Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1876, p. 3

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v -i ' FpBK ACTdX FREE PRESS Published R.vt'ry Thursday Morning. : J. H. HACKING, Proprietor- _$1 Per Annum in Advance? LOCAL MATTERS. ' Our local matters are crowded cut to .make- room fair tK6-report of the \Yhit**ido murder^ -=C,ounty CpimcU iieit Tuesday-. Bont fail'% read-Secprd Bros.' new advertiscuWt. - A pic-nic under the auspices qt*-t} Congregational Denomination,. AcI.mi, will be held in.. Mr. P. S. Arm strong's grove, pn - -Wednesday, 6th of September,-for tho purpose of, raising .funds for purchasing a site' for the erec tion of a churoh in Acton. _ ' to. To. J&. Alban" rfaarck. Acton. bn Sunday, next (IX V.) there!'will be Pi'vin* Service in this Church, at U0:30 :i.iii. and 6:30 p.m:. ii^. >ur Ball.- I.; . . iThb.g* Pastimes " of Acton wblit to Brampton last Saturday to play a match praie vrjth the " Unions " "of that place, irith the following result. .It will lie ecu that our boys came off victorious "as usual " : ' .'- : .' ACTOX J. Nicklirr, 1st b .. T.\. T. Kennedy, s s....:'... X Dempsey, -_c__...... F.-Storev, p........... WVH. Grant. 2nd b.... A. Nieklin, c 4'.;..... 1^ McMackoe, Srd b... ti. !\viid;;if.v....-....' L Francis, r f..y. ...'..". n u r.fl 2 9 ~?> o . 2 - 6 '" 2 I 3 . ~? 1 IV 4 . 1 0 2 -0 One Dollar Tea I f vr, \?ty eoH >Ve have succeeded in, .obtaining a beautiful tea to sell at 60 cents equal in strength and flavor to a SI To*. \VO;do not niako this ossortion without bavins first Riven it a thorough test, atod also having an acknowledge ment of ito Worth" from several of our customers... Try {t, and you will bo sat isfied that tho beat 50 cent tea fe rto bo had at the Glasgow House, Christie, Henderson &._ Co. i : .' - OMMwit."^" . T~ - . E! J Died on the 6th inst., aVhiaown resf-' deneo, in the villago of Beamsville, Rov. I Wm. Cook, father of Mr.v R, 15..Cook, of thia place, in the 86t| yoar of his , Tho deceased was one of tho early monecr-ppeachers of tho.Baptist Church: m Erin, Esquesing, and"'surrounding -townships wheu theyweroin their wild, uncultivated state. ' Another pioneer is gone. - To rest from toil and care, Tho master called, thy work is done, - My glory thou shidt share. P,"rod at the residence of her mother,] ricar Acton, oif tho" ieth- July, 1S76, aged 27 years, Catherine, the "beloved wife of Mr. John A. Marshal}, of Chel tenham., and daughter rif the late Mr. Oliver Lasby, of this village.-. > The subject of tho above notico was well known in tliis neighborhood from childhood, and was not only respected by all, but she held a place in the affec tions of a large circle of relatives and friends that fow; attain to. In every relation in life, as a daughter, a sister, a: wife, a .fnotlier, a teacher, a friend, aiid last, though,- not least, as a Chris tian, bIic had few equals., Always tho same, kind, faithful, andv true, she was & gentlewoman, in the truej sense; of the ward. 'Although: suffering much in bodv fnim mahidy, Consumption, shefbore it with a patient resignation to the will of het^Father in Heaven, up-! held by the joyful anttcipatioivof a bet ter. resurrection. ' SECORD BROS. -A-OTOILSr. CASH. CASH, CASH. After havinj given the Credit System a fair t:ial during the past^ few years, and become .thorough b/ convinced that it is the fruitful 'source of touch loss, expense: and anxiety as welX to tho customers as the merchant, we have finally after mature consideration decided to go in and do a CASH BUSI NESS, feeling assured that that is the only Bound method of doing business, arid when proporly car- Totals^-. ......';. "'. BTj,aTo<:. A. HinVc.'.i.-!...v. .. D. Elliotts a,......'. T. Greenwood, .3r\l b. -L. Suggate, 2nd b.... L. Tve. p..-.......... T. Ifill 1st b.. ..T... C-Roach, r f .-..:___ J. Carthrarsi c f...... T. f..."..... .15 r. it . l: 41. . 0 . 1 . JL . 1. . 1 . 0 . s 1- o 4 h> 4 2 ,. 