Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1876, p. 4

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^K- f-'C .( -4~- THE iR\Ntil.It X dismal h<"Vl has Imrstod Hyrsome, preu-udcd farmer, "From est 'Uovost, fiMiiiln! Ho lias Invumo alarmcv. -----1- - THE FREE 4PRESS, ACTON, HALtON COUNTY, ONT., .f -.j I before niavUod syniptOniH dovoJdp forth ,_. 4 Itloansclvoii. i .-Tho horso -'-that : in nth to south, fortli His rltv^uchcc'hc thuniii'rs fey trying out great thtt;?'r, If any man tlie least in %l*ut Shuutd dare t>ccome nfjb; uigcr, Tfiis noble bard ho labofa -1 .ird &Y> show up \liat groit tisngor,' r That might iriio from ehrt :> to skies df irtie becomes a craulcvx. -JJetell of one who did 'jpjtjl'tit Hy- shipping.of his ^riiinj sir, "\Yhils uiost who Boll it jej^er itiouio Oct bit the; very ssui*v ail1. There was time wfavn mcnlwcre blinds And dntjj't kiu>\v,\vhttt do do, sir, But times have changed | and now. the Sra"Ew "';.'! j Can paddle their own canoe, sin .^Sore to the jjrief of niany- a thief { \A lock^s put on tin? doot, sir, * Tfi'se who could steal jbegln Ui feel That they can steal oo'iuSre, sir. The times nt hand when many a roau That-s sporting: heretofore,"sir,'-' To get a>liirt must w.<<U\ work "_I_kr,>w it'*Jb$rd.ta yield the point But you'vetaught us the le^suu. That union's strength smd^iow at length - We'Al proritby the blessing.- " ; for gold tie sailor" plows (he -main ~ The farmer plows th(< raaiior. For cold the Imri&tr -break's the lock -i- ' \\'lth,chisel)l>vva^e and touiiroer. For polirthe sharper liea,t<) cheat And thus tills up| his ootfer \Vbilst those he sw.iuifcts they may weep While he acts up the sootier. - YThat care those creatures who they V wrong So they luxt get your moiiey, (!' '. They'll fp:n you out a splendid song, Sweeter than any hooey. - put people iu>w arc waking lip To'knowiuost every^er; ', * And if my name you want to know 1-m an -old union finger. known to have been inlcotvtnct with iv jiliimUuttljlrorst?, Or that 1ms other wise been iii contact with the virus of glumiorsi (by drinking of tliti Ram*1- .bnckcjt, by smelling olio an other,' and' rubbing noses! together, \>T -licking 'one another, outing of the 'same luiftngoi-, pulling in X\w same- luun^Sii mul bridk, - being scraped with the suiiRVCUMry-comb, Jsc.,) such n hortjpnnist troin. thut time bo -Considered n cun'it'r of lha infootiari, 6ven. though the disi>iise"is\Aiot vol dovol'op'ed iii him, 6r yisihlofby, ny insi>cction ; nnd Hucii'lt. InyW !is np'ablo to conmnuii-1 cate tho lise:iso.t.o othev horsea us is thjs tu'igitmr gliiiulcroJ horse. Ang lieit is ouo of the.often iiiys: teriinis, I ut. not lcs-s/fruitful sauraw of -the s])jxwtd of this feurful niithvdy. 