Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1876, p. 4

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i * iNHMMMMm THE ,^IlEfe PRESS, AOTQF,HAM 4 W m^ w 1W .-*-?: w fefar-.-" ;-P-;-" E-i > is> f.\r *#;] ! flayed jxilj.- j-!ti ivtirod actor. . . 4-4'i"S *u wVJsl>1 --liaise scaler. A^ well;hlvd; boy Johnny t'nke. - -' 'Always open U>L conAhnHni-' a .'.tWcf. .'* ;.;\ [ : i'riie. stain]) iof- civili/atEon-, the ' jxtatago ikiuip.j - , ' - fcvmietlitH'j that ahvays soots.^---a c1iiiuiii,v-b\vif|'>r" A mill two strictly-economical Jltcoouirs tin eeonof luiser. . -. Soft heuits-oflefu hat-den. but soft- ; be^ids never ^htiuge. "-; - It is dijHcvtlfc to tell bow much ii . tisii.-will ffrciih! bv lookiutr at tho \Y"l,y is the iiiro a dissipated clini>: acUFrT" I5eeau:e it goes out JsUo at nighX-a. j < Why is a drawn tooth like tiling fdrgbttvni .'Because'it is!out of I ho: .Lead, ..;. -' ' 'y' ^Vhere nie i b.ppincs.v and con- ! teittmrut always "tobe.iotmd f Ju ..the dictionary. !_-' > Sense jH>6pie would not look i -through Galileo's -gl.ixs,;'lest they convinced of the truth of ~;liU theories^ , ::Tlrril\"dosoend;iiits turtV be found in. all parts and-sects. Esce^sive Use of-Hedicfne. , ltVould bo utturlyiiuu>6ssible to '-.tell how imihy constitution.!! have. 'liti^aiiupaiiod, how maiiy digestions ' ruined, - -how -'-inanv complexion's spoiled, and hoy.- i.uany purses emp : "lied i through" liiedicilie. WL at j.^ ";. that \ou say rthut. a stitch in .time situauiue) hat'the rigbvt uiiil- - ieitie quickly taken aj^vrw Jailer' Yery:likely, I qnit Utilieve all that. But'iu niiuity-ijiiife ease^ -'out of a * JJAmdrt-d, where; is th<* danger 1 :'uid 's>vhat is^Vfio emergency of the case .' * ^Iedicih-er is often tlio prkvuisor of-J after luist'j-y ; aiid the f dor consti- , ujtion. has. to'pav deiirly fi.r 44s 1.." rpil^)SE wliu always linvo.'.:. READY MONEY, ai^ the most, jurticular in ilioir ef fort's lo make thelfjjii'yolias.os ni llio Lot7o^ Cash Price. Willi Cash in Hand No Losses Are Mnde! :unt vou oari fiifor<l to soil lower th:ui vour iiei;;lil)ors, Svho must unko iij their jjrc'aior prices to t'hoke who. {>;} and thud j MOST UNJUSTLY _ . i uiakj. thoso who always ^iave moB\v { Who never have any. ; I --T. J: DAT I aclvaul loos h isiess.on the Cash Priuoij>lo. money down.. He iiosscssi's iges in; hi* lino oxcello.l liy Close Cash ISuyors b to* his ai'OJ.IiH-' their uoods ho U li ai'th&uall rro'ifs. ! ' "S-\i:. M~: vfipH'S-f -. !uedic:iuai-.dlti|'. | The wiser ]>hilo~o i;'^/ S'Jvii^!^^ tfj 4- J'hy of the pitstint dv is.j;r.i<"tially 1 =. \/ |5:.:- :-._-. i if-'* * -'! ':.'