Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1876, p. 2

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' 1 J.* LM^^ff^JlrJ2V..ateia^1iiB^ -1 __ .**: -rf- i> l i lit - --a " pOE ACTON FKEE PKESS t*uUihe^ E\ cry/Thursday Momii>K.~i $t P3r Annum in Advance, Tim population, of C.obourg is' According to n coiinim ,token in ovt r>:ouu Wt Ikerton for Iktiiho j i^d tin Fvcclf r ess: in* v1;* i,;th" ^"^iiio m^u -,J> - ' i *: bood jo'st now. jos h MAOuna (*prroA TnmsiuY Morhhm, Mat 4, " 1 " i ' i 1876. " :~'i .$'- *-* V "' Reports from the East give evi- douce of a good deal of fighting go- irig"'on between the Turks uid the insurgent*, but it i* difficult to get rut tbtr truth. ' One dispatch' frotu - Constantinople states that Mukhlar Pasha repurU that t the, aunguin- my battle on Sunday last, the iu- surgimu nunibtred 17(1)00,!and lost" 1,000 killed and wounded, iu addi tion" to 400 onHhe previous two days, - The Turk* throughout the oxpeditiob lost 85. killed atuT'lGl -woundedT ileuleoiars* the victory was decisive, im his favor. ; On the other hand, Sclavonic ai- '"counta of the battle Jif Suuday as sert that MukhUr Pasha was de- ifeated^nnd cotnpilled to take refuge !jn Gatschko, and that in the,four days' nghtfnh.lost "2,500 killed, Credit Vulley Rail way while the insurgent* only lost 400. | Theso is ,some talk of a sowing : The County of Huron turned up I Pl fivo reduction eases, ut the Assise* j >"' list week. - - p wli The gratiger (piestlon is the livid-j On Friday evening a train on bor-.. tlii'j Hamilton and liukn Erio going from Caledonia towards Hamilton, ran over and. killed TliauuiB.EiiKlikh, a man forty years of age. DeceuHwl had got oil' u train at Itymul Htation in tho morn ing, went into Young's tavern And gotj drunk, and then Started on the thick lor Lis homij inlUlu.nfbri). | ; Under tho old ivj/jVhc. there were j }H licenses issued in i>tratfoi\l, now there am 17. -j illation in etitimutt ibitnnts, boing nearly n it. wiis in 1371'. urpoacR, tho d at: 2,231) double [ A Western^paper mvs that (.Imt- imm.has (sixteen taverns lic'.Mised at $3311 each, and six shu]is at 1J380 each. The, first locomotive in Clijna hits made a trial trip ofjono niileon tlie tramWav nuiir Slmnulmi. * ^ i The census ' returns bo far;as taken, indicate that the population of Kingston will be nearly 14.6<j)0. The directors of tho Ilamittou it North Western Railway on FJii^ay evening opetiijd 12C U-iideis %' tjhe coiistruCtuiu of, the raid. ' j 'flio ceususof the city of Toroiitb as taki'n by the assessors, shows the population to be 71,CCS, iiguinst 57,000. when taken by the Govern ment. - ' The City C.uincil of Toronto hii?'refused to submit'irby-law ,to the fiveholdeis of the city for the of the hoirtfe asked bv the ! THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, IIALTON [OGUNTY, ' Tho Fc).t8 of Tiirkoy. There iH a question,.firnt whJH- piM'ed in tho most, necnit OabinotH ol Sovei-eigim, then buzzed about through the.ivi/u'/m. of i; tato Minis ters," and, H|>readiug- downwards from mouth to mouth, is now awakening I.ho curioxity of tin c.iviliaod worljl : -y Wlnit is to be come of Turkey ? it that 'tho mildly facetious yet Hhrewdly ohstji'vniit politician who said that ere nialiy yeai tho Sultan " .JYbdul Azi como " Abdul-aH-w> " , i-ftl. ': r" -i. " i"?N""" "- .' ; ; ' i. '-'~: \. ^:>: ^.t fc ; - ".- 'i:'-! .- - i -' ^ - ' 0 :-.pi- :-"~V' " ' : r. "J : 'C'Wr '- i Thus both shU-s clafm the victory.- This reminds -us of the.contlictiugi .'diEpatcbea daily .received dtir,irig Uie! late-rebellion' in the^Unitwl Stutes.! ;^3 '7*. .C-!c>-{.