Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1877, p. 2

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- I THE FREE^ PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., FEBRUARY 22, r 1877. J uftii. At TON fcREE I'itKSS Published"*,cry f h'iii-sd.iy Morning. - J. II,/"HACK INi;," l>r\>prietor. 81 Per Annum hi Advance Time lor ttctrcur.Iiiium^ [F)\<m the London Adtrrlitrr-.)' Wo had n deficit lnsf year. Ex- jK>n<liti-o exeordi'd income, by $2,- 000,000. Sincb itlio end of tho- no- titiouB prosperity tlutt.lnstod up'to .); m m ~l *>,( v ^ **TTA. ' -i ^i 1873, tlio peoplouro Icbsable to pay ^ ^Cliattlt rOD,^re88j-tox.:8tl,unSv.y.woro before. Up JOSH MfcCKINQ EDITOR :;:-SMfi Tbihsmv Morning. ' FKn, 22, 1877. . Mr. Cartwright,, Finance Minis ter, delivered hi* Budjjet speech, in .the House on Tuesday. It occu pies About uino columns in the To? ; irofitd jwiH'm. It is. proposed to abolish, tbe excise duties on-'coal oil and to reduce the Custom$ duties U> aixJpM*1* per gallon, Tb cover this liM'-t'o the rovennehe pro{K>s<kl to-put two'cents per pound on tea, one cent additional on molt, and rtliree cent* par gallon on boer, and an extra dttt_joa- cigars and seretLT other articles. ."_..' $ Ssrt* The South-Water-loo election on Mogjday resulted in the return of Mr. -Masters (Reform) by. 8 ma jority of two. . | '- .j - The quashing of the Duri|m Adt. iifV L-tiubtou has caused '^uito a commotion in tho iaiitar"d*f both parties. It".will likely bo tidied again. V Mr. Macdctnatd's "Committee on tho forui~of'prayer met and decided - to report >u favor of having prayers at the opening of each day's, pro-: ceilings in the House of Commons, ' St Catharines' City Council, by a n\ajk}j^3^-of twelve to four, resolved to submit a "by-law- to the people, voting $10*000 as a. Joan to the Welland Vide Works for ten years', -without interest. -> ;-'. The Ontario- Govermuenf. have Mi tojthvi present time, the outlay upon public works has gone on regardless of this faot. The Government has announced ita intention to go more slowly. It would bo vory gratifying to ko tho (rtvat public works of the .Dominion all carried out without loss of time. ' A'perfect system of canals, a trunB-opntinental railway fully equipped, and good post offices' ,and custom liouses in tlio leading towns would be both ornamental and useful. But it is-time to ask if tho country hasTiot been going too fast with expenses of those kinds." When; paying power.; has decreased, curtailed instead of ex pansion ought to bo the rule, - Tho Momfari/ Timcs'htna never been en thusiastic about the Pacific Rail way, for it does not expeot a traffic that would pay running expenses, nor has; it any faith in the ability .of Canada! to par for its construc tion. It looks at thp question from a commercial stand-point tho only safe view, by tho way ^and it can not recommend tho prosecution of the1 railway beyond Manitoba. We givo.below, the: warning addressed by the Timet, to the Government with regard to the Pacific Railway : " S|>eaking soberly and financi ally, we are Qonvinoed that the project of crossing .the Rocky Mountains and forcing a railway through tho tremendous defiles of British Columbia is a project not for Canada but for the British Em pire. Tho very complete surveys which have been made, and the re sults of which are jiow before Par liament,' reveal 41early what will have faced-In-" order to reach tho ocean. ) The British Co'.uhibia. -.sent the commissions re-appointing Judge Macdonald,. Messrs. James Gf^d^e'and ;Wm: ; Stephenson as4pectionfronj the Rooky Mountains "tfeerise Commissioners for the. I to the Pacific will cost at the leant II iff m - m South' -Riding of Wellington for 1377.Vf " The collapse of. the .oil refining -monopoly has already,resulted^in a large reductioffibf prices.. '. The gen eral qoot^tiod^-.Ortj M^ptTay was 25 cents pet'gallba by! the barrel, in' steid of 45 cenfs, as last week,"arid aiie s&r load sold at I7.V cents in liulk. " " The .Government