Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1876, p. 1

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!M '- i-^fc: - *. :*l -It .Tit:- /! *- lOESC lability [i to'^sTe J:. " I t * 5X OS, j.. :"or Ciihr ' s .toiei. /.--v. - Hill pat- *n..& a\TcoL K L^LTS. irks (iitity i % ^ l "? >? - li relumo I. \o, 4t; J 'iil'SlSKSS' CAUi)S. it> onixiox W* ?'S'S?^^; &HJOP. G 4 lege, Mcmtv-ro! O-J'.K-Kt'orl'livsipiaifii IlJ Surplus. M '.1.1. STK K KT \<-f\N, heap iiheai* fiio subscriber! t>egs to annonnco ,TT|K. R. BORROW. iMiVsi- to tho inbatuUiPt-s'lot"Acton Ll .s commenced uio n tho ~ Tuo-asy s'-.i-'m F'i.!:i\v. r,oin>,i a. in, I'il 1- . ' ' M.;,k,!^-w,i 1: w,,- M,v,,0|(t Post Ollic-e Birildrll- TAME*" M.ATTIIEMS. :I itl vf.vsmvr l^Kilffro: MarriSso l,.von*>--" *"- ""' MILL STREET, ACTOX. | FOR j^HE 'MlLIJTO-N eg to announce tltni they have secured tl& services! of a ^I^n.^ Prepared to turn out jrsv!i Co.. C fit l-'u.'.nn ' tMn. i\>an, w'cw k second u> hone in tho l>otniii- C^U.Iiy ^, li- .10- A.ToS, PXT. jfr', . ^ O-U^p IUS the 010:ipc4fe Mid ACTON, OliTT iqn : tlie'sliditei't possible notice. I ,).,..,., " hand alargoand woHsoleot- DKDDKKSOX. Coincv. * ancT; .to.. a.>^'.\^r:i; Cm.nil-, i.itfe -W.irvuv Va tU-.K Mrtc -^ s [Csl slock. Ot Ac, pr**^1"'^ * ri=-;-" v, i>n:_n;.i] v c>n<r;lv j . ".v.o:l.ri:<iJH!i:.!io"'* 'ScFc-'BlMiiiots.. "Whips. Bribes ite(,.wi!..^vi>-u^. , --.| - Cosabs. Truaiu. otc,._ ;.. . JI< MATIIES0\, Attt>ril-'>> ; liopuiifnir pi-oinptU' ntlpiidoil to. F. I>KJtr^Y' -tt .A;i.rtui,->*Znrl..^v ill'" * ----- !-------- ro:i.o.-^ '*^^ - ilasui.U.i.( I.'-- : d CTO\\UAKEUV. MilUiu Oi>!.-<'_ \vi3 li.. >:_];.K'-ifti'ULi'i.f^f- . -*--J" '.. ab/ ,7flV Hurrah. Firs an.I that I . in fall tint-i ;-hv Mw. 11: Bread \vi b-Class! leir. R".l;iiijf >tiim, in the una. ' 1 he del Wod^iiiR- Cakes, IVi.'l lii'iisea. in Hie" village and y Pafetry. Buris, &o.J Baker,| lm pYeullnu lUll'SS IS 111 '.I .Iail- at the Tea GJtikd meat of i>. W,o.traii.Vli. an t"Mr'I. .i-l- t\r will :iil...iul al^uo aliltoa <-'i:Wi- 6a r'ri.l-iv.C^r; a>:'.i vrc, Jc. TTEXKV L. 1>IIAKL. I>$IU\>'('F. Atl'AT, UI'liLflli | Acer.i'for tii'e M^rr:;:.; :: .n-.LM ii:.'r'.-^o. ' "AH biiNtr.e^s enlri:>tc.j lo i.U:-;it? w[ 1 l>r I lfil:hi(ii!>. ut|e:iLli.d to. i'nlei> J\y mill ioljcileii.. - J. Jl. I.. L>it.\Kt:' i pATEVTS ftvr, 1XVKNTIOX.V '. i:iCn.:;.i.i ;. ;.:;e ]':.::--,;-s:. -M.*, ' tir-vr;ii;t*-.i i.i.-Lr.u'Lioi:-. .^ -:.ry r:'i i.*w-T ^ aU.ui t-ja u.i:>. I: rl>* U V- tj i.!i --T. i - 1 - i, ('!.', 1 - , Mc.Vtnr.Ifil Kri-lno^-r. Si.;cUnt,i: !'-*"! "JeliiA :i-l i'.V'i^:! >:ii.;:ii. . .. _Hitri made in tl :il\\"a\^ on all kinds f'tu'.^e. &> j - The p:itrii>n:ije of.tlib pal.'lie i l>eettiilly:;-olieit.ed. ....: '. S", vi-ryliest mantier, and ktipt xnil, jj.uiil iiid-fresh. Alan if t'onfcetijiuery, Hi.senijta, Tho Tongho THU Instructed. lilja; none, llono can wii'iiv*, '-. to sin ; Acton. Vel.. 2>v -iVvti 1'.. l.ST-t.". NK'Kl.lK' CHEAP i BREAD. AV I Lh I A.U \V A T ii 1X S, : :!;.- ituyal Al'^oinlnivjU'..) Basii-.o^ i,; ivau- .i-l: e^ijIiLit r.lia! _ offiee it; i'^1 fi-s: k'rUje. u:^ !;-.v~..":a:i'-, C.i^:y-tru u :i. __ -"~: M IIS. S. t'AIITiil:. i. 3. AC. )..- t-e- -r. t.ij .'-t>- ; 11^4 Tcaeiicr *rttn*lr. l>ra^\inK anil i'rench. [ ^^,j - - J^ ., J" 0'reU s'-r c, Ae'.or. , LIVKK LZIi:. IM.rsK'i m% 3 _^ ic:'.a. .i:.:, K.---r.- i,4 .-.,. i ni- ... Q.fELIil -A!t.lI<jK'Y,: ria.N-.'-Tt' Hiv lU ^: r.";. =.._: * :ti::ii:ice ',\> 1!jo inluihilnist - if i r.i;.:.vl \i'.,i:'jiv i-l.:i! hr 1i:l-^ 1 WU- 'Vii! ' It ;'.; : ^ K-^.Iki>\ inen.l tu tJii- jTr-m- j Ti-x:" il.Mf ;n .Mo-r<> V time fi'>ro, n- i.c i. *>. t-ui.I h" iir^'-P-iiNi i.t-w h\l*i j rt r.::*i\J fv j * I s.: I'-ir ill- l-aktry wu! 'C*.*ijf*. ciiui.t-ry-' ?TE?--3SAD T2-HT S72P., I ,s '-:* _;._ c^^. .. .:. ^ CTX>X FLOiiS 7.1 ILLS. . ...Oiaiiis, m ::t :rr.. at ^ re .{!, i li .\5C;".::N'. llr.jri.-xrs. _:. I' 4-,'. KlDar/i.^-l Kfrd-a:-.! i.v> xi!'.! :.:i-I. i.o!.,.. ! . '-. _Ka: t-aT r---...H. iJrii ::.^ .an: f'.i ': ^' e.:l - . C'~.l t'T :t: : i: i*l^ .^. I i r ;; :.- ; ' ' T .aiI0-:d J'l'iCCs. -' R0^!1.