit of lib- i erality in this respect: baa a'ten dency-to benefit the- wbolo corhmu- i -ntty. There are of course many ]<oints in connection with the bonus \i-ysU-iu which admit tf 'discussion, bat the main question resolves it self into this pavt The ratepayers of Acton> will in all pro bability be called upon before long to Lexjress their opinion on this . matter at the pcdls,-and it is.well ; that they should do "so intelligently. It-is proposed to induce the es tablishing of a large brush tnannfac- tory'here by granting .a bonus of "j$4j5O0, We have no doubt it db- ' pel ids "entirely upon the srrunting of 'bhia.:bonaV whether or not this '. establishment "can be induced to locate here, as other places are also - holding out liberal bffers. So that that point inay -be 'considered set tied. Whatlwe -'want'.to'"find out "is, j whether the giving.of $1,51)0 ' - w'onld1 be. likely to prove a profit able investment.. We think it tliero is Kh apj! tmeo of 52J imli>ji, propiiaiion ofySSOOO per mile, and! tho same niuii oi .. the northern! -bruu'cM Alton toFlora, n difiR tncc /if 27| riiiles. The "Stratford; and Uako Huron gofci 2000 per] mile firotn Stratford to Listowel, tij distnttw of 25 miles. . I ^m^M^^^^m^^^^^^immmmm S [THE FRI1E PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., F ONTARIO: LEGISLATURE.; After forty-five clays of; dovationj to l>nsincss;_tliQ session of the Oti-i tariA IiOgislntiiro i8 ax|x>ctd to bet be prought to a ol >so to-iljiy. Alj thqfigh the wtirk of the session has1: i; of considerable inipbitaiice, xtt ta {questionable \vl :ather the coun try will derive any great lienefitj from more than on s or two of ihij now Acta, The principal measures^ PUBLIC MEETINC. Proposed Bomis^o k Brush Manufr otiiror. ^ v that lmVe Vw i affecting-the count! introduced and Income law, -.'art) Addi tiiinal Aid " to Kailwavs; Amend T ' '- ' * i ". i nients in the C'onti ivertctl Klectiion w ;' The jjallot i i Municipal By, Ijiws; Pjxivision fir the collector facoiirate Vital Statistics; for the (laynient ,of_Crim nal Witnesses; fjr tho appointment of a Minister whoit time in Canada ; that- when of Education, and i ne or two others f minor importance: The mihis- ers and private m >mliers have'hol ;lectcil to add : co'nsidcniblvl t<> heir pay, the lat eniow jgettiin jJSOO for ; t.ho 'session' instead SS00, and the -wobld! Why? Because-, in ; the to, the Opjiosition 1 -'~- t :rTV fk . " - ' .' .J. - ' i -.: '*.; {_ >r' . j P :-*: - t ':' -- -- -it - 0M -v-x^,. ^ 'i x--te first place, it^ would be;' the means of increasing ithe population) and -tht^ business of the village to a con siibTraJble - extent. _ Ttrwo.uld give etnjployreent to many of our young pt-dplp who are now. idle. . A large . suiin of money would the - paid' out evecv week for labor and for raw. - i _. j rria.terial, and it is natural to,suppose thsit a [large proportion "of jit would betcireuUted in our midst The - establishment of Jevery new indus try A hiiB a tendency to proiuote ~i^4hH growth' of our village, and : every one will admit that this i. ' .. desirable object. Tlie granting o) bonus to attain this object, should not bejregarded as anything akin to charity. It i purely a matter of ' bdsmess, vrhere , there jis a rea aouable expectation1 of receivinj' c pronuble return for the money m vrastad. We feel convinced that tht people sf Acton will view tb'e mat in a reiaonable spirit, and that any oppOBton that may be -giyen ;vfilnot be from motires of sel&shness. . The-amjoant to be paid annually for int*e*t and sinking food to recoup the debenture* need .not exceed $t50^ while the taxes levied upon the|fctbry itself and the iccrealed population that .would inevitably! follow would go a! long way to- _wartjs repaying this amount. '. We were pleased jat the interest the public meeting the other evening, and liave no hesita tion in believing that . . By-law granting the proposed bonus would oo cjrried'by an overwhelming ma jority. The Reeve lis in cb'tnmun _ icstton with the Company in refer ence to the requisite security befon i submitting the Byilaw.j The mat. ter will in all probability be in-u definite shape in the {course of a..fevr &>)'*;' 54.-50O oacli The governmej) ;.' has not only held its.own, but 1 as undoubtedly increased its ^Kivrei-, the Oppositiioii having gv)\vn com; liiratively weak In a. list of 31 division* of a party character, the Ui vernment votL- showeil a majority ranging 'from! 1 up to 57, the avenge majority |bi ds 1*>. It cannot{ bo encoiiraan to : know, that L!