Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 6, 1876, p. 2

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m..%: :. '1: HIE ACTOX FREE FiH&K SI Ldishcillferv T.huryd.vy M^ru-'ijg; Per. Annum in I Advance. :^<j1 an Ftreelfrbss " j0. m. hacxihq editor ~ Thcrbdat Mo,mxo. July 6, 1876. <gT Wb will "Antique to send the. Frk Press to all our present subscribers wbnRe ;tem' expires in July, unless wo receive instructions" to tb> contrary. -K :~ti- plfi'i v?\-^: ' i is 5** We presume thera aBb quite n InfmKifcof our'subscribers whose term expires with this issue," who' would like to have the pa{)cr eon- tin-uedy but jwbo find it iucoriveni- eiit to pay'the money _ just now. Toull-sucb, wc Would Sivy that it tu ay be niiid any time during J lie. next Tew-. weeks, without extra cia'rge. . - " ' "- ; : "... . rbiki :"?:': A - The probabilities of ii general war in tho East arc. growing inore anil- mpnrpparen~t every day. , The despatched ire still very' contradic tors- and it get at tlie QPferHrlC OP YflE NEW- BRICK , CHU8CH. ': Tfcc ^Ykol* ^Bklllf-Ihi ItHlKulltff Sutl. : n-i-llirlt iviul l'alri r<ir. i. i Tlio"?new . Methodist ChmvSi in Acton ;was forina|ly opened, mid. dedicated, on jSaturilay,- services commencing at; 10:SO a,tin, by Rov. Dr. Ives, oJ' Auburxj, N. Y". The howory. stater x>t' thb weather no doobt deterredyinany irom timing from a distance; nevertheless tho cfcurrh wns wall filled. On tho platform surrounding tho ' pulpit wore tho Revs. Messrs. Rycjcmun, of Guelph, Tiakt^of Toronto, Steven son, of Plattsville, and tho pastor, Mr. ..Calvert, /After singing"kind prayer, and a very beautiful antlietn by tho choir,. Rev, Mr. I*ikb read chapter 0!) of 2nd Chronicles. Dr. Ives then - preached nil i interesting sermon from Matthew 5": 14,; " Yc_ aro the light of the world.]* He portrayed very beautifully'the ef fects, jof tho light and heat of-the shti iiid proceeded to syinbolir.e:. the jvith-TBf the just as a shilling light, remarking that the wifcktd Vliose- ditrknesS ntther than light. -With-, out tho^ light of. the gospel the world would jbe in moral' darkness. Woshbuld livejiglrt towards God as well as towards man. It was imjKjrtant to be doctrinully rights and to have practical-experience in rbligion. Speaking of tho Metho- aotuaL facts* but there-appears to be i dist church, he said" that it did not r.o=' longer any hope that Turkey | gii,.-itA as most others had don,. T . ' . -, , ." It orl" ti/tevival ot.cxpei-i- Giu-niuiuuiiilicr independence lor",. ment.ri-"'iVlisi6n,-.hhofe than a hun- n:iy great length of tiUie. A late | J,vtl years ago. Llohn Wesley ahd tyiegrain saya that hostilities; have I his brother saw thatholhiesa comes ,I by faith, and they! contin'iii'd to presch justiticatitMi-'by ' faijh, till' 180,000 souls were'converted.' Thu doctrine has -stood the test of tiuie and has spread into every iulubited quarter of the :globe.-' Ic was a tm Km::,-- JULY 6[ im. 'Servitfns and Turks, and that the / former lost 2,000-men in woui:ded, .killed awl prisoners (hiring tfee fii-st _engagement. ' , A Berlin correspondent of Iho good way to eelebi-ate-tiieCinadian ; -Loiulon JS/'imJunisays: A review of j nationarholiday by' de-iieatiig tliis iitearlyall t-hejnih^xjndeiu newspa t,chiitv j ers of. Ueruiany 'shows that, th pinion-is gciiend that- the pretexts for war aresoine of the most- friv olous ever advanced^and that it -i* j.hnpst- unanimously' believeil that Russia, instigated war.J It is con sidered jeertaiii in Berlin that Kus- siu is making war preparations to ,the greatest extent. :- .: a-iissri.x'-: ' - " ': THE GROP;S. Iiepcn-ts from all. the. principal y>oints in every. cbunty.in_OatariQ; respecting the state, of the growing craps are published in yesterday's Globe. A summary of thb-whole shows" a. very gratifying piMspebt for a"Very large yield of hay and spriBg grain. Fatt wheat is report ed -ood in Eonie places, especially in this county^ Kht. in the more northern sections,'it;Tias Lesnjwinter', At the clo=e of the sermon the ;Dr. eulogized the spirit -exhibited ;l>y the--Methodist" people .in. Acton hj thus erecting so large and hand some a building for the worship of , . Gixl. It was a practical appliciition were destroyed," ancl ~thre:ltcii'to'colhipsl have iled. [' Miss Maopln'ruon elaima to havo '/\v<n Ihiiiics jii Caniida ^ to nibro (iia:i 2,1 (i0 children. ' ' '.'ij'ho contracts, of TMr. Thomas Pobbie for tho ni'W tiovel'iimont buildings at Ctulph amounts to eio|otW " . l]hei: ninth anniversary of tho cenfed^r^tioii of tho Pi-ovincea was tittihgly twlebratbd tbix)iighout Can- aiU on Saturday. ' Tjhe Queen's Hotol,;of Bmmpton, lmsjchangnd hands, the price being $9,(100. Mrs. HassHrd. wbb the purchuser. They ni-o about to pass a by-low in Cobourg to stop the nuisauco of whiitling engines within tho cor poration. , ;. Harriet Martineau; tlio nuthqress, died: on Tuesday night at heir resi dence, tho Knolls, Ambleside, West moreland County, England. Three horses of Mr. Thomas C. Allardice, wei-ti rocontly killed, by a loijoinotive, whilo jiassing through his-faruffTu Nichpl, near Fergus. Ct'oo. Goodorhani, of Streetsvillo, has clipped from one hundred and live blieep eight hundred and forty pounds of wool,<aii averago of eight pounds per sheep. : ' The Barrio G:<<ttc says that it is csjwetetl that the jtotato cro]) in Eastern .Ontario will be. a very good ond;jus.potato bugs aie being killed hyAiiiother insect. T.ornado in tho- West ; l)$\*];svonT, In., July fi.^-JA ter- ril^'liluriiupcey'ailc.d .prtu- "tlio; nortji part of Urn Stall-, last night <j>n tho lines of the Illinois Central and Duv- byProf. ColdWii^Smitli, on the ) enport and' Mfc. Paul aAd Mjldland l 'Canadian Pnrs.1'- As.^iciation. '- A largo-lind inlluo'ntinl meeting of tho liirtnbe.i'K of tliis^itsKoiiation was held iii Toronto on J'riday last, when u long address wan presented <Jntios'of tho luixyfijuipeiv ]iress and editors. After the business of the meeting had been concluded,"tho majority of thoso prcsbut left by boat for Niagara, on their way to tho Centennial, The institution for the Deaf and Ouinb has been closed for the sjmi- mer vacation'. Oiio hundred aud sixty pupils went west oil Weduesi, day lind.twelity-suvtil went east. A sad boat accident, by which three, men lest their lives, occurred in Toronto Bay o.h Situ'rday. Their n.-ijiies wore S.innfi-I Hnlluirt, Win. Mct.'!ee and Hugh Firbesall ein- jiljoy^esof th.e Western :iiee.s in' Tbt.viit'o. :- i . Severe Jcarthqiiake shocks were experienced on. the'21'lh of June at Corinth -and Ofio neighboring vil lages in'Greece.. ;Sevefr houses, the remainder i.The inhabi titnts have What is jknown of the Mucdon dell heresy'case, bids fair to be as long winded as tho famous Bccchur case. Most!of tho time of tho Geno ml Assembly was takenriiji with it, but no deliiiito'decisioii was-arrived at, and thoj matter is left over for anothnj' year, when it will conio up it Halifax; Whether it .will be eottleil then is quite a dill'erent thing. | Now that the Intercolonial Rail way is conopleted throughout, the Canadian Government has resolved upon fl ruto of through fares, and other a-ranMnieiitH, which will add much t) tho- success "of the lino and tho bminoss of tho country. The fares nto tho lowest possi ble figures, and every convenience is built$-.provided for tho convey ance of] goods. A direct trade will thus be> opened up between the / Maritime Provinces* and Montreal and the" West; and what Iwhh 'ori ginally undertaken- as a work for national defence may result in a ;rea-t c()fiiiii(.'rei!il success.- of Ifaith the religion of faith, works and :practice. During i his. experience in dedicating' churches he found; "almost everywbei-ejthat there wasj opposition from the nega^ tiue men j- there was a class;- dividuals who must cry. ' can't " to, everything.. He presumed" there was 'representatives of that class here. If they were listened, to, we ii ^ w;ls lu.quittodj never' wouid have any. chiurlies. 