have under con- sidenition various t-ecommahdations . in l-eference t> the proposed amend- nients to the Weights and measures Act. If ia likely that the Bill to be submitted to the Jlo-use will be " of a nature to render the ynposi- - tibliS upon tho public of a less oner- "~ons nature. . The I>eputty: Minister of Marine, assumps$30 to ten fair average of the-value per ton o( Canadian ship pings which-would bi-fng the value \ of the tdnnage of Canada up to the t handsome figure of 37,b26,7&0. Tiiia ia certainly not too high an estimate, and jit suggests the enor- ." nioussuma which the shipping of Cinada must'earn in solid money . in prosperous: years. \ ; - i In Ontario there were during the past j ear 24,000;0GQ of letters con veyed -by p^jt, '3,2o8;500 - postah ciirds, 1,100,000 registered-le'tters, -22.60.%000 newspapers, 2,913.352 books and miscellaneous articles; "and 29,276 parcels. This is ""con siderably morethan half of all that was carried by the Department - throughout the whole"a,oniinign. fflil ; - By order of President Grant a check has been put upon the legal proceeding instituted against ex- S^cretary Belknap, and he is now form.illy liberated from all liability to . prosecution. The: reasons a- signed for this official intervention are that it is doubtful whether a conviction could be obtained, and thai- already the accused has been exposed to an < amount of suffer ing and expense whioh; go far to atone for any ofieiice he has com- i, mittod.'./This is doubtless, very con- ' shlerate and kind of the President; Lut whether the_ reasons will stand good in law and policy is another 'question. If this method were /practically carried out in-all crimi- iwl casen a reign: of. lawlessness would set in. ' $50,000,000. f Kpw, looking at the matter simply- from a commercial point of view,- we are bound to ex-! press onr conviction that nine- tenths of the money will be abso lutely thiownawajr. This may be very distasteful to feme who have l>een carrisd away, by political dreams. But this journal has not to do with the political aspect of a question, but with the economical. ' The only section of the road in whiclr Canada has n practical and business-lik6 interest is that relat ing .to Manitoba. "That may be proseciite>l as we have the moans to do it. Bit this idoa of plough- ing into the |>ossp8 of the Rocky ^Mountains and the gorges of British Columbia, is not common sense. It will be time enough to go further with it.when the whole North-west is as thickly populated'as Illinois) and Wisconsin.; And even then it will be a tremendous strain on the resources of (panada." _ - Coniihg Weather. Mr, -Vennor ^Frites :- "There- is something tobeilcamed from every phasb; of our jweather. Tho mis- plac<;ment of otjr January thaw, for this is really my own error, and its uniisual length, has necessarily altered the programme for the fore part'of February, but it leaves in- fact the general character of the winter as a. whole. The first cold and stormy dip of the month is cloBer to the. second, or that exj>ect- ed to occur in proximity- to the 15th inst. This will result in a blend ing^ .together! of the two rough periods, and li consequent particu larly protracted and Bevere spell for" a large part of February. Further, I learn that we havo just experienced three things,, namely : 1st, The iiDUfjual power of the sun for the-.seasou, confirming my im pression of an; early spring ; 2nd, That this warm and dry, and 3rd, That we may expect a wet midsummer a featui-e I have already hinted at in m,y almanac." {The presebtapi>earance of things indicate that Mr. Vennor's second prediction for this month 'will also be at fault. He has only six more days in which to rodeeui' himself. 1 .------------------------------------- " '. . . Important Railway; Changes. $4Jm [.'