Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1876, p. 2

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i- -Mt 9 5 THE FREE PRESS/ AC TON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT,, AjUGUST 10, I87G. y. 8 %: :3j -1 ^ilii MpRK ACTON FREE ritESf S. P-uSlifhcd Ivviry Tluirsd.iv Morning. J. H. HACKIXG,-Proprietor. " $1 Per Ann urn in Advance - JOS. H.HACK1HO EOITOH ArphbiBhop ltaurgeC-'.is gaining in Bto'ength though'.lie is notyot pi-orxoitrrccd out of duugeVf - r 0r,483 pounds of wool beim sold on tho' tlmjlnli market thiii swanon; - r ^: TnCRSIXAY MoRSIXll,. ACUL'ST 10. 1876. The news.,(rem the seat of \vi\r is very "renflictiiig. Ono itccount represent* the w<w as tiuijdiKl find S*>r*ia ready to Bite - for ..peace. " Other*;sy the insurgents arc meet ing with success, land thai (fey have Mouktor T?ushii in d<pr*U> . . Ktrnitsjit; Trelujjnc: All accounts agree tliat the lvus- 'ma^i-Government is. tn'fiking the ut most exertions to spread & feverish fe*liug among RussWns iiv behalf of Scrvia. l\ussiaif troops in Bess arabia aro constantly tyeviving re inforcements. . Large .purchase of arms have.peon made for Servia in Berlin, for which Rounuuiia. pro- mists libel ty of-transit llvron'jjh her "territory.- - A Vienna despatch announces ~ authoritatively that -Soivia, des- j>airing of success, has' asktd tho mediation-of the gnat powers. Servi^'s attempt to raistTA war loan in Russia has failed. Tho,-entire Turkish army in the" -field, excepting the forces ut Sojihia, and in Bosnia arid Albania, 110m- " oers] 12,000, with 50 squadrons of 1-- earalrv. ~ ' -. Teachers' Examination. Tin) following- returiiH, gleanud frotnji fow local'jmperB, will-givo some idea of tho amount of pluck-, ing to which, candidates hnvo neon subjected at tho.-roceiit teachora' ex- By the oipsizingof a rowboat ouff'"i,|"ti^n-l "Tlm'fi,U '*" wil1 a pond in Essex countv, K X., on lbo ?J>UiinRWo CJoun- Smuhu ten pei-Boivs weW drowned. ** * 'avo finteUcd then- work - | - -J tvml sent in their result to tho Uo- y-lakv wi Tho Dunkiii Act by * &u Pacspic Railway. The Depart mentyf -Public Works advertises for tenders for works pquired to be done o: that tectum of the-Pacific Railway extending-from Red River e&stwarU to Rat Portage-^ distance of about 114 miles.- Tenders to be received up to the-0th September. The. prospects'Yi re that the work on __. thel^rholeiine will noir be prosecu te^ without much further delay. The^spring eropa in this'.vicinity , are""; turning out well, gram of all - kinds giving promise ofjmore than an average yield. The |diy weath- -; er of the past two weeks has been favorable for harvesting operations. submitted to a volnvof tlio ratepay era in Groy on tho 20th September. Switzerland exhibits at the Cen tennial a perfect- wntch no larger than a Kilvor half-diine/aud set iniv finger-ring. 'f .-1 '_ -:- Ono cent per bushel nuifceit n dif-. foreuce of ten nullion dullats in tho "Value of.the nnnual croj)s of corn in the-lTnited Suites; On Friday afternoon n. scaffold within- tlio new St, Peter's Cathe dral, Montreal, gaw way, and three men were instantly killed. A --laborer named Haiuuel, an old resident of Waterloo, employed by Hoffman,-- Wegenest it Co!,: died from sunstroku on Saturday ;alter- noou. The English revision of the Old Testament has been earried us far. as-the"17th vei-sebf-tUo 23iil chapter of Eaekiel. . - .