- / "WUtU It -AM* WBRX AM. IS "fhe rat> gem ap, ianU the aun goes down; " And a thousand years, are but as one; The leave* crow greco, .auihiho. lcawa crow brown, -, - And what i it all, wheall Udone ?" Aye, what la it all, iC thii life be all, But a draught to its dregs of a cup tit A bitter round of the raylasaryc&rs, A aaddeuina dole of wormwood tears,. Aaonow&fplaint oi the spirit's thrall, Th*rare, thaafcrooa, tfce funeralpall, T&iawiteatuasJfthwIt&bd aH. Bvt it U iwt all beyond this shore,: A sua goes Vfrlje^daw^lfeD naloro, ' ' "* The laave*hi* grow^pata, aro green - ' for aye, .. : And the flowers that bloom do not docay- A thousand years are iadoed as- one, Bat of bittojaeaa than the Bool hath .- * And this is it alii when all is done. Sl'T TW WISE Ctr.-; ". . ~ Oh! why will men the wino cup crave, ' Whan- only grief-and pain it Rivei Ahl way b *o a drunkard's" grave," And not a sober, pure lif ,"!?; The wine cup, tia with poison filled,; It rains, blights the fondest hopes, J It ne'er was bygone Maker willed, - That then hold,,lo*re the poison cup. Bitter tear* it gives, and an aiid shame, . And draga aiau tnm hat high eatate, VTBere he might .win a holy fSiiis; BotwIiea^drinkAitUtwTa)*. .;. !IanywiaWdinotor*'*>ft'- \ ." ;- To battle with earth's sad cares; The aroal wine cap has bereft Her of a borne and husband.dear. Aod eft is hnid tbe>orpb4a's ry. As-all their hohaTiaawaUowod np, - Sees, their heart-broken mother die, Betrayed by the poison cup. Oh! man, whom God created^ here, 'And hr His loye^haa lifted np, Why will ytw not yoni Maker liar, ' And tarn and hate the cursed crfp T ^ramosa, July 10, 1?76. E. C... r fWW ' 11: JftmUj Matters. DiamondCetnent, Isinglass, one ounce; dtatilted vinegary fire and a half ounoea^ spirits -- aria*, two ounces; gum'ammoniacniu, half an bonce ; gum mastic, half an ounce. L Mix welt Scorches made by overheated flat irons can, berrenioved fronj linen by spreading ovet the cloth a, paste made of the'juice of; two onions, half ox. white soap, 2 - col fuller's ; earth, and half pint vinegar;. Mix, boil well, and cool before-using. To raise the pile of Velvets When the pile'. is preyed down, cover a not soffootbing iron' with a wfet cloth; a^p*c4d the velvet firm ly over it; the vapors arising will ' raise the pile of the velvet.with the assistance of a light -whisk. A flannel vest should be worn next the skin all the; year round, 11||_. , _ an4 in winter a^pair of flannel ^J^HJ : drawer^"eoming :fcigbJ" rgpnd the waist should be added. Attacks of" diarrhoea, dysentery, or even cholera, may be predated by being thus protected. If onions juk sliced and kept in a ck room they vill absorb all the . stmosphsria poison." They should be-changed every hour. In the room of a_amall-pox patient they blister and decpnpeee very rapidly, but * 01 prevent the spread oE the dtaeaae. Their Application has also provedeffectual in the case of snake bite*. : The Regertoire de -Fharmaeie re commends, as a remedy 'for chil- bhaaa, one. ounce of tpnnin, to. bis dissolved in about a pinV of water," and four scrupled of iodine in a suf ficiency of alcohol. The solutions ;||fj|: are then mixed and made up to two pmts. The solntiona is to be made . hot, and the affected .part to be im mersed in it as long as the hea can .be borne. ^Starching Linen. Thefollowing