Mm mmt - - M.** YEA kHYMMU 1 might "have lover, I'm HureJ - -My finder* to kfiw aftxl all 0t; LJ.'gtik iaould I ouly endure - i, jJtita" \vo,->e>V juid knarry a flat. .'.. lH"pMw-d i" whiujiu the enow Y.henj it drifts itself-orcr the uight, . Ar. ; ,my hAir. I vrtyVfell.-kriow. Shities> g<|d il\ the lights Jvy cj-ra n*y m tender M deves*. ' ' { And their lids arc soft as the rose; itj- dimples a ne%t of small loves, i\:i.1>ing nut .when nrttxjdy kuow* j ^ si v lir* are. jiis-t pouting and rvd, AniVmtheriiiclmcd fc> smile ,,v Iiieli-I, leil4^'ery weUVbred; . Aru'unwilling should ever beguile. ThwttiJhj- heart: did you>wr look down Attdsixyinir own fare in a sprhig, And l?c|N.'e*m<eH wiHiuc to drown, . And lie dead, :uul*lid^sort i# Jthing! '.V-;!l, initio doop"and aaclei-, .Vhd li.-iK ih-vc rhooh 'muddled,}^, trow ." i\.Wokiy Icjus called itta hi* dear, i.' C*r kijsed chock,: singletst or brow. . :" \V la-n other- pirls^tell of a lover,- - l.ook s^iUro. red. and all that, 1 >^*i tin* pooT otystvrrcs all over, And'h>k as demure as a cat. - I'nY cmntgh in niyself, any dav, ^v ^i>..fh>v like .vtpicen.Arhom I wilt; - Jlieres-SOKKdMUy. <>yw th<> way' - -. ;>i'i:Vm*nsU.ehe and whiskers to. ki m tBn .OOli^T'Yi ONfc, JUNE 2!*, 181 i i " - THIS SfJEW DOMINION BOOT AND SHOE STORE. ikUl! .+ " The Snndriy Loafer. ) jWv. are not ft wire of a more dea- o social exerexvneo tluiu tli' riigi'djy. loafer, .the idlers- whoupop tjqi.\j lav of wohdiip arid-rest- hang's ' :tHJav.Uie^fctr^yt-comei*, mustieat- Uig tolsicco iOiiPintlulgiiig iaj ribald iv!>versaaJoii--:mid :.whose highest i. rtjtl ciTpi'LJ'aiv concentrated il]M.ilt- '.:hei di*eoyer\\ of smie hack dobr (iA'Ali pUSTOMEtiS^- J)uriit*j ilk' tummer I irill ^cml a fwr.wn frtvn iuy tthop iiitinthe. einiih. trij-to- exti/uiiw ,<hid rejxtir chfkti irJiicli are-ihtfrmifed. In/me, Owto- dut.i irlnK*f eloe/iv ore. tiotgoin/j in'll rr-t'11 ftlcase- semi in icard, Should yotl fiieor the i/OHiig.uian irJtoiit I gh{ill xeml, I tcill lw..-re*ixi>i3itile for i/v ifirhiff gtitisftictiori. Any-cguglcsit esteHtfcd to hint: trill lk> iWiprilc(itt><1 iyne. - Yours truly, j \- . i G.J). PltiXGLE, ' Watelimal-rr, GiuJpli. A/>rrl e<ltli. law. , Extra Bushed I5ms MoTOintints. \ Just ArrivoU. fONLY $3.60, ONLY $3.5,0. ONLY Every houso sliou'd Imvo one. Mi m: rm w:. ii.|ing lo a.-\lisJK"us;Uory of whia - The genus luay bti studied wiijiont much 'troubte on Sundays *t/V;iy stixtjt corner inx any!: gi>"'n k-st^hvg^tjxft. Tiiereis tiie s;mm iibouiuui.'hK; disposition to Jooae talk, tLe iskmu"7u)ti|au, low1 spirit Mint ^{ rcmpLs- ii^snlts to -tmj)i-otecte<l wo ",i^eii, the kiuie conuixlioe under the trUttSciige of] ihu kuligmnt passen- j^Of^'.:-Difloring districts prvdicale UnTihaivgw-iof l^xiality *n! the ranks' ^fcaierUoiti, as it exit* under the "iif4!"*av>e of il:iylight'"' . ' :."TiiiS;uiduy loaferassiimes.1 more aggressive position tosrHnlrespecta- big society after ifi-jhtfail ; content *!.