Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1876, p. 2

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>&** 9v Ob we. A itaitlf Jk-itj m-^' Pitt ACTON FREt4 rilfetiS -A- . t- ^ ""' I 'PaMisbed Kvc'rj- Thursday MorniiiK. SI Per Annum in AdycciSeo. .'CD JO M MASKING. tDITOB TuonsPAV MOKNIKU, May 1*, ksTG. -1- sF>i i. -'! - A- w :k STATUTE LABOR. | ; jit is high tiro that this relic rp'f. . bfgono rages was allowed 'to jtalce ifa place' with the "things of the ^>M'h" In .the day of tho Tow-. d&l .tenure of old Normap times each, "vassal or .field laborer 7was compelled to perform so many jdays =work to keep 'in order tho roads leading to Uio castle of Ijjis Seig neur , the. blacksmith had kV jgive a portion of his time for. shoeing his- lordship's,horses ; the whecIwjight for. making and repairing us! car riages; tho tailor for nvakiriij; his garments, and so on. Everyone .now-a-davs would regard tlnsias a systenV- of tynujny to ~ which jt hey would Jiardly submit. Still it] Wl's 'a more sensiblesvsttmv.} than1; that which prevails in Canada vritli res pect to^Siatuto Labor. Thfr.lSaron did. not require the field laborer to perform tha-work duo by3tti<. \VbeeV I THE FREE PRESS, ACT(5sr, HaEtON COUMTY, GOT,, MA^ is; 1870. pro lixin mod ceil fa irt ea.slira^jijl pcily -expended, much nioroOv the- work at present peifoi eon Id bo aecoiiiplfsheiLnnd iV would bo we.ll-and permminttlv doneJ-not .scamped and required to bo renew- od year-after year. It .may bo said [ tha't there would bo considerable -dithculty in collecting tho ready money for this purpose. [Tlua couhl easily lio arranged by letting small contracts to farmers, and they could employ j.neighboring fariiors and laborers for sneh assistiuica as they might reqnii\j paying the in a fair'rato of wages." 'Thus, whn,the iVrtuer would piy into he general fund-bo would recotvo in thes&apo. of profit on his contracts ; and the muk wright; nor the blacksmith to fash- m^-i i -r $m^:- ' -"- '* ! , J 1- I i -iou the giirn>eiit he wore; lior the 'armorer, to forge thotboltcr; of his -plows. Each artizan and Liborer "was set 1o the work which he knew "how tQ perform, and the'prjbibili- ./ty is that he did it properly.) : j-i As at present conducted, thq sys. .: lem of road making and repairing by statute labor is not only oneof the"most ridiculous pieces of petty, 'tyranny! modern' titues,. bjit is _Dtie of the greatest humbugs. Iloail making is a thing that requires "skilled labor. But how often do - - ' \ - * ;i- - - .' ' we 'find.ianVexhibition .'Of skilLor ' , . I ' ! -. systjeaijii the making or. vejpuifin: ^n^end- Very " ^'i::^,' ;' 'i - -j.i;' i '] of our'roads'.under thesupei ancer-of .^our pathmasters' rarely do we have those wlio ihave had any. experience in t{ie blf^fiicss. And it cannot thertfoi-e Le essjxjcted that- they can have the work- done ' in a "bod- and efficient manner. ^ L - - -. Each year new pathtnast<!rs^are appointed by- the. G'olincit Tav] tlie various beats , in Die inunicipidity. ;'Occasionally an iirtelligent-4ui:in j rcay^cfuring his term of service, ac- J quire_^ome little insigbt'-.into;;the science of. rbad ;working,:and' he might in another year, even with -the poor niaterial at bis command, jterform something like creditable "work. Batons ' 'as soon as he| has attained some knowledge of these matters -bis term of service ;has .expired arid heTfas to give place to another .pupil; who In Jiko man ner "must succumb to tha tliird, aa^ soon ad finitum.