1 He congratulated the trns^tees and J ()a S.iturday tl^o corner stone of -id! concerned upon having %o tiiie a a new Wesleyah church was laid at,' \\'e have,received the programme of the ' 'SunihiySchiioi Pai'liament," (1 to he heldattheThousiiud ini]> ground from Tuesday, i'.h, to' W-cdnesdiiy, .Tiilv y.'ii, wee!; days 'iiifinsivc. 11 wr.i Icer.^ of uil "('enoniit:-.!- > invited to attend' this im am! iju,itiif.-, ap])omt Island i July' 1 2i'.l"h, s (.'hristi:i tions-ar seel rial! to' ,-, I'.i'ole peeted land, ai Dayan, York, w tq il'-r irk. Ii Ot tlie best methods ,,{ "I\"dueed,l:!res are c.\- .Xew Y'orlc, New Eng- .... , .inada. l\ev. J. F. Secretary Waterdown. New ill answer inquiries relative board, railways, and matters her tlian the exercises." The acquittal of Virginia Lohoul- lier for the mnnler of Widow Mur-: phr,;at' St. Edward, near Quebec, is severely criticised- by the press. The mimler .was a cool and premeditated affiir, and it is ditii,. cult to understand on what "rounds Tl, KaiiioftdH,' Bridges and enibunk- niontH on tho Illinois Central] wore washod out, and tlioro hiiyo bijian no trains on either to t^iiy. . Thp v|l- lago of llockdnlo waa wnsliod out last night and forty-two; iifJisons drowned. ' South Buiilinoton, la., July 5, Last night a terrible tornado pissed through South Butlington. Ji'.'.i'. and Mrs. Stockwell wore killed irstantly while lying in bed.' Mr. Dyke was instantl} kiljod, and the bwly -found in tho wreck of- his dwelling, which was levelled io the gijound. NiimoroiiB others I wore inkiro or less injnrsd. Twenty-nine bilildings were riddled to jjieces. Tlie Ktoiin was was of but an in stant's duration, and its wqrk of destruction -was like a iliuih. of lightning. and-. TTorrible Domestic Trasredy. Titic.s'ToK, N. J., Ju]y l.'^-iQrson . House, a noted divorce '.lawyer, quiu-reled with'bis-step-son at their residence last evening. The wife terfored to save, the boy, when House beat and kicked her, threat' oning to shoot the boy if ho Inter red. Mrs. House broke away, igetting n revolver shot ;her husband dead, as he Was, ajs she supposed, about to shoot her boy. .Almther despatch from Trenton says, that House, the New jYqrk divorce lawyer, was shot by ir wo man named 1 >cnver, with whom he had bei n living. ' tle~hail procured a divorce for -Mrs. Denver. ' The o-miner's 'jury found a .verdict of I'eliberate Murder against, thp-wo- miui, and shiis now eonhned in building for so little .-money: oniy 57,000.- He khew of siuialar ones Costing .from :.?fO,000: to.'$12,000.. An earnest ftp peed was tiien htadu -tor subscriptions to ivipe-ojr: the entire balance of the dl-bt:'- _4bout ;-*V;^^g|;| ;^ pj-l|ii|'i. p"^ .< '?!:1&i{f|i"'," if *i-v "!'iM;:'% , x- --it'in ;., &- . =' >.'- "&$?m ' killed'. This we know to be"' the ^3,500 was yet required,and 1 e pro- . e ise froiu p< rsonal ob;erration dur- posed that that,, ainount should be iig the past few days. Along the } discharged before Vthe dedic^td:y Uae of the Wellington, Grey & -:}'-:;'?f ^' r (1,- p* W~* V . fcv.-. il|^f:i*M,,Ll ;/: i~ *mmv-l:-i\. i Bruce Railway tte fall wheat has a'tnoeh more scanty appearance -than it has in the neighborhood of Acton./ We notiee that baying as bee* commenced in a number of placegL The heayy "rains lately appear to hare killed off the grass- hopper8;"to-'a'great extent, and it is Hot likely we will bear many^com- pfciint* from their depredations this seasou. - ^ELECTIO^S YESTERDAY. My-' N ORTH " ONTARIO. -Telegraphic report from North Ontario last evening gives W. H. Gibbs (Conservative) majority" of 89 over Currie, (Reform). t-i.-'-'i . south'Ontario: , In South Ontario, T. N. Gibbs, (Conservative) is reported elected over Edgar, (Reform), by a major ity of 41.. .