. delivering us from thifeO potent | 7 ^ fi--i ': l- Vrit-".FiHr.'jw v'i -' 'j>e,ril& . - :.)i|'Efe|^ ' lias ^a self-righiinj* ]>;>wer within " Ler; there, is ukiud of vii-inellic-.i irix" in the jiliyis^Cid fru'.ne. Treat the body k5ud!y!; let as. iu'uch f*ne air >f ]>ossible gtt to the luii^ty uiuh. its,much fi'ttsh Witter as ]>oSi.ilile lie ' a|>])l.ied to' the-flesh, .nd:. as -much liealthy exercise as <luty.']H.,rintta be given, to the muscles^ and ;t* eaify resting and early rising ais iciicuni sLibces allow be afforded for the recruitment of the brain, and ths:: medicine will _ba alvery voidable akirt _ " POST OFFiCE CASH .-^cJconsr^ .cpj^rT. r' Onhepinnir.g HhJ biiliuoss of 1S7.0J1 would relum sinccrb. thnnkn to my nhniorotih ciistomjtMs to ^luring tliiypasl L'2 yttur^'iiipd'iiiJaiii 1 trost roi<l>t'ctlully usk u cijii of their rcsliectivo^sjupjitirt pretty thoroughly founil ou tlniiiiiico During lny oii'i'ienuo.iii bustuciK f liavu t tho Ups and Credit Business tho yoiy lihcia! Uupiiort tfiey have jiiven: nie Do"wns :\nd nni fully convinced is a Dangerous Businoss to Tpojtli Sejller' and puyer. I htu-lheroltiro detoriuincd to ilo a KTSiA-D-Y PAY I And ghainy customers tho heuotilt by giving them off for'.Gash on all: General Groceries Eight per. cent (excepting Sugar), in $radd, that a W-S-XHESiS y doinj; buslnoss as a ljU)j my goods nn'il bl] )ovo, 1 will have tho ct a leVBsCilBE FOR TJIK . jicLpal1!^ Press, \ Only $> ' "Slear- ' THE MAN "V i "i; -,- -AVbo" Ci sell you n-. ^rOO-JDLGrOOD^: and mm,. M: Sit If-.;* ""3C *9i I ^\ ' ^HEAP GOODS ,tt"i deal;witlt, ani| liiiJ name is Vou willfiitJ hnn-ever^' time at the Central IEmporijum; . "-"^ / "' r. f. - .t ' .' - j;*ciicr Mill & HlRow streets, '. " 1 ;^,OTOisr_ Wagon and; Carriage FACTUllV." JlJI'KS KVDER, Proprietor '"Wajraas ^ept ii Pleasd coiisider tho inatte^ over, ami piveno ; -r>,< ' flio only right way of doing bu.-:" c:islr to SA!YIN(ir |0F;4T-LEAST 0 PER CfeNT . MY CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE BENEFIT, ' '" Andin reality get 14! per cent for their Money i Caxtiiscs, -' '..'. Slci Cuttsrs, &eii-' st>.v an I m:i'to IfiOrvIer oil Sl:urU.~t ^MiJliee. . the your suj.port to-cifny out ess, thai is My stock vi ill ..always'- bo found complete in Groceries, Provisions;, Crockory, . . lGlas?"ware> Stationery, ^all Papers . . Windo-w Blinds,_T77i:iio"W Rollers|, etp. SpccIuUics.-SAI -SAEf OYSTERS, YAILMOITII IILOAfTEKS, V FlSNAfV 1IAIIIES, &Jc , &c-. /produce taken J ': I believe in tlie PISCOL factory!, ,1 will'continue to cents discount;' on 5U-:cts, 4 NT SYSTKM. and give tho discount ;ents ; on To cts, 6 A s. OOUNTY, ONT., MAY 11, 1870; NEW GOODS OPENING TJi'.AT.TIJE . FASHIONABLE WEST END. JCB.YV b'KlI*ED AND CHKCKl'fD.:SltK.S, . NKW pKESS .-ODDS, i JSKW^U.STKKS (black anil coloroTJj, Nj;w (jWsTUMK. L1NKSS []i|uin and chocked], NKW -JJWISS EMIMJOIDKIUilS,- ' ^ :j 'N.CV lilO LOVJSft. JN-JdHIit JCyEN'l^fl 'A-ND SPUING SHADE.S, NKW dlHf-DIME'S KID "LOVES, .'NEW 1-AKASULS, . /. NK\v-SUNSHADES,. &c-, 'Ac',-' i ' - i Wllock Vi'ry i'oniplvtc In Every DcparUnciit A. O. KitHlilrmicljlor West Knit JJreHS, .Millinery and Mniulo JCstaljIlHhmcii.t. <Jupl|)li, AI A-11:1.1. 