Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1876, p. 3

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- -. >S i *-' -"..# R'S /.it, bo' -_ . RY t -I0X*. - kare T in ttoeir *-, chases at t^t land " j - Macte! jll lower than list make tt|> Iricei to tbtxa Inns hare monty who #*- |rfe p^MfiiM , "exc^lle*! -,5y pr* go*to/hS toads h*: Sa JfiU. ' -'- STORE, ,/ >EE. LS. \jiook. I i five*, irt*. Xlrdefpfttiimml. >X E. rofti St*S*t, -f I-'? Iwan^.i'liW ^ usually 3rd on !" , *i _-^*stajrt imrst -~BAVfw TRrXjfc TIME TARI.I.. _ -boni)u west.' aBingMail -V - DS-Kxpre*s f - ; * Kxprest ltix*d - Kight Express - - * ,. ' COtJKlKAST, :'!i- M^wionaraF McrilitR.^ 9.10 a.m. tii- tHfivm.^ int K 'JO p in. -TrlSivnj* IfcrM Express Mixed Day Express ; Uix4 8:37:i.ui7 9:10 a.m. ll:S.Vi,m. S:20..^,'m. 8:35 p.m."' cut. el act** post wrnrK. Iftfb'goiggWest are closed atS;-k",m_ ^51s*|t)*t$p.>\. ; T-Regutaml* Letters nmst. be in five miaates before the above hours. Kaatchbull mail, Tuesdays and Fridays. LOCAL MATTERS. TTEI -V Valehtioes in great Yaricty at McJsaSrs. r- Th best job printing iiv the .County aHlieFR*! Fress OfhVo. LCall.aud-cx- ' j -, -riTh*|:od_8leiglihig of the past 'weak has been th* means^>{ brightening' npjbpsiacss woudcrfully; i . . ~ ^-Remember the oyster-supper in Mattheirs' Hall, this i evening, itf S o'clock. ~ec advertisement for particu lar*. ' -' '.]_.-- -.. The -Acton Division Sons of Tstnperanee purpose having sohij'i sort or .a demonstration, atxiiji the end' M tai* mnitb, " Fiirther jxirtic\il:irs will be announced in a few days..":'. ; i Mrl kivs tlirra? . are .iiill a few. dilatory! {icople on hvs pay roll, aod that he-willllx; after Ihciu I service.-, in Ix-half of the lUptiat Mis-. sii^wry Soeiely'of Ontario were held in Baptist Chapel, vn I\londny even- There, was a goodly umiiber prca- Klder 1{, H. Cook occupied the r. After prayer and singing, tho liel. iMr. Heid, of Krin,1 briefly address- ed the audience, llo \S:is followcd by Uo-v. Mi. Wright, of Klan'iboro, and KevL Mr. lVuchlU-ld, vf i-ilora, each of whokn made ellcotive appeals on: lichalf of ttie home missionary cause, stating thatjthe funds >ycro'-devoted entiri-ly to the Support of missionariia in districts when* the churches were too jKior to sustaliu a regular stationed minister. Uov.llVr. Oavidson, of Gnelph, thdn inade-j. nil' eloquent aijd inipre-ssivo ad dress-' giving, facts. aiul figures, and re lating incidents in connection >viti the -missiiiivarV .work. The addresses were intutypers'ed with lieaiiilful singing by th';yduthful choir, underlie h-ailership uf Mips, Stce?,- who/!hhil; t-akcij great >l-ai'.is to have tiieln well- trained for the occasion. Tlio ehairmaiii-reported tli receipts from tliio two lady collectors at $o.'J."> and the Collection of the evening ST.llJmftkiug a total of ?l3t>. The 15aptis\ Church in Actnif has leen some months withoiit a pastor, Services being held at irregjular intervals by niission- aries :uklAtlicrs. Bible Siic'.rly nerftni;.