- Evnitlie 'most-experienced and most intjelli- "gent path master' his such difficul ties to contend wiih as almost to set at naughfi the^ exercise of any system whioh .he may atterhpt. The material, both -animate 'and in-' animate, witb which he has to ileal is usually wretchedly bad. Statute labor days are looked npo.njby most men as holidays, in. whiah ~ they - are expected to do as little irfeal - labor as they conveniently can - when' the eye^af the-" boss ' } is| not 'On them they1 do almost, nothing. The farmer who is assessed foi- so neighbor would receive .his gain in therBhajx) of (air-'Wnges for..mtiiBclf and 4earn. Wo Will hitve further^Tiemarks to make "on: i.his. subjotit nf another time giving, our views, \nd em bodying tho ."Views nf 'persons of ex> porienai with whom we have con- vei-sed, 0:1 tho most practicable) way of inaugurating' a better system oi. road iuiprOVi'inelits, If "tfuu-o" in one .ronaty in Ontario that it quires more stirring up- than another, iii tbiK matter; wo believu; that one is 11 a I ton. Thb-old ruts and tho old slip shod system cf road spoiling should be: banished to that ' bouriiu whence thvTejers never return. A. man naitieil .JohnHaker Wi\n downed in tho Toronto Bay on Saturday- afternoon. By tho.btv'akngo.of the boom at Trenton sovonty'tliqUKiviid logs have esqaped into the Bay of Quintc. ' An extensive -eseuiv of short- weight butter was made on tho 1/ondon market on Satunlay morn ing by the inspoctor. Baron Simeon Sinn; ono of tho richest men in Austria, who has just died, between 35,000,000 andSlO^O'00,000. < '.' Tho winter wheat" crop in weBt- eru Missouri^. Kansas, Bouth-woat- ern Iowa, and eoutli Nebraska is in splendid condition ; a large yield is promised. Mile. Merkii8, tho "Dutch Ama zon,", who has been fighting in Herzegovina, is^4, of middle- height and very wealthy. She. drosses in -'nulla attire. , Mr. John M. Robb, forme|rly ed itor and proprietor of tho Stfatford .'hra'Jil, and atone time postmaster of t\ic town, died on Saturday at HV o'clock, after a long, lingering illness,- 1 i - - .. -On j Sunday, .Tas. MsQuillan, a farmer; in Madoo Township, brutal ly m 111 dered his wife, fromrwhom ho. had: been separated for? somo months. " Ho has been nrfesttd. Tho revisers of the Aiithorized . Version of the New Testantent havo held their 09th session. Tho-com-, pany carried on their .-revision to the end of tho twenty-second--verso of tho tifth chapter of tho Epistle to the Ephesiaris. E. Millers cabinet factory, in .Kincardine, was burned on Friday. The tiro ctrtight from the smoke- stiick~wliere jt passed through the roof Only I tho machineiy and some of the iiiatorial' in the lower stdty. w'ei* saved. Estimated loss; about: $3,000 ;-insurance $700. ';'. Two breach of promise, eases have just been decided in the Pro vince. At the Bruce Assizes $500 was awarded plaintiff, and at Ham ilton a Miss Slewart received a i verdict of $700. J-n tho latter THE VolooipocTto Raoo, INdMSIl ICltAMPION nCTOMOUH William Biitlor of Kontuoky, 10 American Institute Kink, The Flood's. From all quui-tcrs come dismal reports of too much Avater. -The loss, botl^ fi-oih dam age to bridgtrsy^ dams-and bopms, iiid cessjitionlof farming operations, wHl total iip Very large. And still it rains. - From Quebec cofiiesa l-e- l>ori~bf.serious "damage to a G.T. It. iron- .bridge and the wrecking- of Messrs. Price's nulls. Ottawa re ports are that -lJirge quantities of lumber and luulxir haver been car ried off; by the swollen streams, nnd~ immense damage done to liill juo- perty. As ajgeileml thing the'ami j action the parties to it had been is cither'emeiged of tm soddened I engaged for tweiity-six yeari that ploughing is out of the ques tion." From all over tlie country there h> a" longing for a sj^li of sun shine. Terrible to; ri-hite, the weather prophet says we are to have ruin eveiv day this month. '_ The^Iitcilonutli hensy case has been the .means of stitting tlieunin- Hstei-s in Toronto to thinking about creeps and co.'ifessions and the vari ous other subjects which have arisen in consequence of the c-.ise. Seversd of them have announced . .. - r--.,--J.. Orders