Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1877, p. 3

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>Jler, V':^ osniv : the place to^i --Is- :' I'CKS, I Store f Actes*. Id in order let 1st signed lyers. ii - >as iilso vLi will Bad that .. i ftisrtta krpt on ; liortaest po*ibI* >fly-70BBta.~ l-delf^6*d -'. tklcen in ex- |.. | auil Miitoft, ms i>r!MiIUai P.O. | OJklLLEK. Stave [.Shingles would __ BL =We will 1- ' good snppljr <rf. es. iingJe$I.70 pa* -1' ^ mta per *} . - M- k'H. SAYER&. K.: 34-a 1'~~ ' -~ ' HEWS liox eoirr, Q.B. ! Aim*, > -1 '---'^. er'BoRVV* ;4,Jt with. ,;; Acton- i' ..., .~. -i^t _ w-^**rH ^gSJU,* TKtMi. THIS T.tRLK 'OVNi.WIT. XiistKxprc""- nwwtomail - fer ~ '."OOISO; EAST. . 1:04 a. m. J. t..>7p.m. .V0Op,m. 7:07 p.m. jfitW Kxprcss py KsF*" _Vfrtero msil 3:38 a.m, i>: 10 a.m. . 11:34a.m. 5:510 p.m. -__ 10:10 p.m. ~~: UCAl MATTERS. __ ^^tTadvertisements. p^e.1 Bargains -i>e*. Yemen. (\tvrag Sile I>icVon * McXab. Cuh f>*Wheat R & K Nickltn. <%reroon*-rSt. Albans Church. wfce* *A Jewellery- ^'*0- Hyttds. _took at Dickson ij- McNaVs w* advertinment this rk. ; -Don't fail to visit .the great gWamt sale-now Roing on at' O. M.. ; E. Nicklih want jat quantity of : good merchantable wbeat, 'for -which they will pay the jgigiseatturket price In cash. _ ./ "-..At the meeting of the Esques- (jj township Council, on KriJay, a IQO^Btii>a-w adopted fixing the sum to b piiti for Uvfttii lieoiiwu at $90. It wi.^\ last'year. ' A tocccsaful writing school*has i htea in>lactcd during the * _dT by Mr. Campbell with sixty pupils, mn* oX them full grown men ami - TooKn. iHe commcnceAl auother tenu . hststeaitii;. Auction sale of farm stock and Japleswilta, on the farm of Messrs. 1). ft A. Mem, lot 1, 1st coit Erin, ( -Crtwion'i Com*r) on Thursday, Feb. lotfe, at.l o'clock p.m. George Gibbi," isttioooer. . ' . . r ^The bakers have giTMi notice thit, <m account of the rise in the price rf flour, they are oimpelled to make a ootTMpomling adrancd in. the price ^of VadX Their charge for Tie present Ss to be t centa, for tlw small loaf an J 14 oeaai.for the largj loaf. The park lot, on the north side of ha~ railway-irxik, at the- he^l of Mill.street kno-n as the lamoQit pro perty, has been pr.rcharcd sfry Mr-, F; S. AncBtrong, for $SO0. It woubl be a gjod idea for the corporation now to open n"p Mill street acroaa t<) the 3d eaacfsrion, as w understand "from Mr. Arostr"?g that hu'is willing to giro a gnit of theiic-ressary width of laud for ~'a csereinoaTinal sum. The Conversaiiono lOvbe^ivBU br.t^e Udiei of St. Allan's Church on Monday .evening next, promises to be cae of the most, enjoyablir eutertain- asst""of the seao"n. In addition to the usoal toc1 and instrumental music, aarducs are promised iu th<? form of *&n ca the ci'din and cornet by distin- fmhed ainatenr performers on these iastroments ; and the " fiihing pond " will uododbte-liy W a *nurce of am:ie- nrnt and ^beneiit to many anglers, km . tit Sihare certain to-bit,l)e tbe-wcath- er clear-ni;floudy. This l>eing th^ first entertainment given by the Indies' Aid Society^ is to be hoped that it will be well patronizeil;. by their friends and accsftil in e\4ry respect. Thq escapaile of Mrs. McXhir las created quite a sensation in town earing the past ferw days.