-. _ k'iA, |3'-: fri SOUTH WELLINGTON. At- 9 o'cloc-k- last Mr. Gfitbrie (lieform) was reported elected over Mr. Goldie, (Protec tionist) by a majority pf 150r . The following are the majorities : . - - -V . (iutlrrie. Oolflie. * Guelph town............. Guelph tawiwUip r / No 1 Div.WiUou'3 Corners 15 ; .NVi T '-i." Wytle-... -.'..... js'o ?,.-."_ Yofkdi'.ad ..... Puslincli No 1 Viv Arkc-11.........' IS . -So -Z ' AlitrSoyle...... .01 y crU-tT.......... 4r> N 4 "- Dowuey'a....... 3 r "TSrin4- -JCo I L>iv Ospringe.....> . 74 Ni ! " BalUnafa..!...... 4 N \i u-' Miuio?a........'C'i Xol " -Ilillsbur-..____ So 5 Eruntwi y<> 1 DivTl(>ekwKl ...... 8 N"o2 " Centre Inn...... "15 .Xo 3"." _ Ou'stie ...'.. j... 2.5 H'o-4 " Kyertou.,.. ^. .. . 8 -.--"' "" .. =371 Majority for ftntltrie.. 150 JG5 My 3 before - th services were performed, *hcl( the appeal was not inadelin vain. iTThe perfect success ot^Dr.-I^a as a " beggar." cannot, bo qnes'tidnedi Before ho sat down oye#> 84000 were, subscribed. Ten persons gave 200 each; seven gave ?lbO ejeh . eleven $50-each; twenty-two^ ;^25' each ;. about twenty-five $10each ; and a large number five dollars and smaller-amounts. Further services were postponed till evening. In the basement of the church, an^excellent-dinner was furnished by tbe ladies of the congregation. The tables wert ;twice filled^ and about S15Q realized from thei sal^ of tickets. . . 7 IK -THE EVEXING. Rev. M^r. Rj'cEuian; preached an interesting sermon. After . which the chnrcb was formjally dudicatecl by Dr. Ives^j assisted by the other "ministers present tho trustees as senting in"'behalf of the congrega tion, j " After the'ser'icss, art abundant, supply of Stncvvberries iind ice cream were furnished in the*,base ment.- . , .OS; SUNDAY. '-'.; . Rey. A. Sutherland, of Toronto",- preached eloquent "Sermon's -both momiugand evehlDg. The text in the morning was from John 12 ;' 32, " And I if I bei lifted up from, the earth will dratw all iden unto me." In the evening from ijaftthe w, 'What sh'all I do'-then: lled'Chi-ist."; earnest-and effective preacher. -^ ,: . : -------- j with Jesus, which in cal ; "Jlr.. Sutherland is an c 221 "Before tho next Presidential elec tion, which "will fakb place on tjio H;mU;[[:iy, November 7th. in all the didl-rfent S'jiteiln tho. Uiiif,n",fies'.erf jE I'herStaU.-s will bold citations for Slut* oliieeivi i'u tM pl<?(iiLei", A-*-. kansaH, Verinyjiit^.-iTid. ^lailie; and "i fcol>er, Ohio) jiidjana, -West] Virgiaia, and Georgia. ; i The" Pro3identg,l Candiclatois. ~ At the Democnitic Convention last week, Governor Tj'ldcn of New -YoJ.-k, received thb nomination for Presideiitfjl Candidates, and he is now in tb| field against Gov. Hayes, (if Ohio. The nbjnihation gives general ..satisfaction^- foj' the Dembv Jcracy, and to judge frbin. thb.opin-" iona of the I New Yorli^-pfiess, does TibC/dissiatisfy thoTtepiibiicuns. The 'lIi:Tuld says j- ,, ' .:i Ij. 'is "it great.reliiif to feel that tii is jWsidentftal contest is aj. iiioro triid oi party: strength, and-; rivalry of personal-ambition, and that whether Hayes is elected,or Tih'len is elected, the country is equally;sure thatf'the Government will be administered on-prinqiplb; No great public' in-, terest will bo endangered for the fiuccessrfof- either candidate.- We shall hayo ah honest President, a safe Aflnrtni-;ti;yUoti. and a steady progress ."towiird spedio payments and l)ir-.ii;(->-s ptos-jierity, whether XioveriKH'Hayes or governor Tildeh e;iiri<:s off the honors of tho ;cau- Vass, ' ". Is,. '.' ' Mount Forest by Mr. John M'ac- donaid, M. P., of Toronto. Three thousand people witnessed the'cere-! mony, and .over 8:100 was subscrib ed to winds the completion, of the church. . -.; ' ; . A mm named Winters was n gh despatches on tlie East ern (..HiusHoli aro somewhat conflict- ling, it stems jprc'tty certain that l hostilities have actuallv begun.. [The Parte has been informed'by | the representative;, of England', I tienn.