/,*-"W- E s +' V!r3* f .; "s ' ^4' - '* U - ' 'e.'i Vf. -"i -* -,&?':?& -'"v.2. : " !.vi/:r.;-sfi, 1 -.-' - " "'rtr^^Vr' '..;.--.'. l;\f' .,." .-"' ""i;"f*- "'..- J^WWH^ <T.. ; V >' " . \ T"r0r ,- ' .- - ' :-i-!:':'H . ' :-^M"H:' W -; !*^'4|1. '- . : ' -j :- v*-j(& - " '"* "' "^ ! si ?. j ':* ,-*>'il^p .* ^ ' .- -.: .- '-' 'f*?: ;'t ' ".' .-.'. El" : , ; :Ji>w^:: ' ! --":-: '.: |{ - i. > ' . , ^:;j^;. 'I--*-!! THE FliiEE PRESS,ACTON, HALTOM COUNT1 IPftK APTOS FUEK PRESS '[Published Every"T3~mr8dy Morning. ' $1 Per/ Annum in Advance. JOS M HCKINCI tDITOB , j :Tinfaii*Y"SIouxjso. Jvly"13, VS7G. dloE ITijo Eastern "Wur!. C1KNEKAJ, T1IK 11UL- ; Vliisic! _go!vimns of dis[iatcli*a frxim' tlio scat of \vai- in thfrKtet nni .published every mornitvg,. but they.wro so con-rod ictory nnd bo jir definite thivt; it is.very ditficult'to "gain * cwmprcliensive-idoa- of Ayhn.t is rcwlU? transpiring, TKat there has been some- pretty hard fighting go ing on, however, seems clear, the insurgent' provinces of Servin and Moritoncgro being the principal ag gressors. ' Bat whethep-Turkey has jet usnffered ;to any appreciable ex- - tent.is-questionable. 'T . So long is England! and'iRussia , remain neutral, fhff belligerents way claw away at. each."bther foi nionths and even years without ef fecting any great revolution in the State, but it is more than-^irobable ' that somo of the" Great r European Powers will .eventoalljr be drawn Linto tb* fray, and make Bharp and short work of it. Matters are in a critical condition, and there is no telling how soon the bombshell may burst and create a igenetkl, confla gration. -- urnistso of O.UUANS. PrtWevfiiai'M talwvrltjh Iftratk l?ki!i!KAi>>!, JittyT 12-. tTho'Bul garimis around-Widden have risen against the; Turks, tixiops .-have consequently crossietl tlio-i-Turkish ifrontfev aull liavo had sorerjil skirmishes. ,It is reliably reported that -lO.OOfX Co-ssackH of Doprudsha show Siigns .of making common canso wiClj tho Soiwian in- burrectionists. ' - Pxnis, Franco, July 11L Special despatches -to the Pariaiun ."napora say- Sewiaus admit their failures' ami, have asked for an armistice under tho intervention of Russia. CflKtlo Uimleii, Now -York, tho 1 famous lnnding pointy for imnii-1 gnvnts, wna totally destroyed by iiie on Siuuliiy; night. ".From.- J^ow- York, Washington, and Ualtiinoixf over Ji amtstroku were reporte TJio" Servian ] r ^pro tlmn thirty bei Hiero are 48,000 '- Labor Troubles in Exglaxd. A ITirge meeting of represent.itives of the;north-and north"-est' Linra- shire .Gotton Spinners twiU Munu- "foctiirers Assooiatiiin at Manches ter, unanimously resolved that the time had arrived when a roiiietionof ten"|>er cent be made in the wages of operatives in the cotton trade ot the district. The resolution will atfec-t tifty to sixty thousand opera tives,. -' "-. . It js. reported at-Ottawa that- France has admitted that all terri- torr.il rights On the shores of New foundland belong-to Great Britain, wfeo-undertakes to riPpserve law ; wlrtle .Fruiicli. fishermen, are to be allowed to use tho;beach for drying - . fish.. ;- The Tveform-convention in Xpron- to on Thursday --was presiditl over byilr: Jas. Young, M.P. : There -were pie-sent-' Hon.. A-i.Mackenzie, " Hon. George IJrbwn,"all the'mem- bcrs of-the! Ix>cal Government, and representatives of Ilefoytu associa- tions^thronghout'the Province.": A ' provisionul councii, with Mr. Young as chairjnan, w";Lsappointed to-make, necessary itrrahgeiuents for- a cen: ^ tral organiz-ition. ^i)eeches were made"by the two prginiers, Hon. T. . I?. Pardee, Hon. J...'G.-Currio, Hon. Aj-Crooks, Messrs. J. I>.J Edgar, living,'M.P., Thompson, M.P. and -cther3. - ,. The Serviatt-.rebellion seems to be in a bad way. The Russians, after contemplating the thing for a while, are said to have announced that they will continue in that at titude throughout.- Tcbernayeff's successes in obtaining command' of the road between Sophia and ZSitsch are iiot backed jbp by equal suc cesses elsewhere. '.' The forces Which : crossed the t)rina have met with . decided reverses. - Gen Ailimpitz, or OlympicE^has been checked, and Gem Rach, who has been hitherto almost unheard of, whose dlity it . -was to lead an army through the monntains to unite with 'thej'Moh'- tenegriu8,' is said to be in critical- il circumstances. On the Other side, "the Servians who- were in defence !'