Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1877, p. 4

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Ki UWt m- ** ':& mmm "vuia w.jwum-^ji.a-mu1......i.ieuaiw-Ji U'.. i'-iM' mMAMIH Ir-W.Uwaj-Hib-ftTvJ-frl. JJiAW . TgE 'IflREE; iBBBS?^:!ACT(^o^ALT9^ j^OU^TY, ONT TEBRTJAfiY 1, . :;EM FK EVERY MO\TB. > i iroiu *vt gartieta should be torffj They will insure ber constancy, Truo friendship and fidelity. .', KBUCARY. Th FJiamri-bAa fcai find Sincerity farWp*a*lWu>ind ; ' v ' Freedom frotn passion and (torn care, If they the amethyst wjll wear. Who in this world of ours their eyes In March tint open shall be wise ; - In days of- peril firm and brave, :' - And wear s Umwltjw^to their grave,, ?hc who from April dates her years. Diamonds should 'wear, lest Utter-tears,, For vain repentance flow ; tbis'stosra Emblem o{_ innocence is known. SCAT. Who first beholds the light of Jlays Shall be a loved and happy wife. JOS. *f With ring of agate on her hand. Can he^ltli,_wBaltk.and long life com- mand.. >," v> .?"? J -, .-,' .A The glowing ruby should adorn Then will they be exsrapt and free From lore's doubts and anxiety. AtrorsT. Wear a sardonyx, or for thee No conjugal fidelity ; The August-born without this stone lis said most lire unloved and lone. % %Jkvs& s I Si - There are many familiar phrases in constant use which the minority of people suppose-hare their origin in,the Bible, and use them, in that jed^bectiog.' ^nei{e<r Yo^tpif^r- vtr corrects tuiseiror inthefoUow- ing manner, but, as the phrases are very fine, we still lovo to use them iTo prevent misquotation from the Scripture, it fcitas then* thOan' " "God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb."-. Fr^m^^mrtr'^en* ti mental Journey to lhtXri" . out pure Isaiah, xxvi. 6. >. ^;ln',lha midst,of IrtVjwe are in death;" ]ftx>iri* toe "Burial Service; and this originally from a hymn of Luther. wina jwhichthe Lord From the English Cateohism. _" Not to be-wise above what ia ^^jpeswi(hTOainetjQ*his earth,. written.'^ Not in Scriptures. " i^^>oWa^W4ays<rfbirUi,^ |:: '"The merciful taan'u mirclfttl to his boast." The scriptural form is ^ -" A-righ^eous man regardeth *ie life of his baast" Prov, xii : 10. i " A nation shall be born in a day > - fcTfsiiah it rwdVf * Sh'aU a nation be born at once V "As iron sharpeneth iron so doth a tivan the countenance of a friend." "Iron sharpeneth ; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of bis ^ ? !3fs^b^iy:iu^sVisi0stdeth.,,r4- Harf., xi. ,2. - *' Owe no man anything but lore. "Owe no man anything, but to lore one anotlier." Bom., xxi. 8. "Prone to sin as tho sparks fljr upward.'-' " Borne to. trouble, as the sparks toflynpwards.* Rom.,. T.7. " Exalttd to heaven in point of privilege." Not in the' Bible. Eve was not Adam's hslpmat^, but merely a help meet for hitri; nor was Absalom's long hair tha insfruin&l of hjs de^UnajBoiiT bU IjsssjlVianiLnoVJ^rtttpbali, ftting been caught in tha bought of the tree. (2 Sanratl, -xVnl 9.) A London wig-maker once made a sign upon which was painted Absalom suspended from the branches of the' oak by his hair, and underneath the following oonplet:- * :"; If AbsaJota'bsdn't wore bis own hair. He'd ne'er been found hanging to H. - v^^ m V-:; ; EfcliBICrHa: Now is the timo to leave your order At J. Ryder's Pootory I'. "ipca"". ."T:~^ c A n ^^..