-iny, and. Austria-, that othese Povcra would remain neiitral. The ParU corrtipbndent of the Lo'ndi.n Tiiii'-'* JKisitively atfirms ' that last "/cft' England proposed, through an intermediary Power, probably France, a ii'h eting of tho six Powers on neulral "territory to watch oper ations and: jiriivent .the war from . j degenerating) into a. conflict of re prisals. ; dered in' Tyendii aga nearly three yeara ago, and the murderer is still at liberty. . N:> cbnstablo or ofKeer of the law dare execute a warrant for his arrest. It is a disgrace upon Canadian civilization to allow such reports to have authority for circu lation. .- :..-.-. i The corner stone of the new Masonic Hall in j Guelph was laid last Saturday by jthe Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, as sisted by the grand officers and a l*rge concourse of brethren, in acj cord.uice wdth the ceremonies and: usages of the Order. . The Qrangefiljq people ought to be- happy. Recently they had a 'public meeting to discuss the ques tion whether it were best for them to patronize a cemetery,' the 'pro perty of a company, or to have the Corjioration purchase and manage one. i The majority was against the Corporation incurring debt for the purpose.-named,"and" in favor of letftirig a conipany, take the risk, any the profits with it. But the majority of the Council decided that a Corporation cemetery they must (have, and -so the] people will now jhave their choice lot two. Wc cannot pick up a Canadian paper in which we do hot find souie case or c;tses of I rape, robbery, se duction, abortion Resulting in death, <fcc.\ This is a very extraordinaiy anil regrettable circumstance..- Is it possible that wickedness is epi demic, and that oiir morals aro get ting Americanized as well as our trade? Peojde st ein to bo getting jab Letter veiy fas:. ' . L The License Inspector for the town ofJPetth; has adopted a'jdan which must Jead to important and beiieficial results. Every "hotel keejier bias been served with ii list bf. tho !habitual drunkards,, and warned not to sell them another glass. The shop keepers.have also received the same notice. The beauty of this affair is, that . all parties .oncei-ned are well "aware that the Inspector means business, and will strictly enforce the law. TWe conseqnence'iis that theret is -a general shaki-ng up of the dry bones -, and J sum a of > confirmed topers h ive lamiounced their firm determin ition to bid farewell to Perth, aid .resort to a more gen ial clime. Other parties are indig nant to find; their names upon th" list, but after . recovering from the first shock have determined to ex pend t'heijr money for tho support of their families. - ' ' Tuesday began tiny of tho nati tho Jtial second cen- lii'e of bur neighbors. Tbeianniversary of the Declaration of Indejiendehce was fittingly1 commemorated, throughout tho Union, and es-pecially in"Phila delphia, Washington, and ' New ^ork. " . ijDuring the |thitnder:Storin Sun day afternoon -JStvl J. W. Bressey's bookstore, For'estJ was struck by, lightening, and inj v few minutes Cho whole ineidoofj tho building wjis in ,a blaiie.; Foijtunately several jiersons wcrp standing close by at tho time, and by tlieir unitedvcxer- tions tho ifiro was extinguished not, however, befojro a large num ber of-valuables were destroyed, to gether with all the telegraph hi- stniments; Total lj>ss about $1,000; insured in thb Beaver and Toronto and W'aterloO:Companies. .- In the case of the Queen against Wijkinsoi (of the. West Durham Neirs), i)i which Senator Simpson applied fcr leave to file a criminal information for libel against thu de fendant, the application wits refused on the fihit- charge, but as to the second a|l third charges of buying up fijemb.1rs of Parliament the rule wushnade absolute.. Irish 1 contained ewspapers 'havcj recently accbiints of the discovery of the pelt-ified "body ot " Fi"u-Ma: Colli," th Causeway would dot to lri.