-- Tlie agricultttrftl and sewing rha- chino works of Joseph' Floury, Aurora, were 'destroyed : by-- fire Sunday. Losis $80,000j lid iiurj.r- alice. - In the billiard toniTyii'n'ent at San Fnuicisco, which concluded on Sat urday, Sexton won a game of GOO |K>ints from Gamier, .Freiieh carom by 206 points. The Waterloo-House of Industry and Refuge contains" 80 inmates at present, nearly all of whom are likely tp remain there while life's lamp holds-out tobuin. \ In-Tlmrlow township on Satur day-, at midnight, George Ilum- plireys>.'ot Belleville, sho.t John Ltitchford through theTieart-for fe- maviij'g av box of berries, the pro perty of the homicide. - ; Jos. Trapji and Arch. Walker, charged by tTie Guelph tax-collector or. perform 'their statute labour, were; fined $5 each.witTia 2.25 costs, and obliged1 to' pay the tax, $2. Friday an engine on the Port Dover and Like Huron Railway ill bo paituient. Only tho 2nd ntul 3rd elnw examinations aro given, as the results of the 1st class will not bo known for somo.time, aB tho auth orities in Toi\)iito will probably' not mako a return for spvenil weeks. In the second^ class examinations there "wore, two grades, A and B. The conditions of passing" in grade A woiii that tho candidate ahould gain two thirds of ull the possible marks in arithmetic and grammar B.eparau>iy and also in tho whole of tlio subjects taken together. The jgijado B; wan awurilml'ty thoso who gained ono Itulf of.the marks in tho abo'vu subjects : In Aldington, there were fivo candidates for second class, all of whom failed. In tlio third.there, vveie sixty candidates, only 21 of whom passed, the liuiuber of marks ranging from 903'to .r)G7. In jii-ant 2 out of 22 second class, and 1? out of 7(1 -third class candi dates were successful, 0 Of tho re- Elorii Biii*Klarlusj On "VV^dtTesda/ iiight of last week, a giiiig of burglars entered tho oilice of tho Illora Agricultural. Works Company, .romovih^ the safe door by ])o .viler and sledge hammers, but fortunately iiothing was in it but papers and: booltH. Tho villains.leffc and broke, into the office of Grant uid.Co'.'s woollen mill, searched "tlio IphicO: and got fourteen cents in .coppers. They loft this 'nnd proceeded to Ci|rtor k Co.'s oilice, gained entTaneo through tlio window, but feijiiig-nothing but a largo Hafo began operation^ on it, but only siieceedeil in removing the hinges and dann glng it consider >bly. Then they entered tho buck' Perry, druggist, l^it left without. DESPERADOES IN WINDSOR. ,-doing 'I'liuch dam lint there. ' Tliey proceeded to Sale n' and entered- th( store of J. R. Wi -sler, and got half a dozen silk handl eichiefs and some socks, this being tlio solo reward for thoir many attempts, and, no doubt, Escape from lii-iunpton Gaol after befns Pcnitchliniy. John Mallows, mitted for trial beforo tlio !magis trates in Iinimptc --=i': '.> .ij *ls: i? Sna*k*pi>rr* In Wlnnr3ta. - A private letter receivt'i n teir days go,-by a gentlem.-m ^in this viUnge, from Sibley county,' B terrible state of thioirs caused-by tlie recent ravages of the grasshopj-ere. It i* stated thatfota distance of-260 miles', in an almost straight line, the i hoppers (wmrmed in~ myriids, knd that every green thing in their course was totally' destroyed. There appears to be a pros pect of another fazaise-in that State. : Base Ban. The' Gnelph Maple T Leafs hare sns- tained another 4isxstrot: defeat;at the hands of the London Tecumsehs, the Batch yesterday beinj: the third of the series this season. The Ecore at the close of the gatne stood, o'for. London agans6-"0 for Guelpli. ' It looks very ma'ch as thongh; Gnelph ferill have to pve up the-championship at the close of the season. <)ae or to ni'itchea will decide the matter. : fell? _' Senator John Robertson; of _St; John, died Friday morning in Eng land. - _ He sat'in the Legislative 'Council of New .Brunswick from 1887 until the Union, since; when . lie has been a member of thje Do- - minion Senate. Mr. Robertson was largely engaged in trade, and' occu pied the position of director in sev eral extensive corporations. - He yas.also Consul at St. John for the Uruguay and Argentine" Republic. The"3Iilton Ncir* ,says the -gra ding on the H. & N. W. is [irogres- sipg.very rapidly. Mr. Eddingtoh lias a fine lot of men :and horses, and roroe of the best of work' is .. being done. Bridging will be com- menceil immediately. " The prospects for