-*,,, ";1-^^rVl-:^":1; %^'-l f-aiMlic-s at -nr per Ih. M1RKHAEVI, CuasMitli. s^lr"cr*I-later, ik, Wi^he^ to infofni the puhlie that-he 1 TiifliuYed to Hatch's Blopk, doi'r lo: TViim's Uuteh-ij' : -I -\c : li iln ichill l:f ; D0WIX1OX UiiZLh. A.-toa. .Atfii-sv, :.r...-.n..-.<.r.-i a;-. \V, L-.i; for vc. i^li: -Iv. n 1 n Proad in C--N- lis** H(i..-[ is :.'w .-.! a > i:i ;::>:-t ,;t-^ . . : ' I... ^"~- -. - !c>!uUo.-rC:il t s"oiwl:." .";.' i.p srv'.e. wit'i ii r;r. i.e- tn-'a..: a I-i.tiu.r f:.i l>l'-*" \^;::l.^-..^ iir\j E-Uiiic.' r.arsii|>\..ii "----.t:i,ii.v'ar">t ' -. - c I laijanrs a.-J Uuui S.ab:itt' :.: !: I :iJiU-v .*i._!i.n'ri.l pvL-ry ', iiir-S to:- 1 ii.ur. {(' Ill'- i::l Ho. I / -7 ASIMUNITIp:? FOIJ :A1jI. BKEECH. LOADifsHi Ar-as. j . I-'.l.v A^Kyi'orl'-'ji f.'arlllil^e (' *. illld I'ai.i f tr rt- i-.iolinir ^- ijic. fIc-lt-ft-ir-r^i i^--.-,il' ber-, <.mip Kj in <1- I'r.-.i-.'ii-'.-.i' iMiiii.j l'.o.ts,. i. n:i icfl :ir,'iy]e.-i n. i-r-s.-i \ t itiisp rimi mi'.- o-.itnt. ] A.I -joi [, .<>i'*i'..;ti ili.lin aiali Jiibbing rj\.-t.---.iin.l oIl;l.l:e >lii)ru-.-.t IK.tU e at -; . Otitii'd veil thy I \ kmiiv -...,, What evil from tin* tongue in, What guilt, what grief may h lly (h'iu. inunti'tioii!); " ' ' Be " Slow to Spea ............._ To eheek -wliiit tljert may lead Alidlpray uiieeasiuglv. for aid, Lest'unawares thmtiihi) hetraydd. " l'i||ldeiiin n6t,t'i a udgo not, ' ' i ' man I r -I i | ' In gfven, his Hiro'tlK'ij'H faults to O.iiv'task is tliinr.-j aiiil one iihu.. To fieareh out and Huhduu thin i Indulge no/murnniriiigH oh, e uislrain.. Those lipti.Ki.i fe:u!y to.complai Aiid, if they oaullie! ilumheried count Of one-day's inereiefc the aniomit. - r^ltiui vain diseUNsior s Ihvell n.ot (Til; eartlily hopjs or icheniey.1 I.ilt n-nfils iifjmeijkijL-.-is, wistloi Tl>y heart's triiu renovatiiui \>r ^et ('!od hefore. tlieej every woj: i'hy lips pronom ee liy'llim is (I y lips pronou i.-oul.dst thou RSDAY, MAY 11, 1876. ])it'rtud.. But Honi()lio\v b1i6 did not fuel half no ]>rotid of lior bargain as; . . | fcrho expected to. ' -.'. iieurreii ' As (ilio wallcod lioino,'n HRnsntiagi I.entirely now. to her inaiflo lior- shy- :not to Kcan ; mv.1. wisdoijn', love, ve. iv:dl|?;e til What care, what; Icaution taught! i ' ' " The time i. sh'..- T-lle very last .iss So .speak that alii nitn-ev Tliou uiayestnot t] tin |-d ' leant.; light, would hi this day gnjeil to thee ilhjiit thou no] nay be ij?eak lay'B words deplore THAT R0L|J |0F BUTtTER. Tlie^olear Sliiiuiliiue: of nioiiiili^ ))iei-;eu]t|(ie' lattioe. Lack poreli;'and fell it a May of thu golden il white iia Gib-' |s rolled of now ttl lines geross tlie|lit|tt llnor at piliu table -wliei-<jrMis. Tabiil boi'is stood with ljl'-r hleevcj ii]i,'. coiitfiivplalSsg a Iruy butter.. . L J'." d to bu ail liouesc wuiiia^i j' but an tion to avarice veins, inn' COlllJl' inclina- LjuU increased with she ^-iii iin tliat <*J-' W' ofi-ou' hi ways of itniij;. tweinM to hot J Iy.' -This live ptjuLd roH wij ctiIv 11 dollar -lit f I'd kins' iiiiikiii.^ wei-'j touj slow. -T. strongiy her fet-.lii|:g this uioj -." JJutter is U>]> Leheap "at cents per' poiini/j' t>he "said self : " such ImttW as //(/,-.-, cjspecial H bi;in anjl 1 now he sifts ei^alk in his--Hiijjar to make it go faitlieif, and Hprijukles it with wilier to nialle it weigl fnore." ls;it a "gi-tatei- wipiig to'ad dtei-.ite ouy'urtiele of iuoi.Hic<.- thi'li auotlierl Lard is teven' C'liitU a pound. Now if I tnix eijiial i|iia|ititie.s of J ml and two doll ira j in-, twenty cents.a laid instjead of aia to ' money lis was j-tiuttph, Aj-i-il -J", 1S7C.' tttenuve Uc.-:;...r.- U.:-.'. I 1.. Xyil. lfa?ir!rriifcET, : ;v/SDCI\G.-& FANCY CAKES j LiCeilSed 'Aii'c"tjOXieC-r I ! .r-OfUl-.lN.anlu-^rUV;:;- UVU:,:J -U:\l-- - (:l>I--v'-.-:'.lla-'^--'>"ia.l>;ts. rr.iers 1- ^':i' t:i..- r-i:.Kir Vl-.r.--i | -- . .': - ;- ' - Acio";. '": : as | o>:i, rfj;; \Pi>ayii>x7 ^T""r" j; ^/;;;:7;;'f ",ilw !s"" r,--'t- -A,. j" :'.-' ' -..... licensed Auctioneer i ^^^^^y^r:^,... :- ton uiErp, Ac . 1a oe;: \r'i For the (ininij of llalton. . rl of t!ir liAI.I.mVAV HMDS. A.'Ii.a; Marc! .SSie a:ton-!.* I ?i iri. inv Count/, ai r.j.-.:.-fvl,../ rait -. ... - . AdJresi; _' A.; 1>-.VI USi.iN. ! A <. fX r. . '. (.ainp.'v.'ilviilc, !'