is recommended by a German jour nal f Make a liquid paste with ,'good "fii ^SHieat starth and cold water, and then" stir in boiling ~. water until a stiff paste is formed, a id then immediately' add white waxj or stearin, say abbut one.ounce, - of" wax to a pound' of starch (the exact proportions, however, in case ean only be determined by yexperW ence.) If it is desirable that the . Jinen~Bbould be very:- stiff, powder- ,- ed gum a*abic may be added to the. cold water with which the starch is mired*. /The atrained.#arh should be thoroughly rubbed into the arti cles after they have been well wrong out, after-which they should -then be placed between dry .cloths and .passed through the mangle, and then rubbed onvari*iroing board in pne direction with a soft ratf, to of starch. Collars, iui., should be irpned dry with a hot iron and considerable pressure. The sticking ;of tie iron . poay be prevented: by "drawing it . wiile hat oyer wax, aiid" piping i,t ' with a raz dipped in'saU, ' " .,', j-.'.^i.... ?>,</. Within five years, \4,699 out of . ^,6(X) a^tUre mile* of Pitlestine have been sofv^yed Vy EnglislKsuryey- prs; nearlyjt.OOO'beighte ba.veieea measured'; the pjsitipn of three ifourlhs of the- Biblical ,towns, has bee^~set^ rest; and^he.true'pities of the cav&' of AdulEun and the ford fit baptism | of the Jordao^ave becta | '" ascertaineJ. ,'-' \ - Pie zeq. K large^farmerIre- /stding on t|ieixth concession^ Bev- . . erly, fcaa diseovered A new method fit getting rid of his grass-hoppers. , He |^eps fifteen pigs, -and during tha summer montbs they lire on nothing bu^^grase-hoppers. He ^teepa two f the^ninnaer's litter /over fcMi(the next spring'to teachs tlie young brood. Last summer for /aeven weeks his pigs lived on the ^^uideameout fat and ; on ^rain. / |l "~D Uaa removed unb.door-wosti < { hia old stand, a^od is miw prepared to work, which for NBATiTESS, 0SEAPNE33 AITS - . DTOABILItt cannot bo 'siiruas^otl by any ""'"thebounty. '"_ , house. in Hamos3 of all Kinds supplied on thejishortest possiblo nntlcoj and warranted to giver perfect satisfac tion. -. :.- ' As He is doing, busiucss priniiipally on the Cash System, he iB prop.-irod to sell cheaper th.\u over. . I ' - :'(rivo him a calTond be cbnvifecid^haV this is the ri>;ht|>lafte. \ .~1_ f June USI..IST6. R. CUEECIi; Aclon. 1876. BASiB BALLS. li: Base Baili ^(Jiiides Foi- 1876 AND CHEAP BOOKSTORE .'- * - - _j j On the East side of Wyndham Street' gueuph: ' On and special - indluoemen ts keep op.our liamson-ji oXtpv room for ITulrimpoTts nill nfier Tuosdayi'.Tuhe 2fth, and up; to tbo ICUj' July; We will -ofle'r Wholesale Stack, recently pure! iiwod in Mbhtronl jat. lJulf the invoice value,, jlxt coir ^ei?,iQ3B SE Beouliful ;)ress Gooxls. lOo a yard (striped Lawns," worth iiOo, at 6o Finest En(;lish Prints, 8o and lOcj, Fast Ameiioan PrintH, 5o, Striped Grenadines, 10c. tamoaso NO.DEGEPTION GOODS WORTH FOTTK'TIMES THE PRICES aIsked COME A^EFSEE FOR ilOtrRkELYES T BE Rock River Company Patent BUILDING PAtER AT PAY'S BOOKSTORE. Inodorous Sheeting Paper! 