5. Int.gli>ct, or chmnic nasal cuturrii, Ithq yhtnds botweojr iho jaw Iwntii iu-0 very slightly; if ut all, ielihil'gydj; they'" ait) loose, not liaijl unll knotty, and have no tcu- dviicy tJb' ndticre to the jaw bono ; glejit, which is ant to -persist for month*,, unless \in perly trcatt-d, nwV li/avc an uninpai iu jin unthrit- ty stiito, with u.ijiUring' coat, dis- lurhiia apjwtito, HulliK'ss at-work, cougl*, and idtscluHgo from oho] or both I Jiostnils ; but there uro' no pustijles, liiggfd soivs or ulcere within tho iiose, as in glraulei-s. The I iliffej-tnctj tetween glJuuleis disteniixsr, so oilledriR thut' a tnistako is-not *i ; } j Am-: !*B SI- s^ 'J li Bft-i- fiij-~. KtK .SSI * _____r:JJ"*'-r.;") "" VETERINAEY. ; . J. Cj I want rent logixelrufi a cure jor 3-*=<}ontracted hoof; on .a -: If the contracted heels are- consjecjuent tipou disease of tho foot,, . thej arc practiciilly - incurable, but if they are the result of bad shoe- ^'in^. the best treatment will be to ^ remove the shoes [ and pluee' the. the ' floor covered with tan sawdust* for gix oj^eight weeks.i ilu.the'in^an- time to stimulate thd .horn forming tissue to increased action, which ^can be accomplished by Llistering- "ferouod the coronet, |or, Apply -daily, - by means of a stiifibnish, an oint ment compo&ed of tar, soft; scsip (Englisb) and tallow ; equal parts malted together and stirred till cold. -What will prerent pigs ' from -; froui eating eaclToihers tails J -jiwicer : Mix together one part of powdered aloe3,iand four parts of: tar., pive each tail a coating of this once or twice d weekj, for a ^s:si -A.OT&N, oisri?. and jhome w liiftiked easilfy mad4 .1: .my~. Bycrv old maid can boast of two l>enjix"J but ther are elbows.- he s;iyiug th^t "tliero is iriorc- pleisuie in giving 'th:\&,receiving," is kupjjoseil to apply" cliiefly to advice." -1 [e who by forming wouhl git rich \ - I lust dig, itul so,-and plant, ud sicji; 1 Vork hard all Jay, sleep hard all nifc, iiive every cent,- "and not get tite.1". ; 1 Y/'S," lie said dreamily, " Wo wav^>,striving for.a subjective _ Unconsciously, it may be, t still we'strive. \Ve han over ej verge of the infinite, longing to a$j> its uiy.sCe.ries, and lost in pro- . On becinnir.g U16 business of 1876; 1 would return sincere thnnk* to my nuuorSus otisWmM^To^ the- very liberal support, they$uvc given^mo during the past 22 years, rind again I ur>st respectlullyasisA cohtinutknqe or their respetitive support. During my experience, in business I hare pretty thoroughly found out the,, ( - .. ,i, JU|>S and Downs in^^ fe '. . . - And am fully convinced that a Credit Business is a Dangerous Susinps's to .,ljbth. Seller and Buyer. ;I am thorbfOre determined to do a READf PAY BUSINESS . ' ." ?' - * And give tny customers the benottt by giving them - Eight per centfjoff for Cash on all General ! - Groceries ^ (excepting Sugar}.' By doing business ns above, 1 will havo the cash to .-. buy iny'goods'and.ellecl a -. _ - SAVING 01^ AT LEAST 6 PER CENT MY CUSTOMERS WILL CET THE BENEFIT, f ..' \. 14 per cent for their Money. Please consider- the matter over, and give me your support to carry :out the only jrigbt way of doing business, that is -El "El J 3D ;-."S" [,'JE> ^.TT. I - -. -f.