.< C "^ 4" .c, J- PLANING MILLS Marble. Works, Opposite V-ae frr-ra Mills'.A; f (Jooufi.lI-.y.-.:'.-5 I-'o;!i:ih-y, a^iv 1 Xcat- .Eraniosa'IJrkitif " ; " . TiiciiJi, -' c_d . . Ail. k::ci.-< or. MONUMENT^ Tonib St-oae-s- M:unl-j; I'iircf-.-, ic, raad.j tf^auy .liy.eitr de.-i^'n, -^ and put .upAn any part of xlnj 3 couutry. y&~ Scotch Grahit-o ilonn- trient-s imported to order. ' ~2> P.-S.-r-A.' Kennedy \$ a prac-: tical marble Cutter. AN 11 ' '. J'linil), Sjisl!, Uoor and ISliiitl j Factijry.i. . . .->- ^THlOMAB.B^SAG-B/i MautiVAclurtr oi" '"tot TCOLL'OI'E C1IAPMIX, Practical Bjodi?biader.i AH: Descriptions of" BiijUios : Xeatly Execnted; i "WindLvw Sas2i,; . Dcors,r * k Voiibtian Blinds . _J^ouldings,: r And other Itnihliug Requisites Alto .Makers of [x^?P.0VSD T7CTi01T PUMPS Lumber Flaned ahd Dressfid toordo HEIGH HO, STOP! What's the Matter? AVh-y any peiion ivho wants a good '; . - clieip " . SST OF HAHNES^ i.- ' ! Hhould cjall on - -f"!; ' ! Bqb.tL"- Creech, MILL STREETTAtTOX, Who is always ready So supply cusS tomers with eveiytliing usually kept in a.lirst~cl4ss HarueBS t-hop. Harness Smado to order on the Bhortesfpossible notice. ', i . COLLARS A SPECIALTY. '! ! -." R. CREECH,Acton. Mov. IS, 1ST5. ' , lblt buitei 1 shall stead of one. and a pound for the seven." *-A false weiyhti.sitn abnnlination to the J^'iid, bi t; n just ,\yiight is Jlis delight," K] olip eoii-sciiinee. i lviiricel.-'afivf a lon",^ti".i<'t;l wai: Jjettin^ the; better of i;n| kcietice. (Soiijinued' her solilo- roiuly l-e.asbning. o cheat bis. al lijo lie tli: . .Caution suggested of: detecion ; but she soon -reasoued, down that dan =vv- ' .'! ' > with dozens of other rolls who! will know j[ madu it 1" she argued! i ji" 1 shall dollar by it, and ,e<>nnt inystjlf Ven M ills. Xlibbon ipiv, the teui])]ter[. standm to (help bei ' dangerous " Vou've as good a right t a "little as. yi).iji-r neigbbdl- L^eryoiie for h iiiisW-lf in this world If you expect; to always dt,al lijon' t^stly, while-otht-i-djiu'e all t ta-king advantage .ofyo.u, v) not expect to succeed." The rule.of niuisuring otir con duct by our nij-igllJboi-'s is hjardly a Scriptural o;ie{ did not stop iSible'training. the possibility me lou can- but . Mrs. Tabitlia tol ri^all he Vho gave ni idii". i>i" gaining tooi. much fdr early e saud- .with the grocer edsugar, that's The pros pec tl in tinde was .t_______ ____ ________________. ills. Xabitha. |Cej.'.'etousnet* swept H most-putpb'; But judge of her i dollar jioqr and jnoHtu'ry, and disinclined to look anybody iiitho faco. .Sho had iniulo an extra dolUr, but ko far fivin.coiigiMtiilating herself slip, had uover felt ' liko exulting over anvthijig" than alio did now. To tell the truth, she would gladly have given the whole price of the butter-Co havo ba'ely homo again. .'.': : " ~" On her ~wny sho met Dpucon Jones, an old ,iiid faluiliar acquaiut- aiici.'l .'.".. '?* (ihul to see you, Tabitha, ghid to .seo you," broke out the old man iii his cherry, breezy way. ' " Conic tip to my house to tea rj'ou and your husband. The minister wiH be there, ajid my wife won't take no for luCanswer." Mis. Gibbons could not well re fuse'the invitation ; and after urg ing her to bring Joshua, too, with out fail, "the deacon passed on. , About an boiir afterward Deacon Jones entered tho store Tabiiha had left. ":."! ' " Have you any,good butter?" ' Yes, f>iiv-as' good' as you ever saw,"-iinswei'ed the village mer chant, confidently ; and leading tho way to the back room he showed the two roihr brought Lu by Mrs. Gibbons. ' '"That's good butter," remarked tire deacon, tlirrrsting his penknife into one_golden bait and tasting it. "AVlio made it '/" " Mrs. Gibbons. Slic left it here not more than an .hour ago." " I'll take tho whole of- it, Mr. Perkins. My wife will be delight ed. .We've been without good but ter for ever so long." That afternoon Mr. and Mrs! Gibbons, or Aunt -Tiibitba mid Uucle Joslif as they weie fuiiiiliar- ly caili'dr repaired to Deacon Jones' and fiund the minister jind Iii'b wife already, in the parlor. In due time all assembled around the hospitable board,^the blessing was asked and tho began. The deacon showed signs of vexa tion a.s he spread, his slice of bread with butter. t\e was-not the only one who had noticed something wrdng. ,. .' ' " My dear, where is. that ibutfcr I ordered from -Perkins' 1" and without waitintr. for if reply, railed -" A red faced girl answered . the sujiiinons. " Get some of that butter that came this afternoon.