.! Ill Gen. Grant has always been re- - garded as a man of lemarkabla tacitiirnity, and gained the titlft of "the Silent Mun. But recently he .jhas been expressing his 'Opihions quite- freely on various stibjucls, and most of his remarks kIiow sjikvng common sense. In one of his latest conveiiiadpnshe said thitt tlrere wQidd before, long be a break ing up of clwjjpeseut political par tita iii the United Spates' and a re- ^organizatton of national politics on 7almost entirely- neyr issues;" This " -fnYay be, and if may be' for the beat. F T'ic management "Of the lute cam paign and; subseque'nt developments hive dond much to disgust the peo pie with the bad elements tho eonscieneel^as pollticiana in both : parties. The present crisis looks J&o an unprejudiced nHod like a ,squabble between the office-seekers arid office-holder^: tlje details of whiah.nrp Hiipfoiiiiely dissusting. Ii ""the loaves and; fishes of political patroniigeV could/ He removed from th^ariq^.wf politics there.wjonld be nlT'diffijutiy^ but -aunh Yd* unver beerf the leased anil posaiWy:: never may be. , : NEWS ITEMS. Tho new Methodist Church, Kin- kardino; |was opened, for divine Borvice on Thursday. r Tho handsome now Methodist church in' Woodstock will be dedi cated by'Ilov. Dr! Ivoa on tho 28tlY inst. It is likely, that the Bteanior " Chicoi-a" will bo placed on tho routo between Niagara and Toronto- tho coming -summer. R. Wrtithunbn, tinsmith, and P. S. Wyat, dairy mun, have absconded from Guelph, leaving a large amount of debts unsettled. . Tho morbhniita of Toronto aro actively engaged in 'removing dutiablo goods-from bond, in untici- pation of a riso in the tariiT. Tho new Mothodist Church at Owen Sound was opened on Sun day, Dr. JefFers, President of tho" conference-^conducting the services. - A new way of putting it : Vanderbilt'a fortuno. has boon figured down to 55 cents: overy time he'drew breath. A good yawn brought him $2.50. OtjrSaturday quite a commotion was caused at Kingston by tho circulation of a report that Charley Ross, the abducted child of Phila< deiphin, has been found in that city. _ - - The editor who can conduct a newspaper a-year without making an enemy, would do for managing .editor of medical almanac, and that's all he is good for in tho edit orial liao. '" Mr. John Haggert, Mayor of Brampton, has resigned, a recent accession to his business requiring allhis attention. Two candidates, ThomaR Milner and'James Golding, are already in the field, and a lively canvas is anticipated. Most unpleasant rumors have re cently been current \xx reference to heavy- defalcations in the Po-t Hopo po*t office.- Wa learn from the Guide that defalcations to the amount of five thousand five hun dred dollars hare been discovered. Efforts have been made to raise the money and hush the matter up, but without success. / ' .'_ Thedistress in.TorDnto ia increas ing as-' winter : progresses, and" all charitable isntitutions exhibit a growing demand upon their re sources. Every day the Mayor is besieged with applicants seeking relief or to bo sent to hospital, or for railway passes, rand, owing to the number applying, ho is forced to refuse in tho majority of cases. 1-.- -"/. HEPOUT THAT W. K. MCIR IS TO TAKE CHAROE OF, THE GRAND THL'XK ; HA1LWAY, AND JOHN CKAMFTON TO JI-ANAGK THE CAN ADA SOUTHERN". .1 (From the Detroit Free Prtu.) -The mpst interesting bit of rail- Toad news on the' street last even ing was a report obtained direct from the Main office at Hamilton, Out., to the effect that W. K. Muir, -*tjpresent General'Superintendent of j the Canada Southern Railroad, is^to. supersede General Manager Hickson, of the Grand Trunk-Rail road, and: John Crarujpton, who has just left the Great Western Rail road, is to succeed Mr. Muir in the inunapenient of tho Canada South ern. The cause of-this change is said to be Mri Hickson's failure to satisfy the English Ctrarid Trpnk -bondholder with Lib management, and: particularly during the recent strike of engineers and firenieh, -------------------- ---------------------- . Some fiend cut the tongue off a covf belonging to Mr. George Taylor living mi lot 73,1Dnrham line, Greenocifc, on the 31st ult. Mr- Taylor suspects a cerUrin party as guilty of the cowardly act, but has. no evidence to briug it-home to: him. . ' - . During a fire which occured re cently at Mr. Asher's store in St. Mary's, Mr. Frank Nixon, a clerk in his employ, went into tho burn ing building in order to save some goods, and when coming out he was struck on. the shoulder by an axe in:the hands of a,fireman, who did not see him owing to this smoke, making a deep, and painful gash. Medical attendance was at once procured, and the ia recovering. 