--.; ' mmmm m. II d {-Mha Boots "^- i AT A CREAT SACRIFICE. WINTER ,C?TJ^' OFBOOTSX Aroinotr fillorod'at VERY LOW To mtvko room for Spring Stock Acton, Feb. 15, 1870. C 33--'IE'Gr No"v7 is the time to got Bar jains. Call Early, CJIAINE &SON, COMMENCED AT, THE ar gc *1. In tl si" ft ^w.^^-f|jPl^i-t:: few .weeks, and the abandoned. habit "will- be lidiijes of its innneusity." "Yes," e repliexj, thou'jlitfully ; -^ " but, jhn would you niin^' niy -piitting brqvvn.patch onl the seat of-tbese d black pants'of yours f' : Tlip meanest nnd one of the most ingy men in Toronto, named Mr, I believe In the DISCOUNT SYSTEM, and aa it has proved very satis factory, 1 will continue. JLo. give the discount as follows: On 25 cts, 2 cents discount; on 50 cts, 4 cents; on 75 cts, 6 cents; on 1, 8 cents ccordingly done. ' After, reading j Convc ^anccr Issuer ofMarrlace Licenses, Insurance ^Kent i over carefully to him he arose Ace^t Money to Loan, Agent Montreal Tel. Co , w-as Liken suddenly HI and not pected'to recover. Ha asked to ive his will made put, which-.was My stock will always be found complete in &roceries, Provisions, Crockery, > Glass-ware, Stationery, Wall Papers, \ -.V; WindcvT Blinds,l?7iiad!o"Yr Rollers, Spcclaltics.-SAl SUiE, OYSTERS, YARMOl Til BLOATERS, " PINXAK' IIADDIES, &c., Ac - ' PRODUCE TAKEN AS i CASH. Mammotli llbttse^ &c. ^lnpost instantly from his bed, drew $n! his pant.doons leisurely and is heard to.exclaim : " Egad this too mtici to_ leiive.* any man." :I can bo-seen now walking the : treets as well as.ever. ,, Beware of Counterfeits. Fourth Di\. C.purt, Com. In Q. B., &c. ActOD. January 18, 1876. <?f rk JAMES MATTHEWS. 3- J ;*i . : r'.- i':i V- :- . - '_ \Vixo iScckixq. ^The only cure for a.crib^bitter- is to do away wth - tlie manger^or any object again&t which the horse can ciib. ;By ._ placing straps round the' throat, "and thus jiressing orithe windpipe^ the animal is stopped If ram' the bad' practice, .hut this U .4'ttended with the danger-df .producing distortion Httd constriction of the air passage,, rendering the aniuial an incurable^ . roarer,...-.._ ~ -, --..'-; Qlandere. / Qtievj : 1. \Vliat is the canee of glanders in horses t 2. 'What are the symptoms of; glanders'? 3". If curable,, what is t}ie treatment?- 4. How long after a-horse has been exposed before. %h$ disease will vshow itself?" 5. Sowtloes it differ -frorn gleet and horse distemper ? AJtsiirer: 1. Not jail jcasea of glanders result froni contagion but-actual contaeti'wtvh glandered :- Worses, or with their secretions, will produce: tha disease. - Among other causes are, everything that impairs; the integrity of the blood, - euch as bad feeding, over-work, close, foal,; damp, pr^over-crowded stables, ani diseaseis of a debility ting chars|jt|er, such i as influenza strangles, dridiabete?.! 