\St Friday meeting called by heltl in MutThuwH1 consideration, thu k'cninir,' a piiblic tho Boovo, wns Hall, to Uiko into granting' of u IkmiiH to u liiimli manufacturei' The Hall waa wel l-eprosontatfon of vin, Reeve" took troducetl tho! au! pertinent | remark, t. Mr. A. N. Pakei munication with 1 filled with a fair tho leading I'ato- onch other, to u coiiHidcrnblo extent. If wo wish to keep jiaco with othVirs, wo must show a Hpirit of liberality.; It wan a matter of LusinesH. Other things being equal, tho probabilities were that; niiimifuOturorH. looking fV ly i select; ii tho ) gimitoHt indueementH, Mr. Ilakei-1. Next Monday will bo St. Vuleii wh in that position. At i\ jiu.bllo tines.: Even staid inifwoH arc' lay. meoting 1jl' payers of tho villngo, nearly all of whom np|>ourcd t< entol'tAtn a warm interest in tho inn' ter.' Dr. McOar- the Chuii, anil in- iject with n fow Ho said that had been in'coiii- l.o late Reeve and himself respectirij; tho bonits oflered by this; municipality arid-that ho propos.^il establishing.a' brush fac tory on a large stale. "Ho'helibved it would l>e for tho interest of our j^eoplo to hold out such - encourage ment as would induce Mr. ltaker to NEWS". GENERAL Tho'Railway- nn'ct liiconso BillH passed their third leadings in tho Ontario Ltgislaturo on M^onday. Mr, T>- ICifkwooil, . Calodon ir-ii placti'to locate, would natural'. Tw,l^,'irk' hH ^V? tf t) selectaho. place ollering the L-oun^ C<)nnoti- to oft'er n factiii-ers 000, and itjt summer it wiih ngreed I |ng pretty plans for"jit. Leap year, bonus of $-1000 to maim- you know. [ '. j Mr. 'Baker asked for S5,. j. Ovor $200 of tho money stolen it is for the ratepayers to say. whether in their epinion it would bujtio our ndvantago to grunt that nnipiiiit. .Tho municipal act allows cbi'ponitions to-takoHucurity upon the plant or otherwise, for the duo fulfilment.of'agreement in com- Hidemtion of a bonus. Ho felt as sured thatjou'r Oouiicil -would take good care thivt ample'-Eecjirity' was furnished before handing over any of the debntures.<. He would re- lUark thatltlthough Mr. Baker had asked for a bonus, ho had not.ask- ed for oxcAnptioii "from and that'!taxes oi.i the .done, in thneuurse of a taxation, property few yeaif locate amongst ua. The gentleuian ( would go a g(K>d ways towards ro "wus ptx'sent and ^vould address the audience. Mr. A. N. Baker was'intrbduced He said that lio had been but of foijnier a Siilury of lie came over Statu, he intitule ville.'; A jbint-stlock company been fwtiH-d in t object^ but fOP.'vi^riouti eause.s luJd considered,it lish tlieuiselvese cipalrcaison being idready so deepl. that there was n 3 hope of securing any municipal si bsidy; the Oouncil of that'town'being-pledged to vote agajnst all;"further bomisi-tw The peojile of Oshawa wanted hiiii to !t tlu-v have not succkled iu:&vrrvin mve -giveu sad and Mr. (J;mieron, a single measure o jKirtance, during tl mas in whorp they hoj>es, Mr. Win] McTX-ugill, must disappointment, the leader of .the Opposition, appears to have deyot ed more attention to the practice of his profession, than to the work oLtbe Legislature. A' large nnmbe - of Bills have lieen""introduced ly private mem bers of the -House, some of which have become'law, :rthers have been withdrawn or defeated rio's Bill, in favor i fnige was ; lost, by nays. HisiBill tc Juries was sibn. One to provii voting at municip withdrawn.! Mr allow the. verdict o" iiine jurors! in anv linlllic'int- r - 'J .,i,,l e ."session. X he hud isnch hig|i there ; was offciv moimvy bonus am to ubput'?:i,500 ed a bon us. - H to establish a J I'll building and (uniting nltngether iSimeue also otl'er- : said he- proposed, iriisli factory that would give const mt employ' from '35 to 50. h: ciliated to .do-iv-' of at least 50,000. \Si)D,000 would b iugs, machineiy the- newly.-pafe which ho has tht entire control: for the Dominion, tl 2,000 brush3S;pt icy -could, turn out- day, or GOO.OOO f manhood suf- : i_ 18 -yeas to| 37 ____ abolish .Grant! eleclare<l lost on a divi- e ^or cumulative 1 Selections" was ] Jtfthune's Bill .to of brushes. Tht largest portion of Mr. Cur-: tho outlay for: material would be Mr. A a crop of leg- ihcludins Bills i, ,-j . , .-. '"-'"","> ;_ j by which a grea to Ruilwa^ Traffic, Regis-1 ^Je by sawing some in- its * v'i-iSn THE RAILWAY AIB -ACT.. The.'policyi of the Ontario Gp\ - ernmout in" respeiA to addition; 1 aid to railways has .