1 2 3 4 5 7 S Acton -- O 0 0 1 G 2 4 4 Brampton 2r*& 2 0 0 2 1 7 Cmpire J. Kelley, Guelph. 9 S 23 3- -17 I etc-, fca&h ./" k*TT . Notice. As we" have decided to go in on the Cash System on the first of Septc-^iber, our books will lie closed on that; day,.and all Recounts on our books.'must be. settled by cash or aote by that date. Parties who cannot make & settlement with cash; will please call and gi*e their notes, otherwise we will draw on them through the Bank of Hamilton for the amount cf their^ac- - count. Everything on our books, mast be closed, note or bank dr-ft by that date. before the 1st and save th'a annoyance and.eipcose of a bank ' draft. Verv respec. vonrs, . -. " . ".. -SECOfty BF.QS.- Ll\ES IX ME.1IORV OF MRS.' MAB- BY AUHIK 'CKEWSOS. :le- mother kind- old baft F J* &eU that I sod ity. ei* land: by ier-. car ls0* 1 am. . og Galloway._Bros. make thobest ^read in the county. Give them a call. Galloway Bros, give 100 lbs. of bread for 10O lbs. of flour. ^Gsnta new =Ftlt Hats arriving this week at Christie, Henderson jt Co. 's ,' y 12 lbs_.bright Sugar for $1 at JEh&tie, Henderson & Co.'s, lind buns go to Galloway's Bros., Acton Bakery. 1 Christie, Henderson "<fc Co. liave'anew 50 cent tea. Read about it, aee it, and you wiH bny^' it it has no Baperior itself its only equal. Epps' Cocoa. Gratefcl and Com- JTOKTTSC^ " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern thfr -operatious of digestion and nutrition,. and by a careful application of the fine properties i well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save ns.many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the jpdicious nse of such articles of diet that a constitution may be'graduaily built up until strpngenough tojresSst every tendency to disease. Hundreds cf subtle maladies are floating around, ns ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. ' Wcmay escape inany4a-fatal-shaft by keeping ourselves ~ well fortified with pure Blood and a pro perly nourished frame. *?4-CirfJ Service Goutle. Sold -only in packets labeled-!r "Jajces Efps & Co., Homoeopathic Chemist; 4S, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." "-;----^------------W^^B------------------- A* Mr. Noble, Division Engin eer on the EL it N. W. railway was coming-to Georgetown on Monday, "the stage npset between Bronte and Milton; and- one. of Mr. Noble's legs "were broken^ Mr. Noble was coming to start the survey of the line from Georgetown, to Barrie.' Mr. Ogle R. Gowan, of Toronto, who has been suffering fronTparaly- sis since the 11th'of June last, died on Monday morning. He? was bom at Mont Nedo, "County Wex- ibrd, Ireland, and emigrated to Canada in 1829. He was Assis tant Grand Secretary of the' Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland in 1814, and: was the founder, fatherland first Supreme Grand Master ;and Scrrereign of the Loyal Orangf In stitution of British America, and was formerly M. P. for Leeds and 'Grenville. , Cat Attacks a CHrto. The '/ London Adverser says : One -day this "Veekr-three little girls went out berrying. Approaching' the house of S: B. B"ranton for a drink; a house cat, which had been quiet^ ly doang in the sun, made a spring at one of the chfldren,and with teeth and clawa bit and .to* the child's face and shoulders in a dreadful ,way. Attracted by its shrieks, Mr. Brantony who had , been at i work -jpear by, ran up, and snatching the ' thild in his arms, beat the madden ed and infuriated animal off with a VQb. Thrioe was the attack re newed upon the same girl, and had jawriHtance net been at Jiand there u no doubt the beast would have overcome the child. Mr. B.