2. A disoiarge of purulent mat ter froiji one^or both nostrils ; on ;. or both glands udder ttn .jaw i i swollen; jspliil and gederajlly;adhere . firmly id the jaw jbonei1 One cr iKfefe' nosiril^ are soinetimes siwollei , and,gine*d up by a Jsticky, greenisl , ' onhtedt^y-jpos of aifutid;odor. ; On opening: the[ nostrils, j pustules an 1- - . ulcere are 8 |en oii the inner su ~ 'Tfaces. ITl^j nose;, sbmetim a. ; bleed"; Tthc leyesar^bften-1 promin ent ancTwat^ryi the -doat rough aid " btrin^, tEe "voice is lioarsc^ apte- - tjite not often imparedj Symptoms .of farcy sooner or later apj>ea,r, n -which (stse.onefor more legs becot le. swollen and inflamedj especially along the inside, and;a" number of small tumors or buds [appear ale lg the swellings, whienl tumors so>n buret and suppurate > (similar amsll, kaotty. tumors ^may ilso eh >w -themselves on the.sides, the ne< k, .or the face. : j ' i 3. There ij. no iciire inown /or this disease.. Any ariimalHufferina; from it should beinstaritly destr. ly- ,-ed, for, however slightly affeoed i-; they niay appear tc ibej they i ,jre - able^by contact to conjnunicate i ke disease not only t healthy bon 3s, but also to men. Ml -, A. Tbe^eriod o( iipubation ra- ; rtesconsiderably.'! The disease is : -fenown to have develo > sd itself wi ib- . ;; in tea days after-irtoc i lation 6r c >n- A tact; generally, howej^jar, it tal :es Borne three to six'iveeka, and sot le- ii June* even tiw<> tof ve'or'six mon'i hs, "For.the protect ion o! tbc ptfbltq of Brlt- slj Nortli Amcrir,i,l(lepra It mj amy'to Win. Steward & Co. itat-i tnat-my rTr.L-s-AND Oixtest urc neither m;itiufaclur*-^ nor sold in .any panortuc L'xiTtn^iATi.s. - EacU rot ai.d Box t>-ars the, J'Br[jlsh 'iovernment Staithr,-. with . tUe words " H 1LWWAVS iPlI.I,S :AXI) U1NTJIEJCT, l^si>>>-," enyrnvid tbpreon. u.a tlie labeT is'ttie address, oSi Uikorp Steect, Lonpos-., .^his-notice has become nece&ary. In con--eqn<-nce of^vilnnnd spurious lmtta- tlcns of " Holloww's Hillsaii'J Olntm-nt," bs-ine; labricut .^^3^. ed at "S Maid en Iw.'1-ne, -New jfZT oJC^ Yofb- "S Par ties." st^atr'Jr.^f Si fy>fctt) em selves "HolIriwrfy;<S.rasli-JjSHCo.2 - with an . asiuine-jS Etr*'",\a* i.rrule marK, thus-4 . f U.iprinplpled vendors can obtain this trash at a very low price, nnd >p deceive you hy seljlnetbe genume Hollowav'i P1U* and'OintcneitU wtiich are ' manufactured <-nly at oo^, Oxi'ird street. London. . ", , ^ . ,,. Persons who mny be so deceived will be tileased to communicate with me. Many respectable firms In the iJritisn Profince?, whoobuiin my medicines dl rectU<-om here, have vety properly sue- cested that I should, lor the b. neflt of themselves and the public. Insert their nani<- In lh>- papers. ,thit It may be known-1 hat niy medicines can Lo_ uad genuine fr'>m mem. ."' ,, . TtiefolKuving is a-list, ofthe firms allud ed to: and I particularly recomrnena those wliode-siro to set my m> dicjnes to apply to some ojttuc Kooses name'd : Kv*ifs, JlEP.rEri & Co., Montrenl. r , - AvKnvf'Bisow < 4 Co.. UalifnSrN. ; FoEsYTiiVsiCo., Halifax, N. 8. - T. B. HA-KKEU tfSo.N-s, St. Jonn, N; B. -, AJ'othe <>fciE.s'HAi.i.eo.,Charl6Uetown LAXOLEif 4t Co , Victoria, B. C. * HooiiE <SiQo.. Victoria, B.C. _ k Dr John PAtLSS, Chatliam, r. B. MiixKO & (io .Montreal. . J \Vi:tke&;o.; Hamilton, Ont, . 11. J. Ko.