1 Charge Against a Teacher. In Tiverton a teacher namod A. H. Smith, waa brought before a bench of j seven] magistrates on Saturday last, .charged by Angus" McAuley with | beating, ill using, and causing' bojdily harm to Effie McAuley, un der eight years of age. After a lengthy investigation, tho Bench returned a verdict of guilty againBt Stpith, and fined him $4 and costs, about $14 in all. This is the-sec ond offence against Smith in a few yvfeeks. '- ?': A Foul' Flv. Guelph griovea oyer the sudden flight of a Mr. W. Aj Jones, who figured' as short-stop for several years on tho Maple Leafs. His spare time he devoted tojcaDvassing for -various insurance .companies, and it is now charged that numerous premiums c-f policies collected by him have not been ac counted for. There are also debts duo to merchants, hotels, furniture dealers,; jewellers and others. Hia whereabouts are unknown.. It is said that prior to hib going to G^ielph ho waa the hord of a simi- escapade in the States, and that he has since been going under an alias. Daring Highway Robbery.- * -Mr. John Milieu, cattle buyer, of1 Wroxeter, while driving on the gravel road by the sido of the swamp at Douglas' farm, between Morrisbank and -Wioxeter, was suddenly assailed, struck across the face, and stunned with a weapon, supposed to bo a sandbag, about ten o'clock on Tuesday night. His pockets were rifled and a pocket- book containing $237 and a number of; papers and receipts abstracted, The pocketbook was found, by Mr. Wright, of Morrisbank, on [Wednes day morning, while engaged draw ing aaw-logafrom the swamp. The papers were all in tbeir placs when tho book was found, buit th a money was gone.' There is no' clue as. to who is tho perpetrator. Tlie D. & N. W. Railway. On Saturday a/ternoon the American Express Company ran an express car over the Hamilton and Ndrth-western Railway from Ham ilton to Georgetown. This is the first express car that has passed over the road since it was opened. Arrangements have been; made, however, between the express oom- paiify a'nd the railway company for a djaily express car to run ov3r the rcjald from Hamilton to Georgetown, Female1 Pcdestrluiis. TWO YOUNO 01KL8, THIRTEEN AND ' FIFTEEN YEAB8 OF AOK, 'WALK ^ TWO 1IUNDHED-. AMD NlNKTKEN MILE8 IN MIDWINTER, (From the Detroit New*.) Two young; girls, aged iliirtoon and fifteen, wjoro left orphans in Toronto, and recently wont to live with a married sister al that place. Tho sister was poor and unable to profido for tfcqui j. they woro luixi- oub and willing to work, but oould get no ono to employ them. They had often hoard of Detroit, and not wishing to bo a burden upon tlieir' Bister, and bolioving that if they could only got to tho States tbdy could find work, they conceived tho idea of walking from Toronto to Dotroit, a distance of 281 miles. About four weeks ago thoy sturtod on their journey, and in throo; weeks walked to Pott Huron, a distance of 279 miles. ~At that place aome one took pity on them and' paid thoir fare from that place to De troit. Arriving hare,; they staid tho first night at the police station,1 and thence wore taken to the Home of tho Friendless. At this institution they remained about threo dayH, when they left and applied to a lady in this city for work. They told- their stnipjo tale and, although that lady entreated tlrern to roturn to the Homo of tho Friendless,- they positively nifused, preferring, they said, to go any place rather than there. The youngest girl, a