a good crop of hops this- year are very discour aging in the. neighbbrhoodj of Georgetown. The wet winter Jand spring are attributed as;- the :cktiHe of.the bligiit. The vine v.ill inlv climb a thortrjJistance and 'then stop^ forming a cluster abontithe poles. | -The Herald is inforoied . that the lice have made tb'eirSap- jiearanne already. litis feaied l<the Crop ,wiU be-tui entire failure. iiThe burglar who ..escapjed from Brampton, gaoj 'on Thursday even ing, when in the dock,;in answer to the-judge's question if he had any thing to say why the sentence of the Court should not be passed .upon him, said, "if it vya8:adrau5si- We be-wouid xather go to Kingston -: than fco-'Toronto Central Prison.". "- On Monday afternoon Sergt. Mc- B^nemy, of "Hamilton, arrived at Lynden *nd arrested Hai-ry Love, said jto LaVe in his possession 8^3;- 000 and upwards. ;His where abouts ;wa8; discovered hy having his name in the papers for .assault and. battery on two men afLynderi. He i charged on some serious of- ienoes. __ ERIN ACBJCPLTDRAIi SOCIETY. T!he township of Erin Agricultural Soeiety vill hold'ita annual fall ex- hibitiop at Erin Village, on Tues day, 17tb day of October. ' jectod second class candidates being ' s]>oons and forks mnted third class certificates. In Dundas all the second class candidates failed, while only 15 out of f>.l third class \\ure sueeessfiil. ' In East Lambton there were four candidates for fii-sf, li for second, and !?3'for tliirdj only three passing in. second B, and 15 in the third class., -"'_..- In. Elgin ' there were 37 'candi dates, for second class, and 'JO for third class certificates. Eleven" of the second cLiss were successful in obtaining' 2nd grade B. A largo number of the unsuccessful appli cants were granted an 'extension of their presefit third class certificates nov^ expiring, for one year. In Glengarry all the second class candidates appear to have failed, while-out of 5t3 third'class candi dates only 31 were successful. Iu llalton but of 11 second class -and 40 thiid'class, candidates, only one of the former and 11 of the latter were sucebsful; the cerliti- Cittes of seven othero -were extended. In the city of Hamilton tli'ere were 10 second- class candidates, thr? of whom obtained third class certificates and the rest nothing ; Sviitciii'ctl to snnak-thiof, com- n on Tuesday of last week, for tljo theftrofi silver from * Dr. Pattul- fnivious nibrning, I before, Judge iv, and sentenced ingston P^niten- have becii con- 'iidayJ morning. lo's house on the [ was suuunarijy tj i Scott on AVednesi to three years in ' tiary. lie was ty veyed there last Oil Thursday af ;ernoon, however, ran into a passenjjer coach.on the j out i^f 6-3 third class candidates Great Western at the point of in-1 only nino were successful, tersectipn of these two-road*. One In Lambton -t out of 14 ftecond passenger waff severely injured, and the rolling stock badly damaged^ The survey of the H.i S. \V. North of Georgetown, will be: com menced in about two weeks. We -believe, it is. the intention of the Directors to go right ahead with the road until it is completely fin ished. iVeiM. ' A man named Stoddart, said to ;belpng|to) Strathroy, was fined $30 and coits the other day by Mayor Fleming, of Sarnia, for refusing to pay bis fare on the Great Western Railway frOm Sarnia to Strathroy about three feeeks since. Conduc tor Seaver put the man off once, but he succeeded in getting aboard again, and defied, the trainmen.