^ Are ruatEng mSeplember's A sapphire on her brow shonlil bind ; Twill cure diseases of ths iniud. ] OCT0BXB. October's chiM is born for woe. And life's vicissitudes must know ; .. Bat lay-an opal on heitresit, f And hope wu! pat, those woes to rest. KOVDfSXK. ' ' ; r-i- ; VTho first comes to below, "With drear November fog and snow Sqoald prise the topes'e amber hue KmTilfim of friends and lovers tme. cad1Nee#rt*|S*yocertav* - . ?&k oil joax nkn&a tortjuoie blue" J Success will bleat wh&iaVryou dii. Stylish Cattrr or Serviceable :.'t-;. ;, > ^ SlelgUi, I am making tip a large stock for the present season, from tho best material. i %|-- '-- '.. My present stock of BTOKHES AND |WAGON8 " ., Now is a good time to secure bargains. Strict attention given to ' Sortt-anoaiac * SaneMlBlMk- """"" -'"';' '"'" ' ' 'JAMES RYDER, AetoatSbpt;^ 187$. ? r*?',' 1877.' :-^'.n,. Clocks aad Je'welery. JtJSf AR&IVEf>, JIJ^T ARKTVEB. A Oood Assprt menj> of CHIAP AT THB PRICES or mtw VI AMD It RY w MATVAYSe IT PAYS every Haaaractarer, Her* ehaat, Bleeaaale, laveatar, taraser. er rnfcastaaU sua. to keep Informed on aU me Irajjrovcmonls and discoveries of mease. ITPAT8 ike kead af eirry faamlly to Introduce Into bla ttousehold a ne wspwper thatts Instruct) ve,*ns that lusters a taste for laveeUaauo% and proaoUa tn^octit iwaeasslon. ande THE PIEHWIC AUniCAN which has been published weekly tor the last SI years, does this, to an extent be yond tnat of any other putKlcatlou; in fact It is the only weekly paper published Studs, ' ' _ Guff Buttons, Lockftf,.. ,, Chains, mm At McNAIKS TorriWe "SaoriAce. MtB iOlD AT AHY MICI. Must be Cleared Out We don't want to carry any of oar stock into the new. store', which noarly completed. bR'ESS GOODS,: .l' /MtLLlNElVSV WOOLEN^GOODS, __ _ ____ STAPLE GOODS, In the Untied States, devoted" to Maku-1 Must all be sold at astonishing]. rACTuaas,MaruA3jc8,lMTajrrio!iand _ _ . - New Uiscovaaias In Aru and Sciences. Every number Is profusely Illustrated afid Its content* embrace the latest and most Interesting-lntbrraatloB pertaining to the Industrial, ftfeabanlcal, and Scleu- tlne procreaa of the world. nt aciaurrurtc tauuuca the foremost of all Industrial Uons for the past 81 years It lw 1MIsK^?J!JS^I^^ EffirylMidir Mechanics, Cberolsirv,_New Iuvemlous, Low Prices. in has been : lal pobiW-1 i Is (he-Old* BARGAINS FOB YOTJ,. BARGAINS FOR YOU, BARGAINS JOB YOU, Fsney Gold Rings, Gold Drop*, i. Brooches, SeU, jnrfS* OPEN ED. JUST 0FENED. ! Call and See i Them. December 19, 1876. BE SURE TO CALL! AND Blaclc Seta, ;!i '; Be para to BModbesj Drops, Black lVodkaU, r j I ' Peart Suits, " ' . , Necklaces of allj kinds, Toy Watches, <Eto eto., etc, ' QEOIEIGE HYNDS, \J , 'Watchmaker; Post Office. Store, Aoton. -.^ 65Piece* Brocaded Lustres, 10 cents rfyardV '\- -. '^" >"*^K-" 2.0 Pieces Brocaded Reversible, 12J cents] ." .';-'Ur- 30 Pieces Fashionable Serges, new shades^ 15 cents.:*:""'u^ ? '" : J23 Pieces Wool Serges, 25 cent*, regular pr^^osktr;: : T j Special Line Block Silks, 9|) cants a ya*A :. V" i ' 58 Pieces press Silks, handson* giDbd^fev :] cleared out^at 50 cents a yaril"". -'[ \ '. \V: -ffr For .Obaap-Dress Goods, ladies should visit the Fashionable Westf "' '"i:'V:-I"j*-" A. b. BUCHAM, Fashionable West J6nd Crass, iUltlnerjr and Mantle Kstss^sssjsati- auelpb.Ueoember 1,1876. ._ \ ; .;.: * M-"-* -. EXAMIUE THOSE Contennial Olieok Suitings, A Timely WaraiBt;. He was an 'elderly man of re markably thin features. His dress consisted1 of a sigh orofcv .h*t,7aj. worn bhtrik amt.srpaifof cspacfoW shoes, and' a dirty white necker chief, sufficiently limp and crumpled to disclose the greater part of his wiry throat. He entered a saloon on Pearl street, and alter saluting the bartender, and making some comments on the " disagreeahleness of the weather," backed up to the stove, and proceeded to partake of the " cheerful warmth " thereof. A second party entered the room. He was a young man, and his '* make -Bp"-styled him a " verdant coun try yoatb."