- Karly last wi,:the report gf*t Abroad thAt] she Tij in finsceLil jifBctJtiea, and Itbat ie of her Toronto creditors were {Hisiiiax hy-to make an asnignment in their favor. "Our people fully sympathiz ed with ber in her troubles, and .were lost* to bebere that she; would allow b*relf to 1 led into, doing anything lt what was strictly honorable and J*ut Her numerous friends here were gradj suriirised (End pained to learned ..that some time during Thursday- night ane [had made "her escape to Detroit, waring her affairs here in a rery nnsat- "faetory 'oanditioa. It is stated that sher UabOifies amount tdnearly 10,000, with Tery small assets. A writ of at- tschineat.was issaed by,the official as- *igneelait Saturday, and- the premises ar now tinder his ^charge. Wo shall J nothing of the uglyMrumors that.are cnirent until further development*. It fa * be hoped they will-not turn out to twtrae. |- Don't-fail to secure nonio of tho IWtney- h> Bfllling nt th Post Office 8tot for S5c i>or llx, or three pounds fot $1. It is extra value. Grand discount sale of Dry Go(k1s for two weeks only. .G.-M. fk-ott_iii order to reduce his stock,prc- Yiokis to stiK'k-taking, will gi\fj a'.tlii- oount of-U-n per cent on all T)ry Goods except Cottons. Now is the time to *ay money. Kaster comes two weeks earlier thin "year, than it did in i876. i-iout b*>gins on ths 14th iust., St. Viilontine's dny, and Kas(er on the first day" of April. t ' Takixu Sto^^k. In -order to clwir out our stock as.low as possi ble, wo have decideil to sell all goods nt- coat for cash only during the next few days. Now bring out your -cash and securo bargains. Skcoud Bros. The Guelph.J/erotJry says : " A young man in Elora is to be sued for kissing a young woman of the same place. : Any man wh6 can't kiss a young woman without damag ing her ought to pity all expenses." *Christio, Henderson &. Co. on itrika a fatal blow to long credits and long prices. - Si^ their new advertiso- ment this week. Cheap Jackets, Cloths and HIankcts arc what .the people want, and by calling on Christie, Henderson & Co. they can ba^o their.wnnts sup plied, and satisfaction guaranteed. For a few days past a woman ten (.calling herself Madame Wilson hail been .victimizing the .'weak-minded in the vicinity of Brussels by pro fessing to tell fortunes. She was arrested and fined $5 and costs, which she refused, lo pay, and was consequently jserit t^ gaol. Last yjar, 9,30tJ fires, represent ing a loss of; S64.G3P.560,1.occurred in tho United States; insurance, $34,374,500. Now York iStata led off with;, a loss $14,090,000. In Canada, tbe losses amounted to $9,143,200, and the insurance to S^SST.COO. THE FRlEE PRESS, AOfoi HALTON COUNTY, ONT., FEBRUARY 8, l877+ DECIDED BARGAINS IN CROCKERY, QlaasWare and "' W^JSTQTSr G-OODS yi EX 41 T^AT WOiSTDBRPUIii MAN^S COiBT^PEICB BTLT AT THE Post Office Store, Acton. The largest amount of Goods sold yesterday L o b: asr"t" ::e: b> &X3-' '.;';&.*. 3yer Sold in onedd-y in Guelpli. GREAT BAB-GAlNSf SALE; B<y^t Best quality of SeasonalDlo Goods less thanManiifacturor'sPrice3 The great Sale continues each day. Hurry in^and partake of the great adTantages ofiered. Jan. 8. 1877 30tb ult, the Lawson, of a DIKTUH . Xcar Acton, on the wife* of Mr. Andruw daughter. . In Acton, on the-3d inst.