- Constable Begley of the G.W. R., and others secured him a! few days since, and took him to Sa.rnia. In default of the cooney he went to gaol for 50 days. f -, A Belleville" ])ajer says a low typhoid fever an unusual, disease in horses has. set in among the animals in that ;district. The symptom's at first are dullness1, hanging of the headland lapping of the ears, followed generally by ob stinate constipation; Horses! at tacked by! this disaise, if not pro perly looked after, linger but a short time. As a'nuniber of fatal cases have . already occurred, owners of horses should be cautions with their animals, so that in case the.diseiuse should appeaiyit could receive at- i 'tention Atrvnee. . ;-,Disagreeable Touii. Two men named James Kyle and Edward Foley made a journey through the main sewers of Toronto on Satur day ; they weife underground from 10 a.m., until '6, with a short interval for dinner. "The object of the journey waa to find a leakage supposed to exist and which they succeeded in discovering. ' The sew ers are' in no part of a greater beightJlian three ffot, and lit was necessary to walk bent nearly dou ble. The same ine'n made a simi lar inspection 18_ years'agio.- In some places they found two jfeet of sewerage. At one time it.-was fear ed tliey were lost, and a man with a'rope round his waist-was sent down in-search. They report the system in good condition for the most part.. _ The number of. hostile Indians does not appear to diminish at the approach of arT-angements made for their punishment. There are said to be. twenty-seven thousand fight ing Sioux. It is rumored in^London that Father Hyacinthe is" about to enter the . Church of England. Father Gavazzi, another distinguished ex- Catholic will visit Australia. 1 Generals Crooks and Merritt have united their -forces,; and by this time have probably- met the Sioux. At all events tbey started in.pur suit on the 4th inst.' ' class, and 25 out of 105 third class candidates have been successful. In'- Lanark all tho setond class candidates failed to take second class certificates, while 58 out of 107 thirds were successful. . In Lennox all the second class candidates failed, and only 21 out of .66 thin! class were successful. ; In Lincoln only four second class and 26" third class certificates were granted. In London there were ono candi date for first, 15 for second, and 27 for third. The 15 second fell down slain by the arithmetic p~a|>er, the .27 third class succeeded, and thirds ^ere three of those who railed to get seconds. In Norfolk there were eipht can didates for second class} a 11 of-.whom were unsuccessful. There wero 84 applicants for third, 33 of whom were'successful, the marks ranging from 920 to 504: Third class.cer- tificates were .also granted to four of the unsuccessful candidates for second. In North Middlesex there were 12 candidates for second, and 75 for third, the result being one second class B.j and 37 third class. ._ In Ontario, 3 out of 32 second class, and 48 out of 118 third class "candidates were successful. In.Oxford, out of 11 second class candidates one received a second class certificate, andHwo otbers""re- ceived thirds; of G8 third class can didates, 37 .were successful. In Perth, o!ut of 19 applicants forsecond class certificates only one was successful. For third class there were 95. applicants, 24 of .wjio.m were.successful; -. ' In South;Hastings there were 9 second class'candidutes?, all of whom failed, and 85 third class, of whom "34 were-sncbessful. " In Waterloo only one hut of 8 second class was successful, 20 third class, and 14 assistants' cer-_ tificates being granted. In Wellington five out of 38 sec ond class arid 73 out of 173 third, class- candidates obtained certifi cates, -r; In Welland there were 4 second class candidates).all of whoin failed, and 59 third class candidafes, of whom only 15 were successful. In Wentwprth three ou't of 23 obtained second class certificates, and II obtained thirds ; of 90 third class candidates, 43 were suc cessful. - . i instead of being 1 for safekeeping, t employed in cai the gaol yard into seems to-have bee to himself, for he his blanket and then raised a plai form of the well, spliced them te ropes thus made, poles that had be- in such a niann step-at each splicii jiole against the reached the toj