Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1876, p. 4

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THE FRE PRESS* ACTOyv HALTON COUNTY, ONT., AUGUST 10, 1876. T - IO*fc TM1 NtH.IHSOK. If no tlfd not pu-e Hit l!n, i-^ 1 luit -alt i>u uur piUw \ v,ro\\ i Nor would wv-ti ">o m-ui\ Imtirs _ SihKiuc d r titer t horns. WlnW ; If < -*le\ \i tn )ieli> cadi otlur K\<.r H^u-ml <>n tho"\t vj, ~2v.r would liolj fixling tmiothir f Ncitll the allies of Jn.a> , If xro dtjl not Io\ e so WimUj \\ hat [a dt> not uuiUr<tainl ; If our \vwds**tiv spokv* k iivlly ; - Lent Uc all-n (neiulK liiuul M ouW thotv lie to nuu'h of miitov OmU.d in lift '4 nwtiw'Jtime* " V otrtd not earth some brightness bir- From tho glnrj -lighted, clime'* -" There are te*r-wsoed, pallid faces, ~ Pterin.5 out upon Uic,ln>;Iit: There nr> mauj gloomy jHt ^ To vvh y\\ love would brm^ the light-; Sli-vll we kv\< 4hem wall .mil \\c.\rj ! \\ hen rT litjle \\ ortl or iUm.iT Mij{ht Mjiie bosom mile dmrj , It it kiivlh come in nrvd* h Oh ' there >s ft liolj plpat-uro \\ illuu: up from-foifntaim pure ; Ami it jklila ajirenows Irvn^un., \\ hich we Sill H)\ hero Hum ; Tii> liTfivm.; for iuh other, Thmkuu; less nf eilf anil K"Uli, SeCmg in tadi one a luotlur A\ hom wo had m xrjant ad pain. trial Cpufb I th it t" Oh ife' Household Receipts. Pimples on-the face. A'wml^nU greasy and indigestible food, Like -i great dual of exercise \ithont being o\>rbpfiled, keep eirly hours, ind bathe all ovtr d lily in cold 01 luko- warm watfr. UbO- to a lotum tho following: Powdered borax, halt an ounce, pure glycerine, one ounce; camphor water, ono quirt, mi>w, and Wet the face-with tins niotirtng and evening; lot it remain ou a lew Rinjute^ tlicn wash olF with soft water. Treatment for Ringworm Itub 'tae nfftjeted pnrt will- with "tlie bruised or macerated root of yillow dfacfc^ Two or three applications aro gchcralh sufficient. Ainrtiur trav t But two or three oldlfcslnon- ed eopper cents into a cup, coxer therii with good1-cider vjmegar, tind let stand allay or ^tun, liutif the mixture^ turns green t^reener the better. ' Appl\ it to tl)e rin^v orw ep\ etaHlimes a daj and let it dron. Persevere with the treatment ee\cral days after the ringworm has disappeamt. Tootkacfce For the benefit of those who may need a little consol ation, e publish the following from the co-respondent of an <x clmnge . If any one of our readers suffers from toothache or neuralgic affections, arising from teeth >n any t&te of decay, they say esjierienco relief, instantaneous and permanent, by stlturating small bit of clean ool with a strong solution of ammonia, and applying it immedi nttly 0 the the affected tooth. The pleasing contrast instantaneously produces, in some cases a ht of 'laughter, although a moment before extreme Buffering and anguish pre vailed. 11 have used the remedy for o^er one year, and have-obtain ed sufficient proof to vaxrantjrabh- cation. i* What la nothing? A fooll <-toiling without a leg. Mo\ing for a nevf ing a second wifi>. A Wr-starn. 6ettler Tho contents of a six shooter. ~ Winjjed Krerclmnta Boefl, bo- cvuso they cell their honey. Tlio roily rifiera nowadaya^aro tho thermometer and tho house hly. "Warliko young ladies Sally port and Embrasure. _ If you wish for monoy, Beml a postal eard to tho ni.m who owes you, and tho thing is dun. When a physician deserts his pro- fosion for the pulpit thor inference is tluttr ho cn preach letter than ho ciui {wactico. " Is the moon undo -of green cheese, y oung&tot 1' " No, sir, cer tainly not." "How do you provo-}-1 e,isy ^-thotuoon wai said ho didn't believe there was any down- ught cure for laziness in a num. " But,"lie added, ' I \o known a second wife to hurry it some." Xow that tho astronomers have c\pl uned to us that the "present toiridity is caused by "tho earth moving through au immonso meto- eric atmosphere," wo can stand it. It w is-the uncertainty which mado it so uncomfortable. "Is that a friend of yoursV asked n gentleman,, pointing to wards a party who was sailing ra pidly down the street. " Can't tell you fill next Siturday," returned the individual adlressed. " I \ o jhst loaned him fivo dollars." j A colored preacher, in transiting to hia hearers the sentence, " The harvesths