^i*.:-"- .zT- if. \?.y The license ^comuiissionera have inade ierroua inroads on the l.uim-: lierof liijndr t.hopsvin Toronto, and ": the -ptjecte4 ajiplicants have worked ibenibei^es into a fury over iti "Htere were Uiree hundred applij- -cautaJbr license, and one hundred and ten of them are left out in" the cold. They are. threatening dread- "'" " fill things. . A lest ewe is to be put " lip to try the legality of the aci^ > ;tpd a fand is to be raised to apj>eal it. all the way through to the. Privy ^~ Council. The-bervices of Mr. Hill- ., Hard Cameron have been secured -\v>t the purjKtte. It is said that he ' Las gij-en his oph*iori that he will -"- be successful in'proving its illegal ity. -.We-fancy the liquor sellers -will have an uphill fi^ht ugainst- the opinion of alniost the whole of. - the jntelligeut people of the Do-. Oninion. ; . , ^ _ ' " :,-"Vl#. mm" :i:sv: ^-V: -! ,!t~-[-^'. - i v*~ -' 'v:U4^-:. ' ^t^^r'-r- :- ^ fisgiy^i.... ._ The Macdoxxkij. Case.-^Y;v terday's Globe publishesr over tjve ""columns of a report of the meeting : ~of ^he Toronto Preshytery to en- i 'quite, further coheerniiigjthe viewr of Kev. Mr. Macdonnell on future 1 pimishmeut, and the eml is,not Vet J reached. : "There appears-"to \ be \ anmll prospect of;"an amicable Set , tlement of. the difficulty, the' major - ity of the presbytery not being yet satisfied with' his amended state- uieut. A^ resolution was adopted req'iiiring him either to modify ihis statement or give a virtually un- qualnTed assent to the doctrine' of - eternal punishment as laid down in the Coufrafdon of Faith. "The ruin- ' ority, including R^v. Mr. Macdon- 1 ..--nell,. 'entered their- dissent, and rT*V*-d the privilege of. appeal to tb'"Synod or General Assembly. machine ' factory being:-started in Georgetown by an. American tirm. | The factory is likely ti> Inj in Mr. Joseph Barberls machinetiho]*. West Welli|igton lus had in nil 59 uppHcttion's for tavern, and 6 for hop lieeitsj'S. Of the former 41 were: grunte<i and 18 itejected. All the aj|Tlica, ions for shop license were granted. -.* : -- St, Catharines is to: havo a new Wesleyari chuivh, oni Wellau^ avenue, to cost from twenty to twenty-live thousand klqllars. "F. F. Pole, jr., was foimd giiilty at the Stratford assizes of littering forged acce[itauce8', knowing them to. have been forged. The other night some person en tered the orchard of Mr. Michael Arniptr2ng, on the Benson Faring lot 24, 1st line east, in the town ship of Caledoh, . and wantonly barked? about fifty dollars worth of choice .-fruit trees. It is how said that the Tlon. Malcolm Q.imeroii, of-whose recov- erV there were very favorable in- dic-.itionsafew days since, continues low,"and tliat. thoso attending him are somewhat apprehensive. He is still at Ottawa. Ar Mr.', hptclkoopor, of Uockwpnd, wan driving under tho rai way bridge ut Gjielph oii Fri day night about iiino o'clock, A passing train cansed: tho horse to turn suddenly, -throwing him out tin buggy on his head.' He was picked up insensible, nnd was at first thought dangerously hurt, but holis liow in-u fair way of recov ery. St. CSithnrine.H i- now a full- fledged' city, and tho now Coun cil'will bo elected next wet k'. , Tho populatiotj is 12,870; assessed value of jreal pi-operty, $3,61.'1,455-; ]>er- Ronnl piopeity, SG30,900 ; income,: Slb.r>,000; total assessment roll, 4,409,35,'). This is nearly half a million of dollars in advance of last year, and doublo that of three yejirs ago. - . (A- dispute exists between the Sojiool- Rijfard of Perth - and the Council of tho same town. . Tho Sc 100I Board applied to tho Coun cil for the funds necessary to pur-, clrliso