jumped out and away. This was was effected tin- back windows, w eked in his cell 6 gaoler had him villi; wood from the kitchen. He left pretty much Managed to tear hirt into ropes, z from tho plal- M.ilit it in two and ether with" the dding two short u left in-, the yard r as to make -a By setting; the wall ho easily J eighteen feet, leisurely walked ajbout G p.m., and ho )ias not yet been caught, al though $50 has b;cn offered for his apprehension. During fiRlit with TJiroo De termined IliirKlurK. XEV1CHAL HUO'J'S ICXO/rANQED, The Trio i'npliiroil nflcr n Loiir C'hh'se. WiNPson, Aug. 7. This.morn ing ibetween soveii and eight o'clock, Robert Webb; John Morgan, and William Switzor drove up, in a buggy hired nt n livory:tuble, to the banking ojlico of Y. \V. Hol- ton, near tho !])ost office. Webb and ono of hiB^ompanion^ontorod the bunk, _tho other-".remaining in the; buggy. Webb went behind thb'counter : imisw a nnyoLvnu o.v younq J." HOI.TON, ' and ordered hiin'to "show up." Holton refused to do so, and threw up his arm and knocked the revol ver up. ;At tho sanio moment. Webb tired, the ball striking in.tho wall above Hoi ton's head.| Holton. shouted murder, and a crowd rush ed in the direction of the office. Tho" men' thou sprang into, tho buggy and started off, but the crowd was so great tho horse re fused to go after they had gone about a block from the office. The 'robbers-then'jumped from tlio bug gy) !' Webb at the simie timo FIItCD AT DAVII) M'OIIKOOU, who hiul hold of their horse' The])' then rnji down Pitt street and to the Street Railway towards 'S.injhvich, but had-.onty gone a fe,w lilo.ks when they Kprang'into T. C.t' Sutloil's garden, and sought to hide theipselves in the grass. Switze.r uot remain long there, but " Early/on Sunday morning a fire broke oujt in th'6 ofliqe oft t&c 7/fiwl' (rated Canadian'Neu;n at,Montreal; The first; and secondIffatei were gut ted. 'Loiss estimated'at $10,000. NEW -ADVjERTlSEMENTS, piUS STRAYED or STOLEN From tho prcifiisfcs o( the ;gbhscribor, on tho 23rd ult., two spring pigs, one white, and tho othor" white jniidTjlack. Information ro^peoting them is re quested. -JEDWARP. MOpKE. Acton. Auguat 2nd, ,187G.j UNDERTAK! *. ' Mornid La? El ExpreS Mixedl Kightf ia-- TTOKSE WANTED. | (iooil Workihg and Drij'ini;" Horsd wanted in excliango for .SliingleB. i J.j B. COAXES. Aoton, Aug 2(11(1, 187. I "G-4t ---------^---------1-------^ -----------: In A KM fori Sale In Erainosa. ' The, undersigned offors to Bell bin fnrni, being theiEast liaH'.'of' I^ot'No. 3, ia tlio 7th coriccKuion of thp Township.' of Kramnsa, omppriHiiig about ti'i acres, nlmiit 4() of wliicii aro midor'cultivation. (Jod log houHu'aml burit, orchard, etc. It in nittintcil ahtuit pnidwiiy between Acton nnd Ilockwond. j For jparticulnrH, enquire of Mr. iWin. llemBtreet, Rock- wood, or the owner, on the jiremiefl. i -JOHN'iicliN'TOjSH-. Eramosia, July 19, ]j87C. ! 3-3m |-- The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Actpit-an<f- hn^ - rounding neighborhood tbat he has pfocurod a magnificent ?^f Ami it prepared" to attend and conduct Funerals on the abortert j._;.. and most moderate terms. Cashets, Coffins, j Burial Ro_ And all kinds of Funeral EurniBhines k|pt in jstock, and mpplie&'/Z ', shortest Rotice.. Hat Bands and Gloves euppHed when required. [ "^' Acton, Aug. 8,1876. " Bnrclary ir Preston. Sometime betn-^en five ;o'clock i ngand sixio'clock ng the Boot and on Saturday even on Monday morn Shoe Factory, of 1\|. D^ Hepburn <fc Co., was broken i fito.' ThoentnincL1 jifgh one j of -the ion the back dour of the stock 100 n' was burst open with a small crov bar or chisel,'.the bolt of the lock two pieces. Tin then burst open, all appearances, hard job to do, were rewarded bj of fifteen cents )eing broken into ffico door was vhicli seems, from to have been a and the burglars securing tho sum which was in a drawer with soma