- Thin isn't^lit .to tat." - . : " It's the virrysame as did come, Misther Jones ! ' ' exclaimed the gill. "JJad Tuck to the one that iiuidii that butther, a/iyhow." "What do you mean V sternly demanded tho deacon. "That but ter was made by the best butter-' maker in the county," ho continued with a meaning glance at Mrs Gib bons'. . . - i ' The, poor woman's' face, at the first mention.of butter, lia<l -grown a.s red as a blood beet, but "the deR- coii supposed it was the effect of his cDinpliment. ' " Why, include,, sir," protested Sarah, with great smphasis, " I 'Inane that the butther' all lairdy inside!". AVid she sapped out,' leaving the conipany feeling very awkward indeed. ' Mrs. Tabitha Gibbons looked al tbt fiuddenly becatno glutted, no heir butter was-no: longer in doniaiid, and thiitfiip trood wife had lost) all her former pleasure in inan ufactltring it. (-.- 1 It was years before Mrs. Tabitlni succoeded iii re-establishing -lier chatiicter above suspieio; and. even [then the reniombranoo'of her wrolrig romained, to quicken Ij'ei- seniilelof weakness, and warn her!of '.cessity of higher motives jbff ntn over-reaching Bullishness ed of immediate-gain.; j'.- "- -'Vr-v -." 'it' -.-:f/.,-;. r*'?'1 ' t^W "P^^^ms^ f '* - - ' _ ; '. i- - " ' . :,\ J -' : " ^ .- . - A. -_i___ i . ^ " 1 -" *'. : -i per annuui in Advance. ce .Rogues (rah Orieli- tal Story."' Hotel .Licenses m- Halton. Milton. John.-Wiil- A rTcasknt: was: taking; a goat ^r-lnce, Samuel Cook, frV'm'.-,B"bs / Me Was unouhted ;on lh. thrc-e^gi-anted, one bndecided, one tho life lA Leap Year Stor^r. li(fiois.n, J'oung geiitlemari in a aSTevada town who is looked iijioii as a sprt of wotnaju-hatei', and who, it was bdieved until recently,would not inmrcy the handsoineat and best womaj) &n- etirth. On account, of leap year, some )fomig| ladies con cluded to p!ut up a job tinthis young mat ujiul arhingejit for one- of their nun biir to propos j marriage to him, whi o pho others wa-ched the fun through, holes hoi ed in a partition. The gentleman -was , invited to call'.it-..the- house of a yVaing lady who was to do the pipjiosing. and on the designated evening he.wius there seated in the parlor, \vhile the a'ccOjSst ries to the plot were station ed at their eye-liples. After some, desultory cqnvejsjitijn about the 'weather- and the iclub party, the Bagdad. ;doikny, ajnd tho goat, with a bell tied VoundliiS peck, was following him,- Three li-ogues saw this little company. |go! past, and desired" to es.' - ' '. J1 I- Shops twp re- enrich tjielmstdv Said the. one, " May I carry ^ff that fellovf's goat in Kuch a wuy that- heuluill n^ycr be able to ask it again" And t-Iits oilier cried, ". GrantUnp':1 tho wit to] rob .him' of, tlie jis8,"on -\vhicli lie is mounted.' .."Oh, t.-ji claiiiied t lefusedj; fused. : Gakville; JcWji An- dei'son, John Williams:'Georgo-J. Bajcer, WmcW.Ush, Arthur Gr-. ing; one refused. Shop Cl W.-. Pen ice it Co: ; one "WTJellingt(;n -Square..- '^ ]iPeter. T. Evans, John Cirllanjine,. Martha DeGarmo,' John Wruy ; one refusetl. !' ' * Kassaga w'ey-tv. Henry iii tldrd, " Wliiit WQiVhH ?li"le^ -'-iWiiia tfurrell-;-.two ie- vOu s'av if; riii^unt so to him of his] clothesi that he will act ually be obliged to me J" . ': ily' what an exploit!'.- eje- > d<-4qil J fuied; Trafalgar. Taverns- U.!