Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 6, 1876, p. 4

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"^R!B8!W""*W?***:""* I -y=g;f#i3 ':*>? V*IT A WEE AX MM1 fK*bT. Wait a w*e ami dinna wcary-^- " =' ' -Though be daya be wut ami lonji, Though the days'be datk niui dreary, Salter calmly and be slriuvg, Though-the nuVda be dim and starUss, Overcast by~clouds'fio ^ray, . . Wait a sreo^the hour is d&rkeat Just before the break \jf day. Wait airos^.'Aihns weary .' Though' the rain drops sadly fall,-; Though the days lie dark and dreary, 43or* broad Vive is over all,' _- Through the rifti of Hcavou's blue cur- ; J - taiu, .. . Shinit^R sbirsjBcnd down their rays-; Ood will girehts angola charges, Keeping tSoe iu all thy -Mays. "^Vai* wiee and. dinna weary; Be thou patient.ajl; Though the day be dark and. dreary, _ Though all bitter he tfee'stiife ; ' " . Though thy beait be pierced by sorrow, Though thy soul be bowled by grief, _ .Wait a wee God's love win crown ./ thee ' j . t Diana weary^-li& is brief.. Wait * wjxranddihna wery Hard it ia we know ti> stand, When the days are dark arid dreary Waiting blessings from God's hand. ": Yetbeiiuve, ticu iajltflicver. That each grief that on thee lies, , Majhprovg-in the unveiled future; - But a bRasing in difjjuise. Wait ." Put thy tnlst in Him above ; " Though fie days be dark and dreary, If obly, jfirndy, oeword move. And Yha* ttor~bast crossed the river. Rippling *aiast the golden"shoce, T|idu will nevermore bo weary 'Wait a wee- ah! nevereiort: j THE Rock River Company Patent , '.. ' - "' -- ' I ! /V BUIIJDmQ^APER BAY'S BOOKSTORE. m- n I 1 PIMP i'(% rl li'si -i.-f ^S ill" :F:=^3L,, r~i>- m r Rules for Farmers. A correspondent suggests as som o- tbing " that would interest and pro fit many lyounS 'f*nuer readers," that we should prepare and publish ono hundred rules : for the attain ment of success *nd wealth in farm ing. A. much smaller number, if: faithfully adhered io will contribute' materially to ,success, and ensure, -ftfi econojaiy and good habits, suf ficient wealth to satisfy the reason-' able de*ires of-any one. Anioug . them the following may be men tioned : . :' . 1.. Select good land ajjd reject --sterile'no matter how 5'lieap. 2. Raise aa weeds, but ouly pro fitable crops, i ' . 3. Under-drain, 'wherever nreJedl 4. Adopt a good \ rotation xif xntJps and adhere to it* - 5. Provide sufficient shelter for domestic animals. 6. Kedp_ everything connected: yith domestic^ animals neat and; -clean. -' * ' ' "7.^ Plow well, coltirate wall, do all wVrk wiell, and not slipshod. . - 9. Accumulate and save manure, - and ipply-it properly. -.; - ' - -f9. Procnre gotxiimplements, jmd : take care of tliem.; :-..-' ~ -- " r " -IO. Raise good-animals and tajts 1 ^care of them. , , The~preeeding ten rnles will be : of much use if earned out, and we add two more, to coyer them all, viz n*' -:,__ :r 11. By weighieg and measuring, -and with earefol accounts, ascertain jost"what every crop-or every ani mal costs you, and find ant just what in the market value of each. J 2. Employ then tibose crops and animals which yon fine give yon a good profit, and drop all else. You cair thu3 hava the atisfae-f tion oFlnowing th&t you tire car rying out BjcardVn two famous rules for acquiring wealth, namely ; 1. Cat.short your Ibsses- - 2. Let yonr profits rjjn on. Maxims from; eld Law-writers It is not lawful to btfild upon one's own laod wJiat -jy he ipjuri- ~: Thaf which is built upon the land goes with t&e hifld Coke Littr i- ^ BaiUings pjw by grant of t|ie- - land. - The grant of the soil or iaad car? ries the water. -Hale. Water runs *nd ought ,to run ai ,it has used to rna, Kent, Liberal' interpretation, is to :he given to deeds so that more may ^tand than fall; and every grant'is to he taken njost strongly agajjisj, the grantor.