--He approached tha bar and ssgaified to the waiter that. h wished for "a glass of whiskey," Vhich was placed before him. After nying for bis beverage, be rested arm upon the bar, and was ng the glass to hi* lips when thin man sprang to his side and in an excited voice exclaimed ' " Young man, beware !" ' Wh-wha-'what V said the ooon- trynian, as he, half frightened, emp tied a? portion of his beverage on "the floor. .^-- ~ .-* .^-. - *' Set down:'that enp-1" continued the slim man. "Its loathsome f dregs" are lemorae, disgrace aind death." "; " No taint, it's whiskey," said, - the youth, and again attempted to : imbibe.; but the slim man held hi* arm and yelled^^ ' " Set down.'tha* onp: A demon's pirit is infused in its sparkling po- "J* there V inquired the " rar- dant," stnrinn ban! at the thin man,' Sfcnd^settingjthe glass o tfao bar, V The evil is contagions and the infecfion ia~deUj," continued the1 i vlim man., "" '-~'/Yba-donH mBan itT replied the other in a frightened TOtos, - -" Distilled by a fire that scarce is quenched, it kindles a fire in the sou? that burns and, burns, still burning until a bleak desolation -. mark.tb deatrnotjan of all that ia. J " pure and nobbs," resamed' the thin' * man./ "Set down that cip, or fear : tho oyei-wbelming woa, of. a drook- i - ard's doom !" _ ' - ' ' " Oh, my"' God l" moaned the i y oap^-^ffrf.ltiUrnihg.pahj.jBfldJgaA: I ingr flJPtiallai5 for ^ppor< i'r-i-.' ^' LoSk lo^waraiwm TfcpeTb** beware/' continued the thin man. '" There are fascinations which charm one on. where virtue shrinks : with horror. Thare are entioementa ? that draw the wavering from the road^j^popTjan^ wbiph guile the innocent to the abandon- r meat of all that odds beaoiy. iti this'. yiojjthful charactor#ror honor to the, _, name of ma-.',iPbW rapids aresnrg-' it- -irig aioimsfcjroo.'}-hear you not th^ thunderings of the fall V Sut there one tbero to ^ answer bis question. The young ; man -had fled, aod the thin man, '"' ^uraiig to'ihtf bitrlender, said;' ^ 11t would be a shame, to throw. away that whiskey tfieae "hard Every human soul has gems of flowers '; within, and they would open if they could only find sun- chine arid free air to expand in. Sir James Simpson was a practi-" cal economist. A blank leaf in his' little Cash book contained this quo tation : " Let not thy recreations be expensive, lest, the pain of par- chasing them exceed the pleasure thou hast in their: enjoyment," About this he writes1: '^Ho trivial ^ainor trivial loss despise i Molehills, if often neaped to moun tains rise. Weigh every small expense, and noth ing1 waste: Farthings -lone saved amount to pounds at last.'.' Scteooe and Indnstnal Procreea, publish edtn the world. : Ine praetlnal Beelpes are well worth t*n tl mes the subserl ptlon price, and for the shop and house will save many times the eost. ' Itsnoald have a place In every Family, Library, tHodyrUJffloe, Beading Boom. College and MMDU l : : IT > A new volasseeocsssenae* Jsanary 1st 1877. Ayear^obmlkaHaoaUiaiaOpages andBeveral Hundred Engravings, Terms, 1S.33 a year by mall, tneludlng pontage. IHseuunttoetnbcr Speelal Cir culars,'giving olnb rates, sent free. Bln- gle ookies mailed on receipt of 10 cents. May be bad of all newsdealers. 