quiet looking, timid child, said they struck her over thu fingers with a ratttin because she would not sit with her hands behind her back. The eldest girl anid the wothan in charge of tho Home threatened to send them back to Toronto. The eldest, girl waa sent by the lady to Berve in a clergyman's bohse in tho country. The youngest is still in the city. A Nvirn reporter, hearing of tbe extraordinary feat performed by two young girls of walking 279 miles in midwinter, innde inquiries, and found the story corredt. Ho also viiited the Homo of-.tho Friend less to find if they had stayed there, and found thejr had. It is-not"at.' atl creditable that this charity did not more deeply interest themselves in two young1 Btrai.gers who had travelled so far to find friends and work, and allow them, through .dread of the rattan and being sent back to an unwelcome home, to wander away, neither knowing nor caring whither they went. Of course tho managers of tho Home would not sanction tho action of their servants in this case-, and it might bo well for some of the Indies of that char|ty to enquire into the conduct of their employees , whose hearts are apt to grow . cold toward the poor unfortunates,' As long as thero is no other place for friend less girls to go, tho ladies will do well to pause before they givo au thority to their employees to strike friendless children or threaten to sehd them back to some inliORpit- ablo place they have left. By such means, girls of a tender ago are thrown open to tho shares so often laid in. largo cities to entrap the unwary. Had thote girls been wiled sway to a disreputable hous", who would have been to blame I It would be juptly charged on the institution ostensibly organized to save them. Cieorsctovrn Items. (From an occasional Correspondent.) A complimentary supper wasi given to Mr. (i. C; McKenzio on Thursday evening last, at the Ontario Houso, on the eye of his .leparturc for Thornhury. The chair was \V. \VV Roe, Esq., and the vice chair was very ably filled by tho Reeve, Mr. McKenzio. Speeches were mndc by Captain Bar ber, Messrs. McLund, Rcid, Ross, Ryan, Wrinkles-worth and Matheson, of Georgetown,, of Ouelph, and Brown, of St. Catharines. Unanimous regret waa expressed by all at Mr.'Mc- Kenzie's departuYo. Ho has been a resident of Georgetown for 27 years, and is well known and widely respected. Tho newest thing hero is the Haihil- ton Sc -Northwestern Railway. Our .viUagers opened their eyes " wido " on Wednesday morning Inst, when thoy found a strange engine, baggage carnnd first-class coach drawn up on the south side of the Grand Trunk station. Some refused to believe that it was really tlie train ; others were mad that they had not been tho first know it. But thero was the fact tho engine fizzing away as contentedly as if it knew all abont it. Tickets for Stew- arttbwn, Milton, Nelson Town Line, Dundas Street, Burlington, and Hamil ton, were called out at Georgetown for the first time. Baggage checks marked if. & N. \V. Rl clinked around tho platform, and Conduotor Hendrio made his politest bow to his new customers. Thus far the train makes tho run "on time." Passengers report the road as much smoother arid moro enjoyable rid ing than they had expected. W. B. Lyon, Esq.,' M. P. P., passed through Georgetown on Saturday morn- ing, taking the H. & N. W. for Milton, By tho way, do you want a " mes merist," ." mind reader," "ventrilo quist," or anything in that line t If so come down here, "pay your money and take your choice." The beautiful weather of tho last two or three weeks has left us, as all know It would, ond is followed by a decided fall in the thermometer, sharp, cutting winds and some snow. Tho latter is decidedly welcome to many who have teaming to do. Lajjer More sunshine and less snow. RoRY. An Affectionate Gander. : A correspondent informs us that in tho village of Drayton a grain buyer Bovoral weeks ago sarod a gander from two dogs who worn noting hulelytowartlshim, and oyor sinco he has