<;ring the day to disjwrt what Tittle jjood clotliiiijr ho may poisess. "! i\t fti-jut be seeks|..tiie' distinction. U;irkjuss affoiils to^Tloso who would .'Jjrvat by its atlvife4se3i He. dis- . iliayA himself with mure'force ithun 7 'fisTrals nl tb'tt eorneis. ami eleVates -liir1 vaS*. i Ho rolntos uuecdotcs :thttt lksV""-a tendency to curdle Dio.lei.t. fcJotpil, ia-a tone thiit reaches acr:;' stivet, and swears with, ui) eru=y comjdetc j-sting in ite art 'of. ornamental i/iUfphoniy tbti& makes one long for .the privilege of honie-fwlii|iping--him oi tUs spot. .He renews his jniWer "of i:iu1t to fi-males, jwwste; coiu- nients tijKJii their miuieiu, and gives voi'ji^ to1 iObiuuutdors ujrjii'their Viitiidtliat are $yiUy to Mte black- git.r-!y, byt distressing to! the y>c 1876. BASE BALLS. Base Ball G-nides For 1876 $3.60. Just Opened Another Stuck of j OUR CELKBRATED DOLLAR CLOCKS: Sellfng Rapidly, Selling Rapidly.;. .: ]; '- ' l 6. & G JuneC, 187C. HYNDS, Post Oll|ce, Acton. cBEAN & CO'S KENNf * & SON : " llavo uitirocbivod their Spring istook of ',.:"" I' i ' " BOOTS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS, ' The B6Bt that evpr cajno into Aoton, for Prico, Stylo und Quality. . OUR CUSTOM WORK \yill receive careful attention **' Uciialrlng i j Don't forget tlio place J . j Main Street,., ifaxt Door to Ajnow's Ectet FOB Spades, Shovels, STILL AflEAD AT THE Central Boot and Shoe Store. Rake^ Hoes. ANDERSONS CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the E.vit aide of Wyudham Street OBKL-PH. 1$V FISHING TACKLE AlfD SPORTING GOODS ; Throngliont, they havo tho best assortment in Town. _tiiii5 -if corner humor. He makes Ihitosflt a nuisj^ace an ha parades tliV'sidfewilk, attempting^ wherever "Le <feres, to elbow off dt^.-ent peojileL ( sj&pni' he Urttes for their decency) :ind he drqwds down uj>on.a lady wTLhuHt an escort, anil leers out of his stupid eyea at. her becatise lie knows there is none near to^kick' . "liim. y-1 ! " THE CHt'llCHDOOR-' LOAFF.K. r . Cl'jk-ly :Jlied to the corner loafer, but.affecting'.^ larger Jegree of re- .'. Bpi:c!aJ)ili^y. is the ' churcli-doer_ loafer. - TiTight alone sees this meni- ^- i>er oi" the family,- and he springs into .active being^il<out fafteen min- itU-s before the tiuie church:service usuiill.y'comes to a conclusion. In, ilre.--TJ, atidi style he is rerqovetl, as a -. geaural- ilj'ngi a jjood deal above:*he level of ;tbe-cojrner loafer, but his instincts are identical, j The same T" . - - . ! .unmanly difpositionipjiass rem irks . iiji.'Ti :Wlies prevailsv, thp^same ioso- : i'l'e^ca niiJ.-.UDg?,iitisui-iuiines3 is dis- "coVi-rablo, in fact; the'church-door iVj.f=r Li but a weii-dies^ed editibn ' . of-.t-iiu vorn'jr loafer," [witC, perhaps, . a safrpiciya of = retijiement i>f taste .tbrQwn in". , Wiiat-^is true of one is , general rule. ' 'aiiil- ti.icir oecRpatioii is dftrepiitaejeli Bj^th . r.fe" soc-iii e^nii-escences; ithat: require trimming pff a^itlie hands of the anthciitiei*, and tEat inrthe ..- -Wo haiv h-iist paSiciicej'wlth the cuureh-dojpr loaier,, \is.. lie usually has had ithe---advantage' of a>;""Te- ; ^j>--ct;ibij:.bringing up."r He gen- earily tiims_p under tli^.'