postage stamps. They attempted to open the safe but failed. Had they succeeded in their purpose, tliey would have been sadly disappointed, ias the book-keeper had t iken all the money out before leaving on Saturday evening. However they got several pairs of boots, bit; how many we are not able to fit d but. It would seeni as if they- i'ere very particu lar about gettin;; ajfit, ns quite a number of boots v ere strewed about the floor in different places, which appeared as if tl eyi had been tried on, (all large si cesj) Everything goes to show that they were after money, for they c id riot even; take a few dollars vor h of postage stamps thatweie in the drawer with the fifteen c4nta. The London Free Press suggests that the Government should make provision, for holding another exam ination for Public School teachers at the close of the current ytear, in order Jo allow those who failed at the late" examination, on1 account of the unexpected severity of ^certain papers, "a chanee to get certificates without waiting a whole year. The suggestion is well wot thy of con sideration. The cause of tlie .blight of apple trees has been found to;be a beetle the jBize of a common fleie. Grasshoppers. A despatch'fro n St. -Paul, Mine- sota, says :; The damage done by the grasshoppers onitho north-west ern, western, ard south-western borders of the state is incalculable, but the amount o' crops destroyed so far is inconsiderable, counted as a whole, although hundreds of in dustrious, jhard-vorking : settlers have lost their all and have nothing -to live-upon. ! T'ie Pioneer Proas concluded an editorial article on the subject with saying that "a great,part of tho region west,of and including Jaiksoii County to Eastern Dakota aid south through Western Iowa, is covered with de vouring hosts, and -our f-eports indi cate that the entiie crops are being swept away, and that lliany.of the discouraged settlersare temporarily leaving. We rexjrd tho sad.fuel as a matter of news which it would be useless folly to attempt to con- seal, for it might well be under stood now, that .the Ntjrth-wesfern States have to fij ^it these grass hoppers to . death and) get rid j of them at any cost c r they will.make a desert of the whole region west of Lake Michigan be fore many years, /^ANAD'IAN PACIFI did jiimpeJ out of the garden ugain and went on, down the Street Iliil way, pursue 1 by Joseph McKeand and Ed win Bennett closely, WEM"FlillXG AT THEM 'EVERY ' TIME they closed in upon him. MoKeand at t ie same time fired several sJiOts at the fugitive. After they had gone a half inilo farther, Mr. Ben nett mounted a horse and rode past Swifzer; then dismouiiting, he at' tempted to close, in on i5witzer, when 1 ' ,8WITZEH AGAINT FIRED AT IIISI. But; Bennett succeeded in getting hold of hiin, and in another mo ment be had help and overpowered himi In the: meantime Chief of Police Bains and a number of citi-; zena bad nrrssted Webb and Mor gan in Mr. Sutton's garden, lone having thrown! away his revolver and the other a slung shot. AtL HARD CASKS. Webb is about twenty-itliree years of age, and was bqrn and raised in Londo'n, Ont.,jwhere ho had left a short time dgo, as! the police wanted him for .burglary. Chief Wignioro "was here last night in pursuit of him. " "Morgan is from Brooklyn, N.Y., but for a year j has resided in Detroit. He is a plumb er].'and had to leave Detroit to avoid arrest. Recently Switzerhas resided in Windsor, where the auth orities of Detroit desire disservices at, the House of Cori-ection. They hud a . . r FCLL set of burglab's tooi^s of, the most modern design in : the biiggy. Their trial is set down for Friday next. t jLoxnoxj August 7,^Ono of | the young men arrested at Windsor this: morning on a. charge of bur glary is Robert Webb, of this qity,' who has been wanted here over a year, past on a charge of wilfully shooting a companion with a pistol. Chief of Police Wigmore being in Windsor, identified Webb as one of the gang arrested Tenders for Grmlliijf, Track* j laying,1 -&c.