a site nnd erect a Hjijh School, H hud pnn('d :" would bo- is about to- ail', if ho haH survivei thor utter ance of that remark, a verification of his prophecy. Europo has grown tired of administering political medicine nndjtiniiucial broth to this invalid who ljo'ver- gro'vs stronger, but who continues; hii Teptitiously to iinlulgo in mi whole joinu condi ments thnt his doctors have forbid den. Only tho devotion of a- mother or a ivifti can nustain tho nxigoucicH of mich a nick bed ; but Turkey's matumitv in lost ill the Tho Kontonwi of tho World! him gono forlli ; cover hinl up and iloud him forth, but if ho in determined to go lighting, then fightiig let him go. His hour is about k utriko. Tho fiimtlioiKiii und .foil* ','tho ih'gradav tion nnd deceit; of -ho Turks and Turkish rule has survived ho long only by tho jealousy of tho greater PowiuH. For tho moment ;thtit is neutralized, and t loi destroying force's lire c.onvoi'ginf; on the Otto man iliuyiro. C/lobe. Tho total dobtlof the United States, according to tho statement issued on Monday is $2,190,552,- 498.24., on which tho interest is 33,817,375.37 ; thin cash in tho treasury is 811G.431.C15.25 mist of ages, lind howev ly bestowed ho Sultu i may him self bo in tl comfort, tho : tin? ruler tin friend, and o child at th iteraiie.m. io .mutter intioli of is noithe ily oiio or excellent- of uxoiial tyhich ho is v wife nor! very untilial qther end |if tho Meil- And th nnd application has bi>en untile to the Court; of Queen'h Bench by thi> - trustees for a rule iu\i for a writ of; mandamus, which waft granted by : the Chief: Justice of Ontario on Friday. ', ;. - ' The Huron oatmeal and gristing mjlls of Clinton, owned' by Mr. j J as.. .Mnhnffey. were destroyed' by | iii-b on '-'Saturday evening; also a largo quantity of wheat, 'com, oats, oatmeal., etc:? stored therein: Tho value of the mills was about 12,- 000'.; insurance 2;000x in lh Western, and on the machinery ?'j,000 in tho.Royiil, and on tho stick 2,000 in the Provincial. lA churn-jx-dlar has taken in sev eral knowing ones in the neighbor hood.of' Dickinson's.Tending. On the pretence of letting cerUtin pco- p!'! have n $7.50 churn as a jitrtic- nl tr favor for $5, /xiiu/ bij . nntf Inf. utiviiice, the o|<enitor Bepured' a. goodly, number of notes hud. dis posed of:.them before any churns wretched creature,- wild cannot l'ivi iind will not. die, is not only -i\ burden to himself but1 a source' of trouble,' danger, and contention: t6 his neigh bors. He ik ever'in diplomatic ditliculties,which uro unhappily as contagious as tho pluguo which is bred in tho iincleatiliuesa of -his nation. Since the Bijzmtine Km- which the. Council refused to grant, j ,,ir fen lu.fulc uo !,0',l,lt.K oi' M'on- "! -. iV. _ The; citizens of Chicago have re cently been thrown into a state^of the "greatest excitement and indig- nau<m by cue of the most outrage ous eases of ballot-box stuffing that evei^disgraeed -the cpuniry. Four electioui bummere oftheVornt cIhkk were elected: to_ iuibortant official positious by^ the niost Shameless; frauds that oau be imagitied. .'The: Lom-st public became alarmed., and ^jtSUurm of popular^-indignation uu- prectSJeiited iti --the West, burst fpjth in a. publio. meeting in the rrn_ ^- i , o i i -r. i , I ^'efe furnished to tfle purchasih-R, The Guelph School Boal-d has j Tll'e res>{lt is ' tl]ti pedlar is ,i,m M accepted the Under of a Buflale: MS tb^ trtlB inwafdness of tho farm for putting heutu^ and^ventil- \ ki|0winS-KSnes tells them that thev ating apparutus into tlt? new Central School building; at 3,885. Tlie biiildini; complete will cost over 