145 In oteaeetlon with ________, th> gdeatUe Asaerl. ____ Measrs.-atnnn a Co. are Solicitors of Amartcanand Foreign Patents, and have One largest establishment In the world More than fifty thousand applications have been made Car patents through their Oar Millinery is first olass. All new and fashionable. Our Dress uoodsare just what wanted for th* season. The latest patterns snd oolora. A large stock of Staple and Fanny Dry Goods cheap. Cht&tlesu&'i ruraUhlBg QoeAs Rood and cheap. AT. THE I fM. STEWART * I; it' Woula respectfully call the attention jof^lteBf friends and the general public that they 7 .^" Jjaist End Clothing Store. ALSO GENTS' UK DERCLOTHING la streat rarlety fkroa 91 agency. Pa 'ateaU are obtained on the best terms, Models of Mew Inventions anj Sketches examtnnd, and advise free. %A pamphlet oontalnlag full directions tor obtaining Patents, sent free. Tar flrlftlr > i i| YICIL*8 J'LOWEK nd VEG. hi sua ma sits .. istb mosibeautllul work of I he kind In thetworld. It contains nearly ISO page*. hundreds of nju) illustrations, and six ch*mo plalea .ofistolsars, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 60 oenti In papereoveravSI-OOlneleganlotatb, Prtcted In Uarmap and EnsrlUb. ! -Vlek's rtoral Guide. Quarterly, 25 oeaU a year. :- i Vlck's Catalogue flOO Illustrations, only - AUdrees Jakes Vicx, Roebeste'r, N,Y, east Keflsiestee atoak, a volume bound lrr eloth and gilt, containing the Patent Uvi. Censns of the D. B and 143 Eto- gravlncs or meehanleal movements. Prtoe cents. addrees -for ln. Paper, or oobeerolna PatenU, VTVSS * O0, 87 Parte Bow. Jewelery, Jewelery. Bings Brooches, Chains, Ac. | Also a good stock of GROCERIES. AT McNAliFs, ACTOir. Call antt; See opr Cooda mod. Price*. VTICKS FLOWER aud TE6- T EI1BU asgwssa,. Are piamed-by a mliflosT people In Amsr. lea. Bee Vlek"*Catalogue. 300 Illustrations, only ! serJU. Vlok's Kloral oulde, quarterly, 25 cents a -year. Vlek" Floral and VegvtabU (Jarden, 5S- oentp, with elegant cloth covers $1, All my Publications are piipted lnuer- miii and English. ' Address, Jambs Vibe, Bochcaie^N.T. TTICIfS lUvstrated Priced V TsT>t^'T Fifty paies ao* liingtrstlonvwll% d6> serl pylons or thumsnds or the best flowers and vegatablea In the world, and the way to <rrow tbero -alitor a Two Ccst postage stamp. Printed In German and Engllh, VlCg'S F^OBAI. Opipg, (tnABTZSLT, 25 eenta a year .- .. " VISSTS FlOVEB A3TP VEOETABLE OAB- DS7(,^60eents In pain in elegant cloth eoveva. alAO. - T Address. JAmnVicicBocbester,,Y. ;OK' FLORAL, i GUIDE A beautiful Unarterly Journal finely Illus trated, and containing an elegant colored Flower Plata witb the flrst number. Price only 35 e*1s for the year. IJha Orst No. for 1877 Just (isuedin Uermao and-RnatlsH- ' ' Vlok's Klowar aod VegeUhle Oarden^ln paper SC eenta, with elegant cloth cover, $I~00 i lvick*s Oatelnaoe. SOO Illustration* only PLANING MILLS AND times," and so -he drank it. himself. Danbury Ncxoe, The teacher who governs well, gatns^ore^Veitiny than talking, . Manjjj. wosls aw an evidenee of OUtd pther Bstildlngateqi wenknwst, hot of f strength. - -. t. t ' .. -- "Bev. Dr. Lachlin Taylor-has ef- .rived in Oanad* after hieing absent oo a three years' special lecturing mission in Scotland, in the. inter- e^^snaigrat&ti'to thus country. ;2K^w"evpye^1>y f8^*Dominion Croverniaintr THOMAS EBBAGE, Manafaeturer of WiadowSaali. ;;.\ Dtjor^ i Veaefciaii Blia4a ICouldingfl, ' " : 1 STTBSCRIBE y - FOR THE .