5^c: a lb one pound to a square yard. Prepared Plastering Board Millinery and Mantle Department. tbe season and Man tl Guelpb, E OU .. And so give our.customers such a chnjnce of buying cheap as they havo " never had before. R PR CES. Bljick and Colored Lustres, 121c Indies Hose, 4i pairs for 25c. Beiutiful Striped ; Summer Sbawjs, worth 82.5Q,i far 81.00. Striped ShirUngjlo^o. Assortmont of L&ilos' Glovos, Rufllos, FriUiag, Belts; and, Ribbons at prices lower tiaa ovor. BOOT AND SHOE KENNLY & Have ust rocoivod/their Spring block of BO )TS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS, ]io Best that overcame into' Aotonj, for Prico, Ajcton, '"7 umiT^-^rr'i- i:. ST0HE. SON . "i" -' Stylo "and; Quality. CUSVOIYI \rORK Will receive careful attention, and nil work fiuarant ;ed to give satisfaction I oaj Repairing Done Ncatty. "o>. Don t forgot the pijee^-.v': Main Stroot, 2Tozt Door to Agnow's SotoL May 29, 1870. CALL AHD SEE KENNEY & SON DIPKSON & MeNABrS stock: r In this brunch prices will be reduced to a minimum giving our lady friends a ctiance of getting es at marvellously low prices, for the balance of Summer Millinery I- Buy ati the Lion and Save Money Tune 26, 1S7C. J. D. "WILLIAMSON & CO. GI^EIAT SPB0IAL OF DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING jPreparatory to Removal. 6c a lb. Tarred Sheeting. 4c a \bl-l\ lb. to square yard. - Moth Proof Carpet Syining-7c a lb. one pound to a square yard, and Djcai7iinet the SlocJc at flag's Boolcntore. Day: Se$tp Cheap, acton ; Wagon anjl Catftag- FACTORY. J AMES RYER,V Proprietor. Slolglis, dattorij See; "Kept Ln stock and made to-.Orde,- on tbe *":.".- .. ' :-'Bn.prtest-Notice,'""" 'l" "Striot-JttentJon paid t<>T: aorserShaeia.j. & ^aensral 3 obhiagr an^ 1; Acton J- and satisfaction guarantee J. -j "" ton Stay 1st, 1875. -'. / ' f, f vr- 1L STEWART Qur entir) stock of Dry Good3 and Clothing is now offered regardless of .Cost, 46 reduce stock before removing to our Sew pr jmisesj-now building. The publio may rely on the Best .and Cheapest Bargains ever Ss CO. 3JB"Jbl VV OHOIOB GrOODS offered of Cheaper t, jan Old Bankrupt Stock at Half price Cheap because just the ~ goods wanted Cheap, -because Fresh and Now. TSS ST00S MUST, WILL But we arn aware how perplexing it is for honest people t<? read the adver- tjisenents here and elsewhere. iVVno'll talk the loudest and brag the most seems .to he the maxim of each. But an intelligent Public li^iow-well that Shoddy '.':.:. ; iG.Ood" are dear|ai Half-price. ASH SSAHi IE SOLD. Also IJar^je Lotiof PRINTS of'tbeMost Select Patterns rllie Ccjebrntecl DTrNDAS COTTONS at ex- ceediiifgly fo!w 'raies. "": ' S s"We arc determined hot to be undersold. Actor , Marcli 29, 1876. Ce: tral Boot and Shoo Store. Don OPB We have now an Immense Stock of ! Of the Best' Patterns that can be had in the market. DICKSON GRAINE & SN SBSCoNAB, %im \ml'V- l| ' - - .!: ;'-'/ : *i " v*!**'m I k RUSSELL WATCHES. ELGIN WATCHES. SWIsi WATCHES, t _______ _______ t j Second-Hand Watches, Cheap, '-[ Al' O. & Gh. 33T5T25TJD0, Fost OfiSce, Acton. Acton, July 4, 1876. LOOK AT THESF. PRIC THEY ARE GENUINE. fer Men and Boys' Linen Coats, C0ct 70o, 90c, 81 00, 81 2\ $l.i:i. Hon and Boys' Linen Ve^ts, 70c, 75c, 90c, $100, 1.25. 380 160 200 Men and Boys' Linen Pants, 65c 80c, 90c, $1 00 190 Black and Fancy Lustra Coats. 81 25, $ 1 37, 1.75. 82 00 80 Black Ku=sol Cord Coats 81 37 81 60, 83.00. -110 White Duck Vests' 81 00, 81 25, 81 75. 150 Fancy Duck Vests, 81 25 81 75 82 00. 40 Blnok Lustre Pants, 82.25. 50 Black Lustre Vests, 81 25 100 Cottonade Coats, 81.25, ^1 50, 81 75. - > 700 Cottonnde Coots, great variety, 81 0O, 81 25. 