for-the! annual drill of the votunteei's throughout the Domin ion will shortly be gazetted. It is cotitetiiplated to exercise tho jcavul- ryjand infantry for - eight' days at the headquarter of the corps.. ' The ii'^iMf-ry will be drilled in.Ciimps TlJo fifty niiltv bveyclo bontcHfc bo- twoon David'Stanton, ol, England, and ~" at tl in Nbw York, last Thursday_ovon ing, for $G0OJ resultod in a decided victory for tho Englisl. Butler ;wii8 obliged to succumb to a pain- fully j swollen knee at the third lap of tho twen ,y-soventh t nle. The sjicotttore, notwithstand ng the in- cloiuimt woaihor, wore numo.roiiH. The eonteatj nts startol at 7:00 p.m., Butler taking the ead at tho term nation of tho first lap, and maintaining ji distance of'about fif teen feet in'j advance cjf Stanton, until tho first milo was Accomplish ed bf Butlor in 3m. 52s., arid by Stiinion in 3tu. 03s. Up to tho twentieth milo the contestants passed each pthor alternately, but miuk an aveiiigo time of 3m. -10h. per milo. After this! howover, Hutltir manifested somo weariness, and fi-equontly stopped to rub his left !cneH>, which at lcnj;th became jjo-riiiuch swollen and pa nful as to make his ^retirement from tho track lieces|snry. Ho. accomplishe'd the ANOTHER REVOLTING WIFE MURDER. but twenty-six "miles in Hi. Stanion .continued tho made the tit' 10s. Stanto twen ty-eight- Butlor niado tentL mile, t3m. iJOs. 38m. 9s. race, .itiil icth milo in 3li. 9m. i'h quickest! mile the was done in 3m. 35s. his best time in the Inch ^10 rodo over in' The PetBrboro' Murder. ;. Or, the;8th inst., it will bo re- memijeroil,' a terrible tragedy was committed in Peterborp', a n^an named JameaKyan having stabbed his wifqi thrcnigh tho heart in her own ii'o'use. The poor woman ran out in tho street and up tho side walk to the next door, [whe.o she felldmd". The chief consulblo at once went-to Ryan's house and arivsted him i;here, he' denying hi i guilt, and producing a small pocket knife from hisijocket as the only weapon ho for twelve davs. As it appears' tlu-it; teachers :in our jmblic -schools are liable to be, anil b'av*! been, Guminoneil before a of the Peace for whipping children in school, we understand had in his possession, lj convij'ei.1 to gaol. Ali inquest was held, find lift err a lengthy investigation the verdiut was returned deceased came to her dea evening of May 8th,;uit, by tho -infliction of a the chest by same sharp '-instrument which lenet rated the heart as yi chest, and that, from tl idduceil, the said wound duceil by Jfuiiies; Ryan, h the deceabed." Tlije Coroner issued their intention of preaching: special that, the principal of, tho Brussels sermons on these-subjects. ; schcjol. has, decided that children under his eontrol, requiring to" be punished, are to bo sent ' homo dntfl- they earn behave themselves > The .writ for the election in .East Middlesex-has been, issued. Tho nomination takes place pn the 31st, and the polling.on tlie 7th pi-June. The Americjan Silver Kuis- | ance. . - > . A large and influential meeting of. the merchants and traders of '.The conference of the :three Im perial Chancellors at Berlin is said , . . to have resulted in ti detertnination i and dcr as they aro told Huron not to directly interfere in the r"1 "-""- Turkish question ' at present, but press on "the Porte the necessity of complying with .the recommenda tions contained in Gount Andras- sy's note. ' "-. ,. Ej-\*i*!tor. ' In Toronto, Sunday morning, a young nian, whose body- was recog nized by the police as thatof a dis orderly, character named Fiancis Riley, was found burned to death in a limekiln on Niagara street, where he had laid down to sleep on Saturday night. .His head was burned to a cinder, and-his neck horribly singed. No inquest was considered necessary. A. melancholy ant] sad afLiir hap pened