-passed the several readings m4he House, wit i very little amendment The~snns ap^priated for. tliri*e classes <f roods <tmoinht: in the aggregate to $181,000 over and; above forimr appropriations. .Beiides this fcliete i an undefined sum to aid certaii colonization railways in the Nipi i- ng "District, j Class one coveis new roads1 or extensions under cot- Claag iwo' ineludes roai h Ly subsidised to which it: s propoiied additional aid shall t e .. given. ;. Class th reej -also t i.ncl udt s : additions to existing aids; lint in t|iis ease the hitter.are; payable oi t d? appropriations already made fc r TJncopjprtted work*. ' .':>..'_ The majority of | the roads 13 which aW will be given are east <f . Toronto^tfa^-onlf. ones weat-bein;; ^be; Credit {Valley ind the Seirst - ford anir Dik Huron. In raspec. to thf Credit Valley, no additibna tl is.giren on the section hetweei i snd the Brock RckkI. Froui .-'f * to Ingersoll, a dis :-i- J-V-. ^**riition. civil case*to be si flloient was de feated by 30 yeas a id 38 nays ; and his Compulsory Voting Bill with drawn without the sense of the " ' I : tipon it. Some other legal reforns' by" the Batne" gentleman have be30me law Hiirdy has had qui islative bantlings, relating tries, Division Co iris, and other matters. 31 r. Hodgins troduceda Bill eribpdying in provisions some important changes in the admirtistratjc n of-justice, and another affectirig County - Court Judges.' , Bath were withdrawn,, being partly superseded by; Goy- ernnicnt measures, i Mr Hay-has legislated about snow fences ; Dr. BouJter about dogsi Mr. McMahon has amended the -Municipal Act. Mr. Wills has made ah atteThpt, abandoned for the' present session, to protect bnikesroefi. Mr..Creigh- ton all but cariiedi on\ a second reading .a Bill to-givo the munici pal franchise to frqinen; the. measure being lost by ttp votes only. Mr. Coutts sought t|i amend the Drain- ago Act; Mr. Richardson %o give Municipal certain cases the rig*ht to insure property. Mr. Deacon tried to reverse -the policy of ':tho povernment in rcgardrto. timher licenses in'tho fieo giant territory, but was beaten by major ities of seven against, to one injfa- vpr of his proposals. ' : trol the market i expended right I the brushes wou ho found that. < quired could be would be largo ture. model " C. F. Ricbardt Borer," withwhi could bore 3500 day, while with lect. tsrested with hii among whom a of Brown it Pi froiu New York 1 to locate in Belle-' .ad at town with that they. advisable tij estab- sewhere ; tlie priiir. that Belhn-illi"was- involved- in debt lids ; that he eal- From 25,0(H) to s in build- nd stock. With, ited machine;-' of paying the bonui. Mr. 1). MuNair -Arojwo to.un- derstatid that, the plant will bo in good condttiot! ? . Mr. 'Baker replied that all tin- .machinery would 'bir perfectly new and of the best description tool all first-class. l>r. McCJar.vni Mr. ,ap- 'ive Baker peared willing and prep;ui:d to ample security. When once, estab- li>Jied, it was not probable that) lie would_pn.ll-up stakes a id go some jW-hoTo. elsij for the sak: of getting anotlier boiiiiij. Jh'i Storey'-7-The payment of the bonus would be "spread oven a num ber- of years T-probiildy Itwent.y years. M.r.- Baker has e.xpussed his willingness to accept; the cor poration tlil-cntures at par, amf negotiate them at his own expense Mr."Baker We eal a year being^o^e brush" a year for about every ten Dominion. Tht .of brush factor! tho principal [nil theW was ..done 1 cess. With his Ciilculated to mamfacture so much cheaper;--as to enable him to con- a. sti-.iight,, sijuarn business, t*> ) .our-.tuxes, upll to jiush ten3ively -iis the ili'in country will warrant. ,p;kny pays ^'jt(>0l)'for using the machine in Quebec. It is possibl start anotlier factory at. pjint in Canada, but eertaiiily not nliabitants of the i\; were a'nuuil.ei js in; Canada but t of the work in V a very slow pro moting liiachine ho n the leading-class within lni) miles of th Mr.. D". 1). Christie- ed to see; so maiijv ] had had u, conveiflatii liaker when he was-he Ml late;to do ]):iy trade as ex- mils of tht- con):, the right of Unturio ami we might some other yioiis .occasion, and !i hiirh estinmte op aim propoMtiuu. dollars and cents. Is moiK-y -.asked ? Ho time fo calculate the s' |)lace.