1S7U. ^' BUCHAM, SECORD a*"^ '/r*ra I: M\DNTHtAL HOUSE, j^biroxT. AS CASH :-f[ -Strict attcr.tioapaJU to \ |! Sorsc-Shoeinsr & ffcaeral Joking rtn 1 K.iti.*f iction gMflranteed. Aclosi-J11I31. 1-1..' IST5. 1 ns faiJows : t.111 cents; on 1, S cen Conveyancer, Issuer 0$ Marriase Licenses, Insiiranrc rviil Tt-I. CoM Asoiit Mouoy to I-oitju, Aereut M0111 Fourth Div. Courts Com. in * . 1S. &*. JAMES M .Is it has proved yo -y satis ActoD, January IS, lSTO. ATTHEWS. > Ctsj t*. ! Affciif" t'lcrli We believe the coircct principle of a.dvertisiii'r and doiiig business generally to be, to show cus tomers and others, clearly, jiositively and convin cingly, that it is to |heir interest^ to trade >viih 'se is riot poaj- the parly advertising.1 This of con sible to every merchant, for to do so .able, to show clearly |liat he can gi rr Wltcn.ym !<: ? the Tin to hmj !t: DR. ROBERTS' - Celebrated Ointment : ' i CALLED THE POOR MAH'S FRIEiyO, l< coiiQiientfj- rccouitaemleii to ihe I'ub- lic :t-< as iiciuiiin^ remedy lor ^^*)llIltlR <j! evei v j tlf-K^r'ptioii; a certain cure for l"lr6r:IU"i Sore J.eip-', evn of 'twen.O' y*>.'irs'i"st-irulins; Cint, litirns, Scal<is, liriiis.-.s -li!iblalns,aeorhntic Eruptions .u.if: PjrapU-.-s :n 'lie K-ice, Sore :irnl in (1 irnv-(t K\>.-, Sore, Sore Hit ast. I'iU;.^-jKiriLilhi. and Cauc roils [linnoars mi I is a Sp c-{\<: for iii<i*t* nllliptin^ Kru.|- t!*iij>. tTi'ii s.-rni -times ffjllow vaciniiution .-SoMiin Pots'ai 1<. li'l.'andiSs. ?1. eaclu 3r. So'bsrts' Pilulss sAatiscrepliuls or.ALTEJ'.NATJVE TILLS!, confjrincd by '* 1 S:ty* yearS* exi>*?rience lo of* one ol tlia "b.s! iu.>'<liciiit'fccvcrcomiioiiiii](.'d fori lurrifyn g Hie bir-od, and a^isilu;; NaLureJ in heroi>'-r-.uins. :Keif: they are u<(fi"i71 ter, he *s now in a position in'-ScroMI.-i, sc irbaclo Ci'iinplaliit-fTilaiH nut nil binila of K'-PC, -fior Fa'inl ly Apfi lent, Wi/icti may be UiK<.'R nt all tttriCrt '^ itllouleonfinement or cbarlire .of diet. Sold In lioxni nt )s.,i id.,3s.0d,, > ; 4*. ill, lis. and'--ii. eaeli. : * i BY THK rt'.OPKIliTOKS, BEACH AND BARNICOTT ' ' ! AT TltKIB ' i NOTHING LIKE IlNTv o. E.. PISHBE, Begs, to -Rnno.ance that havinglpur- chased an pntirely new stock of tools of tlie most improved cliarac- to tur;i Dispcvs.tiiv, cn in pout, rvtuvii, and/b^ allrfi.'ipLCtable.Medlclrje Vendors -:::~\" ' ,.------------------- BeVvare of Counterfeits. ; For|tliP protection oi t!if public ofBrlU isli>'prt!i Ainerioa, 1 de^rn lt.myVioty to statwlbatmy j''ruK.ST lire -Jioitbi-T roiiiiiifacuirtdjiior.sold iu any liitrt or the 'VsiTED H i ait*.*. ;Eac|i i'ot and H ix.u.'ars tbe *>I!ri!lsl> "overurrient Stamp, with ih<s 'words " IIoLil.OWAV'S PILLS AM) UISTMEXT, JsnIll^',,' ener^ved -theraoo. \iua the "label is tHe address, Ka Oxkohij ^Hikkt,, i_,o>'nos.'. "; Ttiiis nollcie hhs baqnme ne'ees^nry, Ii) conKetiut-Dce: or viZe Aii^t^r'uri'aix imiia- lions of "Hot Iowa <r'x PtllsaJidiidiKm-i.t,." ; b<;lr/;iTjrlcar ' ^^|^^ el .