- Coke. - HeJ.who. ow0s. the soil, owna'it up to the sky.^^Jir,oSm7. He maJfesdeaSeizin enough, ^ho does not permit the possessor: to ' enjoy, or- makes his enjoyment less commodious, ajtljpugji-he does no> expel altogether.- Bracton. .^p TsJse speljing or false gramniay does i6t vitiate a 'gpatit.-r-ijfteppard fToue&i. S- Jl false descriptjon doeg not Titj- g.i. - When a 4eed contains a, general clause and. afterwards descends to special words consistent with the , gtneral clatwe, the deed is to be - -construed according to the BpecjaJ words. Qoke. ~ , A fee is that whub one holds from whatever cause, whether tene ment or rent. Grain" which is sown is under stood to form a part of. the soil. ~> Jnsiiiuies. ' ' -^'V" Every man's bouo is lm castle. -^Goke. . '-' '~ Inodorous Sheeting .paper 5\<s n lb~Mine pound, to square yard. Pi-oparod Plaaterjng Board Go a lb. Tarred Sheeting Ahs7& lb lj|ib. ,toequareyard. ' 1 . '! Motli Proof Cari>et Lining 7c a lb. one poiind to. a square yaij. Cull and-'Examine the Stock at. J Pity's Jioolc'atore. ' : l>ay Sells Cheap. CTOX Wagoa and Carnage FACTORY, JAHfcS KYDEK, Proprietor. r~ SWebB, Cuttexs, Ssc. THE EREE PRESS^ AOTOJST, liABTON COUNT|Y, c M THE BEST "WATCHES F0B THE nVEOITEi'X" Kspt "Come out here and I'll lick the whole of you," said an urchin to soma sticks of peppermint candy in a confectioner's window. - Wnat is the difference between one who walks arid one who looks up a flight of stairs t One steps up stays, and the other stares up ateps,.- ' \~ ". An exouae better than none. A topBr say* %o would be a temper ance man in a minute if it wasn't for bis wife. : He knows that she would be lonesome if she hadn't something to jaw about and find _iulfc with, ' ft;' Are thoad 1 li^vo in stbc.k,!:at $20, 323, JJ aioek aAd nnulp to Order on ibe .8Uollest '& 0U00. - 8&r}et attentlph paid to : Sor*o-Sfcota? ac ertaeyal Jotblng and 8aUfcllon guaranteed. AU>a Julv 1st, 1S75 . - - a T. HILL, (fill Street, ACTON, DEALER iN j General Groceries, 1 Boots and Shoes, "^all Paper, I flTiiido"^ Blinds, 1 |; : : \ :, .".";-; ' i SJass^Tftro, c / ~ '- Wails, i- ' ;j5-lass,; X&jlfleodiil, ftw ? Sellea Paints, j- - vj Turpentine,1 ,,. Macliine JOil, y i! - '-. V- " i CoaJOil, ~ ; : ".'.'.' Salt, etc, i - ' ' - TbesubserlberbegstoreturnblstUanks to the lnbabltantsof Actonaadsorround- inr oonnlry for the liberal patronage hereto/ore extended to him, and at the same time solicit, their farther support- if. Bp-Cash Paid for Hides delivered. THE M!W IPOMINION BOOT ANL Have ust received t'lji SHOES, AND PRUNELLA^ The Rest that over came it Vi'ill'roceiyo careful altontion", Ke-pairi Don't forget the placo Mala .Street. Nfazt Boot to Appc-^'o Eotcl, Acton,'May 20, 1S7C. & STOBE. SON ir Spring Wjock of to AcU n, for Prico, OUR CUSTOM work: ind (ill work'guaranlbed'to givo-salisfacliufi ii's I><'ile Keatlj*. >""1 V STILL Al I .' - - - j ( . ; : ' " ' . i Central Boot and '$33fr"waw(aMed for txroj years. CRAIN Stylo and Quality. KENNEY & SOISr"- iEAI);Ap?;-TJaE...- and Sitae'- Store. Ilavo SPRING STOCK wpiich is ahead of anything evej' and at prices .hat Cannot be undersold. OUR CUSTOM WORK Will receive careful personal : I ttention, and. all Work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Don't forget the place, Mill-Street, oppcjsltc Morrow's Dnis Store. Old Watches taken in exchange , 1 for New Ones. SECOOT-HAUD WATCHES for eal Olioap: PR1NCLE, CUELPK. AMERICAN WATCIIES '.' ' 1 Are very -g.ooa, but J.