- The fiuuual .meeting ,of .the Acton BranHvl'f- the ;CppcrA'anada liil-lo i~i>- ciety, -was-held in the l'njsbytcrian Church, on Kri-lay evening. 4tli inst. The President. Ai Campbell, Esq., in thc-chavr. Meeting' was opened with i " - reading; r.nd" prayer, alter which >the ClKNip Ciothi \ ' THE FREE PRESS, ACTON,] HALTON COUNTY, iONT.,i FEBRUARY 10, 1876. E AlSU E \ - Acton, Fob. 8, 1878. AT THB DICKSON & McNAB, Tr. with^ sharp st-tpk-it-jtheyj do ij to r ao follow* : ivcri-it his annual'address' time in a few. days. \ *- A - w^rxt to the wIkC" Secord Cros." ffri?at:iiednc;ions price* are telling,, aaut the. peoftde are I ciety. ataiUng themselves iff it. | As tlil-v hive -B. - i i I = - reiineel everything dovmito the lowest. Christilui friends: AVo hail with'ro.'ahc'thor_pf tho privileges of .t uniting -tl-igethor in the celebration s '" J of the: Aatou br.noh of the liibie So- iii fconneetion with the U'. nnd jj , hie ot-ject of which is to supply4 tsic ATorl.-i with tho Holy caih prij, thev willihave to rfgidlv ad- : SS":-il"t"r*l. .On such.svn occiision ai here to their advert-Ued plan of--n,."te or 1 * *< tbebocies us to lecognizo the ciia-ererv three months, and no e.ic'e--- i i?10'* p'r>iideooe .of Cod tonard us, :ticais. -*- . I - . * ntl siiould inspire-us with gratitude Ti- "-, .- i to him lor! all the l-lesshigs jiuiV nri- . ,-^-We hope to. stv ,a veEy-3arj;e- ' - atsrmlilxjc at'thd stipperto be Mr. Stoixr ind iotScrs,; tin. 'The committee art eji to' have evcn."thin^ Ladies ! yc'u are esi- appreciation worthy ;i riven : >' :i--.uir.-'.- ertii-.g -ttierasclres, as lit should 1/e. -eete-l_t..'>5how 'r.n of JthV obu-ct, l.v attea'ianet; in lar.^e fiuml vi "OH's '( tifiil turve me h I man an-l ; religious. [ :iiui :iro n ,'-1111 ier the Laud oui;!! l>yst-ra , i~-u- whik luil-le'. promp:ly er aiul some ' jrill lie" on th o'clock. After sap;>e ing, it is prop'used, to have uiEerei:ji aimiismcat-*; ci varimjs kinds. Keii'.ein ber,.the pr.iceels areitollje given to ei p-i-r'anda-.'v'Ty. '..'.;. enj i) . A good and bdun -"t lias'pa-i^e-l over us, tiil- ;uis with plenty both lor |or ! eist. /Out civil and Jiiiviloges lire very jireat. H' sui'i :.s<e.d by anV iialion im ."SuielyvW-e .are afi'ej lo be :\ li'l^py people.( ,\ve l:v.- in the enjoyment" r^l: SECORD BROS. Momtreal Houi% T 3.A.T J ^WO I jE IE?/ jF special n:o the t&tjmxjta. 103 78 PIECES pROSBY'S TAPESTRY AT TUE EXTKKMilLY CHEAP PWCB Of ! 75 CetLts Per ;Ypd, Worl^ $1.20. . *,'.'J-E :;'. '"'- -p'; i i -:-'l Pieces Assorted 2 and The abpTe [goods hnve been bought by-note at less than the makors' cos th* Dominion, Uall early and select.- . i . Oct. 27, 1875 CARPET BEAUTIFUL GOODS, AT A LARGE SEDUCTION ON USUAli J^BICEa i, and I ofier for the next two months <fie Cheapest c arpeti to be mat mil i in JOII|N" ; Ahn i Block, X Tpper Wyii<i GRAND SWEEPING SALE i>-ak. Ll;i5es. thoijeLAre lI.'i'i'k places * .:' :,.fe.:lh which kn^vy none of the - A~ sfcial .under] tits auspices of 'niim She of the Methbilisr' Church, \va-- held^-n Monday evening, -at the riji- . d^acc of JJr.' McC-Janrih. "There wa4 c lirge inrsber presjntiaud a very eiij->yV able cTenhig wai srient* A collection ? tskeii rp-for thelfctncfit of the i:i-vr _ '"church fund, by wfei.oft iS wis realised; ( Si(litra>n' ( o.rt. !.