-the wife of Mr. Win. Nelson, of a daughter. At Crewsnn'i Oomera, on the 24th tilt., the wii'ooi Mr. Hugh MeLoiiguliu, at a son. r->" ' - CARRIED. -: At the Disciple Chapel, Acton, on the 7th iusi., by the Rev. O. G. Hertzog, Mr. John A. C. Anderson, of Drayton, to Miss Mary JaneT'eldest daughter of Mr. Thos.. VS'ataon, f't Acton.." DIED. ".-. ' ' -, At "Crewson's (.'orners, on tho Cfith nit., the iufant son of Mr. Hugh Mc- Ixmgblin. The Subscriber,. GEORGE YEMEN ' Is now prepared to ofler a ohoice selection of Groceries, Croekej-y, . Glassware, Wall Papers, . Paper Window Blinds, &c. At prices that cannot fail to please evon thoso who rail at NC SPEC IAL PEICES ARE the Hard Times QUOTED, As a trial of bis good*, ibe is . conTiriced, will advertisement. AITOS SAKKETIi, - Klour ... . ... -T. :& 03 to 3 M) Did Kail Wheat . . .. 1 35 to I 40 >'ew Fall Wheat . . 1 -Jo to 1 30. Spring Wheat. (Jlasgow :. 1 ~25 to 1 30 Red Chaff Wheat 1 10 to 1 15 Barley ... .. .. 0 50 to 0 BO Oats ..\- .. 0 43 toO 45 Peas' ... .. .. 0 C6 to'O 70 I'otatoes, per bag .. 0 75 tb.O 80 Apples per bag . . .. 0 75 to 0 SO Onions .. .'. .: 1 00-to]0.00 Butter ... .. .. 0 20 to 0 00 Kggs. -:s. ... -J 0 15to0 17 Dressed Hogs. . . X. 7 00 to 7 25 Turkeys ' . .. .. 0 07 to 0 09 Geese ..- .... 0 05 to 0. 06 Ducks .. .. 0 OC to 0 07 'r^jKl-fr *t Baptlsi rharrk. A missionary meeting will be held on Monday evening next, Feb. 12th, at 7 p-m. Th speakerg ?re xh-. Davidson, f ilaelph, Revs. T. Baldwin, of Gait, McGregor, of Georgetown", and E. J. Stobbj of Brampton. A collection at e close ia .id ( the mission work. **a<tjt>r|T0i. Tae managers of the Georgetown Uftng rink announce another grand -'" ^aninenid. rcarhival for next Tuesday , each arc T^5T the best lady skater, best *essed ! gentleman '. skater, wrt.aress^l gentleman, l>est lady I'M/ best gentleman comic, and a spe. * also onedoUar each for the ^e*t**t drewed girL and the comicalist <ue4 boy. The admission is 1T> f0**- two brass bands will be in at- - Cnr|st*e, Henderson & Co. ifilV P*y the highest* pric in casli for'any*: J- qiuntity of good Dairy Butter in nice ^wtobi. The/afe offer bargai'ns^in ' v Have FL* ttml of th* famous 50 Tea ? " not, ask for a sample, - OflT0?11'1'^ UHiiJ afc the Fost 8ha 0re ,n immeRse stock of w 'k' ^V;e' Scf^bing'and WbTte- "eh Bwles. Also- lhe= largest, ; w^P*^ an<l best assorted stock of : A."u Papers ever brought into W>; *Uihe latest styles.' Call : GEo. Yemen-. : Khps'- Cocoa. GltATEFrL. AS'D C0M1 ror.TlN'o. " By TV-,thorough knowledge of the iiatnral laws which govern the operoti<ms of" digestion and nutrition, ami by .1 careful application of the fine roperties'of well selected cocoa, Mr; Ipps has provided oar breakfast tables with, a delicately flavored beverage which may save ns many heavy doctors' bills. - It- is by the judicious use of such articles of-diet that a constitution may begmdnaliy built up until gtrongenongbT to-'resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds""of subtle maladies are:floating around us ready to attack Umerever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with'pnre blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Cirit -Serricr Qciuttt. Sold only in packets labeled "Jamek EpVs S Co'., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle" Street, and 170," Piccadilly, London.". A call is solicited!. February 7, 1870. CEO. YEMEN ' . .