-(t 7 Maid en J.aue, >.ftW. W^ ^^B>. York, oy par- tit;)^ jiiiyi|ny.j# ,T|Mitmsi.']vfs 'Holl(fM,..v 'l'W|^J[H '<>" with an ."^sujucjii l^^^Bi'JH.'ade walk, thus 'i ^ He can show you a fine stock of ' *-H ___ - " -Ssady-aiada ClatJiiniT - . aki WalJ ?^p{jr. " ' *-a)J atd ti CQuviaced tlut thi.vis ::^ '.' ,- i ';. " N ' ^ '1 S i : "**V te Right 0pot. ; ' j. T/iiprinclplfrl vnrulorH eorroblrfln tills, trash at u very low pri&fv.n'"' * " dectlvo you by Helling tbe same lor mj- gonu;iir< HolloivavV l'i.|i';iiiJ Ointmciit, wlijcll ar-S luaiinfiietilrtd jojily at 333,' itxlord Ktrc"t,!i.oridoii. - t'ors^iiiK V/lio rnny be bo dc col veil will bt'ilk'iiu'eil'lo eoiiijiihiiientc wltn me. ' Many ri^pfclaiilc'firms li tho liritlsb jIVovViHie.", whoootaiu my merlletins di rect from lierc. Ii;ive vety properly su^'r eented : tout J should, .lor tbe b liofit of t'.iemsirlvCK and Ilu* inlbllc, lubcl't. tlielr lijun'^i in i]i'! -j-ajmrH, tlrtt it may be ^nown mat'iy. mi'-dicincn-j^iil be Had e-iMiln^ fr'.i:i"n]ero. i?ib'ii U*t ofUm filing allud ed to;: and I -particularly recoiiiinmiii' thoxo wboilcslre to tct my mnllclni'S to :fcpl'lj' tusomt'OI tat Houki'Snuiiiecl: -j'A'ANS JlKltfKR d- Co . a,Too1.r?al, Avmiv, '.'.kow v <t Co.. flalffux, N8 Koksttii <;o., iillllf.rt, N. S ____T. 11. lfA141.KU'<SHtiSM, Kl. Jobll, V. Ii S- ' - pril $, 1S75. IVPurilB -i:iKS,ffAbbCo.,(;iiai10l.lelown LA.voi/EVi Co .'Victoria. 15C "'.' nboKK*(;o.i Pretoria,'l-S.C. joil.v I'.Vr.LKV, CI.....' " " mwi.- * Co., Moniri' W-rv.tK iiln, Main Jvl(<-JK, loronlo. J(r Joil.v I'.Vr.LBV, Cliatbiiiri, N R ttu.vrui (fcCo., Momri'iil 3.-, Uainill/m; Ont^ IIy,JVIM^K, loronlo. " X. CHfV>l\X .SM1T1C, SJ. .loltn. is. U. Wilis 13(>sr>, liodi-rl' h, Ont" : Kr.'iioT it Co., Toronto _ - - .1. Giiai.o.vek. Kt. .fohii, .V. H. H.\vi.v<Vr <N BnoTiifiiis, s.'t. John. N. 11 1:.H. PKrnoViJWiridKoryOnt, - II < ilordefi, ~X. S CiEO^'rn". llUNr,jiiri,,predpncioji N. Ii v".l-rTir/>>iP3or Harbor uraoc, N. K. J-j .'. M. Wji.Kjfi'Frcd'-srJdLbii, JN.K ":."' H'.-& I), i'uxr.-B; Montreal '4 (jliiAS. 1. jDAyrks, Fredericton. N I? The rn dtKlnoa are. sold at tha l.-iwest *liiIefali-o(>t prlci-s. in iiiinniiiies of-mil- I -ks than jC'Aj worm ., atifl alt-, oi-r Vlozpn .boxes of Pills or potK of 'inlm*yl(, for willed .reiuittaiic"* must t e eutin ndvan'w. TIN AND SHEET IRON . .. t .. ' "'-"" "in. the ' vebIy^bst stle. Heir.g in a position to all; his Stoclj: > 'l I ' I .' Tticreliy gaining tho ailvnntnpo of the trade discounts, iie is detftrniin- ed to .soil goods of fiist-clitss make and juat irial at '_ .. > , 7. . Decidedly lower Prices -; - i- r ' r" I'han can he obtained fivrn, any stiier ho'use iu tho Province, ' Tbis iii not hlowing, hut genuine "acts. If you, ^ive ljiiui ii rial. II ill T. HILIJ, aaw Street, AtTOX UKAI-Klt IN EAVETROUCHINC A SPECIALTY) laving jast procjretl tho mos:t itd-> ]>roved; appliances for fioinr*. tho work, ho eolssatisfiod iliatheclinnot he butdoiiejbijthis branch. I . - The nhoplk'ill shortly \>o eoiiB'i<l<r- i|bly ertlalined, and l intend to keep iiii.i a largo stock of .11 ways on h ST Cif all kinds, which willftie'solid at very low'jjii Coal - _ TflOMAS.UOLl'QWAYl I 2, Oxfordfitivt; Hr.iC. . T ' > tiojttlon, Jane 1st, 1875. !. A OV|^ jos. : ' Oil for Sali. | ir.