! of Saitschar, still hold-it against K repeated attacks. Europe seems to ~ . hH.ve lost all expectation of success on the. part of Servia, and Russia and Austria are ii3 to bo in accorcT a state of things, that would be difficult in case a partition of the drumsticks was imminent. In fact, tho only hope of Sfrvia was in the ! holp-of Russia,"which has apparent- ;. ly failed her. Every day,'how- ": e\-eFj"chani;es the aspect of things; tii'i^jf - ...ZpZ if; , f : Africa to be Seizfed."! _ . . A_stroig"idea jjtevaiirijiimorig a large numher of persons of.formfng .4 gre.-it African company -on"the .> v nrotlel of the old-JEiist India: Com- yjaay.; 'Some bold-Hpeculutoijs have calready mentally laid- down- the ^"-1 lines of a great colonizing and tra- j ding company, to ebtain a ebarttjr *_ from the Grown, and to occupy large tracts-.-ofi the West Coast of Africa. -^Splendid visions-of!.'future 'Clives and .Hastings, on African ' fcoil-arftalready filling1 the souls of - "euthusguits. -We believe that an e/Tort wilL sodn be made to give shape to the idea, and to bring it in . -,soiiietp'r.icti(Jiil for n under-the notice \bi tho Governrnnnti.^ Glbltc. > " "Sick Man of the East." The expression, " Sick Man," as applied to Turkey,' originated with the Emperor Nicholas of Russia. Ho is-rejii-csented to haTe Baid to Sir'Gieor^e Seymour, the British Charge d'^AjFt!ires, in a conversation at St. Petersburg, on the 11th of January, 1844, " Wo have on our hands a sick man, a very sick map. It will be a great misfortune, I'tell you frankly, if, one of these days, he' should happen to die before the necessary arrangements' are "aU made. But this is not the time to speak to you of that." The con versation then broke ~off, but was renewed on the 14th of j.tbo' same; tnouVh, when:the emperoij:observed, "Turkey, in the condition which I have described, has by degrees fallen into a,state of-decrepitude, that; as I told you the other night, eager as we all are for the prolong ed existence of tho man (and that.I am as desirous as you can be for the continuanco Of his life, I beg you to believe), he may suddenly die upon our hands." And again, at another interview, on the 21st inst.: ".'I think your government doo3 not. well understand my ob ject. I am iroL so eager to detor- mino what shall be done when the siek man died, as I am to determine with England what shall not -be done upon that event taking place. I repeat to you that tho sick man is dying ; and wo can nevSBr allow such art event to take uaf by sur prise. 'WTo musTcome to.sbthe uij-. derstanding." (Annual Res/igfer for 1S53, p. 2-4S, et *>: ].) The" minutes of Sir Georgo Seymour's'Conversa tions with the emperor having been laid before. Parliament by the Eng lish ministry in theiourse of the debates that immediately-preceded the declaration.of waf'aigain.st Rus sia, . the express!ve? - appellation; "Sick 'Man of tho East," was caught up and circulated by the press till it has become an establish ed; national sobriquet. ,, j Pty cases of on Tiu'Kduy- ng fatal. British, sub- joots engaged in tho Newfdundhind fishories, who ar op< rating on a capital of'.1,500,000. A nHseting of tho cwnlitdrs of Ijnsh A Co., jowollei-H, Toronto,'is called'for 24thHst. liabilities aro placedjt $142,185.- Tho"dfncial"figures o" tho recent election in South Wellington de- clarff Mr.- Guthrio i MinTstbrial) elected, over Mr., Goldit by a majori ty of 138^ instead of Ii50 as at first st4Vted." . We ha^ received a pamphlet of; 50 pages, called " Thr. Centennial jcKibition and the Norf7u-rn Cen tral ciipl Pcnnxylvani'i R-ulrowU. It is very nicely got up with a^ large numt>er of illustrations, and' contains a vast amount of.directions which are likely to bo of use tb travellers, and altogether it is tc book that woultlfbe of great service to persons going to visit the Cen tennial Exhibition. - It may be had free by addressing Samuel Seymour, Western Passenger Agent, Bufiklo; N. Y\ '..".. | Fares to the Centennial. -The rates-'of fares to: Philadelphia via tie Great Western Railway and connections have been considerably reduced, so that those visiting the Centennial can now. go and return" at the following rates: From Gitelph to Suspension Bridge, 4.50, gold ; from Suspension Bridge to Phila delphia, by direct