recently at B-ooklyn, coun ty of Ontario. A married woman by jthe namo of Kid attempted to Ouelph was held in/the Town Hall. p0;i;on herself by taking'a-quantity 011 Mondayereniiig to^consider the, (of some sort of stroni liquid mix ture'that tanners of leather use in propriety-of taking American silver at a uniform; rate. - A resolution was Cjirried .unanimously : " That the merchants aiid traders of- the town of Guelph pledge themselves to. take America 11 the fol lowing rates onlj : The,one dollar ooin at 80c; the 50c at -40c y the 25c at- 20c'; jthe 20c at 10c; the . ,-. ,, -t ; 10c at 8c?: and the 5c' at 4c." many days labor usually -senus!-nis x-___, ,. : '-V J ,. - r - . .N early all the merchants and trad- worst h-ands^aad-liis poorest team; ors ,)resent (signed' a document tanning. ' Drs. Warren and Farrel were-ciilled in soon after the - liquid was taken. The woman is still alive, but not much hopes of her I recovery are -entertained,: . It is said she was under the influence of drink. V V " .... ' is, at may ;the^ carpenter, the shoemaker land the tailor who desert. tbeif btjnoh to do the work of the navvy, soon ' tare of wielding the pick and shbvol, and "the consequeneie is, the evening of each day shpws very, small resfalts. ; And owing to their unskillfulliiess . it very often occurs that that little had better been le;ft,undone. Another most serious- objection to the system of statute labor ; that the work is usually .done : such seasons^of the year as ; meet the convenience of the people, : without reference to; the sNte q the weather and its influence oh tfie road. rThe work is'of fen leftj off 'until late in" the 'season , the |fall rains come upon it before the aid' tu'rbed.-earkh becomes Veaten_dbi'/n,. and the mud bolesl aro '.worse* than before they Were-touched'. j In towns and incorporated [vil lages the Councils have it in their pow^r-'to'doa'wuy with-statute hrbor. and enforce a money paymijutMn.- stead.. -It is a great pity this rule does--not extend to toiviisliip.s as -rwell, anjd that -the money so piid "' be -expended .in a-system>ttic nun-" ner on the roads, under an efficient - and patd superintendent, We ful-: ly belieye that if eveiy'day's stat- -ute laH&r tbrouglout the country .' werercdnimuted'ibr a paymentj of ,'. -4 - . --.i- . - 'i pledging themselves to be guided by the above .resolution. aThe Caleidon Trag-edSr. 1 J WAHD 8ESTEXCED TO BE HAKGED. .'. The Jury in this base ifter long deliberation brought in-a*-verdict of ".Guilty." Wird. is sentenced to be hanged.on ;the 20th of June; next. - _--" --- - The Beecher. Matter. - 'New sYork- May-13,-^-The'- fok lowing is Rev;..Dr. : Tayjor's reply- to the in'vitation 6f Plymouth churcl.i to be present at the inter-, view' between Bo^ven and Beecher : "I regret to say that I must re spectfully decline to be present jut any such interview between Beecfc.- er irtid Boweii as that which is. pro posed in' the resolutions which you have sent rue. .1 cannot seV the good'object that is to be gained by making me the safe in which the' secrets there disclosed aro'to fed into small balls. Prior to bein bo locked up; .whiff!, if,tho ex)iee- tation was thajt I should express TiJE Fhaike Fuaud Case. At thetToronto Police Court on Satur day} Jaines Fraine, of Oningeville, cbarged-t>n. remand with fradulent- ly, ; obtaining': grocery anil other goods . from Messrs. Shields and other merchants, was committed for trial, baib being allowed, tho prisoner in the. sum of $1,508, And two [sureties,- freeholders, in the fwrrk of 800 each. i '-!? . . I . A New Industry. The grasshopper plagio, in the futurO) may be. tiiraed to a source of jyealtb, and;'so| repay a portion of tbo lossexjierieinced byjits devas tations; A French physician, Dr. TMaryiri, has prepared, locusts in difi'eroiit inodes for ifish jbait,and say ^'that American grasshoppers will answer for.