- Wa.s pleas- resent. He n with Mr. re on a pre id formed a mil of his But coiijin^ down to from iir. Tobmoy's house, at Thov old,has boon recovimiil and thoipris onors nro in custody. Tho repoi ted engagement: of tho Princess Bvittrice to tho Prince of llattenberg is dimied. by the Lon don Trlryritrih. i ' . ' ' Vl ' ' '" Tho J mperial Parliament w>as opened onlTpesdiiy by Her Majes ty in jtersQii for tho first time, in a great many yeai's. Merchants in sovera|~CiMes of the Dominion are anticipating n rumor ed^increase in the tiirifT by Vjuking their goods out of bond; < i j - i Tho Town Hall, M^irket Hotiso and Council Chambers, in Ingersoll, were destroyed by firo.on Saturday. The building is valuod at $10,00J), insured ., ?.. Rev. J. A. Wilhuns, President of the Lmdon ('utifercnce, lias opened'six new Methodist. churches ,-.J since Se|)te'inber last tho united | cost being i?31,0()Q. -. I Tlie reviviil meetings of Mloody and Sanky were-, ommeiiced at the Hippxlriime, New; .York, Monday night. Niue.'i thousand people were preselit. ; .Four ali.d a lialf! million dollars worth of property was destroyed by lue in Now ^ oik Tuesday night. Three, firemen weis killed by full ing walls. \Yhen the Railway Bill canie-Jup for .1 third j leading in tlie Legisla ture .Mondliy, Mr. IS range moveil the six mouths' hoint; which was lost bv- a maioritv of 78 to '2. " 1 The Oajt /{' jyn-J'.r is in the dum'|*i because the Credit Valley, Railway has only got $12,0(10. per inile of a bonus. Or.r friend ought' to be thankful that it has even Unit jnuclt j' . ' . | The Port Elgin Village .Council, availing tlu-mselyes of the privi es confejired on municipalities V.r EBRXJAKY ! 10, 1876J T.ho t^wn of Ilollfi.villoilinB.n de ficit in i ,s accounts of oyer $3,(100. TliO Govcjrnmcnt hiw npp'ouiterl a Cntumiiioh to cnqiiiro into itho finilncla.'iifiairs of tho town, iind other matters connectcd*Uierew}th. Wintsrj pic-nics.nro qiiito pop-' 'uliir in Homo places, They iurei paradoxicilj concerns," held ' in Ith.d Iioiiho, \/'m\ the room profusely doc- orntod.^^ith overgroons. " . '. Kata . |PoisoNiNii.C^-Two young, moi, 15 mean Morrison and John Chirk, farmors in Kincardine town- shi >j vera .poisoned, on Friday night ly drinking horse liniment fro n a bottle, supposing it to be .whiskey- Morrison died on Mom' day morning, and only very slight ho_ihB aio entertained of Clark's re covery; "Tub FituiT Cnot-. Hcjrticul- turists fear, that tho .chances for a heavy Ttiit crop next Beacon ,are very sli n on account of the cxtraor-" dinary feather of' tho last six weeks. The1 bark anil-buds have been swelled with heat and rain, thus giv ing tho frost a better chance of taking hold. tipectator. ' A KuAxDm a Mouse. An extraordinary occurence was brought to light at aii inquest held on the body-of ft mini in South London in a- workroom, where .mmy young girls were at .work a mouse b iddenly made its appearance on a'taMe. causing, of. course, con- | sidi nibl 3 commotion and ft general , s1 limpet e. The intruder was seized, howeve:-, by a young man '.who hap pened to bo present, but'it slipped, out of lis hand, and run up his 8lee.vey Ciimo out between bis wivist- coat.and shirt at't the neck. The unfortunate man-, had his .mouth open, and'the mouse, on the look outforjsome convenient jilace of concealment,' entered tho man's ! and he, in his flight and- surprise, swallowed it. That a mouse c-in cxi.'t for n considenflJe time without much air has long liecn-ujpopuhir brief, aiid was unfor tunately proved to be. a fact? in the piesenliinstance, for the mouse began to.tejir and bite inside the man's throat and chest, and ithe unfortunate fellow died after a little time! in horrible ajronv. i,|- /- . SevoHil witnesses corroborated- the above factsj and medical testimony as to tho IJy the Rev. 1>. StmeJion, at rrfii own romileiicc, m t-hb 4tr inst., Mr. ,John MonzieB, t.Mi*s Mary Thompson, lxith of ICsiJIICHillg. - j - ! At Doii^lab'Mills, on the 2Cthult., : by.tho IUv. Mr, Mil], of (icw-gotown, Mr. JaincH yniart I ti> Mis lliojbe Moiiiighan, all of]Cs()ueBing, ATOjwV RILETH. White Wheat.;..;..,. TrondwelK .. .^ .....,, .Spring Wheat'. ....... Harloy . ,-V..........,. 'Oats'-.....".......... ,. Peas'. .J;.:'....-........ l'otat<icsf _>erbush,..... Dried Apples,;.. Onions, per bushel. J.. Butter.............'.!;; Kggs------............ Dressed Hugs ........ Hay, pt:r ton.'. .. ....;-. L'liiilwkino;........,. Pelts'.......:.,...;.. 0 05 toO 08 0 OOtoO M i i)0 to 0 '95 0 <K) to 0 68 <0 35 foO flO 0 mtoo 2 0.40 to,o oa 0 08 to 0 Off ' 0- 75 to11 50 0 20 t0 00 0 18 to 0 00 (i 50 to 7 20 15 00 to 1C 00 0 50 ioO 80 0 CO io0 60 Nirvv advertisements. 