-se, Toronto. : - . . A. Chipmas Smith, Rt- Johni H. B. Jo"N BosB, Uoflerlc-h, Ont. , _ Elliot 4Co., Toront/J. J. ChaUinek. St. John, N. B. _ HAsixoT'O? Brotiikks, St. John,N. B. K.S. Pkidpy, Windsor, Ont. . j Mi-s.-Okhes. Morden, N. S. . - . ' " Geokgk I'. HuxT.Jun.. Kredericton, N.B. -W. U'. Thompson Iliirbordrace, N.F.L.. J. M.AV41.EV, Kred -riaton. N. B. W. 4 1). YuiLK, Montreal, i CIIAS. X. XJAViEd, Frederleton, N.B. "The mdlcihes ore sold at the lowest wholesale^npt prices, in quantities of not lean than 20 worth und 3i.->. per dpzein boxes of Pills or pot?- of olntmbnty foV-' which remittances must be sentln advance. ... - THOMAS HOtLOWAYi 533, Oxford Street, W.-C.'-. f i^ondoii, Jane 1st, 1&7S.; WYXDD13I STRE ET, &UBLIE Are showing ! DR. ROBERT^' Celebrated:. Ointment CALLED THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND, i is confidently recommended to the Pub lic as an ucfaillng remedy lor wonnds of evary -description; a certain cure for ' " * -- "-----' -" twenty Hcalds, ____________________ raptlons, and'Pimples on the F'ice, Sore and in flated Eyes, Sore Heads, Bore Breasts. Piles, Fisinia, ami-Cane-ron Humours, and is a Specific Tor those afflicting Erup tions that sometimes follow vaclnnation. -Sold in Pots af Is. ljd. and as. 9d. each. Dr. Eoborts'Pilulffl Antiscropliuls Or A.LTEKNATIVE PIWA couflrm^d Jby sixty years' experience to be one Of the tjst mndlclnesevercompounde<I for purifying the blood, and assisting Nature la her operations. Hence thoy are nseful Spcieal lines in Cheap Jackets. Special Lines of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap-Cottons. Special lines of Cheap Silkfl. Special Lines of Cheap Flannels. Special Lines of Cheap Blankets.. L, In Scrofula, Scorbutic Complaint*, Slan ly "----------^ prl Family Aperient, which may be tafcon at d-'lar Swel'llngB.TKirticularly tnose of trie Nfclt, Ac. They, form, ai mild and supHrlor all times without confint-meet or chance of diet. Bold in Boxe; nt 1? Hd.,'2s.9d., 4s. Od.-, lis. anciiSis.ieach. BY THE PEOPRIKTOBS, BBAOHAND. BAKNICOTT j- ..' ,AT tueir . ' ' DISPS8AItV, BBIDrOBT, ^NUI-AXD, unxl by all respectable Medlcliie Vendors A^pecial Lot of Canton Plannesl A Special Lot of Cheap Tweeds. . . I ' ' ' A Special Lot of Winceys, Cheap. -:>!'. w'i: Black ZiUBtres, Special Taluev P. T- HIL '-' i Mill Street, A.CTON, DEALER IN . General Groceries, Boots' and Shoes, ,. . : '4 - > Wall Paper, "Window Plinds, Crockery,' " Glassware, : -,: 1 ' '.' : "l - .- 'Nails, - G-lass, ' Putty, Linseed Cil, * fiouoi Paints, :r' Turpentine, Machine Oil Coal Oil,^ Salt, ete. Big THE C00DS MUST S'LAilL'Bl' On Frldny, Jan. Jth, 1876 The balancf^ of our Venter Stoclf will be cleared < ut at Enormously Lo v jPrices Eeduciion, PRICES", Georgetown, BE 80LD. Prepare for Bargains. 40c per yd Kote the piicrs of a fey' of pur 1 ;* ing linesj '"' Extra heavy Full Cloth Extra heavy WoolTWe< d, 50o pr yd Extra heavy! Blankets, ?3 00. Bplehdid Shiwls,-$1.60. "'-'[ Splendid Jaskets, 1.5{ . FurSeU, $2 00. ; Extra heavyFlnnbels,.:l5a per yard Extra heavy Factory Cotton, 7c pryd 800 Ladies'! Wincey Ski rfs, made up ; 50c e: ich. 200 jpieces Plain .ap'HFancy Dres^ , Goods, 12Jc peryard. 