- ; " RUSSELL" WATCHES -. I -;-: t,: .-,.. :: i '" :--| Are Betier for the samp Money]. :." i' - PRII^GLE, CUELPH Acton, 1 April 4, 187f>. & SON just roei'jived" their OF cd oflered in Acton BOOTS & SHOES for ntyle and durability , : -j . FASHIONABLE WEST K-- WE ARE W SHO^iria A FULL $TQCK; fl NKW GPENA DINKS, \' .\l'. . - . :'-l',v ..- "' ^'W . - ^ '-T'lliW PAKAKOLS AND SukKFlABES, ^ ' ' * "-.. -: j- i^^W riiINi'3fAlsI>rCAliBEIcs, ~y .NEW iLAWNS.-:' '&! 1 ALSO JUST PBENEJQ ^S^^ Every Lady Should Sec our Present Sffqek.. A- O. BUCHAlVIr 1 'KusliIniKjIjIo-NVest Eijd-I.iress, -Millinery ami"Jfnnile.EtlhMlalunent." ' Oiiolplv.lriiiie 'Hi. 1^-n. ' .-" - -, .' . 1 \" DICKSON & Mc ' BBKING STOCK. 'S r -M ibn W Collej . and .S h'gff, VI Coile^f 'aos<H p.m. Acror M "AM vejl l^osLrajf - 5rar'U,J U-' B> i- U.Re A 'ie., prtj lUl'J Oil - l^vaii' < iL Street* Lar^o Lot of P1UXTS. of tlie^qstScleet l^alterns^ ; .;'.': ."'<( J4ic Also the GGlchratcd DUXJ3^S COT^ON"$ at ex- . -..' '..* i ccrclliigly Jew-:ratcskj pi ,icltor^"'. Mini S-J We have nfvv an lrnmonso. Slocjrof tt "I T C3- T^EiE It) S ._L- it. - ,Of.the Best Patterns that can beV had in the.'maiket' ns'ffc arc determined iiot to Lc undersold. .1". Acton; March-'^,'-l76. BI8E302T&: HoITAB, FRESH AeeiVAL OF SSmSNS COOOSv CRATNE & SONi. THE POST OFFICE CASH STORE, 1 T On beginning the business my numerous customers tpr tb during the past 22 years, land of their respective support, pretty thoroughly found out tlil of 1S7G, 1; Vvould rptuin sincere thanks ! * / - G- OE,G-S,X,0-Vvr3H Td THE FROMT ASUS N fi W S PR IiN G GOO PS. A^; TJps and And Credit Business is tooth ' ' ' '1 Eight! 6-wns- in Trade^ am flilly convinced'thatja - Se I am iherebre determined to .do a VI>Y And give'my per cent PAY BU-SI-lSrESS ustomcrs the benefit Dy giving tliem j off for. Cash on all G eneral Qroeeries ~ oing business as above,: 1 will have the cash, to Acton, July.nt, 1876. C T. HIM/. I can] rejpair any kind of a iWatch, no jiiatter no^jv mucli itris broken, | _ j J! 1 avI)JpilNaLB, aaelph. MY CST OMERS l1 My stock nfll always be found poniplete in' - ' l Groceries, Proyi3io; is, Orookery^ ! Glass-ware;:.' Stationery, Wall: Papers, . TrTindoVIJLinds* Windo-w Rollers, etc SpcciaHies,-SAUSAG:B', CYSTEKS, VARMOUTII JBLOATEIIS, ,.- 'finna!n iiaddies, &c., &ci . .:! :" Conveyauciir, issuer Agent Money to loan Fourth Div. Court] Com, In Q. B &c> Actoi), January 18, 187. a Dangerous, business to ler and Suyer.i (excopting Sugar). By cl buy my goods and elFect .1 SAVING OF M LEAST 6 PER CENT and WILL GET THE BENEFIT, 'An 1 in reality got 14 per \6eAp~ for their Money Please consider the matter o ;er, and give me your support to carry out the only rij;ht way of doing business, that is In cor sequence of the depression of trade and the eagerness of mnnc* facturers to secure' money: for theiK'goods, ive hafeUaid down here "the largest, arid cheapfcst stock "of "'."' J. Eve,f imported into this cou;ntry^ i %S ; . --; IN:.'.D|ilESS; GOODS," uiiiavo all tlto lateU ii^vef- ties [in Check,"Plain aad 'ifancy; Lustres, Silk Poplins anil Silk '. Kdpp.?,r Black and Fancy fcJilL"s, Black and Grey. Grenadine*,'JHgck , , <tc, S;c. ' lanks-fo- i vory abcrai support they have given nio IJ^ PjRl'N"Tt3, a-lar^e iiiid varied stock, erkibTiiciiig: gain I wost respectlully ask a. continuance, ; Ashton &- nb.