linej $13 in:U.S. currency. ;--MiDGE> This destructive pest has again made its appearance in Waterloo.. It is held by some, that it isto9 late to do much harm this year, but let that bo as it may, it is unfortunate that tl^is insect Bhould again come, round when there is every prospect of a good crop. If they get" a good hold this ^'ear, it is certain there will be plenty next. ----------------- * On -Wednesday, 5th inst.,. a meet ing was held in: Brampton 'to con sider tho advisability of submitting 'tfie=35uiikin Bill to a vote in Cardr weirand Peel.: Judge Scott pre sided, and the Kevl Mr. McClung! a.cted as secretary. - The matter was / Cavanagli Bros', flour mill at Forest, valued at SI3,000, and Of- ford's Bhoe 'factory, Kingston, were destroyed by fire on Tuesday. The insurance in each case was about 87,000... . ; l : A. baby show hold in London East on the 7th of July was a very successful affair. Thero wero twon- ty entries and tho.Township Couu- cillors and Reevu acted as judges. *' ' - I : ' Thore wero 382"biJrirtfe in tho Toronto Necropolis>diiringi the past six mouths; tho principal diseases diphthoriu, oonsiiniptioti (and ty- phoid'tever. It is said that, owing io tight- lacing, a lady at a recent < i-awing- room, after ciirtesyingto the Queen, was unable to regain an upright position without assistince. ' A four-year old boy naiiicd Mc "Dermox,- in Ottiiwa, flranl: half a pint of whiskey on Suture ay, has since,been suflering fr >rn con- DR0WNINC CATASTROPHES. A Hoavy Kooord. - TWO HJSTKUS.Vr VVAI.KKKTON HMAl.l, 01IU, AT NKUSTADT- -A TKA(Mll:U at ooDEiucii yi.f)iiKi)- hoy- at CHATHAM- STONIICU'lTICIt AT ST. CATHAU1NKH Voi'Kl'l MAS AT lU!(-KIN<iHAM -TIIUKli I'l'.ItKONS AT MONTHKAt,'- AM. lmOW.NKU IlODY FOUND IN TUi: WATKU AT AKN- l'HIOU, , PropolIoi>;St. Glair Burnod Iialto.Supo'rior. I'WKNTV-SIX I'KKHCi.VH PlilUHI JIoinitiji'oN, Mich., J"ly 1 Lttiit Suntlny morning about 1 o'clock'jlliju' prop. St. Cliiir (( ONT., JULY 13, 18176; p. two apt. to Du-. vulsions. recover. Ho is. not exp :cted to o shoot roronto, John Hilles, attempted employer, Wm; Scottj- in Tuesday afternoon, arid .only failed a blank himself because tho pistol conjaiuet cartridge. He then threw in tho bay, and was with difficulty rescued. On Thursday morning lrst while a number of boys wcrb jihying ou tho baso ball ground at tln> crystal palace, Hamilton, Willid) soventeeii years ,of age, s6i Richardson, builder, fell ai bis head against soijio hi stance, and instantly expired During tho excessive her t Of tho |iast few days, many "atal cases of sunstroko liavo occurred. Tbree deaths are reported fram St. Cath arines and one from London. In many places people-have Ik en pros trated, but recovery is expected in mast instances. In Jfew ^'ork oh ( :e ported of them Monday 36 - cases' wl;ro before threo o'clock, sev.eral fatal.; Notice is given in tfazettc of the formation of tho stal lardson, of Win. 1.striick rd sub- Ontnrio he C:m- As4ocfatiori Tiie following prophecy,;/widen' ' ,went the toiinds at the timeof the Crimean war, has reappeared".' For its antiquity we, do not vdlich, but pn";the coiiti-afy greaTly;:suspect. , In J1455, niore" than 'four hundred years ago, tho -following prophecy -w:is made,: ( ;?,>- "f: -f\n twicu two hunilrcli-yervrs the Bear " -YImj Oeseent ><lirrft-;iiail; : liiiP.ii the'<'iuk iiiiiL-JJiill' unite' ",. '.'" i'JMiu Bt-rtc.eh:dl nut fjrtSyail.. ."':."' .' "I/:t ji*l.nm {kuow an/Wc-ar TIk; <'r>vM itfiall wax. tlpit'rfccc;ntwaiie, ' , and iljsajijiuar." |_ ...^ .. - ' j-'- '- - pretty well considered, and finally a small committee was appointed to ascertain what "support throughout the country would be given to the bill, and to report to a meeting, to' b.o held about" the end of. October, when the question will be decided one way or the, other. ., Tildeix Accepts the Demo cratic Candidacy,- .= "^ - The Committee appointed by the St. Louis Convention to notify Til- den, of the nomination for the Pre sidency by tho Democrat party, waited on the Governor Tuesday at his residence. ;The' Governor gave the" Committee a cordial, greeting. General McLernand. addressed the Governor, and outlined the work of the St"Louis Convention. He then read the'address of the Committee, conveying the official information of his nomination. Hon. W. B.' Hanna, of Indiana, also ^delivered a lengthy address on behalf of the "Democratic party of .Indiana, and pledging him their united and'entire support. The Governor replied, a-.