50,000. '"' The Georgetown Herald gays dij'htheria has carried quite a num ber" of children to thegniveKin that vicinity. It is sad to relate that Mr. Wallace, a man living on the 7th line'Tias buried' four- children, all having died by this fatdl dis ease, ' He has but one child leftt The Guelph post office is to'be reinoyed in *. fow days to Hazeltdn's block,: Upper Wyndham. street, where it will remain till the new goveroment building is completed. The owner of the building in which it is at present situated wanted to increase the rent too high, and [ hence the removal. London has-completed its assess ment and finds its population tc^^ be 18,19G. PwPal :pro']ierty is put down at 6,778,622; personal ro [>erty, 1,402,050; taxable income, ,328,300"; aggregate value of Jail pro]>erty. 8,508,-872. The popula tion is 217 less than last-year. \. "It is stated that Mr. Henry R. Holt,; book-keeper, of M"oritrenl, has l>een declared heir-at-law of the famous -Holt estate,- which lis just hnve been, badly sold. Mrs. Mary Houston, of Caledon, is eighty-one years of age, is. in ex ec lent health, and can walk u co.ijilo of miles without-much, fa tigue.. She emigrated to Canada from the ntighborhood of Paisley, Scotland, in 1832, since which tii je she has resided on lot 20, on the town-line, of the-townships of Erin and, Caledon.. She has had five children, sixty five grand-chil dren, and twenty jreat-grand-chil- Gren ; seven of the great-grand children and twelve of the grand children are dead, bnt all of her children are living near her.-! Oranjeville Advertiser. i A case was decided at Gait, last week, which is of general interest ' to municipal nuthorities all over ;ol fiunitios who swarmed across tho narrow itea, Turkey has been tho chief buttlo-ticld of So.u'.hern Kuropo. The Turks have fought amongst themsiives, and they have fought with all : their Christiiin neighbors,. try ' but unhajijiily they have 'retained their autonomy, a'nd through their In Acton, on the 2*ith ult., the wife | corrupt and tyranical yet weak and unrespected Governmoii.t have sue- of Mr. Hubert Dickie, bf aBijn, DIKU, ' Ki-rs' Cocoa. Uiia'-bpul ani> Com.-. Kon.TiNii.T-" by a (borough .knowledge of tho natural laws which govern tho opurntimiH of, digestion nnd nutrition,' and by a ciiruful iip]ili(utioii of the ttnu propL-rtics of well Kelt uted cocoa, Mr. KppH hns nnividuil our lireukfiiiit tjiblca j with a delicntely ilnvorcd^ bovomgo which inrty h;iv us many heavy doctors' , IiiIIh. It is by the jiulicioim mho of euch articles of <liut t'lijit a joiiBtitution limy be gradually biiiltjupui til stningcnoiigli to rcsiut every tendency to HimdniilH of ,rtuht]u malmhun ure flouting around us rcrwly to ittnck-.wherever there is n weak -point. We may escnjio many a fatitl|slmft by keeping mirHervcs wi:lf fortilied, with-jiiin Iihxnt amlu pro perly noiiriHheil if.rainti."--Vint NrriHrr llavttr. Siibl only in jackets Inbolctl ".l.tiir.-i IC.i'ji-H i <'o , Mlomteopathic CheiniHt, -l-Sj 'I'lire.-ulm edlc .Street, and 170, Piccadilly, bondtii." -Weddung I{.inj^ nntl Fnncy rj.'.ld. 1 tings, lit C. &. U. llynl-i'. Post Ollice, Acton. ' For.all kinds ol' biscuits, good, fresh and cheap, go tt Galloway Hms. Acton Hakcry. Roi'K , Bottom Tot.H.'iiKi).. A case of I'clt Hats- assorted choice, for jiOt:.. at Christie, Ht|nderson it- Co, Acton. - JOHN KIRKHAM, Guusntitb. Silrc r-Ploter, &c, Wishes to inform the public that he has i. . removed to , Hatch's Next door to Tyso t's' Butcher Shop. AMMUNITION FOCI ALL BREECH I LOADING ARMS, VAy & Kynoeli'S|C (.'aim for ro l'latllnc l(ij-ctipiior. O-ip KJt CfciiKur*. i.'H'iuiliii; lt<tls, itial