-' . The second itdittnvcht 3gainst }ilr. O. E. rMorro-w- for:: selling - intoxicating liquors contrary to lair, wai tiLed i.n Thursday and-^aizzrday, amLa^ain. re sulted ia a dismissal of the case. Oiily -two witnesses were txaiiiined_Aiid the oi :swore positively; coptrary to the evidence of the other.: The nia^-istratea .were conserjlieutly unable to decide as iv-ol i'tieie g!)e!ij privileges arid udrau- of the est>. but li'.ibitiitioris of cruelty, ami error. Millions of the lnhai-iliants of the earth have not heard <<l. j the ' n due -.f--Iesu. "mill many whd-itre in u co'mj araiively civ- l.izeil st:j:c, ,iii<f'..LU'4t even, in our uvr. D' -minion.""who are kept i>'spir itual lioijdago, bo'ciose Uw. Bible is arruii'Jnnwn hoQk. to them: tliit Bii.Ie'wiileu" is the truth .and; secret" o: liiitiim'i^jMrJiMitfss. Surely th tn it is.our fluty as a people nsa brauch < to renew our e-jl'iir'.s if pr- iiioiing the Bible duse. do pur p.-ri in furUi'-riiij; more Tfiel Ackno^ 1 _tq tire truth of, the evi^ehce. end me word . lUgiit. villi tt tiie hare lAil 1-ut a mon preached Tlw "Otfcer Expciiec:7( j There ire. some who jwant to : kimw -j^ particulars of the "otherexjHTnsei;/' ^aa'given in'the report of. t'lie .B*-ard->i ' jSchoof Trustees. We have been fur- ;'!nijhed;wifh the following,items : Opening road to "School House $1.37 00 i JBorrowcd iinonev in 1S74 mid interest "~". ... . .'. -;. 212"-'00 Borrowed money in 1875 and ... nrterest^ .. .. ;; .-. 30S tf) TneVetc^,. ;. ., l: ..t' 102 46 jCsretaker's salary .'j. .. ._- 70 00 "i .'!:!" r 5829^6 tecial. ..:.! !'[' A social entertainmfenS will be held in Pine, Grove School' House, S."2b. ;7, ' Xaisagaweya, on friday evening, 18th _ inst. Programme to ; consist of inusie, readings, _ xecitations,' dialogues, 'etc. Several" excellent' amateur performers are be present. The Cum-.- xnissville string band will ~be in attend ance,. Dwas open at i p. m.; tea served . *t 7:30.:- Adniissien 20 ;cents ; children ltteenti jThe coinmifctee will (spare no pains to mike this the eptertainmentof the season.; ' t J- .']; ... .' - ' "' do -""imrselves- tLe pleasure of; calling on all. our, customers within the) nest few dayii w-ith state. Tnents -of each" account, j ajid-We will be obliged if j parties indelj^d to us will, -'iaire-the money ' rea/lj-, arid if they are ioing: from homr, they swill : pleasi? leave it witkrtheir family, so that" we won't be disappointed when we go to fie house, las we require the' money. " ' ' \- Secoed Buofe. A- fi*i days ago a gentje.min /, ealleii into Messrs. SecqriBrbs.' sfore, adatpersuadedto try apound of their -ceubecte4 50 cent meteor tea.:;; Yes;t<ir- ,day ie reterned ind told.Uiein tbpt- they haditiuuie a mistake ami-given hnn , ;^Uar teWinstead of 50c te>, and' being an honorable man, did not wUtf'to take -.advantage of_what be supposdi-was .in" error j tet when -they convinced hftn .that it was not an error and. tliat ho ; :***y hav? more at the sanle price, he ^*5|W ot; undezsiimd jliaw Uxey .could :.