\ . " ' ". A Would be LuUrdbker.: Jho. Swallow, a saddlet, living in Nor way, a small yillage about five miles from.: Toronto, on Saturday;, Bhot his wife three tin es with a revol ver, once in the hiad, once in 1,he awn, and in the liandj. The wo man succeeded in jetting the wea pon from him and ie then knocked her down with a. flit iron, continu ing to strike her while on the floor until some .neighbors hearing- tie row, went to the rssciie. The bill; was extracted fron i ho: skull, a id Mrs. Swallow may reepver. Jeal ousy was the cause Monday morning, tho Globe's special newspaper train left Toronto at five o'clock, and arrived at Lon don at ten, delivering parcels at all Btations, and communicating with the Loop, Great Western, and Southern morning trains going west, by the Hamilton and North western line. The Mail haying offered to take part in the novel sind costly enterprise on equal termsj the proposition was accopted.- ACTOV MAltKETS, '.-...2 00 to 2 50 Flour ..... White Wheat . Treadwell,. Spring "Wheat . Re'd Chaff Wheat Barley ... Oat's ... . Peas ... Potatoes, per bag Butter ... . Egg's. Hay, per ton Bacon Ham Shoulder.. 0 0G to 1 00 0 96 to 1 00 0 9G to 1 9S 0 90 to 0 00 0 00 to 0 00 0 30 to 6 32 0 00 to 0 00 0 30 toO 35 0 15 to 0 16 0 11 to 0 00 8 00 to 0 00 0 11 to 0 00 0 12 toO 14 0 10 tq 0 12 A CARD. To a!l suffering from tho errors and lnJli-cretionB of youth, nervous weakness; early decay, loss of mnnncod, Ac, I will Bend a recipe thaUtlU euro you, FREE OK CHAKOE. This greht remedy was discovered by a mlsslooory In SoutH Annrloa. Send a seir-nddressed- evelope to the Rev. Josfei'ii X. XnmaN, Station D, Bible House. Nf<w York; City; Epps' Cocoas. Grateful and Com forting. "By a tlforough knowledge of tho natnral laws which govern the operations of .digestion' and nutrition, and by a careful application^ the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our jteakfast tables with a delicately fla "ored beverage which may save ua many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judi< :ioup use of such articles of diet that a c institution may begradually built up Unl il strongeuough to resist every tendency to disease.: Hundreds of subtle malr dies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. iWe may escape-' many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with' pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame. [' Civil Service Oazelle. Sold only in pickets labeled "James Epps & Co.,' Hpmreopathio Chemist, '48, Threadnoodle 'Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." " SEALED TEND.IJUS addressed to the Secretary of Public \Vorks, ,and endorsed'" Tender 1'aciii.o Railway," will be received at tins office up to noon of \VElJ)XESDAY, the 20tfi SEI'TEM- KER next, for works ^ecpiired to be executed on tha-t section' of the Pacific liaihvay cxtandiiig from < Ked I.iver- eastward to Itat JMrtage, Lake of tlie M'oods, a distance-of. about'114 miles, viz : The Track-laying- apd Bal lasting only, of aboutJ77 miles, and.-the construction, aa we}l .'as| Tra'ckj-lay- ing. and jBallasting,' of abqnt 37 jiiiles between Cfoss Lake and Itiit 1'ortage. For Plasis, Specification.?, Approxi mate Quanpties, Eornls of Tender and other.infortnation, apply to the office of the Engineer in Chief,rOttaU-a. No lender will bo entertained nnles3 on the Printed' Perm1, and-unless tKs conditions are complied with.. By Order, ! "- E.lBRAUX, .- i i Secretary. Uepartmeut of Public Works, / Ottawa, August 1st, 1S7IJ. j H '>-3t u eration as?'. McNAIR'S BRICK BLOC, ^:ot(5n' Fruit Sm^'il^'4 WiEM FOK SALE;! - i j""-'. The undersigned offers j to-sell his. farm cohsistiugiiif about oOjacres, being tlie south-west!'half.o Lot .No. 21, in the 2nd.icon: ofjEsquesmg- | Good house and barn, small orchard. The land is of excellent qUalityj well J watered, 40 acres cleared, balance good biaple wood. Apply to.