all article* ueeensfry Tor aSiinrliiiuaii'H otilflt. ] 1vI1-;kim'1h of KepalrliiB und Jobbing cX'-ciitcti on l'Iio shortest noLtce at Block, urtrltlije Ci\hch nnd Hume. Ite-loiifb-n*. tors, C'tirlur<<J'i(r<i KENNEDY Having determined to give ftp bosiness m Aottm, #ill offer-tha h of their large ftoclM>f Ho*t| and Shoes by Put lie Aue^o^ conuaeSi7 ON TUESDAY, MAY 9th, iAT 2 P. M. EiACa'DAY. Also) will be kol'd al-4 P. M. on Tuesday, now occupied by us as a Boot and Shoe Store, with Hall a&oTt, Also the vacant building lot adj/ining- , W. j. Row.vson, Aucfioneer'. Acton May 2, 1870.,: jrt)t;(;HKt). .- siirted choice le, lltinder In Acton, on the Ist{ inst., the wifoof Mr. Hen. Kyiler, of a daughter. : Near Acton, on tlje 28U'i '.nit'., the wife of Mr. \V. P. Ur. lie 'JSt okyn, ol f a son. ceeded once in bririging tho nations of Europo by; the ears, and are now- prevented from re|>eating the mis chief only by; the experience acquir ed by the Bowel's friiiji their own former folly.! It w.-ts at one time believed that; Turkey bad -touched 1 bottom in her descent! during the reign of tho last Sdltan, .Abdul Medjid, nii'd 'that' on tihe acci'-ssion -of his brother a reformed Tin -key would astonish and delight the Western world. But he Western 'world has been disappointed ; jtli- Ottoman Empire ban! gone from one stage of corruption to another until from its rottenness it is fall ing to pieces. Fate has. decided, and already Abdul Aziz is content plating tho possibility': if becoming Abdul as-isn't. But ' .inconsistency of men. ed Turk sees his Prov cessfu'l revolt, doubth Muscovite inspiration bles, is oj>enly inforu Great Powers will not a body, and that;Austria and Run- I sia will not let oiio jinOthdr nietltlle single-handed, and iiiunt know'that his case is hopeless; yet the one merit of hia creed is caRt to the * winds when it is found to bo incon venient. Ho wiir not submit to the inevitable. Like Roderick Dhu, he yields not to inan nor fate, and jfrivately giving that he will arm the .population which me sacre of the Christians In Acton, on the Mr. Thos. Overton. ' 29th ult., wife of Flohr ... White Wheat .. Trcjidwell'.. Spr)ug' Wheat barley ...... < )ats ..... Peas .... Potatoes, per bag Apples, ^per hag . .. < >mun.q,:-per busiiel Butter .'.. K-Jgs... '.. l>res3eiTHogs ilay, pertain .... bambskiiis.. Pelts ... , .-. Lard . J.. Tallow ___ Paeon : . Ham AtTOX 9ABKET8, $2 00 to 2 50 olisorve the Tliis wretch-'sho,lI,,er Luces in suc- ss jierce.ives in his troll ed that tin: interfere in I the country. Dr. Whiting, in DJHlhis attacking an indr-r I ceniber last, was drivine down a! .-inalitv. His trciKii been-thrown; out of the English ^Exposition; btiildmg attemh-4 by Court of Chancery. The estatebas forty thousand persons. ' A '^Jew X>OBGE.^Oiie of the .latest attempt* .at a wholekiiieiTob- bety; of railway* jwaserrgt-rs on a' night (rain was nipped in thejbud, last week, on theJ-Lake Shore imil- "wayi. between. ^Rochester ..'. and Oswego.""" A . peculiar smeir|.was noticed by one of the passengera, and a strange sliipor had come over lumy othfifd. On-'lboking around, a man. was discovered;, in; one cor- Iibi' of the car with aj'tin can con taining ohioroforni.;with which, he -evidently ikt*sadtd/t6 stupeiy all tin bikini and then rob tfiein.. - The culprit, was seized, and -his tin.- can was found to contain enough chlo- r.