-fishkr: Acton, Feb; '22, 1875. Generii Groceries, : Boots and Shoes Wall Paper, 1 Tftndo-w Blinds, Crockdry, . Glassware, Nails, Glass, ' Putty, Linseed Oil, saw & BDiiod Paints,. TuiipentineV Machine Oil, Coal Oil, Salt, etc. The subscriber boss toreturulijs th mka to the inhabilitnlspl Acton andstirroiinii- Tor tlie liberal ,'patroiage tphrledto him,, and at ing country l-.^relofore ex saine timo so N.B.-Casli [>uld for Hides deliver the icit tlielr.foriher BUjji>drl j-om Acton, July 1 a 1S75, C T. HILL id. ! value for their"inoney 9RAINf ^ Tolai liave just received l|tiir" w m STOCK OP ^OOTS* SHoii : 1 ' 'r^_^' which iiiihead of anything evcred offered in Acton for style n4 durabi}k' ."- ..'"' and at prices that cannot'be undersold. "-' ".'".' ' : .( > OUR GIJST0M "W0^ ;K| Vvil-I reoeiito careful persona) uttemi0nf nrirl-all work guaranteedio^X' 'satisfaction. . Don't forget the plac,?, Mill .S(rcc<,"oppositc Sorrow's Drus^tore. a Acton, April 4, 1S70-. ORAWExfeiSOH: and Bali i lege. He] ^' College,! Toenaayl -p. m. f tf reyai Poetnxafl Money t| jrraph ~ . Com. in ""*&., prepf sad .on ixiail o; : GUSgOW| Ac. OfHfl Streets, C nan eery iOltoii Of mentjef r Ia%iy NEW SPRIM GOtllll G. ?! RECEIVED THIS >t'EEK AT S MEEK V1.! SGOTTS STORi I .-.-- :' ' S"~^ - - ' ' - v -' The Largos t, Choicest atiti Cheapest Stock;Of PBIl^TS, ; DRESS." &0 -Oottoi&lCB, :1ain; aaff"Checked Ducks, .'". ! Cottba. Slilitixyysj: ;. " i, / '^h'. j . Go.s^.-"Wiiito-I)rcss'9hirt3I" :'j,.".-"~-. ';. .Corsots, . . _ pi -_-. . [_:'. i.^ , ! Knitt'iiig_aal Crqetet Cottaa, : " _ :" J -.Feacy GoodsH' - "-""i "; ".: -. 'TrmmSme9t-8if.':. v. - These. tKrods were bought with grcit care in the be>t aiarkeU for.CailjA' and otvingrtoUio stringency in the.moqey niarket. - > he Tlnist be f keltheiii.better than they can jsjet elsewherie., To acebinplish this, he, must not^ only bay well but he must mark all Go (His down to Botiom Prices, so that customers willl see at a ^Ianve, that it is'J BY to their interests to trade with lilmj / & AT. Call and : Don't .for Main Streel AX UNpUALLZ LOW ^GjfJES, >'hey<wi4ttje sold at from '5 to ]0 per cent less than Guefph wfices. nspect C^oods iind Prices before going; else whera^f ' ' .' jet'the yi1ace-rMidgely"s"Oid Stand, opposite] Agnew*a Hotal^ ' AciojiJ' - ' "s Acton, Uhrch J4. ]S7i 1-----:- $2 50 ] DO 1.00 1 f'O 101) 30 In the two invoices below we think we clearly show the advantage gained by those who -deal with us, over those who don't, A customer bought of Secord Uros, ' 5 lbs. Metioor Tea, 50c. plerjlh...,......:...',...!.,..