over, the season is ended, and thy soul is not saved/'jmt it. f-"*' Do com has been cribbed, dere ain't any more work, and de debbil iWstill foohn' vid <Us community." Phenomena of Sleep. Professor Ferrier,-of King's Col- lejje, Xiesdon, who has_ made the phenomena of sleep a fepecial stndy, recently said in, a lecture Iheieon that anything tfeat has a tendency to extract blood from the brain fa vors sleep._ Exercise does this, V>er cause the moment the eary muscles ore at rest the blood rushes to them to rejiair their loss, and is absorbed by them. Digestion and hot dnnfcs produce the same result by drawing the blood supply fi'om the 'bruin to thestomach- (JonterwJy, any thing that stimulates the- brain, bueh us sighta, souiida, tfionght or anxiety, will keeps man awake. Ii we, thorefore,) wish ,for refreshing slum ber, we must begin by avoiding care and anxiety, and take sufficient liodily exercise to induce the neces sary ninscuLar exhaustion. With -regard) to'tho length of sleep, Dr. Feraer hold3 that the_ heart is not in a state of constant but of rythmical activity, a term of action beim^olio wed by a pant>e of rjpst, during which the heart is to all m tents and purjtose&apleep. lirfact, if the pauses of the heart are all summed up it will' be found that it rests or steeps eight lionrs out of twenty four, the sleep being in-^tbo proportion of one third as corn jiared with tie hours of action or oifc Eight hours are consequently suffi cient for the adult. Cabbage for Stock. There is more nutritive \aluo in eabbage and more profit in feeding it thsnjnost farmers are aware o -Havuig repeatedly raised this crop for a series of years, and under various conditions,, we are convinced that it will yield more good fodder on an acre that is, more njtritive value than-any other crop, unless it be Indian corn, Wh'-n fed to cows in milk, if blended with Jl moderate amount of other feed, it produces an unusual flov of milk, of -unsurpassed quality. Cabbages require no machine to cut them, and no process of cookingor steam ing. r Tbey are easily grown,, and preferred,1 by many who have given them a faif trial, to any variety of toots. If'more be raised than are required for feedings the balance can nearly^ always be ibid at a good profit, <be larger und coarser leaves being reserved for stock at the time of gulling; Another^ad vantage of tbu feed is the proportion of nitro gen contained in it, which gives superior value to the manure. When harvested they should be cut off three inches bslow the head, ' which ein be done rapidly and eusi made before? tho cowi,." A shrewd, old Yankee GOLDEN LION oif g-ttexiIPih:. ~] People's Cheap Dry G-oods Store. GREAT LEAKING SALE. On and after Tuesday, special inducements to pki keep up our reputation Jiamson is" about to leaf^ room for Fall imports Wholesale Stock, recently Juno 27th, and up to the 151b July, we wHl offer ti rchasera. First, because we are determined to for cheap goods. Skoo\i>, because our Mr. Wil- for the British markets, and wo want to make kVo will therefore otter the entire balance of tho purchased in Montreal at half the jnoice value, And so give our customers, snob a chance of buying cheap as they have nover hod before. SEE O Beautiful Drew Goods, lOo Striped Lawns, worth ^Oo, Finest English rrint*, So a^iil Fast American l'rintn, So. Striped Grenadines, 10c. a yard, ft Co ' lOo. iThe standard of drunkenness vqries considerably l^etween London and Edinburgh. A witness in a Lrtidon eourt/testiCed that "a man laJJ'TytT/y dfunk when he cannot ^alk." An Edinburgh witness tes tified that a man has nae enengh till lie canna speak." " Poor boy,' eaid-a lady, as she took out her purse to give the littfc jbeggafsome silver change. " Yes, 1 am a !