1I,EUU\<, SALE F WINTER GOODS AT ^Ttaini] Homing ': JHy J5xpre| " Xxp* ifjxed Jfijbt Exp| H^rtEip| JMiid THy "Exprq Had - Mixd CirtlLPII HABKKT8. - Fall whfcftt,|';S1.01 ; treadwell, !)7c to ?)8c; njiring wheat,-(Glasgow), 03c to 05c; spring wheat (Ted* chaff]-, 80c to 85c; oats, J33c. to'35cj pea*, G9c to 70c; barley, 50c to fi2c; eggs, per dozen,;.'butter, dafry packed, 15c to J6c; potatoes, per bag, 50c to 60c. NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS. ICjl by the new'Lcense Act, has voted not to grant in the limit meuts that; would be rr-qirired ; but any shop licenses with- s of the village. Farmers who have largo fields it wortlf-the 'of hill whe^t in the vicinity of Ot- iml not; had annual pay- ere. The fibre for d be imi*ortcd, but verything eh:e' re- prbc'urod In abun dance in this'y ; the labor of cutting: and 1 .drawing, the timber items of expendi- Mr. Baker exhibited the of a boring machine, called Putent Multiple ch he said ouo man, on a, basis of $5,000 tho amount to be raise 1 about $150 for interes fund. Taking into the amount of mojiey nually bo spent in th brush blocks jier he ordinary--hand would do till, in his power to guard the interest of the -ratepayers, and would see ,tbnt rfeuBOifuble securitv nbney or ite- over. M^r. resolirti'on to rmachino 200 wa; considei-ed a day's work. This machine Patented loth ;March 1875 has entire contrc -^-no other firm said he should a his factory 'a niw automatic saw, -l would bo good was He 1 of it for Canada can buy it. Ho so introduce into from the logs di- Ho menti uied tho names of several stockholders who were in- Matters in Turkey are not any more re-assufingi : The .feeling; in Servia fs said to be-such; that the u'lirlike propensities of the people ! can nq lonjgcr ba reBtritiaed,tand a reniarkabfy circiimstantial dispatch comes! from R-Hgnsa as to an offer by Ali Pasha, who was recently sent to Herzegovina, of three dis tricts of that Province and anjAJ banian port to Montenegro, jfj all aid to the irisurgonts he withdrawn, by-thft people of that principality. If Servia aiid Mohtenegro end! by. making common caufce with the in surgents, the Eistern. question may yet have to be|;settled as the only way to put the trouble. 1 in this, business', Mi-. Patterson tterson, Belleville, Messrs. Geo. Ne lson, Jolfn.Suther- land, Frederick JJi-ost, of Belleville; and Messrs. Skinner and Webber, .of New York St ite. Mr. Webber is a practical ma a and would have the immediate .supervision of the factory. Considering tho amount' of capital invested, npd the advan tages that would accrue to the muni cipality, 1iq thou jht lie shiould have a bonus of at least $5000. He pro posed to buy TCul estate, and bring in valuable machinery. " "" Was pre pared to give a njde. sejeurity that no loss might bt sustained by thb corporation. ' } , What is to prevent th'Un.iLed Stiites; patentee Irom flooding Cunada withlu'ushes, made with the s.:me machine 1 .. -;Mr.' Baker sai 1 in reply tlnijt..Mr. C) F. Ritch'ell is a silent partner in this Canadian business; aiitl had; an interest, in it. . Ho nppreheiuled very little interference from A meri- ciin 'mannfacturi rs, ns tho articles could be prpd'ucedf' here and placed into the hands otY.tbe' whofeSiilo dealers at a lower figure tliiin tShoy could'be importt d. Mr. W. H. Storey .Had always taken a d^ep interest in, anything Calculated to enh ince the prosperity if this village. Since the advertis ing of a bonus, he, as Reeve, had received anumler of communica tions from various parties! making iuquiriea concert ing. it. He found most of them t-Q bo mere (id'venlur- ers, without capital or commercial standing. He believed that the proposition we had received" from Mr, Baker,' wai one, in which we might phicecqnf denco, and he felt dispesed fco give himhearty'encour- S;ement.i Was |;lad to see so much interest taken iri the matter by the ratepayers. The offering of bonuses was getting qi ite 1 common, and m'uuicipalitiies yr :ro doiupetiiig with J 1 annually at t anil sii.khi", jorisidei-.i'.ioii that will"un- viliagc and neighborhood, for l.abcr and timber, he was'in favor of grai As a member of^thc be estimated J has peiietra,ted the ground to a con ting a bonus. Council, he Was' given before any iKJnturea was hundei Christio proposed a grant a bonus of $5,000 which was. seconded'by .Mr. C. T. -Hill, but beforo jt: was, put "to tho meeting some discussion arosn as., to who were entitled to voti on - tho mo tion, and it was withe, ruwn. Mr. D. Henderson suggested that inj order to get a full jxpiestion of the meeting, that all the. ratcpay. ei-s present), whether f-eeholders or otherwis6, hho.uld vobi: Major Allan objected to this, as having-tendency to conceal the true feeling of thoso who were really entitled to: vote-, oh tlie By-law, as \vell as to deceive the applicant. Mr. Storey moved, seconded by- Mr. E. Nicklin, that' tCis meeting approve of the Coipoiutton oflering to Mr. Baker ft bpiiui of 4,500.