- /Die firit rascal followed the tra veler softly, by. stealth tookjjlhe tajll from the goat's neck, fastened it tb'thoiiss'- tail and ^th his bo.oty. j -., The man, still" riding the assj- heard the. sound of the bell con-" stantly bel ind him, and-never-for One imitnnt imagined was. ijo' longer there, till, by-and-t>y-j he happsned" to tutu riiqtihd. Pic-, tiir'eL to yourself his iiBtonishriieafc when he coufd .not see the aiiimiil he had .been (aking to market to sell.! Of dvery cuie .who: parsed he iisked news of his goat. Marian McClana JE: Burger, ban, Jos. M. Tril- young lad-y suddenly dropped ont; "presently ho -met tLe-second' lier knaes before the gentleman, and in endearing tei:ms~"declared her Incipje, ted even 'Jfumiita-1 i\yay tie last ljiarrier of ]>i- and (as %7e shn^l:.e(-) blunt her. ordinary foresight. tion that makes people wielded does not,.by any" mbaus, always make them shrewd With her wpjjH^rr ladle glie divi- jili two "equal parts, dtid the butter of >vo and a half pounds eal placed in the cejjitve:of each equal quantity pi lard. '. I -Account EoiJ^s of all Iihah 2fa'l<j_ to j '-;.-- . jn the best'Pro^iiptly-^ !. Acton;, Jhn.,i3;c. ["DIKE 3IILSt. BlKBEl-y St. ,. , .customers for the liberal patronage re- Orilfcrs: left at the Peee " 1-razss/ceived ' duriiig the past summer, 'and is'now prepared to .-^ ' ] '"' - ' BUI'P}y njp-additaimal number of custom'-[ ' I^TARM FOR SALE.' V . I era with gcqd, pure, fresh irailk delivev-i --^j.. ".- , '., j, . , , , 1 edevfcry inoroing,--and taviee a day on 0D,e hundred, acres oi laud,. well ,sairirriav: PartieB who keep cows will ro&ded, bpiug|the east.hall: ot^ Lot 21, j jjiid ic'mueh cheaper and less trouble-to . I ',iy"" prdtr SStT" All work guaranteed. George's Suuare, Guelph. The., undersigned ' begs to thank his - in the 3rd <?on| . of Esfpaesingi - ; j THOMAS GAKVIX,- T;riiiP..O., <j)iit.; ^6v,30, 1S75. ceBsion,:in the Township ' get* ihill^Teifve7ei\at their d"o6rs7and For particulars'-address j they, iwould do_v.eH to sell their cows audbiiy their rcilk._ Tweuty.-one <piart tickets rfor Sl,'ii': paid in advance, or twenty-one pint tieketsfor 50 cents. P...S. AJtWSTIlO'XG. $6 tO ^20' W- -d>y 'at h^-- J free. Stissox <Iti O a day at home-- AKeuts wanted **+& Outfit ' Outfit irfcj teims free. TKU'E d-f Maine. C"ENl> fee. ti) G. P. ROSHEi.ii & CO., A3- Jie^T Vork for Pamphlet oflw pages conlafai|ig lifcis of 3*>Cii uewjtpaierf, triid *ltllU;ei liUovfln^ cjf lof adierjuruif. & Co., Portland, Maine.-' ] , -acton, ->o%. win, lot-j,________________ JOB PRIXTIX<; of all kind^ neatly and.xirijziiptiy executed at the : . ;"'FIt'EE IJRESS OFFICE, Xex.t the Post Ofllte.-UlJl Street.'. Tho undersigned has commenced the Butchering Business jst: : <a.CJTC>'Ea', / " <5 -" ..1 '- ; Opposite Alhin'a Livery Stable, and will "keep constantly on hand Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Fowls and Vegetables, at all seasons of the year. The support of the public is most resjaectfullyisoltcited. t ' -CHEAP POP- CASH,, tlie beBtiplnn .. '.- IJDWARD, MATTHEWS Acton, r>|iirch Id/'ISTG ' ,3S-3m bhr and, roll an ; wnB il bry 8tu 1, and its v how unaacilotodied dishonasty, fjiio ;. and tlhe looked tern stupid: deceptio: pidity showed she' was to sucl the deed was d five po-und rolls delicious, as they reposed side upon a sno|r-wbite .iiaj. a white stone china plato. - " No one in the world cojuld tell but that it jwas genuine thiongli," . thoiiJht Mrs But (w'o [ptingly kide rby kin', on all Tabithii ;iean Gibboiig, as she folded hdr iirms an'd gazed at it with growing com placency: .r j ]" Now, I sup [lose Joshufi ing her husband) would nbt allow that to go to ma ket if-; it lip knew, Well, I don't :\ if,Josh bons bad only linked 'after lis own interest, and bee i as sharp Jbubar- aih as other ft lka are wi|,h him, een batter lontet-edthel we might have li jMrs.' Tabitha! store with ja and a white! wil lppy counieuance, ow 'basket t^rjn.covered witi a nice clojtli j" What are yjou giviug ter ?" she askedJ - ! Twenty ' cents for fit- said tlit? active little, clerk ii| attend ance, Tire rbukei" "Was taken adjoining roomJatid Mrs. 'jLVbitlm, Laving completed -her jpurcl| confusion and horror, and the ten-, fold, embarrassment of the rest, when the girl returned, bringing on a plate tho very roll of butter from which tho offending lump had Ihae,!) .cut, j . . r" That's itself,! .an"-; ye can jes' see how it looks," sl^e said. " Oh, carry it back, carry it hack, .Sarah," fluttered Mrs.'