Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1877, p. 4

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eMsg wm WW;-" * g5vi's-;'VT: m-.'-:m llili -'r^fcfMI B53f*->-i -^KfH KKli-'-- F *^a| |ptj->s fee*^ 'i-1! --^ *^i^B sKf^-*i :4M p-i m Egb^H ?J*lH b -v- fm xirvr Ways in keiicio*. . T<>-<ly I've been to meeting, John,, r . To not thft parson preach. J But how .they've changed since wofew* youmi, -r-, 7 ! ; "_,. Iu all they do and teaim! They say that we're olil-fssliiaiied, John Ami don't care w_hAt;we say ; But my old heart cAn'sco anil feci ": Whene'er they change Ctod'sway.- Whtn wis were younjj tbo world., was Ami leved to make: a show-; on be procured. With such a cin- tingoncy facing him; he Bees' it is to his Interest to meet his paymoiiU promptly, and is ou the high iW to success. Prompt pay dot* two important things it inspires confi dence in the hoIIbi1, putting the buy er ujkiu h first class hi sis, and it insures the prompt shipment of goods. " Our _ English oonUmporary, Beit christians walked the narrow way, I whejhco wo extract tho abovesouud And could' not with thorn go _ But oh, hor things have changed since then, 17 " - ' The two waya arebut ouo^- ? - -They all go in wgethor u<iw,\\. :.-_ j And say they've "lota of fun." ~ ft a i atl|f When we wc-ro youngthey used to nicct ] In our oHT kitchen room, : T A ml sometimes iu tho school -house near, -"-.If many chanced to tuuiie ; And Eld.'B I'll ne'er forget his Viuee, How faithfully he de&lt with sin. And how. the saints rejoiced; But.iiow they meetjn palaces, N ^ gorgeous; rich aim liic-e ; i - - And every thiny that draws tile crowd .They'll have'at any prioo ; j AVit-U eu.shuvued seats and carpetings, AikI every thing so ga>v - .The poor can" hardly gather there, They've uot ihe'.Borip to pay. The minister; like -some vaiu fop. Stands up aiul-'reads his prayeVs ; And how it pained my heart to-day To see him "put on-iira." "..' Itc did riot'jpreatlli, ho only read An essayjirrChriit-s voice; Jo heart ijhts touched, no tears 'were _. 1 And uut aisoul rejoiced. .'Ho thought Christ's voice was musical, Melodious); rich and clear; And thns it ^flwndtxl pleasantly Upon the listening cut. I'heard some say as-they passed out, " Wasn't that a splendid thiug !" And others "said, '.'That cau't be beat By-evea Dr. Tyri." 0 that such vain fops Are calUAl to speak for God, > i "Who feed the chureh on worldly slops, 3otnever preach his XVord? 1 ifiougbt if Christ himself were there, . "Ye pharisees and hypocrites," WouW thnnder iu their cars. I thought .of our, old kitchen times, _ When servants.acnfby tJoi^. Would warn us all so faithfully ' T Io\*e and kerpliii word. ' Tliej?-did not wink at wordliucss( 1 Jls ministers now do ; 0 rive Ine back the olden ways, I do not tike the new. "- "' A hoarse machine now grinds their tunes; r' - A godless choirJ joiiis in, '. But neither one can tell of joys That come from pardoned sin.' ' They sung God's ptsasc when we were young Beccuse their hearts wero blest; - A well-paid- choir now chants their Tsongs. - . And so the church has rest. My heart was pained to see the Show They tried to make in dress, All rinified.fmm top to toe, An/1 some looked like distress. With frills and flounces, tucks and crimps, - They sfemed-almost