^- Carricd unanimously, It Wfistlfen suggest ;d that a peti tion to the:Council to this efTect bo at once drawn up" and signed by the ratepayers.present, which was don'e. The'petition was immediately sign ed by 38.r-atcpay.er8" of the village, and Subsequently has heenvincreas- to 09. The Reeve* ijhd councillors are all favorable to i The following naues attached to the petition are thos sof bona fide freeholders who a x> entitled to vote : death zause of , <le:ith having being given, a .verdict of"accidental returned. .As I unilcratnud a story has got into circulation to t'hcr effect-that i am op posed to the granting of a Ixiiijig to Mr. Baker's brush enterprise, I 'ilesire to give the moat emphatic denial'to the story. I am in favor of granting a bonus to Mr. Baker, for I believe it will result to flie benefit T>f this village, and as much to.; iiiyself as any other." Bfit what 1 ol Reeled to: wa, the forcing 'through iA...a .*.T',000, motion l>efore >fre -had first.tricdrto'secure Mr. Baker'3 fac tory for 4,000, which.I Relieve a ma jority of ^he jwople present thought he .would have acctptctt, t>pV if- not :we could' liave then, ofiered-'ihiih a larger boniiB. - ._- - i ' ,' ' ,: JOHS T. SECORD. Acton,: Feb.-S, 1870: "I McNAIR'S Greatly Heduced Frleoi A large quantity of J^WELERY I To be rushed off at VSET LflV PSICS5. WALKER LOIX^E A. F. & k. SI-.' Xo. :* ". ^K. -, An KtnerL'eucy M<x;{ing of the above Lodge will-be held in jl he. Masonic; Hall, Acton, .on Wctlnesday evening, the 16th iuat.; at 7:30 i!cTo.jk precisely'. By ordeVof W. M. . ;',.;- ' V. , .!: J.jKOSS, Sec. -pERESIPTOKY SOTICJE. Then: arc.still .-. few peojile who have u'ot paiil- their taxes : lor- 1875. These iinist ]Ki.sitiveIy lie paid by tlie 20th in~t., or go iuto Coarb. Xo further delay. ' - i "S. ZIMMERMAN, Collector. 'Acton, Feb. Jl, i87G.: ov STUB SUPPER. mnOlsE who always bare ! READY MONEY, nrc the most pirticnlar in their ef- forts to make their purchases at tba- Lowest Casi. Prieft. ' Val McXair* Tlie beat| at the Fe aAnne onr j - The I weak has l| cp basin Ren in Mitthe1 o*cloclc. Ura. The| Temperan. or a demd this montl be aanoauJ Th* are i still pay roll with a sh thne in i wise." Secordl No With Cash in Hand Losses Are Made! and you can iffor I to sell lower than your neighbors, who must make of their losses by greater prices to thoaa wbo pay and thus MOST UN JUSTIN = ~ fc. tuiya expre's.a fear that it has been wiiiterkiUfd.. Tha snow hus'hech blown ffom the Ileitis, and thu frost sidei-.iblo dtjith. A largo failure has taken place in Ottiiivn.' Mr, RobeR" has.: been put into insolyencv by tho issue ofa writ of attachment, and his deb's amounted to nbiiut' $188,000. The loss will fall most heavily upc n one or two large firms who are, however," quite ""able to bear it. A.medicil liinn; in Chicago lias just pleade ng, and I guilty to body snatch- liot long since a Montreal medical professor refused to give up the stolen body of a wo man until he had been paid $30 by the heart-broken husband. "With nil the boaiited 'Civilization of the ago, there is ii very} great", deal of the barbarian or brute in man yet, | - March. - The retail trade are' very which wci few bands, their proi be,, as yet, On Thursday evening,: tho 10th inst., a c<ini{)liincntary sapper will bo tender- e-.b to. . V. H, STCREY, ESQ., EX-REEVE, niihe4 and Sfrs*rx. C.T. IlVl, John Sjmght and. i'lhfarrf NiMin, Ex-Councillrjrs, thci'r scrv.ioej during the past in the "Village C'ouueil. two years ' ' . Business Prospects. " The ^1/i/iji /'<! // Ti'iiirsof last week- speaks hopefully of the business prospects, f It says : cannot afiirm any marked improvt meiit in business, there are a few\ as a rnark.of respect and appreciation of .isolated fattt-s, which, though trifling in themselvi-R, indicate ,thji.t:tlie title has turned and commenced to flow in tin right direction. Morey' is easy at b banks. During De- cembpi-j the-public deposits on-di: mahd incriMised liearly $3,000,000, irntl loans nre readily taken upon good secitrUy. From ^Montreal word contra-,that, manufactories, e closed or running with make tboo^ who alwny* hare moajnr . pay tbe bill-i ot those who nevtl ba?e any. T, J. pAY does business on the Cwsh Principle, pacing money down' He possesses Jdv mtages in bis line exc]lpt bjr noup Clo^e Oish buyers go to his i Bo< kstore for their irood* he u kb>malrProfiU. are beginning to increase action slightly 'it may ?h:irP: butstill surticieut to in dicate a forward movement, Not a fow manufacturing.'interests,'in the cities i.nd towns-of Ontario are. also commencing to run on full, time, and others