^ . :1 FREEHRESS, i . - c Oiiiy ^ii0 JD#ar:i A Year toilAdvaaice. .m^^^ O. T. HILI4, ' MUl Street, ACTJf PBAJUEB IN 0rc*ri"i, Beota as IHoet, %> ^ : Window SUads, Wail*, 01m. Patty. _ , Xstoia#dfllJ* Talats, Tuiptatlaji, 0oai0as*lt,tt<. All of wrdeb will be sold low for eas i. BOOTSv aUti SHOElk Selling off at cost. Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cabh for Hides. Acton, July It; 187. Ut 9.5t> per Salt. Aeton, October SU UTeV DIC: 13ON McNAB. It is worth any "persons wliila when in Guelpb to call and see the j Immense Si ock of : I E IR C? O O^T For Men and Boys, all colors and prices, at Rutherford's Ciothiner Establishment, SIGN OF THE To their PiEW PBEM tJpper W^dham Stroe^ i" .yii - ml College, jindsarr li) c!*2. fege.^al Coitege,! TuesaayJ p."ni. . %CTOf>. tie ..-prep and ,on - Jx>aJ. ol Qlasgowl T { Btreeta, -Ucitors 11 ^ Main Sto" . Chancer * KnciBtrf . mi ton <L taent'nf-B law will! on Frltf| w Agent, fol ill buslnl faitnrtiiijl soliiJltedj . In Curl Patent fer print atlon tens i UecSaJ itenuanp ' *ssasrM| : '.. Bosi, tifice a(| County I w G-TjJSTj>ja:. TS ELEPHANT, ^ No. 31 Lower "Wyndkam Street/ Quelpli. Noted for baring the best assortment west of Toronto, and at prices that defy competition. Come and see, WM. RUTHERFORD &l CO. Guelph, No*. 20, 1876. jREliaiBD R, CREECH, in:;,, j.j{;; [i",v .' ! :\ . tADPLEB A HAipiEtt-MAKEB, o;r!t.v;':>r;f:,u1.!, .* "-. F . Has removed one door west of bis old stand, and is now prepared to tarn out work, whioh tor VMAmtUL, QaOAHtUS AXJ) KING. SPECIAL L . - Ai Low Figures. Many Special Lines of Goods have heen"fiecDi*(i. at extraordinary low figures^ i,;.!.; Will Be Givei.; < ' S>**- I" --.'.I i^vv^ :."-fiK*f!'i :iJ'-". *~A GALL. EAMiYil An early calf is,necessary, as many Lines ^j!j| be repeated *H tKe.-lpw- figures. .; lU'r^ . Guelpb, Dec. 18, 1876. WX. STEW AST * OUR WINTBB The unders ' rroundin people of Acton and' sur- proonred a magnificent And is prepared to attand and oondw it Funerals on the shortest.notice and most moder^t terms. iffi . Also kUker of ZX^SOVSS BTTOTZOtf mot LnmbagPUnerl sirl Dreassd to oide in the beat niaDner. j ' fj^> Alrwork guaranteed, f ; Aoton, Jao.,1878. V !.a'1-' LIVERY A SALE MFBLE J. P. AlOEiAir -Ih anoonaelng- to -the r^he U prepared to yirtt nlm ifytm *nd owzUcm -T' ^ftae^aBBVavJataiSaa?"" - ii-.* ^T?^^SPwW^rT^^^wf*jr x a?*.%*^ be si... Actoi cannot be surpassed by any house iin the county, .' S&r&eBS of all Sialf sarAueawthesbflrl^stjsMihbtnotioe, snd warranted to give perfeet sstisfso- tlon. ! .".) I llif'i Uii I. : ' As be is deiag basbssss priseipaOyj on the Gash System, he is prepared to tell okaspsr thin ever. .1 Isadseeoaviaeedtnat blaee. - 9. CBBECH,Aeton.: dalil id- kinds of Funeral Furnishings ke >t in stock,-and supplied on the shortest >ctice. _;; " ', ""'"- ~": Hft Bonds ajadJQloyas svyiplied When required. : Aoton, Aug, 8,1876. BOOK AND JOS PRINTINCpr t^OJirChT BXICOTEP AT June S, 1ST*, SB. irals on the abc DOS..:..; Buri&l Robes, JOHN SPEIGHT. <*: AND TaaaherI : HUstortT.) the m->sti tlph eua.4 Jl VTi ii. | .riour i sale and__ JJalljr. wm ' EtcelJedl 3D9L tiew .Hon style wil TraveUe and comij attention, lin^puoll LlquerSs attentive w- for tho-< ton. j ord Offlci, A| . KocS?\ron Trias re M1 ixl ?li^ IS NOW <P: '.;.. Agoodaamorki^V^^^*^^^^ Pelt SfelOBS OUT viR^^O# ^<?i ' ' i.i- -:" ' Kep*irii Prw)^ly Att^wd w.> : - ' !. . .-I--- k' \.. Aetonj Bed *, 1876-. HMf^:j- .*; Ins Fl Platlinf,- -*U wol 'Orders! proaptly " jfilion IPract Aii -Mat : Rulingl KRVJ "*-Ord . 1 ! - -jntarnl,! | Wtlsaate ^5 $mi ii e*y*n| :'?t-n %-.:

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