& elotte* were covered with; blood. Weep! dear" husbajnd, for a wif parted, . Weep ! dear '.children, for a gone, ~- ;_ -Weep} dear friends' for one hearted, t .Calleil a way. beyond that bourne, Whence the travellers no>r reiurn. But sorrow not as.others hopeless Mourn for ones, Who have lived a.l'ife so heartless, - That for them jiajbosom owns. Affection's true remembrance. B.iit rejoice that the blessed Jesus, . Has for needy sinners died. And his blood from; sin that frees us, .' Brings us through the crucilied .._ . Into an eternal rest. t -Aria atthough a friend has left yon r To bat tie w-ith the ills of life, Vet that Friend who hasjwreft you, Will snppprt you in the strife, Tillyou sleep on Jesus breast. Till from the sleep of death awakening, All /the righteous shall arise; And 1 leave this earth ' all briniing, ".quaking, ... To meet their Tyord in the upper skies, And be with Him-forever; blest. A CARD. To ail suiTerlnK from the rrors*an<J itulijcretionfc of youth, nervous weakness, early decay,.loss (if manncotl, Ac, I will send a rr>cl)>e that will cure you, PKKE OF..CHAKOE. Tms great reTn(Mly was^dlftcovereU by ft missionary in Soiitii Ani*?'r!cit. Send aself-atldn-sspd evclopo. to-the Rev. Joseph T. Ixmas, Station I), Bible House,' N*-w Vprk City. Flour ..." ..! White Wheat . Treatlwell.. ,. Spring Wheat . Red Chaff: Wheat Barley ..,. Oats ... Peas Potatoes, per bag Butter ... . Eggs. ... Hay, per ton . ACTOS MtgklTg, .;. $2' 60 to 2.50 0 96 to I' 00 0 96'to 1 00 0 <; to 1 fS 0 90 to 0 00 0.00 to 0 00 0 30to0 32 0 O0 to 0 00 0 30 to 0 35 0 lotoO 16 0 11 to 0 00 SHOO to 0 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. intend to do, will saving~to our cus- riod out as we result in a great tomors. "Wo do not intend to merely ad vertise that we, are going in on tho Cash System, an 1 at tho Bame time continue tho credit business and the old credit prices, but we intend to carry it out to tho letter,-;'and make; a genuino reduction THAT WONDERFUL] MAM To the lnhahitanis of'the Town 6f\ Quelpff, ond surrounding Counties! ' ' - I beg to . - - . - r1 to me in my business. You could not give to me a HTTRTTij " t offer ^ vou ray W'^est thanks for the liberal. patMnage you; have-given ^___,-.,, k-u^v=. ^..^..uuu^m SURER GUARANTEE of the you repose in me not only the judgment T exhibhVin the selection-of the best goods, but also-in the ,r^RT9i? X ^tinS to^bear and I assure you that to'is a REFRESHER of the strongest kind, to know that after a period of NEARLY S ,2 YEAM BATTLING AND STRUGGLING TO BRING DOWN HIG Ft PRICES, AND DRIVE INFERIOR GOODS OUT OF THE TOWN, you backed fee up, and have endorsed my conduct. . MY STORE, is almost continually crowded with pur chasers from morning Until night, securing someipf those WONDERFUL BARGAINS.that I am giving, and I flatter myself that in return for i your kind patronage, I have been the meanB of BRINGING DOWN THE HIGH PRICES that you wero subjected to., ' ; I would strongly and urgently request my old friends and customers the importance of not purchasing any goods until after viewing my ne^r ^ stock. I state positively that the GREAT ADVANTAGES THAT I POSSESS OVER MY NEIGHBORS IN BUSINESS will enable ;, me to offer the Very finest and.beat goods, and at such.a reduction on ordinary priceslas will at once meet with approval. My purchases in Erigr land, Ireland, Scotland, France, and] the United States, direct from manufacturers' will cover a large amount. In every instance I will offer goods, at retail, as cheap as \t is possible to wholesale. ! My Motto is well known to you all, namely'-i-LARGE SALES, QUICK! SALES,V SMALL PROFITS AND'READY PAY. .I wiUin.a few days bring myself and;my stock more prominently before you. ,' -I -=^ . I Aug. 16, 1875 the usual cover all to'thirty per cent below credit prices, and will classes of goods. - j It is n-'.wjpll- known fact that houses doingla':credit business must calculate oh a loss of ono dollar in every eight, dnd to protect them^ selves ngninst'this: loss, they have toadd l2J^ceiits to every dollar. For instance, a .mferchaut doing a credit businoss, wishes to realizo a profit of 15 cents on an articlo our goods. This reduction yill in many cases amount to from twenty in all tomor of ono dollar in every eight. If ho sells his wheat for