-h p that the v titlribiito giaiit of the noted Giant's in! that country.; It IitleKJS be very satisfactory. ."idojto prove in this way brkjjwhich the'geologists to lliatural causes \vus Terrible Death at- St.' Cat'ha- 1 rinesi " ' . j A young man named Slattery, eiiiployi-d on Mi. Peterson's section of itho nf\v canal,, met with a terri ble death on Tuesday afteihoon. He was in charge of a horse-.derrick hoisting istone. Tho derrick' has two arms attached to it to whJ'h the horses are fastened. Thuriid.iy onlv ono-'Jio.rte was oji.eijatin^ tie -machine,-and SlaUery w:is stooped down with his head in line with the arms in question., which revolve 'ro.tiud above; the fiame work of the drum which coils the wire. As the vacant arm came, rouud he failed to notice it, and his head was caught between it and the !frame 'Work, breaking his skull, so that ho died almost instantly. No inquest jwiis held, as tho cause of his death iwiis so apparent it wasH'jt considered n ce*.arv. - . ' TlIKKi; "Moi.ti;. Wo noticed 'J.-i wc.'k theallliction tjhat had befall Mr. Lindsay, merchant of Tii'll more, in the loss of three children by scarlet fever; but sad as j the" case then was, still more so is it now, as since then three more of the children have died : On Thurs day evening, Henry, aged sixteen years, on Friday. morning, Annie, ged fourteen years, and yesterday, Sarah Elizabeth, aged within a few days of twelve, years. Th'e best medical skill las been consulted, buftJof no avail.- Brami>to)\ Ban ner** l"l<iiir ... ! .. White Wheat i .i. Tremlwcll.. ! . Spring Wheat j . Hed Clmflf Whdiit Harloy".... , '. Oats , '... i . I'uftu'; :.:.. ; -:. PotatbuMJ" per Ung Hilttor ... ] Er-- AtTOiV MAItK'ETf, '.. ?2 00 to 2.W. day, Hay, per ton-' Bacon .. '- Ham .... Shouldor.,, - Lambtkins.. PolU Lnrrt Tallow ... 1- 00 to 1 03 1 Oft to jj 05 B !Ki to'l 00 0 08to I 00 0 00 to 0 00 .0-30 to 0 "32 0 00 to 0 00 0 85 toO 45 0 15 to 0 (X) 0 lOtoO 00 1000 toll 00 0 11 to 0 00 0 12 to 0 14 0 10 to (J 12 0 60 to Oi 80 0 50 tod GO 0 12to0 13 0 06 to 0 07 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; TOIlft McklNDSEY, Attor- fj no.v-nl-Luw, Hollcltor In Chin^nry, Notary I'ubllc, Cnnvojrnncer, etc. Office: Over WftUon's Drug lUjro, Mala Street. Mil/row. T EM>EBS. Tenders, will bo received up to July 15th, for building 40 rods of fence, around Church-hill' Grave Yard. For plans and specifications' call on -JAMES ItYDKK, Acton." ISAAC SNYDKIt, Church-hill, or I>. W. 'SMITH,- Krin. July5, 1870. l-2t; TT'OTERS* LIST. 1876. ; Mnnlrlpnllly of the Villus? or Acton, - C'oonlj- or liiillon. Notice is hcrelry giveii that the lint of- all persona appearing by the last revised A"Bscsi>iiiuiit noil of the'said Municipal ity to be entitled to vote iir tho said elections for. int-inliers of the Legislative" Assembly made ]iijr- siiiuit to the "VeterH1 iJnt-.Act of IS7U" was first posted up at my iittiee in the 'said 'Village "f -Acton, oirthu 2Jlth day oT.Jime, lS7(i, and reniaiiis there.forin- s'peetion.' lilccNirs- are called . uj'i.-ui to examine tbe said Jiist, and if any oiois- sion'or other errors';'are foitiul tiierijin, to t.-ike iinmediate pniceedin^'K to Iiiive. "the said errors ' corrected law. i . -- . '.. bated at ': Aeton this 2!)th day'la June, A. JJ.,1187C' . _ . joilst itoss,. : C'lorli of the said Municipality'. rno RREEDEKS. j The thoroughbred Unrhain Dull,' "ZEPHYll," (sire imp<rted ".Sheriff," dam "Saimp.iricl 10th,") will Ben;c cows this season, on lot Js'o. 27," 3rd con. En- qaesing (near C. T. station) as follows : Durhams $10.00 ; Grades S2.50. , i SYDNEY SMITH. Acton, June 20, 187o". 52-2|p| rno FARMERS. A ppUmliil young BULL; fro.T. pnri bred stock, (the sire a Durham and the dam a Devon ; the latter a Provincial prize taker, and both have registered pedigrees) will serve cows this suasion on lot 7, 1st line Erin, at."?! per cowj ! YVM. CHING. Erin, June 9, 1S"(>. 