contemplate; in creasing iheir employees during Febiirary, jor at the beginning of A general invitation is_extendeill to all to partieipate in the. entertainment. (No intoxicating licpiorsj^i .;. - Oysters served at 8 o'clock prompt, - Admission 50 cents ; lady andlgentle- man 75 cents. The proceeds, after pay ing the net! expenses, are to be ttevoted to charitable purposes, i " . ' _ CoMsiirrrji. C. ' $. .Smith, James' Matthews,. John Secord,. D. McXair,, lienj. JCicklin, J. . H. Hacfcihg, James and it is ct'iitiui|ally breaking out in unexpected qtiaftei's. : The Pa(is Transcript sjieaking of the trial npd sentenceqt McCon-- nell, tho murder of Miljsj says : We will st:e wLetlier tjie Govern ment will commute liis Sentence, as they diil iu the case of^IcNanmra, Dr. Davis and his wife, and others, all of .whom weie deserving the ex treme 'sentence about us much as tho nejjro v, .W. J F. Storey, Janrc h Moore, Jamc Matthew's, Jiflwtird Nip dm, IXHendc son, I*. MeCann, Johi; MeConilcll, P. Kelly, Thos.C Moore.Thos. Jabbago, C'has. T. Hill, James Br iwn, Eli Snyder, 7j. A'. }ii\iV, John Kenney, ltobt. Prceeh, Kdward Moore, Jo*<-[>h Lasby, , M. Sp'eight, H. J. Hall, T' nmas Kennedy, Robert Fisher, Goor e Wilson, A: Matthews, I). McXair, Jno: Cameron, C. ^lasales, | Win, Mtu\ icnson, W. L. Wortlen, Donald Kenn ly, Robt.* Ag new, J. T.'Browjii. J. .{ Smith, Mai. Kennedy, CiDenipscy, .> ut. Ramshaw, Hiigh Camoroii, ;:Heuf;' Jayers, Thos. Christie, D. Maloiiey, i/.Iex. Grant, Sid ney Smith, Afhim Dich'son, Peter Mc i'Nnb, John j Lawcon, . Henry , Ycman, Levi Lambert, John' * ennedy, Dr. B Morrow, Edward Ma;thewa,. George Ryder. Many.more numei might be got if-time'permitted,.hi t.the alioyo is sulficient td ensure t|ip passing of a By-law. 4- The incfehinity of i lembers of tlie Ontario Ijegislature haB been in- crensed froni. $600 to 800; and tho salaries; of members of the Gov ernment have heen increased to$4,- 7500, except, that of tba Attbrney.- Genernl, whoso salary will hereafter be $5,000. i ho was .hung lit. Unelph. If we are to have abolition of cap ital punishment, let. us know it, and then we'-know what we are to lo public ffcela that jiis- an cheated very often of expect.' T ticc had bo late. '. Mr. S.inhiel Scarlett cautious in giving ordere; buteom mercial travellera still find some thing to do, npd a mora hopeful feeling exists throughout the Pro vince as regiirds the spring trade. of McKil- lbp, had a sow which last spring gave birth to a litter of ten pigs.- Mr. Scarledt sold t\yo of these, pigs -when six \yeeks old'for $6 : he fed six of them and killed them this winter, and|they made 1,500 pounds of pork, which he sold for $109 ; he keeps tho ! remaining "two, which are worth $60. 25. Thus the pro geny of this one sow realized in about" six months $181 -2-5. The sow was kflled- k few days, ago weighing 448 pounds, and was sold for $35 1(3 making a, total return for the son] and.ten pigs of $216-;50. This, is how fanners make money. It has been.estimated by a gentle man cloiejy identified with .the Moody anjl Sankey meetings- in . - ErrsLCoea^M*ATmti isn om- Philadelphift that at the eighteen koktiso. a thorough] knowledge j GEORGETOWN. ^ The Herald understands that Mr. D. McKeiizie will buildalarge. Work shop and sho\y room; on Main street, next to Mr, J7 F. Taylor's, Also that Mr. Thomas Clark, will build" a new store on Mill street in that villago,-where his open shed now stands.' Both these buildings would considerably, improve tho appearance of the vil lage. . TEJirERAKCE CoNVEOTION.-^The Sons of Temperance of- the County pf iHalton, will hold their quarterly convention: in Georgetown to-mor row, Fuhruary, lllli. Delegates are expebUjd from all the Divisions-, 'and-also a large number,of visitors. An interesting programme for} dis cussion is being' prepared j 'euch Division selecting.a subject foil dis cussion,and appointing one of their number to introduce it;; An open temperance meeting will prolbably be held in the evening,>_ !r .'j.; - A pedlar of jewelry was arrested in'Georgetown last w&k for sealing without a license. It - only jcost him eight dollars. Financial Staterrient. '.;.-, RECEIPTS. Balance from 1874 ..5; 57 10 Municipal grant .... ,23 57 Government grant .." ; 138.93 *Jax: levied on rateable i '"*'".. property of Di\-ision 16.16 ,98 Clergy- reserve, non- :- '"..'" resident Ices, &c.. i 493 36" '- Tl--" ---------?2330 00 '.."' . Teachers' salaries . .$1013 51 Repairs o? school house '_. &o, ;.., .-. .' 2G7 15- . ' Interest on loan fcr ;= building..' .::..'.," 8450, Library, maps and ap- -,v '- paratus .. .. ',-.