Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1877, p. 3

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BPfc, '-'Or. ;*f*ti&WvZi TNE fcJ^ i5>> --' -. i ' - ;j; W^Q V ^rt >4 lM: \cbm*p good* -' -i * -. :-'t^ oi4, *sid ices. , Jof*r.* . - Ifo^t spribjp ** ' - J.-..': :k t vekjrttojap;- & i- > -'-: # s |r^4>sitea/lff?i! L' >"*- i ylf**t possakfar wHlirnl [*ta takdt*r tan and MxBaSe * >,. Leroiv 1876- .S** HEWS 1*r^: tJkx***S . .-Si- v. :- i ' i' *" 3* - ^ iM*ofJM iS:S?m;- tan. ^*l -T^.-^ 4"4fflBH _ -^ -v.-Vif;'- .t 1 sUKf Kl Mt- linll TABU;. Tt*iB>n<** Acfem a*1 followi**- "* tiOISG WKST. Jfight Express ""> Toronto mail. py Express':r- - - - . Kxprcsi Gait mi l mixed . * --..-.- OOINO EAST. Kight Express - . - .. ' Weitern mail . - < - J/mdon mixed - - 1:04 vm. 9.10 a.m. 1.57 p.ui. 5.20 p. ni.' 7:07 p.m. Esqi Tho^nVfcm&lw* W5 of tW fcwnsliip Council met at Clark's Inn, Stowart- town, on Monday, 15th inst., and sub. scribed to tlio necessary declaration and quantitation of otlicc, vi* : 'Wni. Clay, ltcc\-o j John Warren, 1st Deputy 3:38 a.m. 8I0*in. lj:34*.in. i> 10:10 p.m. 10CAL MATTERS. jjBW, ADVEBTISEME5KTS. To Breeder* 'AleJt. Waldio. , Abitract of Acton School DfVisiori. . Important Jvotico Robert Creech. Important to the Si'ek Dr. McCuUonfth ------------- > ^------ Trunk time tabid, do* abcrv*. ^-Dpn't fail to. visit the great discount sal* iwir going - <ajT-at G. M. Scott'.s.; The masquerade learnival on the skating rink iu Georgetown last ireck |*ras a grand success-. Several 1 pracf-'vrerc awardcvl tor the most taste- fq)'*nd-tha ntoat.eoimr1<eo8tnme3. -^-i>on't fail to securo" some of the Tea they are sailing at thu Post Office Store for 35c per 1G., or three "poi\noT3~To>Tl7"""It 'is TMCtra ^rfftne.- Mr, Alex. Wright lost- s \rteh seal last Monday .night,'in frtmt cf Campbell's hotoL . Then tinder will confer a favor by returning it to the otrcir. who will give a suitable reward fur is recovery. ";r^ ^Orand discount sale' of Diy Goods for two" weeks ouly. O.-M. \Scott, ta *ler to rodiSce his stock pre- yioaa to tock;taking, will civo a. dis count of ten per oeut on all Dry IFoods except Cottons. Jfow i the time to sata money - l>cputy Reeve ; J. S. fraier.iad Beputy-llcovo; John Shortreed, Councillor. The Keovo took the chair, and U>itlj' addressed -4h<iSouijcilp w- ^~, cp T-- ;x , ... ' Oi motion vt MA Frawr, eeVJonded hy 35r. Shortreed, the Tfraasrircf wai authorized to pay tho following sum's for losses sustained by do^s i To Kobt. S. Hall, $3, being .two-thirds value of one sheep ; to (JeorgO Andorsou, $'J0, being two-thirds valuo of seven shcop. On motion of ^Ir. ^'arrcn, seconded by- Mr. Shortrood, the TrcMUtor vrM authorized to pay 1.75 to Edw. Nixon for fuel ami attendance at the nomina tion ; $1-75 to John McPherson for keep ing R. MoDougall, a pauper ; and S? to Archibald; Currio lor maintaining; Peter Mol>onaW up to the 18th inst. Mr. Warren nloved, seconded by Mr. Faar, that $15 be refunded to Messrs. Douglas aud and Bannerman, the taxes on their personal property destroyed hy fire. . A Dy^law* for the appointment of Auditors was