- Post Oifice Store, Acton bo found to be tho best SPECIAL BENEFIT f TO THK CUSTOMERS OF T EC E 1,1 OUT . JOHN HOCC 4, SOfl, Alma, Block1, Upper Wyndham Street, Guejph. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Henderson V."' SECORD BROS. u Have laid in a mammoth Stock of everything Bicb, Rar, Useful -l and Beautiful, ifl , GROOERIES, CH and INA; fchCo, ^.CTOisr, i <;lean*e andjBestore. Tfo*d** Improred Hair KesfarntlTr is unlike any other, and hnrno e<jual. Trie Improved has new vegetable ton'c properties; retores grey hair tn a glossy natural color; restores faded, dry, barsli and falllnj hair; restore*, dresses, gives rtgor to the hnlr; "restores hnlr to prema turely bald hefwlF; removes d/indrufT, hu mors, caly ernpllon^; removes Irrttn tlon, Itching and Fealy dryness. So article-produce* ueh wonderful fefteeU Try It, call for Wood's;Improved- Hair Restorative;'-'una doWt' Wpui off with any other article.' Hold by a 1 druggists n this place and dealers .everywhere. Trade supplied at mannfac'turers' prlcn by C. A. CooK-4 Co, Chicago, Sole Agent* for the United Stales and- Canodas.and by Lyman Bans, * Co,, Toronto. During the past year we have done a larger business than Ijas. ever been done by a Dry Goods House in Guelph, and in return for {his large patronage we have decided to ofler our custo neri a SZJPJETiQT A Tj BEJSrEI^iq?- 6ur stock is, th 3, heaviest ever held in Guelph, amounting to over ^lOO.OCX), the whole of which we will offer at cosi;. ; - If this will not do, we shall have to give the goods, away, for we. Are de I (tetmined to reduce our immense s'ook to 850,000 by the 1st of March as our new Spring goods will th^ri be coming to hand, and we moBt make room. Our buynr, Mr. VV. ifcLachlin, of Montreal, 3as been in the Britiab Markets fur two months past, (we do not rush off there, pick up the Grst goods that offer, and buck again) carefully inspecting the stock; and we shall have the best selected and cheapest stock ever offered. Prices at home are low, and we secure great bargains by paving cash. This will be found to be the erreatesfc chance for buying Cheap Dry Goods ever known in the annals of Guelph. The Lion has already the greatest reputation for Bellini: cheap of all jthe stores in the Province, but this time iwe will surpass al previous efforts, and beat the world. - '*' . The enormous Bankrupt Stock we bought in {the summer enables us to put every other store in the shade. The" bulk of it is gone, but it includes a big lot of winter goods, such as Blankets, Flannels, mid Woolen goods generally^ which we will also offer at oost, or at 60 cent ion the dollar of the wholesale cost. We guarantee them alfperfect, and the prices cannot be touched. We count it a pleasure to show our goeds lo the general public. It is impossible for us to mention all the bargains we are offering. We should need every column of The Fbbb Press -to do sc, but we will only nnrne a few leading lines. Out customers 1 mut remember, however, that The Reduction is general throughout our Stook. Everything to be rushed off at cost. No one should lose this big chance. D-R.ESS../-GO O ID S. 65 Pieces, reduced from 30 cents to 20 cenis. 36 ' ' 25 ": 15 -'24 " ' " 19 "! 