.Jones. " We don't want ith'^ But- the company bad- seeju. There it was, tlie nice, yellow roll; sliced down the jniddle, and disclos ing its centre ri the' unmistakable evidence pf deliberate fraud/' Good Mrs. Jones, the hostess, seemed as. much distressed us anyone. Busy with her cookery and Other prepar- ationg she 'had: not 'been present when her maid cut the butter for the table. But there could' not long be any doubt who the real suf ferer was. " Auut Tabitha'sj" us ually glib tongue lost all power of (mian-.i locomotion, and. the food npori;her " plate, remained, almost wholly mi- tasted.' By this time everyone felt that something disiigreedble; had occurred. Everyone but lieV hus- band,, honest Joshua.- lie, good, simple hearted man, launched out indignant invectives at the ".miser able cheat " who wohld perpetrate- such an imposition on unsuspecting customers, and'he secretidy thought it:straiige tliatjthe ^others;-did not join with him. bff.!:. r village ou her !h. :-.. for. hiu t- it-rate,' pasdion : . . ^'[Diirling," shoisaid, " I long have loved you, but the cruel conven- tionlilities of society, have forced ^me to : conceal m v passion. Leap- year, ! which gi\Fes to oppressed women one blessed privilege, is now here, Jind T take advantage of it to "tell| thfcp I adore thee. Look not thus coldly on nie, dearest; spurn me not from your presence. See mo oni'iuy bended knees imploring that you will nbt say me nay. Grantjine but one kiss from those rub.'.lips; fold nip to thy arms and say thiit thou "wilt be mine; mine, onlyjirjijie, forever and for aye." Couti:ary-to-expectation, the gen tleman displayed -not tho "least as tonishment durinj* the foregoing recitid, and when |it wa concluded' he went aver to]' the stove, and folding his hands (under his coat- tails,, thus replied i_ "il'm told youridad owns" a hun- dreil' North Carson mine, and that! you've got- two b1ind|e bulldogs in your oivn right without incumbrance; likewise I am .in formed that you are a good -hand' at making slapjacks and biscuit-;" that you don't ehaw. gum,,winch, by the" way, is powerful expensive these hard times. Iii view of these f icts,' t 'consent,' and leave id to you to name the day." ' : ' \ | ItorrifiedTrt this turn of affairs, the |lady tried to explain that it was' all ii joke, but'the geiltkiiian-wetild not accept such an .explanation, and tlnelitoiis a breach of pipmise suit unltl peep rogtte, who]'er&l . " At the corner of yonder lane I dragging a goat! with him." '. :, - Tiie countryman jumped.from his "Please take charge of my don key,! an<l n,n after the thief iii the direction! he supposed Uiin to Lave takehi '!'.'"- ' ' When he hud been running hith er and thither for some time, he dime back to find' that -neither ass nor keeper werif to be seen. ' Our Uvo-fraseali, had already got far away, both] well content with their booty. Tlie: third now ii waited the simple .mil if,, leaning against a well by which jibe latter 'must 'puss. Thei, wifhj a loud wail, lie began -to" lament sbT Bitterly that the loser of tie ass and the'.goat'was led to accokt. a persoWi who seemed thus afllicted. Approaching him lie, said : ,r:What alii vott sriefing-itbout ? I am sure you cannot have as much ill-luck as ; I have had. i I have lost two animals, the price of which woiild-have made my-ifortune.'"' . "Oh, but thiuk \vhat u loss mine is'"exoluiitied .tlhe thief."- '".Have ypuj like (nie, eytjr let a casket full of (jliamqiids fall into a well when you were told qo carry them to the judgel I shall perhaps be hanged for (iheft." j, .""' 1. -",. .": "But wl y do yon not; go dovfn into the Well?" asked ..the country-, -man ; "iti^ uot.verj' deep." '. [' . " Alas ! I am iiot ckver enough, aus\jered the rogue. "I-wouJd' rather'.win the risk of l^eing hanged than! droWni tnyself, which t should lev, James :Yoiing, Jaynes S.evetis;. two refused. ; ',. --:_ ' " '-V- '. ..' Esqifesin"-TTrtVeiiiK D. JJi'ml-* siiy, J. C. Marshall,- Tilt'S.jjBeann'sIi, Tiros McAifdrew, Diincan' Clarke, Geo. T. Chirk, DaVid Hill,'J. Ilea-, lett, Donald Stewart ; four refused. Ac1ont -j Ilobeit Ag-'. j-new, Thos. 11. Campbell; iine lb- fused; - V- ' ' , " .'". .'.'