. prete-ice of wjitipg tor I some^; lady to escort LiiLae, bub ai often as nop this is a ' * miHerable 'flimiy-j-pretext.. Grants l nig"?^^,fie jnas egcorting duties:, to perform, why did he; tujt escort the lady to cutirch? _ ' ' If he had vcommdn Imanirness, THE MAN Who can sell you GOOD GOODS May 8, 187G. UIE Pulrnl Kork River Company BUiLDINGTA ^11(1 A. McBEA & (DO. AUIA BLOCK, OUKLril. p. T. HILL, Ea CHEAP GOODS U tha DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Ino<lorous .Sheeting |-Papor<..J>Jc a lb one pound to a square yard RIGHT MAN if 'Y- u* lie woui 1 h ive gone; to c|jurch with h^r, attended the;jSenvHce^ and'wheki it wis over he Tonld^ have-been; in ~a i>oiti^n to offdr, Tiis escort home agun, Wrt a lij^h-mmded^ honest ^ntleman But he prefers to liaffg abo"'t the door, ogle ari4'obstruct ^.jil generally indulge-in the despic- abla propensities, "of the iQafer. Cniiroh door Joa&ag would j-ecei've a decided check if the fair sex. de- ttsrminedly declined to he " picked uu" after strvic3. -Ifiit apart from this s.xtons Tand J policemen should ufltiinchingly eui'orod- 'the"; ordor ' jabve on," directly "any of "the loa&ug fraternity shbw.ithemselves: Mp/itrful. Star^ \i! ' T -T. : H i M l * 1 t An Idaho invalid ^wai ordered by- a ^Lysicianto take tbree ohuces of , brandy a dajj and knowing that j!xu>eu uraciiuis make uu ounce, ."has p<itiitly beitt" taking f^fcy^eight <ir5iWa d^-ereii Btucel j, h T'!1 to deal with, and 'his riamc is J..W. MANN. Yon will find him every tinje at the Central Emporium, Corner Mill & Willow streets. -AOTOILT, :i" v He can idio-W you a fine stock of : r- " ' Ifev Dry Opofli/ ' 3ad7-Made Olothtng, " i (Jrosarles, Crockery, . ' . and Wall *&por. tall and be convinced that this is Th Rigjit Spot; Prepare<l Plastering Board Gc Tarreil Sheeting 4ic a, lb to square yard. Moth Proof Carpet Lining 7c -r-one pound to a square yard. alb. IJ lb Cull and Examine tiic. Storh" Days Bookstore. at Day Sells Cheap. Mill Street. UinAl.KK ACTOSf, IN J ACTON Wagon and Carnage FACTORY. :;' *> ' JAMES BY0ER, Proprietor. Acton,, April 5, 1875.'t: J. % MAKN. Vasrons, Carriages, Sloig-lu, Cutters, &o. Kept In stock and made to Order oh the ' Shortest Wotlce. "Strict attention paid to aoMe-siooiasr & General JolJWnsr ; and saturation gnaranteed. Aeton.JuIyast, 1875. - General G-roceriGs, Soots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Crockery, ! ' Glasswaro Nails, Glass,! . i . r. . Putty. Linseed Cil, &rc & souoi Paints, Turpentine, j Machine Oil, Coal Sa.t, eto. ThesubsorlberbegetDreturn'hlsttianiB to theinb'abltanUof Apton and surronnd lag. conn try for 'the heretofore extended to tame time solicit "the; N.B.-Cash Paid tor Acton, July 1st 1875. i-. ~ Oil, -J liberal ipatronnge him, and at the r farther Bupport Sides delivered.^ C T. HILL. and all work guaranteed to give p-tlisfaclion Done Neatly. "6a cton. May 29, 1S7G. KENNEY.