introduced and duly, passed, with the name of John Brain as one of the auditors. The Recro aj>- pointed DaviiJ Cross' as the .other audi tor. Each to be paid $5. Mr. JPraxer moved, seconded by Mr." Shortreed, that 35 bo Ranted to Geo. ""Lyons, for the construction of a now; stone culvert on Lot 22, 9th! line. Mr. Warren moved, Mr. Frarer^that the Treasurer be autjioriz- ed '"6 pay""TJoTTn 'McPhersbh'J $20"for, , ) inaintainine John l>ouglaa ten weeks, "Qlti fjoni tlio 5tUof TfovemhcYlltot, less ."56 already paid hint Ion accouflt. Carried. Mr. Fcizer moved, se-condetl by Mr- Shortreed, that the Treastrrer'refund to Alfred Cook. $1 dog tax, ho having had 410-dog. Carried " THE FREE PRESS^ AOTOK^ HALTO^ 0Orati, ^T^ FEBPt^ARi li"l877. WONDERFUL TO THK. GIIS'l'OMERS OF :^I Xil O 11 A bj'-law for the appointment of As sessor was introduced .and duly _;pasjod. with the naine of James Mcuzics as as SCS50J. '- On motion of >lr. Shortreod, second ed by Mr. Frarer,.the Treasurer was authorized to pay T. J. Starrett S"-8 for printing 25<) copies of minutes and by iawsj notices of election, nul 1100 bah "" < I.J.1. 7ato"toJohn Murray fS for A ladjs-gold brooch was lt diabutio*g fcinot boXes, postiig-" cor- rjipt'prauticCs," etc., necessitating or. Sunday evening between the Metho- ilist'CEurSh; and tl^o -re*dence oli ^Jr. Jaajes Camrrvm. The tinder will con- r a favor by leaving it either at this office or t Mr.i W. H. Storey's. Dr. MeGarv'in has taken an interest in ,tb Actoo Plow Oimpany by purchiainK the Eve (htiias formerly held by Mr. WoodyatL A risting of the stockholders will be held to-morrow evening when it "5* prolialJe that ar rangements will be ma^le to push tkis'j operatirais mnch more vigorously than1 has been dbne heretofore. | : sa^HironTAXT to the Sick. The in habitants of Acton land surrounding coantry are reijaested t take notice -of ' te advertiscincnt of Dr. McCuBough in another column of this paper. The. Pr. gets great praise throughout the l)ominiou lor his success in the treat- . men: of chronic and lingering diseases, there/are all suffering from any disease whatever, ^onld do Well tflconsnlt hint n-ill b from the1 6th to the l3titof February, : Cuasaltation free. 1 Taking Stock.: In order to 'clear out our stock aa'low an j)bssi- 'Ifcle,. we have decided to sell all '.goods *t. cost for cash only during ;tie neit fow.days. Now bring out yonr cash and secare bargains. Secord Bbos. twJo journeys over the township. Mr. Warren moved, seconded by Mr. Shortreed, that Mr. Peter Mann bo 'authorized to get a suit of clothes, and ..two sets under cljthmg for Peter Mc- :Djuald,'and send in the bill to the Council. Carried. , TfceTCouncil <hea:.-a4J.o<"ed till JFri- dayT 3d -February.', .. .. -^-Opening to-diy at the Pout Office Store - >ui"? immense stock of Shoe, Stove, Scruhhiug nd ^Vhite- Wash Brushes, j A.l*o Ihe largest, chnapest and best assorted stock of WkII Papers- ever- brought, into Actou ; all'ths latest Rtylea. -Call and sve Ui>ui.