>oor boy, said tho yp'InS ras&l, squeezing a t<-ar out of his eye, " an' havo three sick mothers to support *" Tho lady put back ber jmrso, shook her Lead and walked sadly away. In an examination of an Irish case for assault and battery, counsel on cross-examining the witness, asked him what they had af. the place they stopped at Ho answer ed, " Four glasses of ale." " What next!" "Two glasses of wine" "What nextr "One giasa of brandy." " What next ?" " A fight, of course." An Awkward Panse. The Newark (N. J.) Union says: A young gentleman undertook to relate a circumstance, ono Sunday evening,* in the presence of so mo y oung hiilies. He Commenced as follows; " A lady friend and myself, last Sunday evening, went to Bed " With a fiitddea spring the old lofty bounced him out of tho house. The next day the old gentleman met him in tlio street and asked him for an apology. j S'^I was about tq say," commenced the young man, " that a ladyi friend and myself w ent to Bed------J" - When a thrust from tbe old man's cane started him baclr5several feet, ujpon which he exclaimed at at tho'tep of his voice^J- " A'lady friend and myself went to Bedfoid street church, you old fool " Eating Fruit. A Londpn journal "remarks " When fruit does barm, it is be cause it is eaten at improper times in improper quantities, or before it is ripened or fit for the human stomach. A distinguished physi cian has said that if his patients would make a practico of eating a couple of oranges before breakfast, from February to June his practice would be gone. The principal evil is that we do not eat enough of fruit, that we injure its finer qual ities With sugar; that we drown them with cream. We need the medicinal action of pure fruit aelds in our system, and their cooling corrective influence. Gems of Thought. Often forgive others, but never -forgive thyself, t We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike^ We are, never either so wretched or so happy as ~we say wo are. An indiscreet person is like an unsealed letter, which-every one may read, but which ia seldom worth reading. ^ Cjbcomseantiai/ 1 Evidence. ".Circumstances alter cases, you know," remarked a Scotch lawyer to an old fanner elient. " " Verra true, sir," replied the farmer,'" and cases alter circumshanoee as weel for, man, I mind wbea ye were the ube of large >runing I yung *n<* kad but few-cases, youi f circumstances wemaower braw." I Guelph, June ,5 1876. j In this branch prices will the season, giving our lady and Mantles at marvellous ASKED COME Buy at the UR PRICES. rtlack and Uolorotl Lustres, 12Jc. Ladies Hose, 4 pairs for 25c. lioiutiful Striped Summer Shawls, worth S2 50, for SI 00. Stripod .Shirting, f^c Now is the Time to Purchase 1 CLOTHING. TWEEDS being rushed off at reduced rates to make room for FALL STOCK Now Arriving AT THE EAST E33ST3D. Acton, Aucnut 1, IK78. DICKSON & McNAB, THE 1STEW D03[iriSriOK S00T AND SHOE STORE. KENNLY f SON Have ust received tbcir^pring Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS, Zsamonso Assortment of Ladios' Gloves, &umos, FxiUissr. Solta and Ribbons at prices lover taaa. ever. Millinery a|id Mamtle Department. be reduced to a minimum for tho balance of friends a chance of getting Summer Millinery, y low prices. 2*0 DECEPTION GOODS WOttTH FOUR TIMES THE PRICES AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Lion and Save Honey. J. D. WILUAMSON &?CO. Guelph, June 2G7 1S7G. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING Prepar, M. STEWART & CO. Cost, to reduce stock building Best and. Cheap tory to Removal. Our entire-stock of Dry Goods and Clothing is now offered regardless of before-removing to our new .premises, now The public may rely on tho jst Bargains ever offered of L ISTB^TV OHOIOH QOODS Cheaper than Old Bankrupt Stock at Half price Cheap because just goods wanted Cheap, because Fresh and New. ~ THE S700S 2OTST, "WILL AJT9 SHALL BE SOLS. But we are aWare how perplexing it iB for honest people to read the adver tisements here and {elsewhere. Who'll talk tbe loudest and brag the most seems to be the maxim of each. But an intelligent Publio know well that Shoddy Goods are dear at Half-price. i ------h We give a few quotations of G-0033S RBDTJOED. 4,500 yirds of Dress Goods, former prices, 15/20, 25 and up to 50 I cents reduced to 10,15 and 20 cents. I j Striped silks reduced to 51 cents. Striped Grenadines to 10 cents. Striped and Plain Linen to lf> cts. Parasols from 15 cents. Black Jind Colored Lustres from 12 cents. Table Linens, Bed Quilts, $1.00 to 60 cents. A JOB LOT of LADIES This 3-J2edHeed Lace Curtains 75 cents. , White Cotton Hose from 6} cents. Straw Sun Huts from 5 cents] Cashmere Jackets from $1.25. Linen Suits from $1.50. Table Napkin% Sheetings, Damasks, Towel ling will 1)0 offered at striking prices. Colored ^hirting^from i0 cunts. A lot of Woolen Tweeds reduced from Colored and White Dress Shirts from 40 cents. UNDERCLOTHING tot be SACRIFICED. Sale is no Clap Trap. ' i Prices Most Be <fiaab.