&BON: TIavo CRAINE & SON jiist received their SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES hich is ahead oT anything evered offered in Acton for ptyle and durability anri at prices! that cannot bo-uudcrnold. : -. OUR CUSTOM WdRK Will receive cnroful psrsonal attention, and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. "0.i CALL AI>TD SEE DI0KSOIS1 ^ Mo SPRING STOCK. EiA. Lar^e Lot of PRINTS of theMost Select Pattrfc| at the :: _ 5 ....-. :':>^a Also the Celebrated;J)UOTA&;C^ 1 ceeclihgly ^Virate8. J ? '^""^f^ ". ,j...^\^ s"^. em 3sf a- a? *^# s? Ei $>^$<:^ Of the BestPatferns that can be had inJthe njkit, J?^ si ife arc determined not to be undcrHoldT 'issg V- . Acton, March' '>, l7fi. PlCKSQtf ;& W&J&ifM 1876. ELEPHANT, EL EPHANii . The Elephants Triink Replenished; Sitit NEW AHD FASHIONABLE Our Stock is nows very Gomplete.- 3:-" "' We have in stock Din^oival Goats, all .stylcjs. .;- Tvvcetl Co:its, in Crocks and Sajcks, rtt prices:$iiMf cannot be equaled for cheajiness by any house jn Gqelph<. Call,-jniff-t&rffi*| them.ij ?l&ftO 2,000 pairs of Pants, rangrh^jfoin'^l;upwair^lJ||" Hals, Hats, Hats. Job lot jtjst to hai'id, wlifi we will run Qffx-vt 25o,j f>0c , 00c, $f5c,;.aribr81* Good style*. r Beautiful assortiHeitt of Gents FtinHbliing^Odediil RUTHERFORi^ &.=CO^, i" " si, Lower'"WiTaUiam Street^] (r^jj^i i^l"l . jm When in Otielph don't forget to call it the Elephant Store, by ao you will .',-, !! WM May 1;, 1370. ARRIVAL OF SPRING T-S.ES DonH forgot the place, Mill Street, opposite Jlorrow's Driis Store. CRAINE &^0N. Acton; April 1, 1870. * THE POST OFFICE CASH STORE, ' AOTOIT, OJ^TT. TO G-EQKG-ETO TH^ FR^^8T AS ,r'i'-iivi'ia ML, With all the neweststylefe in '- - ) '/' '.:V"-' NEW S P R I N G G O^lJ In crtn^eqnonce of tho tleprc>-sinn- or trade'find the en>r?rn*si.of jM^*yiclJ I fuctorers to secure, moivey for their goods, wje have laid down "here tfe; largest and-cheapest stock of .;* ~:-'2'-: On mv numerous < during tho past 22 years.iiand again I ir.ost respectfully ask a continuance of their respective support] During my experience in business I ha pretty thoroughly found out the' ; jJPowns In Trade, ana folly.convinced that a Credit Business! is! a Dangerous Business to beginning tho business of 1876,1 would return Btncere thanks (o . - '. ' i terous customers for jhe very Iiboral support they have givoji mo- I Jf PRINTS -a If] TJB"T <3r > O33 ! :: IN ARESS CtQOBS, vv-:.Iiiive.'a}I:lhc- latest Ji^e|is ties iu Check, Plain and,Kuiey'Colored Lustres-,iSilk Poplihslaiut.Slli^; ,K?j>ps, Black and Kancy Siii;s, Blaik anil" Grey. Grenadine*, Kdt<|;- LuBtres. ic, &c. Ups and And hoth! Seller and BuyorT I am therefore determined to do READY" jj^Lf AY -.BUST-flrESS And give my. customers the benefit by giving, them Eight per eentjl t>ff for;;.Cash on all General Groceries- (excepting Sugar). By doing business as above,,lj will have the cash to buy my goods and eflect a . | _ ..- . SAVING OF LAT LEAST 6 l>ER CE^STT and ,-:'.. -'.u. ". WILL GET THE BENEFIT, An 1 in reality get ' .-*' ' for their Money. Please consider the matter over, and give me your support to carry out the only rigty way of doing business, that is MY CUSTOMER 14 per ceM :r:e id ^ .a. ~y. pie ai-re aiuj Tarietl stobk^enibraciiij^l Ashton it-Jloyle's Checks,"'American- Chteckfj.Percbl.e's ;GjngteBj";5i?