^^s|iihti-for^50ent, a* he I said hi ; 0 often- paid a dollar for tea not 'ug I; ^good. * *. See tltat famous yaid-wide^clrtton first qtsJity, only 10 cients" a yard, at Ohrutie^ Henderson * Co.'s. ; Wanted at Cbj^aite> 'Hen'dlp ^.t Co.'s, a large number of genuine . Qfy&iM paccher irio ?'will cbine -.; oown handsomely" aSd lipistin tn|iiitig ~"~f-"^8-ftuS,"M gopils ^miist be so}*l tliss'eiifiimtion-. of the h o If wejyaiiie it ns wet e c-iiiV..'h help syuipathisiirg who l-sve it not. Ave a short timengo, a'ser- to us in tins place from lihe text -'"'W heiuye did'eat :nd ith nlve 'ifi d'ink, did not ye eat' lor yAur><"tyes an-1 drink for yoUr- seh'ei, (Zc ifiiih. 7th Chap , 4Ui V.) showi g u* very clearly^ -the narrow,- selfish, nnd ungenerous chariicter of human nalure, while in the j-nj >i nient of any temporal or " pirttual blessing. Let in?, tu'pn, rise [above tids seltisbness to u tease of.Jir - iliity and .obligation; to our fellow -creatures' an 1 espeotallv-'in' ^rnilitudft to God. wlio, has honored ( us With tlte higli (iiivilege of being; permitted in his provif'.etice'to lend' our helping hand to work. V,*hat would_tho=e of out. forefathers have given, if they had the pleasure of being permitijcd to eiigage id this lia ppy work to if Inch" >e; are called, nYo in those day's were-pbligect to re.ort to :the ravines aud hidings of the mountains before 'tly. could as; emble together to read the-word of God.And sing: praises to bis u'am, m-inv iff ffhom could not sleep with sa et'y under the. roof of their own l^tises-for Iseasbns, for fear of the bl.)od^thir.-ty persecutors who wouldj deprive them of their religious free-- doinT-r- It; surely bfecomes ns who; liveiii'this.; land 6t qiyil And religious "lil erty to rise with fresh vigor, add ing our mite with ofir.prayers dor the gr>at end of illuminating the world wi:h the-Word of Life, and not allow th it .work to cease' till the know- leslg^of Uhe truth thall cover the ea rtli as the waters cover the sea. The Secretary, Mr. D. Henderson, re:^l the report of the Committee, re viewing their proceedings since last an. ;nuil meeting, and specialjy recommend. in:; that tbe "Branch dispense with the- seiviceV of a paid agent, and endeavor, to caJTrvi-!.on the Work with such local aii as can be' 'obtained." He also read th; .Treasurer's finaucial statement, sh >wii4gthe amount of collections to die 87. {.72, with one division to hear from. It isgratifying to note that the collec- tifin*r^-hen complete will exceedthose of.[ircvibus year's^. '_ V ' ' Che meeting Hfa.s addressed by the Re v. Messrs. .Calvert end Cameron. - 3y unanimous resolution the follow- in r persons were' elected - office-bearers fo; the ensuing year: President, A. Campbell j.Tieo-Presidcnts, Ifevs. Cal ve t and Cameron and A<lanv LUckson ; Se ;retary-Treasurcr, IJ.5 Hejndcrson; D-tpositor, l).i>. Chri-itio ; Coipmittee,, Peter M.