-cepting tho.nomination,!and saidi he would, soon!. transmit tliom. his' formal lett r of acceptance. I" wla West Farm Stock <iimited),with a capital of 400,000, divided into 4,000 shares df SI00, The persons incorporated are Hon. George Brown, Hon. D.^ Christie, Daniel McFie,of Londo a, Archibald McKellar, Sheriff Gibbons "of God- erich/ and Robert Ball, of Niagara. The .unfortunate man Hiwie, the i-yictun/ of . the affray rin \ he Kent property on tha Queen's Birthday, at London, died on Sunday. His case has been considered, one of the most remarkable known to medical science^- Life was,sustiini>d for six weeks, blost of the tim6 iwith good hopes of recovery, notvitb standing a jconsiderable loss of-brain sub stance. Very extensive damtigo was done to tho .fruit crop in all parts of Ni- agara'.district by the severe frosts that occurred while the trees wero in blossom. Apples wilb be'less than half an averago crop, while peaches and jmars.havo nuffered.still more severely. ' All . around St. Catharines^ and along the mauhtain to Grimsby, fruit ~treiea new look blighted, presenting tha appearance of having, been scOrcHed. by fire, and most of the young fruit is "drop ping off. Good varieties <f fruit will bo Bcarce and dear npxt au tumn. - . - ~ The Toronto Leader relates the following: "At thoDivisioi Court, yesterday, a witness was tinier", ex. aminatfon in the caso ofuan unpaid^ account. Judge J3oy 1 put tho question to him: ' What s'yoiir oceupation Y Tho\vitn:ss did not seem to understand the mea ning pf the word ' occupation,' and > nswer- 4 with 'Eh?' Tho Judge: 'What doypu do for a livingT Witness: t Oh, my wife's a dressmaker V " Wai.keutok,. July .10. Yostor-' day two iyou'ng girls, aged fifteen and thirteen, dauglitius of Saumul. Hoa'ro, a farmer on tho twelfth coit,- cossion of Brant, near hero," went into tho rjiver to Imtho, and vontur- iug beyonjd their depth wero both drowned. ' Nkuhtadt, July 10. A daugh ter of Mr. Kreitzwoiser, of this place, iigod twelVii years, wns drown ed in tho saw niill pond while'bath ing this afternoon. Tho body was recovered shortly after the accident, but all efforts tb revive her were id vain. I : . " Godekioh, Jiily 10. George Hinds, a young-man frowi the town: ship of Usboriuf, who came to God- erich to ut'tend the teachers' exam ination, was accidentally drowned to-day. It appears'he, with several others; went in, bathing at tho east end of the new breakwater, at which placo tho water is very deep a few feet .from the shore. - De ceased getting into deep -water; and being unable to swim^was drowned before his comrades could render him any assistance. The body M'as recovered shortly afterwards. Chatham, July 10. Lloyd Rich ardson, a colored lad, aged 19, was drowned while bathing in the river Thiimi's'carly on ' Sunday morning. St. CatjiAuines,: July 10. Alex. Wilson, a -young miiji, n ston'c-- cutter by trade, was drowned in two feet of water in the new canal 'near section Hon Saturday even ing. It is supposed ho was taken with-cramps. , Montreal, July -10.^ During- tho seyero thunder storm of Satin;-, dav night at Sto. Anne's'a'man, blinded by the flashes of lightning, walked into tho lock and ;was" dtowned. Tho boi\y was recovered yesterday morning. ' . j ; Georgo Spoors, sailor--of the barque Cairtelot, lying i^t tlio Rua- sel pier, felloll the gangway while going on board this morning. Ho 'sank-immediately and did not re appear. The drags of the water police were used, and tho body re covered, i ; On Saturday afternoon last, the bbdy of a woman, name unknown, was picked up near VarenneS. Aitx'pr.iGR, July. 10. A ^man, supposed to be about .'55 years of t age, was found floating in the-Mada-. i waska below the slides, on Sunday- evening. He seemi'il' to luva woik-. ing man but was well dressed, hav ing on a black jieajacket and a good pair of calf-skin boots. Some to bacco and a ten-cent piece' were found in his pocket. No inquest was thought neet'.ssar.y. The body was buried the same evening in the Arnprior cemeterj'. ~- Ottawa, July 10. A),6ungman named Dogherty, while 'drawing water from a well in Buckingham on Saturday evening, accidentally fell in and was drowned before "any assistance could be given him." liobei-t UhynesH), bidohging Wurd's liiie, on her wuy_(from luth left .Ontonagon forjthis 6ort,' having' oil board eighteen passen gers nnd iil crow of fourteen penons. When'offi Fourteen Mile Point fire was;.discovered in tho fore 1 and'in" loss than five -minutes boat was enveloped in flames- i'rorri ono end to tho other. Owin tho'rapidity with which ihe/jfli spread but ono boat was laiinclied The life preservers wero brought oh deck, and all tlio passengers eroded inputting them on, wlum n rush was inadofor the yawl, w was swamped six or seven times, The water was very cold, nr was not hjng before sixteen pai sen gers perislied, together with tejii of the et'ew. Wlieii the boat lire she was about five . miles shore. Clinton Excited over a Sup posed Murder. Clinton, July 11. -Yestt on I Weekly Eeviow of jthp EngHj3h . i Marketj London, July 10.-f The Metric Lave JiJ.prcM in its weekly review of tlio corn trada nays : Tho-nqu- trality of tho great Power's has pre vented a" warliko attitude of affairs from exercising as yetr any great influonco on grain, though .holders have 'evinced somewhat increased fjrmfj ess. The present stato of trade, therefore, is one of watchfulness ac companied by anxioty, as there are weather risks'as well, as war to be considered. The supplies during, the past weok have ngain exceeded requirements, and wheat is going to tlio.granary to awaft events. There has~ been a steady consumptive de mand during' the Week,' although quieter at the close, there being "little English offering either in London.or in tho country markets. Floating cargoes have been dopres- sedjowing to largo arrivals at the ports of call, and tho sales at'the end of the week indicate adocliuo of Is @ ls'Gd'per quarter. old, tho to mea ght [ day and morning the peoplo of Clinton HHritJiindi lg country were till into ii dreadful state of exciter on liearing tliiit Jesse Wild, a tlurk in this town, had been murdered the previous night near tho O-tnd Trtink Railway track, about a or so east of this town. Hi his! father's house, situated a TITERS* LIST. 1876. 1!tiiiloli>atl} of Ihfi Vlllncc of Acloii, I . Vounty of llnllon. Notice-in htrcby given that the .list of all piirHOtiH nppenring hy tlie last rcviaed AflHcsBment Roll of the saiil'-Mimieipal- ity to lie entitled, to vote in tlio said Municipality at qlcctinns , for niembero of I the Le(jislativo ABacmbly made piir- 8U*nt to the "Votcra' List Act of,187G" wrtB first poatcd up at my ; ofEco in the said Villngij of j\ctoa, on tho 29th day of Jape, 187fi, and remains there for in spection.1 Electors aro called upon to examine the said lint, and'if any omis sion or other errors 'aro..found, therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. ' Dated at Acton this 29th day of June, A. :D., 187G. l JOHN ROSS, Clerk of tho said Municipality. A dog'belonging to M'r.^'Sten- hotiBe of Montreal saved "the lives of, his master nnd the family, in" Montreal ono night last week by' entering his'bedroom and nwaknig "him, wheir ho nroso and found his premises on fire. Stenhouso's wife own / !ln'l children wero with difficulty mile left uout three and a half miles, from Clii ton, , j ust after and, ns wn. on.Sunday, ovenmi set, for this "place, custom, wa the railway track to shorten distance. Yesttrday ihornin, true' Iked part of the way' on the Some .villi name on it, a felt' hat,'a ^birt .bed lore kinen found a pocket-book 8UU- his Ills bosoui with two holes .sta through it, and blood marks w the knife had been pulledoi;t,a ihirt collar vrith his namo-on it, and a black nocktie broken in two. These wero taken to the father by the men; and tho alarm was at onco giviili b^ the brother of the su| pos ed deceased Jesse. 'Hundreds/, of peor" and bodv) in't 'wen turned out in the forenoon tin null the woods were .scoured i.o vicinity where the articles foilhid but no traces of ini.Thiug I.k.iiIv wero discove V... Ladies, who are planning to visit the Exhibition at Pkiladslpl.ia, will do well to dress simply ah 1 sensi bly. ""Plain, neat garments are the meat appropriate, nice o; les are al most certain to be injur<d. Tn some partsof the Exhibiti on i irounda the !dust is quite ponetatlig, and the asphaltiim walks bee jmc sticky under; the hot sun. tli3 Main- Building the passages ' ire iieces; sarily- sprinkled to lay tin -'dust And -to see lnng dresses raiiiijg through tho water is not oily dis gusting, but such obstacles foriojis- lv interfere with the couifn-tablo locomotion of tho crowd. walking-skirt is -indispensrde to comfort liaznr. and ncatne'ss.