| Ac, id., all remarkably cheap; :"'"^.X "" -' L --"J- '1^ \' -'v^; :f-$3l IN.-COTTONS, we have,the best:;aW'cheat ^ stock ever ottered to the public. Beautirut jrard wide' grey and .. Cottons for 9j! perjyari. The'1 American gop,ds,jsuch 4PrmU. Cottons. Tickings, Cotton \Varpr Cottonades, {llrow'n. .Drdls,- ....... ^ and Check Ducks, and oilier notion's, haveibeen imported dirsct&oiirJ^ the manufacturers, and are being sold by ub only at the Cs x*^-~ Tvholesaie pi-icms. We have also on hand lines .which we.;are able to job,.such as-DresaGoodsjPrin-ts'i Tweeds, "&o. ':'. 4','^ 'AnLLrNERY.^Pttf'MUnHer^^|iW ; able centres, consisting, of Shawls,' Alantlis, Hats.'Bonnets, Flower^; Feathers, Kibbons, Parasols, rie'w Check Waterproofs, Kun, Hat^-Jfco. ji-o ORDERED OLOTHIKG-^-In ftWeVfif the b^| times aRd the depression of trade our f Jrdered Clothing Departn)rt is steadily going ahead. It is far ih advance of ahyiseason yeti 1'I^S . prdof positive of the'cheapness and fit bf:our Goods, and the oniwi*B satisfaction which we give our customerst : A large lot of' doths froi the b^st manufacturers of Europe and Araferica to shbose .from.'ti^Hi imrriebse variety of "Gents FurnUhmgs/Huts and ^aps.Re^y^iipl . Clothing; Ac.^i . -' fi GARPETS-.-4A maarriifieent as^ortriient of bealu| tiful patterns from.50c. per,yardi ,-! ':" ! -.'.'" "If BOQTjS AND SHOES-^-Aj fine; varied antl |.VS8 .. cheap. .-...' " "': "** We would remind thej'public that we.^re"g|ving wonderful bargajnvj wg are now selling goods cheaper; thau We used! ib^ buy them; alt f """ quence of paying the cash-down.) VU > . j '-_ j:' ,|^ . LADIES 1 Madame Demorest's^patterns1 fof.Spring are no'wto hndX;:;*-2 s-" Goods Sold JTor Cas*. Nd Second Priced "$z "|| ""--' JlSMMO'ta HOUSE, GX5BGj8f01*ls k April 6/1876. My stock ^iiLl always be found complete in j , Groceries, Provi&ions, Crockery,! Glass-ware, Stationery, Wall Papers, Windo-^ Blindsr Windo'V Boilers,. _., SpcclaltieS.-SAlISAejEj OYSTERS, YARMOVTH BLOATERS, FINNAN HADDIES, &c, &c. PKbDUCtf TAKEN I AS | CAJBH. etc.. I! satis- I believe, in the DISCOUNT SYSTEM, ahd as ithas proved very 1 w 11 continue; to give the discount as follows-; On 25; ots, 2 centscliscouht; on'50cts, 4 sehts; on 75 ots,'.¢s'; on$lj cents Conveyancer, Issuer!of Marriage LieensesJ Insurance Agent Agent Honey-to Loiui, Affent Montreal Tel. Co., Clerk Fourth;Div. Court, Com. in Q. B., &c. ! Acton, January 18, 1876. JAMES MATTHEWS. Zi-Wr* MAIN .STREET, ACTON t, General BlacJksmith, Carriage and If aspn ;Ms*erif^ _. Best Hprse-3tpef s m ^e^'Cfciilrffll i . Perfect satisfaction guaranteed cr no price charged. FrRS^GLASS l> J ;"-: - :i- ' -:~ -and .: (POLLARDS PATENT IR(jXN HA ' .:'. >';'.. Always on hand. 'A' 0ood Stock ;of Ca^ria^s; and. IK RfcPAI RING promptly and properly attended Actohj Jnly,l,,liS75.\ ' i / "......... .f^sig *mi f^'Ml >'iv ,'S U:] ^>D., '. i- yaa Ad - % *!.; pro* WT onl r"' iioan t K(\: S1 . Mech tontsag \t* luaul <m Teacke M .-.' Uon I ; Flonr'al Male atl'S UatK " .1 . Iiujcpiill ft kbi i^t Alaoj 1 ^-.. :- vj-^