^-Geo. Yemex. Ciiristiej'Hendersoii Si Co. will pay the highest price in leash for aliy quantity of good' Dairy &utter iii nice new tahs. Tbey ahjo offer bargains in job lots of goods at all times. Have yotl had a fcrhd oftheir fatnejW^O Tea ? If not, ask f lira simple^ -. , " Christie, Henderson <fc Co. on strike a fatal blow to long credits and long prices."- Seo their new advertise- .iment this week. Cheap Jackets., Cloths and Blankets are what the people want, and by ealling on Christie, Henderson it Co.- they can havej their wants sup plied,! and satisfaction 'guaranteed-. - 3ST. during the past year wo have done a larger business than has erer been done by a Dry Goods House in Qualph, and in return for this large ; , patronage we. have deoided to pfier' our customers- a Our stock is the heaviest lever held in Guelph* amounting to over $tOO.OOO, the whole of which we will offer at coat; If this will not do, we shall have toigive the goods away, for w are de termined to redutie olte.injnftnse stoek to ?50,000 by the latofMnroh, as our new Spring goods will thn be corning to hand, and we must mak? roora. Our buyer, Mr. W. MoLachliri, pfM<n,ttJ, hM [been in the British Markets for two months pas^, (we do not rush off there, pick up the 6rst goods that offer, and back again) carefully Jtupeotinjt the stocK, and we shall hayo the best selected and cheapest'stook'erer offered. Prices at home are low, and we secure great; bargains by paying cash. : |. This will be fognd to be the arrebtest chance for buying Chea& Dry Goods ever known in the annals of Guelph. "> ; The Lion has already ^be.grpatest reputation for selling cheap of all the, store; jri tne.Prbfcmoe, bit^is- feme wd fwiy surpkis) *lf pratfosis eff&rt?/ and beat the world. , ' - - . . . ., .7-t. i The enormous Bankrupt Stock we bought in the summer enables us 1q put every other store ia tbe shade. The bulk of It is gone, but it includes a big lot of winter goods,.suon,as: $Ianket, f|annls, and Woolen goods generally, which we will also offer at cost, or at 50 cents on the dollar of the wholesale cost. W<\ guatantee them all perfect, and the prices cannot be toup.hed. /We jcount ;it a. p\essure ,to show our goods to the general public, it is irriprtssible for us to mention all the bargains We are offering. We.should need every column of Thb Free Press to do so, but we will only name a fewTeading lines. Out oustomers must remember, however, that The Reduotion is general throughout wur^took- Everything to'hr?U3KeT"6friircost. NTJ'Onis'Bho-Uld^c^hiH-blyBhiiree, 65 Pieces, reduced from 30 cents to 20 cents. 35 1. . .( .( 05 ... i5 u 24. " ' "> 19 " 12 " i9~ .,'. r,.,<,".'""< : These are the very lateSt'styleS and'colofV/nnd'nVdhfetfiOura without jBrst making aij; inspeotiou of these goods. Fancy and Plain Silk* at Extraordinary Figures. t Special drives in Clouds. Kurs, Shawls, Wool Shirts and Drawers, Flantieli HorSeTttaBke^smdrWinter^hirt*"^ . f 420 Pieces put down from 12J to 10 cents. ; 235 " " 17 12J "" 140 " ' , 20 18 " Lower priced Lines put down to 7 cents a yard great value. SPECIAL ATTEUTTIOX; Oar Beady-made Clothing and Mjljinrry fend ;ti^title B>anohB%^eserye special nolicV." These goods we "will fun oritjJtSmy price, OTO^anr