deformed ; ' And many had the Grecian bend, : With camel's: hump all formed. They noSced my plain calico, And thought my bonnet " odd " ; And frwinenUy they smiled, 1 know, gat-1 nad -peace with God. 1 thought of times-when we were young, - When all the proud and gay Would make the christians dress their ohg, ." , v- , y.. ^And jist them eyery wsy. Tis sad, when all the world runs mad In foolish, vain display, _ . To see the church so fast and'glad To ape them every way. *~ ,. : The church has changed^ enice former day. .." (/,. ^ /But give'ine back the olden ways, I doxiot like the new^ -They're strangely benton pleasure now; They meet most^Very week To have some sort of lively spree, That worldlings love and seek ; But whether 'tis a festival, Or sociable, or fair, : Or-Christmas tree, or other scrape/ Thehurch will all be there. " With lotteries and grab-bags, - f And other tricks and games, " They make God's house a den of thieves Without a blush of shame ! Lord qcthe temple, come with zeal, _ As thou did's: come of yore, - With scourge in hand-to'make them feel, . ' Before their, day i? o'er. They ajl /attend such gatherings, ~- But when they meet to pray, There ari but few who venture out, >" 'And they're not much to say. 'They lightly speak of former days, When christian men were true ; 'But give me back the olden ways, I do not like the new. ;What means this .strange de|>arturc, Jofin; And when will .they amend ? God's day of wrath is ha-rtening on, When all earth's sham will end. -That-awful h'o''drawing near ; Its signs are gathering fast; The Judge of all will, boon be here- To Bcrntinize- the past. Oar record then will be made known, Our habits, thoughts anil aims ; AndjsOme must* hear from God's own- * throne " ' . '. \, .":' . "Tou're brought my cause to' shame, Ah ! then what grief and sore regret Will reach them'in-that day, Because tbev've.chosen worldHheifs,. An J ocorfed at God's old way._' y UNDERTAKINC. orm tliat he advice says tho Scientific Amar'if-an, forgets to |>oint out thnt theie is- a still .greator lulyuntugu iuriKtukiug no credit at all, but in making |M}- nieut tit oiice. PorsouH wiio -Itav'o not tried tho cash system (und wo j mouu not nibrvly iu brtiinuiy busi ness transactions, but everywhere, even iii the small expenditures of the household) has iiny idea how much it.simplifies tho tmusactioii and beiH'lita l>6th the buyer nnd the seller. ] Moreover it is saving "to! tho purcliHioi- of a; i very largo - peteenlagp.^ WnhaVefound by in quiry Hrurong nniiiy retail dealers in this oily, that such houses us are in the habit of allowipg credit to their customers, from six mouths to ono year, ndd on u average of "at leust ten per cent to tho-cash price. And this must be so, liecanse tho dealer cannot afford to lose the interest on his money ami-take the-risk of a failure of_payn>ent of a portion, which is inevitable. Another fact for debtors, more especially of wine merchants,'-tobacco sellers, and, tailors, is worth reunernberinp,.; and1 llmt is that, whoro ono. of these' gives credit, lie calculates that a certain percentage of tho debts will never be paid, and this percentage is necessarily added to the oharge made to all; customers, both time and cash. r^There are multitudes of other benefits, which