51-4t '. THE MAN Who can sell you <K)0D GOODS and CHEAP GOODS . Baseball. j G.EonGfrrow.v, Jmly 1. Al game of baseball wns played betwein the Atl^nias, of Toronto, and the second nine- of the Young Canadians bf thisjplaCe, resulting in a victory for the jlatter; score, 22 to 19.! An other betWeen'the Mutnals, of. To ronto, and tlie first ldne Of- the Youhg Canadians, resulted in! favor of the latter ; score, 40 to G. j I The fur trade is considerably de: pressed at present, prices for all varieties being lower than forjmany years past. is the Thet New Dominion Monthly is improving. Tho July number Icomea to hand-eiilarged to 9(! pages, and other wise presents a much bettor appearance than ifpnuerly. Now., if the-piibpshtTS would discard.-that ugly-looking 'cover, and give ins something with a' more tasty | design, the magazine would be miieiilmore attractive. i'""' |. j really .pr.-idueij'd . by :e migh'ty rai-e. of .nien/iitid Jb-isji credulity' woiihl assent readily to the authenticity of tho disco-eiy. Americans, how ever, wil[, for several reasons, find ground foi skepticism.'.- Bloody Battle with Indiana. Despatc'ies f)"pm Montana Terri tory give, guinary troops imd which 'tfOO. fSgp. Now is tho time to renew your: Subscriplions to tho Fuek Pkess. Only one dollar a yeaiv when paid in advhico. e. tjhei particulars" of.a a-m- liaJit between United States the jVVestern Indians, by whiles are reported ;kill- cdiiud 31 kvoiilided. Gen. Ouster and his twjt brothers urc amongst tho killed, and not one of Jri's do- .tafchment Escaped. The Seventh Regiment foilgjht like tigers, and were overconie by more cruto force. Tho IndiaB loss'cannot be estimated1 as they bora ofltahd bached niosfc 'of their .killed; Tlho Indiana got-all j tho arms ol' kiijed"soidioiB." 'Therb were fievent.eenj! cotinnissiaiiej ;0fli- 'T^b'Indian cu-uip iwas to l'bjur miles' long, and thb Littlo Horn 'from Tlib above is confirmed cers killed, frbm'thrce 20 -miles'..UJ. its mouth, by letters. irjpe.V Co Fowriso. ' j ItlltTIIS. . j In Acton, nu the 4t.h inst., the wife of Mr. James U'odd.-iII,df a sim.' j ; ' ' " ! <UAKUit:D,.- ' I - i By Ithe Itev. J. A. Canij)bell, fit tlie;- reaiilejicii of.' Mr. Hugh'. .McLaughlin,) father; of the groom, .on tho Ist i iiist.Vl Mr. Urewaon McLaiighiin, of Eiiin,-. to' Miss Mary A. Hillyard, of'. Shclbimnie. .iA CARD-To all Hud'erlng from tbe nrrnrs and iiidlFcrPtions of youth, narvous weakness, early decay; loss or mniibcod, ic., I will send a ivclpo that will cure you, RR10K OF CHAKOE. Tnis great romndy was (ItscovVreU by a mlsstooaiy In SoutSi Ainrrlca. Send ftseir-HcJdressfld flvelopo to. tli 0 Bev; Joseph T. I mm an, Statloa O, Bible House; New York CltyVj 3A.'BPUL AXD |C05r- By a thorough knowledge of-jhe; natural laws which, govern the' opopilioim of digestion and iiutrilioii, audi by! .1 careful application of tho fine pnijierp'cs of Well selected cocoa/ Mf. li\ma l^ui provided our breakfast tablcB witli a delicately flavored bovcrade which hiay save; us nuuiy heavy doctori' bilfi. [I,t i,jby tliq judicious use of such a'rtiolot -bf diet that a" constitution may- begradikliyl built up uiitil strongciroug 1 to resist eviry .tendency"to tiiseasc Hmdrcas of snbtlo inaladics aro floiitin 5 aro ind; us' iroady to: attaok ivinsreve i- the ;o is a weak point. Wo may escap 3 many a fatal shaft by; keeping oiprsulves weHfoftifiod with p'uiolilooil anjla pj-p- per y uouriuheil frame:" C"*/ Sefvic OaieUc- Sold ouly in pacitota Jabeled- ./amks Errs '&. Co.j Homoooxath GliqiniHt, lH.Throaduceille .Struct, anA 170J Picoiulilly, Loudou," RIGHT MH to deal with, and his name is J. W. MANlsfj You will find him every, time at tho Central Emporium, Corner Mill & Willow streets. ^Grroisr. Ho can show you a fine stock of KewDry Ooods/. Eoady-Hado Olethiaff, Grosoriob, Crockery, and "WiUl.fapor^ Call and bo convinced that this is The: Right Spot! v' J.'W. MANN. Acton, April S, 1876. BUSSELL WykTCHES. ; - ELGIN WATCHES. ; - ' SWISS WATCHES, Second-HahdWatehes, Cheap, AT : i ' -" O. &c <3t. SZ^a^TIDS', Post OrHce, Acton. Acton. July 4, 1876, LOOK AJ THESE PRICES! KIEY MiE GENUIiNE. v -l.u . ItiU M<!o and Hoys' linen -Vests, 70a, 7t")C. " , 1 00, .