-tbo same purpose. It is coujmon on this continent to usej grasshoppers - as bait for. oYir lake and river fish, but. the prepar ation is <br fishing on an extensivo scalp; Tho grasshoppers are to be ca'ui'ht and pressed in bah'elS) and then mashed into a paste,;1 and roll take from nis -warrant is now in for his committal, and he iwiting his trial. Prisoner has made icveral at tempts since being placed there to his own life, ' but watched and., thereby. so doing. PROBABLE MlltDER. A Jflan: Shot by S6me Uri- known Person WalL&cetown, Janes Webster."was ing siot at hia residence- May 12. ;his morn- in Aid bor ough, by some unseen pel son. Im mediately tw6\medical nien were Btimnioned from Walfacetown. They found Mr. Webnfct Iwoiinded by a rifle ball entering; sit the col lar-be ne, which; it fractured and passe 1 through the apex of the a surgeons right lung, arid supposed in th j ieft'shejulder. Th could Air is esca throti gh the 'wound. the a *e is regarded as ve y critical. not findj the" ball bv probing. ping from Promptly a warrant was Mr. Ilclnt'yres, J. P., of towni and JGeorge Wrigh bor o Wepster'a was arrested and broiif. ht^ejrore Mr. Mclnlyre, when a pre limiflary enquirey ' Tho svidence pf the twjo medical men ijid a, few others was taken. Tho examination was-not com plot- The prisoner was re nanded to tho result of Web- ed. goal to await ster's condition and obtain more evide: ice. ' When thq constables went to ari-esit Wright. this morn ing tl ey had to use a little strata gem, 3 they were afraid jf him, as ho hap been considered A DANOPKOU8 LUNAJTIO for 81 >nie years, and of a very vio lent lemper -when aroused.- Mr. Samuel Matheson was requested to accon nanv the constabh m, and if possil lo tb get Wright to walk away froni tbo house, where he was-nrmed with rovolvors and.V combined riflo and shot gun already, charg ;d. Wlien approach 3d. by MSMath 38on he .appeared ti surmise his etji-andj and told liim|he woiild shoot made Was then following That-tho tli on the ell as the , evidence; was prii- usband of Madoo Farmor Beats His Wife's Braink \\: Belleville, May 1&[- A most shocking cold-blooded murder was committed in the town- ji of Madoo on Snnday. Jan^es MuQuillan, a farmer living in tho 7tli poncession of that, township, neir tho-^illugo of Bannockburn, had lived unhappily with his wife, from, whom ho had separated in Marchhist. Tie went to Kingston, leiitving her destitute, and sho was giyon a homo with a neighbor, with whom she resided whiUt her bus- bend was absent. Ho returned alout threo weeks ago, huthis wife did not return to their home. On Sunday he sunt his father to nogo- ti ito for her return, anil she prom- is m1 to meet him at his brother's. ohprtly after nine, o'clock 01 the sumo morning to keep the a lpointmont, taking with iher her t'vo childreii, aged respectively two' a 11I a half and onq and a half years,- a id was seen about ten o'clock, in c nnpany withher husband, ho-car-, ryitig 0116 child and she tho other.. four, hours later her dead body was fiund by her husband's brother ly- itig by the roadside horribly imiti- h ted, tho upper part of tho "skull, hiving been smashed in with a h rgo stone, tho brains being scat tered "about, and the throat of the victim giving evidence-that she had been severely choked before being killed. The husband,, who- was fiund at his fatIk^i-'h house with the two children, was at onco arrested by the neighbors, who had turned out. Ho did not deny the charge. Ijlis coat was found to be spotted with blood, and pints were still wjpt as if he had been washing out the Hood stains. An inquest was held on Monday before Dr. Sutton, cor ner at Madoo, and :a. verdict of Wilful Murder" retunied against I'lcQuillan, who wits brought to the county gaol hero