a dollar a bushel, by paying cash at a genuino edsh store, he will gain one bushel in every eight; If he is a mechanic or laborer, he gains one day's pay in every eight. These are startling facts and known to be facts by every merchant." It may bo that we may loose a few of our custotbei% who have' be come so wedded to the old credit which cost him a dollar; to do so ho must chui-go ja dollar and twen" -ty-eight cents one dollar cost of articlo, 12J cents for average loss by credit business, and the balance, 15 cents, his profit. Whereas, if he'had been doing a cash business he would have sold the article for one dollar and fifteen cents, instead of a! dollar and twenty-eight conts, the credit price. ; Now hero is a {profit to the cua People's Cheap Diy Goods Store. GOLDEN LION Corner Wyndham and Hacdonlnell Streets, Gaclph. JOHN HOCC, Alma Biock^ Upper WyndHam Street, Guelph. UNDERTAKING. The undersigned a -'-r UI h & >&* ^ #1 .ivsr be^s leave to inform the people of Acton ,ari'd sur- rounding neighborhood that he has procured a magnificent '."," ' * And is prepared to attend and conduct Funerals^n the .eliorteBt-notice ' - . >- ' Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, And all kinds of Funeral Furnishings kept in stocky and suplplied on the 1 shortest aotice. :* x-. '.,.": Hat Bands and Gloves supplied nrb.en required, r. Acton, AugJ 8, 1876. . --t JOHN SPEIGHT. : .'-*i Bystem with all its evils, that they are blind to the. advantages of a^ cash, system; but to those we bid an affectionate farewell. We know that hundreds of our customers will hail our new effort with pleasure, as one that will put money in their pockets. !^ We have been! preparing the way to a cash business during this spring and summer, by reducing credit and reducing stock, and we now beg to UEXT TWEiEIIK: We *vill Publish A NEW ADVERTISEMENT "With Bevised and C3EED WHEAT. apologiie to our customers for not fe " : having kept up our usual Block of The subscriber has for-salea quantity Sugars tbis summer, but we had to of Seed Wheat of the Scott variety, at I , ' . . ^ . i'v,r,iv . ud80 in order to be able to lay m our 'Cash .System stock by the 'first It. is hardy and SI. 12J pr. .bushel, yields welL' -' ALEX; H.BROWN. Acton, Aug. 23, 1876. . 8-2t ]ST OTE LOST; All parties are hereby cautioned against Buying or negotiating a certain note of hand, drawn by George B. Hnrae and Thos. Hume, of Milton, in favorof The Acton Plow Company, for the "sum of 35.50, dated April 18th, 1876,-payable six months a'ftcr date, as the same has beenlost or mislaid. - ACTON PLOW COMPANY. Acton, Aug. 21, 1876. . 8-3t SMALL FARMS for Sale in Eramosa and Erin. The undersigned offers to sell his farm, being the East half of Lot No. 3, jo the 7h" concession of the,Township of Eramosa, comprising -about 63 acres,. about 10 of which are under cultivation. GoodTog house and barn, orchard, etc. It is situated about' midway between Acton and Roqkwood. Also part of Lot No! 2, in 7th con. Eramosa, tomprising 28 acres. Also part of Lot 3jTi-the 1st con. of Errn, comprising 50 acres. ..Eor particulars, enquire of Mr. Wm'. Hem- street, Auctioneer. Bockwood, or the owner on the premises. : JOHN :McINTOSH. Eramosa, July 19, 1876. 3-3m OEED WHEAT. "':- -, The undersigned has a quantity of the celebrated Turkish Fall Wheat, for sale at $1.50 per bushel. This grain: is very hardy, and will not bo injured" by tho severest winter weather. - C. S. SMITH. Acton, Aug., 14,^876. 7-3t TTORSE WABiTED. Good Wprking land Driving Horse wanted in exchange for Shingles. j J. B. COATES. Acton,; Aug 2nd, 1876." *5-4t TjlAEM FOR SALE* The undersigned offers to sell his farm consisting of about 50 acres/being the sonth-west half 'of Lot No. 2I,;in the 2nd con, of Esquesing. Good house and barn, small orchard. Tho land is of excellent quality^ well, watered, 40 acres cleared, balance good maple wood.: Apply to W. L. P. Eager, Milton, or to the owner on the premises,_or by (letter toActon Post Office. - 'V " | DANIEL THOMPSON. Es^Ueiing, July 15, 1876.