-f jrm to b-tva stup ficd a doren car, loads of passenger^!. '." T!ie,d:9erences between Aflstria and "Hungary have be^n-"settled. - estate h been io'litigation since 1709, and" is valued at sixteen million pounds sterling. Gilbert R. Elliott, of .Norval, was recently ari-ested, in Toroiitb, by a detective on-'the", charge)-of forging the name of Andrew "Dol- Han, of Chiuguacousy, to a proipts- sory note to the amount of G3. He was committed for trial, bail i' being taken for his appearance. ;; r The Pettit robbery caseTis iagain taking tiptoe attention of the Co^irt of Assize, in Hamilton. On Friday the .Grand Jury returned a true- bill against Thomas Leggo and A- Ruth von,.who are alleged to have induced or assisted an imi>orlant witness in the robbery case to leave the country. During 1 he month of April,-Can adian produce was exported from Toronto to the amount of $189,332, ceniber last, was driving down a hill between Preston and Freeport, when one of his horses shied, cans ing the carriage to upset, and fall a! considerable distance, injuring sev-i eral of the occupants. There was no fence along the side of the road to protect travellers, and it was '.shown-that; if there had been the accident would not have happened. The action was brought by Dr. Whiting against the township of Waterloo for damages, and a ver dict of 150 was given him. In view of. the present and several other similar decisions it behoves municipal councils to protect all roadways, and io leave no danger ous spots which, in case of acci dents, will involve^ thoin in heavy damages.- ' out one day Mahometan :ms the-mas- he says on the next that l^e holds the Powers responsible, because tl ey object to endaut prin- y is ruined, : to compro- Both parties bave niade concetsiohs < agai-isr only 17,643 in the cojrres .- for the general good. -~ ,';In the House of Repi-esentatives, Washington, last week, Mr,- Pierce, u% M*SHel>4istt8, presented A uifeiu- ; orial "from. 1,300 merchants and otticeuc orBoston, iu'Ta^our of rti- TtfpraauX tradtT.jriti| 'CAUadaj which WHS tetatVtiA. i . ... / ifbe reports from the East, jthait tlie plague was raging in Me^otio- taioia and tbo d'tstrtot of Bagdad, 'urtt tdeuiod^ .Th'epitfetuiu pitivA- Jmitj in mtid 'to. b a f.ver cumbh} by q-tt^iae, ponding mouth of last year?- ' The increase is in grain and lumber ex ports. In tho former it amounted to 179,502, against 6,301; and the latter G,335, against 2,032. R. Matheson, a quack, practising in Mulmer, was brought before Mr. T. Hand, the'other d/iy and fined! 50 and costs for practising riiedi- cine without a dijdoma. Dr. Arm strong, of Rosemont-, preferred; the charge. Matheson, it is said; had victimized the people of Mulmur to the tuuo of C200 before woing filled.' . -- - Murder and Bobbery. , Quebec, April 29. A brutal murder was committed at Ste. Henedine, the county town of the neighboring county of Dorchester; on Thursday last. It appears that a.giiil of the name of: Lihouiller, a seapistress in tlie employment of Danrel Murphyl^of Ste. Honedinft, asked* Mrs.; Murphy to hand her some article from the cellar. Mrs. Murphy raised the cellar -trap to comply .with her request rind had .barely descended mora than A single step of the stairs, when the girl drew a revolver from the folds of her dress and fired fotiivshots suc cessively into her body with the .muzzle of the weapon .placed almost against-it. , The j unfortunate wo man foil into tho cellar mortally wounded. The murderess' imme diately after the deed, gathered up1 all the valuable articles she could lay her hands On and fled. Mrs. Murphy survived two hours, during which she communicated tho above particulars. , Tho murdsress was arrested yes terday moriiingon the Levis and Kennebec train while- ondeavoring. to 'make hoi' escape to Quebec. ;ipality. His treasu but he will Hot consen mise, nor to peace, but on his