to-day. He is :'t man of about thirty-five ears of age, and has always been cimsideivdinofieiiMve, though of a alous- disposition. At the time f "the commission ofthe crime lie a.s perfectly, sober. The mimler- 1 woman was married-to McQuil- 111 "iboot four years ago,, she had wo children, and was far advanced 11 .ptcgnaiicy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STRAYED JK STOLEN Frnml'tlw rcHidonco 01 tho ulcril)cr, obout the 30th.! April, K \Brawii Cow, with whito streak along j the body ; tnc- dium'.slKo) almut 8 yofirs old. Any one giving nuch information as will load to hor'recovery will lio suitably re warded. N. McOARVIN.- Aoton, May 10, 1870. | CiUEMlVAh MANJJKES r Proved to be equal for all crops to Barn yard Manure*. . ] . -. The Brockvillo Chonucal & Super- phosplmto Works,.Brockiviile, Orlt. . ALKX. COWJAN, Manager. Any substantial farmer; with] good roforonces, can purchase1 one ton or up. wants of Chemical Manure on crodit till crops are harvested aiul perhaps! mar keted "-by paying interest', on note at rnto of seven per 'con per annum. Where no agent has been apiioinKJd in a. township; each i>ostmaster is bcreby nuthnrizcil to act as"agion,t to riH:oivo onlcrs. Whero agents have betri. ap, 'pointed to a township, tncyinro hereby required to report same- to bostm Miters in their townsnip iminediately, in order to prevent confusion.- ! 45-4 tj -jQRIED MEAT, DRIED^JVIEAT, Charles Cameron, _ Having postponed removal in order tp clear out his stock of Pork, offers at a reduced Vntc . ..- - Superior Smoked and TTnsmokol .Sams, Ottm'borla&d put & Bacon, cured by liiniKelf, nml which will be fiiutid unsurpaHHcil in.-quality, U'ry it .-iiid be convinced. ' In future, meat will be found in the shop partly 'occupied by G. M. Scott, Main atreet, Acton. CHAS. CAMKRON. April 2(5, 197G. 44-3m WATCHMAKING AND JEWELRY STABLIBHMENT, oj <sc csr-. n"^rasr3Dg PoEit-Office, Acton. WATfi'^ES, ". : e^OCkS, antl JEWELRY, Of all kinds. WAT&HES) CLOCKS, and JEWELRr, Of ill kinds. ^ATCH|E8,^"";- PI^rjKS,aatl Of all kintto, H- v:sV .?'U ; ' XTl > !i < ?V -.' Mojra Day 4? ' Erpr -* ... Mixe - - i Nijh il Nija M* ai..: D.y Mail i \ .- Mitt - 'seat I We have just received another well selected stock of - ' . JEWELRY IN ALL THE LATEST PATTtRJtt; . Comprising I ."' . Qeats' aold-Pltod Oaalna. Studs, Ouff Bnttom, l*ooket*v - Seals, SoUUlres, Ztadios' Sets, Bfcr drops, BroocaBs, Plaia ind Fancy Oold Elags, Plain and raacr RUru'lian. Also a fine asBQrtmeBt of j ' Jet Jewelry,:. New Patterns, i Somd of those Ono Dollar Clocks left. n Clocl:g for Schools and Churches sold at a small percentage aboTA eoit' - AlbWork left with us tb be repaired will receive prompt attention and warranted to give satisfaction. .. .." "**:'- prget the place, ' " , ;.- - a .& g. hynds, r| 'Mayjlf?, 1876. i .- Ct!- a- Don'1, EOECETOWX is closely prevented The Huron Siijunl. says : " Wil liam liurk, of Porter I fill," is not yet twenty seven years of jige, and 111s chopped 2,500 cords of woo<l, plit 10,000 rails,, cut 2,000 saw ogs, peeled 100- cords of tanbiuk, , :i:opped 40 acres of a fallow^ and ogg-d ?>i> acres. Ho weighs only 100"-ibs." These tacts can {>o veri-. ied. ' ' ;' "' G Impleme2it%,areraoin5 AND-FEED STORE. ' - " . Tlie Kuliscribers beg to announce- to fanners and "others, that they h.-ive opeuml a w.