one i needing these goods should come to us at Once for they . i will never have a better chance to secure a bargain. FIFiPY BUFFAL0 rROBE^ ST^LiV JiEBT?. The season is advanced and we will refuse ho decent offer for them A fine assortment of Tweeds all marked down to cost. Pull . Cloth 30 Cents. "vii^ij".' ri->- * i> p. L- .!: 83 C ^a l^cg^st^amoT^it iof Goods &otd ^aiepday s: mxyjisr in q ! * Epfi| Sold in oiie day jio au$^J;;;GM^^ SeasonaTDlo&oods less tkonl^nufactxtrsr's Prices .t-a :.. ^i^gr^^SaVa f^at^nues each day. Hurry in and partake of the gteat advantages offered. U17- IJJJWi" 7\" jmn Hocdi & sow, i : Alma Block, TJpper Wyndham Street, Guelph; A 1 ', -< / - J < A . 5'4-"Q-^The question'oftenJaskod 3s,. Why is it' that in a few years we hare been abje .lets* ConrlL. . . , The CounciTmet on Mbnday evening y all the members present. The minutes -of last'meeting were read and confirm ' : ed. On motion of Mr. Christie, secoad *d by Hxj Smth,:a^y-fcr for" the ppohttro'ent ijf ah aastesbr-^ras-ilrtro-' dueed and read a, first time. The andi- tor' finaossal-report, in abstract and' -detail, was presented, add-on- fnotion, referred to the Futafit* c*Binrttee. Tfift Berfe stated that he had bees requested by the Ceralty Judge to procure a suit able cushioned chair for ins'use at-the - Division. Conrta.. Mr. Henderson pre- 4ted the first-report of the Finance OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF ^ Public SohOirlTnisteeB -" -i" ' o'r-TaS' -' ACTON SCHOOL DIVISION, For the Year 1876. j,Fihaheial Statement. ': BECEIFTS;. Balance from 1875 . .$ 85 38 r Municipal grant .... 14 56 Why is to increase the small business formerly done at The Lion, to its present enormous sixe, (the largest outside of Toronto)? The true answer is thit we d? tho be^t we possiWy.can-far.oiNe customers. We buy at the lowest 6gui^^Ve>^H at the' iitffW* treat our friends bo that they always come back to us. Honesty is the best policy, and honesty-and courtesy are th,riHirg-|JrinclpleaarTneUios; .,.~^,,^^n,.,.., , Gtieipii. Jan; S, 1877. J, D; WILLIAMSON;: & PQ; FOR u '. -'- %'. Haye 1*M in maminoth, Shock of everytbing Jticb, Ban,JJrft *a4 *l: and Beautiful, in .V THE PHIUNTHROPIST. 'i. VTh.6 is tie t3?uo iPkilantropist ? P: i 137 6 Clergy reserve, non resident fees, etc.. _ Matthews $10 for nse of ;hall for Divis- * J ! ion Court purposes ; to the Sons of : Tempeiasce $3a.l0,"for;ren>ef hall for .bj'Jdho Boss $3.50 returning officer's fee*, and. So^ffior registration <5f births, deaths ai ntarriageft ; to j.H. Hicking'^i.Sp halaece ef last year's printing account. 225 ' ^16051-5^! 138 73 - The committee also recommended a ^ittnthly payment of $2" to_.Jbhn Mc-. Phee jn Fenrury. March, April and May, to-be' ehargedio rhnritiea'accotmtii On motion; the report was adopted. Afterwards the Treasurer of the"Methd- <Ut';-Gha8h- Jiandml in sn arcnnnt,.ai $48jirhicb he'had paid for the construp- tioaof i aideyajjtln..front of their .new edifioeh SCfll jffetei : It w;b-' referred to.QieTinimttlcotnimttee, ah'dtheh* re port recommending its payment by the/ Council was adapted. . '^ The. Coancjl went isite committee on - the by-taw for the appoiatment of as-; sessor, Mr. Qhristie in tire chair. Mr.' - ' fienderaon n>o\-d,] eeconded by Mr. 8mith, that the first blank, be fiUed with the name of Stafford Zimmerman. _On motion of Dr. 4toGrk), th>Uank-ioi Hie salary clausawas Sited by. inserting-/ tbt wordjLtvrentjftdollars, JXb& m- ^mittee rose and. fepoftgd. On motion of Mr. Smith, the by-law for the ap pointment of assessor was read the third time and passed as amended, . -' ' ^ A eommumcaSbffTwai 46M^rtdT*ojwJ j James Matthews, oBenng^ the "uSe'SHils" -hall for Council meetia^S)' Division Court and Esve's-C<iurt, at'the rate of $30 per annuin, j/o he lighted and warm ed at his expense.- On motion of Mr. Christie, seconded by Mr. Nicklin^'the eomnaaication Was laid over till next __ Beetingof ConHeiL . .'.' The chairman of the special commit tee to confer with;'the Trustees of the v-TSHPfaaase HaiSjn'referettee-to joint *^"that%ew*hy^^i^fc'ie>> Port, as he had not had an opportunity ^* ?etinS-with the trustees*. Clahnesl were preferred by Messrs. .""A- ^U>i**n i^cSRSell.j.a^d Yfi., fhawTT(jr thS MMfiaftg^f CBe M- ~" eaclli dbg tax, on the ground that the dogs were destroyed immediately Mfer being assessed: On mefcon-ofMr., Chnsfae, secoh'dedlhy Mr. Smith, the- " jr^*urer wi* authorized to return one" aohar each to therparties named. .Moved by Mr. Henderson, seconded by Mr.-Sicklin, fhitr thei-Rae** bo&i/ Jtroeted to procure a cushioned chair T'J'wase of the. County Jndge. ir A Hendtosoh; movfd, saoupded by- -Jlr. Smith,- -ftat 4he iuditors lie paid /tour dollars each for their services. ' Jhe Conncil adjourned till T/hnrsday," ' PATJIEKTS. Teachers' salaries... .-S1050 00 RepairVof'schdolhdnse etc. .1............ Interest on loan for building.......... 84 50 -lahrary, maps and ap- "f'paratus \........ 66 15 Fuel, caretaker's'salr ".,'., ary: and' other ex- - .^.penaes.. Borrowed money and - .interest.............. The mqrehlajit who prQi-;4e^ t]e_iiest goodsat, tl cheapest value for his customers. le T^hisi ^"W*esk -will oSfr extra spec ial values in ,^e; fp^lpw^r Goods, to reduce pre- par'atary to Stock-taking^: czen ^aokwti fSs-ai czsn Oardigaxi Jaokets, $2.00, i2r -pairs Blaniiets, $2.50, worth !- >-- 1% YEMEN Begs leave to inform the public generally that be is prepared during oo, S Inks 102 00 7r"J-S1582 21 'rj . -vtWvurv| ."-^^1.- THE HOLIDAYS co.mPW^t^flC-^'rl&oiB" goods, useful as well as ornamental, suitable for is now tment of For both old aj^dy^ubjfc bttt^ti NTS is their cheapness. To balance on hand..;... $23 fl "-' -1- - SCnaQI. POPUIATIOS' AND ATTENDANCE! Children between the ages of 5 and 16 residing in the municipality, 269;. No. enrolled 264 ; boys"143 ; girls 121 ; average attendance during first half -year-140 ;\ during second half year J16 ; pupils . attending less than 20 days, 9 ; batneeir'ao O<t^50.<aays f(8^; berweeri 5*pd 10O days 80,j between ipt.aad ISO clays 56? bmtweem-tSl aaA 20Odo}B 61 ; between 200 and the whole year 10. CLASSES; ' Number of pupils in part first, 1st Rea^|^2l^SeSlok;^M- ^U^U^^^^ 69 ; second class 3rd Beading Book, 21-} n>* itfoldtk for^swWrtttnWths.