~E* WILLIAM STEWART k Cb. Tho Rest that ever came into Acton, for Price, Style and Quality. OUR CUSTOM WORE Wall receive careful attention, and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction ss" Repairing Done Neatly."** Don't forget the place '[ Xai& Street. Hext Soot to AffaeVs HoteL .***. KEi!fNEY & SON- STILL AHEAD Central Boot and Shoe Store. CRAINE & ISON Have just received their SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES which is ahead of anything evered offered in Acton for style and durability "and at prices that cannot be undersold. OUR CUSTOM Will receive carerul personal attention, and all satisfaction. 1 Don't forget the place, Hill Street, opposite Morrow') 1 r Ah RUSSELL WATCHES. 1 . n. ELGIN WATCHES. \ - 1 SWISfe WATCHER Second-Hand Wajtches, C]bieap, AT o. &c Gk si"5r3sriDSV >M 1 1 ^Toini College, arid *iur^ _j__" c ai ,fS^. >oij 'Co'lege, I 'iniesaHjj p. in. ACTON VostJnas-i tttmey sJ wpsph C<Cum-'" D. Post Office, Acton Acton, July 4, 1876. LOOK AT THESE PRICES! THEY AKE GENUINE. 380Men and Boys' Linen Coats, 60c, 70o, 90a, gl.00, 81.25,41.15. 160 Men and Boys' Linen Vests, 70c, 75c, 90c, 81 00/$1.25. 200"Men and Boys' Linen Pants, G5c, 8Uc, 90c, $nX) 190 Black and Fancy Lustre Coats. SI.25, ?1.37, 1.75, 2.00 80 Black Bucsel Cord CoaU^1.37. $1.50, $3.00. 110 wnite Duck Vests' 81 00, 81.25, $1.75., 150 Fancy Duck Vests, 81.25. 81-75. $2.00. 40 Black Lustre Pants, $2.25. 50 Black Lustre Vests, $1.25 100 Cottonade Coats, $1.25, $1 50, $1.75. 700 Cottonade Coats, great variety. $1.00, $1 25. $1 50, $1.75. Splendid lot Pure Mohair Coats, $7 00, $7.50, $ 00. Blue Serge Jackets, $2 50, $285, $4 25. A few Waterproof Summer Over Coats, S2 00. $3 50, $5.50. 180 Children's Lined.Suits, $1.23, $1.75, $2 25. 1.1 re A* Ac, pre>| and on Xia oil Jiot<irr t'| . Over y Miltov. Ac <11l 8U-eel._c liciuiri id M^ln str| w Mi CriMnceril K n% Htrl Mlkon nj nenl >f I H BSi We bought tho above Bankrupt Stock of Pierce & Co., and they must b# closed out. WM. RUTHERFORD & CO, July 3, 1S7G. 2To. 31, Lower "Wyndliam stroi lit, Quslj* WORK work guaranteed to give Drng Store. Acton, April 4,18T6. CEAINE &-K)K cBEAN FOlt Spades, Shovels, Rakes, GO'S Hoes. IN FISHING TACKLE AND SPORTXNU GOODS Throughout, they have tho best assortment in Town. May 8, 1876. BOOK ALL KINDS OP A McBEAN & CO. ; At MA BLOCK, GUELPH AND JOB PRINTING PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT TTiB FREE PRGSii OPPICOE REMOVAL, REMOVAL 1- 4 I' G-. 2ML. BGOTT Begs to informltbe inhabitants of ACtuN and surrounding country, that I he has removed to . MrLIi^STREET, Next Poor to Galtoway Bros.' Bakery, in tbe building lately occupied by K. Creccb, , which has been neatly fitted up. It has the best light of any store in tlfe two counties, which is very essential for the proper selection of goods. His stock, which is very-choice, is fully assorted, L I And witf be Sold at an Unusual Ty Low figure. He is determined to still maintain his former reputation of keeping I SELLING AS NOTHING BUT- THE BEST OF GOODS AND CHEAP ASLANT HOUSE IN THE TRADE. >:- Give him a call. /"- June 27, 1876. G. M. SCOTT'S I Square Dealing House, Acton ^C_______Li--------------i BUSY AS USUAL AT THB l 1 FASHIOKABLE WEST EKD, WE ARE NOW SHOWING A FULL STOCK OP NEW GRENADINES, NBW SILKS, Black and Colored, ] j - - NEW PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES, NEW PRINTS AND CAMBRICS, . NEW LAWKS. ...... _ *-- "J ALSO JUST OPENEl) 2ff2&-ft*SSF Every Lady Should ee o ar Present Stock. . A. O, BUCHAM. f raihlonable West JSnU Dress. Ml Jlnery and Mijntlo EsUbUs|a4*^ Quelph, Janets, 1878. | 1 j _.j,/ \- t , r: l^ll Azcl^. f > All filial 111! Til limllj (JllCltcl. J 111 fill llj J'U-!)!. Tori rlntL I uLion l-u | Mpr 1 in! t*iiih4inI| ILl AO3 t I "Ji Jl,1: tt>? i-ntt<iii\ t. Lid vm 1L1 Planing, *c-BlJ All \\ or| OriTers 3>rmptlj "Milton :? 1 AH -DeJ Acciuiti iuling, ptMirRT-- 'tttee-ttjjjl se3 . oonlaiiilgj " sumates.i

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