-U'cntoiir on Main Strict, (,!eoigetoivn, m:?.t_tlit- lK'.y.'tfcaleH, u'li'L-re tliey will keep always'in stock tlii: most desirable kind of Fiivrninor Implements Also, in connection, theyjhavc opened-a Are no FEED STORE,' GH fTIJIE Itock River Company DIED. In Arthur Village, on the 8th inst., fearah Keeve, infant daughter of the Kev. it.j Philips, ayed 1 year and lft days. the lung Altogether issued by Wallax^- , a neigh- Errs' Cocoa. trRATErui. Asn Co.m- 'outinc r'.' Ily a thorough knowledge of the natural laws wJiieh govern the o])eratious of digestion aud nutrition, 1 mil by a oareful application of the fine ] iroperties of well sele'cteot cocoa, Mr, . "pps has provided our breakfast tables nth a delicately flavored beverage irhich may save unmany heavy doctors' 1 ills. It is by the judicious use of such (rticlca of diet that a constitution may togradually built up until strongenough tb resist -every tendency to diseaoa. Hundreds of subtlemaladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. ' We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood anda pro perly nourished frame." ^CiriJ Service Gazette. Sold only in packets labeled "[James -Kits &- Co., Homieopathie Cpcmiat, 48; Threadneedlc Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." AtTOS M.IKKET8, him. I Mr. Mathoson at once both i'ell td the ground, aid eliiring fiiggle the revolve; Wright lra,wh was discharged, and received a slig it wound - some opinion atioiittbo statements--into . which -.might be made, then it seems !td me unreasoiiiable to aslc that ji sliould,iiccept ftny such i-t'ii[ionsibil'i- ty. It is my earnest desire that Plymouth church may soon see tlici end lot" its troubles, btit .a responsi bility which', may be properly and' constitutionally- usstfmed by a Mutual Council should hot be laid upon any one man, and therefore I am constrained" to decline tho re quest which hxs been liidde to-me."' placed .in barrels, they' arq dried in tho sun. These balls are thrown the .sea, and by their .flavor, succeed instructing large schools of'.the finny denizens of tho water. Ant tliesr method is toboij them in oil, *nd thejn make into bjillsl On tho cioast of Brittany, cod's roe has heretofore been used as bait, but; on account of scarcity, has become very dear, and tho iislieruien havo eagerly avuiled themselves of the new-bait. The speculative [will bear this in mm'd on the occasion of the'nftXfc grasshopper plague.- tho s had Math in tli eson chetik. The Ainer' to I bo m 12th.: Unitetl has of thii parade 1 next- from ceive a spring on him, and they. lgen ien "On^NGELSM !at tiik Ckn Cerjteiinial colebifation can ilndependenco noted for the o inj Philadelphia uly by the Oran_ ' States.- Every initiated in the order is- to participate and mystor in fh L2th of]July, parts of the worli I very cordiarfecept thut occasion. Can' angemeti are pjirticullirly co-ope lite in the celebratiijin al been ill Flour ... - 7'.. Wlrito Wlicat .. Tfcadwell. . . . ' Spring Wheat lilrley ... Oits ... .. Ptas. .... Potatoes, per bag Onions, per bushel Bitter ..: .. Kbgs. -. .. Hoy, per ton j.... Limbskiris.. | .. Pilts ...' .. S2 OOto-2 50 .. 1 00 to 1 02 .. 0 95 to 1 00 .. 0.95 to 0 06 .. 0"0 70 .. 0.35 to 0 40 .-. 0 63 to 0 65 ..- 0 45 to 0 50 .. 1 00 to 0 00 .. .0 18 to0 20 .. 0 10 to 6 00 '.. 12 00 to 14 00 .: 0 50 to 0 80 .. 0 50 to 0: 60 .. 0 12 to 0 .13 .. 00Gto0 07 .. 0 11 to 0 00 .. 0 12 to 0 14 .. 0 10 to 0 12 JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1'1'LEBE & SIMPSON, _,__ Barrlstern. Attorneyb-hI-Ijhw, 60- Uqlior* ln,Chnnr.ery, Conveyaucors, do. Main street, 'Jeorobtowm. ILLAGE OF A TON. i COURT OF REVISION OF 1876. TENNIAL. Of is likely tispluy to on next' of tho ljnan who uysteries in the i ladelphia ;emen will re- ion there u Or- ; nvitcd to ho Village Council will hold its first sitting as a Court of Ucvision, on As ses orient Roll for 1876, nn Saturday, the 27th day of May, inst,, at the Coun cil Chamber, Temperance Hall, com- me icing at 7:30 p.m. The Assessment Koll can bo sceu at tho Clerk's oflicd, up to. tho 25th Just, on which day all ap peals (if any) must be in his hands. By order, JOHN HOSS,., Municipal Clerk. Acton, May 15, 1876. 