shown the greatest affection for his protector ; in fact, hu never leaves faint while on the market, and if ho should enter' a store or other place of business tho gander will remain outsido tho door until his guardian cornea out, and will always grewt him with: kind ness, which ho ahews by making a great noise, flapping biB wings, wagging his tail, and following him wherever he goes. Ho is the ob served of all obseryors, and is certainly a curiosity. Ho can bo seon every day in tbo villugo follow ing his protector froth door to door. The perceptiyo faculties of this gander are remarked byeverybody, and particularly by strangers, as ho will perceive his protector in tho morning as ho-oomes to business, several blocks away, and will immediately fly to him jwitli .every demonstration of joy. .1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T O BREEDERS. Tho thoroughbred Durham Bull '" Zephyr," will jiorvo bows on the farm of the subscriber, neortlio Grand Trunk Btation, Acton. ' Terms Diirhamo, 88( GradeB, 82. Pedigree--Zephyr [42(70] bred by F. \V. Stone," Guejph, got hi Imported Sheriff (20964), dam Sanspa- rieflOth. G. S. SMITH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. : ; 33,tf T 11 KEF/ YenrliiiB DIKnAM BILLtt tor tale. ' T' C. 8. SMITH. . Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. . 33-tf Bros, are offering and giving special inducement in Crockery, Glassware, China, Hardware and Gro ceries. Go and see them. A yloung man who-resides in the vicinity of - Wnt/dsvillo hag been making himself quite notorious by offering for sale and disponing of quite ti number of notes of hand, purporting to be signed by wealthy farmers- of that vicinity ; but On presentation to the' parties whoio names were signed to them, thoy wore declared to bo forgeries of the very worstdcind: The young man then fled as far ns Chatham, but in- the meantime his father, hearing of the circumstances, paid evory dollar that the different parties had lent through buying tho notes. A baliffhos taken possession of the iSliakospear Hotel, Tot onto. MAUBIF.U. In KMiuesing, on -tho 19th inst., by tho. Re v. V..H. Ue, M.A. of Acton, Mr.:Jamca \V. Klliiitt, of Chealcy, Co. Bruce,, to ^Jartlla, eldest daughter of Mr. Jamus Kcll, of Ksfjuesing. In Acton, 'on the 15th inst., at tho residence <if the bride's father, by Rev G. W- Calvert, nssiBted by|Rev. I). B. C.-injeron, of Acton, and Rev. Thoipas Lowry, of Brantford, .Win. H. Lowrj-, I'^q., M. D.,'to Miss Ann Jane, chletit daughter of Charles T.. Hill, Esq., all l!)f Acton. The Acton Plow Go. Aro manufacturing tho celebrated STEPHENSON PLOWS. They keep a full stock on band, and oro prepared to do all kinds of Repairing on Plows, and alio also kinds of Ixilhc Work and Iron Plunimj on. tho shortcut notice. Please call and examine our plows hofore purchasing elsewhere. " Acton, Fob. 13, 1876. ------------- .....------ : ACTON JIABK.LT*. Floiir........ ?3 25 to 3 00 Old FaU Wheat .. 1-40 to 1 50 New Fall Wheat Spring Wheat, Glasgow . 1 35 to 1.40 . 1 '25 to 1 35 Red Chaff Wheat 1 20 to 1 30 Barley ... 0 00 to 0 00 Oats ... 0 47 to 0 50 Pens ....... .0 (58 to 0 72 Potatoes, per hag 0 SO to 0 90 Dried apples per lb 0 05 to a 06 Butter........, 0 20 to 0 22 Eggs. .-.. .. " .. 0 .17 toO 00 Dressed Hogs .. 7 00 to 7 25 S999 Can't be mode by every agent ev. ry month In the business we furulxb, but thoso wllllnr to wortc can easily earn a dozen dollars a day rleht In thr-lr own localities.: Have no room toexi lain here. liuslncRs jpleiusant and bonornble. Wo rnt-n.amll bo>s amt- gir1^ do as weLl us me". Wo will furnltth you n co'mplete OultH free. Tho alncss_ beys Di-tter than nnj'thlnf else. We will boar ex. tense ol tnrUne yon. Partlcnars free. Wrlti.- and teo. F.nrni^rs- anI inecrianirj*. their Rons and daughters, and nil clah^es In ned of paying work at home, should wrlto t"> us and l*arn about the work at once. Now In the time. " Address Tm'i: i Co , A us list Don't delay. In, Maine. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.: w AR1X THE EAST. QREAT SLAUGHTER IN LEATHER.. As immense quantities of leather is b< ing manufactured into h'arnesB for the : C!tviilry? llorses, the prices have consequently gone up. Nevertheless i E_ ^z. cdoo: Is prepared to furnish all' articles in the'liue of Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Etc., at as reasonable rates ar over. He is a practical workman, aml ready to rill all orders as quick, as 'good, and as cheap as anywhere else in the Dominion." COT All work guaranteed.*!!". Jtepairing promptly atiendad to. ~A. good stock of Harness," Whips Brushes, Combs, etc., always on hand. E. K. COOK Acton, Feb. 20, .1877. T THE To the m-orklna Class. We are now prepared to furnisTi all classes wlttl cou- stait employment at home, tho whole of the time, or lor their spare"-m< mints. Business new, light and pfofltable. Per sons c.f either box easily-earn Jrom 50 cents togs per < venlng, und a proportion al sum by devoting tuelr whole tlm to the business. BoyK and girls earn nearlr as much as men. That all who see this notief may, send their addreso, and test tbe business wo make this unparalleled ofirr: To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for thie trouble" of Writing. Full partloujars, '.samples w ortb neveral dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Homo and Fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publi cations, all rem free by mall. Reader, If you want rermonrnt, prontable .work, address Gboboe.Stinson *Ca, Portland, Maine. FARMING COMMUNITY I have added to my Mill a Thirty Horse Power Engine Also another RUN OF STONE. with other) 'Machinery, and am prepared . to do . - ' Gristim? and Chopping Fine er .coarse., to suit all the shortest'notice. . Thanking you for past main, - :,.,'," iYbnrs rei parties, on .- i favors, I re-! Hy, : spectfu Georgetown, Fob. 21, 1877, L. ROSE. 34-4t QXTAKIO SADDLERY, ^.CTozsr. The Buoscribor takes tHis' opportunity- of thanking his numerofin triHtoincrs for for tho very liberal patronage given him the past year; and wouhhstate that it is his jnotto to do a - , . 1 Square and Honest Business at heretofore, and hopes to retain the same liberal appreciation from the public " All orders entrusted to my care will he ' " . "^ - ATTENDED TO WITH PKOMPTYES*. As none but. Good WprJemen are. . Employed, ". Parties can roly on getting a good arti cle and as cheap as good work can be dome for. , ": 6 : Repairing Done with Neatness 00LLAS3 a B2EQI&LTZ. . | | R. CREECH. Acton,-Feb. 14,'1877.:' " . i PAINTINd " ' Paper Hangiiif Tho Undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of ' House Paintingv Kalsominin^ and Paper Hantring i in the yery best manner, and on xeaaori- \ ' . ' oble'temis. Residence corner' of John and- Agnes streets, Acton. W. H. WALKER. _Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. 33-2m,J PUSH. Gyana Fin^l Slatiglter} ' T 131 DB llwixS TAKES THE. LEAD;,- ' On the 1st of March wq take stock, saiiu ;. order to rejixico it tothe lo-wolt poi- - siWe figure, "we will ite to t&at i : date put down the prices lower thsjtfa, has evep v .l TDeea known ia r :-Gnelph. ' |- \ \-.}'%-\ ,- v Wo will keep no winter ?oods on band Spring Imports -aj if vou want the greatest Bargain* goh*:-.'?T-" ITow is the Tinier and the Lion the few* past eason^aiidW We have done a ruihing trade dnring the ymei mummm, n to counterbal ncei the hard times so generally eojg, ..' plained <f, we'will givo our costomon a Grand Charted to This wilt be found to _. Dry Goods etver Our e.ntire stock, amounting rji over $90,000, is oSored AT COST be^the greatest chahce for buying Cb, known m the annals of auef^bT ^w* The Lion has already tbo greatest reputation for senilis chean of ail *fc-- stores in the Province, but this time; wo willsurpafla ail x>nnoa**m* ^ and beat the world. ' ' , , \ " . "TTWBrW, i The deduction is general throughont our Stook. V /:- X ; feW< Uttia ' eottin^ LThfs'f "faayinl Everything to be- rushed 36 24 80 off at. cost. No one should loao ttia big chatM.' 