-Air/, Ben., % ilcPhersjin, Bobtr "SVirivi;, V.'ui. pofdon, Johii? Secord( Sa n'iiel'. Moore, James Matthews, P. Ki nuedy, It. Little, Ask! Hajl, P. B. AiuustrOng,' John Speight and Alcx- Kinneily. ; ^ j READ THIS. Hayin ; adopted the system of doing business on Basis o:^ Three Month's We feel assured it oftrselres,, and we they will gain, by i;. months, it will be will result to the adranlage or our customers as well ;as ' -x I I ' propose showing our customers a few oi the advantages If we can get a settlement of all accounts every three as good to us as cash, and as we intend to carry, this out, and whether' tbe account is one dollar or a hundred, insist on cash or note, and interest every "JOB:PRINTIft'"f oM kinds \; neatly ami jironiptiy executed at tbe FIIKE IPRES3 OFFICE, St at jUie rosC^CMBce, MUI Street. -- ^^CTonsr. led^ed Cheapest House. ' , : i . " 1 [.._-. Cheaper, than Ev<t#. Prices, Keiluced Money Saved. j > To clear out. balance of Fall and Wiiifer Stock, C H RI ST IE, H E N D E R S 0 Pi Now Hat^ Caps' Are now offering their entire stoekiat DECIPEU BARGAINS FOft CAJSH ONLt . ', - '. !' * " ' ' is the tifme fbr Cheap Stiits, O-yercoalts, Shirts, Boots and Shoes,; Shawls^ CJl^iids, l^Ciprier^ POST OFFICE CASH STOBEJ Mantles, Flp^rers, Blankets, ete^ etp. See that famous yard^wide \! Factory^ first I ftiaiit^ iSTo Reserve All Gioods a^} BottomTPrices.: Barggbins in every department. ! TBMS STRICTLY? CASH. No GQodi3cha^ prices. Produce taken, as cash. Jobs and; On beginning the business of 1876,1 would return sincere thanks to tn? numerous customers lor the very liberal support they have given me sH,ta/4'i'f ^ during the past 22 years, and again I nioBt tespectluUy ask a continuance W1C7UXU, of their respective support. JDurhig my experience in business 1 hare pretty thorbughlftbund out thej ..; CEO. E. MORROW, ' Brick Drug Storle oil Mill Street, : ,>- M-^.-- Formerly occupied by the late DB, 3ABTEB," which . aas been enlarged and ! refitted. -.-. A large stock of Drugs, Medicines] trancy Qopdis, Toilet Artielaa, 4ei always on hand. ; ' ' ' "- Acton, Noi, S. li875. three months, wb hara made a CHEAT AND GHA2TD REDUCTION IN |l?RICES . Of all godds capat le of reduction, a few instances of which we gire below \ LOOKI : I ' f Tei i reduced to 85 cents. _' "-' 80 cent Tea reduced to 70 cents. 75 cent Tea reduced to 50 cents. .""~ 40 oeiit.Coal Oil'.reduced to 30 cents. 25 J diver Watch reduced to $18. $18 Silver Watch reduced to-* 12. I'. glSHIvir Watch reduced to$IjO. $fi.5( China Tea tfet reduced to $5.50. $6.0C (jhina Tea Set reduced to $5. 1.5C Chopping Axe reduced to $1.35. %h1l Chopping Axe reduced to fl. 91.5(i Granite Cups and Saucers reduced to ?l.a>. 7^ c<nt Toronto Biscuits, by box, reduced to 7 cents. 20 pounds of Bice for $1, A further reduction.of 5c per lb. On all Teas except oor 50oTea, when! sold in 5 or 1.Q lbj lots. and Downs in ^Trade^ And am fully convinced that a - ' : Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to "botli Seller and'Buyer. J ....; I am therefore determined to do a . . . j - Rk:AD]Y PAY BTJSI]Sri3S^ And give my customers the benefit by giving them Eight per cent off for Cg,sri ;6n all General i 'Groceries, ^ ;.