47-2t O)ange Cane dia "VIOTHE to CONTRACTORS S jilted tenders will be received by tno' undoraignod up tothe first of Juno for a ra w Brick Store and'Dwelling House, in t le Villago of Acton, for the various wor ts required iu tho separate trades, (viz ) excavation,.stono work, brick wore, carpenter anil joiuora work, plas* teriig, painting, and glazing. ; Separate or full tondera will bo ro'cive'd for. the who le work. Plans and specifjc'atipns will be seen at the residence of Mr. McNair, Acton. The low,est or any tend or not necessarily accepted unless otherwise satisfactory. D. MoNAIR. jton, May 3rd, 18-76.- - 45-4t * w lere will -ahvay.s be k<:pt a lar^e Htnck ' of.llour, feud ainl KeedV, <if various de scriptions. - " J. C. DEVEIiKAirX. Ai.r.AN Mooiik, Manager" ' Oeor clown. April 12, HTli! 42-Sm'.'.-. ralcut .- I BUILDINa PiPER DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Inodorous Sheeting" Paper 5Jo a .' lb ono pound to a square yard. Prepared Plastering Board 6c a lbt Tarred Sheeting 4$c a lb 1 fib. to square yard. . : Moth,Proof Carpet Lining 7c a' lb. one pound to a square yard. Pall and Examine the Siocll at Day's Bookstore. -~ ! Day .Sells Cheap. ! V All ai Xewest Beau OLDkNLION of g-ijelhh:. ! a new I shnngle their 1 sible CAPESI Dm GOODS STORE; ^f.,1 6w. Enormous Sales at Prices never before heard oi Mdssrs. J. D. "Williamson & C?j w "Selling" that Immense M^ontreal Bankrupt St&ck recently pnrf .-. chased at 50;cents;on the dollar.' - Vj . J-.; e Good, Sound and Honest Goods. WTe-guarantee SatisfactiQav 1 PRICES !DRESS GODS. patterns in Checks and S_tripes, lovely shades,-in plain colon!: iful Sjlk Mixtures at 10c, 12^0, r*5<?, 20c, U5c, 39c and 35c per jrdJ':" / j T WORTH DOUBLE THE MONEYi !'; "Thousands of pieces to. choose from.1 A whole Department iB devoted to . BLACEj LIJSTBBStl Qualiti.'s unrivalled prices that canriot Ije approached elsewhere. Silks in every possible pattern and shade- perfect marvels of chpipnr Grenadines, beautiful |tlored and plain stripes at. 10c, worth 25ci er and Striped Dress Lawna at 12J cent* cannot be boWghl. elsjwhero under 25 cents. -,- r Costume Linen, hundreds of pieces at 12Jc, worth 25c. Brilliants, 10c; Cobourgs, 18c; Japanese Silk," 18c-; linen Embroidery,;'~ Swiss Embroidery, ChecU 'Muslins, 12Jc. .'. ; ~ '] In these and every other lintof Staple and Fancy Dry Goods-.-,. [ ", . - .' .' The Lion Defies Competition! Don't forget those great marvels, beautiful Kid Gloves, all shades; 25c; Paifasols, 37Jc. -..-, - - ' .:' WORTH THEEE TIMES THE AMOUNT. l - at witn silent conteoa.p.t all insinuations.of disiippointed'rivak;. OUR GOODS ARE PERFECT. ^ .] -^ ..; ices 25 per cent below any thing to be met'.withjslsewheie. " three times as great as -any other house in total.'; Priced and Perfect Goods.'.; Small Profits, and] LqfQa jSoZcm.' Wot Our pi Our Low sal 33 :P" Come and See lis.'"5*" cBEAN & CO'S FOR Spa DEAR CUSTOMERSr- Dttring the summer I will tend a person from my shop into the coun try to examine :and repair clocks which: arc warranted lit) mc. Cusio< mcrs whose clocks are not going well- will please send- in word. Should; you fuvor tha young vian whom I shaUsend^LLe tnponsiUe for. JJVJ JOSHING TACKLE its giving slmsjactum. Any courtesy extended to him will bo reciprocated by mc.' " '."'. Yours truly, j' "', ,' a. D. PRINGLE, ' "- Watchmaker, Guelph. pril 26th, 1876.. . . j .. . ^ to a: ;P. ROWKlif^ & CO., O Now York, for ram pill ot or 100 panes oontalQlne lists of 3000 newspapers, nnd ;!/ May' S des, *': i Shovels^ Bakes, Hoesi :"\. } AKD SPORTINGr aO()Dif: Throughout, they have tho best assortment in Town. , 1876... A. McBEAlT & CO. ^f ; .?.. ALMA3L0CK; Gtflft?--| - - ,.1 * ! -A. -ret " -'.*MfiUing-( i'a Barg- opier -diy 1 .*.. iPfstmaater.-l '" * certain qo , law oata, Vpax '9a .-- ^ektfcv, . '-"Jj^fiiesaei'i,. ' , the. oats, - ^perl "% Price, .. "i iV wS^i J

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