- //. l short tho ed. Ijei-(lay|li"ve persons were.ar|iest .it'll iuul eixaiuined before W. Fa Iron and- .Mayor Fisher, bu they all g.ivo a sjitisfaetory acct^unt of them'selva-i, were dismisseil. day other i parties were exanii with the.same' result. It is supposed that" Wild has not murdered jat all, und that ho lied to -thi; States, and taken ly of tryiuij to make the ]ni think he has mot with .foul p Ui.s li'l'e was recently insured ?2,l)00, and -it i.^ thought this ]<lains part of bis sltirange conduot Terrible! Calamity in Luther. On Friday morning a terrible niin-storm nccompanied by light ning and : thunder jiassed over Luther village. The frame house of Mr. Wm. 'Dawson, Reeve of the township of Luther, was struck by lightning, and Wm. Olivor, a paint er, who was working at tho front door, and Mrs. Hugh Taylor, a do mestic servant who was in the front part of the house, were in stantly killed. Another painter working outside, on a ladder was stunned arid fell to the ground. Fortunately the members of Mr. Dawson's family were absent at the time, the deceased being tlio only parties' in the house.-/ Mr: Dawson himself, who was on! the sidewalk about fifty, yards offt was knocked, down but suffered no: injury. Sev eral others fell froiii the shock. Mr. Alex. Cooper, the contractor for tho painting, had a narrow es cape, ho having, gone, outside to mix soino paint a moment or two before the crash came. The houso [though not burned is badly wrecked. The front is gone and iii every room there arc'- holesj out of which tho fluid burst. Mrs, Taylor hits boon in tho employ pF Mr. Dawson for some time, "wuh about forty years of ago, aud'waia thu main sup port of a largo family. Oliver be longed to Fergus, and was a steady industrious young mi h, whoso only relativo in this counti ywas a grand father. rescued from tho flames. MARRIED. tln'Ctuclph l>y .thc'Kev. l)r. "DavMfion, on July luth, Jlcv. Jas. Anderson, pias ter of the Baptist Church, If dishing, Krin, to Klizalxith Wilkinson, of.-the township of East Flamboro'. In 5th con; Eliza, wife <jf--Mr. about 3o ycar^. IUKD. Erin, on the Itli intt., ti.rillii!, _a^cil A CARD.-To nil siitTcrlng from the errors and lndlfCfetioiifi nryouiti, nervous weiiKness. early decay, loss of. n'ljinli.^d,"' Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure yon, FKKK OK CIIAIIUK. Tn,: :jficat remedy was dlKcoverid by a inissionary ill South Am'-riC'l. S^nd a K^lf-.'iddr*'S>ed. evolojie ,to tlie 'Krv. Josi-.i'ii 'J". I.sman, Station 1), Bible Houso, New Vork City. W. as To ned : low eon has this blic ay. for ex-- od der iiy. 3Ilg. be- Shot through Jealousy. Alt Columbus, about twelve miles fro tit Port Huron,'Mich., on W rresday, the 5th, Henry Whe shot and,-.it is feared, fat; wounded Win. -Jones! Ho has | susjiected-'improper intercourse .'tween Jones and his wife, but there is no certainty as- tho correctness of the suspicions. It.is reported that he shot at him once .before, Und missing him, told him ho wculd tako better aim next, time; md yesterday it seems that -Whe! dor. went over to a piece of . woods- directly across the road from Jo res'; house, and when Jones cariio out into tho garden tb wash, Whe.der' fired at him.- Tho ball pAtsqd through two one-inch boards an 1 a handsaw beforo striking tho victim, and took effect in tho -right-hip, passing directly through, and vas taken out tho opposite side. The wounded inan'is in a very critical condition, and tho"d*ctors say tuitit should.inflammation set.m bo qan- riot live.! Both men. are teinpeijate and, law-abiding citizens. jdr. of tho Congregational Church of tbafc place, and lias always been counted an honest and 'upright man. '..'ho siimo can bo said of Jones, as ho lias (dways been a! peaceable man and a good neighbor" to all abjub him.' No arrests j have yet bjjeii made. CUKE FOH DRUJrttE srNKS8. Ono of the Supreme Court J Carolina suggests tho for preventing drunkenness: Allow every person to sell i.s much liquor as he wishes, without but to reqttiro-those apply for a license, :i tico of such applicati ing it for ono month newspaper of tho ei and then, if there bo to eriteiv-iiito 'a bolr havior, beforiitho at.ttl is granted, I; irper .