81 50, 81 73,. Splendid lot Pure Mohair Coats 87 00, 87 50, 8 00 ' Blue Serge Jackets, 52 50, 82 85, 84 25 T A few Waterproof bummer Over Coits S2 00 -83 50, 85.50. 180 ChildrenteJUoen Suits, 81-25, $1 75, 82-25, / t i i Wo bought tho above Bankrupt Stock of Pierce & Cp f and they-ma best' closed out. WJVI. RUTHERFORD & da, July %, 1S7<5 2To. 31, Lover "Wra&li&m Stxeqt, (Hulva Have just received their SPRING STOCK OF B061|& SHOES which is ahead of anything'evered offered'in Acton for etyle'ahd'durability and at prices that cannot be undersold. dim dti&ibM Will receive' careful personal attention, and all "work guaranteed to give ' , ' ," REMOVAL, Is- Gr. IMI. -^C ntry, that t forget the place, ' | . Mill Street, opposite Morrow's Drnsr ;StJorc. Actcnj April 4, 1876." CRAME & SON Spades, ' * W,el give a few quotations of- 4,500 yards of Press Goods^ former prices^ 15/2,0, cents^ reduced^to 10,15 and -20 cents "Lace C.iirtains 75 25 and up ,to 50 cents. White' Cotton. IJoae from 6\ cents. Straw Sun Hats from 5 cents,. from $1.2.5." $1.5.0. . Damasks, Toyrel- Striped silks reduced to 57 ceb.es/- Striped Gri enadines-to 10 cents. Striped ani Plain Linen fo',10 cts. ;Parasols ftom 15 cents. ilack ani' Colored Lustres ^.[.^.mefe/jacketa .' "12J cants.- ' i - r. . Table Lin ana, Bed Quilts, table Napkins, Sheetings, ' " ': ling will be offered at striking prices Gojdred Shirting from 10 cents. Aj lot of Woolen Twkeda reduced from ; '^"$1500 to 60 cents. Colored and White Dress Shirt) from 40 cents A JOB LOT of LADIES- UHJDERCtOTaLN(? to hj) SAORIFXCED. I , This Sale is no Clap Trap, ' ' ^"Kednced Prices Must Be Cash*-e r ytilUA^. STEWART & Co, 1 .Guelpb, Jupe ,5 181 fi, ..... c BEAN & CO FUR Shovels, i 1 Begs to inform the inhabitants o{ AC! ON and EUrrdunding cou ho has removed to r ^EiXiX. STE21ET Nc-tt Door to Calloway Bros.' Bakery, in the building lately occupied b> B. Creech, t winch his been ncitly fitted "up. It has the bes* light of any st< ire in the two counties, which is \ery e-sential for the proper selection His stock, which is very choice, is fully assorted, of goods. i And will he I Sold at an TJnusuallf I^ovv F^gurer Heisdetecmined to still maintain his former reputation of kenping NOTHING BUT ^HE BEST OF GOODS AND SELLflNa AS 'CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE, Rakes; IN FISHING TACKLE i j AND feP()ETINa '.-r.", !Gr00l>S Jhroughoufy th^y haveJbe best assortment in Town. May 8, 1870. A: McBEAN)& O0. .(- - -..- almA block, guelpb: i i i 'B@" lV6 bim a call. i I G. M. SQOTTB June 27, 1876. ALL KINDS OF ' feOOii--' "AmD.,, *IO PRINTING . :, (.'..- .-j,'. -.|>PQXrX|>T: EXECUTED"AT"!. jqPSB! FREE PRESS Sa^uate Dealing Hons 9, A*aa BUSY AS USUAL i AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST E&D. WE ARE NOW SHOWING A FULL STOCK OF NEW BBENADLNES, I . ' NBW SILKi^ BJaok and Colored, , \ NBW PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES, NEW PRINTS AND CAMBfelOS, ,, I NE!W LAfWiS. "- ALSO JUST OPENED i^fS^^J^ Every Lady Should See^ our Present Stock, a. I A. O. BUCHA 1 Fashionable West End Cress, Millinery and Mantle Esi Guelpb, June 10, 187G. f Vol Post >*orf Con1 lAIer -ABlf I ii4 Ae StreJ M<ild teoij lt3D> fflo L'Uxt) the if nun Flonl aaleT IhulJ JSu* SUI RasJ - - $61