will ugj;e<t themselves to any thoughtful per son, all; accruing by the prompt cash svstem. . Tho'undersigned bogs loavo to.infi the people of Acton and vicinity tha will furnish all Requisltc-i in UmlrrtakinK ou short notice and roaatiuablu terms as can bo had Hearst SupplUhl when Desired. Also that ho will " Fit up Stores & Offloes ; in tho bust Btylc. Show t'ur, Book Cases" mill Ursk* mado to order. FintxjnrjiJi in:iK\iiiEi>. Shop ou Willow stmut, near Main at. . P. M. McCANN. ^cton. March 20. |87(i. Sfl-Gm THE FREE PRESS, kCTON, HMiTOljr COUNTY^ 0NT.J FEJBRp^BY ^TEAH Oarriage & Wagon Mala. Stroot, Acton. Pork Wanted- 5000 Dressed Hogs wanted weekly, for which the Highest Cash Price will be paid. From 2,000 to $5,000 in cash to be paid out to farmers for Pork every week during December, at' SECOKD BROS.1 Store. I CTO.\ BAKERY. Cheap Bread. QALL0"WAY BEOS/ ARE STILL AHEAD, And we intend to keep so with our Superior Bread, Buns, arid Cakes Delivered fresh aronnd the Tillage and vicinity every day. A good stock of BREAD. BUNS AND CAKES Always on hand at onr bakery, good, ' fresh and cheap for cash. No Credit Ciren, Krcept to prompt-paying monthly cus. ' tomers. All kinds of Produce taken in ex. change for ((oods, ; WEDDIMQ & FANCY OAKe8 Made to order in the shortest possible notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. - N.B. All goods are warranted purs as nothing but the best of material is used. The.",patronage of the public is respectfully BolicitecL GALLOWAY BROS. Acton,'Aug. 9, 187G. -. MICHAEL SPEIOIIT. General Blacksmith, Carriage and .-T" Wagon-maker. Best Hone-Shyers in the County. Perfect satisfaction -guaranteed or no price' charged. Firmt^'lou Plows laud <ollrJ' Patent : Iron Harrows always on hand. A eood stock of Carriages and Wagons. Repairing promptly and properly at tended to. Acton, July 18, 1876; O. T. HILL, MUl Street, ACTON, 1>EAX.ER IH CteMUlM. OreekuT. Beoti at Biota. "Vnadow Sliadi, . Naili, filaj*, putty, ' Liaised 0U, 1 Palati, Torpo&tiao, . Coal Oil. S*lt, etc, All of which, will be sold low for cash- BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost. ' Also agent for the \ AND -'-] i SLPBlG-HS. . i -^ . * Ndw is tho timo to leave your order ! .". At J. Ryder's Factory j. ' ' for a Stylish Cutt*r or Serviceable SlciKli; i ;'"' ! ' -: - - I am making up a jnrgo stock fhr tho r.rosent season, from' the bust material.' Call and Sue onr Handsome Cutttrs. rj My present stock of .BUGGIES .AND WAGONS ** - | - will be sold off very qhimp. Now is a good timo to secure bargains. . ... ' Strict attention givcirto' Sorso-BhoUnt* 8t GoaoxajlBlaok- . smithissr. : JAMES 'UYDEU. :Acton, Sept. 27, 1870. / ' -, . 8, 137L GREAT SEMI-ANNTTAL w HAT PAYS? -" i i AT TUB - ,-* FASHIONABLE >i^k-' :i':^,m^*- iNow going on at IVlcLEOD, andf:rson & COS (3-EIOI?,<3-LEJTO"V^r3Sr. QHEAP BREAD FOR THE iMILLION Beg to announce that they have secured ; the services of a First-Class Baker, and that'their Baking business*,is now in full operation, in the premises.owned by jfrs. Hanna. RUBBER PAINT ^ Of CleTeland, COMPANY Ohio. IT PAYS OTcry Manufacturer, Her> chant, Mcchiinlr, lurrntur, Farmer, or rrofrsslonal Man. to kui-o Inrormeil on all tlie imi'rovenicuui ana Ultfeovcries of tbenae. - IT I'aYA tbe bead or