-, ' ! ... Tho Grangers nro i bout starting I a-saw mill at Tiverto ldges in South following plan tax or license who-drink to. ml to give no- Jii by publish- in tho oilicial (y or co.iiufy, nu objection,., of good be- loritv to-drink Mr. Cronibic, with a. friend, went in bathing, and wJijlo iu tlie water . took cramps. His frit nd lmstened to his assistance, and ho was safely got to shore, and partial ly recovered. llufc in a short timej ubfavorablo symptoms showed themselves, and though ' nothing serioius was' anticipated ' for some tilde] he gradually' sank, dy ng at' half-past four-, o'clock.; L rs Mulloy and Sylvester were presint ho Overs' Cotn.i. Ghatei-i'L a.Vi> Com- roiiTiNo. " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the oporati/ms of. digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Ep_ps haj* provided onr lireakfawt tables with a 'delicately flavored beverage which may save usinany heavy doctors' hills. It is by the judicious use of such articles ef-diet that a constitution may be gradually built uji until^trongenough to re.diat every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around- .us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. \Ye iliay escape many a fata! shaft by keepiijg ours'eUes well fortified with pure blond' anj a ].'n>- l>erly nourirlted frame.'.' Ch-il S'i'i'iri fht-.'tir. ^nld only in pickets labeled- - ".Iamk.s Ki'iM , A: Co., -Homiuopatlii"-' Cht.mist, -IS, Tlireadneodle ..Street,, and 17.0, Piccadilly, "London." - THE MAN Whb can sell y(fa GOOD GOODS Momi| Jy ' ExprtJ .Mixedf Nijht Ki?htI 5DxedJ Pay Mad Mixedl and OHEAFGOOD^ is the PRINGLE, / Splendid Stock JEWELERT Of all. Grades. REMOVED AtTOX JIAItKETS, Flour ...... White Wheat .. Tread well Spring -Wheat' '.. ltod (.'half Wheat Harley ... Oats. .... -.. Peas. j.. Potatoes,; per bag Batter ~!.;. Eggs. ;.. .. Hay, per ton Bacon |'.. H.im ;-.. Shoulder.! .-: .. Lanrbskina'..! Pelts \:.\ :, Lard ' J i. I : ';. Tallow f..- ., 50 S'2 00 tc 1 OO't-o 1 03 1 OO'tb l'-O-i 0 iKI-to .1 -Of! 0 US to 1 tK) Q 00 to 0 Ofl 0 30" to 0 32 0 00 toO op 0 30 toO 35 . 0 15 to 0 00 0 10't-oO (X) 10 00 to 11 00 0 11 to 0 00 0 J2 to 0 14 0 10 to 0 12 0 50 to 0 80 0 50 to 0 (10 6 12 to 6 13 0 06 to 0 07 NEW! ADVERTISEMENTS. BMHTM1N Jto deal with, arid his name i ."' J. -WV MANN: You -will find him every time at-the Central Emporium, Corner MilIi&\WilIow streets, ACTOIT. ,Rv:.0R'EECf!;, SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, He can. slio^ ypu a fine stock of .| STow Dry Goo*ds, - Groceries, Cxcckwr,'.- l~' ^ - ' - i ,' "L- ' -. . - j __ Bal "Wall. Pa jar. Call and Ue couvhicod that this id ;V The Right.Spot,."V" w<iH, .of JOHN HIcHINDSEY, Attor- no.v.Bt-Law, Solicitor In Chinrery, .Notary Public. Conveyancer, etc. .Office: Over Watson's Drug Striro, Main Street JIilton*. .", ' - - T ENDKKS. Tenders: will he received up tff July 15th, for; jlmilding 40. rods" o{ fence, around t'hureh-hul Grave Yard, For plans andlgpecilications call on JAMKS1 UYOEItJlActon, ISAAC .SNYDER, C'hnrch-hill, <r D. W."SMITH, Erin. ; July5,!is7G. j '.."_ :]".' l-2t. mo KKEEDEKS. The thoroughbred Durham- Bull, " ZKPHYP," (sire imported ".Sheriff," dam."Sarispariol 10th,") will sorVe cows this season^.on lot !No. 27, 3rd con. Es- (juesing (miar G. T. station) as follows : JJurhams .S10.00 ; Grades S2.50. Sydney smith. ; Acton, June.'20, IS7G. 5?/-2m .^.otonI..- j Fruit Basaar. Has removed one d-.or wiiH, .of h\* old stand, and is now prepared lu.-turn'but W/i-k, which'for -." .'! ' '. NEAT1TESP, CHEAPNESS' AKD D^EABILIIT '"'.' .- cannot be surpassed by any house in the couuty. Harness- of all Kinds '- '- .... -nu iplied on tho'stMrtesE'possible .notice, anil warranted to give perfect "satisfac- 'tiiii. . ^ ' - . As he is doing business principally on thp Cash System, ho is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. : ivehim a call and bo-coovincod that Uija is tho right "place. ' . . J .