*--^ -- ft third "class 3rd Beading Book, 30; fourth class 4th Beading Book, 34. ! Number of pupils in Natural Histor* 34 ; British History, 34 ; Canadian Hf tory, 34 r*Chemistry and jBotahy, Opmpositioa, 85 ;' Grsinmar, GeographyV 23^ jArithmfetic,^^ i^.a&ng and^ .Spdliife, I competifjon ft8 n^p^SPnt iarge stock must be cleared out by tnTbegip. nine of tbe New Year to make room for a new -stock. ' : In'tlAs'line ifa? diisWttfeifs^inay rely onigettraythfen*.oodsfreshiArid good, as I have purchased them alt within-the past two weeks, and ai aid hi I CROCKERY' *&& - (^ASTW.RE.i /; i.-' j. .yri'U^. '.3 17 pa^s Blankets, $3.30, worth worth $2.50 $4.00 $5.00 20-piecos Full Cloth, at 55o per yd, wo: 0L<P>tJI)S, 264^ linear Prawiiie, 264; Bookrkcto f??Ninetech maps, and .18 charts.' LIBSABTj *"-' SCetal jinmbeiof jrojugies, 1V9S ^.ts|-e4^3ur^ajtte ycar,-26i value of limjiry, ?&9Sao. ; SCHOOL PEOPERT5T.' " "Ttftal vti^trepf-bookejjmapsr and school hottse,- $4848^1^ I SALAaiES. 1 John'Ross j head teacher ..... ^^Ke^lsJ^aaHatant . Miss Moore, 2a assistant..,.. Caretaker......-...;/...,'..U . *s :i f- .$550 . 275 ,225 . 70 I120 . , H. J. HALL., SecretaW. ALEX. KENNEDY. Chairmair. Acton, Jan. 27, 1877- 31rlt m^i. aoi; aM HOGS' SPECIALTIES. Fresh Oysters, Finnan Haddies, Pork and Bologna {Sausage, Yarmoaf Bloaters, &o y alwaysjon hand. .' '.! ' Call and examine the goods and prioeshefore purchasing elsewhere. I t&" Please note the address, tl- >^'&i Si lsi:-.i Tub I Butter. tfli.-o'is- !i<x CiaiuuJ gaiob rj ci eAi- o; m^i^i ir.: December 19, 1876.- J Post Offioe Store, Acton. [M(MsM %w^L Eitite^siQ Aiiy- one iW heed of lfull Cloth for Clothing, will find our! <stack."Inr%lli ;93 $ AM' '8'3t|fl Ai I > 113 JCLO A8 b' . , , times, rositn ely free jfrom shoddy, -.ot.i 3-':o ts.V3t.S-; r.i.V. ?4S" IM Gi$<aoEWi omwA :: i! (Sl&&^e&Qt^ J^.f/^'-ll t^Tf MILLI^BY^ Men or CHINA DEPARTMENT- Genia* Mottbad lIuataeBi Cupi And Saneers, ' Ladies' Mottoed Copa and Sadcera, > Children'e Mottoed Cups and Sancars, ^ ,-;.:." '. ^laaa^dpbjna. Mag*, mbttoad,iall~j6oli ion. -Mi awer GlaHl Pitcher*, if.- Xtakrya Bhhvr, wL 4k>Meta, T^bbMbw,-^--- -~ ~ Plo*Jar( ; Glaaa Sata,.. Boys'; j lis "io fesoin^S Ca*i-. fc-ii-c*iav tia& l>u^|.^iiael ud .miJt-^8 dtaD alt a{3i#f*fiqrjAfe ^vitsikrod jdJ Of V.llOUJOD2a liiiU' fcsincG Si&a&K Stone and China HWSeta,^ Lamps, LantefM, "'JEW'""-1' 'jCJeieryGL^ei;. Sick pupi ahi x*e*dr*t, BVei^i^ib^atttifal in endlar_Tarktj'. m ...-J suitecTftoAlie .t ^x5 A <"fj rn^iamMi Jellies, jpic^tfailaiitoi^^ .--..^"\.. Sardinea^ f^to^Ofii^^n^.'^p^';Qv^tiia^^ ^Hg^Writi,;Bi8iit;Idon^Bction^iy and Pbney- r* 2%<r Largest and Cheapest / :a3bSa inter aiitiaS'-Bfil^cael K4>X3j> ,1 .1 :9 li v!lii>w':'ii i4l"3!l j g^p-f?^ tea.'BUic-Strfttt 3a. i>? Actcn, Jan ! 23,1817.-. {<:J 3-iZ i;-:!i!j^iy.i Tobaccos, Bice, Barley, Corn S ), to wicsj oil. ttcxriMjI.I cbvc; s fci*iiil 4>o ban .;..i . (i a.';^L.'v.'- Ci .-,ti=V aJBl)Xf!j:afjiMP . *Kf 8,^^erj,;S50t*i|, rat*y<^t. 3". ^.,Jv S:2C0EI> .UsU-J. fciS^c&pi

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