. Nehvo'n. Tuvein#-R. B, S^iiiitli, John Bujuton; John Naisbitt t two refused. '. ; j Georgetown. ^Thos.. Olark, Ltobfjr't Bennett, p. ThoRij;-' son.IIenry II. Speiis; ol:e refused. Shop Geo. Piobinson. ', : There were 52 ajiplications. re-. ceived for hotel lieensi si of which 37 were granted."; For.-'shvps tb'ei-o were five applications, only t*o. '-9jf- -whicb**'<*re. granted.'- : ". " '[ Ozione and Epidemics.'--'_' .' /According ta moderii^reseaiiches, the imiouiit of ozone iii the atmos phere hasy much to do with- our health;. Ilecehtly a uiemljer of the Erench Academy of Sciences, who ha&sbeen investigating.the subject,- , has discovered- that thi largest : amount of ozone exists - when the "wind'is from the west, and ithe least when it is from the east. It is said also that epideinics are. found to be most virulent? during periods ..-", pf- east winds',imd to,subside when the wind changes to the west.- . As . the direction tbf the wind, is beyond ,7 our control, our ingenious mcrl of. science, who have itscertained so," much, shduld now devote their at tention to 'the discovery of spine . niriins of supplying us "with arti- ' ficial ozone.-' ':.' - Iss she fulfills her promise, ia '""cei-tUinly :dc|; "but if there Wfire^any which event ho will sujuimon the I Oy0 wiliui/r'-'- -'- --- '---..:.-'- -...- V ers-as witnesses. She'd Bring Him 'to Time. It 'was midnight. Tho young man hud fareweiled himself. out, and Emeline had locked the door andwiis untying her shoes wheit her (110.11101* came down stiiirs. with a bed-qjfiiltjaiound her, and said': " Waiiteld' tp creep up stairs with to do me this service, I would gladly"give him ten pieces.of gold."; __.,(-'.. \ ' -' J-,- _. ' " Promise mei,thbse ten pieces of gold, criejdlthe poor dupe, thinking the siim |voiild iiiore than lejiay him for the loss of Iiis" .aujumls, f1 anil I will-get: your casket back for jlou." . -j- Kb sooner, said than [done. He threw off his"clothes .with such ra- my hearing! yoti, eh t Didu't'jtpidiilv, an'd 'descended into the'-well so qtiicklj'j-thalD the robber sitw at once1 that bo would scarcely have, time to possess himself of his spoil." The countryman, having reached the bottom oj-i the! well \yithput finding any. -casket there, came up agaiii and' speedily became aware of . his 'piew"" ~\oiSftjrlun>. Th"as! clothes, uss, and] goat had a}l gpnij s diffeftiut'Aya.ys jljand their iinlucky, j owner, witht ajl his toil, could, ^catcely iintl' people charitable' enough to he willing to clothe! him. / -Moral, "Be careful of-the):cou.- pany you choose." '...;;. out think 1 knew/it: was an hour afte Uiidjiight, did you 1" Tlie [girl had" no reply, and the mother, continuqd : """" Didflie propose this time T.'; '" iWhyH-iuother 1" exclaimed the dauglkthr. | *.-' . ";Y6u can Why mother ! all you want tp, but dpn't X know, that he has been' coming here for' the last year-? Don't;I know that you've! burned up at least four tons of coal .counting around liere'1" , The girl got her shoes off, and: the mother stood ia .the stair-door and!ask|Bd-: . " Emetine, have you got any grit l" "'I.guess you haven't. I "just .wish that'a feller with false" teeth- .-aad .-a imole on .his chiii would come sparking uie. Do you know what would happen,! Emelino'f-' "No."!^' \ ' '/(Well,^'11 tjell'you. He'd come to t!me inisixty days or k'd getr ^ut of this mansion like a goat jumping for sliiv-ftower seeds." '. ;Emeliuu!;\vent to-bed t6 reflect'. into ah uses de- Tiie Liquor Trafflb, '. There are 140,0.00'drinking'sal oons, 128,000 school houses, and. 54,000 -chiirch buildings in ;'tlip United! States.- The - miinufiictur- ers and Sellers of spirittious liquors I nu'mber;about 560^000. ,Tt is esti mated that in tlie saloons"1 here.aie In spite of the'silence and eon-> five million daily, customers, one- sidct'ttte charity of Mrs. ]Gibbpiis' j friends the whole story ofjtha'lard- '. ed: butter leaked out, and poor Uncle ] Josh, jwhoc still remained blissfully ignorant of the real of- !fti:dei",', Svcndtitd .that 'the .butter seventh !