orrry Aimllr to Introduce lino Ins hiiusvhulil a newspaper that Is liiKtrucllve,cne Unit lostcrs u Uii-ie forlnveotlsfnlion, una promoU'S thought aud encouragcsUlbCUKSlou. THE CIEHTIFiC AMERICAN which hns been published weekly fort lift Ills131 yeiirs. does this, to an extentbo- yonJ thai of nny oilier pubMratlon; In fuel It is I he only weok ly |>uper pubUsln-d In the Unllod Slates, devoted to Manu- i fActustK, Ms it a nios. Inventions nnd , Nkw nn'-covnuiES In Arts and Helen-en. !Kveii>" nmnlx'r Is prolusely IlluiitriiU-d ! uod lUfo.inteiitJioinbrnco the latest mid most Iiilerestlnclnfo-nintlon perthli ine lotlio fnduslrhil. Mediunlcal, uud Bclcu-" tide prottrcss of the world. j TBE KCIE.MTIFK' IMEUH'AX has been .U* r>*lrt*mosi of nil iiiduutrlul publica tions (Or tlie past, 31 years It lit the Did- eit, Lnrgost, crn apost and bVsi Weekly Illuslrau^i psperJevoted u>Knglneenni(, Mechanics, Chemistry, New luvonilons, Belonce nnd Industrial Progress,publish ed In tho world. 'Ihe nractlftal Recipes' are welt worth ten times the subscription price, and for the shop and house will save many times the cost.'. ' It should haven place In every Family, Library, Ht'ldy, office, Reading Koom, College.and Hchooh '. :: A new volume commencesMannnry 1st .IST7. A year's numbers contiln830pafrcs andHovcral Hundred Engravings. Terras, $-'t.'J5 a year by mall. lnclndlnK po^Unce. Discount to clubs. Bpeelul Cir culars, Rlvlnteluh rates, sent free. Sin gle copies mulled on recnlpt-of 10cents. Slay be had of all newsUealors. PATENTS.________ east, Messrs. Munn * Co.are Bollcltors ol American and Foreign l'atenU.nnd hnv the largest establishment In the world Horo than fifty thousand applications haVK been made for patents through their agency. I Patents are obtained on tho bos I terras, Models of New Inventions anj (Sketches examined,and advice free. %A pamphlet aontalhlng full dlrecllons lor obtaining Patents, sent free. Tlie SctentHe Asarrt- eaa KrereBe Bok, a volume bound In eloth and altt, containing- tu Patent Urn,-Census of the U, 8, nnd I Eri gravlncs of meehonleal movements. Price SSoents. Address for the Paper, or eoneernlne MUNN A CO. "* " ------ New ' I - ' I---'-.-- KTo-w" is tho time for Bargain The publia tairly BlartleJ and astoninhod at the startling cheap goodk now being sold at the '. t MAMMOTH HOUSE, Farmers, Mechanics, [laborers, Hpa^ekeepprs. young and oW, rwb and poor, if you want to buy.aheap goods, at the rerj ' " .1 '. ' : Lowest Hard Time Prices. Now is your opportunitT- We have narked down the balance of our <>x< .05 Pieces Brocaded Lustres, 10 centa a yard. if; : ..;-:::r.;*;"' a ; 20 Pieces Bi-ocadedEversible. 12A cents. '.- : ]-: I ...-.:.. 'i "..:'v ! 30 PiecesTaghionablei Serges, new shades, 15 cent*. ' '--- I -. ' . r" 1 123 Pieces -Wool Sergeg; 25 cehtg^ regular price 40 cent. ' ! r !'.'-.' - Y ' ' "fiS Pieces Dress Silks, handsome- goodsf to U>j '-%^'- ~ !' cleared GMtsJj.fiO cents ayarrL ^1?5fife*' i. For Cheap DressjGoods, ladies 'should yisit the PashfonaoiaWjat V.