\V. L"-P. lia^er', Milton; or to the owner on the prciuises.jor bj' letter to Acton Post OlKce.: | ; j' ' DAXliKL THOMPSOX. July 15, 1876i 3-3m. Esqncsin; ACT Is now'progressing rapidly, and the G-OODS In .the present Store "' - ' f - ' Must "bs all cleared out Within the NEXT 1FE Wi?fai2EKS GEO. LEVENS Begs to announce to the pebplo-of iidb^'. that-he has opened out in th|o b4fl3ail latelyv occupied by Geo. Stoddank S"^:.- the corner of Mil! and Efgfax..jbtf(c-"i' where will be'found at :ifi tiini g ' kinds of "'/ Oannei Fruits, Oanflies, j.Oraages, Toba-ccos, Oigaxt,' Summ'-T Driala iti. ICE CREAM BY THE DISH i - tlHART. A BERBER QH0P In connection, where Shavin ;,Haif-CTti - ting, Shampobning, etc.',' can be'dqneiB the best stjde of the tortsoria I art! . Acton, July 12, 1876. ^i^ ^t. -towiislj and fil -this .--. ending LHaU lat Sjj near tlj in the j For p| graniE . /Tfctj ; goin^ theWs'l father| yard/ over t]J for.gool in the aftern<J nate nqticeij , - tional tion pensesl :14 We don't want to 0\ BAKERY. Bread.. BEOS. Cheap GALLOWAY ARE STILL AHEAD, And we .'intend to keep so with our Superior . I Bread, im$;, and A'aJtes, Delivered fresh arouud tho- village and vicinity every day. A-good-stock of BREAD. BUNS AND CAKES Always oh., hand at our bakery, good, fresh and cheap for leash. . NO CREDIT GIVES; Except to ;prompt-paying monthly cus tomers. J .-All kinds of-Produce taken in ex change for goods, j Weight for weight given! in br,ead in exchange for flour. ! WEDDING & FANCY QAKES JIade to order in the shortest possible notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. N.B. All goods are warranted-pure' as nothing but the best of matnrial is used. The patronage of fhe public is respectfully solicited. j . ' . - GALLOWAY BROS. Acton, Aug. 9, 1876. ckr,:e ^ Clearing I Sale FOR ONE H0NTH OF Miscellaneous Books, Station, ery, Wall Paper, &c, AT, RSON'S CHEAP B00KST9RE On tho East'sido of Wync ham Street, GUELPp: r-He will give such Bargains as will Astonish, the Public. AJtO..V-E AWAY Any of our Present S tocls. ^Things must be sold-at any price, NOW FOR ^AKGAINS 0^eap:, B.cfbfs And Stationary AT DAY'S BOOKSWftL Day Sells ^beap. Jionja, about of ch Such r before heard of. D. McNAIR. Acton, Aug. 2i 1S76. REMOYBD ! V R, CREECH, G. T. HI M. Mill Street, AOTIW, DEALER IN NS t- SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, Has removed one door west, of his-old stand, and; is "now prepared tb turn out work; which for NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS AND DURABILITT " ' cannot be surpassed by any housjB in the county. ~- iSarnsss 4>f all Kinds suppliedon thq shortest possible notice, nild warranted to give perfect satisfac tion. .. ' ,- -. ... . . As he is doing ta'smessprincipally on the Cash'System, he ia prepared1 to "sell cheaper than ever. -', . , ^ i,__- Give him a call and be convinced"that this is the right place. 1 .% ' Groceries* ' ' -. ; OrocSery, .-.; '- Boot3;&Slxbes,' VaU Paper,/ W^alo'w-SlindSi " -. I4sa9ei OU, 1.'i . "^-'^., ' Paiat^'ffurjbtttta*' rOo"al^U.SiI^i^ AH of whicli will be sold \viriot '"*& BqqT$; and WQ?^ "\ . Selling off at cost. Also agent for the RtTBBEB PAINTjXJ^ Of-<I(ovelniid, ^kio. Cash for Hide*. ' Acton, July 18, 1876.^ m i -. N' OTICE Ttt FiJfflEI S8i. :r---; ,v- I'V' June 28,1S7B. R. CEEECH,Acton. Having,purchased tSe v sawing "macliinea lately Messrs. J. & A. Mann,; standing that the did no^ rywuj on the business, and theniachines put m-^sffl3di^l I receive orderp trc for threshing and sawing^ _ oured tho services of afirst-cl*11 er of soventeen years' expert' can guarantee.satisfaction uj The patronage of the farmers, ?ully solicited. -... ji-w ' .. Lot Nch 30, 4th con. V July 19, 1876. -. ^'

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