^f tho -entira 'pojiulatiou Of these, jl 00,000 are-annuully tried for.eriijies committed under the. in- fluij'n'cejqf l.iquoiv The 29,000 tlis- tillhries tiiake. annually 500/J00 galJoiisj q( ai'dtut spirits. JWisdom.m Paragrapjis. If we seize too hastily, we' may hive to drop as hastily. -.. . : . The: wife .rnnkes the home, and the hqm'e makes the man.' '...'. . i. A'.sfciaiglit line is the shortest in mor als as ;,yell as iii geometry^ -'" ' ' "' Good w-ords .ami gpod deeds are the rent We, owe .fur, the air we^broathe. .Cu-rio' ns^nueh the parejit" of. air tentibii as! attention ja.of iliejnory, - ^ ;, ManyraifCi-i>l.->vJio has sqnsd-enough to tret him a good .wife, lacks the -wit :to knowit. ; '. . Peojile slumldji't'talk :ftboiit- leaving the second sober thought yi-ho'iiovurilad the first. .' , - Tho inan who is "USLiiestf rom policy is tho most dangerous /castc-mer we-have to tfeal withi - ."What aro Raphael's Madonnasihut the sliaddoj.v'.of :;a'.uiotheij's.ioye,' -Oxed iii .permaiuuit cutliuo forevert ' j: '.]. ' -Hji wht' Jiiis'oilfce dohe you a feiuliieiiS willjmor'd "reiidily ,<lo -you juiotlier than, will on.ewhqiR.yoa h;^;/. ijauffitted.,.- '. '- "1 A'eocklo.fisli Jiiay a^'tROiin -:a>'o'w'it,tlw oceiu.i into its ljarrow [^lieHi as a vniii- in^u-e-vereoinpiie ie'u.d4hedecree's' lil'Coii. .' Violewt' oliEunfctiouB of a'J'ecled l.iluii- .flers' look : iiot m'oi'.o.' suspicious than strained sanctity oi- 'dver-tiiTc.iidei], .niod- It isTvaih to liopo-to plc.lso all .-dike. Let a lnair-stand !with his -fiie'e. ih \yliat diieetk.^i he wi.'l/yhe- : turn hiij tack ou'b:i'e-h:;lf.U:e >\ovld. -.; " > , GKMS OF THOUGHT. "Blessed be "tha- hand :'thiaf pre- "pares a pleasure for La child, for ;. there is no saying when and \vbx-i-ew, it may bloom forth. , ,. - ^ Virtue without talent itfia'CQat of';fnail, without p. sword ; it -miiyg, indeed djefend the wearer, b&fc will not protect histfriend. ' -Honor is -like the" eye, which caiinot;-suffer the' least iuipunty without : it is a'precrotis stone, tic'price of which is lessened'e l'casll Haw. . . ..] lb is.better td yield a little, than to quarrel a-great deiiL Tjie habit poT standings.u^ftis 'people."call it, for their (little) rights,is one of the mostdisagreqabje iu tlm-world. Life ..-. is too short for the' perpetual bick ering. -;'!'.;. .,., >;;. . :. Tlierc' is ta; saciedtre^ in tears". They are not the markofc wealcnpss, but'of power.' Thoy speak" more elo- quehtly than ten thouaahd tongrijs. .' They are messengersfof-overwhelm.- , ing grief, of deep jcpiitritiou, and of ' unspeakable love. \ ': .:, . .- -'Out of the.heOTt:nbb.ouijL.of7thev .-- brain,. a\'e the best -issues^ of life. And mafiy it qfie- who has not been able to find God !or to construct ' any satismctorj- dbctrifie concern-.-. ing Him, through tho-speculations*'! J of the iutellec't,--ha fouud Hthx by .the patli. of . that -old...beautituile, '" Blessed "are the] pure -in/ hej^rt, .: fur^ey-i shall 'seeVOod."1 They -'J have seen Him, iiot as a' vis^blii'-.- being,. standing before , their . out-: -" ward eyes, .nqr comprehended- HSuii perhaps, as an- infinite persojr=by. -tlKiit- intellectual fijpulty, but found Him in the/inner 'Consciousness of -.'] their hearts, -through, tho vitiliziftg"' impulses of that energy of goodrtess which ia the.fnllillii'g of every Liw. pf'duty._ < " '.,:, \ ' ! Sori^iw aabei'S tjs and makes the . miiid genial,__! And. in - ;eo/row wo " luve and trust our _fiiendsmora *_s teliderli, and the deadltecoine cie>r- ' . ertoMis..' Anil "jlist as the stais"-. shihe out'-itt'tlitt,night,:so'ihere are blessed faces-that .us iu our gi ief, though beforb thi^ir feature:-! , were fadjuyi froiti. our. rSjollectio.ii.' '!'. /T ""oS ... . -|. - Sull'i-riitg!. ULi'jt no: iiian dn-ad it.'! too milch, bec;iiis*.it -is better-for '.'" .him,- anil itjwill Iro-lp'to Hi;ike'hiin inmioi-tel. 'It;is irot. iriylielnighf, .. .happy...da'yJi, lint in 'the ^ioleiini:- . -tii.!>ht, tlfajt -, s.h:i"iiiig i" thejioin^-dislSlice. '. And-.' it"is ia Boriowi^thie night, the!soul - .iind:.i-]- know .ourselves "iiUtiyes- qT^j infi.Mty,'^ nu'd sons.:vmlSdsttiisFi-teis-Ol' th-e Myst- Iliifii. "-. : - ,.' . . . -'.H1

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