-. 11 lbs, IJright Sug^ai'... ,|. .j................... i.-"'.'.. 12 lbs. Medium Bright Sugtfr___",.-..'...,.., .. ^\ .[ .'., .. ..-. . ...~. . .. J .V. ... ] set lCniyes and Forks ...'............,...:..... .^. 1' set 'Chirifl, 44 pieces ....[.....-,.............!...-., ! - 1 gallon Coal Oil____'.;...:......... ! '; ~ -""'.". :. 'gM-is" I: . : . ] V. ' j Another party who didn't buy at Secord Bros., had ito pay the foIIowini>- prices lor the sajne goods: ! 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 75 per lb. .... 1J lbs Bfst, Sugar.........;..-.'..'. .12 lbs. Medium Briglit Sugar 1... J I lb. Best Hyson Tea. .......... 1 set Knives and Forks.....!v 1 set China, 44 pieces.....,..... 1 gallon] Coal Oil............... Proughi down.___........ ". Secord Bros.' customer tjhus saved no less tha'ri ^'3.89 oh a purchase of abdut eleven, idojlars. The man .who did?t buy from jt lein ow thinks it would have been Jo his interests |f he had gpne tp Secord Jiros. That-..mail is now a Jjying) standing, .^hik ing advertisernenjt for usj These are every >lay facts, witnessed to by hundred :of pf customers, and commend thercfSelyes to the attei)tiprj[ of everv frugal lioiisekeepef. : II &X U: ^COTT^ ::*~ They will A iiGA tflMP CHIIKINE^ From' McBean SspClg's-: p u t not break from any eAiisn.'produce a good.jighc aiui htst a score of Ulass fJhiui>iOjV.-^ ' ; 'f ; in Oansdif JPatent e.T - rorprtniej : atlon ten! Mechanl ; tents and! 'tlliUlBl . " OUuty H| .' . ' >* i i- TemtMcr* o1 Plajttering -tfain>t 1 tiOB'fertar^ '. FlMr and ' wtl* land >*iiy. ci ^ JEW eiol -" iTic*l|eiit| Tnii;yablf<j TV"M IjR, Kofl ni^i Ha , , BtJ-ld *rllr| T.-jivjeller -xndaitini s;t*.|ition t llnrpuoliq .' LiQtSors a| attaaUTe ib p^ss wire bird i^affis ..... ?3 75 ____" 1 JO ....: 1 <.<J .... 1.00 ------ 1 7.1 ...., 6 40 .... ^5 15 04 . .-. -11 15 1 Orders o f five dollars and upwards delivejed at Georgetown,! Norval, Linielmuse; Qu^ip|li, :^ock- wood, &c, free of charge. i 1' SEC0ED BROS., Acton, the largest Retail Importers of Tea: west"of\ Tordntqi TH!^| FRSI? ;J?iKESS5 *1 o wiltoytf : And a good Ta'riety of. - '" JE31 :vi.jki>>; o _^^i3/&. Floor Mats .in Cojcoa,.':'; "-^'"l, '.'"'w-^ Floor ^Eatsin Oil Clotn, \\\'.' 3: ' "'! Flo1^ Mats in. Etibbei?- -j '^i. ' ". 1 Floor Mats in "Wco^ ! |A._'kcfeiSANvi'(i?o;^'^-.;:"5'S-. March 20, 1876 "av; ALMAG^flLpCIC, ffUBjUPS^ Steam Carriage!Wagon Works i^.fi.i^L'.' ;S P E WntM. General Bliicksm itli, Carriage anil Wajrdii Maker. ,' 't Best Jlo^se-Sliders 4ii| tliej County?-S| Fprfeci satisfact: on guaranteed cr no price charged;," ; CQtLABd'S P4TEOTlE0]Sr HARROW ' Xcaii Ml All Be Account :-!i I ^ Siobk w: :Cariiages-. and.'- IrTsg^iaplll BIX promptly auft -properly attciMlca to, ' -!Kill M %:iKINDS OF: ;tofi job iPBljsfTiisriSli PROjrPTLY EXUeUTED^Aai^ , ^:- :'~>:*f 'Uf:%sffl! ir;:i^S 'B^? ,V :.

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