--lo,s: Checks; American Checks, Percole's 'Ginfihatos; unng my experience in business! have [ : ic^ic-ailremi-kably cheap. -. .; ItST GOCTOISS, ^ive liave^ihe best and j cheapest l %stock'fever oflered to the public. Beautiful, yard-wide grey and white: ; ^ottjoiis'for 9c'; .per yard: The 'American goods-, such as Prints. White ~ Cottons.;Tickings, Cotton VVarp.^C.ottonades, Bro-n Drills,/Brown andiCheck Ducks, :md other notions, liaye been imported direct irom the j rdanuf-ic'tu'rei-a, aiid are .being sold by-us oulv at the Canadian wholesale prices. We liavo. also on h":in<l lines "iyhiJi neare always able'to job, such as Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds,^tc MlEiilNife^Oiii^ i*! now iii full liL-st, replete with alt the latest.novelties from ill the fisuion* ablej.centres, consisLiiig of Shaw"(s, ilantles, Hats, Bonnets, riowors, . Feathers, Kibbons, Parasols, new: Check Waterproofs Sun H tt, Sc 0Ki)timD GUTYRlNGi-ln spile^of the hard tim^s.asd the depressipnof trade our Ordered Clothing Department is stieadily going ahead! ItTs far in advi^nce of any oeison yftt- It u jirodf positive of the cheapness and fit; of (our Goods and the universal satisfaction which W9;give our customers, A.l.a^ge lot of cloths from ; the best manufacturers of Europe-and America to ch.00 e Irom An immense variety" of Gents Furnishings,:Hats and- C ips Ke-wly^mado Clotlhirig, .tc, &<?. . ' :, . " GAEEETS. n.Hicewtr as^ovtiiient of beau tiful patterns from 50c. pot' yard. " /. I ; _ ' BOOTS AND SHOfeS, A fine variety and my '. cheap. . ' ',: - .'; '"-..'_ . /' '.'. ~ . "* Wo would remind the pu'blic that we are giving wonderlul bargaips, thai we are now selling" goods cheaper thaa we used to buy them, all lnoConSe." quence of paying the cash down. - ' '."..'.' -^LADLEST Madame Demorest's patterns for Spring are now to hand. isr " Goods Sold for, Cash; No Second rPricc." "* - McL20P? ANDERSON & Co., " Sl-AM&tbTfl'itOTjiSE, GEQBCE'TOWH ; ": fmano ' 'P1* (Milton raent cA law wla op Frlda '""j l.^.tvsii . t Ekeent : Ha \ i t>uil ' Hjjfiiitbfalf mioUciicJ -, r ^L V*t>AT| In Canu Patent^ for pntid _ -. ulioa t3J MeclMJ Ttentsaal iurrl i-'j Bj=M :tj (] Cou jf y :0. Tcackcr LI1! AH flasterii t b<-"msl - ^lon sua .5 A"1 .It:' Flt>nr a,i| i| ,-lHiki- IJ114 puijf Mtil Iw ilol sivje wll . jXraveHal 1 a. t-jitio-J : iiu*ptiul v-n^teiiUyi] i^- April !6, 1876 PRODUCE j^KEN AS GA^EL I believe in the DISCOTJN':? SYSTEM, and as" it has proved very satis- factory, 1 will cbntinue Io^ give the disoount as follows": tin 25 ots, 2 ofents discount j on 50 ots, iioentH; on 75 cts.JB cents; oh 1,|8 cents. . ojrBtorriuse Licenses, Insurnncc Agent Agent Montreal .Tel;.. Co., Clerk JAMES MATTHEWS. Steam CarriagelWagon Works j MAIN^TREeT, ACTON. V '/i:eM.a:E;^-:P'SH7^- CenicrallJiuckamitn'.iCnrriaKcland'n'nsron Makers ^est Horse^Shber^ ih:the Couttty J Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no prioe. charged. 1; FiBST^Ll^SS ^PipWS ^ "; L '/ " COLtARD'S PATfS^IROit HARIU)WB . . -, j A 'Giood Stools of I Carriages and ^agoas* ~ RlVPAIICtNC promptly^^ aiid property attended tw ( , Acton, July 1,1S73. / "-.'-1,1 Kortbe< ton.. <jr| ume'e, a| iiocKwoJ .Terms rif lil'1 (.1 i 1 - m t 1 1 u I't J I 1 al jjuT J ) 1 f 1 fl lm->r 1 1' _ |ticu| ^ -1 * 1 j>rEi 1 he unc tome-t, to 1 ^darin^ tti llmtJie ii <l>itonal i! Pure fn.s 1 "c, uud : i -1 - tits -who eheaper a ere<! at t * i vrelltote Twenty c lu ndvac lor to fcen j Aetou,; Q.EOJ -' 1! V "Inipi a: The su 'arnitis ^ "* opened a * <'<-or^et^ they WiU d>- lruok j -Mso ii c ! Vie-e -n 1 ^ < r, i __ 1 si>titm: A-^.A^ K T ^eor et 'c*. $5 tc *>[ I'l 1

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