-' "50 00L-- . Fuel,-"caretaker's ~ sal- i ; -" ary and other xex-'I ; pencss'- .. .\j 829 -46^ * 7-^-------#2244 62 Sunday meetings held .there there' were present' 225,000 jiersons'j at tho forty weekly evening meetings, 3,2.0,0.00; nt the fifty-six noonday meetings, $00,000 ;' at the fouvteen Bible readings, 70,000'; at.;-io'irty- eight ybuiig men's -meetings, |24,- 000 ; at thirty-six. young wouieh's mattings, 10,000 ; and at thirty-six men's a,nd (women's meetings, 120,- 000. This gives a total of 869j,000 persons; and it is thought that the meeting's, for boys, for par-erits land others, \yill make the total attend ance 87)5,000. It is estimated |that 300,000 different persons Ueard the e.vangelis,tsJ .- '. of the natnral'laws _which! govern the operations of digostion anil nntrjtioD, and by a careful applicatioi ij of the fine properties of well selected cocoa,] Mr: Epps has provided oiir breakfast tables wiUi" a delicately' flavotei bevirage yrhich may save lis many hj? vyy doetors* InljLa. : It 4s by ..this judioion inse of such articles of diet, that a cohs,! itntion may bo gradually built up until' rongertoflgh toTreeist overy- tendency ta disease. Hundreds of subtle' maladie; i are floating around us ready to'.attack whejHjver thftre is a weak point; -We may e!ca,p,e many a fatal shaft by keep! ag oan elves wejl fortified with pure blot o!anda pro;- pe|ly nourished frame." ffXvil Service Ootiette. Sold only in packets labejed "James' Errs . Co., ^omo3opathio Chom'isi, 48, Threadncodle Street,: and 170, Piccadilly, London." , ABSTE^GT ' ^ ANOTAI, "REPORT I :.'--'- . OF THE BOir.D OF Public School Trustees '. ": ' - OF THE VILLAGE DF AGT0N, FOR TilE YEAR i8"X5. '.. DAY'S BOOKSTORE, OABBATD SCHOOLS. Pn -Ini/t i I'm <it 71 r/. Sihlnith School ti'urfil buihliy SeJiool 7*iwi Sn ul if/ Srhool BupvrvntenJmf* ni's * I 1Vijstmm*tar Questmtv Hook I liercan Qw/iim Book Internatiinnl Lesion Ccaretz I Wattminsfij' Ltsmn Zhaee*. i Bcre in Lc*t>Qn I^cmesl ,i Select |iV7>/rt> on th); fnterntxttemal Lttfom for JS7C i ' The Largest and Cheapest Stock tf Sibbath SchoohPnpera Sunpla* foi w irded, prepaid. pne availing 1 reduced e4 cash pncel bene ta trl caih every] tioaa. J-We asseinbhig Mr. btorij The coti I to Uiaie Laffic*' y| anhreciatil &tti=ndanc will be o clock, ipg, it is I Wransemeq ljer^the poor and i *<x<ml. A Six members < held on d$f^pof | large nut able everi wis tfkH chaich lai I OXCI .To balance on hanil ;... .,.'":$S5 38 ATTENDANCE OF PUPIIiS. Number enrolled. during the year, 269; bo-ys.141 ; girls 128.'. Averageat- tentlancc during, hrsti half year 121. Average attendance during .'seiond half .year: 115. -. -..! . > - Number of'children between 5 and 10 years, 157.; betwoeu 11 and 16, 105 , botwteeh.17 and 21, 7; j . "... "... Pupih attendhig ischoql less than 20 days, 23; between 20 and 50 days, 48 , between 51 and 100, 78 ; between 101 and 150, 56 ; betWjaen .150 and 200, 62 ; between 201 auil-whole'year, 2. CLASSES; .' '-...: Number o',pnpU8 in part first, 1st Reading Book, 69'; Part second, 1st Reading Book, 30 ; 2nd Beading Book, seQond class 3rd .Reidiiig B^ok, i40 ; third class 3rd: Reading Book, 31 ; fourth, class 4th Evading Book; 41; " Number of pupilg-iu Natural History, 41 ; British History; 41 ;" Canadian His tory, 41; Chemistry ind Bptany, 41; Composition,. 169; grammar, 121,; I Gecfiraphy, 1.71 ; ArHhmetio, 26f9,( Writing, 269 ;. Eoadirig and; Spellinft 269;; Linear Drawing; 269;'Book-keep- ingj 20.".: ... { . |-; .-:' ":"- ". . ETp.\ o 19 maps and 18 charts. ' - ; : UBftAB|T. , " ' Total number of volumes, 1135; num- bor; taken but durfiig; the year,. 1841 ; value of iibrary, J962.25. . school ppplPKRTy. .Total yaluo'of books maps, furniture and echool house, 44816.01. .'- C. A BMITH, Seoretary. EDWARD MOORB, i3hairman. -: Acton, Feb. 1, 1876. . -.' ' 32-lt* ORDER AT OXCE ANDERSON'S i CHEAP BOOKST0M On East Side of Wyndhim StfSe^ GUELrH. ' i GUELrH. HEp HO, ST 0P1 What's the Matter? Why any person who want i s -giod ana cheap SET OF HARNESS Should call on *hje M There the partic ss giien School fl msheil wi| Opening i Borrwsreril inter| Barrowe Rddr; Grkbch, MIL U STREET, A I Who is iJlwajr> ready io supi turners witheTeryUnngTisual in a hrat>oUsB Harness *op. Harness made to order shortest possible notice, i i 00UL&S9 2\ SPSOTAI,' R CRKECH, A' Not. IS, 1S75, pleasure i nthin tl ratals of I obliged have the] cng leave it! won*t be I the housa qnftl down i_ Wore*1 aae!' Si < V -J gMflWkr.a.J 4s ^ a,kjaWA^irjiiteaie ti~^>;

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