own terms, and in his fury at his self- mado troubles he .rushes to arms, and spitefully declares! (hat ho will not pay his debts. If. this bo meant to bting, the iufluenep of European capitalists to bear upon their respective Governments the threat is wasted, for, wrtr or no war, his exchequer is empty, arid for many a long day lie has paid his current obligations only by bo'r: rowing from Peter At ten per cent to pay the interest due to Paul at eight per'cent. The truth is, that. Turkey is going, and wo seo the sick nian rising in his bed to hurl defiance at his enemies, before liis final dissolution. Tie advent of the Turk was like tlit rising of u rocket, nnd the Sultan &bdul seems determined that their sxodus shall not resemble the falling of astick. Had the like energy'and determin ation characterized the Government of tho Ottoman - Empire, another generation might, havj come and gone, and yet the Crtisceni wave over tho 'vaters of the Bosphorus. But it is now;.the energy of despair, like the last leap of a v otindedjani- mal ere it falls dead. The-fierce blood of tho up ; the spirit of those ancestors wli >, commend ing themselves, to Alia l and shout ing ' the prai 5ea_of th Mr prophet, rushed on tb rough fir i and storm to plant their faith among the un believers;- anl snatch tho fairest spot in Christendom fcr their race, has been awakened after a lethargy of ages ; and (ere the C 'escent shall re tiro before t^ho'advai cing Cross, the Turk go jdown bo "ore tho uft- turbaned Frank, the last of the Qs rnanli will cast ftom h in the mask which has bebn worn for thrce.pen- turies, and qnce-more calling the. followers of the Prophet to his side will go fortjh to ]>e ish for the' Koran or conquer wit l.the sword. If lie will- have it so, i o let it bo, J (HI .to 1 0} 0 !l">.to 1 00 0, 0.5 to 0 06 OiAO'toO 70 o xr, to o oo. o (!3to0 <;rt 0: .W-to o w 0 75 to 0 85 1 00 to.O 00 0:22 to 0 00 Ol 10 to 0 00 8. 25 to 0 CO 12,00 to 14 00 0| oO to 0 '80 01 50 to 0 60 0 i.r) to 0 l(i 0 07 to 0 OS O 10 to 0 00 rt 12 toO 14 0 10;to0 12 fj-J-AH Overdue Account*; must bo. paid a C'olloction.'. ~~ \ -..: KENNEDY BK0& once, to wn Uot:^. s AtD, ftEAD, READ. ceaI fine Immense Quantities of Dry. Goods: c^om'e to ,. Guelph to be'.soldi at I - rN- WALKER LODGE No. 321, A. F. A A.M. I The-'Regular Meeting' of the above Lodge will be held in the Masonic Hall, Acton, on Monday,1 May, 8th, at 7.30 p. m. . i J. ROSS, Seci TO! TRESPASSERS Notice is hereby given that all parties trespassing on my premises, either shooting or fishing, will be prosecutetl according to law. ! i \ DR. R. MORROW. ] Acton, May 2, 1876". [ j ; 45-2t* G-TJDEXi^X^, -' .Arrived from th 'Nueipli, Alirll t'j. 1ST old country.' . Stew irt & Oo. WY.VDIIAJI que Have just opened STREET, PH. Messrs.'J. D. Williamson & Co- having p^-; chasejd the Bankrupt Stock of Empey- x & Co., Wholesale Merchants, ^ | Montreal, at . 500. i ON f HE DOLLAR,' - " Bave-tust opiened out the whole of the safiie^ ' a -If > - - : at the --.' * W: n third case of those Cheap Hsvsrsiblo Drsss Goods AT FIFTEEN CENTS. WJOTM'E to CONTRACTORS j Sealed tenders will be received-Ijy the * undersigned up to the ilrst of June for i new Urick Store and DjtPellinK House, in the Village of Acton, for the Variims works mpjired in'the separate trafles, {viz. I excavation, stone work, ,brick work, carpenter and joiners work,1; plas- Uririg, painting, and.glazing. Separate or full tendera will bo reciyedj for-the whole work. Plans and specifications will be seen at the,reside;acq of'Mr. McNair, Acton.'-, The lowest-or any tender not necessarily accepted unless otherwise satisfactory. .