^1.25. v . 2(XJ Meirantl I'.ovs' Linen Pants, Ojc. XOn'.tlUc.'sE'.OO :-- < Jtlil Black'ami Fancy Lustre Coat*. ^1.2";, i?I;;37, 1.75, ^2j00 HO BiacK. Ru-"sel Cord Co-its Sl-.TT..!*] .#). .*3.00.;. IK) Whiie Duck Vests' ST-00,-$1.25, $1.75. '.!--" loi Fancy Duck Ve.sts.j 1.25. >i.75.^2 00.' ' 40 Black Lustre Pants.. 2 25.. 5Q Black Lustre Vjests, i*1.2"i. :. 100 CoUonudeCIoats, 1.25, .si 50, $1.75. ^ 700 ^Jttohajle Co*U. creat varietv. *^1.00. 81 25," Splendid lot: Pure. Mohair Co its. 7.00, 7.50,""8.1(0". Blue Serge Jackets, $2.50, S2 85, SC25. ' - '. ' A few Waterproof Summer Over Coats. S2 00. 3.50, 5.50.. 180 Children's Linen Suits, $1.25, 1.75, 2.25. ; i 1,50, 1 75, We bought tbe abnyo bankrupt Stock of Pierce<fe Co., and they must tie closed <$utv . * -\' '. ,K WM. RUTHERFORD & bo-July 3,1 S7. - - Ifo. 31, l.o"wor "Wya&hsm Street, dueljilt :^.i- ., A3l Trtui| Mornioi: ' Express -MixebV KigW f jiigbtf. Mfifed Day Mail NEW ;;VFatnef- .They art " 4IT. Jiow hatjj The proa J And J Theirt But pay* ^Anii'l v J Th . No. 8, Justice Id ,: HaltonJ .' Tit '. "feet, seyj; drew . That'* J '" ' A has been! H<1 i days. j- j Jutjl dailivnep priced: 1 oSee.them.1 . I^eiJ . iater, of! f thews' ] ;Tl| ap<3 $A tentleditil ' ": -^li Tbam'c-ifiil pteach a.fin the ingon Fi peeted toj I : ilrij ;' the -iizc'{ . yere bi>pl the heavy' j 1*1 ^1 noon; In' - Hi, way wifhtlit! 1 . if you mmx msAtfi 20 ceiits^on ev^ry Dollar ^ T>i 5iiy'y.Qjir goods at \. ' . .' ; ] MILLINERY AHD DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, Cheap Gocds and good. Goods in grsat variety. We hare a large snd handsome stockiof JMA.JJTLES, of the moat tishioi*. able styles, in afl sizes and qualities yeryjeheap and good. Ladies'Ready-made Suits, j. Black and Colored Sllks,> \- ' - Dress Coods of TarioaskUrtU ^-^tlicct ot ' tifia_to|r ii ' ji>i>biu{S %understao - '.-kfvy jfir : Vliilswhioj- 'ad meidli ihdd in1 :vJi|iart.,*tiJ H' " **mt rtpp . : and le IN CENERAL DRY Ojr stock is.much larger and better than ever before. i ' ". ". of uenilemen's Goods. CpODS A good assortipent ^"Everything Marked Down to the Very'Loicest Figures. - We believe in small profits and quick sales. A fine selection of HAlTDSOTiIE JE^EUIT at all prices. Also a Good Stock of General Cbroderies. " Millinery Show Boom Up Stairs. Please call and see our new goods am* low prices, '; \ r . I'-' Acton, June 13,1.876. ^- REMOVAL, eElVlOVAl^ \: Gh ;l: SGOTOZ Begs to inform the inhabitants ol ACT'ON aud surrounding country) IBat . lie has removed to. ;j . is^tlXjfj STEEET, Arid will beirSold at an Unusually Bow FX i". '.'- "I '; "" ' e Isdofermined to still maintainhisformorirepiita,'tion;bf keeping Next Door to Galloway Bros.' Bakery, in the biUl4lBg I****^ u occupied by B. Creech, s . v which has been neatly fitted up.. Itiasihe best light of arijr store '^^m. two counties, Which is very essentiall for the proper selebtaoa of gooffl-. His stock, which is very choice, is fully assorted, .: i . V '. NOTHING BUT THE BEST OP GOUDS4-ND SELLING AS ,-. : :|-^ jjQ^Wiyb him a call. ' "y^ June lt iS70. Stpuaro^caling ilouw, Act; c Some m| '-iujlway^ Bl<jck, EsJ : th^skele posed to I >"!e*redto! time preVil the hole; jtered aboc I A Bvrjoaid a ;'-A\ *- |Voon by t placed m tl pales, for j J if^am'ed Ne coffttmt Hynnjl ^ilhe const ; er'tnhou&aI raigned ti :>IcGarvia!l jlijton jaiij Assizes. :micit m| . ^'Y.estcrih ." brought tij| hyiExcii I j W<? learuli ' Was foumi] .Keith: and John pick! . nfar Speyal ; abandancedj had beeui ; borbood, abJe_to- '*feinade . * #e^mii3 ; vn the o| VH|;.3 nu . .'fi*k- :on " 4ir: It-he-j : py.iasa <?i .Sous hqubU Jt, took *PBe : \% Prsc4k:r^L "?f|lSl.Gi| '-'I' -u,- * j : . 1 * "^M'ij & J&dEr aft- }-^fei?^S

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