-' . (excepting Sugar). SAVING OF AT l&Am 6 PERi CENT OYSTERS, OYSTERS^ OYSTERS^ Best Brands of BALT1M OEE '". V'.' frAh^oysjers, STppDARi)'S ; ; ^Fruit and 0ysfes"Bazar. By doing business as above, 1 will have'the" cash to buy miy goods and.efieot a ;nnd' MY CUSTOMERS WILL (SET THE BENEFIT, '".".,' o. ;'And in reality "get - ?' 14 per j cent ior their Money. Please consider .the matter-pye}, and give me your support to carry out . the only right wayjbf doing business, thai is ZRiE.^au.ZD|"35_ i>^A.^r. My stock mHalways b'e.foundcomplete in...- "' > &poioeraes, Troyisioa^ Orpokery, : . Glassware; Statioaery^ Wall Papers,; / "Window Blinds, Wind.o-w RollersrSpo. Spccialtics.-SAi;SAE, OYSTERS, YARaiOlITll BLOATEES, FINNAN UADDIESi &c, &c. J All kinds of Temperance Drinks and Cigars constantly on hand, Aoton, 3an-j Vi, 1876. LIVERY & SALE STABLE Takex p'easuret'ln ahnoonetnr to th public generuliy t5t no' u prepared, to i-:: ~ , i .; fnrnlsU PiMt-oJasn^ :orsea an.4 0a^iM- At Reasonable JRates. j ! ;TP a UELPH ARMORY, . ^ALSOA. Gold, Silver Plating Works, 148 QUSBBO STBaS&i^inttiJS; ^Nickel ! His Klgs and Horses are ihe it "that' tab b hunt, and he is determined not u> be sarpassi-d bvTahv Oity- Htable. ' ' Acton ;Jaly lit, fgto, - . .' ItU a great and glorious thingjtb sell igood goods cheap, and the man Who hasaccothpUihed this ta..alwys beeo regarded as a public benefao tor. If this be so we thpikVe can justly lay some claim to the title lor our how* bai al* ays been acknowledged one ofj the cheapest, anywnere; andWarebbwniaktpgnptbirflort to tbpv cheap goods and money into the pockeU of Our customers, and we are already eonvinoed that the. public hailitt will i pleasure1. ; : SECORD BROS. PRODUCE T^KEN AS GiSR fbelievein the DISCOUNT SYSTEM.,and as it has proved very satis factory, 1 will continue^to giv.e :the diacount as follows: On 25 CM, 2 cents discount; on 60 cts, 4 cents ; on 75 cts," 6 cents; on 1,. 8 cenU^ Conveyancer, Issuer *f Marriage Licenses,TiisriranciJ Acent Atfcnt Money to Loan, Agent Montreal Tel. Co., I3crk FonrthDlv. Court, Coniriii Q. B^, *c :U John Kirkaom, Pwp, Manufocturerantt Importer oc "'; Breecli and Muzzle Loading Rifles, Shot dun*, &e. A- '; ' iW)ft^~^oM;rfescr>p^^'bjtpay bn, .'-."'" ,!' JiaAtk r 1 --. "- AMMtTNITION FOa AXX. BSKXOH : , XOADIKO AKltS. A CTON WAGON ^MD CAHniACE JAMES AtloD, January 18, 1870, JAMES MATTHEWS. sporui, ,------ . All sorts of. KepalriOB >ad Jobbing executed on ibe shorvesl notice at ' ' . JOHN KtRKHAIf. **rlle a11eryi on tjie premliies-^ open frojii to o'clock !a. m. to 10 p.?n. ; RYDER, Proprietor^ i ::|'l," "7L .and -ttiij/ii Aeton July ;l41, (8W,- Slaisfa*,; KepUnstodt fffd ninfle tqOr*-t on the ! R' '"' ' ': -iihiortet:iloUSe.- ' -..,.- "f- >'v '.- "=:.'.'" .-..""i'. Btrldt la'ftentlcai paid to letlhn cnataateed. .- a :-' ."-'.>J:i'..w; T."r-'.'-*'-,SiSv ;; .', ,% m m

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