- B. McNAIR. : Acton, May 3td, 1S76. ' I 4d.-4t QIIEMICALHIANURES. Proved to be equal for 'all crops to Barn- V yard Manures. I Tho Brockvillo ChOmica! t Super- phosphite Works, Brockville, Ont. ALEX. CO\yAN,: Manager. Any substantial farmer, with gooid references, can purchase one ton or- up wards of Chemical Manure on credit till crops are harvested and pejrhaps mar keted by paying .interest iou noto at rate of ' seven per cent per nnnuro; .Where no agent has been appointed in a" township. Bach postmaster is hereby autborizoo, to act as agent 'to r^ceivo orders. Whero ageuts ;hav!o beeii ap pointed to a township, they fare' hereby required to report same to postmasters in their township .immediately, in order to prevent confusion. r- ' 45-4t JURIED MEAT, | '; driedJMeat; Charles Cameron Having postponed romoval in order ito clear out his stock of pork, "offers at aj reduced rate ' J Superior Smokoi and, TJnsmokisa . Hams, Cumberland. Cat; & Baoo: i,: cured by himself, and wh?ch will be found unsnrpasBed in quality. Try it an'd be convinced. A | .." i In future, meat will bo fmind in' the shop partly, occupied by. G. M. Scott, Main street, Acton. i 1 I CHAS. CAMERON, : April 2G, 197C. . ! . 44-3m Also a case i ; Cotton Hosiery, lor 25, cents. Of; :}V cheap. hitc 4 uair New Fiench Ivid Gloves. ' ..' i ... A case of "very choice ! Dress.Gopds at 20c and 2jc; ^aches' Silk Tics...fifoiii , 1.0c,! very stylish; at 25c. < j | In Swiss Embroideries we hold a large assortment and prices that astonish, from 7c. . Parasols and Silk TJiii- : brollaSj.from 25o. rottihgham Lace Cur tains from 1 to 15 a pair. Misses' and Ladies! Ktriped Cotton Hose, all sites : and] qualities; also. White and J' Colored, every sUj.and quality1. \ New Prints, New Cottons; We iare selling White ; Shirtings by the pieoe at whole sale prices; White Couhtdr- : panes, Sheetings, Towels; Table Linens. &c ', ,- i ' - - ' New! Gent's Dress Shirts, ' Lfcow- Oxford Shirts, New Felt ; ' find Pilk Hats, Sew Coatings and ; ,- TO. STEWART &.Co. Alni ojfer it to thair Customers at -4r The Stock comprises a Fiill Range of .-"j STAPLE. AND FANCY DUY OpODS^l LADIES' GrOOD&,> r ' Tl:> j GENTLEMEN^ GOuDS, ,H L CHILDREN^ GWDS. GQTOTHB, QOIiBBN And buy your Goods-'at J<&' \ 'ing i now r' ' . ' of d [ JX band dwel ,- . . Ifain J "J. HotJ base! front 1'r." .-."- vertj ',-R ^ - - .'ha. J ncr , ' , <ieor *bari ' .- .- hiooa '.- bave^ ' "- ? 7g'nm . lweuj "' - . ' - , yaini -.- - ' -..' ,;.1Ve "* most Kurt :i 1".- '"" : tUeT -.' - awj- ; JMSt "r -'. ; l>OSlt ": viciii V- ^^3^^ beige: ^ou may In.evej' have sucbr a-,chance- ag8^- 1876: SPRING. EL E P H A NT, E L E!FH A UT. ^ Ti.9, jBlepliaJit's T?runk Replenished /witlx | HEW AND MFASHlDHkBLE! SPRllSlG CtOTHI ennno them, Our St^ock is nbw very Complete.] .t %. ? Diagonal Coats, all styles, u ; r TT Tweed.Conts, in Frocks and Sacks, at p"^^. t be equaled for cheapness by any house in Gnelph.. rC^ilfW. ^-7 ^OOO^jpairs Qf^Pants, ranging frani H up*^^t Hals, HaH Hats. ^ we will run off at 250.^ 50c, 60o., 85o., ana$l. G(Md aifl^ - . ;:p^ Beautiful assortnieritafGervtsFurnisliip^G^^ ' " "'-. "itfii#-- When in.Q'uelph <lon?t forget to oall st the Elephant)Storo, ty ** a^- you will save money. _ f WIVI. ^THEl^qRD# V rIcva - i along '.."1 walkl -'.. the. t - eralhj '. till -t *' ' - caonJ " "., % "~ 1-eer bonsej -'/ O11 Vi.'.": ing t ' ,10088 And i 2 '- . . -founc the.o or thi V-,'v/ ' Sat team, -'Kve - - " ' a con - Jage. '. back, 1- - ' i Fare* !Meth *ji' squ< ,Unoa'i those] jaaoi cestijl full ^tht 1 celebrl v. '.-S the Bo J

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