--Jinno 2S, 1R70. ;K. CKEECIIi,Acton: iUIED MEAT, Death of Mn. Jam-es' Ckohuk -Mr. James Crotnbi(!,of the Pres ton Woollen iMills, died very s id-, dehly on Saturday morning at half pastfonr o'clock." On Friday oVenJ J l!L'S',.to announce to tho peoplo of Acton GEO. LEVENS for somo timo befoi'o and wlien died. For many years Mr.Ci-c bio was tlio loading business n in <!alt." Aelivi'V, pushing and ergetic, and retiring.at leiigjth w a iaryo forluiie fruuj the l)juufr Foundry (which then p;is.s<-:<l i^ito tho'hiinds uftbildie and MeCijdlocI aiidcoiinci.'ted .with -various 1; business enterprises . in.. ^rest( m- au jii- ith iea that he has opened oat in-the building (i-lately occupied by Geo. Stoddard, on the corner-: of JS till and Elgiii streets- where will Ijo found .at ail times all kinds of ; .. - Canned Fruits, Gan&ios, i Oranges, Lomoas, To oaccos, Cigars, . ';...) Summor DriniiB, oto. ICE CREAM BY THE DISH OF OJUART, Ontarii', Mr. Crombio's na no, ;'or many years was a to\veivof streu to ;uiy eutorpriso with which coiiucctej. ; ! ho v Ice dk'Iiycred at the lloiise." nt half a font per pound. A BARBER SHOP in connection, wjiere'Shaviiig-TlafV-cut- tiiig, Shamp.Hining, etc.,' cauhe done in the best style of the tonaorial art.' Acton, July.22, 1870'/ '- . " I) DRIED Charles Cameroii . ' Ha\-ing postponed removal in order tq clear out his stuck of Pork, oilers at a roe need rate . .- Sijpo'rior Smiokcck-anS. .'D'asmoked. Sams, Cumberland Cut'&.Bacon,. eir-ed-by himself, and which, will be found unsurpassed in quality. Try it an Ibe convinced, ' ' ' _..!h future, meat will be found iii the ship partly occupied by G. iVf. Scott, Main street, Acton. CHAS. CA.irERON. J. VV-. Acton, April r>, 1870. MAXJf. > T\,TILTO>* PLANING MILI& T- J. R^ MITCHELL, i Manufacturer of " Sash. Doors, Blind;!,. Mould insts. Woor and Window frames, Pickets, etc. .1 Planing, Scroll Work and Maieiiag-.V Pone to Order. . ' 3T Blinds 30 cents per 'foOt. "59 All work delivercil in Acton free. Orders left at! Sepord Bros..wflI be promptly att^nded to. ^j - Milton, June (?, 1^76; : :: 50-ly. 1? a. April 2G, 107G. 44-3m STOTES AND NWARE! if you want a Boss Ce-bkinf] Sfoye, go* to or Tarlor JOHIMSOIVI'S. Always in stock, - ' . Stoves. Stove Trimmings,.T>n, Sheet- Irou anil Jainmiied Marc. -.-' Particular .attention paid to' E AVETROUGHI NG. Stencilling 'and 'Jpbhiny. nlmrttU'iuiiU, thine on 'r'the. Cottop Kags, t'oppe'r; Drass, Iron and other produce taken in cxchaiig'e. - '-3- Call and See IPs. "^ a . -llcmeuilier the stand, one. door-, west" of the Canada Glove Works,. ."' '. '--: MILL STREET! ACT.01T. W', It. -WlI-SO,^. P. P. JOH.SSO.X. 'Acton, April 1J, ^S7G. c. t. mm Mill Street?, ACTtfX, ' ' 'I General Groceries,, j' Boots and Slioas^ "Wall .Paper, .; i-.-i -' "- .7"-:- Orolckery^ ;:./ v "! ^ '/-- ' '. Q-lass-ware, . / >:-%. : I : itTails, ':. ' "' - . ' y ' ' 'l' ' '-i'.Glassi'"-, / - > -' Putty, Linseed Oil,-^ *:;Bs^ [ "Paints,.'; y. ' '-./".-- ,. , Turpentine, ;. tMa^liine Oil,. ;-: 1 ] ' ' \-< . priced < - . ^ee tke new bri| Bui we.; | mence ojj f ,-M ; of Sherif] i inenced : His card| columns Scythes,! -" Secord -r-A at Hyn.lsl ; lie dods. _dd and j l. whtde is Dpi] ' coizc-erfc. aj " tcujuarrow . bumper auJ desei . -: Mr! i vacant 1c .- ed a Iargel Council s| W3nnf can . t-> hirL' el| : JeEty. looked likl I We I thei Irish plemeat, [jVi'of interest ican re vol| It is a g5g time3 the i the, paper. ji'Nezl'Sei 4to:tlie ttkea.to- i%pe^ sfic _ yet 'been . Thtrraday goir^ fnvsl "Vived near [ ' feenr^, tlje . So into the I the coastal rooitt tt-M Massales sa| versation youngster window -and : Sad no trac cante'ioner J ener sndden Sobs or Te^ I - - ; ' CE j- . T^efoHo^ efficers' of-. Sons of Teml .'last by Bcq.| 'Bro. D-^ Sister GoJ ; B/o.iD. Sister A. jCro. John| . Sister J. iro. Wrr ' ,Bro. R. .SistimBelJ Sister '. Bro." N. Fl :-*- - ' -i -^.-. Thesul)s'crlhr>rbeektoretnrottistaan* .*, tinho in'lmblthrilsoi AetonnnJsarroBna-. \k\s .country foi\ lh.v! Ubcrst 1'atrono^ lleretofobextenqcdip hlru, atlJ Pc^, . .sitmetiiho solicit, llioir further supp<* - IN/U.-l'ash 1'akt fdr Hides dellyerBii. , C T. tou*'- Aclon, July latr'lS7o. t~-.<ij.^5?*r.-i^--ft-T-J^.-r.. - .'.-- - i--? ... j, j . ,,; Bdr^v.^ili^i--^^-:^.-' - -i .. . .1- I -. :" 1 MSr ">' -a! "' m ;:; : ^^Kf^iipftS^^ ^^mm&ri . "ThefoUov j -ofScera of. { sPeight, D.C . Bror E. ed V Sister ilerf ,. .-Bro. H. PJ ) - Sister H,- Bi-o. Mcil| 8ro. "B. '2fj Bro. E. Ca * Bro, a_ Ni ,:',- Sister-*M. .' ..-'Bro. b. h1 ; Bro. $tephl ^-thtKest^- -a!1d.-ai1e.-uloin Sst- - Yoa ' ^e.mlfemoa &1 as Record Bro m&m n^^<i^-fc" imzmMm