12 " . ' ii it. a 22 "; 15 *' LOOK OUT FOK This Week will offer-extra special values in the following^ Goo^s, to reduce pre paratory to Stock-taking!: 2 dozen Cardigan 2 desen Cardigan Jackets, $1.50, worth $2.00 Jackets, $2.00, -worth $2.50 22 pairs Blankets, $2.50, worth $4.00 j 17 pairs Blankets, $3.50, worth $5.00 20 pieces Pull Cloth, at 55o per yd, worth 70o 16 pieces Full Cloth, at 60o per yd, worth 75o GLOUDS, WOOLEN GOODS, - : i ". MILMSTEKY, At Give Away Pribes Glassware, Hardware, fee. J-'."' CHINA DEPARTMEN i T. Gents' Mottoed Mustache* Cups and Saucers, .;' ^ ' S : . ' ' Ladies'Mottoed Cups and Saucers, .;. ChUdito,'* Mottoed Cupa nd^Sauoara, J" - Crlasa and China Mnga, mottoed, all color* Flower.' Vaaea, QlaM Pitchers, r Preserve Dishes, Goblets, Tumblers, Celery Qli Pickle Jars, Wine Glasses, GlaeaSets, Stone-and China Tea Sets, r Sick Cups and Feeders Lamps/ Lanterns, ., , . Everything in granite Ware, Everything beautiful in endless variety. CREECHES NEW ADVERTISEMENT Next Week. 80 These are>he very latest styles and colors, and no one should buy a dress without first making an inspection, of these goods. Fancy and Plain Silks \at Extraordinary] Figures. Special drives in Clouds. Kurs, Shawls; Wool Shirts and. Drawers, Flannels Blankets, Q lilts, Horse Blankets, and Winter Shirts. WINCEYS! /VTINCEYS I WINCEYS ! 420 Pieces put down from \Z\ to 10 cents. 235 -'.<; 140 -"m " 20 18 " Lower priced Lines put duwn to 7 oents a yard gr^at value. dPSOlAXs ATTBKTTION'i Our Ready made Clothing and Millinery arid. Mantle Branches, deserve specul notice. These goods we will run out at any price, and any one -needing these goods should coma to us' at once:for they will never have a better chance to secure a bargain. -. '. FIFTY BUFFALO ROBES STILL LEFT. The season is advanced and we will refuse no decent offer for them A fine assortment of'Tweeds all marked down to cost. Full 7 Cloth 30 Cents,- i . ti/Vitt Ac* k-t- O Tne question often askod is, Why is it Vyiiy ID IU f that in a few years we have been able to increase the small business formerly done at The Lion, to IU pfeient enormous size, (the largest outside of Toronto)? The true; answer is that w do the best we possibly can for orr customers.. We buy at the Rawest figures: we sell at the sWe and we treat our friends so that they always conw l>ack to Us. \ Honesty is the best policy, and honesty and oourtesy are the ruling principles at The_ Lion. ' ' J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Guelph, Jan. 8, 1877|' . . . ; . ;) Any one in neec Clothing, will find times. Positively of Full Cloth for Men or Boys' our stock well suited to the free from shoddy. i Eemember ihiv Famous 5(j)c Tea, ., Cash paid i".-":"' Tub Butter. for arty quantity of readly !goocl CHEISTIE, HENDERSON & 00, Acton, Jan.! 23,187t* GEOG ES1353 S. "i Canned Peaches, Pjuins, Gooseberries, Black|berries, Cherries, Pear Preserves, Jams, Jejlies, Pickles, Lob}rtef^ Salmon, Sardinee, Cisms, Oysters, Fonts, Raisins, Currtnta, Figs, Nuts, Biscuits^Cpafectio&erjr -said;^r'ey! Tlu. Largest atui Cheapest Stock cf Teas ever '\into Acton. brought =MT Tobaccos, Rioel,-^rley, (3ari,^tarchj RioeFlottr, Soaps, etc. r M. ^ HardiifAre, Cattlery, Spoona, Painto, OiIb I', Acton, 'Korr^^fofS. Sooai> B&O^I. civ, V

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