^r A. O. BUCHAW, Fashionable West End Dtem, Mllllnttty and'ManifeEst*] Ouelpb, Ueoember 1,1S76. ', In connection with the HdrntlQr Aneri Cah for Bides. Acton, Joly 18, 187. "XTICK'S FLOWEl ;T ETABLE CAKBESl |s th aiost beautiful work the world. - It contains nc hundreds of floe lllnslrntlonp, an'd 'six chnmo plates of flnwcirs, beauvtlully drawn and colored from nature. Price SO cents In paper covern.Sl .OOln elegant cloth Printed In Qervaun and Eij'i;ll>-h. Vlck's Floral Uuldc, tiuatteny, 25 centa a year. Vlck's Catalogue 300 Illustrations, only 2 cents. Address Jaxts Vicx, Rochester, N.Y. TTWKS FLOWER laud V'EG> T ETAXLE SEEDH, Are planted by a million pebplelnApier- lca. Heo I Vjlck's Catalogue. 300 Illustrations, only 2 cents. ' . Vdck-'s Floral oulde, quartofly,25 cents a ?' year. - - I Vick's Floral nnd Vegetable Uarden, 5S cents, with elegant cloth covers $1, All my publications are piloted iuuer- min and English. i ' Address, Jajibs VicK,-Rochester, N.Y. Patents^ ~ York ST Park Row, tensive'stook,'and are determined to {:le*r it all out before spring, We are bound to make this the most extensive Clearing Sate w hare <ver |xt-> ed. Don't neglect the opportunity or getting the largest lot oi for the least moiey, you ever saw in your lifetime. tempted. goods I REMEMBER We must nave the money, therefore you can buy goods rery cheap. Don't forget the spot. Jin. 8..1877. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE O "V-B THIS SALE IS FOR CASH. WESIEWAET fcC Would respectfully call, the 'a^tenfionj^f fi'iendfi and the general public!i:lrat tb<ej & Totheir / ' - i -'-. ' .-'.'V-."Ji McL0D, ANDEES0N & Co., I MAMMOTH HOUSE, GlSOBGETOWN prices, at Bread will he delivered daily at the houses in the village' and vicinity. :' Weddinpr Cakes, Tea Pastry. Bune, &c, VICK'S Illustrated Priced CATS Ii04Sl'E. Finy psgea 3US illustrations, scriptions of thousands of the beBt flowers and vegetables in the world, and the way to grow them -all frr a Two Cent ioetage stomp. Hrlnted la Qermun and Snrfb-h. s Vips's Floral Guide, Q,0abtxsi.t, 25 oents a year Vi^k'sFiowbe andVeoetahleGah- dek, 50centsln pai>er; In elegant cloth covers, $1,00. Address, Jakes Vick. Rochester, N.Y. made in the very best manner; and kept always on hand, good and fresh. Also all 'kinds of- Confectionery/ Biscuits, Cheese, 4c. .: . The patronage of tho public is res pectfully solicited.; . B. & E. NICKLIN. -acton. Feb. 29, 1876. TICK'S FLORAL- f^ULDB A boaotlfuHiuarterly Journal fljielyillus- trated, and containing en elegnnt colored Filacer Plato -vritti- the first narnber. i^--- ' Price only 25 cents for the year. The 0&ieS. - flrat N<v for 1S77 Just lssaecl'ia Uerzxxan ' and KngUgh. ' Vlok's Klowr and Vegetable Garden, in paper 60 cents, with elegant cloth cover, 31.00 . Viek's Catslogne. S0O Illustrations only 2centa. ' Address Ja.MRa VICK, Rochester, K. Y. A CTOW i-.1 Prompt Payment. "Prompt pay is. the koy to all success- in. husiuets. There [ ar tunes in the iHSto.ryj of every trader when he finds"it incohvement to moot bis bills: promptly, and in such case we find the man who . ... knows his preditto^be ^ood becom- ' T ing" lakewarmj~forgbtting\that his _ - creditors are calculating upon him ' perhkps to meet some pressing ob ligation. The resnlt is that he.dis- appoints them, and thus, after one or two t*i>e it ions of the same, even tlie man' "whose cfi^dit is. first-class cHn soon impair it, arid sometimes > to a degree that makes it hard for : him to recuperate. -Now-let its take the. man of moderate (say fair) credit. He knows under such cir- * eiinistance that his credit is scrupu- - . louxly watched;; and if his bills be' .1 gin to lapse. We is at Ohee notified *iof it,-iindjnforjned that unless his "- ' ijMat biibt are ipald no flrbre goods HARNESS SHOP. ,;, ^ K-cpoK Having purchased, the stock and good wijl1 of the business lately carried on byiMr,^. F. Dempsey, bogs to aanounce _ to the ^hhabitauti) of Acton and vicinity 1 that he will continue the harness bust, nesa in. the iame premises, ' . Old Posj Office JBoUdlngf Kill f "' - Street. Acton, ' where he is prepared to turn out work second to'niine in the dominion, "beinga practical workman of-considerable ex perience. All work done promptly and as cheap as the cheapest . On hand a large and well selected stock of J HaraMt, Hre Blaalteta, Trstsdca, 'VThJps.-Bmshcs, Cosabs, 4U. Eepairing promptly attended to. ' E. K, CO0K. Acton, Sepf.iZC, 187C PLANING MILLS A2HD j Pump. Sash, Door and Blind Factory. j THOMAS EBB AGE, Manufacturer of Window Sash, Doora, Venetian Blinde Houldiags, Ab1 other Bnilding: Seqnikltes Also Maker of -J" -' -- n - ^^^. asnoTSD svoxion poicps Lumber Planed and Dressed to ,_J.2__is-tbie b^st {manner. AU work guaranteed.' Acton. Jai><ii876. - AOTOliT FREE PRESS, Only One Dollar A Year in Advance. orde >r.*ui.. JLCTOX LIVERY & SALE SATBLE ' \..'.' ' Tabes pleasure in announcing to the puhllo generally that he Is prepared to furnish yirst-elass Sorsea and Oarriagot At Reasonable Rates, JtiiJRfgw and Homes nn tho best that eanbo tind.and lie la determined not to ho surpi Kned by any Cliy Mtuble. Acton! July 1st, 1870, It is wQittn any person'sjrtfule when1 in GuelpU to call and see the Immense Stock of HO OATS For Men and Boys, all oolora and Rutherford's Clothing Establishment, SIGN OF THE ELEPHANt . No. 31 Lower "Wyndliam Street, Gnelpli. Noted for haying the best Assortment west of Toionto, and at prices tlist defy competition. Come and see, WM. RUTHERFORD & CO. Guelph, Nov. 20, 1876. NEW PREMISES Up^er Wyndham ptr^e% g^tjeijjps:- SPEeiAL LIN : frr-a m OK "ft " , *: i - -;:. At Low Figurek L- Many Special Lines of Goods have been gfiCtired .. \. -J-. -' ':"-'- at extraordinary low figures. ,r UNDERTAKINC. Tha undersigned begs leave to! inform the peonle' of Acton and sur rounding neighborhood that he has procured a magnifloent EAESE, And is prepared to attend and] oonduot Funerals on the shortest notice v an(1 mo8f moderate terms.| * ial Robes, Gaskets, Coffii And all kinds of Funeral Furnish EB kept in stock, nd supplied onl the shortest otica Hat Bands and Gloves supplied when reauired. Acton, Aug. 8,1676. JOHN SPEIGHT, BOOit AND J0B PRINtilS[(3r .PROMPTLY EXfCCCTED AT ?c tiivffjfri. ^&^^^^^^^^^^-sM^S^\-^^' BAR Gt Mt Be Given. j'L ja. CALL, E^LY. An early call is necessaryj as^many Lines can not -;- 'be repeated at the low figures. Guelph, Dpo, 18,-1876. WIS, STEWART-..i OUR WINTER OP B<J 1TS AHO rsfe fe- : \' .' 'if . tMii -'. "- ot ! .rt<^2 ':.:. la < 1 *u< A good assortment in all {he leading lines of ': . - ."- "'^'^CC/D^Xilf - <- CMldroa'a Boots iiwl X o: priced^J^tY^py WW*!? jrC Repairins Priaptly Attended t. Aotn,|Df,5fi8T6.^ :#Kp|^ -W,t ".Xe-.^Kft '-r^-'-S'ftapftiSil ".^-V"J^,':- 23

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