> " 3-3ra. of September. These foods will ar rive during tho present and next week, and after this pur stock will bafouhd full and complete in every line/and will be sold at the cash price, and after the first of Septem ber for cash,or produce only. All our old stock wil^ be reduced to the new,cash price. Come and examine prices, and see the great reduction. Hoping to see'allpur old friends and as many new ones as possible, v We are respectfully, J i SECORD BROS. Actpn, Aug. 23, 1876. A CtON BAKERY. Cheap Bread. GALLOWAY BROS. ARE STILL AHEAD, And we intend |to keep po with our Superior Bread, Bun\s, and Cakes, Delivered fresh*around the village and vicinity every day. , A good stock of BREAD. BUNS AND OAKES Always on handj at bur bakery, good - fresh and cheap for cosh. NO C RE if IT GIVEN. Except to prompt-paying monthly cus tomers. All kinds of Produce taken in cx- changefor goods. j . Weight for woitht given in bread in exchange for flour. ' .< > WEDDING & FANCY CAKES Made to ordcrj inj "the shortest possible notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. N.B. All good i arc warranted pure as nothing but the best of maturial is used. The patronage- of the public is respectfully solicited: j -I.-.-' Calloway Bfios. ': Acton, Aug. 9, |1876, I /CANADIAN PACIFIC. Tenders ;for Grading, Track- laying. &c. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Secretary of Public Works, and endorsed "Tender Pacific Railway," will be received at this office np to noon of WEDNESDAY, the 20th SEPTEM- BER next, for -j works required to be exeouted on that section of the Pacific Railway isxtending from Red; River eastward, to Rat Portage, Lake of the- Woods, a distance of about 114 miles, viz : .The Track-laying and Bal lasting only, of about 77 miles, and the construction,, as j well as Track-lay ing and Ballasting, of about 37 miles: between -Cross Lake and Rat Portage. _ For Plans, Specifications, Approxi .... *~ - e mate-Quantities, Foitob of. Tender and other information; apply to the "ffl-= ~f the Engineer'in Chief, Ottawa. other information; apply to the office of ngineer in Chief, Ottawa. No Tender will bo entertained unless on the Printed Form, and unless the conditions are complied!with. . By Order, . ! F. BRAUN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, ) Ottawa, August 1st, 1876. \ 6-3t LOOK OUT FOR IT. J.i D. WILLIAMSON & CO, Guelph, Aug. 14, 1876. ~:' \: NOW DAILY ABBI\!lNO AT THE } . ; FASHIONABLE | WEST EKD, JUST OP15NED: One case new Seal Brown and; Navy Blue Dress uoodi. 12 dozen new sjlk Ties. New Linen Collar* and Cuffs. -.,... :':'Stock now very complete and attraotive lnl eaoh department. A. 0. BUCHAM, Pashfonable West End Drew, Ifllllnery and ManUe RstablUhment. analph, Auguit I!, 1978. POST OFFICE CASH STORE, . :; When you have paid your share of bad debts t6 doing a Credit Business,-please call at the Post' Cash Store, where youget Goods Cheap and those pffic I Eight per cent Discount for OasJi. = Conveyancer, Cash far Produce. -& _ Issuer of-Harriage "Licences, &c ^.cton, July 19, JAMES MATTHEWS 1876v DraJGS, DRUGS Drugs, .Ohemlcaii; Dye Stuff*, Patoat sad Proprietory Weoioiaes, ! 7aa7 and toilet Soaps, Spoages, Brusaos. .- Paiats, 0Us'aa4 Varaisaos. Fancy and 3Ru'b'berJGcois. PURE WTSTaS AND LIQXXOfiS for Mollolaal Purposoa only. /AH goods warranted of the best quality and ;at ten per cent below Toronte plcres. '.... ,'-.1 . Don't forget the place.', :; Medical HaUj. M4U street, Acton. AptonrMarch 13' 1875.1 . ; ! .' : " G. E. MORROW. WM. HUTHEEroUD &, CO, '~T. NEW En 0,04^SS FAtL HATS^ Ji ist re ceivedy comprising all the latest &d.\ American Styles/ TO BE SOLD CHEAP. A Large St oek of Linen and Lustre Coats Hand. , TO BE C! OUT JFOR.HALF THEIR VALUE. MS- 12,1876, WMrRUTHERfcpRD & CO,1 ;. Wo. 31. IrtW* "WyadJiam Stwwt, aaoljA^ j;

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