65 Pieces, reduced from 30 cents to 20 oenta. Oft I. .1 .1 n* .. L- These are the very latest s .without first ty'es and colors, and no one should bayadrtia makmg-n.n1inspclioa of tbe<r gikxie. ' - - -" Fnncy and Pla n SiVks at Extraordinary ReaiW Special drives in Clouds; Furs, Shawls, Wool ShUt and-DraweM nann-u BlankeU, Q jil ts,' Hopse Blankets, 9nd Winter Shirts. * WINCEYS !, sf^ioi-aLi^ Our Heady-made Cloth special notice. These needing these '.' will never u9LTT3Elia""I?lC>3Sa[. -r-B and Millinery and JUantle Branebos, deae-* feoods we.will run anjy price, and any oaa )Ods should come to tis it one* fbrUu; a better chance to secure, a bar^kini - : ' HJg gO: )d hajie to increaso'thor small basin enormous size, (the largi. we do the-best we possib figures ; we sellat the sa come hack- to us.' Honesiy jthe ruling principles at Tjhe Guelph. Feb.h2, 1877, it 25 19 J22 15 12 15 ii 1. WlNCBYS ! | iWlNCEYS^, the old Theoil .Acton tfcel A fine assortment o^ Tweeds all marked tjtownjto cost. ^0 Olbtn 30 Cents. j ,- \A/]-jTr -fes |f- O i Soften *sked U, WJjyufi V -H-aT. ^ f y -: that in a few years we havo>g ii," e>t IQl joss formerly done at TW Lion, to it* preeMit outside of Toronto) t\ The trno aniwetfraa can for orr customers. We buy at tho towtti e and we treat our friends-so that thy alvata ' islho best policy, anol hornesty and oodrioir'art / J. 0. WILLI4.JMSON ^ CO. GEORGE HYNDS, |J rWatoimaker and Jew$}&, POST OFFICE STORE, * s - '.: ': . [-' PTOtui] :,-' . *j*a ing.- m ' . ^etnpJ ..- Son- yieir l -. Bert .. ' Soire* ed the caTatxi the*a ;- ;btng] .;. -"' teame. '- " = '^ , weebsj - traffic r, ' oae town-; rrrr . ing tr My work is; all giving Batisfaction.and yon will find tHa is Iho plaertfr . | bring your .._': ;-"'-.""-. Watches, Clocks aiacj Jewelleif appou and s j cure JASH FOK WHEAT. Any quantity of good merchantable ^rheai wanted at the the Acton steam mills, for Which the highest markot price will be paid in cash. B. & E. NICKLIN. Acton, Feb. 7, 1877: __ 32-tf T O BREEDERS, The young i thoroughbred Durham Bull "Duke of Kent," bred by Mr. Stone, of. Guelph, out of the imported cow "Sultana the 7th-!'; by "3d Duke of Springwood," (see 3d vol. Canadian Herd Bookpwill serve cows 'on the premises of the undersigned; lot 24, 1st con. Esquesing. iTermi ^For Durhams $5; Grades 82. ALEX. WALDIE, Esquesing, Feb: 1, 1877. 31-3m , QLENLAWSON MILLS, ACTON. . | . " ' Propose hereafter doint; a strictly cash business.1"' All flour and feed must be paid for on delivery, or at least within one month. All accounts now due must be paid before the 10th of Febru ary next. j '. O.' k E. TOLTON. Acton, Jan. 24, 1877. , 30-4t T O BREEDERS. The young' Berkshire Boar " Wel lington Chief," bred by Geo. Rudd, of Guelph, has been purchased be me and will be kept for service on my premises adjoining this village. This animal is from imported stock with first-class pedigree. Terms $1.00, to be paid at time of service. *> C.S. SMITH. Acton, Dm. 18, 1876. 25-tf To get Kepaired. THE FINEST SELECTION^OF JEWELLERY,: =; THE LATEST STYLES IN\JEWELLERY, ; \ : ! : ;' AND THE BEST STOCK OF WATCHES'AND CLOf3K8, Will always bo seen at 1 -V V- Febrnafy 7; 1870. Je wellerj Slow,'Art^. GREAT Babb ThJ tottilj behej On aceonnt of. certain anticipated changes in business, arid hi orj* "*: reduce their stock preparatory to such change, the nnderiignod -.. have decided to oSbr ' ' Special Znd'ioements to Cash Buyers. DRY GOODS, FLAN Winceys and1 other Staple Gfeocte/';^.:" To be disposed.of at 0006 price anid under. ; . "^_ A large and varied assortment of .. j bc^.a?s akd d^i^s i '.."'- ...",""'-'-.-:' - Jf the latest stylen to be rushed of at; reduced rates, Also _-';--_: ' ' ' - - ' GENTS' TjjTDER<pLOTHING; ANb FURNIS^ilNO*^^^ Parties' desirous of supp ying themselvleB with a cheap suit will to . .. now is the time to buy- Acton, February hltyt; DICZ30N Ss ON I- \ '.- -_

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