100 pieces Beautiful ' Slew Serges 20c per yard. The abo* er is.only a few lines olf goods whicn', we Bhull'oflfer at th'i our Big Sal^.j Kemember tbis is to be the gran lest "PltSH Sj^l-E^ We hav< s- eyer conte mplated Call and see as if you want to. buy CIOODS AT PAKW5"|WHJES. VVe shall be please<l ~$t> see our customers, and show lour stock * Wether thi>y'vuit to bay. or ndt. KS~ No trouble to ahovs Cnod."a MoLEOD, ANDElisdN <fe C0.i;. Mammotli House, ' (Georgetown. N. B.--Remember our Ordered , Clothing and Millinery ^Departments. ! , McL.,. A...& Co. ! Georgetown, Jan. 11. ls3H.'i KENNED^ BFfOTHER! '- Have just, received their And are delernmtried to continue to sell cheaper'than tli cheapest, dtf !- better-value for your money-thaa'can"be had elsewhere. Call and!See /or: Yourselves and bring' yi&ar* r .* S'riends with you. Examine oiif stock which comprises everything in the tride'of the| and most olegalit stylesand patterns ol'J^bg'lisb, Canadian and_ manufacture. . ' 5 Orders promptly executed-and good fits guara NB. All accounts must be settled this .month. ." 1875 KB^NBDYB0ft v.- ilVIPOR|Ui^ JtCTQ35F. - :V v!--".I- --r3T "": which is now'complete, is larger, ,better cheapci than ever before-j'cpniprising in part AND WINTER STOCK as skirted. Franc* 2i6iiuot, JSoVtaxo.;, el Lustres, 4a' Pl*ia :^p iarriagel IN STREE MICHAEL "SPEI G HI, General Blacksmith, Carrlag e and TVagon maker * Best Ht>rserShoers in the Gbunt^ Parte ct satisfaction guaranteed or no price charged. FIRST-GLASS ' ,.V - ' ANI)-:' COLLARD'B mTEOT MM IAMOWI -'-;.- .1 ] j Always-.'on Kahd. Good !3t A Acton, July 1, ock of Carriages and Wagons REPAIR|9Ni; promptly and iiroperly attended to. 1875.V-'-- l>-:. - " ., ~ The subscriber begs toreturn his thanks to the Inhabitantso( Actonand surround ing country for the .liberal patronage heretofore extended tp him, and at the same time solicit their further support BOOK ALL KINDS JANE) JOB PROMPTLY EXEUDTKB AT N.B. -Cosh Paid for Hides delivered. WM. STEWABT & Co. a cton, July 1st iots O. X. HILL. 'I THE I'REE PRIZSS Next Door to the] Post Office, Mill Btreet, Acton. OF Acton, Oct. 26,!1875. Twooils, Ovcrcoatiags, Dress Goods All/Wool' .riattB, BlacS and Col * /FigTitai Plaanels, Viac7s..saiirts,.EWrtiie8rWBdep- ' shirts'; ani- Dra-wsrs,' tfelt -skirta^-Slii'wls; Blaat'et3, AH-"WtJol.Tallo Covers, .(very!^ i pretty patterns)', CieuiB,"lufflarS,::,:'i'v Hosiery, 0-lovea, Eollaato, . ' " ", A-^U'ii:-: To"welinffs, Factory and Sloasliol Cottons, Ladtea*- Liaen. * Mb ' ^Ladies' d Gents' Ties, Sk~, &c' - ; . and a-very good f tbek, of BOYV AND MEN^S f^ATS A , ;'. 7 .." ;: together with CS-rocexries, Grocliery & Glas Call early and secure bargains. Sweeping1 Sale of llea^Made ^Ctotliinftf. nienced lo-irlav at the ELEPHANT CL0TH1NC Rare Cnance. Call and See Onr Prices- -'" -'- WWl^ RillTWERJFORb &! January 4^'1S76. ?

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